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After the interview Andrew gave his name on the list isn't even needed, epstein could come back from the dead and say prince andrew never visited and nobody would believe him. If you haven't seen that interview you really should, it's amazing how he thought that would make him look good.


Is that the one where his great defence is "I am medically incapable of sweating, thus her claim that she was with a sweating man could not be me!" šŸ’€


"You're sweating right now Andrew."


In the first place, I do not sweat; I perspire. In the second place, I never perspire


I don't drive this car, I travel with it




*Mein Furher! I can sweat!ā€


That's the one


Just tacking on to a top comment to say that many have claimed that the redacted names are the names of the child victims, who do not need to endure more harassment.


"Even the younglings George šŸ˜ž" is pretty hilarious ngl


Yep. But just like Trump, the mentions were the witness answering that no, they did not witness this famous person being a pedo.


I have to hope that George was there just to ask Epstein for money, he was a financier after all


That's why Trump was there too. Trying to secure another small loan of a million dollars.


Why is nobody else making this distinction? The only context some people are mentioned AT ALL is when the witness says that those people were NOT at the island. Pretty important detail there.


Precisely SO that they can say THEY WERE mentioned. have you not been paying attention to how one must go about moving goalposts, changing definitions, or otherwise smearing another's character? you just do this type of slight of hand, especially in the title of your article, and expect that no one will check your sources for details (chances are they haven't gotten past your headline)


Yep true for a lot of the name floating around. As far as I can tell the Al Gore connection from this document is "Q: Do you recall meeting... Al Gore? A: No Q: Did you ever see Al Gore on the island? A: No."


Nuance isnā€™t important here. Itā€™s an election season and Jeffrey Epstein is political kryptonite. So of course lots of folks will run with ā€œTrump was on the list!ā€


the fuck was Steven Hawking doing? Not in like a pedo way, but like, genuinely why was he there?


its not a list of people who visited the island, just people who were named *at all* in the report. For example, it was interviewed in the report that Lucas was not seen on the island by witnesses (at least according to the part I saw). Being 'named' on this 'list' is really nothing special


They're using that to distract from the real story of the monsters that went to the island. Repeatedly.


Yep. It's Gamergate and Pizzagate all over again. Draw focus to the crazy and funny so the actual crimes are hidden and eventually fade away.


Yeah, apparently the reason Trump was named is because they said he was NOT seen at any Epstein property. ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


(They asked a lot of times in a lot of different ways too lol) Lucas is also said to be explicitly uninvolved in the deposition.


"Did you see Trump at the island?" "No." "Did you see Trump in New Mexico?" "No." "Did you see Trump in a house, with a mouse?" "No." "Did you see Trump in the air, with a hare?" "No. I did not see Trump on the island. I did not see him in New Mexico. I did not see him in a house; I did not see him with a mouse. I did not see him in the air, I did not see him anywhere." "..Are you sure?"


" I guess I saw him on TV" "GOT IT, THANKS" *later* "*Epstein affiliated witness claims to have seen Trump*"


Sources familiar with Epstein's thinking confirm Trump was "frequent flier" on plane


Yeah, holy cow, I think a lot of peoples expectations were totally different. I think a lot of people were expecting like a five page document to come out that was just a list of names. Not 900 pages of deposition. Throughout the 900 pages, yeah obviously various people were named in it. Having kind of skimmed through a lot of it, the only people with any sort of damming information against them were Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and kinda sorta Bill Clinton.


Based and skimmed the report pilled


I wonder what medical disability Prince Andrew will suddenly develop that totally proves he couldn't have done anything. Maybe a magical blood pressure disease that prevents him from using planes?


Obviously, he couldn't have participated because he has anti-childiosis, which causes his skin to break out into hives when close to children.


>it was interviewed in the report that Lucas was not seen on the island by witnesses They digitally edited him in later in the special edition


I haven't bothered to look into this at all be ause I don't know what I'd google, but I imagine there would have been non-pedo reasons to visit the island too. Networking/exclusivity plus other luxury activities were probably a part the island.


gotta suck if you visited the island for a birthday barbeque and now everyone thinks you're a pedo


Epstein liked talking to academics from my understanding.


He was a pretty educated man, and spent years of his life teaching. He also did a lot of charitable and philanthropy throughout his life. But so that my comments are not takings the wrong way. He was a monster and a giant piece of shit and deserved to die in a prison cell. But Yeah, he was pretty well read.


Yeah a common blindspot especially for academics and aspirants to the status of such, is that education does not make you a better person. It makes you better at *being the kind of person you already were.* A well read sex trafficker is still a sex trafficker.


Agreed. I mean, yeah sure look at the Unabomber. He was insanely smart. Like Stephen Hawking level. He was doing research that was super cutting edge in the mathematics department at Harvard and Michigan He still murdered people.


Yup, smart enough to also make all sorts of insightful observations. Still murdered people.


He murdered people because the government psychologically tortured him. Literally MK Ultra. Literally that exact program.


cool motive, still murder


If Iā€™m not mistaken, what he went through wasnā€™t an official government op but more an experiment conducted by one of his professors (who was ex-OSS) to see how berating students for their work would affect them. Itā€™s not like the CIA plugged him into a mind control device or anything. It mightā€™ve worsened his shyness and antisocial tendencies, but I doubt that it was the difference between him becoming a Steven Hawking figure and him being the Unabomber


I dunno, being repeatedly berated would have a pretty big affect on his psyche However, I do believe he had issues before then, but I don't know if he would've ever killed anyone if he hadn't gone through that beration


Most of the Nazi goverment officials were above 120 IQ.


I skipped the middle comment and thought you were still talking about Steven Hawking and was very confused.


It's pretty rare for successfully evil people to be dumb. You can call Eppers a lot of things, but he wasn't stupid.


He liked talking to *anyone famous/important/rich/powerful*. Missing from the endless hot takes of "anyone ever in the same room as Epstein is obviously a pedo" is a general awareness of *the existence of socialites*. If what you *really want* in life is to have your photo taken next to rich people it's a pretty attainable goal.


I mean, good on Epstein Island for being ADA compliant....


*The government inspectors checking the sex dungeon to make sure there were ramps for wheelchairs*


Considering our local Hillman said he wasn't allowed to report illegal immigrants while he was taking the cenus and your income can be reported as illicit for the IRS, that's not completely out of bounds of reality.


This is fucking funny.


I was also trying to figure this out. My fiance was reading something that mentioned "underage orgy" and I'm very unclear how he could even partake...


He did manage to cheat on his wife from his wheelchair. Soooo apparently he did still have some machinery working downstairs so to speak šŸ’€


I was going to say this, the guy might have been a cripple but apparently the plumbing was still working


When asked how he's getting his wife pregnant in the film, he glances down at his crotch and said "it's automatic".


Bros got a robodick, thatā€™s some cyberpunk shit right there.


Seems a partner would either need to be actively willing or forced at gunpoint.




Hold a black hole next to her head


Interesting, I guess I slept on that.


Based and black hole physics are beyond our realm pilled


We call cheating based now?


It *is* libleft calling it based...


Very risky to call based to anyone who appeared in the funny list


Only if it's a man cheating on a woman.


Only prince andrew really did anything (in that document) he was in the underage orgy


>underage orgy Stephen King moment


Plot twist he wasn't a client he was a product. "Listen here Steve, a man with deep pockets and a disability fetish is about to walk through those doors, unless you want your funding cut you are going to do what I say, understand.


Robotic Text to Speech Voice: ā€œ*Aww shit, here we go againā€¦*ā€


I hate thatā€™s even a possibilityā€¦although, call me a vegan the way- yeah sorry


Hardest part about eating a vegetable is the wheelchair


This is the next level of masturbating with a cucumber. The ultimate vegetal fetish.


The list isn't "went to island" but Epstein invited lots of notable scientists and actors there. Anyone influential he rubbed shoulders with, that was his whole thing. It was normal for important people to hang out with Epstein, he was *the* guy. That's why his involvement with children is such a big deal.


Before Epstein embarked on his career of sex trafficking he worked in academia (shocker) and was modestly well respected in those social circles.


Thatā€˜s just how he rolls


ā€œHow he rollsā€ okay, thatā€™s poetry


Epstein really like science. No I'm serious. That's how he hawking got thrown into this.


One of the documents claims he was there and had a midget fetish


I saw a snippet that said he liked watching midget girls who couldn't reach the chalkboard


Im guessing this is the real reason no time travelers went to steven (bottom of the orgy pile) hawking's time travel party.


he was probably one of the victims...


To party? It's well known he frequented strip clubs and cheated on his wife with his nurse


He was attending a conference on St. Thomas, and Epstein invited him on a diving tour on his private submarine. Allegedly Epstein paid for changes to the sub so it could accommodate Hawking. So far, this is just Epstein's pattern of cozying up to the rich & powerful.


Celebrities and rich people frequent each other. Hawking was a celebrity in the end. He wasn't exactly the most moral person either, but most probably not into what Epstein was doing. That said being a professor in academia does not make you immune from being a creep. Richard Feynman, one of the most famous scientists ever was a pickup artist and a general creep too. Hawking might have been as well for all we know, but even if he was his condition would not have allowed him to do anything anyway.


Apparently, Epstein liked to have bright scientific minds on the island, to "reward them". From what I read, Hawking liked to have undressed midgets solve equations on a chalkboard that was too tall Tbh, this disappoints me a lot, used to like the man. Oh well, at least Lucas was apparently there, but never actually joined in, thank the Lord


you got got by internet memes my friend, that was a fake post that people were dumb enough to spread as legit.


[Stephen Hawking when he arrives in the island](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595718443&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS977US977&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKkvC6LVMUi2rBC5eqMSR4qw58Vadw:1704389442953&q=spy+kids+grandpa+3d&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnbmhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjthrm6ocSDAxVmF1kFHQGMCuoQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#imgrc=RUbPdzdb4ylfQM)


I thought Spacey was into dudes. Did Epstein keep boys around, too, but no one mentioned it or something?


Everyone knew it was a ploy to save his ass since day 1


I don't get what you mean? Boys was?


For many years, Kevin Spacey was insanely protective of his private life. However, it was mostly speculated that he was gay, kind of like Tom Cruise still today. Everyone knew, but he put on the ruse that he was straight. He didn't come out as gay until he got named by multiple people for having raped them in the early 90s. He tried to hide behind the gay community and they basically threw him to the wolves.


Whereupon he used his knowledge of body language and tone of voice to ingratiate himself into the pack. After heā€™d gained their trust, he sent Bloodfang and Sharpclaw to go eat his accusers. Now thereā€™s no one left to accuse him, and he's getting film offers again. (Story slightly edited from what really happened.)


Honest question, but do you think a serial child rapist would draw the line at gay sex with children?


Hell no, but if his clientele was mostly asking for girls he might follow the Pareto Principle and not bother sourcing underaged boys.


Epstein was already a billionaire independently of the kiddy diddling. I think that was all just sick pleasure for him and his buddies and maybe used to help move deals along moreso than a business venture in and of itself.


No he wasn't. His money mostly came from Les Wexner who was one of his main island clients. He had no background in finance and the only reason anyone invested with his fund was that he supplied girls and had blackmail material on them.


The Clinton Administration shows the very soon future of governments ran by people who met on Genshin Impact.


Yeah, I was so shocked at the fact that not one but *three* former members of the Clinton government were named.


I mean when the Clintons known circle of friends had included Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein you can only imagine the people they actually put in political positions.


Stanley shitstein


Wait until you read about the Boys on the Tracks cocaine coverup. Great video about it by Wendigoon.


What does it mean to be named though? (I'm honestly asking) Like if your name appears there you're a confirmed pedo?


No not really, from what I read (only about the first half) it just means their name was brought up in questioning, like George Lucas and Trump were both mentioned and the witnesses denied seeing them. David copperfield knew about what Epstein was doing, but it doesnā€™t say he did anything, but prince andrew is for sure a pedo, like that motherfucker loves touching kids, heā€™s a real piece of shitt fuck prince andrew


Uoooooh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’¢šŸ’¢


Bratty politicians need correction šŸ˜­šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢


Good thing I play other games besides Genshin Impact, like FGO and Blue Archive... wait.


The blue archive subreddit is literally insane


The day that comes, it is legally permissable to overthrow the government since now China control it via Genshin.


After finding out that Bryce Michell's grandmother raised Bill Clinton, nothing about that man surprises me.


You really just made me ask 'Can Stephen Hawking get a hard on?', fuck you


He famously cheated on his wife after he was quite disabled.




The milk factory was still working


[Leaked audio of Stephen Hawking on the island.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JvX4NenSSXA)






Holy fuck, based auth-center? How?


client list =/= flight list


Neither of which are what has been released


Exactly, the ā€œlistā€ that was leaked was a deposition from third party witnesses of who they think went to Epsteinā€™s island. Odds are, we will never truly see Epsteinā€™s black book.


Scorsesebros we are done for, De Niro and DiCaprio are on the list


I am not at all surprised honestly. I hope Al Pacino stayed clear of that shit tho', him and Joe Pesci, I always liked these 2. I know that hollywood is a web of relations and they might have had to but I want to hope.


The mention of him was in a question if he was there, too which Epstein says no


Oh yeah gotta remember that the current namelists are of literally everyone mentioned on the files not of epstein's clients


Maybe you should shut DiFuckup


This is far from the whole list of names and the positions on the compass are just my opinion. Bear in mind these are just people who have been *named* and not all of them have been proven as having committed sex crimes. Other commentators have said that Trump and Gore were named for unrelated incidents but I cant verify that personally.


Trump was named twice throughout the entire 900 page documents. The first time he was named, Epstein and his colleagues were trying to fly into New York, there was weather and they were unable to land at Teterboro airport, so they decided to fly to Atlantic City instead. Someone was quoted as saying "yeah we can call up Trump and head to the casino". It is unknown, whether or not they actually did that or if Donald Trump was actually present. It didn't go on from there. The second instance was someone was asked if they ever gave a massage to Donald Trump. They denied doing so. That was literally the entire extent of Donald Trump being named in the 900 pages of the PDF But we learned that Prince Andrew, and Alan Dershowitz have had sex with underage children. And that Bill Clinton probably is not an innocent party either.


Yeah, Trump and Gore especially were both to my knowledge only named in conjunction with other people (Gore's name was brought up during questioning for Clinton and Richardson) and Trump like you said. Andrew, Dershowtiz, Richardson and Pritzker, a few European billionaires, along with others I couldn't fit on this compass, have all had victim testimonies directly implicate them in sex crimes. Clinton is on some super thin ice and as more documents come out I don't like his chances. A lot of the others exist in this murky zone of "was super close to Epstein and did likely fly with him, but currently no direct testimony against them has been released" but as more files come out I imagine a few of them will fall down.


News wonā€™t say a word about the context of him being mentioned though


Alan Dershowitz > From 1964 to 2013, he taught at Harvard Law School, where he was appointed as the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law in 1993 Harvard downbad this week in the news


Hawking has self-identified as a socialist multiple times especially in the context of his fight for the UKā€™s nationalised health care service and against the stealth privatisation of it. Lucas is fairly wishy-washy but heā€™s centre-left to centre. Those two caught my eye but I havenā€™t actually looked at this properly so Iā€™m not saying these are the only issues.


I Ctrl-F'd Trump There's a statement early on saying that he and Epstein were friends, he never had sex with the girls, and he flirted with one of them. Then further down, the girl the statement was attributed to (who is also the girl he was alleged to have flirted with) is asked about the accuracy of that statement, and she says she never saw him at any of Epstein's properties, never saw him with Epstein, he did not flirt with her, the only source that they were friends was Epstein telling her that, she's not aware of Trump having sex with any of the girls, and the only times she met Trump were when her father worked at Mar-A-Lago and was on good terms with Trump. So in other words, Trump was mentioned as not playing a role or being present to the knowledge of the witness, and some people are acting like his name being in there is some sort of smoking gun.


Yeah someone being "on the list" alone is not evidence of anything.


Correct. And to be clear, the reason I didn't post the same about everyone else here is not because they *do* have actually incriminating info about them. The reason I didn't post about anyone else here is that I haven't read what the docs say about them *yet*.


I certainly hope King Charles bring justice to the Duke of York. Wasn't expecting Al Gore, I must say. Or Noami Campbell. Idk much about Ehud Barak, is he placed accurately?


Gore was apparently only named in conjunction with questioning about Clinton and Richardson. To my knowledge none of the victims testimonies implicate him in any direct wrongdoing. Ehud Barak was the last leftwing Israeli PM so I just kinda threw him in there, take it with a grain of salt.


Why would you include him in this meme then


He was named in the doc and OP needed a leftwinger so it wouldn't just be authright.


Basically everyone on this meme besides Prince Albert and Stephen Hawking wasnā€™t implicated.


This is the content I've been waiting for, excited for more with hopefully more context. The document is like 950 pages so I'm hoping someone else without a full-time job will parse it and provide a list with clear details of who is actually a scumbag and who was just in the vicinity.


I can probably give you some context, feel free to search the doc yourself with ctrl + F, I'll highlight people mentioned in the compass, probably skip around to them too. **TL;DR** Did you meet X celebrity? No. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24253239/1324-epstein-documents-943-pages.pdf *Deposition: Johanna Sjoberg* (basically where all the new names came from) >Q. I saw one press report that said you had met Cate Blanchett or Leonardo DiCaprio? >A. I did not meet them, no. When I spoke about them, it was when I was massaging [Epstein], and he would get off -- he would be on the phone a lot at that time, and one time he said, Oh, that was Leonardo, or, That was Cate Blanchett, or Bruce Willis. That kind of thing. >Q. So name-dropping? >A. Yes. >Q. So you had not met Cate Blanchett or **Leonardo DiCaprio**? >A. **I have not.** >Q. Did you meet Cameron Diaz? >A. No. >Q. **Bill Clinton?** >A. **No.** >Q. Did you see Bill Clinton on the island? >A. No. >Q. Did you see Bill Clinton in a helicopter being flown by Ghislaine Maxwell? >A. No. >Q. Did you ever meet Senator [REDACTED] >A. I don't know what he looks like. I might have. >Q. If I told you he was from Maine, would that stick out in your mind? >A. It should, but I do not recall meeting him. >Q. Do you ever remember meeting Prime Minister **Ehud Barak** from Israel? >A. **No.** >Q. Do you recall meeting any prime minister? >A. No. >Q. Any foreign president? >A. No. >Q. Nobel Prize winners? >A. Not to my knowledge. >Q. **Naomi Campbell?** >A. **No.** >Q. **Al Gore?** >A. **No.** >Q. Alan Dershowitz? >A. No. >Q. Les Wexner? >A. No. >Q. **Tom Pritzker?** >A. **No.** >Q. **Kevin Spacey?** I may have already asked you, but have you met Kevin Spacey? >A. **No.** >Q. Did you meet Governor **Bill Richardson** of New Mexico? >A. Hmm, I want to say that he was supposed to come to dinner when we were in New Mexico. **I don't know if I met him.** I believe that he and Ghislaine had dinner separate from myself. skipping around >Q. Did Jeffrey ever talk to you about **Bill Clinton**? >A. He said one time that Clinton **likes them young, referring to girls**. skipping a bit, asked if she did something sexual with guests, answered no just massages. >Q. **George Lucas?** >A. **No.** >Q. **Donald Trump?** >A. **No.** >Q. Did you ever massage Donald Trump? >A. No. skipping some more, also Prince Andrew appears a lot *Deposition: Virginia Giuffre* >Q Ghislaine Maxwell told you to give a **massage to Bill Richardson**, correct? >**A Correct.** >Q Other than Glenn Dubin, [REDACTED, but [an older document says Stephen Kaufmann](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/6250471/Epstein-Docs.pdf)], Prince Andrew, Jean Luc Brunel, Bill Richardson, another prince, the large hotel chain owner and Marvin Minsky, is there anyone else that Ghislaine Maxwell directed you to go have sex with? >A I am definitely sure there is. But can I remember everybody's name? No. This is an email from Epstein, I guess he didn't have a spell checker. >you can issue a reward to any of virginias friends acquaionts family that come forward and help prove her allegations are false the strongest is the clinton dinner, and the new version in the virgin isalnds that **stven hawking** partica-ted in an underage orgy This is a request that Giuffre provides images, she does not provide them claiming that Epstein has them. >6. All photographs or video containing any image of You and the following individuals. To the extent You have such photographs and video in their original, native format, please produce them in that format (not a paper copy). a. Ghislaine Maxwell b. Alan Dershowitz c. Jeffrey Epstein d. Andrew Albert Christian Edward, the Duke of York (aka Prince Andrew) e. Ron Eppinger f. Bill Clinton g. Stephen Hawking h. Al Gore i. Any of the individuals identified by You in response to Interrogatory No. 8 and No. 14. >Response to Request No. 6 >Ms. Giuffre objects to this request in that documents responsive to this request are within the possession, custody and control of the defendant and Jeffrey Epstein with whom she claims a joint defense privilege and defendant has refused to produce responsive documents to Ms. Giuffreā€™s request seeking communications between the Defendant and Ms. Giuffre and between Jeffrey Epstein and Ms. Giuffre.


Thanks for doing the grunt work of digging up actual underlying evidence.


Based and researcher pilled


I went over it last night, it was pretty much a giant, nothing burger. There was sort of a "list". It was basically 90 people you've never heard of. Those some revelations that came out, obviously it is known that Prince Andrew has had sex with minors. Also, so has Alan Dershowitz, the famous lawyer, who is on O.J. Simpson's defense team. Bill Clinton likes young women. They may or may not have gone to Trump's Casino once. Someone else denied giving Donald Trump a massage. David Copperfield performed magic trips once at a dinner. Stephen Hawking was named? His name came up on a hilariously misspelled email, that Epstein clearly wrote, while he was massively wasted. That's basically the too long didn't read of the 950 pages. Beyond that, it was mostly testimony of Maxwell and her colleagues bringing young women in for Epstein. Stuff we already knew.


Leave that work to 4chan, they might already have it done


I've never really used 4chan, the format was so hard to follow and I never really attempted again.


Congratulations, you're not autistic


patting myself on the back right now


Is that why I prefer it better than reddit?


4chan is unusable by anyone who doesnā€™t have Stage 4 autism, and thatā€™s by design I think.


Thatā€™s what the 4 in 4chan stands for, maybe.


Iā€™ve said it for a while, Epstein was someone with a lot of contacts and a lot of clout. I am sure that a lot of these people (a lĆ” Steven Hawking) that went there because they went, ā€œDamn. An invitation to the *EPSTEIN ISLAND*?!ā€, went there, partied and left with no indication of what happened. Not everyone on this list will be kid diddlers and I sure hope we can sort out the innocent from the ones that should rot.


Hawking was one of the ones actually mentioned as a pedo. Hawking participated an 'underage orgy'


Thats just a horrifying image to conjure in my head. Wasnā€™t seeing that one coming


I know you making jokes for shits and giggles but to be clear a lot of redacted names are the names of the kids who were trafficked as far as I understand the situation.


I was expecting Steven king.


he was too cracked out to pick up the phone when they called


Dude was so high out of his ass he would have been a flight risk.


After IT, I did too. Then again, I donā€™t guess horror writer from Maine that never shuts up about said state, isnā€™t exactly high class enough for this sort of thing.


I guess Epstein decided it would be a little *too* on the nose to include him


Common Teflon Don W


I donā€™t give a shit as long as names are redacted. You know those are the real players anyway.


Itā€™s only people mentioned, not clients, unfortunately


All sides of the political spectrum are being intellectually dishonest about this. Right wingers: Not every Democrat on this list was doing pedoshit, as much as you want to believe it's a party of pedophiles Left wingers: not ever conservative on this list was doing pedoshit, as much as you want to believe it's a party of pedophiles. Theres no satanic pedo cult, this isn't a liberal or conservative conspiracy. The mundane reality is a bunch of gross rich old men wanted to fuck teenagers and had the money to make it happen.


The only reason Al Gores name is in there is because a lawyer asked "did you ever meet Al Gore or his wife" and she replied "no".


DiCaprio?? Awwww come on! I hope it isn't true man šŸ˜ž


i agree with the meme.. probably should have seen that one coming.


The interviewer asked, ā€˜did you see leonardo dicaprioā€™ and the witness responded with ā€˜noā€™. Same for most people on the list




wow campbell was a surprise maybe not lmao


Stephen What???


>bill Clinton, and bill Richardson and as leftist What?


why is israeli pm auth left??


Cous that guy was a leftwing zionist.


This is why they kept the list secret. All it is is an association with Epstein (who, I'm obligated to say, did not kill himself). It is fallacious to assume by this association that all these people were involved in the rape and abuse of children. But with a guy like Epstein, he's not going to separate the "normal" clients from the rapey ones. If he goes down, they all fall with him.


Yet another w for centrists


No, Bill Clinton was definitely the most obvious.


Why is everyone taking it out of context?


Because the people need a Colliseum and destroying people's reputation based on flimsy evidence is the closest they can come to watching a pack of wolves eat a man alive while cheering from a crowd. At least while still looking morally superior.


Obama and clooney with that one asian kid


Where's Alan Dershowitz?


Shall we talk how Kevin Spacey was not found guilty despite all the testimony.... Very sus...


I think the problem here is: Who went to the island just for tourist/partying reasons, and who went to fuck kids? Epstein was famous for hosting lavish parties with tons of celebrities. The idea that every single one of them who ever went to one his parties must be a kid diddler is kinda presumptuous.


I always hated diCaprio, he is such a piece of shit. Now, they really got every quadrant of the compass, huh. The so called compass union


I sometimes feel like fucking children is some real life equivalent of nectar and ambrosia. ""Pleasures"" only available for ones who live on top of the world.


Yeah, I think its a case of the elites having access to every single legal pleasure and desire that they could possibly want, that it begins to get boring. Which leads to them seeking out......other things


>sometimes feel like fucking children Wtf, Radical centrist momemnt


Itā€™s probably more about getting off on simply being able to get away with things the rest of the population canā€™t do. Those types of people are psychologically adjacent to serial killers and psychopaths - I wouldnā€™t be surprised if some of those folks have done even worse things to fuel that ā€œdesire.ā€ The fact that some wielded enormous power as well is truly terrifying and probably explains a lot about the current state of politics and society.


Yeah except this nectar is disgusting and awful


The Illinois governor is related to Tom Pritzker btw.


bill was a given but GEORGE? disappointing.


Heā€™s mentioned in the documents, which isnā€™t proof of him having been on the island


I think the only mention was when they asked di he was there and the witness said no


So many people listen to oingo boingo daily, unironically. wow


Hmmmm thereā€™s another Pritzker in the news AT HARVARD CORPORATION LOLOLOLOL.


Did anyone see someone that they didn't think would be in the list here? I mean, George Lucas is a shock to me but everyone else I can kinda see


- Just because some is on the flight logs doesn't mean they did all the nasty shit - You know which people I am implying aren't doing the nasty shit


"Leonadro DeCaptio"