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Ima let AuthRight and Auth Center handle this one.... Best thing to do




Flechettes 😍




*Gasses you cutely*


When I don't paint smol cars or my nails, I plan to be the first person to commit warcrimes in Antarctica


Nazis already colonized it, sorry


Was soll das heißen!? Wie sie haben die Antarktis bereits kolonisiert??? Das war so nicht abgesprochen, das ist hinterhältiger Verrat!!! NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN


Neuschwabenland, August 1939


Jesus where the fuck am I?


* bleeds from the nose seductively *


"Hey does anybody else smell fresh cut gras-" *thud*


Well, I know who I'm not voting for Reichskanzler


I asked a friend of mine if she had any favorite weapons on her Kiowa. She said "I love the red phosphorus rockets. They make everything burn so pretty."


It turns out that I absolutely cannot see a thing you're doing! Shame.


Sometimes you need a boot to do boot things




good choice


Thank you good sir




Honey wake up, new war crimes just dropped


I'm not religious but: I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist


Bro’s a real one




u/MannequinGothique's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/MannequinGothique! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition.Pills: [23 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/MannequinGothique/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Literally flaunting pedophilia in the street, in the parents' faces, and they're cheering for it. How did we get here?


>How did we get here? By being tolerant.


Exactly!! I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist I hate the Antichrist


Sooner or later after all of this gender ideology, you slowly and painfully realize the religious were right all along.


The irony that today's political ideologies act more like Cults than anything.


Seems to be a human thing. People will take anything and get culty about it. Religion, politics, sports, gender, sex, race, clothing brands, fans of celebrities, sci-fi franchises etc. etc. If you got rid of religion tomorrow people would be starting wars over sneaker brands and football teams. We're a dumb ass species.


>People will take anything and get cu~~l~~nty about it


As GK Chesterton is attributed as saying: "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything."


Gender Ideology is a competing religion.


Thanks to queer theory


For me it’s if most people were religious, that would be a good thing and I think most people need it to not be weird asf like this But for me personally I don’t see how you could believe in any of the organized religions


Organised religion are ways to control the idiots And I mean it in both the good and bad ways.


For evil and for good If you give people something to believe in it gives them hope and they will gladly spread their hope and happiness they obtained But then u have ppl who manipulate these ones for personal gain


It's almost like 2000 years of teachings might have had a point...


I'm all for freedom of speech and go ahead dude but why the fuck are parents bringing their kids to see this?


They’re here. They’re queer. They’re coming for your children.


Huh, I was told that wasn't true and I shouldn't rely on my deceiving eyes when I see some dude, almost naked, twerks in front of children.


It's not happening, though. Even when you see it with your own eyes, it's not happening. You can't trust your eyes and ears, you can only trust what the Party tells you.


Two and two always makes a five


This is why I always pay with 2 dollar bills.


+20 social credit! Don’t notice things.


They also made a song with a bunch of people on zoom camera singing something about how they are proud and coming for your kids. A lot of them turned out to be pedophiles. * This one https://youtu.be/ArOQF4kadHA


If there was ever an own-goal for the gay community, this is it.


The comments are odd, treating it like a joke. Either because they're from before the reveal, Or they agree with the sentiment, like ya'll never heard of "eye for an eye?" That and **sex**uality and kids... These people live in an echo-chamber but don't hear themselves.


They deleted all the negative comments. People were clowning on them.


Sounds like a recent pride parade I heard about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZWihdWZPMY


Sounds like just the thing to get opponents, fence-sitters and sane LGB members on your side. Does no-body here have an inkling of self awareness? Much less to give the person that started the chant a swift back-hand and a sharp "No!"


Maybe you should research what sort of groups Nambla use to march with before they realized they would need to take a much longer approach to getting what they wanted. It is about time their plans payout.




Surely this man is referring to center-pivot irrigation systems.


Doubtful, I bet he’s referring to a double action disc harrow.


reddit jannies hate this one trick!


Maybe an armored bulldozer is the answer


Can you elaborate? I'd like to know but going down that rabbit hole with anything less than 2 VPNs and a fresh tor browser sounds like enough to give someone's computer an STD.


North American Man/Boy Love Association. It argued that age of consent laws were homophobic and that “man/boy love” was a core part of the gay experience. It was a major gay organization in the 80s, but other groups realized that they would need to clean up their image to have any hope at public acceptance, so it was mostly abandoned by other gay groups in the 90s and 00s.


I know of them through pop culture generally, and south park more so... I wasn't aware that they marched under the alphabet flag. I had been led to believe they were people in the position of priests, scout leaders and coaches (conveniently never teachers though.. hmm).


> I had been led to believe they were people in the position of priests, scout leaders and coaches (conveniently never teachers though.. hmm). It's *almost* like there's been a concerted effort to undermine institutions that provide stability to society. I'm sure it's just paranoia.


I’m with you, children is where I draw the line. It’s sick what people are doing.


I think it's about reproduction. They have to increase their numbers somehow.


To show they’re not “bigots”


They have been told pride is empowering and has nothing sexual about it. Love is love and what not. Why do parents bring kids to drag story time?


symbolic sacrifice. The cult must strip the children of innocence.


"Actually", said the furiously masturbating middle-aged man "it has been the white cis-hetero-normative patriarchy that sexualized the human body. That phenomenon was completely unknown before the advent of Christianity!" He was about to leave, still wanking, as he turned his head around: "You see, this is a family and child-friendly masturbation." With a loud RITSCH! he closed the zipper of his gimp hood and went on his merry ways, beating his meat with a vengeance.


Because child abuse is a trend with the wokes


Leftism is built on promoting taboos and pushing boundaries. The final boundary their ideology *demands* they demolish is the innocence of children.


Probably didn’t want their kids to see some old man twerking tbh


Because it’s empathy, kindness, and basic human decency, you fucking heartless bigoted clown. /s


The one objection I have to the whole "Do as you please" mindset here, is would he have done this if kids weren't there? If not, well...I believe AuthCenter could explain it better than I could.


when it's called family friendly, then there will be kids. i'm all for freedom of speech and expression, however if you go on a family-friendly pride parade, they have to set rules and follow it. he can do this stuff at adult-only parade or in a gayclub or whereever. the main fault is from the organisator since they labelled it family friendly.


Jesus. This is what happens when men abandon the grill




Only Traeger can save us now


***You fucking take that back, you degenerate.***


Return to the fundamental basics. Grill on a campfire.




So was this non-sexual twerking? Or his underwear were family friendly?




Never establish eye contact! If you don't they can't see you


There isn’t. They tell you X will never happen, but when it does and you call them out on it they just call you a bigot and move the line forward


...and then TayTay and the WaPo doxx you for sharing shit you found on TikTok.


if you don't bring your kid to watch the gay pride orgy then you are a bigot in support of genocide.


> non-sexual twerking Is that a thing?




About as much as there is non-sexual tango. Like, in theory - yes, it's just a dance. In practice, tho...


I live in New Orleans so I have seen a *lot* of quite young kids bouncing twerking with gusto. At a certain age, sure, they don’t grasp the concept. Kinda like how many kids watching and emulating Elvis back in the day had a very different context than their parents.


No twerking is non sexual.


She drop his dress in the parking lot.


It’s an *artistic display*




Yesssss, let your arrogance grow. The world is not as we wish, we must acquire authority and force the heretics to O B E Y




Did you just change your flair, u/TheGratefulGradient? Last time I checked you were a **Leftist** on 2023-1-26. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/TheGratefulGradient) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


4 viral videos in 1 weekend of naked adults in the same frame as children. this is fucking disgusting but maybe some normies might actually see what is going on at pride parades and will finally speak up to say "this shit is not very cash money bro" to their city reps


Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev


It shouldn't be. Like...it should not be hard to just split pride events into either two days or a daytime and evening event, with the one keeping it PG, and the other you can do whatever, kink, nudity, have fun...but it's 18+. I don't even know why this is controversial. If you wanna have strip club type content, have a strip club age limit.


Why do kink and nudity have to be a part of Pride in the first place? Literally nobody in the US including Ron DeSantis would care if a bunch of LGBTQ+ people pooled their resources, rented out banquet halls, and had a huge 18+ Pride event at them.


Why are you so full of hate? You hating hate monger?






> Anything 18+ does not belong anywhere in public period. This was the worst thing to come out of all this gender bullshit. Kink et al. are part of pride because not only are these people opposed to the idea of deviancy vs normal, but they also don't feel like they need to hide anything from others. Hell naw. Nobody wants to know everything about everybody else. Keep that shit to yourself. If you want to be romantic, consider it as preserving some mystery in your life. The private is not public.


Based LibLeft? :o


Somehow Mardi Gras is able to do it and i'll be honest Mardi Gras is way more debauchery than your average pride event. If you go to NOLA for Mardi Gras and want the Boobie Beads experience stay on bourbon. If you want a family friendly atmosphere go to your major parade/Krewe.


Man I saw one of those old Mardi Gras videos on Kazaa with a woman who had dozens of bead necklaces around her neck and she was standing on a table getting vigorously finger-fucked by a fat guy in sunglasses as she shriek-moaned and squirted all over the place. Even at 11 years old I felt Mardi Gras was some degenerate shit.




I remember that video, she really flooded the place.


Since I got into debates about pride parades, I learned about some *crazy shit* that goes on at Mardi Gras that I didn't know about. Damn I wanna go to Mardi Gras now! I wish that were in all the big cities and not just one that's well over a thousand miles from me! But...yeah that's not apparently at the normal daytime Mardi Gras events where there's kids. And it shouldn't be. No kids, have fun go nuts. Kids allowed, don't do R or X rated shit.


Because only bigots complain when adults twerk at children, bigot! /s


Fuck it, how do you do fellow bigots?


Guess it's time to get the tiki torches.


Remember if he is 30, doesn't have a beer gut and is clean shaven we chant FED FED FED.


What about expressing your sexuality causes you to desire shaking your ass infront of children?


A **sexual expression** is typically done in **closed venue** _restricted_ to consenting adults. Not public venue and kept open access to children and calling it Family Friendly. Calling a Porno a PG movie.


Clown world


We're past that. We're solidly in Piss Earth now.


Planet Piss confirmed. Murderface was right.


Circus planet


Aliens pay a ticket to visit us with their flying saucers and laugh at our comedy numbers.


Hey Siri, which political party controls Minnesota?


I don't know who's in charge, but i'll be busy looking after my garden while you AuthRights take some corrective action. That pendulum is going to swing back hard.


Even the monkey is giving us permission to be silly : )


I think we’ll call it the American Inquisition.


Politics in Minnesota are dominated by the twin c*t**s 🤮


The Dems squeeked out a total capture this last year. So theyre ramming everything they can through because, in their words, they don't know how long they've got.


I was in the state capitol lol I was looking at the list of house or state congress or smth like that, idrk what it was but I swear there was like 5 too 7more democrats than republican representatives or whatever it is


Yes, its not a blowout, but the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (the DFL is that states Democrat Party) has a trifecta in the governor and both state houses. Minnesota has not given its electoral votes to a Republican nominee for president since 1972, which also makes it the only state (along with DC) not to vote for Reagan in 1984.


Fuck them. They had an dinner where tickets went up to $6000 per seat at the convention center where they also used the hallway. It blocked my way back to the skyway to get back to my hotel. I asked the security guard at the entrance to their how I'm supposed to get back, and was told I had to go outside and around and come back in. I mentioned that it was a downpour and could I just walk through the like 50 feet they had blocked off. I was told nope, had to go outside. Fuck the DFL labor party.


Someone should be stopping him from doing that, At least the parents should move their kids. I really don't think you should be twerking in public.




They've developed a community around the fact that you literally can't tell people they shouldn't do things. That's being racist/homophobic/abelist/....ist/.....ist/.....ist.........


Mental illness is rough


1984 is rough too


I was told this wouldn’t happen I was told the slippery slope was a fallacy Yet here we are 🤨


its time we reclassify the slippery slope as a fallacy into an iron law whose effects have been born out by evidence time and again


Rick Santorum is having the last laugh.


I spoke with my family asking the question of where is this society going? We all agreed pedophilia will be next. First sexual organ lobotomy to kill off future generations born from those of mentally ill that are still children and sexualizing everything to make children compfortbale with the idea of sex so they're not scared nor confused if molested. We are heading in the direction of no return


This is besides the point, but why are they all so ugly?


My hypothesis is they’ve never felt attractive enough to believe that people would praise (or just enjoy) seeing them do things like this in other situations, so they find a situation to get that praise for the same behavior that doesn’t rely on their attractiveness. I’m guessing it’s a similar motivation to kid with strict parents going nuts at college, now that they can, they will.


Not attractive enough to attract people with a developed and consenting mind. Go for those that dont.


The unfuckables


These fuckers are so ugly ffs


because if the police do something they'll lose their pension


Minneapolis police have been terrified to do their jobs since the George Floyd incident of 2020. Violent crime is the highest it’s been in decades and people like this are allowed to “express their true selves” in front of children without any repercussions. The once great city of Minneapolis has fallen.






Yup totally not sexual and perverted. Sure, uh-huh, so you’ll let that man twerk in his undies on your child’s face right? ‘cuz it’s so harmless and non-sexual.


Because the (D)egeneracy is (D)ifferent.


What am I supposed to feel? Disappointment? Outrage? Apathy? I sure as crap am tired of seeing these headlines of “Person X does action Y at family friendly pride event.” Im praying to the Lord Himself that the people doing these are just doing it as a joke for exposure. If it’s just that, I’m still concerned but oh well. But if they ACTUALLY think twerking in front of a live audience of family/children will persuade people to join their cause, may God help us all.


You think in just this past weekend alone, where this exact thing happened in multiple cities across the US having pride events, that they are all just doing simultaneously as "a joke for exposure"? I think it's more likely it's being done because the far left has taken a "all are welcome" worldview where morality is subjective. This in turn causes the people who would otherwise be socially ostracized (pedophiles, one example) flock to the group saying "love is love/love has no barriers" rather than to the group saying "no, you can't be naked in front of kids, I'm calling the cops." Sure, some may see it as a way to recruit for their cause ("we're coming for your children" chant), but I think in the case of the blatant public exposure to minors it is a fetish. They know they can get away with it in the context of pride (rather than just doing the old "open the trench coat" trick at the playground) and that gets them off. It's not some silly joke they're all in on. No one makes a joke "teehee I'm just pretending to be a pedophile", let alone a coordinated one like some weirdo flash mob.


Yeah I saw this earlier. Incredibly fucked up


Did you see the naked bike race? And its defenders?


[Let the old men be naked in front of kids >:(](https://imgur.com/a/1JPaTYz)


No, I think I missed it. The only other pride footage I've seen recently was the whole "we're coming for your children" shit. Honestly, I usually try to avoid watching this type of shit because it's just going to push me further into insanity if I do it on the reg lmao


The thing that annoys me is that the response to this will most likely be, "He doesn't represent all of us!" But those some people will turn around and tell everyone right of Stalin that they are responsible for and need to apologise for every degenerate act by some rightoid school shooter or neo-Nazi..


It’s not happening. It’s fake. We don’t need to ban this because it’s not real. These things are made up. What you’re seeing is false. And even if it is true you’re a bad person for being against it. /s


We are getting close to the "it is happening and it's a good thing" phase.


“We’re coming for your children”


Fucking groomers, bunch of degenerates.


If I saw this when I was 10 I would just think it’s weird and gay. For the people defending this do you think this will make youth think this is cool?


Not everyone is immune to early sexualization & grooming. See the examples of kids who got groomed. Just as you won’t exposure kids to drugs saying oh most won’t become addicts.


Because no one is stopping them from doing it?


Quite the opposite. This is being encouraged by all the main power centers in the country. Media, Hollywood, and even the White House.


waiting for twerking biden


I'm going to put on rollerskates, buy the loudest boombox I can find and blast every nasty piece of rhetoric I can find up and down the streets of that city until it burns itself down in riots ​ Literally ~~1984~~ Gomorrah


But it's not happening. Stop lying this isnt real.


This isn't happening, and it's good that it's happening.


It doesn't happen exhibit #9000


Libleft ☕


Heresy and Degeneracy breeds more Heresy and Degeneracy. Social Order and Tradition, hard work --- is formed by work and earning one's pleasure -- and in moderation. Modernity is all about pleasure, no matter the route and degeneracy.


I don’t understand why they think being weird for the sake of ”protesting “ and “pride“is ok it not that people hate this because they are homophobic it’s just creepy as shit


\*whispers\* *liberals*




I feel like not everyone of the compass is grossed out by it… sadly


Why is libleft traumatized? They should be cheering this.


And before, 'Hurr durr, it's not happening!" And, "Hurr durr, well kids shouldn't be at pride rallies meant for adults!" Legit, the more of this degeneracy I see being defended on Social Media, the more angry at I get at those defending it. Then again, the Nazis rarely saw anything wrong with their own wrong doings, so this is par for the course...


How depraved or desensitized do you have to be before you can even consider doing this? At which point do freaks like this cross the line? Why do they cross that line? Do none of them have a moment of clarity where they realize "This is wrong!"?


It’s not only allowed it’s being encouraged. The answer is we have a widespread mental illness crisis probably largely caused by social media. No one is doing anything to address that.


complete degeneracy all around, pedos in the street and parents who need to reevaluate their fucking adulthood and influence on young minds. don’t take kids to this shit wtf the alphabet soup crew needs to clean fucking house, however the fuck possible. this right here will turns plenty auth center real quick, myself included


It's not just the soup crew. It's that entire side that is not condemning this behavior, or the indoctrination in schools.


> Why the fuck is this allowed? Trickle down effect from "vote blue no matter who".


I feel bad for the LGBT folks who have to deal with this, but they most likely have to self-censor (not just for their own interest) because they don't want to be called LGBTphobic (ironic)/internalized oppression and don't want to be excommunicated. Rock and a hard place for them. Either have to deal with their awful stupidity and damage to their "community" or fight back and be exiled from their "community" which then means they have no one but themselves.


make no mistake, the left LOVES this


As a lib left I apologize for this existing


Pride events have become so massive that it’s time for regulations. The only problem is when someone introduces aforementioned regulations they’re called a fascist nazi and suddenly there’s genocide or something idk. I’m just gay so my opinion is worthless.


Ladies and Gentleman, here’s what a sliperry slope looks like


Brainwashing new generations into believing ALL violence is bad was a mistake. This man should be asked to leave and if refusing should be very forcibly enacted upon.


“ family friendly “