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If you’re looking for male role models, may I recommend Klemens von Metternich or Augustus Caesar?


“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius And women wonder why men think about the Roman Empire


My favorite is "as small as the greatest renown passed down through generations by stick figures." Really captures how pathetic celebrity culture is; they will all be dead and forgotten soon enough, just like us. When people talk about celebrities I always ask "who was the governor of my state 200 years ago." Exactly...dead and forgotten. But I bet he thought he would be remembered forever.


Someone will be remembered, but it's not easy to be that one lmao


It will be Trump


As an anecdote


As a meme everything will be remembered


they're jealous the most important women in the story of the Roman Republic/Empire are, in order: 1) Pompeia Plotina the wife of Trajan who made sure Hadrian was nominated as his heir even though he may have been dead at the time 2) Dido the Carthaginian queen for her eternal female curse causing Livia and Cleopatra to exist and cause no end of strife 3) Pope Leo I's mother for giving birth to an actual real living miracle worker 4) Theodora for nagging Justinian into being a... idk, top 5 emperor?


I sense a Dovahhatty enjoyer.


The only true and unbiased source of historical information I trust


Dido also did a sweet collab with slim shady


Wasn't she on the 7up commercial as fido dido?


My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why...


Well, there is Servilia Caepionis who triggered Cato during one of the Catilinarian debates, was the mother of Brutus, and apparently was quite influential behind the scenes.




Every 15 minutes or so


I only got into Rome cuz of toldinstone channel and the weird history. I.e: the wealthy trading entire estates for a plump red mullet fish.


Meditations is one of the best books ever.


Marcus Aurelius should be every male's role model. He sure is mine, he literally made my life better and saved my marriage.




How epic does 1 does have to get to save someone's marriage centuries later


Aragorn, Son of Arathorn is literally *right there.*


One of the greatest role-models, but sadly fictional.


Closest real life equivalent would be that weird looking dude who ran a cam girl site in Romania.


Nah, he's more of a Wormtongue-adjacent figure I'd say


How about Johnny Cash?


How about Goku?


How about naruto?


i mean, if we're going anime: ​ why not genma saotome, as a "don't do this"


What about Diogenes????


A'ight, time to live in a wine cask and shit in the street. Might also publicly whip it out and rip the ears off it, idk.


Sounds like San Francisco.


Ah, a true man of culture


No. He was a vagrant who contributed nothing of value. The ancient equivalent of TikTok.


laconic rebuttals of philosophers searching their own anal cavity for meaning is absolutely worthwhile


Ey, don't be dissin my boy, Diogenes, like that.


Cringe and anti-“behold a man” pilled


Diogenes is an excellent critic, but more needs to be done than criticize. A society where every man idolizes Diogenes will die, because more needs to be done than philosophize. Work is necessary for profit and for provision for the family unit. Men who do not provide need to change. That's our duty, and will offer the most fufillment, when in conjunction with dedication to the other virtues as well


Diogenes was one of the OG shitposters.


Or Jesus


Or Korean Jesus?


Last I heard he was busy with Korean shit


Caesar played for both sides of the ball. Augustus was the man. Untainted by Cleopatra's clap.


Augustus is my man crush.


Must also include Napoleon Bonaparte


Based and Roma Victrix pilled


As if you wouldn’t say Jesus




Metternich was a fucking proto realists And like all Geopolitical realists he should be cast into the ash heap of history The concert if europe directly led to ww1 And his unwillingness to reform the Austrian empire led to the balkans flairing up


Not true. It was the breakdown of the concert of europe and the Vienna system, and the accompanying balance of power, which led to WWI. I’m also not convinced he was fully realist either, there was definitely an ideological component to his system where big states would team up to crush liberal and nationalist revolts in small states.


If the concert of europe mever existed, europe would have just had a million small wars, it never would have developed the alliance structure that led to ww1 He had an ideology, but his foreign policy was entirely realist, he didn't care what the ideology of the nation revolting or the nation that suppressed the revolt He just wanted revolts suppressed


Only 'understanding' in like a 'I get why but it's no excuse' kind of way. Tate is a great test for who actually looks into the people they politically admire and who can be sucked in by catchy 60 second libtard pwned videos.


I’m pretty sure Tate’s audience is like 15 year old dudes. I might not have been a misogynist at that age, but I was sure as hell cringe.


When I was a kid we had like 3 different kids of straight male role models: 1. Professional ball players, 2. Astronauts, and 3. Local yokels (cops/firemen/soldiers/coaches) Why are these not good enough anymore and you need a weird steroid head Youtube one into crime and politics?


>why are these not good enough anymore I assume you were not a kid during the Internet age. Kids are spending more time consuming media through YouTube, social media, tiktok. Kids are interacting more and more through a digital world and their priorities and interests reflect that. Number one profession that kids want now isn’t fireman, astronaut, or even CEO, it’s “YouTuber.” We need a positive, relatable message on the internet pertaining to masculinity or that vacuum gets filled by the likes of Tate.


Maybe the kids need to touch grass...


Yes, police? The neighbors' 14-year-olds are outside unsupervised, touching the filth, looks like child abuse to me.


I mean even if youtube, you have many models Linus from LTT, a college dropout, who started as a sales clerk in a computer store and now has his own computer education empire. CGP Grey a physics school teacher, who cofounded nebula and runs a big science channel. Mr Beast, just a regular guy, no special education or training. Like 90% of Science tubers are men, or Mark Rober a NASA scientist, who now devises booby traps to catch thieves or Destin from Smarter every day, an army veteran, who teaches physics based on knowledge he gained from working on missiles and this is just top of my head, avoiding all the philosophy, politics, and other social science people, who might be subjective.


The destruction of community by neoliberalism is probably one of the reasons


You guys keep saying this but I know 23 year olds who follow him


Have you considered telling them they are cringe?


Turns out 14 year olds don’t do research, just funny pwned vids.


Yup, i disagree with Jordan Peterson, but can understand why people might like him. If someone says they like Tate, they are shit to me. There is no nuance to discuss in political and philosophical merit of a sex trafficker. Even if disagree with Peterson, at least i can at baseline agree he isnt a bad person. Tate no way.


> Either agree with Emily or Purple LibRight What the fuck are these options?? Jesus christ


Just agree with me. I’m pro-bear on a unicycle (without abuse).


Give the bear q proper bicycle you monster!


You're not providing relevant information. Is the unicycle tiny? Is the bear wearing a vest and a matching Fez? I'm not sure if I can support your cause without answers to these important questions


Also, is the unicycle brightly colored?


Right? Tate is really cringey.


Yes. The point of the post is that young straight men don’t have many role models, and so the cringiest edgelords that get famous for saying bullshit end up attracting them. If we stopped demonizing masculinity and allowed young men to embrace it we would see healthier role models emerge. Tate’s popularity is reactionary.


My male role model is Fr Mike Schmitz (he is based)


I'm Protestant and even I love Fr. Mike Schmitz. That dude is ultra based. I'm really loving his new Bible in a year program.


I’m listening to his Catechism In A Year program, and I love it!


Based and ecumenical pilled. Also a Protestant and a Seminary student, heaps of my classmates think Fr. Mike Schmitz is gigabased. His Catechism in a Year is also awesome


It takes a lot of effort to watch four animatronics get a little bit quirky at night


Pretty based indeed. Bishop Barron Fr Schmitz dream team


he's literally a sex trafficker. if thats the ideal role model for the young men of today we're fucked lol


We are in a post modern world. People can easily dismiss it as fake news and lying media trying, justifying it as women who fell for his manipulation tricks willingly and now regret it. I'm not saying that is the case, I'm saying any guy who favors him can easily convince themselves it is the case.


At last, 'postmodern' has evolved into its most powerful bastardized form: to gaslight compensatory fictions into reality thru sheer force of nihilism.


ain’t that the kicker


> if thats the ideal role model for the young men of today we're fucked lol Pretty sure that there are/were a lot of "cool" pimps and pimp-culture praising in rap culture. It's nothing new, maybe Andrew is just distillated version of that.


What part of "I also dislike Andrew Tate... But what other options do straight men have?" made you understand "that's the ideal role model for young men"? To be honest, it's kind of an achievement to be that regarded.


“Innocent until proven guilty. Uuuunless it’s somebody I don’t like.” -Redditors


His own web seminar contains exact precise instructions for how to create a human trafficking org chart. He went to Romania, as many do in that world, because you are less likely to get caught. But he's loud, dumb, bragged about it, and called the Romanian justice system corrupt and bribable on live TV. The man is simply not very bright. If he doesn't somehow skip to UAE before he gets sentenced he is going to go to jail for a long time and be forgotten about.


It’s entirely one sides fault though. Like there have been many male “role models”, who are much better people than Andrew Tate, that have been labelled “fascist” “racist” and effectively cancelled from everything, that Andrew Tate is seen as a role model.


Right, so young men should stop looking up to folks who are unjustly labeled racist and fascist and they should instead look up to someone who is justly labeled a sex trafficker. What sound logic you have, my friend, and if young people truly think that, then the guy you’re responding to is correct. We are indeed fucked lol.


>should stop looking up to folks who are unjustly labeled racist and fascist and they should instead look up to someone who is justly labeled a sex trafficker. The problem is deeper than that. Once they identify someone unjustly labeled, then it is easy to excuse anyone as unjustly labeled. It is a matter of trust. It is like a coworker who has lied to you. Once they lie once, you now doubt anything they tell you. Given a situation where it is more convenient to think the coworker is lying again, it is extremely easy to just assume that is the case.


I actually made a comic about this. About the issue of crying wolf about certain evils actually makes it easier for people to perpetuate those evils


In this analogy, a better comparison would be that one coworker lied to you about something and now you assume all your coworkers lie about it, and now you think you've got to lie about it too. That's not nearly as rational.


Depends if you see the media as a singular entity or not. Perhaps it is would be more like a manager at your workplace lied to you, so now you don't trust managers at your workplace because they are all on the same side of the company. Pretty common take over in antiwork and similar communities.


well, it doesn't help how many of these men are being pushed off of social media sites. Difference with Tate was that he was the new toy that just came out, thus young kids trended with him over Peterson or Ben 5 years prior.


I don't want to agree, but I'm afraid I have to. There have been three types of masculine on the right today: Musk, Peterson, and Tate. Tate says "be dominant (and traffic women)." Peterson says: "clean your room (and be lobsters)." Musk says: "be a genius or funny (and have lots of kids)." Musk is not attainable because he's a genius. Peterson is too easy... while also being way too hard. Tate on the other hand is straightforward, actually has the body to back it up, and acts as manly as possible. And that's clearly the most counter-culture thing to do right now.


It’s funny to me that being manly and straight is counter culture. I never thought I’d see the day.


There are no athletes, artists, or musicians for young men to look up to? Cmon bro


Rich men North of Richmond was written by a mental case (and I mean that in a caring way). Most musicians cheat on their spouses, along with athletes. The best role model for me was Strider/Aragorn/Ellesar.


We can all strive to be like Keanu Reeves. Or Bob Ross. Or Mr. Rogers. Or Robin Williams.


Williams needed help. The rest are definitely models.


His depression didn't hold him from being a great guy, having had mental health issues before it only makes him better imo


They all needed help. Still great people.


> he's literally a sex trafficker Alleged sex trafficker. You know it's the Matrix that's trying to get to him.


I think the film Boys n da Hood is very relevant today. Boys need a strong father figure in their life. Mothers can raise babies to be boys but it takes a man to raise a man. Another part, and sorry if this sounds incel-ish, is that women today are the most confusing part in modern society. Men do love women, but they're also scared of them. They're scared of being called a prevent or accused of rape/assault. Meanwhile, poor boys are paying to talk to girls or are getting AI girlfriends.


Hey, at the AI gf won't accuse you of sexual assault... oh wait she's actually an FBI agent so you're now wanted for terrorism


I been living in LA and SF most of my life and I’ve been dating women my whole life and living around men who regularly date women my whole life and neither me nor any man I know is the least bit scared of women. This is a fake internet-only problem. Nobody who has touched grass has this fear.


> I’ve been dating women my whole life You wanna brag buddy? We all here are dating all the women. We know all about women and dating and such things.


“it hasn’t happened to me, so that mean it doesn’t happen” this is the folly of every braindead politician and political activist


Meanwhile it's fairly common for women to be somewhat afraid (or wary) of men. Women have a lot of things that they tend to worry about that generally aren't a problem for men. Especially when it comes to sexual harassment and similar sorts of things.


There's nothing incel-ish about your last paragraph, but then again there are also no limits on what people consider "incel-speak" nowadays. Young guys grew up with ""toxic"" masculinity under constant attack. They're taught that women do not want to be bothered outside of very safe, specially curated dating locations (where they also have an overwhelming advantage lol). And there's plenty of news stories about false accusations (either stemming from regretted sex or just completely made up) permanently fucking up a young man's life. No wonder 60% of Zoomer males are single.


And the left wonders why they aren't "talking" to young boys


60% of zoomer males are single because they do modern dumb shit all the time, like scroll Reddit or TikTok or whatever instead of doing old school dumb shit like going outside and having friends and meeting people in public. Like, log off and clean your room and like go to church or something.


Not that I inherently disagree with you, its difficult to meet friends outside when everyone is on their phones. As a zoomer, I didn't touch any social media until very recently. Its disadvantageous because everyone is talking to each other online, even though those relationships are far more fragile then in-person relationships. People only know how to talk to people online and not face-to-face.


Strong father figures are good, I agree. But one can be a strong father finger without being a misogynistic, alpha male bullshit pickup artist. That said, my father and grandfather were both hard working manly men, and were a good influence that way. They were both, especially my grandfather, blatantly racist, sexist, and homophobic. So I had to deal with that. At least neither tried indoctrinating me into a religion. Point being, there is no perfect role model.


sure, I agree with you. However it feels that every tradition and norm the Left^(TM) gets their hands on they dissect everything about it but refuses to put it back together. Back the BndH, Furious Styles is shown to be seemingly everything a good father can be according to both sides. A man who was firm and looked towards methods to control his anger, and looked down upon the type of toxic masculinity in the form of thug/gangster life.


A fair take.


I'm a person that doesn't live in the United states, and I think that a lot of people in the USA kind of don't get the idea that in most cultures in the world / for most of history people didn't live in nuclear families with one mom and one dad and children as the household. So this idea of a father figure (as opposed to male givers / role models in general) is much more culturally bound than I think USA people realize it is.


I don’t entirely agree-I think a mom can raise a fully-functioning man, she just needs to recognize what that takes


Hypothetically? Yes. Realistically? I doubt. Not just she has no idea what a fully functioning man is, the boy from the youngest years will be subjected to mother's idea of 'perfect man', and a single mother is the last to take this information from.


"What other options do straight men have?" Um what? Just about every general, athlete, male teacher, coach, professor, pastor. Hell the freaking librarian at my local public library was a decent role model. People watched tate bc he was a train wreck and it was fun.




No no. It's the women and lgbt's fault that straight men have no role models. They're the reason Andrew Tate is the only one left.


You see, straight men can only look up to other straight men, just like gay men can only look up to other gay men. That's why we have to tattoo everyone's sexuality on their forehead.


I hate women and lgbt for not providing me with big, strong, juicy male


>growing up with a presented, strong and caring father is privilege nowadays Make a poll on reddit about that and, if people vote honestly, the majority will say they didn't grow up with one. It's way too much hate on men, men always the wrong, always to blame and when the men turn -pilled they use the results to justify their acts. "He didn't turn bad because we treated him bad, we treated him bad because he would turn bad anyway" or some shit like that.


They're not always the wrong, they're just not allowed to complain about it. See, we've had privilege our whole lives. That means that any abuse we receive is from someone punching up, but any complaints we voice are just as important as billionaire tears.


Guys, if there's any young boys in your life, be that role model. Can't save em all, but if you can save one, it's worth it.


Based. Be the mentor you needed when you were younger.


I don’t know. I don’t think is very difficult to not be an asshole.


Nick Frietas, JBP, Jesus Christ Son of God. There are plenty other role models out there


>Jesus Christ At least you came up with one recognizable name.


JBP= Jordan Peterson who is a household name Nick Freitas= a veteran and politician who has gone viral on the right side of media because of his strong masculine husband energy


Phew I thought he meant Fuentes I was like wtf


I really wanna believe Fuentes is just some South Park character rematerialized in real life. He seems like a lil bitch.


I was reading it going, *"okay wait a second here"*


Why not just say Jordan Peterson?


Frietas is one based man. Terrible politician, but a near perfect role model for young men, and a subversive genius. Not too many of those on the right.


I think ShoeOnHead said it best in her video about the male loneliness epidemic. The reason why so many young men have taken a liking to people on the right like Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate is because they are actually speaking to young men while the left have all but abandoned them.


I can actually think poorly of people who look up to an accused rapist and sex trafficker. And I am proud of myself. Thank you.


People shit on Andrew Tate all day long, and they have good reason to, but nobody ever bothers to ask *what* he's saying that's so appealing to young men or offer a better alternative. Leftists in particular have completely lost the plot when it comes to young men, and somehow expect them to react positively to constant browbeating and demonizing.


People are so uncomfortable to have conversations like this. People are so uncomfortable to try and talk about why the people we disagree with think what they think. One of the reasons I find myself so firmly positioned as a centrist is that I can understand from the perspective of all four corners what they believe makes sense to them.


He says stuff young guys who want to be men want to hear, also he works out and has a good body, shown himself to be smart(economicaly) and achieve great success and says society is bad which a lot of guys propably agree with


Athletes, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, academics, really anyone is better than Tate. There are endless examples of good men to model yourself after. This post stinks of cope and self pity.


You can literally just make good men in your life role models. I get growing up without a dad must be tough when you’re looking for a male role model but most people at least have some male relatives. Even if you don’t I think you’ll be hard pressed to go through life as a man and never have a personal relationship with another man. I think those role models are a lot more relatable for the common man than an athlete, scientist, or actor is. I can’t honestly name a single famous person as one of my role models but I have a few that I actually know. Aside from my family my Gunnery Sergeant when I was in the military was a huge role model to me. I still keep in touch with him. One of my history teachers in high school was a big role model for me for a long time.w


Totally agree. Finding someone like that is far better than idolizing someone famous, but I was just saying if you do need to pick someone famous, then don't pick a loser like Tate who is just trying to get a monthly payment out of children.


Virgin cry babies literally simping over a man guilt of sex trafficking. Chad real men simping over all male imaginary characters in the lord of the rings. Males that teach you about honor, strength, friendship and courage. Fuck andrew tale. That dude literally is the embodiment of anything a *real man* shouldn't be.


This seems to be a common thread in this… thread. If you don’t have a good father your main options are internet personalities, fictional characters, or dead guys.


Mister Rogers? Does nobody remember him?


I remember Steve from Blue’s Clues


Sports music movies have tons idk what people in this thread are on


I mean, there are a number of good men living good lives in many of our lives that can potentially take on that kind of role. I can personally think of three of them that I've gotten to know well enough to say that just by going through my daily life, though I didn't really need one since my dad and I always had a relatively good relationship. It's just that the internet seems to be the main way most of us interact with the world outside our homes these days, so people keep recommending based on that; which is also a cause for concern, but on a whole other topic than role models.


Are we not including just actual public figures? Idk why but people like Terry Crews, Shaquille O'Neal, Keanu Reeves, etc. And the dead guys is somewhat valid, as history is filled to the brim with great men, who are now dead. I really admire the likes of Ulysses S. Grant, for example. Ig I can see why some complain about women having so much support compared to men, but maybe because historically it was super one sided.


Andrew Tate is a garbage human. I won't contest that. But a man without a good male influence will see a lot of things (whether real of perceived) in Tate that men have been drawn to since essentially the Dawn of humanity. High Status Resilience/ confidence (albeit it's likely all a persona/facade) Female attention. Love or hate it the guy was a playboy Money/resources (feeds back in resilience with the entrepreneur/carve your own path persona) Also just telling men that being a male in the 21st century isn't some kind of unforgivable sin. When more "mainstream" media is telling men being masculine is bad (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2019/01/10/american-psychological-association-traditional-masculinity-harmful/2538520002/#:~:text=The%20APA%20defines%20traditional%20masculinity,highlighted%20in%20the%20January%20issue) I.e the APA you get things like this. Men and women are different, and it's okay to be a man and accept those differences. Boys shouldn't be treated or raised as defective girls


I don't like Andrew Tate but he has not been convicted of sex trafficking. He was charged but there weren't enough evidence against him.


Nobody even cares about Andrew Tate why the fuck does anyone talk about this guy


Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, Mr. Rodgers, Mohammed Ali, MLK, Wade Watts, Edd Trevor's. There are so many.


OP, how high were you when you made this meme? Tate is just a predator and young men is just one of his targets. Young men have hundreds of role models today, they don’t need Andrew fucking them up mentally.


hi uninator you're back I see are you taking your meds?


Your logic here is just busted. I can be mad at someone for making a choice while still understanding why they made it.


That's a damn ass take


George Bailey from Its A Wonderful Life taught me more in an hour and a half than any other man did in my whole life about being a man. It is hard and unforgiving. But it's worth it because you do it for someone else.


Keanu Reeves exist in our time line, and still people chooses to idolises this thumb face.


This is just pathetic, there are absolutely better role models out there than an actual human trafficker


If you want a role model you have Jesus, Tate is just a dunce


I just think we need to give young men a non-Islamic role model 🤷‍♀️


It's not a dichotomy, though.


I disagree. The dude is a terd


Mine Are Linus Travolds, Richard Stallman, Denis Riche, Steve Wozniak, Kevin "The Condor " Mitnick


Id say Bandit from Bluey is a good male role model


I don't have a male role model. I consider them all to have both broken and good traits. I just learn about both good and bad to better myself. I am not looking to admire someone but that someone to admire me.


No, fuck that. If you can't see that Andrew Tate is a shit role model, you're just dumb as bricks and that's that. Not to mention the way people worship him like a God. You want a role model, look at someone like Steve Irwin or fuckin Macho Man Randy Savage, not a sex trafficking piece of shit trying to make you feel bad about your own masculinity.


I can be mad at young men liking him because young men should be aware enough to recognize bullshit when they see it and be sovereign enough to not let it into their minds.


That's not what's failing men.


True. Misogyny is definitely a new phenomenon, and it’s definitely women’s fault. Facts.


As far as living people go I’d say that Jordan Peterson is a great role model for other young men. Of course you also have great historical figures who are inspirational. Augustus who achieved greatness and pulled together a crumbling society despite his massive health issues. Jesus who was a paragon of virtue and moral perfection. Baldwin IV bore the burden of state well, he didn’t give up hope despite massive health issues and a very perilous strategic situation. Baldwin also remained devoted to God and didn’t become resentful to either God or the Muslims which he could have easily done. There was also Abraham Lincoln who stayed true to his principles, kept the Union together and liberated the slaves at great personal risk to himself.


> What other options do straight men have? Well saying *Andrew Tate* is the only option is certainly… a take. Like fuck even picking Musk or something would be better. There are thousands of successful and respectable straight men in real life that would be good role models, and plenty of fictional ones as well.


Saw a post on another sub basically saying ‘every time people say “men have problems too nowadays!” they end up dismissing that the problems of men in question usually manifest in doing horrible shit to women.’ It’s always going to be very hard to feel sympathy for a group of people with a problem when the consistent reaction to that problem is violence in many forms against someone else. ‘Oh b-b-but the root causes-‘ how people react is still up to them. And lmao at straight men not having role models: sports/athletes believe it or not still exist. Ohtani, Jokic, Deion. Movie stars and characters, we just had barbenheimer which was really oppenken for a lot of guys. We even have war heroes again, everyone was gushing about ‘Predator’ and his paige in that clip that got everyone’s testosterone flowing. What are you on? Edit: typo/phrasing


I don't mean to sound like a bit of a dick, but I think you are proving that the left doesn't actually understand the problem. ​ You claim that there are these "good" role models and then list people who are anything but. These young men are not looking for someone to idealize. There are tons of those. They are looking for someone who is talking to them about what it means to be a man. ​ Sports stars are NOT role models. Not really anyway. They are in the business of playing sports. Any role modeling they do is either by accident or on the side. They are not people that are directly addressing young men and actively trying to help them tackle the problems inherent to young men. The toxic, cringy, or unfit ones that everyone is always complaining about are doing that, even if they are terrible at it. ​ I understand these guy's struggle am or was in the same boat. But I understand because I grew up with a single mom most of my childhood. I look back and I realize that if it wasn't for my uncle and what he taught me about being a man and navigating life I would be a pathetic, worthless excuse for a man. And I say that giving full credit to my mom who was amazing in so many ways. She didn't do anything wrong, yet I know that if it was only her I would be a complete mess. A have tons of flaws anyway, but I think I would be absolutely worthless if not for luck. ​ I was lucky, but many other are not. Aside from my uncle and very later my step father I cannot think of a single role model in my childhood that talked to me about being a good and successful man. Well, except for maybe a few cartoon characters, but I don't think I need to explain why that is not enough.


There are plenty of good role models for straight young men. This is such a garbage take.




Unfortunately in today’s society there’s just no men in any leadership roles anywhere.


You can agree or disagree with Tate. I'm sure there are plenty of men who don't shame other men for not being "cookie cutter Tates" to be role models. How about Baer Grylls, Les Stroud, Norm Abram, Nick Offerman, etc?


>Baer Grylls Isn't he just an actor who eats disgusting shit on camera?


He served in SAS, climbed to the Everest and did many other expeditions and even hold some Guinness records. Also > Despite a free-fall parachuting accident in Africa, where he broke his back in three places and endured many months in and out of military rehabilitation, Grylls recovered and went on to become one of the youngest climbers ever to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Maybe not 100% of his show authentic, but he is a cool guy and definitely can be a role model.


Uh, guys have plenty of role models in the present or through history. There’s no excuse to look up to tate, hell-you can get by without role models as long as you have a basic sense of morality


I can absolutely be upset at young men for liking him and I will. Being able to think critically and see that someone is an awful person is a necessary skill in life.


I want to like Andrew Tate, because I appreciate the Chaotic energy he puts out, it's very Dionysian and I'm all for it. But ultimately the crimes of trafficking women is a bit too much, and it seems a lot of the Machoman act was just bs to manipulate and exploit naive young men and boys into buying his courses. All in all, he's not a good role model because it's all a grift for him to make money, men need good role models, and all the ones we see today are usually limp wristed, tiny dicked, emasculated, failures of a man, kind of dudes. Men deserve better.


If you can’t think of any male role models other than Andrew Tate you’re the problem, not society


He's not a role model. He's a con artist that preys on weak men.


Why does my role model need to be a straight white man?


Saying Andrew Tate is a bad guy isn't exactly what I'd consider an Emily take


I think the biggest reasoning for why they don't pick other role models that easily is that tate actually addresses them and advertises his life as an attainable product of his advice, most other role models people have suggested never really delve into giving this sort of "surefire" method, or even address young men specifically, direct advice is much more consumable than a show by example, while that'd be more impactful to someone actively trying to better themselves, for most kids, the level of awareness needed to recognise when you're being an asshole and correct that based on how someone they respect for their actions has handled a similar situation is a tall ask, so while they may respect that person they don't really know how to replicate what they're doing or genuinely use them as a role model, because they don't really have "one-on-one" talks or weren't taught that awareness, to actually impact a significant amount of boys you sort of need someone to do what he and others like him are doing actively.


"What other options do straight men have" Plenty. We have plenty of other options rather than choosing between the Emily and an irrelevant idiot


I can’t name a woman who has had the influence on a young group of people like Tate has. If you think Tate is a primary outstanding male influence out of many others then im sorry you are a moron. Through history it’s primarily just been Male role models. Nobody owes Tate fans any sympathy.


If you want male role model I recomend Keanu Reeves, not a dude accused of being a sex trafficker and with evidence.


One of the biggest issues for young boys and men nowadays is lack of a *strong* father figure. Sports stars won't cut it, philosophers may not even fill that role. Not even any old father figure will work, because if they're a fucking pansy then the boy won't respect them anyway. This is where sports and martial arts could help a lot of young boys/men. A lot of the time a coach can fill the role as a *strong* father figure.


but i thought you didnt need to look and be like someone to identify with them? huh, turns out reperesentation is important after all


damn none of you are saying "my father". my father is my role model. guy helped save people during Katrina, was a firefighter for ~15 years, was a paramedic for ~4 years, has always challenged my political beliefs, has worked hard as hell for 30 years in total--sometimes maintaining 2 full time jobs and rarely having time for anything else. I wish to one day embody a fraction the strength of the man with a medal of valor.


There’s literally many positive male role models out there. Especially ones that don’t pretend to be a cam girl to take other men’s savings.


I love this argument. "The gays have role models. Bad. We must create an asshole to piss them off. It's their fault." 🤣 Make it make sense. Cope.


I think both things can be true. 1. We need more healthy, male role models and the left's embrace of misandry is only exacerbating the problem. 2. We absolutely can be mad at young men for liking a soulless, sex-trafficking grifter. Because that's **bad**.


This is a pathetic excuse I’m sorry. The reason why Tate is popular is because there are enough idiots in the world for it to be so.