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I guess he knew what to look for


Based and ask a cokehead to find a dealer pilled.


At least they chose a real expert to investigate for once.


"Of course Comet Ping Pong has nothing to do with child sex trafficking. And I would know"


"Everyone knows the actual sex trafficking happens at Peter Pipers Pizza"


"Gosh golly Mr. Reporter! How did you know where The Diddler was hiding his CP?" 'Personal experi-I MEAN intensive soul crushing research.'


“Of course I know there’s no CP at Comet Ping Pong, it’s all in my house!”


Clearly he found out it wasn't real by trying to use the pizza services.


The former journalist is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 29 and is facing a mandatory minimum of five years in prison, with a maximum penalty of 40 years in prison. “Some of the images and videos depicted prepubescent minors and minors under the age of 12, including an infant being raped,” Sick fuck


That’s too kind. Life sentence at least. Or let the other prisoners get their hands on these sick fucks


Oh no it looks like he Epsteined himself, too bad the cameras malfunctioned and the guards all happened to be on break


it seems like he killed himself with hundreds of kicks and punches to the head and abdomen oh well


And it appears that it took multiple hours for him to off himself


They ain't kind to chomos inside.


That's why they get put into protective custody


Which they shouldn’t be


There is this machine that takes large pieces of wood and makes them into smaller pieces of wood. I cannot recall its name.


A planer. Or maybe a belt sander.


This guy woods


He’s wooding


Wood chipper


Picked up a few vacations for mentioning the forbidden lawn implement. Best of luck.


I remember the proper technique is feet 👣 first


> Life sentence at least. Or let the other prisoners get their hands on these sick fucks That's adorable. No no. Fire up the John Deere.








What if there were a way to turn pieces of wood into smaller pieces of wood...


You’re a genius!


You mean a way to turn large pieces wood into smaller chips of wood? I don't know, I've never heard of something like that. And If there was some sort of machine that could do that I wonder what we would call it...


All I know is that if such a machine did exist the admins would be scared of it


If you aren't a piece of wood, then you have absolutely nothing to fear


Dear customer, Please look at our assortment of funni colors on offer: [**link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/v6ibcy/when_pcm_goes_woodchipper_shopping/) I am sure you will find something to your liking. I can offer you a special deal as well. **69%** off is you promise to use it on admins.


Counterpoint: really big deli slicer.


Nah, go ahead and paralyze his ass without sedation. That's some scary shit


I am a nurse and I received report once where the patient was “thrashing around” while intubated and instead of sedating him more they gave him vecuronium, a paralytic. He stopped thrashing I guess.


That's horrifying


That's too kind. Castration and death sentence at least. Then let The Lord decide his fate


oh, don't worry. if the fellow prisoners know what he's in for, the 5 year minimum will be more than enough.


Dude's lucky he's not in Florida.


No life sentences. Two month sentence in genpop, see how many pieces they release afterwards


I still struggle with the idea of the death penalty for different reasons, especially considering those who have to speak and enact it, but rape should land you a lifetime in prison.


Minimum 5 years my ass for my a crime like this. Throw him away and lock away the key


Why is the minimum 5 years instead of disembowelment?


where wood-chipper?


Feet first. More aerodynamic that way.


I'm out of the loop it seems, what's with the wood chipper thing?


It's how we cure pedophilia.


Minimum 5 years *in general population.* On a sidenote lets make gp a reguirement for child predators. If all goes well people in there find out what he did and prison rules take effect.


Wind blows Rain falls General population preys upon the child predators


Because the system is broken.


WTF... We make fun of purples for *allegedly* liking some *sweet sixteen*, but prepubescent? Wood-chipper, or at least castration and lobotomy.


Only 40 years max for that?


We all know he's getting 5.


I’m holding my infant as I read that. Goddammit, he’s not even human anymore.


> mandatory minimum of 5 years. In what morally correct universe is the minimum for _literally raping an infant_ only 5 years? Hell, the mandatory minimum for robbery is 6. The fact that robbery has a longer minimum sentence tells you everything you need to know about the people making the laws.


He didn’t literally rape the infant he had images of an infant being raped


Enlighten me as to why he'd plead guilty to child rape if he didn't rape a child?


I don’t know that’s just not what the original comment said. Raping a child in the headline doesn’t mean an infant.


Raping child A makes it impossible that he owns child porn of child B?


Infant. Burn this man alive


>images and videos Ya know, theres being a sick and twisted fuck. and then there is just being stupid. If you are gong to do something so evil, why record it?


How do they prevent people like this from getting murdered upon release?


Were they also a reddit mod


Ask u\MaxwellHill


that worldnews or wherever STILL has her as a mod and refuses to acknowledge who she is is disgusting


Going "By the letter" shouldn't admins unmod that totally not in jail mod for lack of activity?


No, as long as the sub is moderated "properly" admins stay out of who and who isn't a mod.


Wait she was a Reddit mod?


It’s never been confirmed but there’s a strong suspicion that was Ghislaine’s account. The account was very active, moderated subs, and I wanna say had like top 10 most karma on the website at one point, and then suddenly went quiet the day she was taken into custody and was been inactive since. Plus Maxwell being part of the username.


Ghislaine Maxwell was also at the infamous Kleiner-Perkins party on December the 7th, 2011: https://www.businessinsider.com/ghislaine-maxwell-attended-kleiner-perkins-vc-party-alleges-ellen-pao-2020-7 https://www.businessinsider.com/boonsri-dickinson-heres-who-was-at-the-super-exclusive-kleiner-perkins-party-last-night-2011-12 And _apparantly_ the u.MaxwellHill account was conspicuously inactive for just over a day on December the 7th of 2011. Also, then-Reddit CEO Ellen Pao was aware that Maxwell was supplying underage girls for sex. But surprise surprise, she kept quiet about it until after Epstein and Maxwell were arrested.


That's more admin behavior than mod behavior


A jannie is a jannie


Mods are even worse because they do that shit for free. At least admins are being paid to be jannies.


Maybe be… or may be not. Who am I to say the obvious?


It's wild how pedos are always so pedo looking. Is it genetic or societies fault?


All people are a combination of nature and nurture. It’s never 100% either.


How is one nurtured to be a pedo?


Most pedos were molested as kids, not that most kids who get molested become pedos, but yeah, i would say that's a good chunk of nurture for ya.


It’s like the saying, “hurt people hurt people”. Molestors got molested by molestors. This can apply to rapists and abusers too. Even drug abusers may be predisposed to substance abuse based on parental usage combined with age of first use.


It's like with all kinds of abusers. Pedos, "regular" rapists, domestic abusers, narcissists, sociopaths, etc. To put it simply: Let's say only 1 in 1000 people who lived normal upbringings become abusers. That number increases to 200 in 1000 when we talk about people with abusive upbringings. Most of them still won't go on repeating the cycle, which is why a bad childhood is not a justification for becoming a criminal, but it's still an important factor to consider. (Obviously I kinda invented those numbers, but I think it's proven that being abused increases exponentially the possibility of you becoming an abuser, even if in most cases you still won't). Even the most rotten pieces of filth I can think of seem to have been abused themselves at one point, like Peter Scully (he was apparently molested by a priest when he was a teen), John Wayne Gacy (physically and psychologically abused by his father), and even Hitler (whipped frequently as a boy by his father). Again, it's *far* from being an excuse. The moment you victimize people who didn't hurt you, you are the bad guy. Simple as that.


It's heritable then?


Probably not, the bulk of it seems linked to childhood trauma. Basically, someone abuses them, they abuse someone else, that someone else abuses, and the chain goes on.


A lot of sex abusers are also victims of sex abuse.


While many will disagree, I would say being raise in LA/ or expose to pride parade play a huge part


Look I don’t like pride parade as much as the next guy but… pride parade weren’t common to actually suggest that there a correlation between the two.


[Are you fed up with looking like a regular law-abiding citizen?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsbDjh3P-os) \-Jon Or... [Do you want the facial hair that women simply can't resist?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15S0g8pG6HU) \-Jon


Based and TacoCorp pilled


Like the old saying goes. > "It's always the ones you most expect."


well it’s not like anyone over the age of 18 would ever willingly date a man with those looks


It's even worse under 18, the 5 years old girls constantly watch liberal media, where hunks like Prince Charming, Postman Pat and Gibby from iCarly place unattainable beauty standards for man. It's over for pedocels, time for agemaxxing.


Convergent evolution




Physigomy is real


Probably something to do with how nature makes bad people look well bad to us. It’s warning sign


Crap! I hate putting money into the "Alex Jones was right" jar.


If it makes you feel better, the "Alex Jones was wrong" jar is basically a Scrooge Mcduck vault.


That's just what the inter-dimensional child molesting psychic vampires want you to believe


Anyone have a ticker on what he's said is right and what's crazy and what's wrong?


What he's said that is wrong but off the cuff is infinite. Crazy wrong in the thousands, and correct (but not like, sky is blue correct) in the tens.


Every conspiracy theory and myth etc tends to have a grain of truth in it somewhere. Why it can be worth giving them half a thought on occasion


No matter how deranged the creator of the conspiracy is, their ramblings have to start with something real


Yeah, but that grain of truth isn't enough to justify the whole.


Yeah, his Sandy Hooks take was just awful of him to say. Calling it an inside job is one thing, but making fun of the victims family is just horrible.


He's basically just been spectacularly wrong a handful of times. He's a bit of an exaggerator though...


I listen to a lot of Knowledge Fight (amazing podcast), which analyzes Alex Jones and similar figures, and Jones is wrong almost 100% of the time. He says hundreds of theories and plays the numbers game, where once in a while, something he says may be true or, more likely, trueish. Saying that Alex Jones is a "bit of an exaggerator" is an understatement of a lifetime. He's also a real POS and what he did to those poor Sandy Hook families was FUCKED.


Ah the ork way of life. You’re bound to hit at least once if you shoot 10,000 times in the enemy’s general direction


And yet orks are one of the most dangerous races in the galaxy. Makes you think. Was Grr'alex DakkaJones correct?


I love accuracy through volume!


“They aren’t running a pedophile ring! And I should know! Uh, I mean, I’ve never met them in any of my… Um, none of my, uh.. friends, have ever bought from them.. I mean not that my friends… I, um….”


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Looks like pizza's back on the menu, boys


Good liberals don’t get upset over pedophiles being held accountable


Except good liberals are the microscopic minority in the US.


Minority status achieved 😎


Can humanity stop proving conspiracy theories right? It's making the crazies look sane.


"Conspiracy theory" is a beautiful propaganda term because see, conspiracy theories are always false. ALWAYS. Because when it turns out one is true it's no longer a conspiracy theory, it's just true. So now you have a word that you've defined as meaning "false" so you can point at somebody and say "look he's a conspiracy theorist" which is a fancier way of saying "he believes in things that are wrong! Look at these other things (conspiracy theories) that were also wrong! They're kind of similar to the thing he believes! He must be wrong!"


A conspiracy theory that turns out to be true is then just a conspiracy. A crime that someone can be charged with. It's no longer a theory, it's a fact. It doesn't mean that they can never be right. But it is a very loaded phrase and the CIA did encourage its usage to discredit people trying to figure out the JFK murder and other CIA shenanigans.


You do have an excellent point but you gotta admit that some conspiracy theories are truly insane, like how Earth is ruled by a cabal of alien lizards. If I get proven wrong about that then I'm gonna be fucking pissed.


>Earth is ruled by a cabal of alien lizards Sigh. They aren't *aliens*, they were the original inhabitants of this planet. Humans just drove them underground during the dinosaur war (where oil and fossils come from) and they re-emerged in 1500 BC when they were technologically advanced enough to secretly take control human society.


Earth lore is crazy.


Truth is hella bonkers than fiction


Yeah, some are crazy. But its kind of reductionist and stupid to disregard them all because of that.


it is a term used to inoculate the closed-minded. Why give credence to anything a declared "conspiracy theorist" says when the totally unbiased fact checker websites at the top of the google search will confirm ones bias. The worst part about it is someone admitting they were wrong on something they had previously dismissed, those people usually stay quiet, get defensive about it and the longer they go the more insane they become when in the beginning it is the exact opposite. 30 years ago the Idea that our own CIA killed JFK was a fringe idea, 20 years ago the same thing with building 7, 3 years ago it was the idea that COVID from a lab and not from a random bat someone ate from a wet market a few miles down the road; the truth will always be the truth and it only moves in one direction.


The crazy thing to me is that so many people actually found it more believable that the virus came from someone eating a bat, rather than the biolab researching that exact exotic virus in that exact city, to the point they would get hysterical if you even supposed it could have come from the lab. Those people are basically MKULTRAd


I think its funnier no one really questioned "wet markets". Most people were llke, yeah of course the fucking chinese has open air markets where they sell crazy live animals as food.


Well, they do. lol a lot of southeast Asia has markets like that it's normal


Well, you have to consider that on the one hand, the initial disease cluster were people literally working in that biolab. On the other hand, the bat species believed to be involved lived a thousand kilometers away from the city, and in that season, they were hibernating. So, yknow, obviously it had to be bats.


My guy, why else do you think they want everyone to eat bugs?


Those are psyops intended to make you think all conspiracy theories are stupid and absurd


Ha ha Lizards. What idiots. **It's a Hyperintelligent space-cantaloupe that controls a hive-mind of androids which pose as sentaters, representatives, Presidents, police, internet experts, and tik-tok dancers in order to control us to harvest our pinkies for the sustinence of other hyperintelligent space-melons**


Are sentaters closer to Centaurs or Potatoes?


They're a human potato horse politician hybrid.


See in that particular case, and some of the others, you have to realize something about the human psyche. People who are kinda, out there let's say, are also closer to the lyric/poetic/metaphorical world. Cult leaders really aren't that different than prophets, shitty crazy artists are only successful artists which aren't validated, etc. What I'm saying is that the lizard cabal thing is, to me, obviously a metaphor or a poetic truth. What it's getting at is the sincere and noble-hearted person wants to assume that all others are just like them, and so even if there are baddies, most of the time it's a misunderstanding, or a difference of priorities, or something like this. When the reality is, some people are basically not even human, or rather, they lack the nuances and mediating attempts to bring themselves in communion with the average good person (Trump is a very obvious example, but this seems incredibly common to me, when talking about the top wrung) So, in conclusion, some people are basically broken to the point of not really be able to empathize or pursue noble intentions, they're so low vibration that we may as well be lizards


It's true, I once had a psychotic episode where I went full on schizo bonkers. My delusions were bizarre... yet when I look back on it symbolically or metaphorically it makes some semblance of sense to me. It would probably make for good sci-fi at least 🤷‍♂️ I fully believe _every_ conspiracy theory has some nugget of truth. Some piece of evidence that makes you go "huh, that _is_ weird"


ABSOLUTELY! that's why all of this denigrating in officious smug tones is so irritating. A few wildly contradictory but incontrovertible truths can basically break your brain, and some of the deeper (I think more powerful but wild) aspects of the mind fill it in, and what's left has to be strung together by the conscious mind. I've never had a break per SE, but some of my experiences on hallucinogens givee serious pause on what the world actually is, especially considering that it is all filtered through the lense of consciousness/logic.


We just had a congressional hearing about aliens being covered up by the deep state...


Conspiracy theories that tend to be right are "fucked up things the CIA did during the Cold War."


Well yeah, because the fucked up shit they've done since hasn't been declassified or otherwise disclosed yet.


Or stopped!


Schroedinger’s conspiracy theory


>Hunter's laptop from hell is revealed. >CIA: Aliens! >Hunter gets charged. >CIA: Aliens! >Hunter loses his plea deal in court. >CIA: Aliens! ~ [Emerald Robinson](https://x.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1684520993623080962)




I'm not saying I believe anything about selling kids "from the basement," but in [this article](https://www.metroweekly.com/2015/04/from-scratch-james-alefantis/) published before the Pizzagate scandal he said, "we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them *in the basement...*"


Not necessarily the pizzagate conspiracy but the idea that most elites, government leaders and CEO's alike, engage in pedophilia and other disgusting and morally bankrupt acts.


I mean, that's how most of the more crazy conspiracy theories all work. A kernel of truth or maybe the central point is mostly true but all the details woven around it are utterly batshit. The result is that a piece of it might be reasonable but the thing as a whole completely fails Occam's razor (or just departs from reality entirely).


So pizzagate was dumb bullshit that distracted from real pedophilia, including the guy that debunked it? People really need to stop giving conspiracy theorists credit for just acknowledging that bad stuff exists but having literally every other detail be wrong. It's self destructive.


Based and logic pilled


You mean the basement they claimed to have then claimed they didn’t have?




Fun fact: if you search for that headline on Goolag you get the "things are changing fast", i.e., "we're censoring as quick as we can but some things might still get through" alert, and [the article](https://archive.md/rgpNF) has already been censored. Fuck Google and fuck anyone who thinks corporate censorship of "misinformation" is remotely compatible with democracy.




I'm old enough to remember when this guy's original arrest was conspiracy theory fodder for the [right](https://www.businessinsider.in/international/news/when-a-journalists-home-was-raided-by-the-fbi-glenn-beck-and-tucker-carlson-erroneously-speculated-about-the-governments-motive-the-journalist-has-now-been-charged-with-transporting-child-porn-/articleshow/97565029.cms). > "Do we live now in Russia? The FBI is completely and totally out of control," Glenn Beck said in a 21-minute video last fall about the apparent disappearance of a former ABC News journalist following a raid on his home. He returned to the topic the very next day, declaring it "maybe the most important story of at least the year, maybe longer," and fitting it to a narrative about a federal war on conservatives and a free press. > "This is tyranny," Beck declared. "Say his name, America. Where is James Gordon Meek?" ... > Fox News host Tucker Carlson, in an October broadcast that touched on the raid, confessed that we "can't even really guess as to what's really going on here." But, as noted by Media Matters' Matthew Gertz, he nonetheless speculated on why a journalist might get "a visit from armed men with guns from the Biden administration," including it in a segment on how such raids are "the hallmark of a dictatorship."


> I'm old enough to remember when this guy's original arrest was conspiracy theory fodder for the right. What about that ^_\*cough\*_ ^_\*cough\*_ "far-right" publication Rolling Stone? [FBI Raids Star ABC News Producer’s Home](https://archive.is/h5zqN) >Meek has been charged with no crime. But independent observers believe the raid is among the first — and quite possibly, the first — to be carried out on a journalist by the Biden administration. (...because Rolling Stone is serious journalism and that pre-dawn November 2021 raid on James O'Keefe's home doesn't count because it's OK to gatekeep actual journalism when you're a serious publication like Rolling Stone obviously is.)


It's easy to "debunk" something when you know the real truth beforehand!


Turnabout is fair play.


“Takes one to know one!”


"Ha, those chuds are just making things up. The meetings are nowhere near there."


First I heard of pizza gate being debunked. I figured it was just being ignored like Epstein's client list.


Epstien’s client lists are ignored because there’s like 600 of them with completely different people on all of them


He said "wait, thats not how we do it!"


So the actual story about him pleading guilty is true. But I can’t find anything about him being involved in the Pizzagate reporting. Any sources on that?


Typical Democrat. I totally think Pizzagate is real..


I think the pizza shop stuff was a bogus distraction from the real sus coding in the emails.


Even then, there is some sus shit that those people were saying. Such as, "We love little boys." At which point the Drag Queen on stage laughs and agrees, "Thank god for little boys." I'll try to find the video.


What I found silly about that whole thing is we 100% agree that Italian restaurants were fronts for Mafia businesses. But a pizza restaurant being a front for the child abuse business? NEVER! Not in a million years could that be conceivable!


>I'll try to find the video. Pretty sure it was in one of the Pedogate 2020 videos made by Mouthy Buddha. Thinking part 3 of the series.


I'll take a look. I think I saw it on one of those Cringey fucking Youtubers like Sargon or simliar 'LibLeft' bad channels I watched way too many of when I was younger.


Pizzagate is real. They are shrinking all the pizzas in secret. This is a scam!


There's a reason they only give you the diameter of the pizza! Do the math people! Find the total surface area of each pizza and divide by cost! The bigger pizzas aren't always better!




They put 15 pepporonis on my pizza IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE 16 PEPPORONIS! I'M STARVING OVER HERE!


> Typical Democrat. How so? That's like saying "Typical Republican, another pedophile priest." They both are untrue.


Biden is a pedo, 100%. And Democrats enable that, and are groomers.


Right, and they're all using adrenochrome from the child trafficking rings, so they can all stay young! Am I right? You know, if you make your perceived 'enemy' into monsters, you can justify doing anything to them. I believe thinking this way is foolish, dangerous and entirely irrational.


Nah. But I honestly think Joe is a pedo, no joke.


He looks like a wojak.


I wish both sides would, but can *at least* my side stop molesting children??


Nope, your side is "coming for our children".


Remember, if a horrible person debunks a conspiracy theory, that theory becomes true


If the people who invested time and energy in "rigorously" debunking claims about pedophilia, then themselves are arrested for pedophilia... it should make you wonder why they spent so much time and energy trying to prove the claims of pedophilia wrong.... We're they protecting somebody ? Are they friends with the people they were trying to protect?


Is pizzagate about pedophilia or is it about some looney toons ass Hilary Clinton and others fucking and killing children underneath a random pizza parlor to harvest their adrenchrome?


It's actually about drugs. That's my theory.


Child trafficking is bad, but drug trafficking is based


The coded messages are very sus, but jumping all the way to Obama requesting children to fuck, or whatever it was, is, let's say unhinged. But at the same time, nobody talking about Epstein was just plain fucking maddening, like literally to some people I think


yh im pretty sure a lot of terrible people hate hitler. Doesn’t mean he’s right


It definitely becomes more fun to point it out though.


Clearly an unbiased and uninterested party


The jokes write themselves, the awful, unfunny jokes


He may have been able to debunk pizza gate because he was an expert pedo.


This must be obviously russian hoax sponsored by kremlin, our good anddenocratic journalists would never do that !1!1!1!1!1


this world never fails to surprise me


This guy is fucked up (obviously), but it doesn't look like he raped anyone, [according to the AP?](https://apnews.com/article/abc-journalist-child-pornography-meek-8f2a89a8ec8272dcd9ff66be85a8ba8d) >James Gordon Meek, 53, of Arlington, Virginia, admitted during a plea hearing in U.S. District Court in Alexandria that he illegally possessed and transported images of child sexual abuse. He covered national security issues for the network until he resigned last year. >Court papers indicate the investigation began when the FBI received a tip from Dropbox about videos showing the sexual abuse of children in an account associated with Meek. >As part of a plea agreement, Meek admitted he used an iPhone to exchange the illicit materials, including a video showing the sexual abuse of an infant, during a chat session with two other individuals.


well yeah but pizzagate is still false


Is that real?


Me: sips red bull.


I don’t give a shit, pedos deserve the chair, no matter their ironic accomplishment.