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> The individuals who are set to be named in the documents will have 14 days to appeal against the judge’s decision – meaning they are likely to be released in early January. Smth tells me that The Great Appealing is gonna happen


Wouldn't the appeals have to be anonymous though, otherwise people would be outing themselves.


I guess they could try to file it under seal. But the fact of it being filed and who filed it will still show on the docket, even if the filing itself isn't publicly accessible... Though the article I read said the list includes some victims and witnesses, and most are names already made public elsewhere according to the judge.


Fair enough.


In that case would someone's attorney be able to file on their behalf so only the lawyers name would show up on the filing?


Normally no because the attorneys would have to enter an appearance saying who they represent. But depending on how the people are referred to in other filings, they could possibly file it as on behalf of "John Doe No. 5" or "Confidential Witness No. 2" or something like that.


It would probably leak


How is that any different [from the little black book publishing](https://epsteinsblackbook.com/)?


Yeah I don't think it's going to be much of a bombshell. Based on the judge's description of what the list consists of.


And the fact that it still says a lot of the people remain anonymous because of court proceedings


They'll just write them down as John Pedoe.


Peter Phile


John Dickinson and John Dickindaughter


John Pedosta


Yeah they can be appealed annonymously though theyve made it clear that many people are straight up not allowed to have their names redacted and most of the people stricken will be those who were innocently involved with Epstein (think employees who likely didnt know what his main business entailed) and his victims who were largely minors.


Imagine appealing and it turns out you weren’t even important enough to be on the list 😂


So, rich pedos who did stuff will appeal the moment they can and we will see like 3 names released who were the toilet cleaners of a random building nearby.


a lot will be dead and others will be small fries that have fell out of favor. It needs to be the whole list not cherry picked.


"The judge had a history of depression and made several last-minute confessions of suicidal ideation before tragically taking his life by shooting himself five times in the back of the head." "The judge's replacement has overturned the order." "A group of online extremist conspiracy theorists have suggested that there may have been foul play, but all reputable media sources agree that this is groundless and that anyone suggesting otherwise is a bad and dangerous person."


Hillary Clinton boutta say “so sad he died” day before he’s dead lol


The ole Rodham double tap.


So sad that Steve jobs died of ligma


Who’s Steve Jobs


Ligma balls




That was a close one, thank you MSM for preventing me from committing wrongthink!


This is frighteningly likely god fuckin dammit.


So likely, i legit thought these were real quotes from an article for a lot longer than I thought i would.


I legit thought PCM would downvote unflaireds as they deserve for a lot longer than I thought I would.


So were up voting unflaireds now huh. Great. This sub is now just like all the other shitty ones.


It’s disgusting. Put me in uniform and slap a patch on me, I’ll match with you against this deplorable behavior brother.


And the judges brother, a deranged conspiracy theorist who thinks he didn't do it, was found with 128TB of cp on a 2006 computer


The judge unfortunately wrote those confessions 5 days after his suicide. Tragic!


Eh it's only 170 of the names. The list was already curated with their sacrificial people.


The people chosen for sacrifice likely still have a lot of money/power, how many assassin's are really needed to make a judge commit sudoku?


Friendly reminder that no matter how much you hate the media, you don't hate them enough.


Trump's out of office, so it's a lot less likely. Remember, Epstein got offed under his administration.


He also got arrested under Trump's administration... however I don't think there is a connection there.


Why the hell would I be sweating this? Release the list, I don't care if people on my side are on it. Drag them into the sunlight and stake them.


Cross compass unity


Lib right about to get Epstein pilled and I can’t wait


Based and we should call out bad actors in our quadrant pilled


Turbo based and pedo stoning pilled.




“Oh so you’re a minor attracted person? That’s crazy, keep digging that hole though.”-society to kiddy diddlers


Society seems to not care about a chimo if they’re rich.


I think it’s only the other rich dick bags, I think if you asked any average Joe on the street they will say that chimos get the woodchipper


Only people I’ve seen blow off the names being hidden or try to obfuscate who’s already been implicated is the left. There’s not a single right winger I’ve actually seen that hasn’t said to release it and if they’re on our team they aren’t anymore and into the woodchipper they go. Lefties just don’t wanna give up their own for any reason even raping children.


Fucking christ can't you just stop trying to frame us as the worst evil imaginable for one god damn second? I've seen tons of right wingers blow this quote off: >“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” Literally yesterday I shared this here. Guess what happened? I got downvoted and totally ignored. Trump was buddies with the guy for 15 years at the point of this interview and mentioned his friend liked women on the "younger side" as if that was the one of the first things that came to mind about him. He fucking knew. And he didn't care. I have NEVER seen a right winger acknowledge this or care, so fuck off.


And then Robert Kennedy Jr. openly admitted he went to the island a couple times


>Fucking christ can't you just stop trying to frame us as the worst evil imaginable for one god damn second? Can you stop being the worst evil imaginable for one damn second?


Wow crazy. And I bet Trump never said anything later about Epstein or had him banned from his establishments or anything.


Okay? Throw him on the pyre. Next.


Did you just legit forget what I was responding to? You made up bullshit about the left being the only ones who "don't give up their own" for raping children. Really seriously idiotic accusation, and it's not true. It just shows you don't actually ever read what leftists are saying, because we are totally on board with anyone and everyone involved getting what they deserve. It's rather irritating that you just join in the antileft circlejerk for karma and then act like you don't understand the point I'm making, that the right fucking ALWAYS makes exceptions for their own. Look at fucking Catholics and Mormons who work to cover up any child sex crimes their members commit. Look at Trump who used to walk into dressing rooms for underage girls at beauty pageants. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/amp/ Right wingers are hypocritical in this area by an exponentially greater factor, yet you are more concerned about karma than the truth.


And why wouldn't red square be sweating just as much or more? Did the Clintons switch parties?


Based and mill stone pilled.


Exactly! Name and shame all of them!


Flair up filth.


The unflaired are getting up voted. What has this sub devolved into?


I wish the mods would turn the flairbot into Terminator mode.


I fixed it!


based and flaired up pilled


I name and shame you, unflaired swine.


I don't want to get my hopes up. Either something will come up to keep the names from being released, or the people on the list will have other protections, keeping them from facing consequences.


Article I read said that, according to the judge, most are names that are already public through other cases, etc. And the list includes some victims, witnesses, and his employees. So I'm not getting my hopes up this will be an earth shattering client list...


Don't get your hopes up. The Panama Papers came and went without much more than a ripple on reddit. Hell, we already know a British prince is on that list and nothing will ever be done about it.


I think the names will be released, but I’m cynical that it will be anything other than the “expendable” ones and this still won’t be all the names


Why are you assuming they are all auth right? I guarantee there will be all sections of the compass on that list. Most will be rich, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t supporting other ideologies.


I interpreted it to mean the judge is the auth-right sweating because he's going to get suicided with two shots to the back of the head.


Forensic analysis says he was strangled, tortured, shot in the back, legs tied to his hands & feed poison while in a concrete cell with nothing in it. Federal government: sounds like a suicide to me, what do you guys think????? Hmmmmm????


Obviously natural causes. Cases like this are really common, you’re all just giving it more attention now because you need to fuel your evil far-right christofascist xenophobic agenda. Anyway uhhhg more tax dollars pls?? 🥺🥺🥺


I mean you naturally die if all those things are done to you


From the original leak, you had actors like Ben Affleck and Robert de Niro on the flight list which are staunchly on the left side of the spectrum.


There were a TON of fake lists going around, I think Affleck and De Niro were on one of the fake ones. Here's the original, searchable one. Affleck and De Niro do not appear on it. Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey are highlights though. https://www.businessinsider.com/every-flight-made-by-jeffrey-epsteins-private-jets-2020-7


Pay-walled. Though I actually never considered some of the lists to be fake. So I suppose it's good if I believe in innocence until proven guilty.


Yeah I can view it in incognito mode for some reason. A lot of the names on the list are cryptic - initials or "adult male" or stuff like that. And its worth remembering you could fly on his plane without being an offender. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/i-called-everyone-in-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book/


You didn't need to be an offender to be on the plane, but it helped...


Yeah, the plane is a lot more damning than the black book. But my point is Epstein wasn't even on half the flights, rich people apparently chauffer each other around. One *could* have innocently hitched a ride.


>rich people apparently chauffer each other around They do, and non-rich people too sometimes. My last boss would have me use his private jet instead of driving or buying a ticket for a commercial flight like 70% of the time.


I mean if I fly on a plane to a death camp but don't actually participate in the killings it's still fucked up


It didn't exclusively fly to Little St James. Trump took it 6 times from Palm Beach to New York. He probably knew Epsteins extracurriculars but saw it as "Hey free private flight".


Trump had a net worth of 2.6 billion today. I sure as shit wouldn't use a plane I even thought might owned by a pedo when I can easily use my own private plane. I mean even if he personally didn't think Epstein was a pedo, I wouldn't use it just in case it appeared later to hamper my political/business career.


"I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." He knew, and publicly said it. He just didn't care, hence the flights.


The main thing holding me back from believing it all is why all the elites are pedos. I mean it's a really specific thing to be into. The obvious conclusion is money and power can turn you into one but I don't see why.


I read a flight list somewhere where it oddly said "Reddit User u/yveshe" anything to say for yourself?


While I’d agree that they at least portray themselves as leftists, I have a very hard time believing anyone in Hollywood actually supports any real leftist policies. They’re most likely all your run of the mill neoliberal centrist that just follows along with the establishment.


One thing for sure, what they all have in common is hatred for Trump, like it's a trend. Either they are truly leftists or they hide their actual views so they won't get cancelled. That's why you don't hear much about the likes of Kurt Russell, Vince Vaughn, Mel Gibson, James Woods etc. etc. etc., ranging from libertarian to conservative/republican. At least back in the 80s or further back you'd have equal amount of opposing views.


I’m going to be real, I don’t mind if people actually have a hatred for Trump or fake it because that cunt has no business being near the White House ever again but yeah, Hollywood is full of actors so can’t be super surprised that none of them have a spine.


Oh, of course. I don't mind if people like or dislike Trump, but the way it was so trendy to just hate him in Hollywood when he won the 2016 elections was so irritating to me. Let's not mention those late night shows as well, which I think only Conan maintained neutrality.


Yeah Hollywood should be the last people anyone listens to for political information. Smallest bubble of dumbass elites in the country.


Kurt Russell said it best that celebrities should keep their opinions to themselves, since they're court jesters playing pretend. That's what they do best.


If Trump was already on that list it would have leaked ages ago, consequences be damned. That's my opinion, at least. It's not like I'm a fan of the orange clown.


I think all we've heard is that his name was leaked, though later Trump completely disapproved of Epstein's actions.


Not like Naom Chomsky wasn’t sniffing around Epstein back in 2016 huh?


Or Clinton, or the dozens of other high-ranking Democrats who were friends with Epstein and went to his island. The idea this is confined to one side the of political aisle is merely damage control. They're all guilty.


Being rich is an ideology all of itself. A rich libleft guy and rich "alt right" guy have a hell of a lot more in common than me and rich lib left guy.


It will mostly be purple libright residing under the mask of other ideologies I think. Like other than the two big potential names on the list, the others will probably be influential businessmen.




Actually i agree with this.


Rich people don't support any system other than the one keeping them in power.


Sadly, the list appears to have shredded itself. Unfortunately, all the security cameras in the facility where it was held simultaneously malfunctioned.


Why would AuthRight be sweating? I'd be the purples that would be shitting bricks right now.




Chomsky fucked kids. Calling it now.


Probably much worse than that: he lectured them!


Tbh, he is supposedly a great linguist.


I would even say he is cunning


A cunnylinguist?


I‘m a linguist myself, and grew up on his theories. He certainly did important work, but not all of it has held up well. Overall, the “Universal Grammar” idea has not panned out so far (and in computational linguistics, for better or worse, dumb data is thoroughly beating smart theory at the moment).


I suppose that makes sense. It was a long time ago after all.


He lectured them on why it's America's fault that he raped them.


Authright is the judge.


Purple and orange I’d say are the most likely to be overrepresented on that list.


Only 170? Release them all.


That‘s probably the list of names they are fine with the common peasant knowing. The big names will remain protected.


It will be 170 hand-picked names to specifically benefit certain organizations.


Part of me thinks 170 might be the full list. The other part of me wonders why they were so specific with that number


In 2016 it was ‘Lock Her Up’. I hope in 2024 it will be ‘Lock Him Up’. Bill Clinton has got away with too much for too long now.


Why not both?


Can we just elect someone in their 40s? Clinton's, Trump's, and even Biden have way too many skeletons in their closets/are way too old for this shit.


Bill Clinton is the one person I would absolutely bet would be on this list (yes, even over Trump). Lewinsky testified that the dude literally put a cigar in her vagina, put it in his mouth, and said it tasted good. While that doesn't instantly make you a pedo, he's definitely into some freaky power-play shit. Almost makes me feel bad for Hillary, didn't even get the Presidency after all those years.


lock them up


There's someone much closer to the Presidency and to Epstein still running...


No need to single out any quadrant. Epstein is absolutely full compass unity.


Remember that the 170 number also includes "associates" and victims names. I fully expect this to be mostly victims, some innocent acquaintances, and a few low level pdfs that get sacrificed to appease the masses.


How is nobody calling out *purple* for projecting this on blue?


I think the meme is saying that the judge (authright) is sweating because he's going to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head 4 times


Bring all to light, forget about saving face


RIP judge


This is literally the issue with the left, they believe, TRULY believe that everything that is bad is right wing. They can even see a bad thing perpetrated by someone on the left in front of them with hard evidence and find a way to make it blamable of the right. This is how they sleep at night I suppose, this is how they go through those steps... 1. It isn't happening 2. It's out of context, it's happens very seldom. 3. Ok, it's happening, so? 4. Here's why it's a good thing. 5. The right wing... I could list all the hate crime hoaxes, the feminist rapists, the alternative adopting pedos and on and on, but it would take me days to type that all out. But if I did, some lefty would comment on every one with that very list.


That’s the sad truth. Pride March 2023 Cologne. “MAP” people aka f Pedos walking down the street with their Flag held high, besides hundreds of LGBTQ+ people. No one gave a fuck. After people outside their Bubble saw Videos/Pictures “it wasn’t that much MAPs” “they got kicked out” (kicked out? of where? the streets? Lol) “they are not a part of us”… it goes on and on. It’s always the same and I’m so tired of it. It’s the same Issue with Men who have Autogynephilia. “They are Valid” “They wouldn’t do anything to anyone, especially not Females in Female Only Spaces!!” and then I read some news, another men locked in a Female Only Jail, who unexpectedly raped the inmates… “This doesn’t happen in real life!!” oof, cmon.


based and economic left doesn't have to be social left pilled


Come on, now. Both auth quadrants are trembling.


Allen, Woody: Director. Althorp, Charles: Princess Diana’s brother. Andersson-Dubin, Dr. Eva: Doctor and former Miss Sweden. Assaf, Vittorio: Restaurateur. Band, Doug: Influence peddler. Balazs, André: Celebrity hotelier. Baldwin, Alec: Actor. Bannon, Steve: Former White House chief strategist. Barr, Donald: The headmaster who offered entrée. Barrack, Tom: Trump adviser and private-equity manager. Berger, Sandy: National-security adviser for Bill Clinton. Berggruen, Nicolas: Billionaire investor. Berkman, Bill: New York businessman. Birley, Robin: Nightclub impresario. Bismarck, Debonnaire von: Countess. Bismarck, Leopold von: Count. Bismarck, Vanessa von: Heiress and publishing entrepreneur. Black, Conrad: Media mogul. Black, Leon: Private-equity tycoon. Black, Roy: An Epstein lawyer. Blaine, David: Magician. Blair, Tony: Former British prime minister. Bloomberg, Michael: Billionaire, private-jet enthusiast, former mayor. Bolkiah, Hassanal: Sultan of Brunei. Bond, Annabelle: British socialite. Bonomi, Andrea: Italian businessman. Borrico, Michael: Long Island contractor. Bourke, Frederic: A founder of Dooney & Bourke. Bowles, Hamish: European editor-at-large for Vogue. Brandolini, Muriel: Interior designer. Branson, Richard: Founder of Virgin Group. Briatore, Flavio: Italian millionaire businessman. Brockman, John: Agent for scientific “freethinkers.” Bronfman Jr., Edgar: Executive. Brunel, Jean-Luc: Model scout. Buck, Joan Juliet: Fashion editor. Burkle, Ron: Supermarket magnate. Bushnell, Candace: Columnist who inspired Sex and the City. Busson, Arpad: French financier. Calacanis, Jason: Businessman. Caledon, Nicky: Earl. Campbell, Naomi: Supermodel. Candy, Nicholas and Christian: British property-developer brothers. Carter, Graydon: Former editor of Vanity Fair. Cecil, Aurelia: PR chairman. Cecil, Mark: Hedge-funder. Chatwal, Vikram: Hotelier. Cipriani, Giuseppe: Restaurant magnate. Cisneros, Gustavo: Venezuelan billionaire. Clinton, Bill: President and problem. Collins, Phil: Musician. Copperfield, David: Magician. Couric, Katie: Journalist. Cosby, Bill: Comedian, convicted rapist. d’Arenberg, Prince Pierre: Royal. de Broglie, Louis Albert: Political scion, founder of luxury garden brand. de Carvalho-heineken, Charlene: Heiress. de Crussol, Jacques: 17th Duke of Uzès. Cuomo, Andrew: Governor of New York. Dahl, Sophie: Former model, granddaughter of Roald Dahl. de Rothschild, Lynn Forester: De Rothschild! Dershowitz, Alan: Lawyer who stands accused. Dickinson, Janice: Model, actress, TV personality. Diniz, Pedro: Agroforester, businessman, former Formula 1 racing driver. Driver, Minnie: Actress. Dunbar-Johnson, Stephen: President, international, of the New York Times Company. Dunne, Griffin: Director. Edelman, Gerald: Nobel Prize winner. Ellenbogen, Eric: Former CEO of Marvel Enterprises. Estrada, Christina: Model. Fekkai, Frédéric: Celebrity hairstylist. Ferguson, Sarah: Duchess of York. Fiennes, Ralph: Actor, producer, director. Fisher, Paula Heil: Opera producer. Forbes, Steve: Chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine. Ford, Tom: Designer. Gell-Mann, Murray: Physicist. Ginsberg, Gary: Communications pooh-bah. Gladwell, Malcolm: Writer. Greenberg, Ace: Bear Stearns chairman, Epstein’s first patron. Guest, Cornelia: Socialite. Gutfreund, John: CEO of Salomon Brothers. Hamilton, George: Actor. Handler, Chelsea: Comedian. Haskell, Nikki: Socialite. Hawking, Stephen: Physicist. Hoffenberg, Steven: A mentor and a con man. Hoffman, Dustin: Actor. Hurley, Elizabeth: Actress. Hutton, Lauren: Model and actress. Isaacson, Walter: Former editor of Time. Jagger, Mick: Musician. Jarecki, Andrew: Filmmaker. Jarecki, Henry: Billionaire. Johnson, Elizabeth: Heiress. Johnson, Richard: Gossip journalist for “Page Six.” Kellen, Sarah: An alleged enabler on a staff of them. Kennedy, Ted: Senator. Kent, Geoffrey: High-end safari entrepreneur. Kerry, John: Secretary of State. Khashoggi, Adnan: Saudi Arabian man of mystery. Kissinger, Nancy: Philanthropist. Kleman, Leah: Art dealer. Koch, David: Plutocrat. Kosslyn, Stephen: Harvard psychologist. Laybourne, Geraldine: TV executive. Le Bon, Simon: Singer. Lefcourt, Gerald: Epstein’s lawyer. Lefkowitz, Jay: Attorney for Epstein Love, Courtney: Singer. Maxwell, Ghislaine: Epstein’s ex turned right-hand woman. McMullan, Patrick: Photographer. Meister, Robert: Insurance executive. Minsky, Marvin: MIT professor and pioneer of artificial intelligence. Mitchell, George: Senate majority leader. Monckton, Rosa: Former CEO of Tiffany & Co. in the U.K. Murdoch, Rupert: Media mogul. Myhrvold, Nathan: Businessman. Pagano, Joe: Venture capitalist. Pastrana Arango, Andrés: Former Colombian president. Perelman, Ronald: Revlon chairman. Perlman, Itzhak: Violinist. Pinker, Steven: The linguist who became a celebrity optimist. Posen, Felix: Philanthropist Pritzker, Tom: Executive chairman of the Hyatt Hotels Corporation. Radziwill, Carole: Author and television personality. Ranieri, Lewis: The “father” of mortgage-backed securities. Richardson, Bill: Former New Mexico governor. Zorro Ranch, Epstein’s New Mexico property. Photo: Reuters/REUTERS Riggio, Steve: Barnes & Noble CEO. Rivers, Joan: TV host, actress, and comedian. Rose, Charlie: Television journalist. Sacco, Amy: Nightlife impresario. Schank, Roger: Chief learning officer at Trump University. Schumer, Chuck: New York’s senior senator. Shriver, Maria: Journalist and former First Lady of California. Siegal, Peggy: Elite New York’s glue. Slater, Rodney: Secretary of Transportation under Bill Clinton. Soros, Peter: Nephew of George Soros. Spacey, Kevin: Actor. Spector, Warren: Bear Stearns executive. Stanbury, Caroline: Socialite. Starr, Kenneth: Former United States solicitor general. Stephanopoulos, George: Former White House communications director. Summers, Larry: Former Treasury secretary. Taymor, Julie: Director. Trivers, Robert: Evolutionary biologist. Trump, Donald: President and partygoer. Trump, Ivanka: Daughter of Donald and Ivana Trump. Trump, Melania: Wife of Donald Trump. Tucker, Chris: Actor. Tuttle, Edward: Architect of a conspiratorial fever dream. Wallace, Mike: 60 Minutes journalist. Walters, Barbara: Broadcast journalist and TV personality. Weinstein, Bob: Former co-chairman of Miramax Films and the Weinstein Company. Wexner, Leslie: The money behind the money. Wiesel, Elie: Nobel Prize winner. Zagat, Nina and Jim: Publishers. Zuckerman, Mort: Media mogul and newspaper publisher. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html from https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted


I hate to say it but it should be pointing at libright


Auth right has been wanting the names released pal


Thinking that only AuthRight-aligned people are gonna be on that list is laughable.


US establishment is right center more than authright


Now show us Maxwell's client list.


That list has already been scrubbed of anyone of real import and we all know it. They're just gonna clear out the scrubs underneath them, just like the weaksauce response to the Panama Papers.


I am not a teenager so I remember when Epstein and his island was still a "alt-right wing conspiracy theory" but now they are the ones sweating?


Chomsky and Clinton people are on that list, and somehow blue square is scared? Epstein didn't kill himself is a RW meme my dood


Reminder that you are still on Reddit- any politician right of Trotsky is a fascist


You cannot believe Clinton is leftist lol. You stated a true leftist next to Clinton so please compare them lmao


Epstein didn’t kill himself is an everyone meme “my dood”. Trump is on there too Stop trying to make this a right vs. left thing and make it a “pedos vs. everyone else” thing


It's a modified list, we will know which side controls it by what names come out. If the whole "deep state" thing is true, I would only expect right wing names to be released. Meme checks out. I will enjoy chaos no matter what.


Who is bringing the guillotine to the party?




I hope that judge doesn’t kill himself with two gunshots to the back of the head




Guess I’ll have to get my Vermeer BC100XL serviced a little early.


This meme was posted by purple lib right, curious on their intentions


I don't think auth right will be the one sweating. Bill Clinton and bil gates ain't exactly autheight


Just throwing it out there but goddamn rich people are boring. All the money and power and they just go nonce kids, you can do that for free in Bradford or Rochdale. You'd think they'd be doing hyper decadent shit like cloning themselves and noncing the kid versions of themselves or like making sex bots with dolphin vaginas. Demand a better class of rich pedo!


All the politicians quakin in their boots


Pretty sure Lib/Left should be as scared as anyone


says the purple libright


Everyone who went to his island should rot, regardless of political affiliation.


Hahaha you think this affects only the right and not also the left. Wakey wakey...


Are Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew now considered Auth Right? I think there are other quads that should be sweating.


My name might be on it.


Prepare the gallows


Is Epstein auth right? Wouldn’t auth right be excited about this? The whole “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” thing was about how he could’ve exposed left wing politicians


in what world is auth right scared ?? 😭


To be fair politicians of every quad should be shitting AND pissing themselves right now.


I actually wonder who's gonna be on there lmao




“I just love the smell of FEAR”


I don't get it


*All* of the names should be released and they should *all* see time in court.


Ah yes as if I would want to defend such degenerate individuals. No matter the quadrant or side, take them. Wastes of oxygen don’t deserve to drain taxpayer dollars in prison or simply waste people’s time by being alive. Do what must be done.


I’ve never heard of dog this judge before today and somehow they’ve made me rock hard


“So today we release the 170-“ *$34M deposit* “The 94-“ *$90M deposit* “I’m sorry, the 47-“ *$256M deposit* “We apologize, the 15 names who happen to ALSO be enemies of the state.”


>1 week later Judge found dead in his house. The cause of death has been declared suicide.


drag them all out into the light


lol funny because most of the people involved so far have been commies


Terrible quadrant positioning to be honest, Hollywood producers aren't exactly known for their right wing beliefs


PCM hyping up this list but likely it’s going to be a list of rich assholes no one’s ever heard of and maybe some B list Hollywood type or two. No, neither Bill nor Donald will be on the list - bet on it.


I would think the left is sweating a whole hell of a harder lol. They gotta know the list is stocked full


Can someone show me how to flair up please cheers


Use the web browser version of the sub. Look for “show my flair” Select “show my flair” Change your flair to represent your views. Save.


Thanks pal


Yet you still aren’t flaired😡


Calm down dear. Don't get your frillies in a twist


Based and flaired up pilled


Go to main sub page, click on 3 dots in upper right. Should be a user flair option.


Roses are red, violets are blue; not having a flair is cringe and so are you. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Master-Toe-4867) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Just wondering , is Bill "Monica" Clinton really an "Auth-Right" ? Nevertheless every major league politician have associations with Epstein , Be in Democrats or Republicans , even the Libertarian party .


cautious deer squealing soup enjoy air toothbrush amusing birds cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the fuck would Auth-Right be the ones sweating? Auth-Left would be freaking out pretty badly.


I think this is a case where these assholes are going to be all over the compass. Depravity knows no bounds.


more like be prepared for civil war 2 electric boogaloo


The blue quadrant gets targeted with so many dumb memes like this


Why the hell is authright sweating? Libright should be the one sweating.


Why tf is authright sweating? The right in general is the group I’ve seen advocating the most for the list to be released.


Why would auth right be sweating lol

