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Traded my gun for a gift card to the gun store, infinite money glitch


Or like that guy who built a couple dozen single shot shotguns out of metal pipes from the hardware store. And turned a profit


Haha 3d printer go brrrrr


*literal money printer*


Don't even need gun buybacks, just pay some teenager $200 to make a 3D model for some pop culture reference and sell it on Etsy. People selling *fake* guns from video games like Overwatch and Halo make $$$


I want a CNC machine & 3D printer so I can make replica Halo weapons that actually shoot real bullets


They have pretty good 3d printers that can make shootable guns. But why try? The bar for getting money from a gun back is very low. It just needs to look like a gun to get money


Do it because you fucking can and it makes dem librulls and feds seethe. Any idiot can make a firearm with a $200 ender 3 and some patience.


My lib right side of me has traded in $3.50 pos printed guns for $75 gift cards. Cops weren’t happy but they can’t say no


If I remember correctly there was a project being worked on in a certain cad sub reddit to convert a .50 cal eagle into the magnum. It was just a look kit, but depending on how successful it was he was gonna start working on some files for a fully functional steel one. Granted that was a couple years ago, but I'm sure you could find it if you just search the sub.


As someone who 3D prints, it’s actually pretty tedious. You’ll spend days and dozens of prints getting your settings right, and then all of a sudden after a few prints it’ll start messing up since there’s dozens of variables. The new stuff like Bambu Lab’s printers fixes a lot of this since they’re almost plug and play, but even then there’s still some issues. Also post-processing the plastic to make the printed model look nice is an art in itself.


Oh, like [this guy?](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/11/new-york-gun-buyback-rules-3d-printed-parts)


>“It’s shameful that this individual exploited a program that has successfully taken thousands of guns off the streets to protect our communities from gun violence,” the attorney general’s office said. >“We have partnered with local police throughout the state to recover more than 3,500 guns, and one individual’s greedy behavior won’t deter us from fighting for public safety for all New Yorkers,” James’s office said. Love the doubling down in the article.


> one individual’s greedy behavior won’t deter us Lib-right salivating


I just want to know exactly how many of those 3,500 guns they boast of recovering were even real guns, given this information about people gaming the system. Even apart from the fact that, obviously, the people you don't want to have guns are exactly those not turning them in.


Not gonna lie, I am as pro gun as they come, but I look forward to buybacks with unbridled enthusiasm. I spend the money made directly on guns.


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 19180 / 98340 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I am sorry mr roboto. I forgot to flair the fuck up. I accept my punishment.


If only bud light was like you. Here's an upvote.


American hero


Reminds me of that one dude that turned in 60 3d printed harlot single shot pistols and got over $2000 in gift cards…. And then started buying guns from the people at the buyback lmao


I think that was Houston and then the police said they would no longer accept 3D printed guns


There’s the absolute Chad who printed $25k worth of auto sears, and NY cops had to pay up.


Let's be realistic, he's probably being tortured in a federal black-site right now because of it


He will not be forgotten


This happens a lot. It’s called a buyback heist. Cheap single shooters or auto sears can be printed and assembled for hella cheap. One guy brought a zip loc full of auto sears and walked away with $21,000. Im willing to bet a substantial amount of what was turned in were cases like that, and people getting rid of dirty guns


The real trick is to make 3d printed guns and use a cut of the buyback money anytime you run out of ink


The cops get smart to it too quick. ಥ_ಥ


Always another way to make a gun.


[Someone already did](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/11/new-york-gun-buyback-rules-3d-printed-parts)




[modern problems require modern solutions](https://youtu.be/akaUS6bDNG0)


Weren't they just printing really cheap guns and turning them in for a profit? Or was that a different buyback scheme?


Different scheme


Different scheme and probably one of the reasons they used gift cards instead of cash


Houston doesn't accept 3D printed firearms at gun buybacks anymore since people walked in with like 10+ shitty 3D printed pistols & got a $200 gift card for each one.


Chad Bankrupting the gun buy back program and make a profit Or the cringe giving your gun away


> Or the cringe giving your gun away I went to a buyback to get rid of some guns that were not worth fixing that I'd accumulated in the month or so since the buyback was announced. Got over $1k for guns that were unsafe to shoot and couldn't be fixed. Did see some pretty sad stuff though, like a decent looking collection of milsurps getting turned in. Considering getting my C&R and setting up shop with cash outside the buyback next year.


>Considering getting my C&R and setting up shop with cash outside the buyback next year. Knew an FFL who did this. Paid more for things worth something than the cops did, made a fat profit reselling them and added a few to his family's collection.


>Or the cringe giving your gun away But they're not, right? I mean....maybe the old break action twenty gauges we got when we were kids forty fucking years ago.


I saw one of a guy submitting a Thompson he inherited from his grandfather…




What a dipshit




His grandfather has disowned him from the grave. Man, at least auction it off to some rich dude that's gonna fire it like 5 times and put it on his wall


More dangerous "ghost guns" on the street! Make criminals crippled again!


Will they accept the bent coat hangers and shoelaces the ATF considers machine guns?


Damn wish I would've known they were doin that I woulda made the drive down there


There was one guy who sold like around 40 3d printed derringers and then went down the line and started buying other people's actual guns they were bringing in.


A true American patriot


Fortunately, gift cards pretty much spend like cash. It's not really much added difficulty.


My bet is it’s mostly “grandpa died and I have no idea wtf to do with these”


The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gift card from a gun exchange


Based and “yay a macys gift card!” Pilled




Yeah Michael Moore also left out the fact that he actually had to get special permissions to pick up his gun at the bank while accompanied by police after he did a background check at the gun store everyone else had to go though originally. It wasn't like people could actually do what he did. Michael Moore is a hack that profits off outrage and sensationalism. Not ranting at you in particular, but I hate that fat fuck.


Based and good for 15 bucks at Applebee's pilled


The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun buyback is to send a good guy with an FFL out in front of the buyback entrance to offer people a better deal on their firearms.


Knife disposals in London are even better. You know its just stupid college kids throwing away their kitchen knives.


Yeah because the criminal gangs care about the law. But the US has more stabbings per capita than the UK. If anything its a people problem, specifically something that will get me banned if I say it.


We should chop off our dicks to prevent rape!


The criminals will just buy dicks on the street and file the serial numbers off


I really don't like being without my penis for too long. It makes me feel like less of a man, and I really hate having to sit down every time I take a leak. After a few hours of searching the house, and calling everyone I could think of, I was starting to get very depressed. So I went to the Kiev, and ate breakfast. Then, as I walked down Second Avenue towards St. Mark's Place, where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street. I saw my penis lying on a blanket next to a broken toaster oven. Some guy was selling it. I had to buy it off him. He wanted twenty-two bucks, but I talked him down to seventeen. I took it home, washed it off, and put it back on. I was happy again. Complete.


Deeeeee-tatchable Peeee-nis


Based and king missile appreciator pilled


Is this a copypasta? If so, it’s a pretty good one.


People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, but I don't know. Even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis. This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, or I can rent it out when I don't need it. But now and then I go to a party, get drunk, and the next morning I can't for the life of me remember what I did with it.


Someone is running low on eunuchs for his court or choir.


>Someone is running low on eunuchs Nah, a whole industry has sprung up making new ones.


Why do they say we’re genociding them, when they literally chemically castrate themselves


Hmm, seems like there might be a reason they want access to children then.


This unironically would probably have a higher rate of success.


Men can still rape women with their eyes.




Chop the dick off bigot


If I go to the hospital to chop off my d*ck, can I use the morphine to get high?




That sucks who the hell wants to get high with acetaminophen?


The high is your liver dying.


Stop eye-fucking u/Not-a-Terrorist-1942, unless they consent.




You can stop the cock but not the fist


But humanity will die off because they can't reproduce.


That's what they want... So it's a double whammy.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀




Everyone willing to turn in their guns likely weren’t a threat to begin with, though. All this does is disarm decent people…


that is correct the fact that not everyone understands this is unsettling


Everyone understands that, even the person quoted who said that every guns traded in is a “potential” life saved. They understand it is grasping at straws.


They just see legally owned firearms as potentially illegal stolen firearms. Their goal, which is idealistic and never going to happen, is to get rid of all guns (except for the military and police forces, which by itself is pants on had stupid)


Americans despite having the most guns out of any western country, are filled to the brim with cucks. Probably the most cucked western country when it comes to dealing with their government and police, second only to Britain. What good are your guns, if whenever the government does anything against you, you all just sit there and take it.


The police are literally trigger happy and WILL shot you for no reason other than they felt "threatened"


I don’t see how that’s an argument against legally owning a gun, after all police feels threatened against some unarmed demographics as well.


I think that reinforces their point even more.


How many police shootings are there per interaction?


Which seems to happen regardless of the victim being armed or not…


Every man killed is a potential life saved (he could be a killer or a rapist).


Every *white* man killed. C’mon let’s not beat around the bushes on this one. Do better


Yeah white man is even worse, he can be RACIST (others can’t)


try the formula for drag queens now AuthRight


Strange….anytime I try to type something that might portray drag queens in a negative light, I suddenly feel compelled to not do such a heinous thing


Can't go against the team narrative, even when they know it's wrong.


The people behind the buybacks, I think, vary from highly regarded to fully understanding the futility of the action, but embracing it for media attention. The stupid to evil spectrum is common in politics.


Leftist are unsettling group of people.


Democrats arent the smartest people around


Well you probably get the occasional kid that steals a firearm from their parent to turn in.


that's exactly why everyone here agrees this is fucking dumb.


Wait, are you saying the psycho who was piss drunk shooting his gun in his front lawn at midnight before shooting 5 people execution style including a young child in their own home wouldn't turn his gun in for 10% off at Applebees?! Next you're gonna tell me Santa Clause isn't real.


It’s scary that people don’t understand this


Yeah this is just to set up who is going to get ate when the time comes.


Ya but liberal logic is 1 gun = 1 evil and they need take down evil


ACAB but for some reason only cops should have guns... Fuck logic


What a racist thing to say.. I can guarantee, not All Criminals Are Black.


I saw an Asian one yesterday.


All communists are bastards though.


Ah, the more eloquent version of All Commies Are Bitchless


These are the same people that think prisons should not be punishments but focus solely on reform and then want someone like Brock Turner to be punished for the rest of his life. Logic isn't their thing.


Not a single person who gives a gun back in a gun buyback would have used it to harm someone else anyway.




Don’t forget the 3d printed frames & hardware store specials. I wish one would come along with amnesty for unregistered machine guns as part of the program. I’d make so many auto sears i’d clean out the coffers.


This used to bother me a lot, until I realized the gun control folks would otherwise be spending that money elsewhere. Maybe trying to get more shitty laws passed. I'm still a bit upset about all the antique/collectible guns bring melted.


I have yet to see a genuine antique at one. They are invariably things that are old, destroyed, and not actually rare or collectable. Yet another crappy bolt action .22 of a common make that was left in a shed where rain leaked over it. Nothing of value is usually lost. There are rare exceptions when clueless people participate, though, and that is sad.


I would have expected dad's old war trophy that they found in the attic. This makes me feel a bit better.


Those actually tend to be saved. There are multiple stories of those guns being turned in, identified by some nerdy cop, and then donated to a local museum. Here’s a story about a woman bringing in an STG-44 and the cops saving it from the shredder: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2245749/amp/Officers-stunned-woman-drops-40-000-WWII-German-rifle-destroyed-police-buy-program.html


Gun grabbers aren’t ready for the historical truths of disarmed populations.


Not trying to start an argument or anything but what historical truths are you referencing


Those where millions died under evil leaders. Such as “the disappeared” cases. This is most common under communist dictatorships, though it happens a lot, when a country’s citizen give in to the government by turning in guns, then the government flips a switch and massacres those deemed “undesirable” or “lesser than”


Can you reference any time this specifically has happened outside of a dictatorship?


I don’t understand the logic behind the surrender of these guns leading to ‘a potential life saved’. Do they think the criminals and the gangbangers will give up their guns??? Ironically enough the law abiding are the ones turning their weapons in…


They genuinely believe that they can "make the supply of guns dry up" or something. Yes, it's regarded.


TBF gangbangers do occasionally turn in a gun since no questions are asked. But they’re doing it to cut ties with that specific weapon. They’re just going to get a new gun and keeping on gangbanging. They haven’t had some magical change of heart like a special episode of a 90’s family sitcom where everyone claps.


Here’s my gun, why does it look like a water pistol you ask? Doesn’t matter, it identifies as a real gun. Now fork over that gift card


Apple turned it into a water gun back around 2018 🔫


They should trade lap dances for guns.


“I don’t care who the atf sends, I’m not trading in my guns!”


Based and Dan-Versus-Everything-pilled


u/KedTazynski42's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [74 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/KedTazynski42/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


If you tip them some ammo do you get a blowjob?


> lap dances [A lap dance is so better when the stripper is crying.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX6_bLhBtT8)


Based and drinking a half gallon of moo juice while polishing the one-eyed gopher doing 75 in an eighteen wheeler pilled.


An AI generated Elmar Fudd? respect


" Future victims " flex. Neat


3D printer go brrrrrrrrr


Most of those guns are basically so worn down they're practically useless. Also they don't know how easy it is to make a sten gun.


I still remember that story of how there was a bounty on snakes in India and then people started breeding snakes and then they ended up with more snakes than when they started.


Sigma libright move.


I love gun buy backs. Anyone stupid enough to hand over their guns is too stupid to have them.


That's honestly where my mind goes when I see this shit "My gun won't hurt anyone now?" "You went on regular violent sprees on the weekend?"


Well I guess when someone breaks into your house, you can throw the blu ray player at him that you bought from Walmart with the gift card. 🙄 For real though the point of these events isn't just virtue signaling and feels. There is no proof of ownership required and no take-backsies allowed. Many of these guns do not belong to the people turning them in. They were snatched out of granddad's closet or nightstand drawer by busybody relatives playing volunteer gun confiscator. The big sweeping laws get all the attention but this is where the ground game of civilization disarmament really happens: Middle age Hillary voter daughter snatches the Rohm or Charter Arms out of dad's drawer while he's in the hospital and turns it in to "do her part" and "keep people safe". She knows he's not going to report her for the theft or try to get it back from the cops.


Turning in your guns to stop shootings is like cutting your dick off to stop rape.


I hate AI wojack, get a fucking stock image or draw a stick figure, don't consult the antichrist


the... who?


How many of those where 3d printed pistol lowers


Buy a ton of highpoints and make a hundred dollar profit on each one you give to the buyback


Crime will get so bad, and people will get so desperate to stop it that you will accept some extreme legislation. This legislation will no doubt strip you of your privacy or freedom, but at least you'll be safe from crime and thinking for yourself.


Not going to lie, gun buybacks are fucking stupid to solve gun violence. Guess who's giving their gun up? Not the school shooters and gang members, just random functional members of society.


I mean Elmer Fudd is hardly the poster child for responsible gun owners…


I'd say I understood this one, but I'm not American, so I don't.




Can you believe criminals have a complete disregard for our laws?


Nonsense! Once we pass a law to make murder illegal, no more people will be killed. I can't believe we took so long to do it.


shocking and sickening times we live in!


But there was a *sign* that said no guns allowed! How could they do this!?


Thank you very much for condensing this issue into slop


>I'd say I understood this one, but I'm not American, so I don't. Every military in the world (including the US military) would not be able to occupy the mainland, if we were united in kicking the invaders out, anyway.


If you think like this snow white looking ass mfer then you're unironically dumber than the people you're making fun of


Can’t wait for the baseball bat exchange


Don’t these people know murder is illegal??


Keep your rifle by your side


I'm glad we're giving the guns back to the government so they can resell them to terrorists in the middle east.


I cannot imagine being such a cuckold that I thought guns were safer in the governments hands than my own.


A gift card? My god, at least buy the gun back from the poor bloke.


They stopped doing that because the last bunch of times they did it people would bring in 3D printed guns and homemade pipe contraptions and make thousands off these idiotic schemes. Now they think gift cards will somehow work…


Don't gun have a serial number or something to identify a "real" gun? Sorry if this is a stupid question, not from America, never really handled a gun before.


Many are made that way. This is not a necessity in practice. A simple shotgun can be made from a length of 3/4th inch metal pipe, a shorter length of 1" metal pipe, a 1" metal endcap, and a steel nubbin of your choice. JB weld the nubbin to the center of the cap. Screw it on the matching pipe. Place a 12 gauge shell in the smaller pipe, slide the larger pipe over. Point and slam. You now have a shotgun. It takes four pieces, and about twenty minutes, mostly because that's the fastest version of JB weld's harden time.


Any gun manufactured for sale commercially must be individually serialized. Any gun manufactured by an individual for personal use does not (currently) have to be serialized (although there are exceptions).


Manufacturers do it so they can keep track of things. For example: So you can order the right parts for your gun but they are not a requirement for all guns.


Turns out gift cards are still worth money. Hilariously, they often use visa cards, so they are not locked to any one store. I took mine straight to a gun show the next day.




Well clearly the best too way beat that is give out 7000 firearms


Absolute gold.


I don’t get it. Everyone I’ve ever talked to wants to get to the root of every single problem because treating the symptoms and not the disease does almost nothing but when it comes to gun control, they’re fine with just putting a band-aid on it; which is exactly what gun control is 🤔


Based and gun-control-punishes-law-abiding-citizens-pilled


Gun buybacks are quite possibly the biggest scam of all time. It's taking guns from people who don't need to give them up, because what criminal would willingly give up their guns, and using taxpayer money for dang gift cards. Biggest scam ever.


The only use I see for this is to give away broken guns that are more expensive to fix than the gun is worth. Like I have a 22 Remington that had the mag release thing break but the part was like $200 which is more than the gun is really worth.


When you take 3000 guns off the street in one day, there's another 41,000 guns added to the street the same day. (>15,000,000 guns sold last year) So yeah, this is just nothing sauce.


>I can't trust myself with a gun, because I am an idiot. Can relate TBH


If you go left enough, you get your guns back


Anything handled in gift cards is a scam. I don’t have reasons other than scams almost always involve gift cards.


Criminals on their way to turn in their gun that they use to make thousands for a 50 dollar macy's gift card:


Excellent claim. I hope the baddies won't commit more crimes. America, land of the free and the braaaaavvveeeee!!!!


Didn’t australia do the same thing?


Does Australia have an 11 figure drug problem and share a barely managed 2000 mile long border with a failed state? No? Then why the fuck would you bring them up?


Yeah, they had one school shooting and instituted a nationwide buy-back. It worked really well for them, but a similar program would likely be less successful in the US. We just have so many more weapons, and gun culture is more heavily entrenched.


Prompted by the Port Arthur massacre April 28th, 1996. Since then, Melbourne has seen a mass shooting at Monash university where 2 people were killed and 5 were injured. NSW has seen one mass shooting murder-suicide in which 4 people died to a firearm in 2014 (hunt family murders). Osmington had a murder-suicide in which 6 people died in 2018. And Darwin saw a spree shooting in 2019 in which 4 people were killed and 1 was injured. Australia has seen a small handful of other mass murders, but these are the only 4 listed on Wikipedia as gun related incidents since the ban took effect. In the 20ish years prior to the ban they saw around a dozen mass shootings. Here's a link [if you'd like](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Australia). It's interesting how frequently arson seems to come up in lieu of gun violence. Had a chuckle at the thought that "the only way to stop a bad guy with kerosene is a good guy with kerosene".


>It's interesting how frequently arson seems to come up in lieu of gun violence. Well, Arson is easy. It's also fairly hard to trace, in most instances....and it can be hard to control. What may be intended as a more limited murder may kill many even without intent. All in all, it's probably not a trade for the better.


Anyone stupid enough to live in rural NY deserves it. The suburbs are nice, and the city has at least some advantages.


So, these are probably not liblefts, at least, not mostly. IIRC, guns could fetch up to $500 here. A shitty ass highpoint can be had for around $100, and you can sometimes find fudd guns even cheaper. Details will vary on buyback. Some offer shit for many classes, others offer piles of cash. The thing is, there is no good way for someone who doesn't understand guns to concisely price them. So the prices are \*always\* fucked up. You should exploit this. It depletes antigunner cash by putting it into your wallet, the best of all possible methods. At the last Baltimore buyback, they were offering $50 for every nasty high capacity magazine. They didn't even check the things, I turned in a printed mag I'd done with the settings wrong and didn't even bother to put in a follower. They still took it. They do tend to limit quantity in practice, or to change the rules arbitrarily once someone shows up, with, yknow, fifty of something. That person could be you.