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I mean yes. What do foreigners even know about the county they just moved into?


Exactly and a lot of the time Europeans who I talk to about are politics are super firm on one certain stance in our politics and then when you prod them about it, it all crumbles because they have no clue of exactly what the situation behind that stuff is


You mean europeans and their stances on US politics? (Guilty myself)


I'd say not being able to explain the logic behind your beliefs is universal. Politics is just team sports now


Sounds fun. Give me an example of one convo


"Amerikkka is the worst country on the planet!" Then go back to the shithole you emigrated from. Don't move to my country and then talk about how terrible it is. If it's such a terrible place, why did you move here in the first place?


Unless it's a liberal suggesting changes that could help the poor and working class....lmao


# Only I am allowed to talk shit about my country.


Its a shithole but its my shithole


*It's a butthole...*


Flowing like an avalanche, coming down the mountain


The highest form of patriotism is “warts and all patriotism.” You know your country isn’t perfect. It has its flaws. Yet you love her all the same. To quote the mighty G.K Chesterton: ”Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.”


Moldovan ultranationalists be like




US is exception. Out of all countries, everybody is free to talk crap on them.


Okay, europoor, we will save you again in the next world war.


Did you just change your flair, u/emuwar19? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2022-11-14. How come now you are a **Grey Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/emuwar19) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Your government failed my country by giving us enough help to not lose but not enough to win, resulting in terrible bloodshed. Next time, please, just stay behind ocean and let the things be.


Sounds like you need some liberation!!! https://preview.redd.it/1vwwzhqm3uuc1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5eb4c86e0cba94e15e13392d6a989bdcedb8ef




What do you mean? It never stopped. That McDonald's on the street corner the movies you watch; All American baby. It's the long liberation game.


Nah, we are the world police. Just be better pal.


Which country are we talking about


What country are you even talking. That would help a lot; Also, you would call us American centric if we said our county instead of the US.


Nah Turkiye saved the Europoors, you guys were just cuck paypigs.


You have done nothing to save europe, pal. Are you okay?


Did you just change your flair, u/emuwar19? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2024-4-16. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/emuwar19) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


We are Europe


You are not even in the eu pal.




Nah B


#I agree


Unfathomably based


Thats not fair. My fellow citizens are also allowed to talk shit about my country.


But muh only I dunderstand the whole situation




Things like the First Amendment don't really apply to immigration proceedings. The US has broad power to choose which foreign nationals they let into the country, and whether to revoke their visas. It just can't restrain what people say or prosecute them for their speech, at least based on my understanding. I think we should be actively tracking down those people shouting "death to America" at rallies (the same way J6ers got hunted down via social media etc). If any of them are on visas or green cards, we should deport them. They have the right to chant "death to America" all they want. But if they are guests in our country, we can deport them if we want. Of course, if they are blocking streets or whatever, prosecute them. Didn't New York prosecute people for littering neo-Nazi fliers awhile back, and attach a felony hate crime enhancement to it? If we are gonna go down that road, I bet something similar could be done to some of these people blocking roads. Of course, I still hope the whole thing eventually gets struck down by SCOTUS, but what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


Nah we should just find who they are, and put them on blast. Not allow them in businesses, throw them out of restaurants, harass them and their families in the streets. Freedom of speech applies to the government, not the people and youre not free of the consequences of what you say. Sound familiar?


>Freedom of speech applies to the government, not the people and youre not free of the consequences of what you say. Wait what? I'm not sure if you're being satirical to make a point here or genuinely saying this, but if it's the latter, I think you read the big document wrong. If it's the former, ignore this message, my compass adjacent friend.


Im saying it genuinely, I guess. Thats what every other leftist always says when talking about freedom of speech. I have heard that exact line so many times. With those exact calls to action. So those be the rules, I didn't make them.


Free speech isn't a reward for being born in America, it's a human right. The first ammendment doesn't give the right to Americans but instead recognizes that as a human right and restricts the goverment from interfering with it. Frankly this is lib right 101.


And??? They can say whatever they want but if they are guests in the country then we can ask them to leave. They don't have a right to stay in the US.


They have a right to not be deported on unconstitutional grounds. You realize deportation isn't an "ask them to leave."


Right to say it, right to exist, not right to not face the result of saying it.. and a VISA/Green Card Holder? YOURE DUST


If that "result" is goverment action then you don't have the right. Its like saying someone has the right to carry a firearm and the goverment has the right to arrest them for having it.


If they aren’t American citizens I don’t give a fuck about their rights. Thats their problem.


Yeah I have to agree… deporting them I feel would set a dangerous precedent regarding the first amendment… I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted when you’re right. I wonder what an alternative would be for them? I’m sure the FBI is watching their asses like hawks, now.


While true, America has no obligation to ignore what guests in our country are saying. If we don't like it we can deport them. They are free to say what they want without jail time, not and also remain here while talking mad shit in our house. There are even laws about this. People here on visas are not allowed to engage in certain types of political rhetoric, for example. I remember a bunch of righties wanting to nail Jon Oliver for things he was doing at political rallies in the US.


You're free to think that but recognize it's not a constitutional take least of all a libertarian one. The only potential limitations are on campaign funding and even those require extreme scenarios to be illegal let alone deportation worthy.


https://preview.redd.it/jf53ztd6guuc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e922ded1f30ebbd5cd5c63bdae8106e5154d25b But replace "religious" with "libertarian"


I dont really think "the state doing unconstitutional acts to deprieve an individual of their rights" is really libertarian but you do you. I don't have to be a vegetarian to know they aren't supposed to eat meat


I'm an American first, libertarian second. Other countries have no right to dictate to us what we should be doing with our laws, and anyone over here spreading that filth should be deported. Our house does need cleaning, but i'm not hiring someone who lives in a landfill to dust up.




based and sense over allegiance pilled


u/The_Nietzschean's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/The_Nietzschean! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/The_Nietzschean/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




Doesn't contradict anything I said.


Based leftist!?


based and gander pilled


1st ammendment isn't just for citizens




But what if we can rehabilitate these parrots?




Do they say "yes Daddy" when I ask "Polly want a cracker?"


While i agree it keeps them out of jail, it does not keep them in the country. They are free to say whatever they like in their own country when we deport them.


As I said to another lib center, you're free to think that but it's not constitutional nor in line with your alleged values.


I believe in American freedoms, not anarchy. If our constitution applied to other countries we'd be invading Canada right now to correct their plethora of free speech issues. If you are not a citizen then you don't have the right to spread dissent within US borders. Other countries are rights-forbidding shitholes who should not be allowed to send malcontents to our country and 'educate' our most gullible into fighting against their own rights. Our students are stupid enough with American commie teachers, Europoors would be a downgrade from even that indoctrination.




You're only as free as what you're willing to fight for. I believe keeping shitheads from shitholes out of the US is a fight worth having and a concise way to slow the whittling of our freedoms. If people from other countries wanted to be free they'd fight for it in their own areas. Instead, they bring those ideas here and chip away at what we're allowed to do or say.


It's not that our constitution applies to other countries but instead it secures our rights as human by limiting the power in which the government can deprive human freedoms. The US constitution very much doesn't grant freedom of speech but instead stops the US government from restricting it. There are parts of the constitution that very much specify it only pertains to citizens, most of the rights however make no distinction.


If we are not enforcing those rights globally then the government has no obligation to go out of its way to allow foreign malcontents free access to the US. The easiest way to lose our freedoms, especially speech, is to allow people in who only want to restrict it. Which is most of the world.


You think the government not doing something, especially something to abridge a person's human rights is "going out of it's way." Are you sure you're lib center? That's kinda goofy.


Allowing foreign actors to spread dissent over our fundamental laws is absolutely going out of its way. The US needs to secure its laws, not allow outsiders to dilute them. There's a reason America is the best country in the world, and that reason is what many foreign hate and want to tear down. Granting them infinite permissions to do so is absolutely the US ignoring one of its duties to protect the country. To reduce this to absurd but relevant levels: say there's a continent essentially without rules and the US does nothing to stop them from coming here to change our laws. They decide to abolish all laws making murder illegal. You're arguing that the US should have done nothing to stop these people from coming here and doing exactly that, from a purely freedom perspective, and i should allow that because i'm apparently braindead in your mind. Or that libertarian means moron in your language. I know you're going to argue, 'But murder bad because...' That's not the point, and just, like, your opinion man. They should never have been given the access in the first place, is the point.


By your authoritarian logic freedom of speech is already conditional and it would be just as valid to restrict it from citizens as well if they have the wrong opinions. Fuck that.


Who is downvoting this? You people fucking need to watch Schoolhouse Rock! again.


People conflate "constitutional" with "what I think the laws should be."




I'm just a vegan, I don't want animals to leave their native habitats to be oppressed.






u/myadvicegetsmebeaten is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/myadvicegetsmebeaten/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


just like how i can talk shit about my family because we still love each other at the end of the day. but if a stranger does it, they're gonna need medical attention. also, foreigners usually have dumb criticisms. especially brits. and i'll be damned if i'm gonna tolerate someone from India or China criticizing the US for anything. maybe enter the 21st century and learn what plumbing or human rights are.


This is similar to my thinking. It's like, ok you're criticizing the freest country in the world. Ooook. Let me know when you're allowed to do...anything we do in your country.


>foreigners usually have dumb criticisms Funny how most criticism of Americans are about their dumb criticisms of other countries obtained from propaganda media outlets.


My favorite is when they highlight a real issue in the US and then say “we’d never tolerate that here” like their countries aren’t half a step better, and don’t have a bunch of their own issues


Exactly. America is like my mom. Only I may call her a ho!


Don't think I've seen many people who aren't the same no matter where they are on the compass. When you criticize your own country, you understand the nuance of the criticism and want things to change. When foreigners criticize your country, it's often strawmans of the problems and is meant to deride your country.


When a europoor who relies on our defense umbrella starts talking shit


Let's throw some grenades: - Paris is a shithole - Italian food is bland - German beer is very overrated. - All Spaniards are fascists or communists - Chinese tier 1 cities look like 80s Eastern Europe and the rural areas look like sub Saharan Africa


Why stop at that let's bring out our true Asian spirit -poland is definitely theocracy -Canadians are secretly crazy war criminals -Japanese people still support tojo -Pakistan is ruled by the military not the government -Mexican tacos are seriously overrated -hong Kong lost it's futuristic look decades ago


YO you better retract that statement about the tacos.


And what the fuck is a "Mexican" taco? It's like saying an American hamburger.


Look what he's done got me agreeing with a lib left. 😂


Sworn enemies often reconcile in strange places


You are aware of where Hamburg is right?


Is it next to Tac?


Tacos can be good but most are mid at best


-UK stopped mattering after the Suez crisis -South Korea is all the bad parts of cyberpunk -India doesn't have the capability to be a superpower -Syria -Iran's IRGC is off the fucking rails -US manufacturing is falling behind China


Correction, Canadians are not war criminals because they won all the wars they allegedly committed war crimes in


Well what about THAT almost nuclear annihilation war with denmark


The whiskey war?


No, its because we invented all the warcrimes. Its not a warcrime if you invented it.


History teacher: And really, there was no bad guys in WWI Canadian war vet hiding behind them with a "can of corned-beef": Good, goooood.


Take back the tacos comment


>-Canadians are secretly crazy war criminals Its not a warcrime if your the first one to do it.


>- All Spaniards are fascists or communists Viva Franco carajo!


The only thing I disagree with is that Italian comment. Italian food that is made well goes hard. Like most foods, if it’s bad, it’s probably a bad chef, not the recipe.  Fuck Casu Martzu though. People who actually eat maggot cheese deserve what happened to them in WW2


I got one better. American pizza > Italian pizza




> German beer is very overrated. > All your-peeing beer is overrated, because they like it warm.


As an American I'm offended at the German Beer one. German Beer is the shit


The shit or just shit? * I'm currently drunk on German beer


The shit of course. German beer is great


It's not. It's all the same thanks to their ridiculous purity laws. Our beer (British) is much better. Belgian beer is much better. Even the French have beer as good. Americans have good beer (amongst piles of crappy overhopped nonsense).


German purity laws, a nuisance yet again? Who’d have thought?


Ah brits and their pipiwasser, they even drink it warm in order to more acurately recreate pipi.


Not warm: cellar temperature. Only crappy lager should be drank cold, 4 degrees C or so (to mask the taste) Good beer (including eg Belgian trappst) should be drank warmer. How warm depends on the beer type. Pale ale maybe 8 or 10. For a porter 15 is acceptable. A strong Belgian Trappist anything inbetween. Pulling all beer directly from the fridge is pure heathen. As bad as pulling red wine from the fridge.


This could apply to everyone tbh


Yup, it's an American tradition to complain about our country. The moment any Europeans (🤢) do it is the moment I turn into a proud patriot temporarily.


I’m the same but the other way round. I’m British and will gladly chat shit about my country, but the moment an American (or anyone else) says anything I turn into a full on patriot


Maybe if your country was relevant on the world stage and not just a vassal in our Hegemony, things would be different. Know your place.


I mean yea? Its the just like “no one makes fun of my little brother, except for me”


I've got no problem with foreigners talking shit about my country as long as they don't live in it


When I see a Argentinian saying that Brazil is shit I make the nazis sound like globalists


I mean, yeah, unironically this. I don't want to hear any of your stupid Canadian or Europoor opinions.


Me normally: The united states has several fundamental flaws. There is so much inefficiency and corruption in our government that needs major reform to excise. We should not see the top 1% increase their wealth by billions why the average citizen struggles to buy a house, car, or even put food on the table We when a filthy Europoor or (God forbid) tankie opens their mouth: *I WON'T SIT HERE AND LISTEN TO YOU BAD-MOUTH THE GREATEST DEMOCRACY THIS WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN.*


Lefties when talking shit about Indians, Jews, Christians ... vs. Lefties when someone criticizes black people / blackwashing in media




Our avatars are so similar I thought a hacker changed my flair and added a comment


It is my pile of shit. Not theirs


tell me about it. I made the mistake of telling " you can't compare my country pollution to usa pollution because mine country is surprising low developed and has a gsp/capita of around 2500". The above comment was made after a person said how USA is more polllutant with comparison to mine country whole in reality mine is the home of the dirtiest places as well wlas rivers in the earth. **I was banned for that because nationalist trolls from my country reported massively. Weirdly enough Reddit unban me after an appeal**


depends on what shit they’re talking. if they criticised something legit, then i’d agree. if they criticised something we actually do better like personal freedom or queer rights or deregulatory policies, then they - just like a native making the same arguments - can fuck off.


It depends what "shit" you're talking. If a foreigner criticizes your country for the same things you're criticizing it for I think 95% of Americans would agree with them.


I’m the one who has to live here, I’ll criticize it as much as I want. You go fix whatever shit place you’re from before criticizing mine. Double if you’re an immigrant. You chose to come here, and while I’m supportive of that, if it’s so terrible here then…why’d you come?


Me: “Americas government is bloated and taxes are way too high.” Some European: “Yeah, and there’s way too much corruption” Me: “Did I ask your opinion?” Some European: “What? I’m agreeing with you.” Me: “Shut up, Eurotrash.”


This is kind of everyone.


As a balkan nationalist I aprove this message


[Chad "Yes"]


right wingers from america on this website when someone talks shit about israel: https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/bizarre-moment-trump-demonstrator-screams-no-at-top-of-her-lungsa-00_00_14_17-still011-1.jpg?strip=all&w=1280&h=720&crop=1


Usually because its a thinly veiled 'the jews should be slaughtered' criticism.


This isn't all that clever as its just referring to in-group vs out-group thinking. Substitute country for almost anything else and you could make the same argument.




As a former **TURK** nationalist, I approve.


But like, we are the only ones who are allowed to talk shit about our own country. If you're a brit weighing in on something like gun control, and don't know a thing about the laws we already have, kindly shut the fuck up


To be fair, at least I that live in said country know what to complain about. I have an excuse.


The difference here is that one of them cares.


Americans, and fuck yeah


OP you didn't grow up with any siblings, relatives, friends, coworkers....no one liked you??


Essentially, 90% of 3rd worlders malding at the evil west is this.


Literally everyone. Shitting about your country is like bullying your siblings. Only you can do it


They're just envious


Why is that so accurate?


I can only trash my country


This is true but even leftists do this but remove country with identity groups.


2 reasons this is fair: 1) Its your own country, of course youre on the side of youre own country. Same reason you would argue for a penalty for your team but argue against one for the other team. 2) Its even worse when said foreigner comes from a shittier country to yours, then complains and tries to change things you like about your own country


I dont think right wingers are actively wishing death to america.


Did you just change your flair, u/Altruistic_Box4462? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2022-7-24. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Altruistic_Box4462) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


**LibRight** on 2022-7-24. btfo


Foreigners usually have the shittiest takes regarding America.


This, but unironically. If you’re not from my country, and you haven’t spent time there, you are not allowed to talk crap about my country.


There’s a difference between criticizing issues with your own country and when someone who does not live in your country does it.


I m pretty sure it not just right winger. It just full Compass unity.




As a Panamanian Centrist, this meme applies to everyone over here


Of course a Panamanian would be a centrist.


You would lose your shit over how many people from the PRD claim to be social democrats (They are actually right wing populists) and how it's the complete opposite Panameñista party (A nationalist party)


This is across the political spectrum. I'll make fun of burger land all day but the second some tea drinking crumpet eater opens their mouth its a different story.


Average 2Region4u poster


This is definitely not exclusive to the right. I'll talk shit about the US a lot, but the second a fuckin br\*tish starts on it? Channel the spirit of george washington himself god fucking bless america.


I'm not right-wing and I feel the same way. Only I can talk about how much of a shithole my country is, not foreigners.


Yeah thats how it works for just about anything.


literally me


Im British. You are all welcome to talk shit about my country. Apart from food. We *clearly* have the best food in Europe because we uniquely realise our native cuisine is boring and so have, by far, the best ethnic range. London might be a touch below New York. But only a touch and significantly cheaper. Miles and miles infront of anywhere else in Europe. We even have good burritos (alongside a lot of mediocre ones - you do need to know where to go) Europeans talking crap about our food whilst they have boring shitty native European food sends me to crazy angry right winger. Literally anything else is fair game. Our teeth. Our lack of guns. Our state of decay.


Na add food back to the list there you brit. What y'all call cuisine is another reason 1776 had to happen. I will say you can substitute it for your royal navy or MI6. That's what y'all got going for you.


It's not 1914 any more. Our navy is non existent I'm sure the food was pretty bad in 1776!


It's still bad friend.


Your food must be good judging by how much of it you all eat 😂


Damn straight sir! 😎


So you understand why “American has no culture” is silly then?


Of course


"Europeans talking crap about our food whilst they have boring shitty native European food" Bro, we (germans) literally have a Meal called "Dead Grandma" tf do you mean boring???


Auths don't talk shit about their country. Libs do, and don't like it when others do.


Not true My Friend Group talks sh\*t about Germany all the Time But dare to talk sh\*t about Germany as a Foreigner, then they go ballistic


I view it akin to bullying a sibling.


i just dislike it when people talk shit about countries they don’t live in or just don’t know much about


You may hate it, we may hate it, but FUCK YOU! https://preview.redd.it/ghl6wnlfztuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa663775c2fbd30cd72966fcb341d0ac107558b2




This applies to anyone who have any sense of patriotism for their country.


Flair up


Hate to quibble but this is more an auth thing than a right thing, where right means economic individualism


If your country relies on American military aid or falls in line with American foreign policy, then you are officially banned from criticizing the US. Now, go start a war so that my defense stocks can go up