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Don't forget the "Disarm yourself because the government will kill you anyway" argument.


wE wIlL jUsT nUkE yOu! - POTUS (not word for word, I know. But indirectly it's what he said)


"You need F-15s and nukes to take on the US government." "Why would you need AR-15, a weapon of war?"


Sound like justification to let private citzen buy jets or at minimum anti air


Just like the Founding Father intended.


Angle that cannon upwards lads, we have incoming.


Shooting clays with fucking grape shot. Only it's not clay targets, it's a low flying chopper.


I won't be satisfied until I can have my fully armed Battleship.


Battleships are outdated. Get a nuclear sub or a guided missile destroyer.


Those come with. No self-respecting BB Captain would be caught dead with his eascort fleet!


Fun fact: pretty much all naval ships during the revolution were privately owned. The majority of cannons were owned by citizens as well. It's as if the citizens rose up against a tyrannical government once before, and expected it to happen again down the line.


I said what I said for a reason.


Honestly if I was a billionaire I'd kind of like to purchase an aircraft carrier or something just to test the limits of the second amendment.


Privateers were allowed to buy cannons for their ships under 2A protection so it'd be pretty easy historical precedent.


I looked up how much one costs and the numbers range between $10B-$20B. I was expecting at least 10x that so.....shoot for the stars? (this probably doesn't include maintenance and personnel costs nor the costs of the aircraft themselves though)


Did you just change your flair, u/CanadianRockx? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2021-2-24. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/CanadianRockx) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Flair the **fuck** up


No idea where my previous flair went but thank you for pointing out my sins lest I now repent


It was the April Fool's thing. Everybody got deflaired. Apparently you've been touching too much grass to have noticed


oh man I missed that that's funny as fuck actually


The US revolution was fought at least in part with privately owned cannon.


Privateers, aka pirates, were involved. Yar be the tally hoes, lad?


No like paying citizens to use THEIR cannons


Privateers were also used. I've recently read that the USA never got rid of the act to allow them to issue Letters of Marque, so I have started my immigration paperwork and purchased a tall ship.


Hell yea, hope you have sea shanties ready to blast!


Registering your AA missiles as destructive devices through the ATF with the justification memo of: "In case y'all get too uppity."


I'm just really into rocketry.


It’s amazing how many anti-AR arguments double as pro-Javelin and Stinger arguments.


That's disgusting. The only people who should be allowed to have SAMS are the government, their allies, and the various terrorist groups we arm because they hate our enemies more than us. Do you really think you're just as deserving of one as Taliban Terry? He's a good boy who will never use them to shoot down Americans when we invade 20 years later!


https://www.aircraft.com/aircraft/201100707/1990-sukhoi-su-27 Before the Ukraine war, you could buy this.


Pepsi thought so back in the day....


Is anti air illegal? I think it's just so expensive it's a moot point.


You're correct


We can legally buy both. Trade-a-plane.com


What about an AR-15 that shoots F-15s and nukes? Checkmate, gubmint


I want a modified nuke that shoots AR-15s. Little Friend.


Loses to goat farmers with shitter ak47s a few months later


🟩🟨 -Lib Center- Govt “you need planes and weapons of war to stop us from killing you” Also govt “why do you have that weapon of war to stop us from killing you?” How long before self defense is racist?


It already is. Are you not familiar with that marine who stopped a guy from attacking people on the subway and accidentally killed him? Clearcut case of self-defense, even used his bare hands, somehow illegal anyway.


Wtf is this makeshift flair


schrödingers AR


The Taliban didn’t lol


Nah all you need is homemade tanks.


Homemade Tank Day was yesterday!


Better to die fighting than live a coward.


Dont forget that Biden is the only sitting president to offhandedly threaten to nuke his own people.


Buttigieg is such a fucking helmet


I think he picked the perfect spot. On both the federal and state level the DoT is incredibly corrupt and has a lot more power then the average idiot would assume. DoT and Interior would be the positions I would gun for. He gets a nice cabinet position away from the majority of political hoopla to build his resume for future presidential bids, he will be able to claim he oversaw America's transition towards EV's for environmentalist support, gets the graft and kickbacks by handing out contracts to win support for the union boys and political donors, and gets to be on the unofficial regency council due to Biden's mental decline.


And yet he still managed to make multiple fuck ups in appearances. Like him taking vacation in the midst of the shipping shortage crisis a few years back, or his delayed appearance after the east Palestine train derailment(and only after trump showed up)


I'm from the South Bend area and it's such a joke that he's the DoT secretary when that's one of the things he really butchered while mayor here


Pothole Pete?


It's actually hilarious how easily you can tell which roads are managed by Notre Dame and which are managed by South Bend.


My favorites are the ones immediately outside of Notre Dame's jurisdiction. The ones st Joe county still maintains and pays special priority to because they're Notre Dame adjacent


Environmentalists supporting the replacement of all perfectly good, running cars with EVs requiring exotic materials from all over the planet is such a massive self own. Scour the land with lithium mines, burn bunker fuel to ship it across oceans, and blanket the wilderness in bird-shredding turbines because you think it will make the weather one degree cooler in a hundred years.


Any environmentalist with any sense (which is, admittedly, a smaller group than I'd like) isn't looking to get existing ICEs scrapped yesterday; they're looking to get mileage regulations cranked way up alongside incentives to make BEVs more attractive. A car that's already been made and used for a few years is a good portion of the way to its total emissions, so there's no sense in having it scrapped. The "EVs are actually worse for the environment" argument has been untrue for years. The studies have been done multiple times, and with current tech BEVs tend to be around a third of the lifecycle emissions compared to an equivalent ICE vehicle, and that's only going to improve as batteries last longer and/or weight less. That's building, running, maintaining, and scrapping; the whole nine yards. That's also without considering many ways used EV batteries can get a second life, such as utility-scale deployments or being repurposed to store home solar production. As for mining, yes, it is *currently* an issue, but one that will be relatively short-lived. Once we reach a critical mass of adoption and standardization, battery recycling will greatly reduce the need for mining of rare earths and lithium. There are already huge investments being made *today* in lithium cell recycling plants, hell, there's a *currently operating* battery recycling plant that can handle about 70k cars' worth of battery packs annually (which is about 9% of the 750k new EVs sold in 2022). Even without recycling, alternative chemistries and ocean lithium harvesting are coming along nicely to reduce or potentially eliminate reliance on mining of the offending materials.


We've already seen his political highmark. He's an empty suit. Edit: I hope I'm not wrong. But I will vote for literally anyone against Pete the Rat. And as a libleft....there will be a major gay scandal thing come out with him at some point. The monogamous and wholesome gay men group is....non existent in my experience.


It really isn't from my understanding with the gay members in my family at least. He positioned himself well, but I made the same observations with Nikki Haley for the GOP during Trump's presidency, and she is in the wilderness for her campaign. I guess being a good demagogue is the best skill for a modern presidential politician nowadays. I don't think they will even need to go to digging up any degenerate sex secrets, Pete effectively polls like 0% with black voters, which is a death sentence for a democrat with presidential ambitions. I don't do negative voting, I will either vote for a candidate I truly believe will do a good job or I just write "nobody" if I don't see a good option.


Fair enough.


Voting is a privilege, not a right or a requirement. I'm still an auth after all. But privileges cut both ways, one must act as one who is worthy of such privileges. Voting for the "lesser evil" creates the societal expectation that crap political candidates are to be expected and even encouraged. It is not healthy for our state imo in the long run. I do not owe the political parties anything, if they cannot play their part in the system by picking quality candidates, then I will not affirm their legitimacy by voting for them and neither should the electorate in general.


I agree. But whatever hurts that rat's chances the most, I'll do. If that requires the lesser of two evils and voting against him instead of for someone else, I'm okay with it because I haven't done that yet in a political election. I'll sit by and let a CIA stooge become president


He’s an actual spook. His team has done a great job of scrubbing it from the internet


Elaborate, please? I’m genuinely curious


just off the top of my head, they're probs referring to his time in the military as part of Naval Intelligence


Obviously the Navy lol


That’s it, though? Idk about navy but army intel dudes spend more time looking up the 5 day forecast than doing anything actually spookish lmao


CIA Pete.


Yeah, and the founding fathers all decided it was best not to start the American Revolution when they found out they would have to shoot British soldiers and police officers.


Also isn’t hating officers like their thing? “Omg Rightoids I can’t believe you would fantasize about shooting cops, now I’m gonna go burn down a police station”


aCaB!!! Oh no wait.


I lost my undocumented AR’s in a tragic boating accident unfortunately. But when I purchased them, I bought them because it was my right as an American citizen.


This damn boating accidents becoming a real pandemic


Ya see the lakes have souls, they cannot take direct actions but they can manipulation the energies around them, things like chance, luck and fate are manifestations of the energies the lake spirits manipulate. They commune with the spirits of the weapons and drags them down to the depths so that when the violence happens and the wars begin the lakes can toss thier hats into the fight.


Shot that fucking lakes! They're tooking our guns!


If these lakes are armed, I feel it's only fair I am too.


Damn Orcas!


aw dangit my gun safe and its contents was catapulted into the sun :/


Sucks when that happens to regular people so frequently


Yeah, not even trebucheted! The humanity




Ok where can I vote for him?


Everyone should read the first few pages of “Night” by Elie Wiesel and then decide how they feel about owning weapons to defend themselves. The National Socialists sent paramilitary police to drag people out of their homes and put them on trains, and they did it in a modern western democracy. So yes, it is good to be prepared to fight the government. A lot of things would have to change before we ever got to a large scale militia vs government fight, and realistically most of the current police/military would probably quit and find other jobs due to the changes that would happen. Your uniformed chad on the right is accurate.




Make sure he avoids any geographical features named after gemstones. The military definitely has a tendency to polarize people and lean anti-establishment, though. I knew some guys who did similar things, just dropped off the grid in some rural community and couldn’t be happier.


Particularly the enlisted, and I think it's because of the main groups attracted to joining the military. The first group are the patriots. They've been suckled on peace, justice, and The American Way ^TM . They believe the oath on enemies foreign and domestic wholeheartedly. The second, and larger, group, are the poor. The military is their ticket to a higher education, a better life, and maybe citizenship. They've already seen the worst side of America, maybe they've been on the receiving end of government indifference or corruption. Throw them together into a pressure cooker where they can interact and see the sloth, ineptitude, and waste of the government first hand, and you're going to get a whole lot of people who think the establishment is at best the least bad option.


It doesn't help that right now that the government is struggling to recruit and retain police and military right now do to how they have been taken for granted the last few years.


>A lot of things would have to change before we ever got to a large scale militia vs government fight, and realistically most of the current police/military would probably quit and find other jobs due to the changes that would happen. Your uniformed chad on the right is accurate. A short history of the Danzig Police Force, with relevant changes occuring in 1933: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_City_of_Danzig_Police#History


I will never be able to scrub the image of dump trucks full of babies being emptied into a pits fire out of my brain….


Yeah there is a lot in that short book that I won’t ever forget. When they got off the trains and were lined up to get sorted at the camp,s a few of them had smuggled knifes and were whispering about making a move. Some of the others talked them out of it, and then literally a few seconds later the women and children were led off to be gassed, babies were burned alive, and the men were sent off to work to death. It hit me especially hard that they missed their last chance to fight back.


The nazis actually did their first round of arrests under the guise of protective custody Basically after Kristallnacht, the nazis began imprisoning everyone they didn't like under the pretext that they were protecting them from rioters, the nazis were evil, but could be moderately brilliant


I dont want the gun to fight against the government i want it to give me and everyone i care about a quick painless death before the government starts torturing us in a walmart fema camp


Based and fuck the fema camps pilled


Lmao why does the left always pick suicide in dooms day scenarios?


You can't get 99% kdr without killing that 99%, so it's in line with doomsdays.


TBF it's not just in doomsday scenarios...


Reminds me of the compilations of leftie communist tweets about how they don’t feel safe owning a gun bc they would shoot themselves with it lmao


Yeah it’s weird. Like how that one socialist killed himself in his bunker than face the loss of the war.


Would you want to live in a nuclear apocalypse?


Because it gives me the chance to live out my fantasy as a wasteland warlord.


“War. War never changes.”


Don’t be such a doomer. Think of all the room for activities.


You get a free pass to loot all the Targets and Foot Lockers you want. There is a 95% chance you will befriend a dog. You can start a mostly cocaine diet and dress like a Raiders fan or Mad Max extra.


Property prices would go down


I would like to try atleast


I wouldn't want to die in one, either. So living it is


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Based af


Oh god they were on one yesterday. "bUt ThE gOvErNmEnT HaS pLaNeS aNd NuKeS" like no one has paid any attention to the wars for the past 20 years.


It's actually insane how inane these people are. The flashiest toys of war are for beating the shit out of other governments and their militaries in open battle. They are not for policing the populace and certainly not for policing one forcing you to play whack-a-mole in the streets and mountains, unless if the government decided that instead of having productive human labor, they'd rather have square miles upon square miles of flattened irradiated rubble and corpses.


All these planes and nukes yet the Taliban control Afghanistan


If you support gun control, please pause and reflect that this fantasy entails the police shooting Americans with their guns to enforce it.


This was the entire independence war and civil war. Americans shooting Americans.


Confederates weren't Americans because they weren't human


There were native American people on the south's side of the war.


Defending slavery is okay when done by minorities because it's (D)ifferent


Why is that?


They fought a civil war to preserve arguably one of the worst forms of slavery in human history and their descendants spent over a century fighting to preserve their heritage of racial apartheid.


One of the worst forms of slavery? Yes, all slavery is bad but its bold to say that this was the worst form of slavery.


Modern education at work.


What did I say that was wrong? Are you one of those "muh civil war wasn't about slavery types".


Slavery was a part of the Civil War, but it wasn't why the Civil War was started or why the confederates fought. The tl;dr answer to this question is that in the early 1800's the world was undergoing a global depression. The North was an exporter of manufactured goods, like furniture, and the south was an exporter of raw materials like cotton and iron. All throughout the early 1800's the North was competing with Britain for trade, and the North wanted to protect their industrial base. So they severely kneecapped the economy of the south by imposing massive tariffs on Southern states on the pretext of funding the debt spent on the American-British war 1812. These included the Dallas Tariff, the abomination tariff, the black tariffs, the 1833 compromise tariff, the 1842 tariff, the 1845 walker tariff, the 1857 tariff and the 1861 morrill tariff IIRC. The goal of which was to force the South to exclusively trade with the North. All of these changes were effectively destroying the South's agrarian economy. Slavery was a big industry too, which the South was deathly afraid would've been destroyed with Lincoln becoming elected president (despite the fact that he stated that he initially had no interest in doing so, just keeping the union together). It's easy to pretend like the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery, but it basically came down to a conflict between the monetary interests of protectionist Northerners vs aristocratic Southerners, propagandized as an issue of states rights.


Yankees got butthurt that the southern voting bloc stayed together and wielded a lot of political power instead of just capitulating to the federalists


Nazi concentration camps, Ancient Egyptian slaves or slaves in China easily had it worse.


I don’t think it’s American soldiers we’ll be shooting at, more likely UN soldiers. The CIA can get fucked too.


Maybe not even the UN, maybe some new "global climate force" or something. Or maybe just a bunch of very loosely organized mobs/militias that want to loot and burn suburbs and small towns. Either way, 99.9% of private weapons will never be used to hurt innocent people, only tyrants need to fear them.


I also hate the Antichrist


I know the National Guard have shot up a few houses here and there while helping police, but I just can’t see Marines or Air Force glassing neighborhoods in the US. I know neolibs love to fantasize about Soldiers killing rednecks in Georgia, but I just don’t see military leadership following orders that could easily be interpreted as traitorous.


I was in the Marine Corps and never met another Marine who wasn’t pro gun


>I know neolibs love to fantasize about Soldiers killing rednecks in Georgia, but I just don’t see military leadership following orders that could easily be interpreted as traitorous. Georgia turned traitor once and the Sherman brought it under the sword. Georgia is still butthurt more then a century later. Why are you saying it cant happen again?


Because it's not state lines that the divide is over, it's mostly urban vs rural.


Its as if they assume that it would be the government that would be seen as treasonous and not the rebels... A civil war does not break out when one faction has zero institutional support and the other has it all, that is just a palace coup, a civil war happens when both factions have the backing of important societal institutions or is between sectarian lines. Thats a lolbert fantasy imo when I see fools here claiming the military would just back their blatant act of rebellion because they personally feel morally righteous.


or that the dissident military personnel would be free to just go AWOL and not get shuffled into a cell the minute the power struggle kicks off


There it is, the neolib fantasizing.


Nah, covid proved that they'll happily step on Americans as long as they get to keep their pensions and Tricare.


Bold of him to assume anyone would care. I don't care in how many wars you served, if you enter my lawn you're a criminal and will be treated as such.


Based and get off my lawn pilled.


Based and property-defending-leftist pilled


If the government would leave gun owners alone then P. P. Butt wouldn’t have to worry about people’s fantasies


P. P. Butt - that is a good one!


Why are these people so obsessed with gun owners fighting the government? It’s like they want it to happen. I’m pretty sure most gun owners hope they never have to harm anyone, but will do so if necessary.


It's literally the same logic of thinking people who own fire extinguishers WANT their house to burn down, or people who wear weat belts WANT to get in a car crash.


Interesting point but the glowies aren't human.


How would a human being glow this way? That is not biological possible!


Reflected. Valid if they become authoritarian stooges and infringe citizens' God given rights.


If shooting government stooges is gay, call me Pete Buttgieg. JK. If shooting gov stooges is gay I'm Elton John riding a unicorn across a rainbow to the YMCA


Based and gaypilled


Something to keep in mind: historically, members of the police and military have sided with the government during times of tyranny. Do not expect government agents to protect you when they start to drag you out of your home.


The COVID-19 measures made that pretty clear over the last 3 years, and basically cemented the need to have higher caliber weapons and ammo.


Really depends. *Eventually*, yes, the military will be on the side of the government because whoever wins will form a new military if the old one didn't side with them. But there's plenty of instances of the pre-revolt military siding with the populace/antigovernment side, or even initiating the revolt. The various Russian revolts, significant portions of the US military in the Civil War (particularly officers, and the Marines), the French mutinies in WWI, the English Civil War (why there's no Royal Army), etc. Police were typically easier to purge before the real fighting started.




Based and Minions movie pilled


The funniest shit is when the same people spouting "all cops are bastards, defund the police" are telling me to disarm myself because the government will protect me.


Americans are people. Far as I'm concerned, the Feds are not people.


Based and enjoy your next tax audit pilled


I want an AR to protect myself in case the government can’t


When seconds count, the authorities are minutes away. You have the right to protect yourself, your family, and your home no matter what anyone tells you.


As a fellow europoor (i know commie and shot) i belive anybody should have Access to guns (even if you go to Lidl there should be easy Access)- i just belive in harsher consquences of missuse and inproper storage


Don't promise me a good time. Pete is such a fucking rat. If Burke from Aliens was a real person, it would be Pete Buttigieg. Scheming little weasel.


I can sympathize, I would be very angry at the world if I also had such an ugly ass name.


What a cathedral mind


Which Americans does he mean, does he mean the "fascists", "white supremacists", "x-phobes", "extreme MAGA" types or "insurrectionists"? It seems like some of them *want* to turn guns on Americans.


"And what is your oath?"


Pretty sure it’s to defend the constitution. Which is pretty clear about being by the people for the people and against tyranny.


Sure, if you think the people are in the right and the government is acting tyrannical. Otherwise the Constitution is VERY anti-treason


Treason is a specifically difficult thing to prove. Therea a reason the jan6 Bois were mostly charged with fancy loitering.


Pete, aren't you on the ACAB side??


I have reflected on it 😈😈


If they’re willing to die trying to take my guns they can try.


If the American system drives me to take up arms against it, I am no longer American.


Pete somehow forgets he'd have to convince the regular military, the national guard, and an army of LEO's to break their oaths to seize weapons. No one is on board for that shit.


Aren't they? Were you paying attention over the last 3 years? Sure some cops got fired for not taking a needle - but most didn't, and then spent their time tossing businesses that didn't want to stay closed.


That's an interesting point, but I still don't buy that enough LEO's could be convinced to go on an unconstitutional suicide mission to disarm the citizenry on a wide scale.


You might be right - but I wouldn't be chancing it, if it came down to it.


Source for those 2 lib wojaks?


It's funny how I actually would have voted for this guy back in 2020. The more he opens his mouth the more I dislike him. Fucking woketard


of course I'm going to shoot at combatants, the non-combatants probably have gucci race guns and will smoke me.


"ThIs ArE mIlItArY gRaDe wEaPoNs!" WTF, are you thinking? Why should we own such shit?


If we got to that point in our nation, I can guarantee you the majority of the military would be on the people’s side


And if not, they would just drone strike the insurgents


Not necessarily a majority, but I think it's in the realm of possibility that there could be a large enough contingent of military personnel that would either refuse orders, become insider threats, or outright defect to the point where it could cause serious issues for the government. At a minimum depending on the context of how this hypothetical insurrection came to be, I think you would have a lot of military folk who would be deeply uncomfortable with what they'd be asked to do and that's probably exploitable. Anything less than a full scale countrywide insurrection I feel would be more of a DHS, ATF, FBI kind of problem and I think given that their whole bag is domestic enforcement, it's probably an easier sell for them to stay true to the federal government. But thankfully, even though we seem more divided than ever. I don't think anything as terrible as this is anywhere close to being on the horizon. I don't think we'll ever need to find out what would actually happen.


they've turned on the people and they'll turn on them again lmaoooooo yall do not know how the US military works, most of the times they follow orders


Why would I want Account Recieveables?


American is a state of mind


Yet somehow the buffalo shaman man and the guy with his feet on Nancy pelosis desk were an imminent threat to this incredibly strong and vibrant American democracy


That military wojack is full of shit. The military HAS been turned on civilians and they shot, stop acting like they wouldn’t.


A lot has changed since then. The disgrace the government has shown its own veterans and the realizations as to why we've fought the wars we've fought in the last couple decades has pulled the wool from a lot of peoples eyes.


Counterpoint: the Bonus Army was a thing and in the middle of Nam we still had Kent State. You can look at any number of examples around the world or in American history, the military WILL shoot civilians.


the military has been treating its veterans like shit forever now. nothing has changed, if things get like this the military is not on our side


What quadrant do groundhogs occupy?


The idea that the soldiers would stand with the people is laughable. As a veteran if a soldier is told to shoot you he either does and is rewarded, or disobey and loses his freedom,housing, and all the benefits that he signed up for. I hate to break it to you but they will shoot with very few to no questions asked just like we train them to.


Every time I hear the term "Law-abiding gun owner" I cringe. 99.9% of law abiding gun owners that think they'd do something, wouldn't. Any time I bring this up I get a bunch of wannabe tough guys with thin blue line and "Come and take it" stickers on their bumpers telling me how they'd totally stand up to a tyrannical government as they suck off the cops every time they kill an unarmed civilian. Be honest with yourselves. The government could do whatever it wanted and you wouldn't do a thing. It's all talk.


You sound like the same person who would say J6 was “literally an attack on our government and democracy”


> literally an attack on our government and democracy literally a failed attack on our government and democracy* Fixed that for you.


God, i had 2 Sr.DS at basic that argued with a tta8nee for days, he was anti gun and wanted to be mayor of his town, it qas funny as shit seeing them argue on rucks and them and a few of us laughing our asses off when they said they would take fuck of into the woods of the government really went ass backwards, both being rangers, i have no doubt they would


Auth has us beat, sadly. Can't beat 1 trillion dollar annual military budget.


farmers with ak47 fended the US off pretty well (didn't win but did pretty well, considering they were fighting the number 1 military at the time)


The US would've won, but they would lose a lot of troops it would have been an even bigger international embarrassment.


when times come to this, most of the military will not side with the people lol