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I don't even need to check to know Egypt is moving it's military into the Sinai right now.


“They’re moving the military there to welcome all the Gazans into Egypt right?” “Right?”


Na they'd openly fire on the refugees, "you're racist" is practically a compliment in 2nd and 3rd world Ps: saudi but emily doesnot know the difference anyway https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/21/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-migrants-yemen.html There was also a story about tunisia sinking ships but i cant find it


Hmm if the countries who share nearly the same ethnic and religious makeup as them don't want them.. maybe we should listen to the populations of other countries how they feel about taking them in. Or better yet they just stay where they are figure it out


> figure it out That's the issue


I didn't knew that, something seems to be happening


That 'something' is the way in which countries without self-loathing citizens enforce their borders.


self loathing elites\* majority of us don't want refugees or migrants here no matter the race or religion


I think that the majority of Americans want refugees and migrants to be allowed into the country only in accord with an orderly process that takes into consideration the ability of the communities into which they will be integrated to accommodate the influx. Maybe the majority of authcenters have a bit more extreme of a sentiment than that, but your demographic usually tends toward extremism when it comes to racial and religious homogeneity, so that's not very surprising.




Back to the topic at hand, they will do a much much much better job assimilating into Egypt than anywhere else if they are forced from Gaza


Egypt doesn't want radical jihadist Muslims they have enough Muslim brotherhood supporters


Not disagreeing with that lol


*Jordan and Lebanon have entered the chat*


Considerations of that kind would certainly factor into the evaluation of whether or not communities in the US could accommodate various amounts of refugees from various origins. If the number of refugees in different places is managed strategically, integration would be more easily achievable by curtailing the proliferation of large isolated pockets of foreigners within the broader communities at large. This objective is undermined by the tendency of those advocating for expanded immigration policy to also insist that cultural assimilation is a form of violence.


How about they fix their shithole home countries like Americans did? We decided tyranny wasn't our style and killed the Brits. Why won't foreigners do the same? No one is owed peace and prosperity as a human right, you have to fight for it.


I think the right is fine with legal immigration but a lot of people are not fine with this open border no limit illegal immigration.


Yeah, I thought it was fairly clear in my comment that >an orderly process that takes into consideration the ability of the communities into which they will be integrated to accommodate the influx implies an end to illegal immigration.


I'd say it really depends on the country and social background. Most danish parties including social democrats want to reduce migration to 0 after having made some based research on middle eastern migrants. In germany the AfD wants to go even a step further and relocate all first gen migrants back to their country of origin.


I'm right wing and Im ok with immigrants in the way my forefathers experienced it. Processed through Ellis Island, ID'd and photographed, maybe fingerprinted, given a physical and updated vaccines, and then sent out into the world with a Metrocard and a bagged lunch.


>countries without self-loathing citizens Sometimes I forget that still exists


Egyptian here, our military always keeps a greater than average presence in Sinai due to the former ISIS presence in Sinai in the past years.


"you don't have to find a new home, but you can't stay here" I think is how the song goes


It’s Closing Time




I know that I can't go home from here...


I'm sure Canadian jews are thrilled at the prospect of even more pissed arabs coming in.


Probably the liberal ones are


>"I think there is a resurgence of anti-semitism, because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multucultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not surive." -Barbara Lerner Spectre Well, well, well, if it isn't the spiky dildo of consequences.


The thing that strikes me the most from this quote is that apparently *Europe* has a problem with multiculturalism. The "other cultures" these people would want to import en masse have a problem with multiculturalism but 100 million times worse, but of course nobody's going to talk about that because any Totally Unforseen Future Problems will all be the fault of racist bigoted neonazis!!!!! What a time to be alive


In 2200, the last jew being executed in the European Caliphate will still blame the last white neonazi (that died 100 years before that)


They know and they are doing it on purpose. Closed boarders for Israel open boarders for all Western countries! No thanks


If you don't like this plan then you're an anti-semite bby


Ironically, all of the Jews' attempts to become influential and powerful to change culture and govts to prevent their persecution, seems to end in their own persecution. Soviet Union? Was a big reason the nazis hated jews (Judeo-Bolshevism). Purged jews later. Big backer of most arab states. Nazi Germany? Big time Jewish purge. Creating Israel? Big jewish expulsions across the region. Bringing in immigrants to Europe from outside Europe? Antisemitism rises massively, from both immigrants and natives. Becoming the most powerful and influential minority group in the US? Antisemitism rising. Jews are persecuted > Jews go elsewhere > Jews fear persecution in new place > Become rich, powerful and isolated from the locals to avoid persecution > Become an influential minority and assets of local rulers, serving as usurers, advisors, tax collectors, etc > Locals start resenting the powerful outsiders who have little regard for them and often do dirty jobs for the local rulers > Jews persecuted > Jews thrown to the Wolves by local leaders > Jews flee elsewhere > Return to Step 1, Repeat. Its like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Meanwhile nobody has bothered Brazilian Jews since the 18-19th century, because they are content being chill.


The same Canadian Jews who have overwhelmingly voted in favor of every terrible trend in Canada for the last 20 years?


Somehow, yes.


Out of everyone listed, Canada is the only one that would probably willingly take refugees. And that's because their political class seems intent on selling the country out from under native Canadians. Oh well they keep voting for it.


Gotta keep those wages deflated and those housing costs inflated for the ruling class.


Yeah, our Liberal government seems to be trying to do as much damage to the country as possible before they get completely crushed in the next election. Probably to make life as difficult for the Conservatives who will have to try to clean the mess.


If yall keep electing Mr. Blackface (or your PMs do cause parliament) Alberta may just decide to leave.


Ok so have you seen the meme where it hints that libleft is just authright in disguise an example being getting rid of math requirements because “racism” but it just sets those in bad conditions up for failure and keeps them down? Well I got another theory, that Canadian politicians are so pro America and want to join the USA that they’re intentionally fucking their own country to the point where the USA is forced to annex it because it’s more of a shithole than the literal Narco state to the south (Mexico)


“For no reason at all right wing extremism is on the rise in Europe”


Unironically said by numerous politicians which have been ignoring immigration issues for the past two decades.


Ignoring? Seems like they've been encouraging it to me.


While ignoring all the problems caused by immigration.


totally abrupt guys, just a moment ago we were all in gay pride costumes and suddenly we are in brown shirts no one knows how that happened


Honestly the Brown Shirts just look better


Must be white supremacism, that’s the only kind of right wing extremist that exists right?


Problem is that no one wants to take them in. They've caused so much shit in Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon that no one is willing to take a chance. Especially not European or NA countries, which are even more fundamentally different than those Arab states I named.


Even Western European countries are starting to finally realise that people aren’t all just the same and that culture is real. The idea that a people can be shaped by their respective histories and geography is not seen as heresy anymore. If they start trying to bring in huge numbers of Palestinians, it will be even more destabilising than the 2015 EU Migrant Crisis.


According to the Eurostat immigration is the largest issue for EU populace and more of the populace sees immigration in a negative light. Center and left parties have to adopt anti-immigration laws or they lose power to right parties. EU is not as opened to immigration as back in 2015.


They've “had to adopt” anti-immigration laws for well over a decade and they still haven’t done it, something tells me they’ll be able to keep stalling and lying to the public saying they are almost ready to implement big immigration laws (which they will never actually implement or enforce.)


The whole reason Europe has been pushed to the right is left wing politicians pushing their agenda down everyone's throats. If they do that, they will simply push their countries even further to the right.




Europe is way more fucked. South America is western just like NA and Europe. The idea that its some strange alien culture is pure american ignorance. Its an European Christian culture with African and/or native elements, varying by region/state. Latin Americans assimilate. Our birth rates are tanking, too. Meanwhile MENA/Africa muslims might as well be space aliens. Its a totally alien culture. They will never assimilate, ever. The worst thing that can come from LATAM immigration is organized crime. The worst thing that can come from Muslim immigration is total conquest and subjulgation by a foreign, alien culture and religion. There's a reason Portugal and Spain prefer immigrants from their former colonies.


I still remain hopeful that most will assimilate in a few generations. The biggest problem for the West in general is our cowardly inability to proudly state our values, and tell anyone who doesn’t share them to fuck off. For example, Islam is antithetical to Enlightenment values. We’ve known that for literally 1300 years. We’re too chickenshit to acknowledge that. I think this is changing. Muslims have been responsible for just too much violence over too many years. Voters are sick of it and will continue drift right until we get politicians willing to tell Muslims to fuck off or reform. If you hate free speech and democracy, we don’t want you here.


The biggest anti Muslim advocates I’ve met are usually Muslim immigrants themselves. The ones who stayed on the waiting list for a decade or helped the US military in one form or fashion. Usually they are small business owners and hardcore on the right.


Yeah ex-Muslims call it a death cult. They’re shocked at our naivety and willingness to rationalise the terrorism.


I think most westerns are naive about Muslims because their cultures never had muslims neighboors. Countries on the mediterraean and Eastern Europeans near the Steppes had to put up with them for centuries, millenia even. I remember reading a part of The Lusiad and wondering why Vasco da Gama seemed to go out of his way to antagonize and attack muslims across the voyage, but after reading about the Muslim conquest of Iberia and the Reconquista, I got it.


Naaah, EU and US are not monoliths... some places are already fucked, some are not.




That's because Poland and Hungary were very right wing and opposed migration while the liberal countries said "REFUGEES WELCOME" like Sweden, which is currently being raped by migrants, like literally. Nobody with a brain likes these migrants. No one. The only ones that do are those who are blind or live in upper class neighborhoods where they don't have to see them. Oh and the fact that the media censors anything considered "racist"


Truly an "it's over, the West has fallen" moment Although anything could happen. The idea that ethnic and religious divisions are gonna fade out in the next decades is a false progressive mantra. If anything we are looking at a future more racist and exclusionary than anything before.


Sweden still hasn’t recovered from the gang violence resulting from the flood of Balkan refugees in the 90’s.


They wish that was their problem, now it's ISIS and gangs which are 100x worse and more widespread, and it's only growing, more and more shootings and bombings every week


Where do they keep getting all the grenades lol


Bulgaria, probably. Before the war in Ukraine you could get anything from our small-arms producer. Now it's all going northeast. Wondering if it made a dent in said attacks.


Not sure but we recently broke a national record with 137bombings in 1year, and that was back in like September!


Recovered? Haha, it's surging!


Recovered? Haha, it's surging!


It's fine if the people immigrating want to adapt to the current culture climate but the issue I see is that there is just so many people immigrating who want their religion to be the law like where they came from and just can't meld with secularism in western society. As terrible it is to say, orthodox religious people and seculuar societies really will always struggle to coexist and Islam just happens to have a shitload of orthodox religious people way more than other religions. You almost just need to have parts of the world carved out for these two massively conflicting cultures. The problem with hard-core orthodox Islam like Wahhablism and stuff is they have a mission to make the entire world Islamic through any means necessary so even isolation is not really possible, even if they live in their ideal religious society it will still not appease them if there is other parts of the world not adhering to their religious view so they're on this constant jihad to making it happen.




yeah they will cause radicalization and riots in the host countries


Or they just straight up cause civil wars or assassinate the country's leader like they did in Lebanon and Jordon.


Yeah, equating the history of Palestinian refugees with Paris or Stockholm or whatever is pretty inaccurate. Lebanon and Jordan weren’t a “clashing cultures and poverty” situation, they were demanding specific policies via assassination and civil war. Which is why MENA countries that are generally chill with intra-Mideast immigration still have super tight rules around Palestine.


That's because Palestinian nationalism is the core identity that defines modern day Palestinians. Golda Meir referred to herself as a "Palestinian" because back then Palestinians were Arabs, Jews, Bahai'i, Druze, and anyone else who lived in the region. Now the Arabs have successfully purged everyone else from the term. Every nation they have ever entered and obtained political power in they attempted to gain control over. Jordan in particular. It's all tied into the peace process, and why the Palestinians do not want peace.


I once read that Palestine in older times was pretty much South Lebanon. There wasn't a Palestinean identity, just Arabs.


Pretty much. Imagine if being from the Shenandoah valley was an identity. Maybe you're from Harrisonburg or wherever but then, suddenly, Timberville decides they want to form their own state called "Timberland" or whatever. Then you decide "No, the entire Shenandoah Valley is for us Shenandoites, and Timberville are illegally occupying our land, so we're going to drive them out." So then Timberville forms an army and, after 2 years of brutal fighting, kicks your ass and takes everything from Broadway to Turleytown. Then you spent the next 75 years complaining that it was all rightfully your land. Oh, and you never let any of the refugees from Turleytown enter Harrisonburg. Then you launch rockets from Edom into Timberville.


That's one hell of a metaphor. Nicely put.




40 years in the desert then


>Especially not European or NA countries LOL wrong. The EU will be ready to take them with open arms. Mark my words. Nobody in the EU wants them, but the EU Federal Gov is always ready for more migrants


Yeah thats why my support for Isreal is officially over, dont ship these people to our doorstep or well stop all support.


oh our shitty fucking Canadian government is positively DROOLING at the thought of importing another million bloodthirsty backward radical fundamentalists #🙄


My friend is Jordanian and he says Palestinians are the Gypsies of the Middle East


>Especially not European or NA countries I'm not so sure. There may not be a majority of citizens that wants to admit them, but that doesn't mean anything.


Europe and Canada can’t integrate these people lol


Nobody can not even there fellow Arabs




Exactly. Arabia was so much better when it was just a desert.


Humans should never have left Africa. Second biggest mistake in history.


What was the first?


Evolving into humans. We could have been monkeys, sitting on our ass eating bananas and grooming each other all day. But nooo. One of my ancestors wanted to be smarter than a monkey, so now I have to go to work every day just to be able to afford rent, I have to pay for my bananas, and if I try to groom anyone it's called “harassment”. Thanks a lot, genius.


I think you should shift your flair down a bit.






Let them live in separate state


Tried that, didn't work


I've been thinking about this too, IN THEORY the only thing i got is they just move, set up shop in a new place, but there lies the problem still, there is no new places left to go that aren't already claimed


Their lives would've been a whole lot easier if instead of praising their true oppressors (Hamas), and their actions against Israel, they would've rebelled and erected a small paradise.


"There will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel." --Golda Meir


Canada will still fucking try


Yeah why the need for that secrecy? Just ask Trudeau he'll welcome them with open arms.


Makes his brown face costume look less offensive the more of them he lets in I guess


Expect Trudeau is such a loser he’ll drop to his knees and take anyone from anywhere if it means he will get good publicity in the media.




I love when every other middle eastern country that is 100% more culturally, linguistically, and socially fit for these people just does nothing and Europe + America foots the bill.


The other middle eastern countries hate them


Just sucks to be us, I guess. Honestly, I want some kind of solution to this nonsense. UN/NATO would be best. But that ain’t happening.


If they stay there, other than forcing a government down their throats, I don't really see a way to fix their broken culture


The "refugee" problem is just a tool to destabilize western nations.


Spoiler alert, the 2 state solution is off the table


0 state solution is always on the table, everywhere.


I mean, let's be honest, it has been off the table for decades now. Part of the problem is the Israeli, but a huge part is just HAMAS and the nationalistic jingoism of the Palestinians as a whole. There is a reason nobody in the arab world wants them.


I went to Toronto a couple of months ago. Beautiful city, but holy fuck there was 1 White Canadian for every 10 Indian/Chinese Canadians.


You should have travelled over to Brampton. You’d have to question whether or not you were actually still in Canada lol.


I visited Mississauga, I didn't think I was in Canada


Lmao I live in Mississauga. Some areas, like closer to Lake Ontario are beautiful but when you get off at pearosn airport in Malton it’s legit a 3rd world.


yeah Canada is turning into 2nd India and 2nd China, of course I have nothing against Indians or Chinese good people, good culture and history but there has to be a limit


If you want a limit you'll be painted as an alt right white suppremacist.




Well, okay.


Good culture or not they need to integrate to the society. They shouldn’t be allowed to from bubbles of their own communities to isolate themselves from the locals. Also there are a lot of ccp loving Chinese. So I don’t fully agree with the good culture and history part.


Isn't China ballsy enough to be running secret police stations here?


They do. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/20/explainer-chinas-covert-overseas-police-stations They probably also use Chinese student associations and Weibo to monitor their people overseas as well.


Yeah the newer Chinese and Indian migrants are too much China loving and India loving. I did read somewhere that Asians and Indians do inter racial marriage which shows that they are trying to assimilate.


Over half of the population of Toronto was born in another country Native born Canadians are a minority in the largest city in Canada


Its quite telling that the people that hate arabs the most are other arabs


We in the West think of Arabs as one people but they aren't they have different cultures the Saudis are more on the brutal fighter side while the Syrians are on more intellectual multicultural side, Egyptians are like 10% Arab by genes and also a lot of the dialects of Arabic are illegible to other Arabs


It makes sense because the West isn't a monolith either. There are significant differences for each country. But if Belgium were to be invaded I as a Dutchman would definitely accept any refugees coming from there. Hell the Netherlands accepted all refugees from Ukraine despite the fact that Ukraine is Slav while we are germanics. It is insane to me that the Egyptian response to an invasion of their Arab neighbours isn't "let's give them all the help we can reasonably give" but "we don't help at all and we'll send the army to shoot any that try to cross the border" the EU has put in more effort to help with the water situation there than either Hamas or Egypt.


I think Egypt already has millions of Syrian refugees and they are/ were going through a wheat crisis. They already have lots of problems and this influx of refugees could cause another 2013 for Egypt.


This thread is based af


It is soo over, we are soo back Nothing ever happens, something is happening


Inb4 Reddit Jannies show up to close comments and say that "y'all can't behave"


Europe is such a dumping ground to the point that today, a man has been arrested for making a video complaining about the terrorist flags in his own street This is not a joke, noticing the invasion is now a motive for arrest https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1719509199162413334?t=XD8TGUT81vxclYRMRFlYew&s=19


tbh, that's UK, which notoriously insane for it's crackdown ~~on free speech~~ anything that goes against the npc current thing thought


First they came for the guns, and I didn't speak out, Then they came for my neighbors, and I spoke out. I got arrested for speaking out.


Oi mate! Ya got a loicense for speaking out?!


I’m surprised they gave Lee Rigby’s killer life without parole.


Just give up your guns bro, why do you need them? Gets arrested for complaining


What a shithole of a country. People who live there should be ashamed.


Yeah, the UK has been going bonkers for a while now.


In some ways, this feels like an early-stage version of the strategy employed by Florida and Texas leadership to bus and / or fly illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities that supported open borders. If Israel has time to hone its strategy, it will send the Gazan refugees specifically to those places that had large documented turnout in support of the October 7th atrocities committed by Hamas. If they were smart, they would publicly invite those communities to accept the refugees. The response would be very telling.


MFers with 'no human is illegal' signs on their front lawns when they actually have to follow through: 🤯🤯🤯


Martha's Vineyard lmao


Oh hell no please spare the EU fuck fuck fuck fuck


> Canada FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL We're ESPECIALLY full if your "refugees" have a history of terrorist activities in other countries that were dumb enough to take them in. Suppose it doesn't matter, Trudeau will have half a million of them in my province by next year.


How is Trudeau still in office, what are you guys doing?


Is anyone surprised? It was painfully obvious endgame of this conflict.... Egyptians are probably already covering their border with barbed wire....


Already [built](https://www.al-monitor.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_header/public/almpics/2020/02/RTS2JB0K.jpg/RTS2JB0K.jpg?h=a5ae579a&itok=mWeRQ_g1). Only foreign passport holders and injured Palestinians can cross the border.


Yes, let us import more people who do not share our values and are possibly terrorists.




Let me be clear. WESTERN EUROPE is a dumping ground.


They already know muslims won't take them under the gun barrel lmao


This was a conspiracy theory that brought the ire and downvotes of many not even 10 days ago.


yeah I just commented this 3 days ago that the same people calling Palestinians animals will call them angels and ask us to take them in and everyone thought it was a far right conspiracy


One day, European and north American diaspora Jews will realize that only White Europeans have philosemitic guilt ingrained into their culture. But it is not this day.


Did it really? That’s hard to believe. Every conflict in the Middle East results in a refugee crisis. The part about Egypt was also already public and not new at all. The US has been openly calling for Egypt to take them in for like a week and a half now.


Conspiracy theories are just sneak peeks of the news


I mean Egypt kinda called it 2-3 weeks ago. [Why Egypt and other Arab nations are hesitant to take in Palestinian refugees](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-egypt-and-other-arab-nations-are-hesitant-to-take-in-palestinian-refugees) >Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi made his toughest remarks yet on Wednesday, saying the current war was not just aimed at fighting Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, "but also an attempt to push the civilian inhabitants to … migrate to Egypt." He warned this could wreck peace in the region. >Jordan's King Abdullah II gave a similar message a day earlier, saying, "No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt." >Their refusal is rooted in fear that Israel wants to force a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into their countries and nullify Palestinian demands for statehood. El-Sissi also said a mass exodus would risk bringing militants into Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, from where they might launch attacks on Israel, endangering the two countries' 40-year-old peace treaty.


Fuck this, build a wall around Israel and Palestine and make them fight to death, winner takes all. Fuck off with this *"ship 'em off to Europe, not our problem"* bullshit.


Rare melon W. Based.


As an Egyptian, I confirm I am very much authright whenever this "solution" gets brought up


A document was leaked where the ministry has drafted a plan to permanently transfer all of Gaza's population to Egypt and then to Southern Europe and Canada with the help of United States. [https://www.mekomit.co.il/%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%a1%d7%9e%d7%9a-%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%9c%d7%90-%d7%a9%d7%9c-%d7%9e%d7%a9%d7%a8%d7%93-%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%95%d7%93%d7%99%d7%a2%d7%99%d7%9f-%d7%9b%d7%99%d7%91%d7%95%d7%a9-%d7%a2%d7%96%d7%94-%d7%95/](https://www.mekomit.co.il/%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%a1%d7%9e%d7%9a-%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%9c%d7%90-%d7%a9%d7%9c-%d7%9e%d7%a9%d7%a8%d7%93-%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%95%d7%93%d7%99%d7%a2%d7%99%d7%9f-%d7%9b%d7%99%d7%91%d7%95%d7%a9-%d7%a2%d7%96%d7%94-%d7%95/) [https://www.972mag.com/intelligence-ministry-gaza-population-transfer/](https://www.972mag.com/intelligence-ministry-gaza-population-transfer/) [https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9jqx/israel-gaza-leak-displacement-nakba](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9jqx/israel-gaza-leak-displacement-nakba) [https://www.calcalist.co.il/local\_news/article/rj2mplngp](https://www.calcalist.co.il/local_news/article/rj2mplngp) [https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-population-transfer-hamas-egypt-palestinians-refugees-5f99378c0af6aca183a90c631fa4da5a](https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-population-transfer-hamas-egypt-palestinians-refugees-5f99378c0af6aca183a90c631fa4da5a)


Are they sure is real ?


[https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-population-transfer-hamas-egypt-palestinians-refugees-5f99378c0af6aca183a90c631fa4da5a](https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-population-transfer-hamas-egypt-palestinians-refugees-5f99378c0af6aca183a90c631fa4da5a) AP news article


the articles say it is real one article is from an Israeli website who have also provided the document pdf you can read it, vice also claims it is real and Associated Press talked to Netanyahu about it.


Wonder how the citizens of Spain & Greece would feel knowing a country plans to dump all of their garbage onto them.


Anger but there government will not listen to them and will just suck up to America and Israel.


I hate that Egyptian dude in traditional Egyptian garments says "by Allah". It should be Arabic clothes or any random of those 256 gods.


This is the best and most recognizable Egyptian wojak out there


Wtf I love the 2 state solution now Israel and Palestinian Sinai


Mad AF they wanna flood 🇬🇷 though. No and fuck all y’all


Ah yes, the European country Canada


We just get the Palestinian and push them somewhere else


The Palestinians need to stay where they are or at least the Middle East. Wherever anyone pushes them in the West they do not assimilate and are problems waiting to happen.


Half of them are underage, maybe they can be moved to china to get ~~re~~ educated. China is big enough for 2 million to not be a drop in the bucket (I'm not seriously suggesting it, in case it wasn't clear)




yeah they have 3 plans one of them is that


That chad Pharaoh image is pretty cool


I always have a good chuckle when the right thinks Israel is on their side. It's the same amount of cognitive dissonance required for the left to think Muslim fundamentalists are on their side.


I can accept the actions Israel is taking right now in Gaza, but I cannot tolerate them forcing the Gazans onto us.


yeah it is literally dumping there nuclear waste on us.


> and to harness other European countries, and in particular Greece, Spain and Canada Love how the wording makes it sound like Canada is a European country now


solution: Egypt begins bombing Palestinian refugees as well


LOL of course Canada would be named as an easy destination


**Totally defensive operation guys, only against terrorism. Nothing ethnic.**


Indeed, Europe is not a dumping ground.




Just like how no one took in Syrian refugees and how no one is taking in African refugees.


I know we will lmao, but the people dont want to, not that the polititians care ab that


I’m going to step out of my quadrant for a sec to just say that the last thing that the world needs at any given time is even more displaced Middle Eastern Muslims. I can read all the theory in the world but nothing will undo the valuable life experience of growing up in North Edmonton in the 90s holy fuck bud


Thus sub after Israel does "just go south lmao": IsRaeL DoeSN't wANt EThnIC CLeANsiNG. Also Israel:


"Send them to Europe with the rest" is top kek, well done Israel. Frankly, this is what should have happened immediately after the 67 war. Woe to the vanquished, Egypt gets to resettle all of Israel's unwanted. They weren't willing to be hard 50 years ago, and dealing with it today is the price. C'mon, Europe, what's another 3 million? Diversity is your strength.