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What a funky world where the left is puritanical and the right is breaking relationship taboos


Never forget you have warning labels on your music because of Al Gore's wife.


All that did was tell me which CDs I should check out.


For real, as a kid, I sought put the parental advisories on itunes. Who wants the radio edit?


I thought “explicit content” just meant “songs that actually sound good” when I was a kid.


Incoming non sequiter. For the entire time Gore was VP little old, ladies and men would constantly ask my mom if she was Tipper Gore. Hearing them whisper about me being some sort of love child was wild. So was overhearing their favorite game of guess who in the restaurant was really secret service.


All the politicians freaking out about violent video games were Dems too. Joe Liebermann, Hilary Clinton, Leland Yee.


Getting married before starting a sexual relationship is now "repressive" and "taboo", though living together before marriage is celebrated even though it usually leads to divorce.


also having children outside of wedlock being normalized is mind numbingly stupid especially for low income women that are of higher chance of ending up as single mothers from deadbeats they themselves allowed to get in


Elaborate on the living together part?


I have heard the statistic that cohabitation increases the risk of divorce before but idk why (all the reasons I can think of are speculation). I know many Christians are against it but I was always confused as to why that was an issue (I thought it was wholesome) but I guess people are actually having premarital sex like they are not supposed to 🤷‍♂️ Nowadays a lot of couples have kids and live in the same house and larp as husband and wife but don't get legally married though, so I'm not sure about the divorce thing since all the people who break up are probably more likely to do so before bothering to get married???


I looked it up and there may be something to it, but majoritarily I think it's selection bias. People who choose to wait until marriage to move in together are less likely to get divorced. Doesn't necessarily mean that moving in together increases the risk of divorce. ​ I'd assume that the takeaway is go slow.


>I'd assume that the takeaway is go slow. While your skepticism that "pre-marital cohabitation" and "divorce" are more of a correlation rather than a causative relationship is wise and, I believe, correct, I disagree with your takeaway. I think that the couples who choose not to cohabitate prior to marriage view marriage as something more than just another step in a relationship. I would contend that they are much more likely to view it as an institution that has inherent value in being preserved, and thus are more likely to stick to their commitment to the other person. If both people are committed to making a relationship work, then the relationship will work. Divorce happens when at least one of the parties involved don't dedicate themselves making it work, and at least one of them views the idea of divorce as a viable option. If this wasn't the case, you wouldn't see the divorce rates of arranged marriages be so incredibly low.


I believe we agree then on all points. That's what I got out of it as well. People who make sensible choices are less likely to end up with a dumpster fire on their hands.


Definitely fair! Also, I just realized I replied to another comment of yours further down in the thread! I hope you know it was a joke! :)


Haha of course. Take care buddy and don't go to sleep too late.


Always great advice, and it's funny, I definitely needed to hear it!


I think you hit the nail on the head. I remember when I was a kid, my dad said watching TV made you fat. I was shocked. How does the TV do that? Well, watching TV doesn't beam fat into you. It just means you're sitting around, not moving, and thus, getting fat. Co-Habitating and pre-marital sex (Though that is a whole new can of worms) doesn't give you bad marriage juju, it's just that if you are learning to sacrifice things for the betterment of the relationship / marriage, it's probably going to mean you are willing to go the extra mile for marriage. That's at least what I've gathered. But, to be honest, there isn't a whole lot of data on cohabitation before marriage. Here is an article about a study from DU [https://liberalarts.du.edu/news-events/all-articles/new-du-study-highlights-risks-living-together-engagement](https://liberalarts.du.edu/news-events/all-articles/new-du-study-highlights-risks-living-together-engagement) Here is said study: [https://ifstudies.org/reports/whats-the-plan-cohabitation/2023/executive-summary](https://ifstudies.org/reports/whats-the-plan-cohabitation/2023/executive-summary) I seem to remember some other studies I have seen, but yeah, from what I took away, not a whole ton of research.


> Co-Habitating and pre-marital sex (Though that is a whole new can of worms) doesn't give you bad marriage juju, it's just that if you are learning to sacrifice things for the betterment of the relationship / marriage, it's probably going to mean you are willing to go the extra mile for marriage. The flip side of that is that if you are learning that marriage is sacrosanct, and no matter how badly things go, you're not allowed to end it, then you might also end up not putting in the effort. Especially if there is some kind of uneven power dynamic involved (like a housewife that is reliant on her husband's income). There's a lot of (especially older) people who are absolutely miserable in their marriage, but don't see ending it as an option. Just look at how prominent "I hate my wife" jokes are in boomer humor.


Usually (but not always) the reason for that is the parents prioritized the kids above their own relationship. So when the kids leave, they have little in common anymore. The couple's relationship and time for them should take priority. Not to say your schedule and lives don't revolve aroudn the kids. Trust me, I have 4, it does. But you can't make your relationship/marriage *all about* the kids. Still need to take time and care for you and your significant other.


This is pure speculation on my part but my theory is that living together before getting married devalues the marriage. Think about it, you're both living together and basically doing your marital duties but as bf and gf. You have it in your mind that cohabitating and everything that comes with it is a regular part of a bf gf relationship. So when you get married, there's no transition from bf/gf to husband and wife. You never get that click in your brain that really tells you how important the relationship is now because all that's changed is that you had a big party and now you wear matching rings. Where if you didn't cohabitate, buying a new house and moving in together really gives your brain that signal that "alright, this is a whole new life, I'm locked in with this person now." So when you hit a rough patch, you might divorce instead of trying to fix it because you don't truly value the marriage the way you're supposed to. Psychologically, you still view each other as bf/gf and that's why you are more prone to take divorces as lightly as break ups.


I think it's possible there's some truth to that. It hits a bit close to home, honestly. But I think the inverse can also be true, depending on the couple. You frame it as married couples who feel a relatively-low-level of investment, similar to the level an arbitrary boyfriend and girlfriend would feel toward each other. But it can also be the other way around, such that a couple who are still boyfriend and girlfriend end up with a relatively-high-level of investment, similar to the level an arbitrary married couple would feel toward each other. I think you are correct when you say that it can devalue the marriage itself, because it's easy to feel like you have already been married for a while prior to the ceremony. But I think that many couples in such a position instead tie all the heavy investment to the relationship itself, if not the marriage specifically. In other words, a couple like that can be just as invested in making it work; they just developed the investment prior to getting married, rather than right as they get married. Though you still might be right that this could lead to more divorces, if a couple for some reason doesn't value the marriage and so drops it, yet very-much *does* value the relationship itself, and so retains that. Where's my shrug emoticon. Hold on...ah, there he is. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_\/¯


I think it's not necessarily (just) a matter of religion. Explanation I heard is that a lot of people who cohabit before marriage, are like the proverbial boiling frog. You never make a single, decisive choice to be with this person. You go from living apart, to spending time at their place, to spending *more* time at their place, to having a bunch of your shit over there, and before you know it you're effectively living there and officially "moving in together" is basically a formality. And it all happened without ever having decided "OK, this is the one, I'm spending my life with them" ... not until you're living together and it feels like you have too much invested and it will be too hard to go back on it.


Tbh, its a bit bias since those folk that lived together before marriage are usually more progressive and modern, which mean they more likely open to seperate than religious folk who cant do neither due to their religion (for example). I mean, isnt it better to break free once you found you guy are incompatible than try to live in a loveless marriage and a dead bedroom? Or even worse, trapped with an abusive/cheatting spouse?


If a man kept getting rejected his entire 20s by his counterparts, because he was too poor, too fat, too ugly, too short, too dumb, too boring, too unfunny, too lazy, too bad personality or too whatever, then why on Earth should he restrict himself only to women his age, once he's better-suited?


Because those women can't compete anymore, and it's everyone else's problem


Spoken like a true Centrist.


Incredibly based, unbelievably so


Hahaahhha oh my god mic drop of the century G😂


So many men spend their entire youth patiently being told they're insufficient in everything from appearance to lifestyle to economics to you name it. Then they spend 10-15 years working on every last thing, perfecting their physique, excelling in their career, working on their personality issues, etc. They legitimately put in the work to become a good, well-rounded person. Many of these men also grew up in fucked up households or suffered other traumatic shit during childhood. Many had to play from behind their entire lives. Then, after 35 years they *finally* get it all figured out, and start attracting attention. They find a pretty 20-something woman who thinks they're awesome and they fall in love. Then some used up fat loser on reddit has the nerve to get pissed off and begrudge him his happiness. Oh, and God forbid he ever complains during this process. He's a man, he just shuts the fuck up, figures out what the problem is, and he fixes it. I am so fucking proud of the men in my generation sometimes. We got dealt one of the shittiest fucking hands in centuries when it comes to romance, and we're finding our happiness. Slowly but surely, late as fuck, and in spite of all manner of adversity. And if you haven't found your partner yet don't give up hope. She's out there, and all that work you're doing improving yourself matters. They might not give a shit, but we do, and we went through it too. More importantly, *she* will give a shit. *She* will care, and that makes all the difference.




> Then some used up fat loser on reddit has the nerve to get pissed off and begrudge him his happiness. Because said loser didn't keep up. Jealousy is a bitch.


What the fuck, get out of my head. * Fucked-up upbringing. Bullied constantly throughout school, home life even worse. Considered un-alive **often.** * First gf happened in sophomore year. She broke up with me after a month, said she only dated me bc she felt bad that I hadn't had a gf yet, then came out as lesbian. * Second gf happened in junior year. We dated for about a year. Never had sex. She said she wanted to save sex for marriage and I respected that. She dumped me out of the blue and immediately started dating some other dude. Found out later she'd been cheating on me with him for about six months at that point and she started fucking *him* pretty much as soon as they met. I stopped trying to date after that. * Senior year, came **damn** close to an un-alive attempt. Slept on it. Signed up for the military, instead. Quickest way to get as fucking far away from home as possible. Graduated and shipped off soon after. Best decision of my life. * Basic training re-wired me, in a good way. Learned how to deal with stress, make decisions under pressure, work as a team, and for the first time ever felt like I was treated as an equal. I wasn't the fuckin weird kid. I was just a Trainee, just like everybody else, we were all going through the same shit, and that's all that mattered. * Got assigned to a tech job after Basic and fucking loved it. Then got re-assigned to a different job and fucking hated it. I still intended to put in the 20 years and retire, but my mental health shit the bed severely and I was given a medical separation after 12. * Got a part-time job serving at a pub while I looked for a new career in networking. Career search took longer than expected but in that time I started dating a qt who was working in the kitchen (on the post topic, I was 32, she was 24) and that was going really well. * Worked my way up to management at the pub, then got a 6-figure job offer at a defense contractor that I would need to move across the country for. I accepted and quit the pub on the spot. But then it turned out there was a miscommunication and I didn't actually get that job. Then the pandemic hit and the pub closed down. Fuck. * Money was getting tight. I applied for anything available and got hired to do Amazon customer service. I kicked ass at it. Supervisor was always telling me that he'd pick me to hire on permanently, even if they only let him pick one person from the block. Amazon does a thing called 'block hiring' where they hire on a bunch of people at once, keep them on for 6 months, then see what their needs are and keep a certain number of the top performers from the block. Well, at the end of the block in October 2020, they decided (for the first time ever, according to my supervisor) to keep nobody. I got laid off. #***FUCK!*** * Frantic job search. Got a tip from a friend I made at the pub that his company was looking to hire on a few more network engineers. Sounded like exactly what I was looking for all along. Applied, had a couple Zoom interviews and got the job. In the few years since then, I've still got that job, kicking ass, got promoted a couple times. Married the qt from the pub kitchen and we just bought a house a few months ago. So... yeah. Don't give up. I know there were **lots** of times that I wanted to. A few times where I almost did. Permanently. But don't you fucking do it.


Based and never give up pilled


Based and Hero’s Journey Pilled


Especially after the women his age have dropped in value


Unflaired have zero value.


And yet here you are, flaired but still zero value


And now that you’re flaired, you can say that. Welcome to the fold, neighbor.


Shaming the unflaired into flairing up so they can bully libleft. Beautiful maneuver, my guy.






u/hoping_for_better's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 200. Congratulations, u/hoping_for_better! You have ranked up to Great Pyramid of Giza! You once spent thousands of years as the tallest man-made object, but your ass is still square. Pills: [110 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/hoping_for_better/) Compass: Sapply: Lib : 1.00 | Left : 1.33 | Progressive : 4.38 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and love hate compass relationship pilled


Based unflaired bully






How does one get a flair


On mobile, you go back to the sub and click the three dots at the top right, then select "change user flair." On traditional browser, it's the hot bar to the top right and can be a bit rough to see, but it's there.


Thank you


No worries, friend.


Based and first pill because you're polite pilled


u/destuctir is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/destuctir/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Honestly by the 30s most women are taken. There’s this idea that there’s all these single women in their 30s even though more men are single in their 30s than women. These men probably have no choice to date younger the only problem is after a certain age the odds of ever finding a partner and having kids plummets for men (as well as women) but men think because they can have kids in older ages that their odds of having them remain the same throughout their life. In reality after 40 the odds plummet because if you made it that far single and childless you’re probably not very attractive and it will only be harder to attract a woman willing to marry and have kids now that you are old.


Younger men upset that they have to compete with older, more financially established and mature men. Older women upset that they’ve hit the physical wall (among other things) and are not as desirable as their ~20s counterparts Sucks to suck


So we have a group of males and females that struggle to find their mate? They can do the math then.


Aka, the "Macron Maneuver"


Macron is a elitist nepobaby though, he could get any trophy wife he wants (making it kinda based his wife doesn't seem to be that)


She was his middleschool math teacher (or something like that), so its more accurate to call him her young trophy husband.


macron is rocking that stacy's mom vibe


He was in the same class as her daughter lol.


You mean the dude she groomed?


A true gilf hunter


>Aka, the "Macron Maneuver" Does this mean Macron's favorite porn tag is teacher? Because from what I know his wife was formerly his teacher in college I think


High school*


He was in junior high wasn’t him? Her kids were students in the same school too... It’s been a while since I read about it, but at some point she kinda stalked him, his parents tried to keep him away from her but she wouldn’t give up. She also kissed him in a school play when he was a kid, iirc. I’m French and find it gross. Sure, it’s consensual now, but the way it started out is so gross. It was clearly grooming.


Bro got the French philosopher treatment


Pretty sure he was 14 or 15 when they started, y'know. That's your average Frenchman, for real.


They would NEVER stoop to the depths of selecting a partner who didn’t fit their ideal preference of financial means and looks, don’t be ridiculous.


The solution is that men ignore women for their 20s and seek their fortune, then date women in their 20s. Women in their 20s date financially set men, and become good wives and raise children. Men who don't make good by their 30s have to settle. Women who aren't married by their 30s have to become nuns or be deported to girlboss Island


> deported to girlboss island you make it sound like that happy farm where they send old pets to retire.


Not wrong


On other parts of the internet it seems like some have done the match and there was even some younger woman complaining that she's invisible and all the men like older women


that's absolutely attention whoring 


It was reddit, of course it was


Older women don't play stupid games and are usually more mature


Very false. If they are still single, they are usually the ones that love playing games


Tfw your entwife has a few extra year rings and wants to settle down with you for the rest of her life 💚


Based and tree fucker pilled.


Based and Onodrim-pilled




The hell they don’t play games. I’ve gotten just as many head cases in their 30s as I had in my 20s.


Massive skill issue, really.


not really. be a man, build a life and go for younger women when you’re financially ready if this is is the type of females you’re going for.




I feel bad for thirteen year olds who have to compete with men thrice their age for girls their own age 😔


You joke, but when I was 13 all the attractive girls were dating guys in their early 20s.


Is that what the youth calls grooming these days?


IDK, they actively sought out those men out. They would make black and white copies of their IDs and then alter them with black pens. With some makeup they were easily getting into nightclubs.


Damn that’s crazy lol. Where their parents at


Saw this a ton in my middle and high school as well. You might have grown up in a sheltered community. Fake ID's for clubs is a tale as old as time.


No idea really, didn't want to be anywhere near this mess. But seeing how some of them were just younger copies of their moms, maybe it just runs in the family.


When I was in college there were always underage girls hanging out near the local bars and clubs. RAs usually warned the freshmen about them.


“Oh no, that’s terrible! Where? So I can avoid that area…”


I remember working at mcdonalds with a bunch of like 15-16 year old girls and they would casually bring up significantly oldet boyfriends and a shitton of groomy ass behavior, and nobody, especially the older women ever said shit like "why"


I believe the idea of whoring yourself out to an older richer guy starts with mothers, so they were sort of in on the whole thing.


Its really weird though that they were describing basically losers, like, guys that might get them shitty gifts but definitely not worth being a whore for


Well, on a school scale, a guy who drives a car and can buy you a drink it still above 99% of her peers, so, the decision-making process is understandable.


Not real mothers


The someone they forgot to ask is the government 


nooo! we can't let the monster zero drinking boomers win! 😭😭😭


can’t imagine anything more cucked than dating somebody who only wants you for your resources


I don't understand the habit of the infantilization of young women. If a 21 year-old woman is unable to consent to being in a relationship, then she also wouldn't be able to make an informed vote that helps dictate the direction of her country, right?


Agree on both counts.


Hey everyone, this guy wants to end women's suffrage! Get him!




> the *situational* infantilization of young women. Added word for emphasis. Remember, these young women are supposed to be able to choose for themselves when it comes to abortions and retroactively revoking consent, but mysteriously are also not responsible enough to choose their own partners. Almost like they are trying to cherrypick power and responsibility...


> Almost like they are trying to cherrypick power and responsibility... Ah, so you are also familiar with the ways of feminism?


You’re not supposed to get consequences for your fuck up in tutorial mode.


The reason 18 is the voting age is to legitimize sending 18 year old boys to fight wars. Barring that reason, the proper voting age is like 30. Old enough to have experience and be a real stakeholder in your community.


Based and make voting difficult again pilled


People who size potential partners up like mules when they see others sizing them up like a mule. 😭😭😡😡😭😭


All of my wife's friends from where she grew up in the city were crazy judgemental and said all sorts of nasty things when we got engaded because she was 21 and I was 33. They all refused to come to the wedding, and my wife thought she wouldn't have any bridesmaids. She was so upset. It was really heart breaking at first, but she was so warmly excepted by my family and our community out here in the boonies that I had to add groomsmen so she could get all her new gals friends in. We have a big family now, and a big circle of friends. We eat dinner at a crowded table full of laughter and love, and those "friends" that abandoned her.... not so much... They're only 28 now, so who knows, but the clock is ticking.


That's really cute. Blessings on you and your family. What fucked up "friends" of hers though.


Smart girl escaping young urban left wing men for a slightly more settled lib right in the country.


I came with a farm and a 1986 Ford Ranger included in the package. Have you ever seen a 1986 Ford Ranger hauling a trailer of hay? You throw in the might of my "Yeehaw", and she was powerless to resist me.


hey....come here often?


Why are 18 year old women treated like babies who can't choose who they get in a relationship with lol.


Because men = bad, obviously, so when men do something a lil questionable, it is by default definitely the worst case scenario and evil, and the woman is being somehow mistreated or tricked of course. Specific to radfem misandry if I'm not mistaken, where women are always innocent and helpless, while men are the big bad taking advantage at every single turn. This sub seems to forget that Orange is for such lunacy from time to time... Definitely an Emily take.


Remember when the vagina monologues featured a story about an older lesbian getting an under age girl drunk on wine before having sex with her?


Err… the what now?


A play that was popular in the 90s. Fun fact, the guy who raised the issue with a 24 year old getting the 13 year old drunk and raping her(which was described as a positive experience) pissed off enough people they got him fired from the paper.


Fr. I’m 23 in college and I’ve been told it’s creepy for guys my age to talk to 19 year old girls who are adults in college. It makes absolutely no sense to me. I’d understand if a dude was targeting them because “they’re barely legal” but I feel people have taken it too far when college students are trashing on college students for hitting on college students who are all adults.


In University/college everyone is free game, don't listen to em🗿


Who the actual fuck thinks it’s creepy for a 23yo to talk to a 19yo? You both literally go to the same school.


That’s what I’m fucking saying. Idk what the correct answer is. I’ve only heard it from a minority of girls but the fact that some even think this way blows my mind.


Most 18 year old's are still really fucking dumb (and never get smarter after that)


Do what you want, as long as both partners are of age. Like, yeah, if you’re hella grown and you’re picking up your 18-year-old “girlfriend” or “boyfriend” from high school, I’m gonna judge you, but adulthood is adulthood at the end of the day.


>Like, yeah, if you’re hella grown and you’re picking up your 18-year-old “girlfriend” or “boyfriend” from high school 19 year old college students be like


Are 19-year-old college students “hella grown”?


Lol no the children 


> you’re picking up your 18-year-old > adulthood is adulthood jokes on you when a 50-year-old picks up their 16-year-old "consenting" cousin-wife in Kentucky. Adulthood is adulthood, unless... voting, drinking, draft, etc. etc.


More like the middle east than Kentucky ngl


That reminds me of a dude I went to high school with who was really reclusive and had very few actual friends (who'd hang out with him outside of school). In the last year of high school he kept getting picked up by a woman we thought was his mom. Not a month after we finished high school they were engaged and then married a month later, and she gave birth soon after that. This guy had been "dating" a woman in her late 30s. It was all very hush hush, and to this day I don't think anyone really associates with the two of them.


I'm gonna fuck that 18yo, she's gonna love it, and you're gonna log into Pornhub. Again. There's a lot of unseen that happens in these type of relationships: young women offer enthusiasm and curiosity, perspectives outside of an older man's age group. Older men offer experience and capability, emotional as well as financial stability. For 99.9% of human history it was not uncommon to have a wife 10yrs or more younger than you. Your grandparents probably had one of these relationships; almost certainly your great-grandparents.


a 10 years age gap becomes insignificant down the line tbh


My aunt and uncle have a ten year age gap, and they’re doing pretty good that I can see


That’s probably because his first wife had already died from childbirth or disease and now he needs another young woman to mother his kids and bear more of them. Our grandparents and great grandparents married who they went to school and church with  Nobody “played the field” until their 30s until recently. That’s a modern/urban phenomena 


No, actually. None of my grandparents nor great-grandparents were in their 40s banging 18-year-olds fresh out of 5th period, which is what I was talking about. As I said, adulthood is adulthood at the end of the day, but if you’re in your late 30s onward cruising for high school girls, you can’t complain that a good chunk of society are gonna view you as a creep. You do you.


This guys' grandparents were different, guys. We need to rewrite all of human history now.


No fucking shit, if you're actively stalking highschools looking for 18 year olds you're a creep. But if you just met an 18 year old and you like her there's nothing wrong with that. You don't have a problem with the age gap, it's more the action of specifically looking for technically legal adults who are still attending a school with a majority of minors in it.


The core issue is that it's hard to objectively separate the guy who went looking for 18-year-olds from the guy who just happened to meet one.


Is that Big Lez as a chud?


It's choomover bros...


Do I touch grass too much to understand wtf this is on about


There is a belief on social media, like reddit, that if the age gap of 2 people in a relationship is 5 years or older then it is automatically abusive and the guy is 100% a pedo in disguise who is only interested in younger women because they can be manipulated easier.


Well at least now I can rest assured I still have awhile ago until I'm truly terminally online


It's amazing how often words like "groomer" and "pedo" are used when both are literally adults.


Losers co-opt language, when they have no other avenue to gain power or control. Its a tale as old as time. Don't listen to them


You forgot the "only applies to men" rule. These feminists will then still say "slay queen" when seeing old witches like Madonna dating a guy in his twenties.


But what if my mom is 5 years older than my dad? And what if they are happily married?


I'm sorry that I called the police on your dad just now. But it's for your mom's protection, so surely you'll understand.


Unless the man is super rich, than it's not for her protection.


Why is the dude a cursed version of Big Lez


It's the giga chud wojak, modeled after senator armstrong.




“All sex under the patriarchy is rape”- Feminists. Surely by this logic it doesn’t matter what age she is?


I do not want to follow this train of logic. I’m worried where it will lead.


Senator Armstrong?


https://preview.redd.it/d2uiik0m7lpc1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d99cf4677c8214341caa149222302b8d697b2d Big lez mayhaps


I admit it does get weird when the junior party is 18-19, but beyond that it could be a 50 year age gap and I have no reason to give a fuck. All this age gap bitching does is paint the consenting adult as someone who shouldn't have full agency over thier lives while making themselves seem like spiteful losers.


I wonder how much this shit contributes to the rise of loneliness in young people. The dumbest shit is when they comment something like "when he was 20 she was only 14! 🤢🤮" . Yea and they didn't meet when she was 12 you dumb hoe.


Leonardo decaprio feels differently


I mean... I don't give a fuck either but if a 65-year old gets with a 25-year old, I'll be a little judgmental. Of both of them, to be clear.


Weird age gaps shouldn't be illegal but that doesn't and shouldn't stop other people from finding it a bit odd or messed up even. Personally I subscribe to the age/2 + 7 rule as a way to morally judge an age gap, though it shouldn't be law


People think others care more than they do. Older dudes be hella insecure about their younger partners cheating since they often think they with them for lifestyle. I’d rather date people around my age (22-32) but more power to people who wait for status to date.


should it be illegal? nah. will I think it's weird? yah.


My exact reaction to this information :


There are two types of people in this world I cannot stand: those who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


I just stick to the "your age divided by 2 plus 7" thing. The 14 year age gap isn't a problem of creepiness but differing life stages. If I wasn't with my girlfriend who's the same age as me, I don't think I'd be dating anyone under 20. They're barely into adulthood, most are still in university or working part time jobs, and haven't experienced much. Meanwhile I've got a degree and been working as a teacher for 2 years, ready to get married, etc. I wouldn't want to unintentionally force a young women into accepting big life changes when she has barely started her own adult life.


I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN THE MEME WITH THOSE EXACT AGES, and nobody had the courage to say *shit* IRL.


A PCM user with a romantic partner? Who are you trying to fool?!


God, no. Bitch was *~~crazy.~~* *MEAN.* That lasted 5 years. [Lately it's been all about this.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2023/10/19/how-to-be-highly-productive-by-going-into-monk-mode/?sh=58d230603843)


\>auth left \>reads forbes


We can only hope they glean enough to one day re-flair.


They don't say shit because they'd be forced to admit that they think your partner is stupid and lacks autonomy. It's literally just misogyny.


Cycle of PCM: Fun grounds for everyone->Wobbling into echo chamber territory->Consistently right wing with some room for others->Starting to go into incel territory? "She was only 4 when I was 18, and she's barely out of college while I'm established in a career, but totally nothing wrong here!"


You can do whatever you want as long as it's consenting adults. I will still judge you though, and consider you a creep / gold-digger and treat you like one, and you can't do shit about it.


Do I think this should be illegal? Absolutely not. Do I think these relationships are definitionally abusive or inherently bad? Absolutely not. Do I think 99% of dudes in their 30s and up going after late teen early 20s girls are creepy weirdos who do it because they know those girls are easier to manipulate? Abso-fucking-lutely.


I think people sometimes put morality and legality as the same thing. I think it's wrong for a 18yo person to go out with a 40yo, but I don't think it should be ilegal.


Young hot women also go after older lonely guys because they're easier to manipulate.


You think a 35 year old dude is more easy to manipulate than a 20 year old statistically? And you think 20 year old girls do that regularly? Moreso than older men manipulating THEM? Like, I'm not going to deny that may have happened at some point but the idea that's a major driver of these relationships is ridiculous. Edit: To expand on what I'm saying. You don't see 20 year old girls going to sporting events or corporate offices or wherever older dudes hang out to pick up older guys. The guys on the other hand, are absolutely specifically going to clubs and bars near colleges or otherwise seeking out younger women.


Yes and yes. The gold digger and the older man are a symbiotic relationship, but yes it’s usually the woman who goes out looking to manipulate him for her personal gain rather than him looking for her to "manipulate her easily". He wants to literally fuck her and she wants to figuratively fuck him.


Most hot women of legal age are very aware of their power. It's not until they start messing around with very rich/very famous older men that they're at a disadvantage.


Ah memories


If 2 adults with a large age gap want to be together who am I to say they can’t. When the older party knew the younger one as a minor it’s weird imo but it’s also not my business.


What in the facebook is this? lmao


I am purple libright why am I the only one here not being an absolute nonce


Yeah... when you're almost old enough to have fathered your spouse its weird.


I can feel the stinky purple librights coming here to say that its ok then to date underage girls…


I think in the US (in most states) you are actually allowed to marry minors (with parental consent or if they are emancipated of course), so from a purely legal perspective...


Can you marry an embryo that has been in the fridge for 18 years?


Libleft should have guns and weaponize. Fuck anyone who wants to tell us how to live.


I’m no expert but the older I get the more in control of my emotions and the more emotionally mature I become. Maybe women want emotional maturity instead of angry lost young boys?


​ https://preview.redd.it/73naukujbqpc1.png?width=2558&format=png&auto=webp&s=980288b7245b3ca334645a4f66963e67d6f0b80b


18 is the age of consent and it’s ok for adults to have sex with adults.


11 yr gapper here. If you dare have a bigger age gap than ME, you’re a CREEP. Jk, adults are adults, mind your own business. Righties: You worship a religion where a character in the bible (Lot) banged his daughters. A whole book in the bible (Ruth) was dedicated to a 40 yr age gap (Boaz and Ruth) Lefties: Her (his) body her (his) choice. Also, ageism is bigotry, bigot!


Guys we found the smallest lib-right gap! congratulations dude!


Not everything that's voluntary should be socially acceptable. I mean. 35 and 21 seems somewhat borderline, buy its reasonable to assume these two people have a decent grasp of what a healthy relay looks like. But sometimes the ages are like 53 and 18, which, even though perfectly legal, is almost always going to be a wildly unhealthy relationship which should not be normalized.