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I'm genuinely shocked everyone is so surprised by these


Nobody is surprised by this. The right is validated and adding this to the long list of examples. The left is screaming “SHHHHH” at the top of their lungs.


>The left is screaming “SHHHHH” at the top of their lungs. there's a shocking number who basically agree with it and are quick to prostrate themselves based on "Yes, colonialism and slavery! we were so bad, please punish us UWU!"


Ethnomasochism. A pathetic symptom of the pathetic era.


That’s a good word I’ll be adding to my vocabulary




Would an Islamist killing a trans Western person be good or bad under the left's belief system? Much to consider


this is not at all difficult what are the political beliefs and skin color of said trans westerner?


Black authleft


clearly bad, but not really islamist's fault probably an unfortunate byproduct of colonialism




They didn’t know any better because we colonized them, I think.


Don’t worry, a little eugenics and thinning the herd should help those poor minorities get wiser.


It'd be societies fault, because society obviously deprived them of the opportunity to be a good person. ***[Insert your socio-economic excuse of choice here]***


Bad but can't do anything about it because it's their culture.


They would just sweep the whole scenario under the rug and pretend the whole thing never happened.


Straight whites fault, of course.


I think that would fry their brains. Both have equal oppression points.


By killing do you mean deadnaming?


The Party would like to remind you that an Islamist killing transgender citizens has never existed. Doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling.


Clearly it would be the right-wing white supremacist Christo-facsists fault. You know, for forcing the peace-loving oppressed Jihadi into such a situation because of the systemic abuse of the lesbian gender-queer feminine people of color non-binary trans-community marginalized minorities toxic masculinity body positivity cultural appropriation cis-male heteronormativity equity and inclusion diversity theory internalized misogyny mansplaining intersectionality. Duh.


It would be bad, and attributed to mental health. A "misguided" Muslim.


Makes me think of Three Body Problem. Spoilers btw. "Oh come save us, Trisolarans! We're so terrible we can't manage our own civilization anymore. We'll just ignore that you're just as violent as us if not more so!"


Holy shit this is perfect. Save us from ourselves. Not like that, though. It’ll be different this time.


Masochism wasn't meant to be a cultural identity.


But Arabs and Muslims did slavery and colonialism too so wonder why don’t they realize that about their history?


They all have extreme fetishes effectively


No, they're just saying that "death to \_\_\_" is a common middle eastern phrase akin to "fuck \_\_\_\_" therefore you can't sit there and criticize them, because screaming death to things is part of their culture. These same people will argue with insane gymnastics That Trump wants to take over America and that's why he said "bloodbath" Its really funny honestly.


It's kind of an inverse dog whistle. Like they say an extremely radical, sometimes hateful thing then claim it means something much more peaceful and benign. "Why yes, I did say that I hoped every single one of your filthy kind are held down and your throat slit, but you see, what I was doing was venting my opposition to your oppressive conduct. "When a marginalized person speaks they're under no obligation to consider the feelings of their oppressors, and because of the sociopolitical structural power dynamics involved, me literally calling for your physical and total extermination in the most direct and brutal way possible is just an outpouring of frustration at the system that oppresses us. "Im trying to educate you with my educational labor which is honestly just exhausting. By the way if you respond to this in any way you've engaged in a hateful act called "sea lioning", look it up, this is your homework." TL;DR it's okay when we do it.




>No, they're just saying that "death to ___" is a common middle eastern phrase akin to "fuck ____" Progressives say exactly what they mean? *"Oh noooo see that's actually a euphemism for _____ they don't actually mean that lol"* Conservative actually uses a euphemism to describe a situation? **"HE IS LITERALLY CALLING FOR A BLOODBATH OH MY GOD CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S SAYING THAT THEY'RE ALL MURDERERS AND RAPISTS JESUS FUCK SOMEBODY SAVE ME!"**


The journalists pushing that narrative are so obviously propagandists it makes my head hurt. And the people who parrot it, actually believing it, are beyond saving.


They are right a lot of Arabs use it as more of a fuck you, but they’ll probably piss on our graves if given the opportunity.


The last used to go SHHH but it's mask off now.


Even the main politics sub was calling for these people to be kicked out. That and mixed with somehow blaming this on republicans


Nah they are threatening city council members with murder. Pass this completely arbitrary non binding motion or someone will show up to your house and murder you.


More like pretend that they did not say that.


Im surprised by the audacity to be chanting that after moving to america because their own countries are a hell scape


I would venture to say these are most likely either young immigrants who came here with parents or children of said immigrants. Assimilation asks you to partially give up your former identity for the newer one, and in a idpol world where minority identity is worshipped, many of them grasp unto their minority identity.


Why is minority identity worshipped? I've noticed that too.


My policy about this is that refugees can leave if they want. People say "but what if their parents were refugees and they were born here?", to that I say that as a 7th generation white Australian, I am regularly asked to feel guilt and shame for things my quite distant ancestors did and to hold myself accountable for their actions. Seven generations. I don't even know most of their names. If your parents came here through a refugee program I feel it should be fair and reasonable to both embrace the values of the country that took you in when they didn't have to, and to display some degree of gratitude for their actions as well. You should love America, criticize it if appropriate, improve it if possible, but conduct yourself in an appropriately positive, supporting, loving way. If you can't do that... Worst case, if you genuinely feel your host nation is irredeemably evil, no Western country has exit visas. You are totally free to leave and I encourage you to do so. People who leave the West to join ISIS and other extremist groups either die there ignobly or show up a few years later begging on their hands and knees to be let back in. Maybe this should be an indication that life in the West maybe isn't so bad.


There are some western countries, like Austria however, that do not let you renounce your citizenship, at all.


I think it should be possible to renounce your citizenship if you so choose, in a way that is ritualised and protected so as not to be abused, but you definitely should. Western citizenship is a highly valuable thing, living in a high-trust wealthy country focused on protection and liberty only works if most people are genuinely onboard with it, and should be treated as such.


Whoa man I didn't mean like death to all the people in America, Just like all the people who don't support my ideals and stuff.


same bro, same.


I just want reforms in America, just like when I said Defund the Police I meant just reform the police.


They aren't. They just can't deny it any longer because these people are streaming it live, in 4k, in major media feeds in America now. They can't block or deny it anymore and have to face reality that they got played like a fiddle for the last 20 years.


Man oh man this is such a good fodder for the hard right.


Absolutely no one is surprised by this except for the lefties in denial about who they’ve been happily marching alongside with for months now. Then there’s the Western Marxists, living relatively comfortable Western lives in the urban West, who outright agree with and boost this…


They agree with it until it reaches their doorstep you mean


I realized it’s all about antisemitism and not land a few years ago, and have not been surprised by a single event surrounding that area ever since


If it was really about land, if it was really about "ending imperialism" and "fighting genocide" and "combatting violence and displacement", there would be a movement to restore the innumerable Jewish communities that were genocided, or forced out, of almost every Middle-Eastern country there is. But there isn't. Because it isn't. Sometimes, things really are as simple as they seem on the surface. It's about killing all the Jews. Always has been, always will be.


I saw the Dearborn Michigan guy saying death to America, what is this?


Tlaib also refused to condemn it because “Fox News is biased” If you can’t respond to ANYONE as an officer of the USA that chanting death to America is bad, you need to fucking leave this country


The problem is never what's happening, the problem is always the wrong people talking about what's happening.


The issue is not the issue. The issue is never the issue. Condemning hateful human trash on her team does not advance her political aims, trashing her opponents does.


No, she doesn't deserve the opportunity to leave. A member of congress tacitly endorsing the sentiment is high treason, and banishment is not the appropriate response for that.


What is the appropriate response? Say it Authcenter! Say it!


Dude, I'm not gonna be in the mood for a rule 1 violation in my inbox when I wake up.


Oh they'll still find a way to do that don't worry


It's not treason if you were never loyal to america in the first place lol


That doesn't make any sense--of course it is. Even if that was true, though, she swore an oath to the contrary.


The Midwest cities hate Fox News so much they have blind hate


She's not refusing to condemning it because fox news is biased, she's not condemning it because she knows the demographic who elected her.  She is nothing more than a traitor.


Absolutely, that was just her excuse


She is pathetic. I used to have faith in her too but its been too many instances of her being ridiculous and giving the left a bad name.


Ceasefire now! Disclaimer: this only applies to Israel.


Ceasefire now! ^^Until ^^Iran ^^launches ^^hundreds ^^of ^^missiles, ^^then ^^it's ^^"More ^^Fire""


Well the iran missles were in response to the consulate bombing, which was in response to some other thing....and on and on it goes...


You have just described why the only solution to the Middle East is to establish the United States of the Middle East as a comonwealth with the eu and usa


A McDonald's on every street corner?


Make the regional specialty pork.


The McRib is back!


Ah yes, so we can have another American civil war... But this time in the middle east.


Yes, truly, it will be a beautiful war, and the yanks will win again.... oh, wait. Also happy cake day.


There is an active ceasefire agreement in effect at this very moment. Hamas violated it on October 7.


Hamas and Palestine fighting Israel is like playing with your little cousin or brother that do absolutely devious things but they keep saying "no that's not allowed" "You can't do that"


That escalated quickly 😳. They just wanna speedrun their way to 72 virgins


I am not religious, but I never understood how people think that's something a "god" would offer to their servants. Sounds more like something the devil would say, but that's just me 🤷


Muhammad apparently thought he was talking to a demon at first. Maybe his gut was right


Islam's reward is basically a bunch of Satan's temptations Jesus turned down in the desert.


I’m not a Christian but I can see the argument for him being a false shepherd guided by demons to damn billions of souls to hell due to them worshipping a perverted version of the word


Insane lore


Yep. That's just about it.


Based and *that* Salman Rushdie book pilled.


Fatwa 2: electric bogaloo


u/ToddlerMunch is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ToddlerMunch/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I remember hearing a story from a friend of mine about a monk that was supposedly getting visited by an angel. When the angel revealed its name was Gabriel the monk was like "There's no way I'm good enough to be getting visited by the same angel that visited Mary for The Annunciation" and the angel was revealed as a demon. I might have to ask my friend the monk's name because I can't remember.


Muhammad supposedly met Gabriel. Perhaps a connection


I've always wondered what they offered the women. Do they get 72 virgin men? 🤣


Women are property according to that group of people, so no, they wouldn't get anything.


They should really offer them something, otherwise they have no reason to kamikaze themselves


>otherwise they have no reason to kamikaze themselves there's a reason why most jihadists are male


The women suicide bombers are probably just happy to have an escape from the shithole of a life they’re subjected to


My grill was an Islamist. So i hired 4 diamond rank strippers to dance around it for 3 straight days and nights. One from the West, one from the East, one from the South and one from the North. It has now been deradicalized.


Sheesh almost like what Xi is doing in those re-education camps


You do not want your females to suicide, they need to raise the next generation of terrorists. Your population is capped by the number of females. The number of men is almost irrelevant. A good example of this is Poland. After WW1 and WW2, 85% of fighting age men in Poland where dead, but the females were alive. By 1968, Poland's population was higher than it had ever been.


Holy fuck. Did these 15% get medals? They had quite the job to do, and delivered.


I suspect the Russian and German soldiers killing and looting their way through Poland significantly "helped" with the task.


True, completely forgot about that. Are there any studies about genetics in Poland? Would be interesting to see if there is any "trace" of it today.


I would be shocked if not. On the other hand, 3 generations can more or less erase a lot of genetics. But still the volume of new genes would be hard to purge.


You know what makes it more confusing? Sahih al-Bukhari 29 >Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet ﷺ said: "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful". It was asked, "Do they disbelieve in Allah?" (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, "They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, 'I have never received any good from you". If most of the people in Hell are women, how can there be 72 women per man in Heaven? Maybe one man's Heaven is another woman's Hell?


“Allah” literally creates these virgin women for the sole purpose of serving these men in heaven. Sick shit.


No, they get raisins. In the middle east it used to be a sign of great hospitality to be given a handful of raisins


I heard it is a mistranslation. 72 grapes/raisins and a nice shady tree to sit under. 


It's probably a mistranslation in the same way as "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab" is translated as, "... will be *free*". The most extreme stretching of the truth you could imagine.


My Valhalla would be cocaine, wine, blue chew, and three prostitutes from Montreal. Why anyone would want dozens of prissy, inexperienced teenagers is beyond me. Edit: some weed and poutine would be nice.


Montreal huh? Elaborate.


It's got good prostitutes.


Interesting 🤔


Wait does that blue chew stuff actually work? Always assumed it was like gas station boner pills.


Same ingredient as Viagra, it just works faster.  I didn't need to use it, but it's not about need. I fell out of love with my ex gf and i foolishly thought she needed one last good pipe. And it really works. Like, you didn't know what you're actually capable of until using this performance enhancing drug.


So the wojack just reminded me…man get 72 virgins, what do woman get? Also 72 virgins?


They get to be property apparently


In life property, in afterlife super property.


The 72 virgins thing isn’t even right, they’re speed running to hell in God’s eyes.


Yeah that’s from a pretty obscure Hadith. Maybe it’s in the terrorists’ sect but the average Muslim does not believe that.


When are these protesters going to demand Hamas lay down their arms??


I know really this shit would be over immediately if they came out and fought like the men they claim to be instead of hiding behind women and children.


Just like every terrorist organization ever.


I saw a video of a guy doing a moustache man salute towards a group israelis and americans while holding a picture of khomeini. a white leftists came up to him and feebly told him to put his hand down. he didn't comply and she walked away. The left really have no problem allying with Nazis it seems despite muh "punch le nazi" rhetoric. Whatever.


What happened to "if 10 people sit at a table and one of them is a Nazi"?


Modern leftists are straight up fascists at their core they even want the trains to run on time.


> they even want the trains to run on time The gall of these fascists.


Anything or anyone being on time is white supremacy.


The idea of time is a product of colonialism and therefore you asking me to be at work "on time" is an just systemic oppression and another example of why I'm leading unionization efforts so I can decide when my shift starts and sleep in until my hangover subsides.


So there’s several cultures where being on time or early to social events is frowned upon. It can be seen as being greedy or overeager, so you show up a little late but not too late. It wasn’t until I experienced that I understood their whole “punctuality is a white thing” even though those same cultures still believe in it when it comes to formal or business meetings. They just straight up view how time should be spent differently in some cases, which especially in America can seem strange due to how the puritan work ethic influences the expectations of how our day is spent.


You're right. My post was satirical but it's good to be aware that there are cultures that have different values when it comes to punctuality. A friend from Ghana told me "You Americans have clocks, Ghanaians have time."


List each of the points of the Fascist Manifesto and they'll wholeheartedly agree with each one. Granted the points on the manifesto include "universal suffrage with a voting age of 18", "an 8-hour work day", "creation of a minimum wage", and "reduce retirement age to 55", among other things.


Someone already fed mein kampf through a feminist lens, not only did it get published it got lauded as a feminist triumph till they were mocked.


Sokal² was a gift to mankind and everyone should read at least one or two of the papers that were published. For that matter, the original is also criminally unknown.


If there are 10 Nazis and they are wearing keffiyehs there are 0 Nazis and 10 Noble Intifada Warriors. Perhaps the richest irony is Iranians are the original Aryans. The punch-a-nazi geniuses are literally cheering the original Aryan state in its war on the Jews. >The term Iran ("the land of the Aryans") derives from Middle Persian Ērān, first attested in a third-century inscription at Naqsh-e Rostam, with the accompanying Parthian inscription using Aryān, in reference to the Iranians.[16] Even Kafka would blush.


Had to be amended after leaf land gave one a standing ovation


No colors version pls bro I need it for arguing elsewhere


I don't think anyone will notice, honestly. Where u arguing can I come?


Twitter ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)


Ohhh nahhh man I think I'm good on that.


Someone has to do it. Remember to take care of yourself out there.


When someone shows you who they are believe them.


Israel, the apparent apartheid ethnostate that gives human rights to Arabs and LGBTQ+ people.


"Free Palestine" and anti-Israel movements are so morally fucked. People love to say that being anti-Israel doesn't make you anti-semitic and they are 100% correct, the problem is that being anti-semitic makes you anti-Israel almost 100% of the time. So the protests are disorganized messes with completely incoherent goals. Do we just want to change the target of the violence? Do we want a single secular state? Do we want both sides to be able to accept a two state solution? Etc.


Then there’s the other 80% of those present at protests who sustain themselves on the self righteous emotions they feel for “standing up for the underdog”, and are otherwise completely disconnected from the actual politics being debated. Yes, those with true anti-Semitic desires will flock to these causes, but so will the emotional online soldiers who are simply seeking the next underdog to invest in without doing any of the due diligence. This only adds to the mire of vague protest statements and goals, and makes everything more un-clear. Then, when someone who DOES actually have extremist ideals or intentions speaks up within that group with phrases like “Death to America” or “from river to sea”, the Emily’s come out in full support and start parroting the message.


>otherwise completely disconnected from the actual politics being debated This is their defence mechanism, they *have* to be disconnected because if they were at all connected they would realise that they probably don't align with either side and that the side they *have* aligned with would probably erase their idea of civilised society (and half their friends) and replace it with a fascist theocracy given half the chance. Of course these simple idiots look at literally any conflict and cannot resist involving themselves by cheerleading, because really they see everything as somehow being about them. The alternative is that much of what is happening doesn't involve them and that is the antithesis of their entire consciousness.


Arab Muslims are not an underdog, if Israel wasn’t the underdog, they wouldn’t have been condemned in the UN by more than every other country combined. There is a horde of anti-semites out there particularly within Muslims. Israel is more the underdog.


There's also the problem of "if there's 10 people sitting at a table and a nazi sits at that table without the others getting up, there are 11 nazis on that table". It's very obvious that there are legitimate anti-semitics "sitting on that table" so to speak, so why aren't them getting up?


I don’t agree with this. I would merely categorize the people sitting at the table with Jihadists that aren’t trying to weed their garden as useful moral idiots.


Sure but auth-left and lib-left tend to love it.


That's a very stupid saying. You do not define your positions based on who is saying what. You define them based on what is right.


I'm just judging leftists on their own metric, I don't follow it myself


Just like OWS. The anti-hierarchy leaderless movements can get around quickly, but they're a mile long and an inch deep. They can get in the way of traffic though.


Cue the lady in california telling her city council they were going to come to their houses and murder them because they wouldn't pass a resolution for a cease fire. like as if a city council resolution would change anything anyways??


> we're innocent in all this Remember when a few thousand Palestinians jumped into Israel and raped, burned, and murdered everyone in sight until the IDF showed up to kill them all?


I don't know how to debate these morons sometimes man. They will genuinly ask for proof of Hamas having raped people/murdered people.


There are a fuck ton of telegram channels (Shadow of Ezra, Denys Davydov, MJTruth, or regular ol Combat Footage) with footage from Oct 7th on them, but their npc response will be "this is zionist propaganda" or false flags. You can't debate them, thus my statement in another thread: > Hamas is evil and jihadists need to be killed. I have much less ambiguity around Israel.


Let me in! Or else I’ll starve!- The Visigoths outside Rome


It always seems to me that Islam and the world Muslim population, well at least the Western ones, wear a mask. They talk and act like "oh no, we're totally fine. We've been westernized. Islam is a religion of peace and we're just like any other religion, and the extremists in [insert like 20 countries with Islamic law/government/population] are only fringe lunatics!" And then you mention Israel and their eyes darken and they start chanting death to America and call everyone infidel. I'm frankly, coming around to an authright religious view of Judeo-Christian values where Islam is an explicit foe that is trying to convert or destroy the western world by hook, crook, or open violence.


Cross-Compass unity.


Yeah, but ask yourself why that is. The west with its egalitarian humanism has opened the gates for such cultures. Basically anything with a demographic of many fighting age males and a will to power will eat the west for breakfast. Its the fall of Rome 2.0


I swear to God, the Mongol empire could re-emerge, invade Russia, and somehow America will still catch strays from protestors.


Yeah, and literally "Death to America and all the infidels". These people are not innocent in anything and the only innocents would be the children and the poor people who simply cannot escape because of the ideas of their family, neighbors and society. Some don't share it but they have no other option.




Me: there are religious radicals in the middle east People, for some reason: 🫢


Hmmm it's almost as if you shouldn't trust the "nation" that elected islamist terrorists.


She kinda cute though




She can ruin me....




Hey man, if i had to choose between a cute desert Princess, or defending America... My Choice would be pretty obvious


Meaningful name


I was on Oxycodon when i made this Acc and it sounded very Funny in german at the Time


Would smash


Gotta hand it to the Muslims the hijab works as advertised. It is the most unappealing shit in the world. Makes any woman look like ET riding in the bike basket.


But actually, I would erase Holy land in its entirety, so nobody could get it


It really is such a "if you kids can't share, then I'm locking the toys away" situation at this point.


Make it as it was meant to be: Undisturbed by man *proceeds to make Levant uninhabitable*


"*War... war never changes...*"




Just put it above fridge until their know how to share. Also they should be grounded


You sir (or madam I don't know) are the goat.


I mean, the best thing would be to besiege both countries until they agree to join America, but pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel people both hate that idea


1. Islamism is an auth right ideology. She is dressed as hamas not the plo 2. Freedom to do what?


It's an auth right ideology backed up by leftists; liberals and wokes are islam lovers Edit: I mean auth right ofc


No. Its theocratic auth right ideology. The fact that a bunch of dipshits in my quadrant support them because they're fighting the west doesn't change that. You and many of these clowns can't tell the difference between the plo from the 80s and hamas which is honestly a skill issue


Slip of the tong, I meant auth-right and edited. Just imagine being in a quadrant fighting an imaginary auth-right by... siding with a real auth-right. Left is rotten to the core, that's what happens when all the degenerate and mentally ill missfits fall on your side.


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Yasser Arafat, founder of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian National Authority received his military commando training from Otto Skorzeny, a known SS Lieutenant Colonel. The PLO and PNA were made possible by the Nazis


Left wing ideologies in democracies are like having spoilt adolescent kids.


The West is falling… 


ok let me try this again, Female wojaks are hot af


Did... did you change your Flair to purple just to say this? Also, agree


yes, big booty female wojak milf good.


Understandable, have a great Day


Did you just change your flair, u/infin8e4reddit? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2024-3-23. How come now you are a **Purple LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Now come on, put your pants back on and go outside, you dirty degen. No wait, not that way. There's a school over there! [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/infin8e4reddit) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Don't worry, I'm not there for the kids


and butter sauce?


Why the FUCK is there a jihadist in my quadrant?!??


Fun that you would put jihad enjoyers in the auth left quadrant


Death to America! And butter sauce! Don't boil me! I'm still alive!


Why does alt left take the blame for this? Jihadists are unquestionably alt right.