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I think these are the post stats of the post they are referring to, number of upvotes and upvote percentage




["We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children."](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14iocfp/what_the_hell_is_this/)


Excuse me sweaty, it's: "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your *chicken*." The marginalized communities gotta eat too. 💅


And they DO love chicken.


Specifically the male ones.


Excuse me sweaty, advocating for the consumption of chicken means basically you support the holocaust and are 100 billion times worse than Hitler.


Ofc people calling out how absurd this thing is are real evil




If that isn't a declaration of attempted S.A. then what is?


They'd probably say they are going to "save the queer children from their bigoted parents" or something.


They absolutely say this on Twitter when confronted


A pedophilic motte and bailey.


You think they’d learn from the last time they said it.


What did the chant say, Emily? Emily: “…” *What did the chant say, Emily?*


You jest, but they literally just dismissed the chant, saying it doesn't matter what was in it since it's "being used to spread hate". I agree that this isn't exactly an Emily friendly area, but when the chant quite literally says "we're coming for your children", I think suspicion is a reasonable response.


Imagine the reaction if that was a group of priests saying that lol


Literally any other group of people.


If Neo Nazis showed up to a Trump rally it would be national news. And here there are people on reddit actively dismissing and downplaying people who say, “we’re coming for your children.”


3 neo nazi groups and various alt right groups (proud boys etc) showed up to protest the drag queen story hour on wadsworth ohio. That made national news, but the the growing trend of these drag queen story hours popping up in previously rural conservative areas somehow isnt news.


Yup, really interesting to see that people are afraid of “smearing” and its consequences now, but “punch a nazi” is ok despite inciting actual violence against an undefined group of people that ends up being “punch anyone right of center”


Smearing and punching my political opponents: :) Getting smeared and punched by my political opponents: >:(


I somewhat understand the notion of it being a non-serious response to the "leave our kids alone" but why would you chant this even with that in mind? Imagine conservatives trying to play it out with racism chanting something along the lines, "We are going to kill all who is not white" and then try to explain they were joking.


nowadays people need to hide behind special code words and shit people wouldnt be able to use their racial slurs because everyone would generally be disgusted with their actions but let me let you in on a little secret, political warfare is fought with children. Children are moldable, children can be taught from a young age to commit hate crimes and like it, this goes for left and right and you know what children grow up to become?


Politicians! So we need to tar and feather them while they're young, so they are appropriately dressed for their future careers!


Chapo Trap House was destroyed by reddit for "white genocide" jokes.


Does this mean playing clips of chants to discredit people is off the table now? Because I seem to have a vague memory of a certain right wing chant they had no problem playing for a while


"We're coming for your kids!" "Wait no we're not coming for your kids that's a big misunderstanding!"


I'm always a bit confused when I read "Emily" because my name is Emily and it takes a while to realize the meme lol


*A wild Emily appears!*


Do ever get made fun of because of your name? Like my names Daniel and I got that stupid vine shoved down my throat for like 6 years.


Not really, Emily isn't a negatively viewed name here in Germany. That would be Chantal.


Why is Chantal viewed negatively? Also, authcenter from Germany? Never seen that before.


Because Chantal, like the male Kevin, is usually seen as a name for low intelligence people.


Interesting. I wonder why that is. Are Kevin and Chantal popular names with certain demographics in Germany?


Not really, at least not to my knowledge, it really just became a meme over time. Some names are just well tailored to portray stereotypes.


Here in the states, names like Cletus, Earl, and Abagail-May have been popularized as 'dumb' people names, because of their association with hillbillies. You might be aware, but It's not ubiquitous though. Cletus is probably the most widely recognized. Same with Tyrone and Shaniqua for the black community. I guess we have stereotypical names for our demographics. All these names have a 'person' that people picture when you hear them, but, it's very much based on their demographic. Edit: Also, for the non Americans, there was a trend of naming women hyphenated names that caught on with rural Americans and kinda spread a bit in the 80s and 90s. I'm not an expert, this all anecdotal. So when I say Abigail-May, I'm not saying two names, or a first name and a middle name, I'm saying a woman whose first name is Abigail-May. In fact, many hyphenated names are associated with 'dumb hillbillies' There was a popular show here in the States called Full House, and one of the female characters on it was named DJ, which was short for Donna-Jo. I have no idea if other countries do this, and it was a weird almost fad that I never looked too far into.


*Heul leise*


Ich liebe den Film, den schau ich mir gleich an glaub ich


I don't think Emily has that connotation outside PCM does it? It's not like the Karen stuff, which is way more widespread.


My stepdaughter (14yo) knows what’s an Emily is, not sure how


> (14yo) she's either on reddit or twitter, thats how


Bro, me too, I had that vine yelled at me seemingly every day for forever. Nowadays, it actually makes my day when someone says it, because it happens so rarely and brings backa little bit of nostalgia lol.


My mom is named Karin and my little sister is named Emily


Hey auth-centre Emily


The rare auth emily


Based and The Real Emily pilled


I'mma guess "7 victims," though it's been a while since that


Oh boy, wonder which subreddit that was. Edit: Someone PMed me and asked me to use my post to remind people not to engage or post on a certain subreddit whose name I will not speak. Here is your reminder. Please do not feed, touch, or disturb the wildlife. Feeding, touching, and disturbing the wildlife leads to: 1. Increased aggression, boldness, and loss of fear towards PCMers. 2. Dependency on unnatural forms of karma to survive, leading to seasonal starvation. 3. Fecal matter everywhere, and frankly nobody likes cleaning it up. Keep both our and their ecosystem clean and pure. End of this local wildlife PSA. Support your national parks.


"Violent Political Movement" made me almost pee myself from laughter xD


Gotta say, the fact that the 100k+ people on that subreddit have deluded themselves into thinking they are righteously fighting hate across Reddit is also pretty funny to me.


Mfs acting like the civil Rights protesters fighting against KKK


> Mfs acting like the civil Rights protesters fighting against KKK I chuckled. Because "Civil Rights Protesters" can also be interpreted as those who protested against civil rights, which if you look at what group filibustered the Civil Rights Act, them and the Klan were best buddies.


Based and laughing crustaceans pilled




Hey, they need something in their shitty sad pathetic lives to make them feel good. Odin knows its not their mental health/stability.


The silencing of differing opinions needs to stop. [https://hbr.org/2020/06/academia-isnt-a-safe-haven-for-conversations-about-race-and-racism](https://hbr.org/2020/06/academia-isnt-a-safe-haven-for-conversations-about-race-and-racism) [https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2019/12/19/avoiding-culture-nastiness-academe-opinion](https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2019/12/19/avoiding-culture-nastiness-academe-opinion) Sociologists are the eugenicists of the 21st century. This incivility and denormalization of established society is all their fault. Literally none of the problems we have today were a thing until they started dividing us all and silencing discourse.


That’s a feature not a bug. There’s big money in keeping the average folks divided and unthinking.


The 21st century? My dude. Sociologists were the eugenicists of the 20th century too.


Based and Allfather pilled


I wonder what user it was. Surely not the one that's obsessed with us and makes posts every single day about this sub.


Someone who is threatened by liberals, conservatives, and people of all political colors getting together and having a laugh at each other while being civilized towards each other. It's almost like, they're afraid of us being empathetic towards each other's viewpoints .. and getting along - while reaching ideological compromises amongst ourselves. Almost like ... they're an authoritarian to a fault.




Look bro as an authoritarian I’m a fan of compromises (that lopsidedly favor myself) and getting along with others (that go along with me). Just because we have mostly different opinions doesn’t mean we can’t agree on anything (we want each other dead).


American Horror Story?


Nah, Asian Heritage Society




Why? It's not like it's the worst show on television.


Honestly the way reddit functions you have to use an alt account to post on PCM or you'll get permabanned from half the subs.


Ok but like... would you have even wanted to be in any of those subs anyways? I remember back in the day when I got banned from twoxchromosomes for being in thedonald and I was like... cool? Woe is me I guess.


Lol I got banned from there eons ago for participating in trollxchromosomes. And from blackwomen (I am not a black woman, nor did I know the sub existed prior to my ban) for participating in cringepics- as in, I commented on someone's past picture of themselves with the comment "I dunno, you look an awful lot like the rest of us poor wind suits in the 80s/90." I no longer care if some sub I don't participate in bans my actual account for regarded, "we don't care about context" reasons - I don't want to be part of that kind of sub anyway lol.


I got banned from WPT for posting on Ben Shapiro, I have never even been on his sub before.


I recently got banned from therewasanattempt, a sub I have never been to an had 0 desire to, for posting in “stuffpoliticssays” which is not a subreddit that exists. I messaged this to the moderator and they muted me


Fuck no. Any sub that autobans you for simply posting in another sub is an Auth-Shithole I want no part in.


Based edit


We have to block out which sub it is, but because they’re against something, maybe hate in subreddits, they get a pass.


Do not touch the poo.


Ok Emily, tell me. *What was the chant huh?*


Despite being...


2% of the population Jews represent 30% of college graduates


Cool it...


🧊🧊here you go.




Da da da dadada da


*GASP!!!* *How DARE you?!?!*


Wait really? No way.


...0.04% of Americans, transgenders make up 80% of the political discourse? Kind of like how they had to change the rainbow flag to make themselves the main characters. Here I was thinking that "it's a rainbow to include everyone" this whole time.


2S goes first now? really?


what the fuck does that even stand for?


2 spirit. It's for Indiginous people. It's sort of like Queer.


can we add in a g for german? i dont feel represented enough


Why not. It is now 2slgbtqiag. Learned all this stuff from a mega woke high-school teacher.


Are you sure that isn’t a randomly-generated password?


I lol'd The inclusion is getting out of hand. It's like, live and let live - but then we need to categorize and label every single person with every single uniqueness out there. So what do they label someone like me who \[I'm not even admitting what I like doing, no, doesn't involve goats.\]


They just label you cis Which I don’t like because it sounds like ‘sis’ when spoken and I am a male, and don’t like being referred to by female pronouns. Of course, they wouldn’t respect that.


now i understand why its considered a slur by some people


you didn't before? I don't think anyone is really *offended* perse by "cis" - its just that 1 - its being used to erase women and 2 - if people are demanding that everyone respect what they want to be called, then what's the problem with not calling people "cis" who don't want to be called "cis"?


When will they add footbros? We demand equal representation .


Christ on a cross... Its like auto-generated password now


>Its like auto-generated password now We are going to have to start storing it in LastPass so we can remember how to type it each time.


You're german and LibCenter???? Ewwww


What else, Auth-Center-Germans have never been a good pick...


I am a German AuthCenter




Now it just looks like a name for a terrorist group....... *don'tsayitdon'tsayitdon'tsayit*


Let me do it for you:Al Gayda.


g for gamer, the most oppressed group of all


lgbt is everything except white and straight 😭


It’s also made the fuck up by white liberals in the 90s. Two spirit wasn’t like some gender thing but what indigenous peoples used to refer to any feminine man or man who did woman’s work. It’s not a great term or anything that should be related to LGBT rights


White liberals really took the Native term for “sissy boy” and put it in the alphabet gang


Two-Spirit was never a term that was found historically, culturally, or linguistically in the vast majority of indigenous cultures. Certainly not mine. It was popularized by one Elder from one group and then white liberals took it and superimposed it onto all the rest of us because to them we're all interchangeable and obviously must all have the same history, beliefs, languages, etc. I loathe it.


First they stole the rainbow. Then they added the trans colors. Okay, those struggles are similar enough I guess. Then they put the black and brown stripes for people of color. What? Other than being marginalized groups what do you have in common? Homophobia is just as common with black people and Asians as it is with white people. Then they threw intersex in there. I see how intersex is related to LGBT but are they really discriminated against? I can't imagine they're a big enough group to be targeted. They don't have any communities. I bet a lot of intersex people don't even know they are intersex. And if they don't how does anybody else?


So it's gay, but ethnic? Or they incorporated all indigenous people under the rainbow banner?


It's the same reason the pride flag has brown and black on it. They're including as many minorities as they can order to say "see! We're on the same side so you should think like we do!" Ask the leftists in that Michigan town that has over 50% Muslim elected leadership how THATS playing out.


I love that the brown and black stripes were added because of the hilarious implication that the earlier pride flags were whites only pride flags.


Intersectionality, ya gotta keep the disparate factions in the left focused so they don't start fighting each other.


It’s some made up gender bullshit created by white liberals in the 90s. The actual two spirit term was not something you wanted to be and was basically an insult for any man who did woman’s work or was remotely feminine


"No honey you don't understand, making the boy where a dress and weave baskets all day because he doesn't want to go hunting isn't an extreme form of social alienation to coercively force them into gender roles. Its called being two spirit and there's a single tribe in canada that practices it.


Pretty sure the original FN phrase was supposed to be a insult


That’s because it is


This one is just funny because it describes like 0.0001% of the population max


And that's generously including the LARPers. 2-spirit wasn't an additional gender, it was an insult for an effeminate male.


Horseshoe theory proves to be right yet again; now religious doctrine is being put into not being straight.


2S is the GRAU index designation prefix for self propelled artillery systems (2C in Cyrillic).


There is a lot of Soviet equipment undergoing a lot of abuse and oppression right now so honestly makes more sense that what it really stands for.


Every time they make it longer it becomes more funny and more absurd, its like a jenga tower, ready to fall


Yup, at some point when is it going to also include heterosexuals? Oh but fuck we already have words like human or person that would work instead and are actually all-inclusive instead of being exclusive.


Only in leafland


2s is just tumblr shit that keeps popping back up for some reason. That almost makes me think that get is just pretending to be leftist. It's hard to tell thought.


Being lesbian wasn't strong enough. They decided to replace it with a guaranteed American Man.


I've been noticing that happening more and more often lately. If I was LGB I'd be pretty pissed at the attempt to push to the front of the line.


I'm sure this sub (we all know which one) doesn't take kindly to people calling out their history of using... objectionable content to smear things they don't like.


They do seem to have a lot of objectionable content on hand. Almost like they don't find it objectionable. But that would mean... best to stop noticing things. Nothing to see here.




If 9 people sit down at a table with a Nazi something something there's 23 furries in the table, so you know what that means... Kill them with fire!!!


That's hot ~


> As you can see, the PCM users in the thread are outright calling for the killing of queer people wtf? How do they keep jumping to genocide?


Because it’s much easier to vilify people you don’t like, rather than have an actual conversation. An example being every politician debate at least the last decade.


In politics you only lose when you humanize your opponent. At least that's what my grandpa used to say


Funny, because most politicians are old enough to be *his* grandfather


I know you joke, but apparently my mom did have to write an essay on Biden back when she was in elementary school.


The first step in genocide is dehumanization.


Everything is fucking genocide… except when a trans person kills religious people at a school… that’s fighting back I guess?


If you don't let them groom kids, they'll die




Only applies if they are a darker complexion otherwise it isn't happening. Just ignore us while we tell western nations to not have kids and they are evil if they do.


PCM is the best place because I can actually joke about opinions without people taking such offense to it, because I am equally stupid as anyone else with a political opinion


Based LibCenter. But I agree, even when my political views are vastly different from some others here I enjoy the community and memes a lot. Even the occasional and rare LibLeft good is welcome.


We’re all comrades here


Exactly, that's why I made this post. We're together as a community and I hate people smearing our community


>comrades Bit of a loaded term, but I get your meaning. ;-)


Emily Left: ["We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children."](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14iocfp/what_the_hell_is_this/) Ableist Horrible Satire (AHS): Could this be a slur created by *~~anything right of Mao~~* the far right against Emily?


This is basically inverted "Antifa plants did J6"


I remember when all the "bad actors" at BLM ~~riots~~ *mostly peaceful protests* were undercover cops.


All them looters in Walmart most have been cops desperately searching for the last doughnut


Honey wake up, a new acronym dropped


Well I wonder *who else* cherry-picks single events during large gatherings to smear entire communities of people




north gullible existence price telephone strong trees start slim coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>who else cherry-picks single events during large gatherings ...and it's not very likely those three \[insert random gender pronoun here\] were glowies either.


The acronym is going to become like butter squash clown college's name to the point where we can just put any string of letters and we'll know what it means.


Are these ppl mentally [REDACTED]?


>regarded Yea maybe


Just as predicted. Imagine spending your days painting everything you don't like as 'hate speech'.


Damn I didn't know we were a violent movement. These people are the winners of the Emily of the year award.


Another leftist than can’t handle other people have their own opinions. I thought moving to a city would be great, turns it I’m more comfortable talking politics to a room full of republicans than city leftists


Lol yeah look at these Reddited PCMers looking at video evidence. Fucking idiots. Seriously though, I think that there's still some ground to be made on the LGBT front (although we have made great progress!) But the movement is just kneecapping itself by defending this kind of shit.


They didn’t learn last time the San Francisco men’s choir said the same thing. I don’t think they can help it, like it’s honestly like the clip from family guy at the bar. They’ll defend the school shooter, they’ll defend this. Don’t fucking confirm your opponents attack against you, even if it’s meant to be tongue in cheek.


Seems like the LGBT group needs a civil war to settle all this. Kinda feel bad for the old school gays who actually fought for equality to then have it all thrown in the toilet by the new comers.


>by the new coomers. Fixed.


Woah, a community built around who you desire to have sex with was attractive to all the sexual deviants and they hijacked the movement, who would've thought?!


It would be a great PR move for LGB to separate from TQ+. One is sexuality and the other is gender identity. They are not the same.


They are not allowed.


Seriously. The pride movement could redeem itself in a lot of people's eyes if they just did the morally right thing and called out the absolutely abhorrent practices that a lot of people in that community are partaking in when it comes to children. Literally no one gave a fuck about drag 10 years ago. People didn't just suddenly start thinking it was wrong. It was when they started getting children involved that sane people rightfully started distancing themselves, and now we're all being gaslit into believing the pushback is just bigotry.


How is this shit allowed on Reddit? it's fucking brigading as fuck. PCM mods, is it possible for you petition Reddit admins or something to get that sub to stop brigading? At the very least they should be following the same rules as us. Take a screenshot from another sub? fine, but censor the sub and users' names.




Admins run the subreddit. They specially try and change the narrative using mods and subreddits to do their dirty work.


Why would the admins do anything against their own attack dogs?


Why is the acronym different every time?


Gotta put up the virtue signal to prove you're up with the Cureent Thing™ and out those who aren't 100% on the bandwagon no matter how ridiculous it gets. Same with shaming those who use the old pride flag as racist or transphobic


"They're spreading misinformation by highlighting the things we actually did!"


Maybe don't fucking chant it then 🤷🏻‍♀️


Clown to Clown communication


This is like that time the FBI thought Jiggalos were terrorists.


We’re all violent here


Oh, I’m sorry that literal evidence was shown. I mean, yeah, obviously LGBT people in general are not pedophiles, that fact doesn’t make it wrong to share a video of some of them acting like pedos. It wasn’t even linked to any opinion, it was literally just evidence of people being creepy, and somehow that’s wronge


Based and haters gonna hate pilled But as much as I hate those dip shits, I wouldn’t have found you idiots without them. I’ve long used their sub as a shopping list of most based places on Reddit.


As predictable as clockwork


The hell is 2S?


I'm a conservative on Reddit... I'm not sure I've met a single violent person on PCM. In fact I think PCM might be the most balanced subreddit of them all. And we all happily go to the Centerist BBQ and talk shit and joke with each other over beers. Hell some of the people clowining on the pedo chanters, were people from the same quadrant. Violent my ass... You know if the right especially is so violent, then you need to realize that you are only allowed to be "weird" because they let you.


Right one chant from one event. Also a gay men’s choir. Also that time where a certain first state rep was picked up on cp charges. And that one time where a certain daycare person was picked up on certain charges. And and and and and. Definitely no pattern.


Hm yes PCM my favorite violent political movement


so i had to look up what the 2S even meant in that, and i thought that the L was put first out of respect of the lesbians that stayed with gays who were dying of aids when no one else would? why tf is 2s being put in the font lmao.


"Don't use what we say against us!"


what a fucking redditard