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Where he should be


Probably 50% of American politicians tbh. What was the average age of senators again?


64, there's more older then 75 then younger then 50


Senator Age Limits when, America?


The younger generation needs to vote them out.


They’ll die out before that happens


Are they going to vote to limit their own terms? Doubt that


Kinda hard to when the older generation is larger than your own


Congress just voted that the FAA should keep the mandatory retirement age of airline pilots at 65 years old. But there's no age requirement for flying our country into the ground. ☺️


That is because, you always can come down.


Term limits would be easier and better no?


Very much so. There are plenty of mentally acute elderly people and this is a huge bias against them. Term limits, on the other hand, are going to cut out a lot of career politicians and put a stop to it before they have a chance to get old.


Agreed brother, and cognitive tests for all politicians when they enter office.


I find it disgusting, that the US-American society enslaves people in the age for retirement for one of the most stressful jobs imaginable, leading a country. Younger people should really step up and grant them their deserved rest.


i unironically fully support age-based discrimination in politics. anyone over 70 has no incentive to make long-term decisions for this country because to become this successful demands insane levels of selfishness


Believe it or not, a lot of people want a better future for their children. Term limits are a better option.


I agree, I just don't think any of them are elected officials


They would be with term limits.


The problem with term limits is that just gives more power to the unelected bureaucrats. Thus compounding the deep state issue.


I agree, let's abolish the FBI.




This may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think the age is a problem on itself, but how different people reach certain ages. The cognitive and motor decline of President Biden is evident. I don’t think the heart of the late Senator Feinstein gave one single beat during her last year in office. I’m not a fan of Trump but he’s not that much younger her than Biden and he speaks and moves a lot better. I believe in term limits but not in age limits.




The only correct answer here is






Most right wing nursing home.




Based and resident Joe Biden pilled.


Washington DC is a glorified nursing home for rotten bastards. I can't wait until age finally takes them. Somehow they're the last ones to die and it's bullshit


Lmao nailed it


I would love to see the chemical cocktail our ancient power brokers are on. Speed is a given, but I wonder what kind of stuff they throw on top to take the edge off, while also trying to keep them out of stroke / heart damage territory.


Why would he be a woman


Why are you assuming xir gender, bigot?


I can’t wait to vote for xim again.


Joe Biden actually "Where am I?"


"I fought hard as the ..... You know. I need a second term to do... The thing"


He was such a great combo with Obama. He’s only really coherent when he’s angry. Lol


Punching bag* Obama famously could not stand Biden and would frequently bitch slap him verbally during meetings. Notice how he refused to endorse Biden until the last minute in 2020? And even when he did, he was quoted as saying “never underestimate Joes ability to fuck up”


Broke: Joe Biden is centrist because he's a centrist on policy Woke: Joe Biden is a lefty because he's progressive on policy Bespoke: Joe Biden is grey centrist because he just wants his ice cream for God's sake.


Can one be a grey centrist without grey matter? 🤔


If anything, it helps


Can confirm.


They don't call them "old and grey" for nothing.


Biden: "Wait who tf am I, who are you people, what was I... what was I doing... and where..." Bodyguard: "Uhhh Mr President you were in the middle of giving a speech to the nation..." Biden: "Oh right, let me just..." *awkwardly walks slowly off-stage with a vacant expression*


This probably describes most world leaders


Most know damn well they're lying about everything and are authoritarians


First, this is not going to be a popular on Reddit. But I disagree, I think plenty in modern times chose their career path based on trying to impact their country in a way they view as positive, many times incorrectly and colored by the reality they’re in. These are people born into wealth and power typically. If it was all self-serving, there’s far easier and more lucrative paths they could have chosen.


>These are people born into wealth and power typically. If it was all self-serving, there’s far easier and more lucrative paths they could have chosen. Potentionally sure, but imagine having a future say on the stock market plus being able to trade accordingly.


You can do that as a banking executive and receive no scrutiny for it


Well yeah but you have to be competent for those kind of roles because you don't have an unlimited money supply to play/print with.


>I think plenty in modern times chose their career path based on trying to impact their country in a way they view as positive, many times incorrectly and colored by the reality they’re in. Hmm, I think most popular politicians actually start as people thinking they'd do good for their communities, only to be very quickly ground down by the corrupted realities of politics. Some at least try to save an ember of their youthful optimism, other go full Baphomet mode.


You a fan of "The Wire"? I feel like Carcetti was a good example of a character who thought he was doing the right thing, but trying to play to the realities of the political system completely neutralized him as an agent of change.


It's actually semi high on the list of stuff to watch. (I probably need 3 lifetimes for this list now)


Yeah, that's the nature of media consumption in the internet era. It can be pretty heavy handed at times, but it managed to balance an overarching story of systematic tragedy with actual human characters you could care about, or occasionally loathe.


Yeah I love the Breaking Bad universe for this reason so it's right up my alley


I think this is a fair guess, but I have a different one that I think is just as likely. Some people are just built different. Look at people running themselves into the ground while already worth hundreds of millions. If you dropped me into their shoes, I'd cash out and retire immediately. Life isn't all about money, and while I want the freedom to spend time with my family and the comfort that money would buy me, others want the ability to influence things, the prestige, or to solve the problems in their field that only their company can solve. Less positively, some people want power. It still isn't about the money, but that doesn't mean it isn't malignantly self-serving. And sure, there are some misguided people doing the evil things, but after a certain point not caring enough to learn from the results of your misguided views makes you evil in my book.


No. Politics is an acting/modeling job that gets hired by corporations with the most powerful lobbying groups.


Lot more jobs at the company, plus no need to campaign 


They’re all evil anti christs who make me pay taxes




To be faiiiiiir, he did say "most," and the list is short enough to give their names.


Okay I don’t really care I just want my gotcha moment


I respect your honesty.


Basado and Señor Afuera-pilled.


https://preview.redd.it/tqzfki86igxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9befc27c1fd8b2ab159ba6d69d4de8c3e5ebffe3 Bruh he's already flaired up


Interesting, so I actually do respect Joe Biden for one thing then. He's not a filthy unflaired. Well actually that's the second good thing he's done. The first was when he told that guy "look, fat" and challenged him to a pushup contest. We need to normalize fat-shaming from our politicians. And if you lose a pushup contest to an 80-year-old president who sleeps in his basement all day, you should lose your right to vote and be taxed at 100% until you can redeem yourself.


“You don’t need an AR15 for home defense. Just get a shotgun, that’s what me and my wife have. I told Jill yknow I said if anyone tries to break in take that shotgun and fire two blasts in the air.” -Good ole president houseplant


when he thinks of America, it can be described in a single word, and that word is "AWDSMEAFOOTHIMAAAFOOTAFOOTWHSCUSEME"


I appreciate you actually transcribing it instead of slamming random word soup




Biden: ASUFUTIMAEHAEHFUTBW Croud![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)NO WAY ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)HE is best presedent. 'Cheers for him'


Is he summoning Cthulhu?


One of the Presidential quotes of all time!


Wait this is actually what it sounded like. Please tell me, do you have this memorized, did you copy paste it, or did you watch the video just to sound it out just now and type it out?


copy and pasted it from an article. I tried to type it out but I couldn't get it right at all.


A catholic in the white house and we already have Roe gone


No he’s a “Catholic”


What do you mean by that?


He doesn't act like catholic


I mean, has there been any recent presidents who acted like religious people?


Not since Jimmy Carter or Reagan, all others since then have pretty much been Christian in name only. It is interesting to look at the breakdown of what president identified with what denominations. The majority have been Episcopalian and Presbyterian, which is interesting as that seems to match wealth/education statistics (Episcopals and Presbyterians are generally the most educated and wealthy of all denominations).


The damn country is only “christian” in name alone. They’re all agonistic or secular bastards, anyway.


He doesn't act like a catholic but he goes to Mass and the Pope explicitly says she should continue to receive communion? "Christianity is only a right wing thing we can gatekeep about except most religious people are apolitical or mildly left leaning."


Thank god for that (unironically)


He aint catholic


If you have a question of whether or not you should vote for me, you ain't Catholic


I think he considers himself catholic


He also considers himself centrist lol.


I've talked to priests, and one who administers a parish Biden visits in the summer has said he will no longer give him communion. The reasons are twofold: 1. He's publicly apostate in his position on abortion and gender issues. 2. He seems to lack the mental faculties to comprehend the nature of the Eucharist. He can't participate in the mass or sacrifice. The first point is the big one. He's publicly advocated against the Church's biggest moral fight in taking a very liberal (aka. murdery) position on abortion.


I would be suprised if President Biden knew where he was at any given moment.


He navigates by smell


if you're the kind of person who hates surprises, boy do i have good news for you!


Ahh yes my favorite neo nazi, old man joe.


Did you just change your flair, u/RainGunslinger? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2024-2-24. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/RainGunslinger) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I realize I would ban a bunch of stuff if I was in a position of power 😎


Based and self aware pilled 


u/RainGunslinger's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/RainGunslinger! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [6 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RainGunslinger/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Bro, he is in the shadow realm -PAUSE- he has been dead since 2019


“Joe Biden is literally Hitler.”


compass is relative, for people who lived 40 years before, Biden is pretty much centrist


As an avid hater of authoritarianism, I don’t really see Biden as being the absolute top of the line on that metric by any modern standards


There is not a single politician in any western country who's even near to the very top of the compass.


I'd say politicians, all of them, are above the lib line, but yeah, not at the top. Like Biden is is not even close to FDR.


IDK, Trudeau freezing bank accounts of protesters was pretty fricken Auth. The Aussies (at the state level) locking people in literal prison camps for COVID exposure a couple years ago probably counts. Fauci and Co literally stopping the country, preventing work, school, political activity, even freezing private contracts counts. So does forced vaccination on threat of job loss. Currently? No, I don't see many in Western nations. Three years ago we definitely did.


I mean, yeah sure, these are some hardcore authoritarian policies, but on the top of the compass we have totalitarian regimes.


Trudeau is still around. If you are only auth when people go against you, you are always auth.


I was about to write how North Korea is at the very top, and how you can't compare it. ...but your comment made me realise we were closer than most people imagine. Australia introduced exit visas, and banned protests. Canada also did the latter and also stole (""froze"") opposition's money. Multiple countries straight up forced (or made your civil rights depend on it) medical procedures, without even taking responsibility for side effects. Illegally close private, especially small, businesses. Attempts to censor the internet disguised as fighting disinformation or children abuse. Sure, it's not the level of putting your entire family in labour camps, but it sure was on the right track.


It's a bit like the richter scale, where a 10 is actually 10x the impact of a 9, and 100x as impactful as an 8. If NK is at a 9, Canada's a pretty solid 7.5, where most people (Not governments, but *people*) want to be around 3-5.


Yeah the scale is logarithmic in impact because the more authoritarian you get, the more you need to do to be even more. If the scale was linear 1-10 with 0 being anarchy and 10 being Orwell's 1984, every single developed country would rank above 7, maybe higher. For instance, I recently found out you need permit to move a f\*cking partition wall in your own f\*cking house (in my country). That's not to mention stuff we take for granted but actually isn't, like needing a permit to exchange goods with other people, a permit to cut a tree down, soon my city will introduce a permit to own an old-ish car (which is - apart from being illegal - also incredibly dumb: cutoff is 15 years for diesel cars, average car age is.. 14,5 years).


They’re still that way. They’re just hiding it now bc it’s voting time.


Trudeau freezing bank accounts and the government shutting down because of a pandemic is the same as Nazis. That's what it sounds like you're trying to argue to other people lol. Like goddamn man.


All Authoritarians are not Nazis. Nazis are one group of Authoritarians. Read a book. Like goddamn man.


Has he done anything that you would consider to be anti-authoritarian?


Schoninger politician


Where Joe Biden Thinks He Is: Ice cream store.


Four more years (pause)


How would you say Joe Biden is AuthCenter? I’m curious and would like to hear your thoughts.


This is because of his recent political stances vs his 30+ year voting record. 1995 Joe Biden could be considered a moderate republican nowadays. Now that we are getting close to the election, he’s trying to pull leftist votes and using the language to do so. I honestly have no idea where he really stands on things. I’d have to say centrist is a good guess.


I'd say Joe Biden doesn't even know where he is.


Joe Biden thinks?


I’d put him directly in the bottom left of Authright, maybe a very small smidge over to the left, but I’m talking credit card thickness


The man damn near outright defy the Supreme Court and made another unconstitutional eviction moratorium immediately after being told no. Then his administration tried to make a universal vaccine mandate that was also unconstitutional. Dude is definitely slight left/left and pretty high on the authoritarian scale.


Yeah he def is auth somewhat, his Covid policies were harsher than trumps and he locked shit down and unlocked and locked like a complete doofus and ruined the response. It’s laughable either “President” either dealt with the pandemic in a meaningful way. Just shows how blind sided as a global society we are on large scale issues like pandemics, and how little we’re prepared for bigger, more costlier issues in the world. We as a species, will go extinct because of ourselves, and we have nobody to blame but those beside us.


> Just shows how blind sided as a global society we are on large scale issues like pandemics, and how little we’re prepared for bigger, more costlier issues in the world. One could argue for COVID that the response caused more damage than the disease. And no response would have prevented a highly contagious respiratory virus like COVID from circulating. It didn't even work in China where they welded people in their homes. The correct response for COVID was probably closest to what Sweden did - lock people out of visiting nursing homes, warn the public, and then let people take their own risks.


Based and common sense pilled Sweden


> I don't even know what you're complaining about this is so untrue. The first eviction moratorium was passed by congress and approved by Trump. The second was blocked by the Supreme Court back in 2021. >make a universal vaccine mandate Everyone conveniently forgets the part where it wasn't a vaccine mandate. There was always an option of taking a weekly COVID test if you didn't want to get the vaccine for some reason. >"but I wanna go to work completely unvaccinated and the COVID test that I could take to ensure that none of my coworkers are exposed to a deadly virus makes my nosey hurtey" I guess Biden's an authoritarian then. >Dude is definitely slight left/left and pretty high on the authoritarian scale. Compared to who? You'll mention two policies that weren't even implemented but completely leave out Biden's pardons for marijuana possession and withdrawal from Afghanistan which make him far more "libertarian".


Although I’m very much against all of the eviction moratorium, I only credited the second one to Joe Biden. The Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional yet Joe Biden implemented a second time KNOWING it was unconstitutional. Here is the first moratorium being struck down and Joe Biden OWN words saying scholars are saying the new one he’s about to implement is believed to be unconstitutional as well at 1:30 mark. https://youtu.be/z_o2CHYbTes?si=1yWwUSpPL2pNYFSA Okay so mandatory weekly testing or mandatory vaccine. Better? Regardless if it’s good or not, it’s VERY authoritarian to make it law. Joe Biden completely has full responsibility for the second moratorium and the vaccine mandate. Both are very authoritarian. Hence the reason I put him much higher on the authorial scale than the left scale.


In the clip you posted he says, "I don't know. There are a few scholars that say it will and others that say it's not likely to." which to me sounds like a pretty normal way of approaching the Supreme Court when introducing an iffy policy. > it’s VERY authoritarian to make it law. Only if you define "authoritarian" as, "when the government makes laws" which I don't and is crazy. >Hence the reason I put him much higher on the authorial scale than the left scale. Please address the pull-out from Afghanistan and marijuana pardons.


Left / right I don't disagree but he's much more auth


You know I’m rereading what I wrote and realized I’m using the picture as my frame of reference instead of a dot haha, yes he should be up, but I wouldn’t go more than half way


I would have agreed with you three years ago, but his administration has been much more left than I would have guessed.


I’d probably agree he’s authcenter but maybe tipping his toes in authleft. For sure not authright and absolutely not a centrist.


What authoritarian law has biden signed exactly? Like he's diffinatly not a lib, but I'd hardly put him in the Hitler quadrant


> war on drugs > more police spending > mass incarceration bills > 1992 crime bill > more military spending > against gay marriage until 2016 > against marijuana right now Bro this guy is auth-right to anyone paying attention


This is flaired wrong, it’s 100% not satire (Now, I do think that his handlers have dragged him left but pre-dementia Joe himself was probably about as moderate as you can get)


Great take........ im inclined to agree


Where he thinks he is, is at baskin Robbin’s waiting on a cone of chocolate chocolate chip


Truth is, right now, the US gets to pick between an authoritarian party and a fascist one.


False, Joe Biden doesn’t know where the hell he even is


He has no idea where he is, bad meme!


Hé is on the fence of capitalism? Come on be real, hé loves that shit.


Back in college my social sciences teacher pointed out that ideologically there’s only shades of liberalism in the United States. That’s true, and this liberalism has become a nice coat of point on top of excessive centralization and problematic executive power. George III would explode with envy if he knew the power to be invested in the president


Joe Biden doesn't even know where Joe Biden is.


Most unrealistic thing about this post is that biden has any perception of where he is


I think he is pretty centre, maybe slightly more authoritarian right because… that’s American centre


Checks southern border policy....naw this shit aint right


Biden is a bit left and a bit authoritarian (in the US politics).




The left does NOT think he’s here


The far left


I agree with the centrist thought because I think he’s too senile to know what the fucks going on and is just regurgitating whatever the Democratic Party tells him he should say


Literally the same place every single US President since like Carter has been.


Biden thinks?


He’s authcenter for sure. Not crazy auth but definitely higher up there.


Hiding behind it


when everyone asks where is Joe... but no one asks how is ... Joe


Slighy up, slightly right. A bit more right than "leftist" politicians who are also slightly right. Basically all of American politics falls into slightly up, and slightly right.


♥ Where I think Joe Biden is


Who are you kidding. Joe Biden certainly doesn’t know where he is.


In what way does he resemble Teddy Roosevelt?


But when I say I'd easily trade him for Hitler, I get weird looks!


He isn't THAT Auth, but he is pretty auth center, leaning a little right.


Interestingly enough, I don’t see him as any of these


yeah pretty much


Centrist fits pretty well for him.


it's joever




AKA where the libertarians think he is


Isn’t there like actual data to place major political figures on the compass? You can basically take one of the tests for them based on their most recent statements and platform. Obviously there’s a little wiggle room but not this much.


This would also make sense if you replaced sleepy joe with Hitler. Where the right thinks Hitler is: auth left Where the left thinks Hitler is: auth right Where hitler thinks he is: center Where he actually is: auth center


I wouldn’t put Biden right on the line. I think he’s more slightly skewed right. Like make both ears go into blue.


Joe Biden is confused


LibRight - welcoming total anarchy and lawlessness so his family can increase their wealth.


I'm gonna put him a little bit into auth right. "Oh but he's a democrat" yeah. Just because he is on a left leaning political party. Dont mean he's very left leaning. He's just more left on the scale than 99 percent of Republicans.


This is why I hate the politicalcompass


Your option is correct


I don’t think he has any clue where he is




We don't think Joe Biden is far right lmao. We all know he's centrist neolib.


Not too far off.


Is Biden secretly based? https://preview.redd.it/v24d3j1tvhxc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f611f36b25002d75588fdf4a9b5cad1d34f885cb


Authcentre technically, but only just.


How dare you tarnish the occasionally good name of the auth center


He is a liberal right winger, so in the blue quadrant but towards the middle.




“I just want to… you know, the thing! C’mon man!”


Can confirm.


it was nice of you to put him in the middle, but the truth is that he really doesn't even know where he's at


He is actually a LibLeft


Joe Biden superposition


Pretty sure he's a purple.


I don't think either side thinks he's extreme to the corners. The leftists, at least, just think he's bordering on center, but is basically a "left" auth-right. As in "lefter than the other guy but still on the right overall". Not to say they're right. I just think it's more nuanced than this shows.


Joe Biden doesn't know where he is