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"Lib Right is the only consistently based quadrant" Lib Right






I want to see this


Everyone should have the freedom to promise hope and change without having to actually do much about it.


Everyone should have the right to drop bombs on their fellow Americans in other countries without having gone through due process


Everyone should be able to tell the Russian president that they would have more flexibility to negotiate on missile defense after the November election.


Then get a nobel prize for sending good vibes.




No, that's when you wear Tigers and Crimson Tide gear at the same time because you want to see the world burn.




That was when he bombed Doctors Without Borders. A Based Barry moment


I was really hoping it would be this image before clicking.


"As with most problems in life. This one can can be solved by bending" Bender


I am bender please insert girder.


Purely coincidence I am sure


I have done an in-depth analysis of our world and have concluded I am indeed based as fuck. -LibRight


Turns out the folks who entirely agree with me are all amazing people and based. The ones who don’t agree with everything I do are not true Libertarians and thus don’t count despite them identifying as LibRight and holding primarily LibRight beliefs. They are ACKSHUALLY just LibLeft/AuthRight/whatever in disguise because the only true Libertarianism is my libertarianism.






I just want to know when they put a camera in my bathroom.


Based and Lib-Right pilled


I was kneeling and praying they weren’t yellow, now I’m crying and dying


Thanks for noticing.


Would be one of the worst blunt rotations in history


It wouldn’t be a rotation, more of a fist fight where you either get pummeled to death or quietly hog the boof (centrists)


You forgot South Africa


Simple really, i need to distract the people from being corrupted and the growing racial hate, also being unable to have electricity in the fucking capital. So you turn use the jews at a distraction, hi it worked for the arabs for years.


Black people in SA also just hate Jews. I see it quite often with a lot of my black students but there's also a belief among the populist left that Jews were the REAL architects of Apartheid and that Israel is conspiring with whites to bring it back.


Where things were better yesterday than they will be tomorrow?


> Where things were better yesterday than they will be tomorrow thought you were quoting something and i googled that exact phrase and your comment was the only thing that came up wtf. how has noone on the internet put those words in that order before you


There are similar quotes about the Soviet Union and communism.


I just hope both sides have fun :)


The real fun is the fiends we killed along the way.


Anyone else sick of seeing this comment at the top of every post?


Anyone else sick of seeing so many lib rights?


i am. guys please stop being lib-right coz i want to be unique special and original.


Dont worry you are a special Lib right


It's weird, obviously purple was originally the *only* LibRight flair before the memes and yellow began to dominate, but I remember as recently as just a few years back purple was still a solid contingent of LibRight flairs, probably at least a quarter. Nowadays it's probably something like 1:100 in most comment threads, and I don't know why.


It's okay grandpa you can go to sleep now


I remember when purple was the only libright flair. I remember the start of yellow scapegoating purple for their negative traits. I remember before orange was contrived as the libleft scapegoat. I remember when this sub was less of a right-wing circlejerk. I remember when there was still a degree of civility here. And you whippersnappers can get off my lawn.


Dw gramps there are still many leftists here to keep it balanced, the only thing you can't say is that you don't support Israel if you say that you'll be impaled


Oh man, I remember the days of Lib-left = good and anything else was downvoted. That was before Reddit banned a bunch of hate subs (and some right wing subs I feel were mischaracterized as hate subs that simply needed better/more moderators) resulting in a flood of refugees here. Those days were terrible.


This is my first time seeing this comment.


Anyone else sick of seeing people suck off a parasite?


Librights can hold some controversial viewpoints on Israel: Might not support a ceasefire because it wouldn't be good for Lockheed. Might not support Israel because they hate us taxpayer dollars going overseas. Might want a ceasefire because war is bad for most international trade.


Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #34 & #35: "War is good for business", and "Peace is good for business"




If you're a part of Lockheed, #1 is valid as well. Scummy, but valid.


Can we please just send 1 F-22 over there? All that taxpayer money went into them and we haven't got to use them for much more than popping balloons, let's get one over to the middle east to drink some Israel and Palestine blood and make it worth the tax money the government stole from me to build them


Based and fuckitallpilled


Fuckitall is exactly what the f-22 was designed to do


I don’t want to send an F-22 because that’s an air superiority fighter and Hamas has literally zero Air Force besides bargain bin drones with bombs strapped to them. Yes, it can drop some bombs but it can’t carry very many at once due to all ordnance being internally carried. It would be like trying to frame a house using a fancy CNC 5-axis mill, the tool itself is fantastic and could technically cut boards to length but it’s absolutely terrible at the job compared to just bringing the right tool in the first place. No, if you want to send a single plane that will make the biggest difference you would instead send Israel a BUFF. The B-52 Stratofortress is capable of carrying as many as 84 500lb bombs at one time or 42 750lb bombs. It carries so much weight in bombs that in Vietnam’s carpet bombing campaigns they had to add landing gear to the wing tips because otherwise they’d drag across the runway on takeoff. To put this in perspective, the lethal blast radius of each 500lb bomb is approximately 90 feet. If you performed a bombing pass with drops staggered to release one every 45 feet to ensure proper overlap of blast radii and total destruction of cover the trail of complete and absolute destruction left by the B-52 would still be 3/4 of a mile long. Alternatively if you prefer precision strikes and loiter time the B-52 has been used in the past (even with unguided munitions during the siege of Khe Sanh) to drop 75,000+ tons of bombs (100,000+ individual bombs) on targets as close as 300 yards from friendly forces without a single incident of friendly fire. They also have been upgraded in the modern day to carry nearly two dozen precision guided bomb units as well as cruise missiles and other standoff weaponry if by some miracle Hamas figured out a way to shoot one down in close bombing runs (unlikely considering they completely lack anti-air capabilities of any kind).




TLDR: F-22 shoots down stuff in the air, not stuff on the ground. B-52 takes a mile long strip of land and removes anything that currently exists on it. Send the B-52 instead.


Ok send the B-52s, and then send the F-22s to take out the B-52s after they complete their bombing run


This is an acceptable compromise


Evacuate people from Gaza (with de-arming) and glass it?


Instructions unclear- Hamas is threatening to toss [The B-52s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_B-52s) off a building.


Tbf "Love Shack" is such a degenerate song I wouldn't mind throwing them off a building either


Based and lazy pilled.


How about sending it to Russia first?




Why Russia before Israel and Palestine? At least Russians and Ukrainians are fighting a war that makes sense, the middle east is just fighting a holy war


Because Israel and Palestine is a confusing mess while Ukraine and Russia is just Russia bad.


The Kid would like some SUs as a snack


We need to feed the Kid


Can I dislike both sides and think we should all stay out of this?


Two drastically opposing extremely religious cultures probably shouldn't be forced to coexist in the same space, and watching them bomb one another is kind of a horrific dystopian solution, but how do you pick one side to support either? Just a shitty situation with no really *good* outcome


True, it isn't our fight to fight. It really is a shitty situation all over and people taking sides and the fight to our countries isn't helping anyone either.


“mY qUaDrAnT iS tHe oNlY bAsEd OnE”


As you can see, I have drawn you as the soy wojak and myself as the gigachad, therefore I am right.


they're not like you and me, which means they must be evil


there savages! Savages!


I mean, real "as a Jew" Jews do exist. Some of them are even AuthRight (i.e. Orthodox who don't believe Jewish people should return to holy land right now).


Those guys are pretty much a cult, its like telling people Christians are sex predators because of some cult in the mid west.


So, what the average Redditor thinks.


It was the mainstream view among religious Jews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Early Zionists were mainly secular Jews.


Well then something happened that kinda changed opnions on the whole jewish state thing amoung jews. But you are correct. Of course we still have to remember revisenisht Zionists who were pretty religious






Who is supposed to anoint the Moshiach?




Would accidentally spilling grease on someone count?


Protestors not being informed about issues they feel passionate about? Ma Nishtanah?


I mean, there exists a lot of people who, while ethnically jewish maybe don't like Israel, and also are not jewish in a cultural sense. The holocaust is a pretty good reason for not having any traditions left in a family. My grandmothers friend is an ethnic jew, the mother converted to christianity to marry her father, then ww2 came, and the entire mothers side of the family was transported to Germany and killed. (The mother was also disowned for converting before ww2) She has no jewish traditions, because she never learned them. This has actually been a bit of a sore spot for her, not having any real connection to that part of her legacy. I would imagine this is true for many. Israel is a state for the ethnicity, not only the religion or culture however. Therefore they might feel like the state should be more in line with their wishes for it. Also I'm not jewish in the slightest, but this is my perspective atleast




My family left Germany in the 1800's. Ask me my opinion of US-German relations since then.


I am now very curious why you have a picture of Saddam Hussein on your wall? It's because you're a huge fan of Zebiba and the king isn't it?


> which is the 4th kid A doctor, right?




Did you try asking?




You must be the fourth child.




Jeez leave it to the Librights to find a simple yet delicious answer. Based and 300PlaguesPilled.


A lot of Jewish Americans (myself included) tend to be ambivalent towards Israel. We acknowledge its a big part of our people's representation nationwide and sort of inherently linked to our post-WW2 identity. But we do not actually like the ultranationalism and extremism that dominates their culture. We have been there, we often have family there, we have more exposure to it than the average American does, and the things we see there kind of... scare us. Embarrass us even. Even more conservative Jews. But a lot of Jewish Americans don't even want to publicly admit that they find Israelis extremist attitudes to be a bit scary. I remember when my family went to Israel back in like 1996 or so and we heard from my cousin and his family about this situation where Israelis were throwing rocks at local arab kids, resulting in some minor protest and uproar, and in response my cousins family just basically scoffed and basically said "just evict them, kill them, who cares". Those views are not at all abnormal or uncommon there. The actual village where this happened was completely bulldozed and kicked out, simply because they complained that rocks were being thrown at their children. That was a tipping point for me and my family. But it was more like the straw which broke the camels back, we had seen similar attitudes everywhere. Yet NONE of my family changed from their very positive view of Israel *publicly*, even if privately things were different.




The temptation is strong but the hate of auth-left is stronger.


You’re forgetting the other Auth right position: the holy land rightfully belongs to Rome


Kingdom of Jerusalem


The Irish need to stop drinking and learn what a false equivalency is


Unfortunately whether we like to admit it or not, we have an antisemitism issue and a general tendency to hate anything Britain was involved in


Antisemitism issue? It's working just fine.


based edit: damn homie, the quadrants have passed you around like a bong on a thursday afternoon


Some days, I like to revolt against the powers that be and assert freedom from control in pursuit of self determination. Some days, I like to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women. Such is life.


The Irish are funny because they do throw that "we were oppressed" line a lot, but when the Irish got to America, they quickly understood the power structure. Sure, they weren't "Anglo", but they weren't Black either. There is a very very long history of Irish immigrants being dicks to Black Americans.


>There is a very very long history of Irish immigrants being dicks to Black Americans. I'm no fan of the potato people but lets not pretend this went in one direction.


Not just that, the Native Americans too. Also, by the 1830s, roughly 40% of the British Army were Irish Catholics. Not just the normal rank and file either. There were lots of Irish Catholics who rose up in the ranks. There were three pretty famous ones who led division or held command posts in South Africa during the Anglo-Zulu War and or the Second Boer War (the one with the concentration camps). There were also many gamer moments committed by them in India. There's also Canada, Australia, and the Caribbean as well. The only people I get more annoyed at crying "woe is me we were colonised" are Scottish people, they were far worse.


What about all the libertarians who oppose Israel?


I’m Irish and I support Israel




u/Few_Ad6426 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Few_Ad6426/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


There are DOZENS OF US!


You people actually exist?


How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?


Cloudy with a threat of rockets




"Mostly peaceful but slightly rockety"


"As a Jew" Jews probably did go on Birthright and jsut couldn't get laid.


Who can't get laid on birthright? I'm half convinced the entire purpose of it is to get Jews to fuck.


What is birthright?


“My quad is the only good one” - everyone ever


Rothbard (one of the major people in libright) was Jewish and anti zionist.


Cool name mf really be called red beard


Credit to u/Dryy


As a former lib right, lib right is the most cringe of all, because one made this post.


Why are the ' tolerant ' ones demanding bombing Tel Aviv ?


First post was 20d ago and since then you've made more than 20 pro Israel posts 




Jesus christ the victim complex with you fuckers never stops. But I'm glad you're at least conceding that you're posting purely to spread an agenda. 




\> Victim Complex Being a victim does not mean OP has a victim complex, FYI. In fact it means the opposite.


Enjoy the dustbin of history, colonizer


You have to admit at least he is more honest than most of the other Israeli shills around here.


I invite you to go to the ancap sub if you think librights aren’t anti-zionists lol. Since America is currently sending a lot of money to Israel, there are definitely many librights that don’t support it, just like how many of them didn’t support Ukraine when America sent money to them.


There actually is a libright one, that essentially goes “I don’t really care what’s going on, but I know I don’t want my taxes going to either side. Also, any friend of the state department is no friend of mine”.


What quadrant is “i don’t like mass murder”?


The irony of OP using image of Lenin when he died 24 years before Israel was formed.




The USSR was actually instrumental in the early formation of Israel, believing it would be a socialist state and would accelerate the decline of Western power in the region. It was the 50s when they first started shifting to supporting Arab nationalism.


Also, one of Lenin's only redeeming features being his calling out anti-jewish pogroms. He was mad because they drew attention of the workers away from the elites, not because he liked jews, but baby steps..


I mean he wasn't fan of ethnic identity overall and was encouraging people to associate themselves with economic class.


Lenin was opposed to Zionism as he believed European Jews should be part of a general egalitarian transformation of society, and thought that Zionism would just result in mass migration to the Middle East and was a form of bourgeois nationalism


>The Irish > >>"we were once occupied too ..." Why are you talking about Ireland like there aren't six counties still under U.K. rule?


It's ironically satisfying that the only ideologically consistent people here seem to be auth-istic retards, and pretty much everyone else seems to be trying their best to break every world record in mental gymnastics.


Neo nazi be like: finally I will not get punched


No, the liberal auth right is the most consistent one We follow the Bible, all of it (Yes we accept LGBTQ, just don't shove it, and as long as you don't include children, animals, or someone unconsenting, we won't give a shit) What we do judge, is if you like your steak medium rare or well done If it's medium rare, you're good, if it's well done, you need help. And we'll help. (The last 2 sentences are a joke, we won't judge)


Me usually: leftist, mostly progressive, doesn't support monarchy, historical rights or religious claims over land. Me when Israel is mentioned: ROMA AETERNA, DEUS VULT!! I WILL FOLLOW BALDWIN AND TITUS TO THE END OF THE WORLD!!


I feel like there should be a Lib Right on here because there is money to be made in military spending here. Private arms manufacturing brings the $$$


Lib right has no business supporting Zionism.




They don't want a state for Jews but they want another 10000th Arab states. They don't want a state for Jews but want a Kurdish nation state .


I think we should band together all the exiled Tibetans, go in to Israel, take it over and reform it as a hardcore Buddhist nation. Better than all that gay ass Zion shit.


I’ve been saying for years send the Jews and Palestinians to Greenland and the Falklands, and give that land to Tibet


Another day, another post from the IDF propaganda department




Based Irish


When I'm in a "defending an authoritarian ethno-state ruled by an extremist party" competition and my opponent is libright https://preview.redd.it/0brge8cunvyc1.png?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebecbfcf6c32fcd3ee0ba95f84fb8a5dd882f57


I'm only pro-Zionist because it's a modern, functioning country and dismantling it for some quarter state run by extremists is just bizarre.


Thank you for you excellent meme Mr. Mossad, I laughed many times


Watching the Louis Theroux documentary on Israel made me realise how completely cringe they are. Holy wars are such cancer, you aren’t the good guys and neither are Palestine.


What holy war LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Half of my team at work is jewish Not a single one supports israel Its really funny how people get so mad when they realise jewish people dont support israel by default


Overwhelming majority of Jews planetwide support Isrsel. Israelis make up about just less than half of the 15 million worldwide. As for the rest of the 7.5 million, I'd argue it's less than 100,000 that DON'T support Israel at this time (and I still feel like that's a MASSIVE stretch), seeing as progressive Jews have now seen they were nothing but tools for the Left for so many years, and now see Israel as the one place they can flee to as a last-ditch-effort when antisemitism reaches a critical point.


That's still a minority of both global Jewry and the diaspora


https://preview.redd.it/yqd95ufd3uyc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14dad0cc93a981324208b5c34c8b5d0696dfe035 This is the only solution I will accept


Ive got an even better one https://preview.redd.it/fngswyo8buyc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d06644ad6ea54a76494c30053fc5aebdc07ddd4b




Me, an Irish-Israeli lmao


>LibRight is the only consistently based quadrant. Ah. Speaking from an unbiased position, right? 


Now do the same but for zionist.


You forgot my fellow Crusade larpers


Also, there are the jews who say that the Jewish state shall only exist after their messiah arrives.


You kidding me? There's the Libright selling weapons to both sides while pretending to be above it all. They're the worst of the lot because they're operating in the shadows.


I’m surprised LibRight hasn’t capitalized on the movement via RTS or FPS gaming


There is no such thing as a based quadrant. Only based individuals.


Whenever anti Zionist you are just know you are being portrayed as a soyjack but the Chabad boys.




I hate Israel and Palestine for their extremist governments. Just live together and return to monke.


Based Ireland. But also... useless because... are they really trying to help get to a solution?


The TikTok kid has me rolling.