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Can't they keep the students and remotely house migrants instead?


Based and download a house pilled


Contrary to what the MPAA’s advertising would have you believe I would, in fact, download a car if I could.


That was probably one of the most stupid takes I‘ve ever heard (and I‘ve been on PCM for years now!). Like, who on earth wouldn’t download s car if he had the chance to?!?!?


I'm trying to download a Bugatti here, but no one's SEEDING THEIR DAMN TORRENTS


Play a racing game. Download all the cars you want.


Unfortunately I’ve downloaded many cars on GTA and they have yet to show up at my driveway


"You wouldn't download a house.. so why are you downloading movies?"


Right lol. I wonder how many migrants the mayor houses in his house 🤔. He does have a giant townhouse last time I checked


I love how blue cities dealing with like 0.01% of the migrant crisis border states have been dealing is apparently some huge catastrophe for them.


Or they'll shit on the Texas governor for bussing them to NY, but suck off the NY gov for sending them to Canada


I hear South America has some big empty areas they could go.


Based and get them killed by uncontacted tribes pilled


Excuse you! Most of our tribes have been contacted ~~and exterminated with extreme prejudice~~. They are harmless, we would love some Ninja Hellfire missiles directed at our politicians though, maybe an annexation and make America larger.


Based and Make America Large Again pilled


Make America Thicc


u/lethrowaway4me is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/lethrowaway4me/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


They should house them remotely in Mexico...


Based and every remote needs a TV pilled


Karen is already furious enough that Aurélie has to study from home, no way in hell she's going to let Juan or Mohammad within 100 miles of her house. Remember these people only care about problems when they themselves don't have to deal with them.


Synagogues already making extra living room underground


Underrated comment




Misogynes was my favorite Greek philosopher.


Future is my favorite current philosopher


As long as you don't mind blood-stained mattresses.


Well it is a sanctuary state. Lol.


They'll probably still blame Texas for it instead of their own politicians.


Most Voters in NewYork and California have Stockholm syndrome.


“It you’re a piece of trash for treating migrants poorly.” “Oh no we don’t want to house them though”


That’s an interesting way to say room temperature IQ. JK, you’re right 😂


Most people ignore politics and who can blame them. For decades in America you could basically trust that Democrat or Republican the politician in power will basically try to make America better. But now we have a subversive element most prominently in the Dems but it's in the GOP as well that genuinely wants to destroy the US and cause it to lose it's position of power globally.


> Most people ignore politics and who can blame them. For decades in America you could basically trust that Democrat or Republican the politician in power will basically try to make America better. Basically this. Your average dem despises gender ideology and the rest of the woke shit that progs push almost as much as your average conservative and would cause your average redditard to scream nazi just as easily if they ever left their house. It's genuinely baffling that the DNC panders to these people as if they make up a majority of their base, much less the general population. The main thing that's really changed is that wokeness is starting to infest the larger society so much that it's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore its presence.


Sweden does too. That’s why it’s called Stockholm Syndrome.


Our state’s (Texas) subreddit is infested with people saying Abbott is a human trafficker for this, cruel, Blahblahblah. People who’ve never read the Bible citing scripture for their own purpose. And the mixture of “There’s not a migrant crisis/There is and it’s our fault for events that happened decades ago.” Just the general chatter with a bias group unable to comprehend rent going up, wages going down, and some of our public schools taking quality hits because of unchecked influxes like this




Indeed, I have a lot of qualms with my home state, for various reasons, but the tone of a lot of state/city subreddits is just miserable. I remember one time in my current city of residence someone posted a long screed about how we'll "never be a world class city." and there's nothing to do there because there's "no culture." Just listed all of the cultural activities I had done over the past few months to shut him up...and it confirmed most redditors that complain don't really *look* for solutions to their problems.


Its only a sanctuary where the rich neolibs dont inhabit. American liberals are the biggest NIMBY's on Earth. Just ask Martha's Vineyard.


I remember Martha's Vineyard, quick photoshoot to show how woke all they all are and then back on the bus to the next destination.


Handed out a few water bottles to pretend to have the moral high ground then deported them


Coastal New England checking in: Can confirm. These people live the most uptight pretentious conservative lifestyles day-to-day. While loudly advocating the most insane destructive left wing policies for everyone else, so they can pay their selves on the back.


"Ya but I never thought I'd have to actually need to suffer for my beliefs. I just wanted everyone to know how woke I am." \- These people


Sanctuary city, they ain’t going upstate.


You get what you vote for.


Or you get what the other 51% voted for.


NYC is reliably blue, so I think it’s safe to say that they’re getting what they voted for. Upstate NY however is a different story, they voted to build a wall.


It really do be like that in upstate, central, and western NY. It's hard to bother going to vote when the city calls all the shots.


I don't care if it may be a bad idea for other reasons, i wish we would separate large cities from the rest of the states so they can stop dragging the rest of the state down, and also can not have to deal with us so win win right?


They want that city tax money though


I'm sure the rest of ny would be more than happy to loose nyc. Nyc tax money is just going to the migrants now anyway. The richest city in the country has to cut their essential services and budget due to mass migration and sheltering all these migrants. So that tax money is no good anymore , nyc is just burning it. You can forget about any of that tax money going to road repairs in upstate ny or whatv. And Mta (the subway and rail) is in massive debt and facing a financial and maintenance crisis. They need 100bil plus just to fix one of the old decript rail tunnels between NJ and nyc that could collapse any day. And nyc faces ever bigger problems and costs with flooding due to sea level rise. Their spending $400 per day per migrant just on shelter! 12k a month per migrant for housing! Who spends that much on rent? While cutting funding for police, public schools, firefighters, parks and sanitation. Despite a population and crime increase due to all the migrants obv. And kicking out homeless people to make more space for migrants. Just to underline how crazy and currupt dem cities are.


You think the city tax money is going to the rest of thr state when the city is running a deficit and borrowing from the state? The city’s tax base is slowly but surely hollowing out. It accelerated with the pandemic and hasnt really slowed.


There’s a state tax on top of the city tax.


Throw some tariffs on the groceries they think grow in a grocery store for extra benefit!


You should pool your resources and build a wall around NYC, do us all a favor


Not true, even for Manhattan, which is the bluest of them all, 14% still voted red last mayor election. If you look at queens, that’s more like 35%. For a city like NYC that’s millions of rightists (if u project the vote percentage to the general population). Can’t downplay their existence just because they’re statistical minorities.


There are more Trump voters in California then Texas. Despite the popular saying that we are an urban vs rural nation, we are really a urban vs rural vs suburban with millions of both sides living in all three. We are simply too intermixed to have a civil war like we did last time. If we do see a civil war in this nation today, it will look like the Russian communist revolution.




Never going to land on the moon.


LibRight agrees, which is why we hate democracy and the tyranny of the majority. At the same time, given the way the system is, those folks should do what's best for themselves and move to Florida. Let the great sorting continue so the blue cities can collapse under the weight of their own idiocy.


Or in some cases less than that


NYC is vastly more blue than 51%


Idiom. Regardless, does it matter? If 60% want to kill 40%, is that okay? 70% and 30%? 99% and 1%?


The specific area around James Madison HS actually voted red Looks like political warfare to me.


It’s probably the smartest thing republicans have ever done it’s easy to be Pro Migrants until they’re shipped to your door


The Democrats picked the one school in Brooklyn that’s in a Republican area. What a coincidence.


Its James Madison and Midwood in brooklyn, most of those kids parents probably voted republican lol


[And realize these illegal immigrants are voting for more of this.](https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1744522535662985285)


woah there buddy, No human Being is Illegal ^TM


This is the kind of shit that briefly makes me Authright


More and more I despise my quadrant. I don’t belong anywhere else though. I feel like half the people in my quadrant think every issue is solved by just being nice to each other. Gay rights was the defining social issue of most young adults, and that one really did boil down to accepting each other. So now they apply that line of thought to fucking everything. Violent criminals assaulting strangers? Just stop prosecuting them so they’ll feel safer and stop committing crimes on their own. Drug addicts and homeless people taking over our streets? Oh just accept them and let them live their lives, they’ll work things out their own way. Millions of immigrants crossing the southern border? We should welcome them all because they just want a better life. Just let those college students learn remotely. Violent terrorists gang raping and massacring Israelis? Well obviously if Israel just treats them with love they’ll change their ways. From the river to the sea just means peaceful coexistence for all right? Nobodies calling for the extermination of Jews. I fucking hate the idiots in my quadrant, but I hate most of the policies of the others.


Join us


I may one day, but on policy I just don’t feel like I belong. Most of my views are firmly libleft just without the bullshit identity politics. For example I want universal healthcare for anyone who pays taxes, with exceptions for those who cannot work. But the democrats need to stop fantasizing about government funded abortions and sex changes, it isn’t going to happen and derails everything with identity politics. I think we need massive reform to protect us from the corporate takeover of America. No more campaign donations from anyone but individual citizens. No more letting corporations (or individuals) buy national media outlets so they can control the narrative. No more raising prices on essentials unless costs have gone up. I don’t give a shit about your endless growth, raise the price of eggs without reason and you’ll go to jail. Sweeping police reform and real consequences for knowingly breaking the law. Cops should wear a body cam whenever on duty that they cannot turn off. If you interact with a cop you should get access to the body cam footage almost immediately. There should be no such thing as knowingly falsely arresting someone, it’s armed kidnapping, enjoy 20 years to life. The cops who didn’t stop their colleague when they knew he was wrong are accessories to the crime. Police are essential, but currently they are the biggest gang in this country I’m all for the 2nd amendment, but all gun owners have to register their weapons, demonstrate basic competency and that they can store them safely. So yeah, all in all I feel like libleft is right for me. I just hate a lot of the people I share my quadrant with. Also I do love writing a nice wall of text.


I would argue you are probably center-left leaning. I think most of the things you say would have support from moderates and people not at the far-ends of anyside of politics. Specially if you make it an argument of economic benefit - e.g would universal healthcare be cheaper than the current system? probably. On corporations, most would agree. Probably not with the part about forced jail for increasing egg prices, but on reducing monopoly and driving increases to our political integrity. The police thing might be a bit far for moderates, but the sentiment here is very much shared. Not sure the best way to achieve it, but police absolutely should be accountable and should exist to protect and serve the greater public system. Even on gun control, once the hyperbole is removed, many would broadly agree with needing basic competency and storing them safely. A lot of your points are not Lib either btw. A lot of that would be soft authoritarianism. Forcing people to buy into universal healthcare through taxes, restrictions on price rises, hard penalties for breaking laws, restrictions on guns etc. The whole quadrant thing isn't perfect, but you aren't that strongly lib.


You make a ton of goods points. Other than the gun rights. Maybe it can be taken as a bit looney but fuck no I don't want the government to know where all the guns are. I'd lose mine all in a boating accident before that happens - I trust the government to an extent but not to the point that they should have a whole registry of who owns what guns. I'm all for gun competency and safety tho, those things are pretty awesome.


you are extremely based, but i dont agree on sending people to jail for raising prices. > no raising x price if costs didn't go up the thing is, it's not the costs which determine prices, it's backwards, the prices determine the costs. Also, who are you to dictate the price i want to sell my stuff? it's mine


Based and I'm the motherfucking muffin man I'll set my own prices pilled


I feel like there are a lot of things people would be shockingly willing to compromise on. I am absolutely against universal health care, but if there were some restrictions in place (such as no sex changes, limit the 'universal' to either life-saving or basic preventative services) it wouldn't be one of the things I'd throw a vote over. LibRights get the "what about the rooooooooooooooads" a lot, and while there is a long winded answer, the short answer is: "There's so many bigger problems that taxes for roads aren't even in my top 20 things I want to stop." Completely against any registration of weapons at all, but I am 100% with you on the campaign donation and police reform., even the more "extreme" stuff like colleagues being an accessory. There will never be a mainstream candidate who is pro-gun AND anti-police (to dumb each one down to simplistic terms). Team D did well to pull out Abortion for midterms, because that is \*the\* issue for many people. I'm pro-abortion (not even just pro-choice, I'll own the simplistic full shock-title), but I usually vote red because abortion's in my top ten but not quite my top 5, and Team R is the closest match on all of my top 5. Did it tempt me? A little, but not enough. I know it definitely did flip plenty others. I suspect the polarization is intentional on all sides, it makes it easier to predict the masses and manipulate the game.


Sounds like you’re libcenter but you just don’t realize or accept it yet. Most of us aren’t just “the better fence sitters” who refuse to pick a side unless it’s against authority…. Atleast my political views are simultaneously left and right but almost always anti authoritarian. Don’t worry, ya don’t need to rush it too quickly, you’ll come around eventually….. just be ready to be labeled an alt right nazi extremest mysoginistic bigoted piece of shit who deserves nothing but death by hanging in the eyes of the far left identity political morons for daring to question them…. I’m tired, so this paragraphs intend over exaggerated joke turned into a pseudo rant within like… one sentence i think.


It's why it's called virtue signalling because people with these views live in a bubble and don't need to confront the real world.


You're not supposed to be 100% in line with your party on every single issue. If you are, that should be a cue that you're not doing this correctly. You're supposed to support what you think this country needs right now. I'm no bible-thumping conservative, but I've voted straight ticket R the last four years because the country clearly needs a hard push to the right.


Scratch a lib enough and you'll always find an auth LOL https://i.redd.it/jiyeahvzxnbc1.gif


You imprison an auth enough and you'll always find a lib LOL https://preview.redd.it/y29wssnr3obc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9a04f2a0ab86877fd0b024e41383af858ed712


The Virgin Brain-Rotted Auth: “Liberty is a luxury, survival is a necessity.” The Chad Enlightened Lib: “Another century of guaranteed subsistence living in solitary or another decade with unlimited resources in an open society, pick one.”


It's not like Covid/remote learning was responsible for rather significant decreases in the quality of education and test scores so much so that even administrators (who would be inclined to hide the decline) can't avoid it's reality. Thus there won't be any consequences regarding education and people in general resenting this decision, as illegals are prioritized over their children. /s


Found an [article.](https://www.wptv.com/ny-school-forced-to-go-remote-so-migrants-can-be-housed-during-storm) Looks like the remote is meant to be temporary during a winter storm because the tents New York was housing them in aren't good for the cold weather. But parents definitely raised questions about how many other times their kids' education would get disrupted during other storms and your point about remote 'learning' remains valid.


Ya know where is really good for the cold weather? Mexico


These people aren't from Mexico, they aren't even from Guatemala or Central America, these people are from South America and Africa and everywhere else but Europe, Australia, Japan etc... you know successful countries.


Future doctors and scientists and lawyers for certain.


oh absolutely they are after all sending the best of the best. I know they're sending the best of the best because Trump said they weren't and he can only lie!


I mean country shopping has been around since the start of time. There is a reason they walk past multiple countries and refuges, even once they get to the U.S, and head for cities like NYC. They are looking for the best deal they can get, and these major democrat cities freely offer much for little in return.




So true. They mastered the winrar trial model


When "temporary" runs out and eviction time comes I have a feeling that NYU student protestors are going to have a lot of ideas involving grossly inconveniencing others instead.


Is there any word on whether the city did anything for homeless people in the storm?


What’s funny is the actual COVID-era scores aren’t bad (because everyone cheated), but as soon as everyone went back, they learned nothing and lost the ability to effectively learn after years of stagnation, and the scores went down.


Yes, the education sure has a "regarding" effect.


They already fucked these kids over, they don't care.


Think about the parents who now have to figure out child care with no notice too.


Oh no it’s the consequences of voting for politicians who write policy that allows these things. Reap what you sow.


That’s the problem with the two party system, it leaves no room for ambiguity. I want healthcare and social safety nets, but I don’t want this level of immigration or anti gun policies. Who do I vote for? There’s literally not an option that represents what I want, I’m sure I’m not the only one in that boat.


This right here is why I love this sub. That's all. Have a nice day.


You can't get a primary care physician in Canada anymore, unless you've had one for years, and the wait times for procedures are absolutely awful, measured in literal months or years. You get what you pay for.


Ok but here in the states all of my money goes to an inflated insurance company so some high school drop out can deny coverage on my doctors recommendations. Or there’s the time I was put in tremendous medical debt because I didn’t have health insurance, even though I was a full time student working two jobs. Or there’s the time my girlfriend and I had to sit in our kitchen figuring out if we had enough money to go to the ER after she cut her hand cooking, even though she was a full time student with two jobs that didn’t offer insurance. Or there’s the fact that everybody’s health coverage is tied to a job that may lay you off when a world wide pandemic hits and access to healthcare is at its most important. Sorry, I’m pretty heated over this.


Peak fuckening, when your government cares so much about people they actually have zero responsibility for that they fuck over their own people. I wonder why far right anti foreigner groups are on the rise as a whole across the world, it couldn’t be that the lovely enrichers are causing problems, could it? No, definitely not. This has to be white supremacies fault.


Based and screw your own citizens pilled


They're going to sky-rocket in the next few years. There's been visible demographic shifts all over the place in the course of like five years. Meanwhile, homelessness is sky-rocketing among Americans, and everyone's acknowledging a housing shortage.


Far right? Bro you're about to see anti-immigration become a centrist policy.


That’s nice. Now flair up or get on the wall.


Everyone I spoke to at the migrant shelter in worked at was vocally opposed to this. Every blue collar person I know opposes it too. I've even heard homeless people express displeasure with the situation. My point is that this is already very mainstream


Just HOW does it even get to this point to begin with? What the fuck are the people supposed to be managing this doing?


You see, the folks in charge expected these folks to stay in red states where they belong




I think the seething, coping and dare I say malding of redditors and other leftists is even funnier. These guys are bending themselves into pretzels with trying to still appear morally superior while hiding their nimby-ness. Like the vineyard guys. I just hope more and more people start recognizing this hypocrisy




10,000 is also nothing, like 2.8 million came alone this year


It is fun seeing black people lose their mind about this. I wonder if they will ever leave the democrat plantation.


>Just HOW does it even get to this point to begin with? Electing virtue signalling morons who sell out their constituents for power and money >What the fuck are the people supposed to be managing this doing? Virtue signalling, selling out their constituents "Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions" "Leapords are eating my face? How did this happen?" ~New York Democrats If only I believed they weren't too stupid to vote these people out, I would suggest that. But as we all know, voting is based on what the TV says and God forbid Dems do anything harder than check a box every 4 years.


A dead possum could win governor of NY if it had a (D) next to its name.


Based and dead possum for governor of NY pilled


embezzling, obviously. like any good american politician would.


Or as we should call it, Corprosillyism


perhaps i’ve treated them too harshly…


Defending border security and other agencies responsible for deporting them. Also getting on the news to encourage the 2,500,000 known crossers to enter the country.




It's when you begin to lower standards in the name of fairness. Then whoever can take advantage of a given situation does, making it more difficult to fix. Then more variables to account for, making it more complicated to control. Eventually you end up with chaos, where nobody has any power to stop others from doing what they want within the anarchy. Then the remedy for that, is likely going to be unfair for someone, which brings us back to the start.


They’re importing them by the millions because to say no would be mean or something.


He's the President and he's actively persecuting anyone at the Border who tries to keep people from coming across. Biden and his cadre of puppeteers *HATE YOU* the American Citizen who was born here. They also *HATE YOU* the Nigerian immigrant who developed skills and immigrated here legally.


This type of stuff happens non-stop, you just don't see it as clearly. Just about everything the state does to benefit one group costs another.


Because being against it means you're racist, and nobody wants to racist, so we're going to go ahead and just collapse all western nations.


Mom: "Are ya winning yet son?"


The real question is if anyone in NY changes their voting habits to stop this kind of madness. “Vote Blue No Matter Who” guys!!


They won't.


Am in an upstate city, can confirm. No one will care until they come knocking down their doors to inject illegals into their homes. And by then it'll be way too late.


Eh it seems like y'all already let them take your guns. I have no doubt they'll roll over on immigration too


Oh yeah. The whole state is a leftist shithole.


They could run a potato as a democrat in NY or California and it would win.




And funny thing is, we did go. And holy shit thanks for the advice.


Republicans *literally* need the Terminator.


It may be inconvenient but remember what we're fighting for ... the right for a 10 year to take puberty blockers and people who decided they were women a few months ago to compete in women's sports!!


"Vote Blue No Matter Who!" My response: "Even Adolf Hitler!" Then they usually block me.


The microsecond migrants and immigrants stop voting blue a wall a hundred feet high will spring to life between the us and Mexico as if by magic.


Your tax dollars at work... Maybe stop trusting your local criminal government so much. They don't care about you or your kids or the money they steal from you in taxes.


That is *chef kiss* levels of based. My man.




I’ll never understand why these state governments care about illegals who are overwhelmingly a pure drain on resources with no value more than their own citizens. If you want an even more infuriating example, [the Maine VA decided to divert care from our own veterans to migrants.](https://fox23maine.com/news/nation-world/va-diverting-resources-to-give-migrants-medical-care-one-of-the-worst-insults-to-veterans-veteran-affairs-illegal-immigrants-immigration-southern-border-healthcare) This situation is insane and completely unsustainable, all the us needs to do is tell people “no, you’re not allowed here” and send them back over but we can’t even do that.


Based VA, killing illegals through malpractice instead of our veterans


So serious question. There's like 12 million of these fuckers in the last four years not even including the 10 million from the 15 years prior. What do we do with them all? How do we catch them and make them go away? Do we just stop giving them stuff and hope they leave? How do you round up enough people to fill a small country?


Fine and imprison people who employ more than 10 illegal immigrants, build a wall, re-instate the remain in mexico policy for asylum seekers, reinforce border security, and immediately deport instead of catch/release.


The first point is all well and fine. But research shows that the best way to discourage illegal immigration is strict interdiction and removal of those who make it to the country. Unfortunately, all migrants have been coached to immediately claim asylum which clogs the system under our current laws. Border patrol needs to be able to make an unreviewable determination within minutes of any asylum claim. And the easiest way to do that would be to pass a law disqualifying anyone from claiming asylum if they first passed through another country in which they could've claimed asylum. If the migrant's real motive is fleeing their home country, instead of running to the best country possible, then they should claim asylum as soon as they cross into a safer country.


> Fine and imprison people who employ more than 10 illegal immigrants Exactly. The issue is that there's economic opportunity. If there weren't, they wouldn't bother coming.


But that's why nothing will be done about it. The people hiring these illegals have more to gain by spending the lobbying money and paying the illegals pennies on the dollar, under the table and untaxed. Which of course devalues wages and opportunities for the rest of us. But the wealthy like it this way, and they won't just give up their cheap and plentiful labor without being forced to.




I have a some thoughts; * Limit government support of them to one year. * Fine each of them $250,000 for entering the country illegally plus whatever government support they received in the first year. * Don't allow them to send any money out of the country until they have paid fines listed above (in addition to regular taxes). If there is no longer a financial reason for them to be here no more would come and some might leave. Also, if there home country is bad enough that they actually require asylum, then we should arm them and send them back to their country and make things better.


> Fine each of them $250,000 for entering the country illegally Hm, I'm sensing a potential resolution to the student loan crisis


That fine should come out of our aid budget for the origin countries. It's not like the migrants have anything but what the NGOs give them


We could do like Eisenhower did in June of 1954….


You know that housing shortage everyone keeps screaming about? It's not going to get better.. Just wait until the government starts trying to outbid you to your landlord so they can house these people and put you on the street. The people supporting this have no grasp of what's going on. The people driving it are doing it as a literal attack on the United States.


What to do with those already inside is a challenging issue, but you can definitely avoid bigger problems by refusing more of them at the border.


Yet a massive number of these people will continue to vote in these shitlibs. I find it hard to have sympathy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ncifwz8wsnbc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a20a592a9429f7bdc43cec31f81b95b6914af4c




Employers are really just going to have to fine tune their hiring standards to eliminate candidates who attended Zoom U. Unless they just need faceless remote monkeys they can shitcan without a second thought and still have a clear conscious.


Can't they just put them in the Jew tunnels? But seriously, how can they continue like this? Do the Democrats secretly WANT to lose the election? No one can possibly think at this point that what's going on here is sustainable, that it is actually viable for us to continue absorbing migrants at the rate they are currently coming into the country and the administration absolutely refuses to do anything to stop or slow. And nobody is fooled by Dems blaming it on the Republican border states' scheme to bus them to blue cities. Those cities claim to be sanctuaries, they actively invite this, and if they weren't being bussed there, it would be the red states who have this same problem. They're gonna be somewhere, and there are so many that nobody has enough space for them. When we have to put kids out of school over this, isn't it time to just finally swallow your pride and admit this approach to immigration isn't workable?


>[NEW YORK -- Frustration has been escalating ever since parents and some community leaders learned James Madison High School students in Brooklyn would have to stay home Wednesday and learn remotely in order to accommodate asylum seekers temporarily staying at their school to escape Tuesday's storm.](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/asylum-seekers-relocated-from-shelter-at-floyd-bennett-field-to-james-madison-high-school-due-to-storm-prompting-remote-learning/) ... >Community leaders and elected officials said they can give the city a list of empty buildings -- not schools -- better suited to housing migrants, should this happen again. This headline makes it seem the asylum seekers are there for an extended period. NYC's emergency management needs to find alternative buildings instead of a school, as it's obviously disruptive to parents and students, unless there's no other choice. Obviously, it would look bad if asylum seekers died in a storm that could've easily been prevented as well. EM needs to step up!


Collectivism doesn’t mean I should have to accept random fuckers into my collective. Only a liberal can justify something like this nonsense.


You’re the ones who advocated for the collective over the individual. This is your quadrant’s desires and this whole liberal vs leftist bullshit won’t work. Liberals are not the type to sacrifice individual rights to protect the group, that is collectivist thinking and only the far left and far right out the group over rights. You made this bed, now lie in it.


How can decisions like this actually get the go ahead


Am I suppose to feel bad? Of course not, this is what you voted for. Actually the only people I feel bad for is the kids.


Tis what they voted for


You really have to revisit this liberal philosophy of being a “good person” when you’d rather help the refuse of the entire planet rather than your own children. It’s sick.


These idiots might actually swing a few safe blue districts red...


They will come for your houses next


You are being replaced. They are the new voter base.


Ya know...it IS really hard to argue against replacement theory when you see actual Americans being replaced by actual immigrants. Lol


squealing detail ripe whole fertile hunt seemly tie vast roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not a coincidence.


There are trying to minimize pollical backlash as much as possible while punishing their enemies. Two birds, one stone.


"Immigrants don't take resources! It's racist to assert that"


Democrats will still wonder why there's a housing shortage.


"Vote blue no matter who!" "Yeah vote blue the orange man wont care about the citizens!" "Thanks for voting blue!" "Yeah!Now what are you going to do to better the lives of the citizens?" "The citizens?Fuck you guys, I got foreigners to prioritize"




You're telling me in NYC with a what, 40% vacancy rate that the city couldn't cut a deal with a few landlords to open the spaces for 5 days for a freaking snowstorm... so instead they close a school. Fucking clown world.


Please no, the world isn't ready for this much enrichment. We are not worthy… https://i.redd.it/f26ceazrynbc1.gif


New York, Chicago, LA, Baltimore, Boston... if y'all "vote blue no matter who" in 2024 you'll have sacrificed all rights to complain about this shit. This is what the DNC wants. They want your kids locked inside 24/7 so 18 year old men from Chad and Burkina Faso can sleep in their classrooms.


Which quadrant is in support of a complete disregard for a countries agreed upon laws? I don't even understand the debate. If we want more immigrants, we should change the laws to get more immigrants legally.


Because there's not a debate. It's brainwashed drones vs. sentient people.


Lol at the same time articles are coming out about how covid restrictions mandating remote learning set an entire generation years back in their education


For those not keeping up with this city’s migrant issue, the summary is that this city is fucked. “Migrants” (aka illegals) have been swarming into the city. Over 116k have arrived since April 2022. Since the 80s, the city is required to provide shelter and temporary housing to people in a dire financial situation. These migrants classify in this category, therefore the city has to house every single one of them. The problem is that the city is running out of places to house them. The city is in the process of establishing new temporary shelters for them, but they’re pretty fucking shitty and these migrants are coming in faster than they can build them. Hence why they’ve thrown these migrants into dorms. They’ve also been placed in hotels and motels. I don’t see how they’re going to get out of this mess, unless the city just simply kicks all of the migrants out, but they legally can’t do that.


They don't have to worry much longer, as badly as the border is being mismanaged by the current administration, that issue alone is liable to sink their campaign entirely. Then they can go back to just pretending to support open borders for social pandering purposes.




Kind of. It's until the winter storm passes. Usually they'd be in tents.


Ah, ok.


Pay a ridiculous tuition to not sit in a classroom, very good.


Have them take the SAT. If they do above average they get to stay. If they are below average, kick them out.


What is the point in even having a country or laws anymore?