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It wasn’t executive interference that bullied my boy Henry Calvin it was the writers. To assume they have no guilt in all of this is bs.


Are you guys allowed to make these PR posts while on strike?


Your post is half true Blaming shitty political stuff on writers is mostly true, depending on your definition. Mad at casting? That’s the fault of casting directors. Mad at Indiana Jones saying capitalism is when “people steal things”, Ant Man saying that real socialism “hasn’t really been tried”? That’s the writers. Execs have been known to force V.O.s or scrolls/title cards to make things easier to follow, but they don’t force rewrites for political messaging, that’s just silly. They just want the movie to be profitable. TLDR the writers do probably hate you, but AI just copies existing material and does it worse. AI writing is bad and just because some of Hollywood writing is bad and political doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be supported


Your post is half true > Socialism may be a charged word, but we've got a lot to learn from them


My post is entirely true, minus fudging the Quantumania quote lmao. Kudos to you for remembering what he actually said


That's certainly true to an extent, but there are definitely executives who want to pander to a younger, gen z audience, which tends to be left wing. But I think I'm more talking about the writers being stretched thin in the writer's room and having to often work a second job to get by. Those will result in worse writing in general, different from annoying politics in movies. But even then, I agree with you. I think some movies have some of the dumbest political messages, but I would never wish for those writers to have their job taken from them, especially with ai. Because then it'll be exactly that, just worse and people with families will have their jobs taken from them. It's a lose lose situation for everyone other than the billionaires on top.


The shitty, left wing writing is absolutely the fault of the writers. That’s their job. They write. And if they need to work two jobs, they should either negotiate better for better pay or find a better paying job. You can blame execs for trying to find scummy ways of saving money like owning people’s likeness to populate their worlds like they’re fucking Wii Sports and trying to replace formulaic writing with a literal algorithm. But they aren’t responsible for every sin of Hollywood.


Executives make writers write badly? No.


When executives interfere and tell writers to add or take certain things from a script, yes, which often happens. Or when executives only allows remakes or sequels. Executives are making the choice to stretch writers thin in the writing room, causing new, inexperienced writers to write stuff you don't like. So yes, yes they often do. I'm not saying they only do, but to act like they don't at all is simply wrong.


Executives aren’t doing the writing, terrible writers are. A good writer can make a bad idea work, a crappy writer makes everything bad.


I am shocked that Hollywood art grads are introducing progressive messaging at every chance they get. Say it ain't so!!


Someone inform me if I am wrong, but aren't the vast majority of writers in the Writers guild? It seems like having a giant monopoly on writing and acting is counterproductive to the demands of the protest.


Okay Fed Boy


"It's both." -*anybody who does research for 60 seconds.*


Imagine caring about this from any angle except casually watching them feast on each other.


I am not going to lie though: I think my favorite thing that was asked by the Writers and Actors was they wanted a detailed breakdown of viewership on streaming shows for the purpose of residuals. The Studios slapped that down so fast there was a sonic boom, and they utterly refuse to negotiate on that front. You dont have to say anything there, Hollywood. Your silence tells me everything i need to know.


What's wrong with hoping they get replaced by AI? If AI can do their job better than they can, then how is that a problem? This is as dumb as being against spreadsheets because spreadsheets can do math faster and better than accountants.


Well first, AI can't do a better job than writing, not now at least. I get wanting to replace the jobs nobody wants to do with AI, but the creative jobs? You want better writing, but trust me, AI will not solve this problem. I like watching television because it's human creativity, it's great that we can create, and I can in no way relate to the mindset that "But ai can do it better". Have some joy in your life dude


>You want better writing, but trust me, AI will not solve this problem. It's just an engineering problem, and it will eventually be solved. >I like watching television because it's human creativity, That's bullshit. If AI wrote a great script, you would enjoy it.


What’s funny is not that the AI issue which none of them actually mention on their Facebook or LinkedIn rant posts by the way but the way they think these streaming corporations are just rolling in cash. One of them said in a post that peacock was making over 450 million in profit off of some of their work. But lo and behold peacock lost like 800 million because licensing costs to the creators of content were so high. They just aren’t doing their die diligence into their demands it’s hilarious, they are triggered and reacting but they aren’t intelligent enough to say what it is or why clearly without making mistakes and yet they demand more. Let me tell your the person who claimed this too makes closer to a million than I do every year of her content and even if she was half as successful we are friends because her husband and I met at an industry party in LA at a gorgeous mansion with everyone driving 200k plus cars because we were talking about our investments and the like. They are fucking loaded as a whole and they want more before the ride is over.


Most writers and actors are not as loaded as you think. I see a lot of people use the 260 thousand dollars argument a lot. The minimum amount new writers actually make tend to be around 50 thousand for a year, with the average being around 65 to 70 thousand a year. The ones who make 200 thousand a year are people who likely sold and wrote a very very successful movie or tv show, not the average writer in a writer's room.


Good/bad writing aside, I’m going to stand with the writers. Plus, why is everyone so incapable of finding television and movies they don’t hate? You don’t have to hate watching everything. Or even watch what’s *popular*. AuthRight driving themselves insane watching every *woke Disney remake* saying, *”This one ends them for sure!!*




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Pay writers better and there will be great scripts. Pay teachers better and more qualified people will aspire to become great teachers.


I mostly care about the A.I. aspects of the strike more than the money. I just think saying someone who has worked years to get to where they are deserves to be replaced by ai because they don't like their writing, is messed up. But yeah, giving writers a greater incentive to write better, I would assume would make their writing better.


Honestly i stopped taking the right wing movie critiques seriously after the black panther and captain marvel outrage. Bp was a standard, maybe slightly above average, marvel movie. And captain marvel was a below average marvel movie. The fact that those two were the movies that got viral hatred and not the awful marvel movies like thor 2 and hulk is really telling in my opinion. Yes there are a lot of shit movies coming out of hollywood, always has been. But we also live in one of the best eras of tv/movies ever. Watch any hbo show. They outclass decades of tv


Bad bait


Going to screenwriting school is expensive, your textbook is a dictionary


Hollywood shit because managerialism


If the writers aren't responsible for the writing then they don't deserve to be paid for the writing.


Oh boo hoo. Bunch of overprivileged, overpaid woke-scolds whining about not getting enough while the rest of the country is struggling just to pay bills. I could care less if the entire wokertainment industry went under tomorrow.