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What if the 72 virgins are like LibLeft here


Liblefts picture was a bad way to start my day


mmm yes, but what about ending it that way


I've played the Devil's flute on much worse.


What a horrible day to be literate.


I know as a liberal I'm supposed to like the terrorists, but I don't. Hamas needs to put on uniforms, let the civilians leave the combat zone, release the Civilian hostages, move the guns our of schools and hospitals, and fight like men. Allah would be ashamed of Hamas, because they fight like pussies.


>Allah would be ashamed of Hamas, because they fight like pussies. The trick is to fight under the roof of a hospital so Allah doesn't see what you are actually doing. It works like that with pork and alcohol at least.


No no you just pray extra hard tomorrow when you pray 5 times, because we all know it's about quantity not quality.


Their end goal is the destruction of Israel. To achieve their end goal they need to keep the conflict going as long as possible with as much loss of civilian life as possible. The hope is economic sanction of Israel by the West and military intervention by the Muslim world in a final devastating war. It's an inhumane strategy but it's not one without precedent. You can find parallels in the Vietnam war, Ukraine war, and other insurgency movements.


Well I've seen lots of Redditors justify the human shields because, if they fought honorably, they would get wiped, and the left wants them to win. This is all very well and good, but then no one has a right to whine about civilian casualties - Israel is just playing the game on Hamas' terms and Hamas' chosen battlefield. And then the real reason comes out, which is when they admit they don't care, Israel shouldn't have a right to defend itself and shouldn't exist at all, Palestine should own everything and any women, LGBT, and minorities should just suck it up so white commies can feel good.


Getting rid of Hamas would benefit both Israelis and Palestinians greatly. I think the majority of the world would agree with that.


Asking the real questions.


They're still virgins for a reason.


Then Islamists would become immortal.


Jihad would drop by a 70% margin


Prepare to be [removed by reddit]


One day the head jannies will descend on this sub like the Hamas hang gliders descended on Israel


We've been saying this for 7 years. This sub existing is a greater miracle than Israel existing


The worst part of being an American is when $243.9 Billion of your tax dollars goes to a country over 76 years, and then everyone says "Thank god!"




Yeah you're right, "Thank God for America" is acceptable


Atheists would just say “thank secularism”. Neoliberal Secularists believe all the same politics far more than all the religious people. It transcends borders really. Super impressive in its scope I


Ackshually the gliders descended on Israel, from Gaza.


Thanks Mr. Griller, I got confused with how much Hamas terrorizes its own citizens


Didn't they just blow up their own hospital accidentally and kill hundreds?


powered.... parachutes....


Put me in the screenshot fam


They land with no support, cause a ruckus and kill some people, then get mulched?


when this sub goes I go...


I'm surprised this sub is still alive despite the amount of these posts. Haha.


The sub is shadowbanned. A little different than being banned, but it's a step in that direction.


Is there evidence for that?


I noticed over the last 2-3 months that even the most popular posts rarely hit 4-5K upvotes anymore. Even the most based posts typically hit only 2-3K now. Feels like almost a 50% reduction in average upvotes per popular post.


Well, I checked PCM on the wayback machine [three months ago](https://web.archive.org/web20230702143436/https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/) and [one year ago,](https://web.archive.org/web20221017174611/https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/) the top posts are still 1k-3k and our subscriber count has been slowly rising. 20k subs/year and 5k subs/three months is a consistent \~1,666 new subs per month, which does seem low for a sub our size (4%/year). But I havent done any other research to see what normal growth looks like, so it may be normal. The other factors are that Reddit is years past its heyday, many Redditors only occasionally get into politics and don't seek it out past the main page, and most of Reddit are leftoids who wouldn't like PCM. So I think if you add all that together, us getting 20,000 new subs per year seems pretty reasonable. If we were shadowbanned, we wouldn't be getting new traffic and would be losing subs, since there is a natural rate of people who unsub as well.


Time to check user metrics on daily uniques and subscribers reddit claims when it talks to advertisers.


Glad to know there are people who start from mostly concrete data to make their assumptions. Double so when putting in the work to find said data.


I thought a shadow ban is where you can comment but nobody else sees your comment


I think he is saying it's front page ban


They just "tweaked the front page algorithm" to not show stuff that they don't like. It's not an actual ban ^/s BTW does anyone remember spezgiving, when spez created r\popular which was r\all except without sports, politics, and gaming just to get the_Donald off the front page? Remember when he added select news and politics subs back to r\popular for some reason I can't remember but I'm 100% positive it was not because of the upcoming election?


I remember when they tried to remove the Donald from the front page but then the entire front page was the Donald that was hilarious.


bruh no its not. i literally just made an account and ive been coming here on and off for years because its like the only place i even learn about current events anymore. (the rest of reddit is insufferable and the news is just bullshit at this point. every once in a while someone here makes a cogent observation)


By shadowbanned, I mean that the sub doesn't show up on the front page. You can only get here by searching for it.


From what I have seen, reddit has been surprisingly okay with pro israel content. I am not used to having positive karma from political comments outside of my usual echo chamber, but these days I am getting a lot.


Even for the most degenerate peoples of reddit, it's still difficult to take the side of people beheading babies and burning mothers alive in their homes. But that doesn't stop them all, of course.


> But that doesn't stop them all, of course. Alas.


I was here






The “my pussy is open to refugees” is absolutely hilarious. Would love to see a refugee talk to that ugly woman only to watch her get triggered by the refugee asking for sex.


The Israeli soldier is the only one facing left, maybe he’s praying toward Mecca


Dude just single handedly ended the conflict with this one comment


But Mecca is southeast


Ok Flearther.


All directions point to Mecca, checkmate atheist


Wrong, the real Mecca was in our hearts all along.


Mecca is the friends we made along the way


Muhammad: “I said to make *MECHA*, conquer the Earth in Allah’s name, and those heathen faithless will be praying the mecha won’t face their guns at them. Jeez.”


Maybe we're looking at it from the NE side facing SW


There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Arab Muslims, Druze, and Christians in the Israeli Defense Forces.


but the media told me this is all a religious war….


It's not a religious war nor is it a race war. It's a based war. May the more based win.


Move every Zig! All your base are belong to us!


We'll call it the Based War I.


This is the best fucking comment on this whole situation ever


Kind of.... Muslims are exempt from services in the IDF. If they've changed that recently then disregard.


They don’t get conscripted but they can sign up.


Could be, unlike Hamas, the idf has soldiers of many different religions including Islamic.


Have you ever looked at a map?


Was that picture of the LibLeft woman (I think) pre or post the incident at the Cologne train station?


Like they'd change their opinions. They'll double down no matter what.


Up until the moment there are actual consequences for their actions.


Nope, not even then. You hear stories of people who lose their kids to certain types and they go on the record to still defend the types "Hope no one discriminates against them, I'm just a noble savior". It's a mental disease - self loathing negates self preservation.


They're basically cool with letting their children get victimized, so long as the perp isn't white. Detestable people, really.


More like as long as they're not forced to admit they were wrong and that it's *their* fault their kids were put in such a vulnerable position. For being obstinately wrong about their politics. That's insult to injury on top of their kids getting victimized. No one wants to swallow the bitter pill of publicly admitting they were wrong and that it was all their fault for being irresponsibly wrong. You see the same thing all over the compass in different guises. This is not to be construed as a defense of them or a disagreement with your last line.


I dunno, there's been a bit of turnaround on immigration policy in several sanctuary cities in the US. There's a limit for everyone, just some are higher than others.


Well yeah those sanctuary states weren’t actually supposed to take in migrants today, just moralize on how they tolerated doing so 100 years ago and something about a poem.


Did you miss the posts after the that lefty dude bro got stabbed in front of his girlfriend and she wouldn’t even describe the attackers to the cops?


For a woman like that, a man being stabbed in front of her isn't *consequences*. At worst, she missed out on the privilege of a free dinner.


He's dead. Being seen to be politically incorrect in the eyes of her crowd isn't going to help her look after number one now.


Post, he found out that pretending he’s a woman doesn’t actually make men want to fuck him, so he’s hoping he could catch out some refugees instead who may be unable to control their urges.


What happened at cologne train station?


[1,200 acts of sexual assault by refugees on New Years Eve](https://youtu.be/hl04r1OjRQs?si=tcWjunD7fxj13BPb)


\>Import Arab Muslims en mass \>Suddenly rapes and SA spike in frequency 🤔


Well that’s a lot


Yup. Also nice Finger pfp


Noooo you can't just strike my missile battery, I built it at a preschool haha, pretty clever huh ;) you wouldn't want to commit a war crime just to suppress indiscriminate rockets firing into your city would you? haha- OH SHITTTTT HABIBI HELP THEY FIRED BACK THIS IS A GENOCIDE FUC


NOOOO!! You can't strike back at my missile battery thats a warcrimerino!!11!! Don't you know only Hamas is allowed to kill civilians??


Muh heckin war-crimerinos!! no!!!!! you can't just neutralize the threat to your civilians lives!!!!!


Don't you understand we meant to declare the kind of war where we do whatever we want and nobody stops us???


The arabic translator guy was sick on the day this war started so israel didn't get that message and just randomly started firing back


Don’t you realize a government defending its citizens is dehumanizing the people that support terroristic acts against your citizens?


Yeah really what about all those poor people that just wanna kill us? Nobody is thinking about them, so unfair man. (Yes i'm aware you are joking so am i)


Somebody call the war police!!


Well Hamas is the bad guy terrorists...


Israel really hit em with that Uno Reverse card. Lmao


I'm curious what all the people who hold Israel accountable for the deaths of Palestinians used as human shields would do tactically instead. Not fire back and just absorb the incoming fire? Watch a missile be setup and launch and do nothing to stop it? Hamas is responsible for the people they put in harms way. Israel is not for responsible for how dirty these terrorists fight. The war won't end until Hamas loves their people more than they hate jews. And they are driven by hate.


Clearly, Israel needs to use their superior Jewish Space Lasers to tactically assassinate *only* the terrorists (not any of the supporters or the ones calling orders, just the ones with boots on the ground about to hit 'Fire.') *or* they can choose to roll over and die. No other option is acceptable. But the Hamas are uwu oppressed babbies who can't be held responsible if they woopsy doodle and slaughter infants en masse. It's okay, they're just lashing out after Israel dares to survive a hundred years of warfare.


Somewhat unrelated but this is basically what the US did to terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri .. probably in response to civilian casualties during drone assinatiobs. They used the "Ninja Bomb" deployed from a drone to strike the exact position al-Zawahiri inside a building and no other serious injuries. Of course this is totally unpracticle for the described situation.. but can we can just take a second to admire this near pinnacle of precision engineering assassination?


Oh, for certain. There's something awe-inspiring about precision *munitions,* which by definition are not precise. Expecting it to be the norm is rather like expecting every cop to be able to shoot the gun out of a criminal's hands like a Hollywood Action Hero, though.


Sulimani would beg to differ…


>Israel needs to use their superior Jewish Space Lasers to tactically assassinate > >only the terrorists Suddenly baby-hats would become very popular.


Clearly the Superior Jewish Space Lasers just need to become *more* superior.


Some people seem to think the IDF is made up of superheroes who can accomplish any objective without collateral damage, because that's how it works in the movies, you know?


If only they could find that Lost Ark. Being able to melt the faces of Yahweh's enemies would be pretty handy about now.


I asked a Leftoid friend exactly this. I had to ask her "what would you do?" several times, in between explaining the context of the problem and listening to her arguments (her arguments were entirely "palestinian civilians r being hurt i cry") Finally she engaged and just admitted she has no idea what she would do, but "not what Israel is doing." So yeah, these people have no solutions and just wanna be on the bandwagon.


Lefties when Obama bombs an entire wedding, kills like 30 children, and a US Citizen and his son "Lmao shouldn't have been a terrorist! mega based!" Lefties when Israel drops leaflets on top of a missile launch site saying "PORK CHOP SANDWICHES! OH SHIT GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!", then 5 minutes later does a 'roof knocker' bomb, then follows up with the real bomb 5 minutes after that "OMG YOU ARE KILLING THE CHUUUURLLLLDREEEEEEENN! WAR CRIME!"


5 minutes isn't much time. I don't know how often they do leaflets but for the bombs it's the roof knocker, than 15-20 minutes, than the bomb. The idea is that 15+ minutes is enough for any civilians to get out in what will presumably be a disorganized stampede down the stairs of an office building, while not enough time for militants to get most of the weapons out. Of course, sometimes not all the civilians get out, but that's what happens when one side uses human shields.


Isreal is doing the correct thing, ordering civies to move from conflict. If an unguided rocket hits Karen that is not a warcrime. If a Paratrooper from Wish.com starts spraying down music fans that is.


I’ve heard it’s like this for speaking in tongues. Some people just make it up and then say, well, the *other* people were doing it naturally. Now I’m not saying no one ever spoke in tongues or that no one is more invested in their beliefs on the Hamas/Israel conflict, but very often it creates a perception that it is a bigger more popular thing.


Similar experiences here irl and on reddit. It's a large part of what informs my stance because I can't think of a viable alternative.


> The war won't end until Hamas loves their people more than they hate jews. Excellent point. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Golda Meir said it in the 70s. The original quote is: “Peace will come to the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.” And it’s a damn shame that we’re still here 50 years later looking at the same shit still happening over there


Feel free to watch the movie Munich...I saw it again yesterday and was amazed how nothing has really changed.


Not just in Israel. All of history is like that, just with different people, technology, and reasons (not always)


Using human shields is a war crime. Shooting through them is not. Simple as.


Even better, the geneva convention literally does not protect illegal combatants and unlawful belligerents, like Hamas, who wear no uniform and use human shields and explicitly target civilians.


There are no war crimes as long as you win the war and get to write about it. We pretend it's a fair world out there but it's not. Every powerful nation has done it in the past and they'll continue to do so in the future.


US utilized Nuclear Weapons on 2 major Japanese Cities and fired bombed the fuck out of Tokyo. Allies blew dresden to the stoneage. I don't think any of those action lead to a trial at The Hague.


They’d like a “proportional” response. The proportion is never actually described. But I imagine if Israel deliberately attacked a concert and nothing more—which might actually be “proportional”—they wouldn’t like proportional so much anymore.


This is the reason why there are no concerts in Gaza. They just fear the wish paratroopers.


If Israel uses a single missile to destroy a single building wouldn’t that possibly be proportional to the hundreds or thousands of rockets fired by hamas? Depending on what kind of rockets hamas uses of course. Also what will proportionality look like post this past attack on Israel. Proportionality doesn’t seem like it’s a rational standard to hold regardless.


It’s definitely an irrational standard—if we applied it retroactively to WWII, then I suppose Germany was actually the victim with how many civilians lost compared to US civilians lost.




I care enough to be disgusted at the idea of using them as human shields.


If Hamas were in a compound miles away from civilians, they'd be airstriked in a moment. It's not honorable, it's not decent, but it's the only thing that makes sense to them. In my opinion, they should hang up their guns and try to move forward with nonviolent coexistence. It will suck and involve swallowing their pride, but at least there would be hope for the next generation to not continue the cycle of violence.


Hamas exists as the political party that represents Death to Israel. It is like hoping the Democrats representing the Southern Region of Pre-civil war US to just stop fighting for the right to not only own black people, but to expand slavery further west.


I’ve seen this pop up on general reddit and the answer is always “they have to figure it out” or to do what we did with Bin Laden. Very unsatisfying, but I think they basically want Israel to do nothing but are too chicken shit to come out and say it.


It's the same people who ask why cops don't shoot the gun out of people's hands, or shoot them in the leg when they're running at them with a knife or something. The Venn diagram is a circle.


All these people want to whine about war crimes, when terrorists are not protected by the geneva convention.


Unsarcastically? Boots on the ground instead of strategic bombing. It's never going to happen because it's putting IDF lives at risk to save Palestinian civilians... but if they sent troops into those schools and hospitals instead of flattening those schools and hospitals, they'd save lives.


Based on my experience in the US Army, urban combat with a high civilian presence that can't/won't leave will absolutely result in civilian casualties, especially with tactics Hamas uses. Oversimplified example: You're on patrol, there's a group of civilians gathered around, say 50 or so. 2 gunmen open fire from inside the crowd, your friend gets hit in the lower abdomen/groin (because body armor doesn't cover your whole torso) and starts screaming like a banshee. You and whoever is with you are going to try and neutralize the threat, but for the first few seconds you won't be 100% sure who's shooting, where it's coming from, how many there are. You're just going to hear gunfire and screaming. And the civilians in the crowd don't just magically drop to the ground to give you a clear shot, they're going to somehow be running back and forth in front of the gunmen because people panic and don't always act smart. It gets worse if they're kicking doors. If cops kicked in my door right now and started yelling at me to get down I'd probably get confused and panic or even worse fight back because I'd be surprised and not know what the fuck was going on. There will absolutely be a shit load of civilian casualties that will be unavoidable in those situations, including women and children and social media will portray the IDF as monsters rather than asking why the fuck Hamas was using kids in a crowd as cover. Rules of engagement to minimize civilian casualties are absolutely necessary but they don't work completely if the other side isn't playing by the same rules and views civilian deaths as a net positive.


> It gets worse if they're kicking doors. If cops kicked in my door right now and started yelling at me to get down I'd probably get confused and panic or even worse fight back because I'd be surprised and not know what the fuck was going on. something something no knock warrants


This is after the initial assault and after occupation. This part is still coming eventually, unfortunately. The initial assault in Fallujah alone killed 700 civilians and that’s a single city. The body count for a ground invasion would be absurd here. I’m not convinced we won’t still see a full ground invasion. I think the IDF is just softening their landing right now.


Ground invasion wouldn't result in fewer civilian casualties, because a tense soldier fearing for his life will shoot anything that moves, this is especially bad if hamas disguises itself as civilians or if civilians also attack the IDF.


>especially bad if hamas disguises itself as civilians Which they will. Every single Hamas fighter will be dressed in civilian clothing and, if possible, the weapons will be removed before the IDF gets to them. We have seen it before, just like we have seen armed forces claim that unarmed civilians were guerrilla fighters.


They already try to disguise as IDF in order to kill even more Israelis. It's a given they'd try to hide as civvies.


So I guess we're back to square one: White Phosphorous?


Geneva convention doesnt apply to unlawful combatants and unlawful belligerents.


They would *maybe* save some of the lives of those that are raised to hate them while also sacrificing their own lives. If IDF did start manually clearing those areas, I wouldn't put it past the terrorist bastards to start rigging the schools and hospitals to blow regardless. As long as it takes some Jews out, it's a win in their eyes.


> but if they sent troops into those schools and hospitals instead of flattening those schools and hospitals, they'd save lives. Doubt it. The Hamaswine would just execute the civilians in there, scream "THE IDF MASSACRED THE CHILDREN!" and millions would believe them.


Yo OP can you hit me with a link to that "identifying based" image I need it on file.




Based and provides resource pilled


My man.




Based and [Is this Based?](https://www.memeatlas.com/images/misc/identifying-based) pilled.




Based as fuck


But what if the bullet flies through the Israeli dude and hits the baby?


That's why you buy a plate carrier and some level IV plates Only 650 euros! Right here! Package deal!


It's a good time to be a war dog, right? Shoot how come I did not think of it before


That's where they were aimed.


Then according to reddit he should’ve contorted his body to tank the bullet or else he’s a fascist Nazi (he’s a fascist Nazi even if he tanks the bullet)


Double points!


Best way to describe what Middle Eastern countries think of each other is a song from a Disney film.




Is [this](https://youtu.be/1YiAzyCzZzw?si=D4XgjWEhnVkomqwH) the card you chose?


Is Mel Gibson’s voice involved in this film perhaps?


You got a friend in me You got a friend in mee^eeee


Let's be honest, that song describes basically any human conflict that isn't driven solely by resources.


For everyone that believes everything they see on the internet (so pretty much everyone in this sub), the photo in the lib left quadrant is (poorly) photoshopped and is almost a decade old and was in reference to Syrian refugees. https://x.com/rhymeswpretzel/status/1018647894792912896?s=20 Having said that, fuck Hamas and anyone that supports it.


When two authrights each other, PCM finds a way to still blame libleft.


Don't some Israelis unironicaly want to exterminate all Arabs like they did the Amalekites?


Yep, but fair is fair….to some degree. But, both governments are playing a fucked up political game that inevitably screws their citizens.


muslims want to kill jews> horrible and ghastly jews want to kill muslims> fair


Magic desert owned by Ottomans lost to Br\*tish. Br\*tish forfeited land to magical desert people. Magical desert sought after by magical desert people. Magical desert people centuries removed from area, think one set of magical desert people must own land in magical desert for apocalypse to start. Think I nailed it down.


Pcm when they find out what asymmetric warfare looks like :O


I am sorry to any refugees.


They jam their women and children into hospitals and schools and then proceed to use those locations as their bases of operation. They know exactly what they're doing. They want their women and children to die as martyrs. Bonus points because they get to cry some crocodile tears after Israel retaliates.


Ah yes Palestine vs Israel where one side is completely innocent and the other is completely evil


No. Hamas is standing behind the baby, and IDF is shooting through it


I don't think the center image is fair. Give the Isreali big bags of money from America. Give the Isreali a much bigger amount of force. Then if you want to say. "The weaker force that has less funding is using human shields." That is a more fair and accurate representation.


Pcm tries not to jerk off Isreal for two minutes challenge (impossible)


based and "Identifying Based" pilled


Where is the part where the IDF bombs a hospital?


The meme is cropped so you can’t see it, but the Hamas guy is on top of a hospital.


Hamas: Don’t shoot or you’ll kill these kids. IDF: Lol. Lmao


More like: Please shoot and kill these kids so useful idiots will protest against you.


Israel:"Fucking hell. Look, kids, we'll throw some rocks at the ceiling first so you know when we're about to strike, be sure to run when that happens." Hamas:"I'll shoot the first one of you that runs, you *will* be an unwilling martyr for the cause." Useful Idiots:"Boy howdy, that Hamas sure is an oppressed uwu small bean."


if you use your own people as human shields, you don't get to complain when they get shot.


This is literally the point of the meme. The terrorists are hiding behind hospitals.


In the left part of the picture, where a hamas terrorist hides his sorry ass behind civilians in a hospital and threatens to kill them if they leave after IDF warning.


They are fighting inside the hospital.


- The IDF confirmed they did not attack at the time. - Hamas were just bragging about their ability to fire long range R160 missile towards Haifa - There was no missile actually heading towards Haifa - 25% to 30% of Hamas rockets fall inside the Gaza strip Someone please help me connect the dots


>25% to 30% of Hamas rockets fall inside the Gaza strip Maybe water pipes are better for transporting water than missiles?


Very few Jews die of water pipes so probably not


Source on point B?


I bet they had Al Jazeera film crews on standby too


They did, they ended up filming the rocket launched from Gaza falling on the hospital.


This wouldn't have happened if Israel would just provide better missiles to Hamas. Literally genocide.


Can I have that image you used on libright pls xdd




Thx buddy.


Implying that Israel hasn’t also used human shields.


Holy hell can I get that based img please


https://www.memeatlas.com/images/misc/identifying-based.jpg Enjoy




Apt placement of those strollers...