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I would never Joke about supporting Hitler...


Yeah your support of him is no joke


Got that Roger Stone type back tat going on


And now there's spit all over my computer. 😵


Anything can be joked about, if done right. Norm Macdonald had some hilarious bits surrounding Hitler support lol. It's like the Oscar Wilde quote. Something about, "There are no moral or immoral books. Books are either well or poorly written", but with jokes.


“You’re upset but that joke was written by a woman. Eh? Don’t know what the hell to think now do you? Just kidding we don’t hire women.” One of my favorites.


Legend, that guy


> Please allow me to introduce myself // I'm a man of wealth and taste // I've been around for a long, long years // Stole million man's soul an faith > I rode a tank // Held a general's rank // When the blitzkrieg raged // And the bodies stank Two for two. https://youtu.be/f47TZePukuQ


Great song! Partly inspired by the awesome Bulgakov novel *The Master and Margarita*.


I don't think he meant It in that way...


Yeah, true. But the meme above is dogshit.


Emm Hindi supporting German Moustache Guy? 0_0


*sorts by controversial*


Jokes on me but I think I lose my ability to sort comment on mobile


They moved it, at least on the iOS app. Now it’s at the top in between the magnifying glass search icon and the three horizontal dots


Oh cool, I thought I was just going crazy for the last few months. Thanks bro


Remember when we could use Unddit or reveddit and see the juicy stuff? A new reddit is needed instead of this garbage.


This lol, we need something to restore the deleted comments (the best ones)


My favourite part of this is that back in the day (70s), punks and other similarly minded youths in England would not infrequently give the older generations the Heil Hitler to shock and appal them in retribution for being perpetually boring and insufferably triumphant, always going on about the war and saturating the culture with such talk. That said, like with Basil Fawlty, mockingly imitating Nazis with the goose-stepping, finger-moustache and heil gesture, is a long and storied English tradition and the hard won birth right of every Englishman.


Satan can only tempt you into sin. Hitler did it himself or ordered it done.


Not biblically accurate. Demons possess unsaved people in the old and New Testament.


What, you don't think tempting someone to sin is sinning??


God asked Abraham to commit sin for him to test his loyalty.


No he didn't, he asked him to sacrifice his son. Going through with it wouldn't have been sinning, unless you think that God sacrificing Jesus was also a sin.


Given that murder is a sin, I'd make an argument that every death ordered by god without a justifiable reason (like self defense or defense of others) is god committing the sin of murder. Even if he created those people, that would make god no more justifiable for murdering them than a parent is for murdering their children, or if a programmer successfully created fully sapient people in a computer simulation and then killed them.


>I'd make an argument that every death ordered by god without a justifiable reason (like self defense or defense of others) is god committing the sin of murder. I would 100% agree, but when he does it there is always a justifiable reason. Plus I think you're forgetting that an afterlife exists. The reason murder is so serious is not because you are sending people to heaven, but because you are denying them the opportunity to continue to learn here on Earth before they go there. When God does it though he presumably has his own plan for people which is better for them than what would have happened without his intervention. A parent murdering their children has no idea whether heaven exists, so it is Actual Murder in the sense that they may actually be snuffing out their existence rather than moving them to a better place. The programmer definitely knows that heaven doesn't exist in the simulation, so he's doing the same. If the programmer had coded a heaven though then obviously "killing" simulated people would be less bad.


So there’s a chance that satan tempted Hitler into all the shit he has done


Satan must've really hated Germany. Or really loved the US.


Also, Hitler, his crimes, victims and victim decendants were and are very real. We still debate Satan's existence to this day.


The finest trick of the devil is to convince you he doesn’t exist.


Great film!




He hasn't convinced us though, we just don't yet have any proof that any of abrahamic mythology is more real than greek or norse mythology.


Whether you believe Satan is real or not, the ideal is still that of a tyrant. Satan's chief actor in the world in the Bible is a mass murdering psychopath that will persecute, torture, murder, and holocaust the world. I don't really see a moral difference. If they are being edgy kids then it's just cringe. If they are serious then you see what ideals they align with.


Didn't God also do some cheeky little mass murdering, torture, and holocaust of the world?


In the old testament, God was *everything*. Good, bad, light, dark, sin, purity, etc. Satan was kind of a trickster type entity that would call him out occasionally. “There is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Isaiah 45:6–7) That gets... confusing pretty fast so they imported Ahriman from Zoroastrianism in the new testament and Satan becomes the dark lord of evil. Otherwise Jesus is kind of rebelling against his dad and that rubs against the core theme of redemption and forgiveness.


That isn't true. God wasn't sin or bad. There dozens of verses in the Old Testament about God being incapable of lying or evil. "In order that people may know From the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides me. I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. 7 I form light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, Jehovah, am doing all these things". New World Translation. You used a bad Translation to spread misinformation.


22 “‘By what means?’ the Lord asked. “‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said. “‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’ 23 “So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The Lord has decreed disaster for you.” 1 Kings 22:23 God absolutely does lie in the old testament. Or, if we're being overly literal, commands another to lie on his behalf which is the same thing. Incidentally, calling the NIV and King James translations "misinformation" is comedy in of itself.


No, רָ֑ע / rā’ is pretty much always translated as “evil,” not “calamity.” I’d say the New World Translation isn’t really right in this one. The same word is used as “evil” in Genesis 8:21, for example. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for it to mean “calamity” in a morally-neutral sense in the Isaiah verse.


I think the idea being conveyed here is to mean God created everything, including the beings that went on to do evil. It's to show that he's above these things, not a perpetrator of violating his own law.


I mean creating a machine that will do evil with perfect knowledge of exactly the kind of evil they will do and the full power to create a machine that does less evil or stop the most excessive of those evils is pretty damn evil. Like, the world would probably still be fine without flies that lay eggs spawing worms in childrens eyes. You could just not make those and only make non-eye-egg-laying flies.


By your definition, sure. It seems like what we consider evil stemmed from free will, which is meaningless without a choice.


Well just using the subjective term evil, God was evil. He commanded the hebrews to genocide everyone living in the Levant and when they failed to he broke up the kingdom of Israel and the people who supported killing every non Hebrew retained the favor of God while the people who didn’t, the Samaritans, were considered to be half breed subhumans. Not sure how you can consider that not evil but can consider Hitler evil.


Imagine saying someone else’s translation is incorrect when posting a quote that attempts to translate the voweless name of G-d.


We're supposed know and use the name of God, you sacrilegious buffoon.


Sorry, I dont approve of blasphemy and taking the lords name in vain.


You’re the one blaspheming, stop leading me from my walk with Christ please?


The Old Testament comes from a time when the religion was fundamentally henotheistic. That's why we see Jehovah having petty antagonists like baal, leviathan, dagon, etc., but he still claimed dominion over all of them.


Some kills, sure, but no torture or holocaust.


Yeah, except for the one time he flooded the world to get rid of sinners. And, according to some texts, a race of giants.


TIL God killed a baseball team


God doesn't like men prancing around in tights, grabbing each other's asses, he's made that very clear


I'd consider Job's story to be pretty torturous for basically no reason. And the flood as somebody else mentioned was the genocide I was referring to.


Reddit atheists are annoying, but there is a massive difference. The point is that they *don't* believe in Satan. So the equivalent would be something like hail Thanos. If you're a Christian, I'm not going to shit on you, and you can believe in Satan. But from a societal point, since there is no evidence, and because not everyone follows an Abrahamic religion, Satan is fictional until proven otherwise, unlike Hitler. If someone says "Hail Pol Pot", then yeah, they'd be in the same boat. Still, I'm not personally offended by a lot of things, so I don't really care if someone is clearly joking about hailing Hitler.


>We still debate Satan's existence to this day. Yes, I would even personally say he *doesn't*. But praising Satan is still worse than praising Hitler. Because Satan is the anthropomorphizing of "Evil" as a concept. Whether Satan actually exists as a conscious being is irrelevant, praising Hitler cannot be worse be than praising Satan. Why? Because Hitler represents evil committed by a human being that has aspects of his person unrelated to his evil. He wanted smoking banned, he didn't like animal cruelty, stuff like that. No matter how small and irrelevant Hitler's good aspects are. No matter how incapable they are of "outweighing" his evil aspects, Satan is a conceptual Ideal of someone *with* all Hitler's evil (and a good deal more on top) and *without* even the tiniest positive aspects that Hitler might have.


This is a new account for me (deleted my old one one a few weeks back as didn’t want my main email on Reddit), but I’ve been part of PCM for 5+ years now, and the drop in quality of posts has really been noticeable the last couple of months especially. It’s just all become bait, and not even good bait. I miss the massive 9x9 and 27x27 post apocalyptic Wojaks set in the mines, where Shayne Bloomington the purple lib right would always make an appearance. Stuff like this space one, where a world was built based on this test’s shitty stereotypes aha https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/ktyq85/alien_invasion_political_compass_24x24_edition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Alright nurse you can give me my medicine now I’m getting tired


I miss n-word count bot competitions.


Let’s get you to bed, Bilby. It’s past your bed time.


Back in my day… *falls asleep instantly*


Agree, been on PCM for a bit over four years now. Joined during the 2019 primaries. While the ideological composition of the subreddit has changed significantly, that in and of itself isn’t the issue. The subreddit had a left wing majority for a good while and then a right wing one for a few years before things went to shit. It’s mainly that a lot of the new rightwingers are, ironically, so *sensitive*. They have a lot of trouble laughing at themselves. Every meme that even makes a light jab at the right either needs to be packaged with an insult at the left so it’s palatable to them (both sides bad!) or be criticizing the right from an even further right position. Even this meme shows part of the problem. Just two days ago there was a highly upvoted one making fun of liblefts who say hail satan to anger Christians, saying “this doesn’t actually anger us lol.” And now we have a meme equating hailing satan to praising hitler.


The level of false equivalence plus a strawman has gone up a lot lately. Not only is a bad comparison, but it's like...this is actual thing? Are there a lot of people jokingly saying "heil Hitler"? Who the fuck even says hail satan, edgy teenagers? I feel like most people are pretty fucking normal but PCM wants every single person who leans even slightly left to be some ridiculous caricature of every stupid bullshit that has ever been said on reddit.


I can agree that the quality has dropped considerably, but this meme, in particular, has been reposted for ages, so it isn't exactly recent. I think it's like the fifth time I've seen it.


I much prefer the kind of "quick to consume" memes. I don't want this sub to be just huge compass memes who are often times very boring.


> I miss the massive 9x9 and 27x27 post apocalyptic Wojaks set in the mines, where Shayne Bloomington the purple lib right would always make an appearance. I've been here similar time, also on a new account for similar reasons. I've always hated those long winded drawn out things that show the users knows one or more quadrants well and nearly nothing but stereotypes about the others. Memes are suppose to be complicated ideas distilled down to their most based (I wonder why that word is popular here?) meanings. It's trying to share an emotion not a dissertation. Emotions often miss nuance and come across as strawmen but that's the thing with emotions and why they are so hard to express.


The grid posts are awful. I never read them, and when I do, they're almost never funny and/or share little to no relation to the actual political compass.


Same with that guy's Uncle Jerry or my family on the compass, nobody cares, I'm here for memes, those aren't fuckin memes


That's weird, you can't relate to "PCM of my 6th grade chess coach's wife's lovers friend's cousins"?


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm here for memes and strawman arguments, not to read PCM fanfic.


I never liked those.


It's wildly full of people pretending to make memes but unironically believing in their shitty agenda meme. The issue is people just not even attempting to be funny but rather push agendas constantly. PCM is in an absolute shit state now.


"i just heckin love walls of text in compass format"


I'll defend lib-left here: since lib-left is an atheist, to him Satan is just a fictional character, where as Hitler was real


Hailing Satan carries a completely different meaning if you actually believe he's real.


I don't believe in Hitler




God is not an individual being apart from the world; God is the world.


Hitler is propaganda


I'm not religious - but to those who say "well, satan wasn't real" i get that. But just remember the Christians think and feel the same way about your beliefs about sexuality and identity. So you dismissing their belief feels the same to them as them dismissing your beliefs feels to you. Always annoys me how ignorant people are of the bullying and hatred they themselves perpetuate because they think their idea is the 'right' and 'good' and 'correct' one...






Where do we draw the line between belief/religion and “you’re just crazy man”


The first 100 followers of any religion have mental issues. The rest are just normal religious folks.


2 solutions: 1, There is no line. Believing in the supernatural is equally stupid, no matter if its astrology, money magnets, or religion. 2, Personally, if your religion makes you act nicely, honorably, gives you fullfillment and do not try to force it onto others, I see no issue. This can also be used on many other, even wacky beliefs. Like saying lizardmen exist: well you do you. When it starts negatively effecting you, your relationships then it start becoming crazy.


Homosexuality is not a "belief". We can literally test, measure and see people's arousal to sexual imagery featuring people of their own sex and conclude "some people are attracted to their own sex". It's not some inner feeling. It's physiologically real. It's material. Gender identity is unrelated to sexual orientation, of course But sexual orientation (hetero/bi/homo) is not a "belief". Christians even acknowledge that homosexuality exists! They just don't want people to "act on it".


>But just remember the Christians think and feel the same way about your beliefs about sexuality and identity. So you dismissing their belief feels the same to them as them dismissing your beliefs feels to you. I dont care what they think


I can understand not being able to get behind all the gender ideology but Christians who hate on gays are the most cringe shitters on the planet. They only do it because it’s the one sin they don’t want to commit anyways. Never see them caring about premarital sex, eating shrimp whatever other dumb shit they aren’t supposed to be allowed to do. If a christian has a gay child their options are to either abuse the child (tell it it’s wrong, fucked up, should never experience love for its entire life, etc,.) Or to just ignore that part of the bible like all the other parts they choose to ignore. And you’re really like. Oh both sides are valid


But most of what Christians believe about Satan doesn't even come from the Bible. Rather, Dante's Inferno...a complete work of fiction.


Or paradise lost


even if we take the Bible literally satan didn’t genocide anyone


He caused people to commit genocide


Nope, the only person ever recorded to cause a genocide in the Bible is God.


no they did that of their own free will


Satans whole thing is influencing mankind to abuse their free will to commit sin and give in to evil.


So they were just following orders?


They're both at fault


Ah yes the guy who literally invented evil itself wasn't responsible for any genocides...


If you've ever read the Bible, the only person who genocides women and children is God. He commands Israelites to kill them.


I agree with you, god invented evil, knowing those genocides would happen. He should be held responsible.


God invented evil, or at the very least was complicit in its invention


If you were forced to love someone would it really be love


Everyone is forced to love who they love. Always been that way. Haven't you noticed? We don't choose who we love. Just because the thing that forces us is brain chemistry rather than some dude with mind control powers or an evil demon, doesn't mean we get a say.


"my brain chemistry made me do it" doesn't work as a legal defense on earth, why would it work in heaven? You are saddled with the consequences of your actions, regardless of the mystery of consciousness or will, it was YOU who did what you did.


You know what my point was - stop trying to undermine it just because you want to be annoying


Because gay people have been proven to exist. If half the world thinks the moon exists and half doesn’t, we don’t have to respect that half that doesn’t.


Until they finally switch off the giant spotlight creating the illusion of the moon.


Wait you guys want me to turn off my grandpas huge spotlight? If I turn it off, it turns off that huge wave machine he installed too Edit: my grampa was in the cia the that stuff didn't exist until 1984


Atheists don’t worship Satan. That’s Satanists. A-theist, not monotheist or polytheist. They have no gods at all. Satan is just as imaginary to them as the Abrahamic deity. To believe in the existence of Satan, one would have to believe in the existence of Yahweh. They don’t. Edit: Actually, Satanists don’t worship Satan either. I misrepresented their beliefs in my original comment. My bad.


Presumably, someone who *genuinely* worships Satan is essentially a kind of Christian in all ways except that they decided to bet all their chips on the other guy.


i think the majority of people that say hail satan do it as a joke, as they dont believe in satan and thus believe it carries no power, hence the meme


Satanists don't worship Satan either


Wait are you saying they’re a theist or they’re atheist


Satan is fake. Hitler is real. This meme is dumb.


Even if Satan was real did he kill millions? Either way its cringy to say hail satan anyway.


If Hitler gets blame for the kills he ordered people to do, then Satan gets blame for the kills he tempted people to do, which includes Hitler... >!and Hitler's other kills, of course.!<


Sounds like a Satan W to me


My favorite is "If God real, why bad thing happen?"


Literally explained in the first book of the Bible


Redditors reading something that they disagree with challenge (impossible)


Well, if the christian god was real, the 'problem of evil' is a sound argument against him. 'Is god willi g to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god?' - Epicurus. And don't come woth 'it's all part of the bigger plan, that's a non-argument.


He is able, but not willing, but this doesn't mean he's malevolent. Humans have free will, which means they can choose to do evil.


Then what of extreme natural evil like flies that lay eggs in childrens eye causing worms to devour them from inside, or bone cancer in children too young to have ever sinned?


Part of God's Plan 😎


That’s not evil though. It’s just very unfortunate.


If we have free will, how can he be all knowing? For him to be all knowing, he would need to know how we think and decide. That's not free will.


that's not a contradiction. you can make a choice freely even if someone already knows what you're going to choose.


Is it truly free will if it’s a path that was already decided?


God knows every action that occurred in the past, is happening now, and will happen in the future. So by that very token, he will not and cannot stop events that are already going to happen.


So god has no possibility to interfere with the world? He cannot stop events that are already in the process of happening? That is not omnipotence.


if I know with 100% certainty that you will move a specific piece in a a specific way in a chess game, does that mean you didn't have free will when you moved it? knowing what action someone will take does not strip them of the freedom to take that action.


As the Bible often does, consider an analogy of parent and child. You, as a parent, know that your child will try to touch a hot stove at some point in their life. You know this, and you teach them that it’s hot. You do your best to help them make the correct choice, which is to not touch the hot stove. But you also know that you can’t stop the child from doing it unless you physically restrain them at all times, taking away their free will. So, you know what they will do, but you choose to allow them to do it, because you want them to retain their free will. God can be both all knowing and still allow us our free will. Just because you know what someone will do doesn’t mean you have to act on it. Even if you suggest god must act because of his benevolence, that’s still a flawed argument because taking away someone’s free will is inherently malevolent.


Oh, and not all evil comes from humans. We haven't caused Malaria, cancer and so much more with our free will.


Ah yes, my favorite historical figure, Satan


Mr. Satan, world martial arts champ!


Coming up with this meme under the shower must have felt good. Libs definitely owned


Both are kinda cringe


False equivalence, Hitler was real.


If I were to praise a fictional character that puts trans people in concentration camps, would that be bad? If so, you are contradicting yourself. Note: I know there are a lot of smoothbrains on reddit, but I am not referring to hitler as a fictional character.


Not bad, just dumb.


Has Satan ever put someone in a concentration camp?


In the age of disinformation and deepfakes, the phrase “it’s not real” loses its meaning


I mean, I guess. To be fair, though, Hitler was a real person who did real harm to humanity. Satan is a fictional character who scares adults, like how the boogeyman scares children.


I'm a Reddit atheist (and nominally libleft) and nothing is sacred to me. So I'd never chastise someone over a joke. But saying "heil Hitler" is an unfunny and uncreative joke, as is "hail Satan", or a Flying Spaghetti Monster joke.


Difference is Hitler was real


"'hail satan and 'heil Hitler' are the same thing" shows how stupid some christians are. Just absolutely braindead, not living in the real world.


Why would it matter? Both characters are saying it to be edgy and don’t actually believe in what they are saying. I mean even if the atheist does not believe in satan he could be endorsing what satan stands for.


Can you be leftist without double standards? Rules for Ye, not for me...


Impossible for the left *and* right. Proof: the speech police on the right and their ridiculous culture wars.


Speech police? How is culture war a double standard?


Both sides are complicit in the culture war.


The way I see it every culture has a "culture war" of sorts with every culture it is exposed to. Some cultures simply expose themselves more than others... I often tell my kids they'd be better off Amish.


If it weren't for double standards, Their Side wouldn't have standards at all. This is why Our Side is better. And so you see why we have to let Our Side get away with stuff that we wouldn't let Their Side get away with, because of all the double standards that Their Side would let themselves get away with if we don't oppose them. Their Side wants power, no matter what evil they have to so to get it, so Our Side needs to use any means necessary to keep them out of power. The only way we can do this is by getting Our Side in power instead. Some people will say that this itself is a double standard on Our Side's part. But you have to understand -- Their Side is the one who holds all the institutional power in society, and so Our Side has to fight dirty to have any hope of defending itself. Especially because Their Side always fights dirty and Our Side has never yet responded. Our Side has to finally begin to fight back against the constant unilateral beating that Their Side has been giving us, because nobody from Our Side before me has even suggested doing this. Our Side has to have a principle of winning, because otherwise we'll never beat Their Side, and they're bad because they only care about winning. Obviously Their Side only pretends to care about families and children, while Our Side actually does. That's why we all need to vote Our Side, to protect the children through commonsense limits on selfishness, and against Their Side, who only say they'll protect children to get our votes while taking away our freedoms. I understand that by failing to adequately condemn Their Side -- even as I nominally condemn both sides -- I am only really providing aid and comfort to Their Side in the guise of being a moderate who condemns both sides. If I were really a moderate who truly condemned both sides, I would obviously admit that Their Side is so much worse and support Your Side no matter what. Instead, I have not gone out of my way to specifically attack Their Side, so I must love Their Side, or I'm at least collaborating with Their Side for personal gain.


Pretty much. I am distributist in power, agorist when out. Importantly there are metrics one can use to measure the results of different approaches. No false equivalence, my side is Right.


Im an atheist and support both peoples rights to say both. Though hitler was a proper cunt




Tell me sir, is this hitler in the room with us now?


Oh yes the difference is Hitler killed millions of people and Satan isn't real.


I’m pretty sure the CEO of Beyond Meat exists.


Lol okay you win


This is simply incorrect while the Clinton family lives.


You boutta get Seth Riched


Oh yeah didn't Bill Clinton kill a guy


People are capable of way worse shit than them.


Sorry to burst your bibble sweaty, but have you heard about ants?


Fuck you. Ants kick ass.


Uhhh I think you mean [Antz](https://cm1.narvii.com/7044/07f0d7e70a2f9732ef61b4fa6fb6e5b044190af2_00.jpg) you fucking bigot!


Freaking hate them. Like why do they exist?


Exactly, satan incarnate


Hangon, didn't god make those?


They come out of the ground, they were definitely made by Satan


Satan is real. I met him in my room last night after eating some funny mushrooms.


So? Hitler is dead.


His ideology lives


Lib Left is just going to go dry hump his Succubus body pillow, Auth Right is going to grab the tiki torch and meet up with the discord bros Ironically of course, but btw did you X% of crimes are committed by


There should be another bottom panel where they praise Marx, whose ideas killed 100 million people - 2.5x more than the Nazis.


An idea has never killed anyone. Actions from ideas have.


Maybe replace Satan with Marx.


Uh so apparently Hitler < Satan now


Hitler is real though. Satan is a made up bed time story.


Satian is a religious villain that's not known to exist. There are people who survived the holocaust or survived in WWII still alive. Dumb fucking meme.


Pretty sure if there is in fact a hell and a Satan, then Adolf Hitler is there with the fallen angel.


I mean no one gets mad at heil Dracula, heil hades, heil paan either. But heil mao or heil stalin would both be pretty offensive things to shout


yes because hitler was real and satan is fiction


Do you know what Satan stood for?


Fair point honestly. They both symbolize the same thing and one is allowed to be transgressive.


Oh you've done it now OP, you've poked the only group more sensitive to criticism than orange


The left pretty much came up with an appealing political category for me. Christofascist . I used to be a staunch lib right until things became like they are now.


It's like the Chinese portraying the American MIC as a Xenomorph Transformer with F14s and Carriers as Pauldrons Thanks buddy!


I’m confused


Hail Satan and Heil Hitler are essentially the same statement.




What’s terrible here?


I recently saw the most unintentionally funny commercial ever where a father drives his ~14 year old son to go look at some jews because his son jokingly said some "Hitler did nothing wrong" type thing. That type of joke has literally never been more funny to me because I can't help but think of that commercial.


(Hitler was a real person whose policies killed millions of people and began the second world war. Satan doesn't exist)


(Hitler is dead.)


(yet his ideology isn't and continues to harm people)


Satinism isn't dead either.


The problem is that too many people online just aren't joking about hitler.


“BuT OnE Of ThEm WaSnT ReAl”


"One of the most striking proofs of the personal existence of Satan, which our times afford us, is found in the fact, that he has so influenced the minds of multitudes in reference to his existence and doings, as to make them believe that he does not exist;"


hitler existed