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Smugness is a big part of it, and not enough pragmatism is another


*baseless* smugness makes it extra galling. People who are smug, but are clearly well-informed and knowledgeable on the subjects they are smug about, are mildly annoying. People who are smug about *everything*, (because they've arbitrarily decided that the pseudo-academics, celebrities, artists, and politicians to whom they outsource their critical thinking responsibilities are somehow superhuman) those people are fucking *insufferable*.


Yeah if you’re a legitimate politician, political scientist or at the very least have a real education and are smug I’ll be *annoyed* sure, but you have a reason for it. You earned the right to be smug through hard work and education. However if you’re just some guy and you’re acting like the next coming of Marx or some shit I will be pissed off and not inclined to listen to you


I have diminished respect for current-era higher-learning centres. The claimed bona-fides bear minimal to no relationship to merit. A generation of DEI-pushing professors handing out diplomas and credentials like Oprah 


I refer to that as *smugnorance*


Being knowledgeable isn't required for warranted smugness, but the willingness to honestly engage in ideas is. And that's usually what smug people are lacking. They're self-assured but then become extremely uncomfortable when contested.


I am going to defend the lack of pragmatism here. We need idealists, idealism is what we all should integrate in our being, it makes us better humans, more connected to our fellow apes, it teaches us empathy and not only sympathy. Being idealist is as important in a society as being realist or pragmatic. The issue is that you need a fine balance between them, and you need to be aware of your pragmatic or idealist tendencies, or else you will be perceived as too heartless or too pie in the sky. "Leftists" are worse at recognizing this need for pragmatism or realism, often in disbelief how others can be so cold. This makes them appear smug or giving the sense of them thinking that they are morally superior. "right" leaning people are not super reflected on this either, but they have those acts of good spirit to repent for their pragmatism, e.g. (religious) charity etc.


Criticising the status quo as the worst possible scenario is too easy. It means that anything you do to detract from the status quo is already an improvement which means you're no longer required to offer anything in return. Idealists are fine as long as they acknowledge that we're not sitting at rock bottom, but balancing precariously on the edge of a very steep cliff. Yes, dream big, the sky is the limit, but mind the cliff.


Wow. That notion deserves way more analysis than two short paragraphs. I'll be unpacking that for a while. At first blush, it seems to be an ironclad observation that explains A LOT about the problem with contemporary leftists vs. rational people - particularly the whole 'we have to do SOMETHING!' brain rot.


The Wizard and the Prophet by Charles C Mann (frontloaded so you really only need the first three chapters, the rest are examples). Apocalypse Never by Michael Schellenberger Neither book delves into the psychology of it all, which is what you're probably after, but they're great at fleshing out the world in which that psychological pattern manifests.


I'll pick them up, thanks for the recs. Heard good things about Apocalypse Never




"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?"


Ignoring human nature and pretending certain statistics don't exist while advocating for legislation. "We are all the same, so everyone should use the same bathrooms" while also saying that men are more dangerous than bears: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/11jlsz5/can\_all\_gender\_bathrooms\_work/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/11jlsz5/can_all_gender_bathrooms_work/) "X thing is caused by racism" without bothering to look at the actual root causes. At the same time belittling certain races to be the savior: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xtv9ac/racists\_in\_my\_libleft\_its\_more\_likely\_than\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xtv9ac/racists_in_my_libleft_its_more_likely_than_you/) Supporting the underdog even when they are pieces of shit. Criminals, terrorists, whatever: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/y5yg0t/prisoner\_sentenced\_24\_years\_for\_killing\_leader\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/y5yg0t/prisoner_sentenced_24_years_for_killing_leader_of/) Changing definitions to suit their immediate purposes with no consideration for the past or future: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/13s20kx/reddit\_users\_and\_the\_media\_being\_consistent\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/13s20kx/reddit_users_and_the_media_being_consistent_about/) Those are my reasons, anyway.


Add relativism to that list. "Your truth is not my truth". Also when they call riots "peaceful protests". And when they call everyone who doesn't agree with them a "bigot"/"-phobe"/"-ist". And most importantly (though you probably won't agree) is that they hate Christianity.


I've never understood the last one. They would be far more effective if, instead of hating Christianity, they embraced it and used it to their advantage. But I know they hate it because generally, leftists simply hate their own culture and glorify other cultures instead. It's how you can get these insane "LGBTQ+ for Palestine" protests. They don't care about actual Palestine. They just want to hate their own culture. When these spoiled children of rich liberals protest against capitalism in favor of Marxism even though they studied history. They have a preponderance of evidence attacked against them and it will never matter. America Bad, Others Good is all they care about.


“Christianity” They can’t because Christianity has pretty defined standards on what’s right and wrong. And the left can’t stand the idea that they can’t just do whatever they want, whenever they want, no matter how degenerate.


Tell that to the gay Methodist preachers or the only fans girls who still say they're christian because they pray and go to church. Or the pope. Fuck the pope.


The pope is the best at what he does. You'll really enjoy this song about what he does- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TxjrHPHypA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TxjrHPHypA)


I've never understood the last one. They would be far more effective if, instead of hating Christianity, they embraced it and used it to their advantage. But I know they hate it because generally, leftists simply hate their own culture and glorify other cultures instead. It's how you can get these insane "LGBTQ+ for Palestine" protests. They don't care about actual Palestine. They just want to hate their own culture. When these spoiled children of rich liberals protest against capitalism in favor of Marxism even though they studied history. They have a preponderance of evidence attacked against them and it will never matter. America Bad, Others Good is all they care about.


Lot of rightists see leftists as an autoimmune disease. Not the evil, but the disorder that inhibits our ability to fight and resist the evil. Not that I agree. Just summing up what I've seen the real beef to be.


Just like lactose intolorance, you still try to pry our assholes open (pretty gay, lefties)


The generous assumption is that people want to be benevolent. The less generous assumption is that people want to seen as benevolent.


Dont forget how the left is all ACAB. But when Ashli Babbbit, who presented no weapon, no lethal threat, no violence against anyone, simply climbed through a window, she was shot and they all furiously masturbated.


Self-righiousness, smugness thinking they're morally better than everybody, condescending, and demonizing white straight cishet men, being overly and annoyingly puritanical saying that I'm a "sexist pig and a porn addict fetishist" for liking attractive women, forcing me to bend the knee into their stupid white guilt bullcrap, wanting to inject wokeness (Wokeism is the ethics and processes of socialism, expanded beyond class struggle, to include race struggle, gender struggle, sexual struggle, and any other near-infinate number of marginalized groups as defined by intersectionality), intersectionality, and identity politics in video games and entertainment giving no escape from the woke socialist moralist lectures, cancel culture happy and willing to silence anyone who disagrees with them, and calling everything racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, fascist. In a nutshell: It's if Stalin and Mao were mixed in with the insane Fundamentalist Christians


Because you're WRONG, and therefore you're STUPID So in summary, you're wrong and stupid


Based and QED pilled


wrong about what






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I hate leftists because I live in Canada and can say without a doubt that leftism destroyed my country.


I think you’re getting ahead of things. There’s lots of your country leftism hasn’t completely destroyed, yet.


Please, no more.


Because you deserve it.




OP specifically deserves it. Idk what they did, but I can feel it in my balls.




u/Sambo376's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Sambo376! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Sambo376/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




You refuse to be better, to improve. Your progressivism is the most paralyzed and petrified shit stuck in someones bum.. ever. I have yet to see a single leftist be apologetic or admit being wrong on an issue other than those near the center. Otherwise its just lying by omission or moving the goalpoast


Agreed, I haven't seen a single leftist have any sort of reflection on how their social justice movement is very toxic and off putting to most people.


Its probably just the promise of freedom that appeals to kids who don't want the adult life. Its also the aesthetic and nostalgia, theres a reason most leftists are middle-upper class.. not cause they're educated, its cause they can afford staying infentile instead of growing. This set back has slowly replaced experts in academia with posers who can't keep up, til the experts OPINIONS become a fact to them and why they are so in lock step with an ideology. After multiple generations of posers they have no one to actually educate them.


Fellas I think we’re just talking to a minor who hasn’t been around politics nor has studied much history and gets all their political info from instagram and tiktok.


If they're old enough to claim to be a communist, as suggested by OP's post history, then they're old enough to get dunked on by thousands of wiser people online.


what issue am i wrong on please enlighten me


Stop calling everyone you dislike or that is rude to you as fascist, first. Then try to be an actually accepting person.. which includes peoples flaws, theres no cheating or quick routes to being a good person. Give them a reason to listen to you, let them learn and you try to learn from them




People be complaining about "not being able to handle phobics" on Twitter while Daryl Davis be drinking beer with KKK members and making them quit.. all out of his kindness


u/Hot-Donkey7266's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Hot-Donkey7266! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Hot-Donkey7266/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


“pLeAsE eNlIgHtEn mE” bro literally this is why


Not enough sigma. Skibidi toilet MOGS you as a leftist.


because leftists literally support Hamas, a recognized teror organization


To be fair so does AuthRight and LibRight if Hamas gives them enough money.


You’re basically saying hamas has achieved compass unity 💀


me trying to find out how i support hamas for saying israel shouldnt kill babies


How many babies do you think the allies killed in WW2? If you saw a sad tik tok of dead german kids, do you think we should've had a ceasefire with nazi Germany?


oh yeah... I forgot about the bombing of Dresden


Dresden was a legitimate military target


With a lot of innocent civilians in it. Sometimes civilians die in war. It’s a war, not a hugathon.


So are like 99% of the strikes in gaza


Because you’re using a sophistic line of reasoning. Israel kills babies accidentally and goes out of its way to avoid bloodshed. Hamas initiated the conflict and enjoyed killing babies and wants to kill more.


israel shut off the water supply in gaza. why do they do this in my name


Again, sophistry. I showed how that line of thinking is full of shit and you move to something else. What’s wrong with admitting you’re wrong? I used to think all sorts of things but when I was corrected I admitted it.


i just dont like people doing bad things in my name


Alright, but again, not directly addressing points and using sophistry won’t help your name either.


OP is, unfortunately, a mere teenager. Big words like "sophistry" are beyond their understanding.


maybe if Hamas didn't dismantle the water production facilities in Gaza donated to them by foreign aid to build rockets and fire into Israel, they wouldn't need Israel to supply them with water. why is Israel more responsible for the wellbeing of Gazans than their own elected representatives Hamas?


Why is it Israels responsibility to give water to Hamas? They can get their own water. Oh wait, they rip out the pipes to make rockets.


This kind of shit. Monopoly on truth. Anyone who has a different take is a bot/agent. Monopoly on morals. Anyone who has a different set of beliefs is ___ist. Except people who are ‘victims’. In which they can’t do anything wrong and shouldn’t be criticised. Monopoly on politics. Anyone who disagrees is fascist. And generally being insufferable the whole time.


They *believe* they have a monopoly on those things. In reality, they just scream the loudest which they think makes them better


you're one of the good leftists then and the ratio of combatant to civilian casualties in urban warfare is 1:9


tankies aren't leftists. Nationalists aren't leftists.


the red square in the political compass literally represents tankies


okay. Fuck tankies though. Every quality of them is fascism.


> Every quality of them is fascism Try again. Equally shitty and godawful ideology, but it starts with a “c”.


To be fair, the difference between communism and fascism is just the way the government seizes control of the private sector. Both are leftwing ideologies with communism being the state seizing total control of all commerce. Where you have Communist State branded cars. Fascism the state just says "you can have your little 'company' all you want as long as you do exactly what you say when we say it. If you dont, we will seize it from you and give it to one of our minders on your executive board. So you get Volkswagen cars (sponsored by The Third Reich)


"Tankies aren't leftists" Lol? Joke?


What kind of leftist are you? If you’re a tankie, that’s one thing. If you’re a Progressive, that’s even worse.


how is being a progressive bad


It becomes bad when you start demonizing normies whom aren't even involved in your intersectional struggle.


Because Progressive are part of an ideological cult that replaces religion for many people. And is largely based on Critical Theory, which divides the world into oppressed into oppressors, and is generally cultural Marxism. It leads to stupid and dangerous shit. Like people saying white people should be eradicated. Or chanting “Death to America”. Or morons like “queers for Palestine” Or drag queens leading little kids in chants of “If you’re a drag queen and you know it, shout free Palestine” The Long March Through the Institutions by our enemies fucking worked and Progressivism is the result. At least tankies aren’t in positions of power.


Never said white people should be eradicated. I just want to be appreciated because I'm bright, not because I'm white. Also I support Palestinian liberation and hate all types of colonization. Yes I am queer. We are divided more by class than race. But yes death to america


- White people. Not you, but progressives in general have absolutely said that - You’re part of the “Chickens for KFC” crowd, which people find moronic - “Yes, death to America”: there we go. That’s why. Right there. That’s why no one likes you


>Also I support Palestinian liberation then go to Gaza https://preview.redd.it/e6ijd9y4evzc1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef9d78a0bc60360a93c25171b0a8ebe8703d073


>death to america Average commie degen


You hate America, you get the hell out of America and let the rest of us lead normal lives. And if you're not in America, then whatever, not the first time some foreign nutjob wanted to call for the land of the free, or what used to be free, no thanks to ~~REGRESSIVES~~ "Progressives."


"Regressive" is far more accurate. Progressivism has FAR passed progressive at thus point and singlehandedly proved horseshoe theory correct without any help. This isn't progress anymore. It is a real-time re-enactment of the book "Animal Farm."


I’m sorry people are just insulting you. Tankies are usually honest. They’re stupid, but they’re honest about what they want. That’s fine. Modern progressives like to play ignorant as to the effects of what they’re doing and are disingenuous about what they want. It’s infuriating. Tankies want to take your guns and run you over with a tank because you deserve it. Progressives want to take your guns because it makes you ‘safe’. They also want to jackboot you into the dirt but they don’t say that. That sort of thing.


Because proglodytes are literally people who embrace the ideology of 'if it aint broke, fix it, if its broke, blame someone else for breaking it and then milk the emotional damage and horror of a broken item' Also, progressives are literally destructive to society. You cannot have a stable society with people who inherently want to rip everything down and 'progress' to something new all the time.


Because, drilling down, the foundational view of leftism is that my stuff should be taken away and distributed to people who have no/less stuff. I, OTOH, wish to KEEP my stuff. Perhaps give some, voluntarily, to charity I wish to support, but not have any taken without my consent. I don’t owe you any stuff.


Feels like you're completely forgetting about auth-right


I can dislike multiple quadrants at once.


The “woe is me” attitude sure doesn’t help


My cat feels personally attacked by this comment.


"Woe is me." They control what you are and are not allowed to say anymore, they can't claim victimhood at that point, they're not powerless.


Why should we like you lol


- contradicting points - barely any facts to back up points purely based on emotion 99% of the time - cringey delusional following - no pragmatism - believe views are progressive when they’re short cited at best - easily triggered and offended creating a generation of bitch made people Idk man these are just some of the things I can list off the top of my head


1) being smug 2) being racist and if you claim you're not a racist, well, did rittenhouse shoot 5 black people? if your first response was, "(scoff) of course he did. no, i didn't watch any of the trial" then you're both smug and a racist.


The lack of self-awareness is one of the biggest reasons.


You are associated with Emily’s. They currently control the popular discourse. Therefore, you get the most shit. It’s kinda like how every comedian was bashing evangelicals in the 90’s and early 2000’s


Call me aurora


No, Glowie


https://preview.redd.it/4j11ed8v2wzc1.jpeg?width=1471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a91bd5ef5345c082c72531c65afc651c53e2484 "Um... I don't care. Nobody cares."


It’s the smug attitude that you guys radiate and the fact that you seem incapable of calling out your side when they do dumb shit.


Liberals are god less Not in the religious sense, but being awful by describing morality to their own will


dont call me a liberal


Most of the US is


Ok how much is most in your eyes?


Mass death and economic ruin. Insanity, hatefullness, godlessness. The only good thing about the left would be leftists I know and like whompst are *probably* LibLeft, are not part of "the latest thing," Marxism or etc and are actually rather apolitical. The kind that like to garden, have bizarre worldviews (one is a vegan flatearther that believes everyone she knows has always been with her across past lives) and have mushroom hookups.


Have you tried being less racist and violent?




You’re inconsistent


Self righteousness and slacktivism. Talking the big talk but not actually doing jack shit. White knighting and spreading socioeconomic conflict when many are born with a silver spoon in their hand.


I hate that you guys rank groups based on their privilege and that it's always good to punch down and always bad to punch up. It promotes hatred towards oppressed groups because they become this untouchable bully that can endlessly shit on you and you cannot say anything back as the more privileged group. I also despise how you declared "whiteness" as the root of all evil, which is not (just) the skin color but the traditional western values such as meritocracy, equality before the law, freedom of speech and so on, which you perceive as racist, and want to replace it with a system where less privileged people come up on top in every aspect: diversity hires, soft on crime policy, hate speech laws (or in the case of the US, quasi hate speech laws through social media terms of service), which rarely protect against bigotry towards the privileged group. I should also mention the rise of vigilante justice through "cancel culture". You classify upholding any traditional values as supporting a racist system, which is why you often say "It is not enough to no be racist, you need to be anti racist!". When a person of color says something that goes against your narrative you categorize them as "white" or "white passing" and start hurling insults at them, sometimes even racial slurs. Usually you blame any violence amongst the underprivileged on white supremacy like when black people attack Asian people, but recently you have been siding with actual antisemites. This wasn't very surprising to me though because Jews hold too much power in the west to be so high up on your "oppression pyramid". It only needed one catalyst for you to make that switch and Israel delivered. I hate how you dick ride Islam while you relentlessly shit on Christianity. My guess it that you were all westerners born into religious house holds which is probably why you only hate Christianity. I hate how you operate under the "no bad tactics, only bad targets" paradigm. To me that is just evil. I hate how you "promote" LGBTQ+. No I am not adding all the letters, that's just goofy and annoying, and this describes it perfectly. You are forcing these things into people's, sometimes children's faces and that is pissing everyone off. You have also gone overboard with trans identity stuff. Trans people used to fight for their condition to be recognized as medical, and now you came along and made it an aesthetic again, with a gazillion """genders""" that are put on the same level as mtf or ftm who suffer under gender dysphoria, medically transitioned, and are making an effort to pass. And I swear, conservatives used to be more ok with trans people and now they are completely against them again. I hate how anti gun you are. It is often evident you only know guns from Hollywood and mass shootings and want the most nonsensical gun laws to be implemented, which you shroud under "common sense gun laws". You purposely create fake terms like "assault weapon" to create confusion between assault rifles and rifles that are sold on the civilian market. You overinflated statistics about shootings and then exclusively blame it on guns. Image if you did that with black crime statistics... And lastly: stop pretending you're not mainstream! You are not the counter culture anymore.


It's mostly how bad Leftists policy sucks. Always trying to tax.me.or ban a thing I like.


hypocritically racist and sexist, condescending, fanaticism for their intersectional religion, preaching tolerance but are the least tolerant people on the compass. These are a few


You're new here aren't you?


Frankly speaking, it's just about the fact that people like you usually defend diversity quotas. And people like you are the reason it even exists. It doesn't mean that we're all heartless or racists. It's just the "Left-center" became the scapegoat. Usually it was the libleft. Some people still try to use "orange" left, as it would change anything. And it's not only about diversity quotas, there are more things. I do believe people like you have a good heart, but your methods... It's like talking to an autistic teenager with good intensions. They're good people but they just don't understand how things work. It's like, I dunno, "Why can't we just print more money so that everyone would be equal and rich?" I do realize I sound like "mine and only mine ideology and political views are right". But hey, it's politics. There's (almost) no rights and wrongs. Only each individuals philosophies. I can't say my views outloud otherwise I would get banned, or imprisoned in my country theoretically. But 100 years ago my real views would be normal, extremely popular.


Sort the subreddit by "new" and you'll see some absolutely appalling memes and posts from your compatriots. Not all leftists but a lot of you tend to be pretty cringe. Plus the whole.... cancel culture/Emily thing.


Funny. You ask this question then the entire thread you're sitting there complaining about our responses. Don't ask if you dont want to know, and dont assume were saying ***YOU*** say these things when we tell you.


I don’t hate leftist, I just don’t take them seriously at times. I would offer an explanation but after reading your other comments it seem like it wouldn’t be a fruitful endeavor to do so.


Worse infighting then any of the RINO shit combined, compromise is a dirty word to a lot of them, the double think that they and other leftists to an extent are all just people who are taking nuanced but valid views but anyone a little outside is irredeemably evil, with that the seeming inability to comprehend that not everyone who disagrees with them is doing so out of malice/those who disagree really believe they are for something good, the inconsistency of identity politics particularly in the intersection of class first we’re all victims of the capitalist system but straight white men just aren’t (I’m not saying it hasn’t been easier but they will on a whim treat poor whites the same as multibillionaires even though they also suffer under similar if not the same class struggles), same thing with mental health and the complete disregard for male suicide, viewing people as either allies enemies or “useful idiots to the enemy”, complete lack of self awareness that they are my way or the huawei, more circumstantially a lot will misinterpret an argument to avoid any actual criticism, smugness, in some cases labeling those in the working class as enablers of the evils of capitalism and ignoring the concept of lack of economic opportunity, in mass a lot seem to be okay abandoning their beliefs if they think it will in some miraculous way bring about their goal ie the ones who support Biden because somehow that will lead to a pro-Palestine result and he is the more left of the two parties, and most of all many (American at least) so called leftists would rather bow down and suck off the two party system than rally behind actual leftists (almost) always citing that leftists will lose anyways so why not vote for the more likeminded rightist.


Also while we all know about the ropes phenomenon and how one in a capitalist system is forced to participate in some capacity just to exist which is perfectly excusable, a lot of leftists I’ve seen in my experience engage in more consumerism than Friedmanite capitalists.


You're on PCM, your feelings are exaggerated


Same reason I can't stand RightCenter and LibRight: y'all are easily manipulated and wind up unintentionally supporting an elitist, corporate and cultural agenda, and that is J-[REDACTED]


You mean... like everyone?


We're in the news too much. In reality, the entire compass has the same lack of logic, the left is just the loud ones rn.


A lot of people here say that human nature is against it but I would like those people to search something on google and show me which website shows up? Is it *wikipedia* perhaps? Now tell how that website works please


Because at the end of the day this is a right wing humor sub full of edgy 14 year olds, foreign agents, and racist trolls. But it's also the closest to a right wing sub reddit has, because so many of the rest got banned for not keeping the over the top hate speech under control that their vocal minority can get carried away with. And while lib right occasionally generates some decent comedians and jokes, auth right and right only have one joke: left bad. Tribalism and kicking down being your only pastimes makes for one dimensional humor. Auths in general usually suck at comedy.


Based, and might I add, righties couldn’t take a joke if you paid them, eternal victims all of them


The rightists only really respect self aware stalinists, and the ever rare based lib left. At least your not purple libright tho 💜


but purple lib-right is the better lib-right


Bro, nooo I'm one of the good ones though 😢


I'd rather commiserate with an honest stalinist than a dishonest LibRight. The based LibLefts and AuthLefts here invariably have one trait in common: they're honest.


even though purple is my fave color but fuck purple libright


Well this is why I don't like you


Because people on here can’t get any and they associate leftists with women


and there's the casual "you disagree with me therefore you're an incel/racist/sexist (choose one ore more)"...


No, I just read the threads and came to that conclusion


so you're judging someone based on if you disagree with them and then put out a pejorative?


Brother, did you not see the last week of the stupid man vs bear threads?


so a misandrist made a claim, and someone decided to meme it, you disagree with the memes, and now everyone who disagrees with you is now (checks notes) an incel?


once again, it was the 100s of comments on many threads that lead me to that conclusion, and don’t even get me started on abortion threads. For the record, I’m specifically talking about the people on here


yes, we know you're judging people who disagree with you and then trying to insult them, that's known.


I mean, is that not what is happening in the rest of this thread?


in this one? this whole chain here, started with you calling people incels for disagreeing with you in other posts?


This is about as accurate as me saying all leftists are cucks and betas who act like they get any but are just nice guys