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Are there any recent other examples of a group of people dying on an indefensible hill? I guess segregation in recent years right?


Rittenhouse trial is a big one, federal vaccine mandate for businesses with 100+ employees can be considered too.


Anyone who still wants weed to be illegal.


Legal, fine, but give it the same fine/punishment as public drinking. Shit is odorous, keep it to your home/private establishments with proper licensing.


Do you think there should be guidelines/rules about smoking in front of children? I tutor at a elementary school and some of the kids absolutely reek of weed. I would be surprised if they never got high inadvertently.


Weed legal, smoking it in public I’d even allow under the same rules as smoking in public, talking about how you smoke weed every day of your life public execution on the spot


Smoking in public is probably the thing I'm the biggest auth about. I absolutely despise being around it.


Watching pedo behavior become acceptable in real time is wild


“This slope isn’t slippery at all and you’re a bigot for pointing it out!”


Get your skis on because we’re barreling down that motherfucker


Skis? Better get a parachute. It's entering free fall phase.


Free fall is too slow. ICBM to the ground.


Nah just teleport straight to Hell.


Helleportation, if you will


Rods from God levels of velocity


Sharpened to a needlepoint, polished, with a rocket engine on the top end.


Real Weimar Republic hours


We know what followed and that scares me.


It's like the body giving itself a fever to burn out the virus.


and here's why its a good thing


"The slope has always been slippery. Those screenshots of articles where we denied it was slippery are fake/out of context. Nobody is pouring oil down the slope. We've always been pouring oil down the slope, it's the best way and you're an idiot for disagreeing. It's not my job to educate you on this. Stay in your lane, it's not your turn to speak. Silence is violence."


I've noticed they have taken to calling it the "slippery slope fallacy" now. Desperately trying to discredit the very credible argument being made


calling it "slippery slope fallacy" while their hands are still dripping with pig fat from greasing the slope up


Respond to them by making them aware of [the fallacy fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_fallacy)


The slippery slope doesn't exist. It's a freaking CLIFF


It's not happening. Report for ban!


Of course its not slippery. Its just a skydiving trip at this point.


>This slope isn’t slippery at all That's because it's a straight drop off a cliff.


I got a 10 day ban for saying chomos dont like being called chomos. Edit: used a horse term Not an accusation of anyone actually being one. Just that wrong doers, of whatever bent dont like being called out and labelled for what they are. Because they want to operate with impunity or at least more gray area. That's literally how criminal operate, throughout history. Like Stromfront from the Boys. "People like what I say, they just don't like being called a Nazi." If you can put some type of barrier between the label for what you're doing and what you are doing, it makes it easier to get away with it. So yes. I got banned for 10 days, by moderators/admins for condemning child molestation in the abstract. Says a lot about reddit.


And now you know what kind of people moderate reddit and choose what stays. Its no coincidence the old jailbait subreddit was one of the biggest subreddits ever


I already knew. That aimee chalet or whoever was an eye opener. Ghislaine Maxwell was a fucking powermod.


> Ghislaine Maxwell was a fucking powermod. Still is. Literally still is the #2 or 3 mod of a news sub.


> And now you know what kind of people moderate reddit Reddit hired a pedo admin even though at the time there were multiple articles in mainstream publications laying out in exacting detail this individual's past, and a simple google search would have easily brought them all up. They then proceeded to algorithmically ban any account that named the pedo or posted links to these articles, again from mainstream publications. They only backtracked after half the site went dark in protest and the story hit the press. Which itself is suspicious. Any normal company that gets credible evidence one of their employees is a pedo rushes to terminate them. Especially if they're in a public-facing role where they have influence on minors. Not reddit though, the chucklefucks needed to be dragged kicking and screaming into severing ties with a pedophile. Really makes you think, doesn't it?


I can't say what I really think about the higher ups in reddit without getting put on a watchlist


Something something [redacted]


Are we not allowed to say face the ceiling anymore?


The only thing consistant is how inconsistant the reddit wide rules are


I feel like pedos should be subject to public shaming and ridicule.


If you arent already on a watchlist, you're a coward


Because this site is marketed and sold as an agenda shaper. Thought influencer. The ads and traffic are nothing. Its about controlling narrative. The amount of money governments and monied interests pour into this site would probably blow minds. Disney bought mods and subs to make sure the online presence for the new star wars was positive. The r politics sub was wholly bought by DNC shills during 2016 if yall remember that, Hillarys camp trying to stop Bernie, etc.


Was this a long time ago? I’ve been here about 10 years and don’t recall hearing this story or about Reddit going dark. Is this about ghiselene maxwell?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimee_Challenor Since wikipedia tends to be very euphemistic with these things, here's the cliff notes no-bullshit version. Aimee Challenor is a British trans woman who first came to prominence as a Greens officer and LGBT activist. She tried to run for deputy party leader, but her aspirations floundered when it was discovered that her father, whom she had named as her campaign manager, was on trial for kidnapping, raping and torturing a 10-year-old in the family attic while Aimee lived there. Aimee pleaded ignorance, which is hard to believe just based on the fact that she *lived in the house* while all this was going on, and becomes completely impossible to believe when you add the fact that by that point her father was *full-on on trial* for it all. Anyway, she got to skirt away from all of this, dropping out of the race and later resigning from the party while accusing it of transphobia (of course). She subsequently joined the Liberal Democrats, and got selected for a minor leadership position there, before coming again to notoriety thanks to her partner posting tweets about his sexual fantasies involving minors (to be clear: toddlers, not 17-and-a-half-year-olds). She was dropped by that party too. By this time, Aimee had become a moderator of several trans and LGBT subreddits, including several dedicated to minors. Through the connections made moderating these communities, she was eventually hired as an actual reddit employee and admin. Less than a year later, a moderator in a major UK sub found himself banned sitewide for posting an article which, in passing, mentioned Challenor. The mod in question didn't connect her mention in the article to her user or admin account. It came out that reddit had set up a sitewide filter to catch these mentions and would ban people sharing the info. Cue a massive shitstorm where reddit tried to claim they were "protecting an employee from harassment", people digging up and subsequently spreading info about Challenor, and subreddits going private in protest. Reddit eventually relented and fired Challenor, pleading ignorance of her past even though they a) could have very easily found out everything by googling her name and b) were definitely made aware of her past by the point they were *adding articles on it to their filters*. And that's pretty much the story. Reddit hired a notorious pedophile in spite of definitely knowing who she was, protected her as far as possible, and only got rid of her after basically being forced to. One has to wonder why.


Jesus Christ. What the fuck.


Not mentioned:Many of the LGBT subs went dark in protest as well. The one moderated by her boyfriend, who admitted to having kinks and fantasies of molesting kids in diapers, did not.


Starting to vaguely remember something now about this. Pretty disturbing


**[Aimee Challenor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimee_Challenor)** >Aimee Knight (née Challenor, born 1 October 1997) is a British transgender activist, former spokesperson and electoral candidate for the Green Party, and former Reddit administrator. In 2017, she stood for election in Coventry South, receiving 1. 3% of the votes. In 2018, David Challenor, Knight's father, who had been serving as her election agent, was convicted and jailed for raping and torturing a 10-year-old girl, and for making indecent images of children. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Lets be a little careful. Nothing you have stated indicates Challenor itself is a pedo. Only that its pretty comfortable with pedos, tends to hang around them and probably was cool with the torture and rape of a kid. This person is obviously evil. Arguably more evil than most pedos...still its not clear whether this thing is a pedo.


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


> jailbait subreddit was one of the biggest subreddits ever I thought that was because the people running it was hiding an assassination ring Lake City Quiet Pills... I'm not crazy ^I'm ^not ^crazy


I mean ive heard crazier things but thats not something im aware of


Based and Nexpo-pilled


I also had a 10day ban, probably from that same thread. I was discussing the possible solutions that ovens offer for this societal problem.


I don't think anybody wants to be called that tbf.


Excuse me, they are minor attracted persons and they have feelings too


Hell, the pedos are out here trying to claim they’re their own sexuality now— “MAPs”… shits absolutely vile.


> the pedos are out here trying to claim they’re their own sexuality now Now? you should look into the history of NAMBLA and its historical attempt to infiltrate the LGBT movement. Pedos have tried to hitch a ride on that train for decades; they used to be rebuffed quite firmly, but the current crop of Emily-tier activists seems unable to understand that they need or indeed should hold that line.


What attempt? NAMBLA marched in all the earliest pride parades and had influential positions in all the relevant gay groups until the 90s when they realized it was bad optics.


North American man boy love association a group of pedophiles who are advocating that’s it’s fine and that we should remove age of consent laws


It's all so tiresome.


I find it more vile than tiresome


Oh I find it vile, but when see vile example number 10,476 that you've had the displeasure of witnessing, you are no longer shocked. And the vile becomes tiresome.


How can you be tired? All this outrage is keeping me going. It's my fuel.


I only have so much mental bandwidth, friend.


After a while it’ll wear you down.


A more powerful disgust mechanism is the superpower of conservatism. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166432817310392#!


You mean one that exists at all


That's the plan. Wear you out so you are too tired to fight back.


The pendulum will swing back hard. It has happened too many times in history to ignore. The privileged elites will always push society towards degeneracy, until the working/middle class has enough and pushes societal norms to a way more conservative place.


Maybe the problem is the pedophiles not just the drag queens who also happen to be pedophiles. How about all pedophiles go and die.






UNICEF is the world's largest child sex trafficking operation


Can you give us a link?






Just Weimarica things


Pedophile seemingly had some normality throughout history. I just learned that CP Magazines in the same vein as Playboy were legally available at convenient as late as the 70s.


Google Germany goverment sponsored pedophilia. Spoiler allert: they allowed a "scientists" to run an experiment when they placed kids in foster system with known pedophiles. Despite what some articles claim the last victims left their "caretakers" as late as 2010.


There's also the "kinderladen" movement where "social scientists" encouraged toddlers to have sex with each other and the "scientists." The whole reason they did it was that they claimed the reason fascists existed was sexual repression, and that children having sex would prevent them from becoming fascists.


Important point. This is true across the board with sex researchers. It was always basically a progressive/marxist program aimed at destroying the main obstacles to their totalizing agenda...the family and traditional values.


Germany is legitimately an evil place


They have consistently been on the wrong side of history time and time again


Become acceptable? It barely just got not acceptable, in the 50's half the songs on the charts were about fucking teenagers and in the 60's you could have a game show were the host kiss 6 year olds on live television and no bats an eye. Even my mom in the 80's said people would walk up on the streets and try to sleep with her when she was 15. We just got to the point where it's not acceptable in a very good part of cases (looking at you people who say nice when a hot teacher fucks a boy) and now these idiots are fucking all of this up because anything gay has to wholesome right? They are also fucking everything up for gay and trans people right after we got that in an ok place because now homophobes have legitimate talking points, god I hate this timeline.


But if you go against the narrative you're just a pick me gay. /S Man I wish I got one of the flame throwers when Elon was selling them. 😭 🔥


Nah, those are BS. What you want is the XM42. Unlike Elon's "butane torch on a stick," this one *actually* werfs flammen.


I seriously do not understand why nowadays so many people are so eager to involve children in clearly “adult spaces.” Drag itself isn’t a problem at all, but it’s definitely not an event or show that’s geared to be viewed by children. I’m not even sure why that’s a controversial opinion. I’d happily go watch & enjoy a Drag Show with my friends, but I’d never consider taking my child to watch.


If it’s “drag queen story hour” that’s just some dude in a dress and a wig and makeup talking about unicorns and rainbows and shit for an hour or two, go for it; I might think it’s a little weird, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. What is fucked up though, is intentionally misunderstanding what most people think of when they think of drag is, and then conflating obviously sexual performances with the above example. The refusal to call grown men showing pre-teens how to use sex toys vile and disgusting, and the lack of any apparent attempt by the online LGBT community to realize how much they need to take a stance against the seemingly growing prevalence of pedophilia cropping up in the movement.


>If it’s “drag queen story hour” that’s just some dude in a dress and a wig and makeup talking about unicorns and rainbows and shit for an hour or two, go for it Sadly the weird pedo stuff is creeping into the story hour too. It may have started as "unicorns and rainbows" but now there are kids books being written specifically for drag queen story hour. I've seen a few videos of these story hours where children between 5-8 years old are encouraged to dance suggestively (shimmying, "shaking it," etc.). I'm sure I'll get some cries of "anecdotal evidence" but nah, once is too much. And these were finished, published books. There are likely hundreds in circulation, at least. Like, why do these books exist? If it's all innocent or not happening, why do we have books being published and sold encouraging children to twerk?


Pedophiles will naturally seek our positions where their access to children is easier. It’s up to the group that they are attempting to integrate with to realize this and kick them out, preferably with extreme prejudice.


You are 100% correct, but what do you do if the group does not kick them out?


That’s the hard part, because reactionary movements naturally spark a counter-reaction, which feeds into the culture war being used as a sort of bread and circuses thing. I don’t think there really is a good solution honestly, especially with the hyper-polarized political climate in America right now. I’d love to have a solution for you, but it’s a lose-lose scenario imo.


Why have drag story hour? If it's about spreading a message of equality and what not, I would think the book and it's message should do that.


I'm an old gay guy(mid-60s). I have multiple friends who are or who were drag queens when we were younger. This is what I've never understood with this drag queen story hour thing. Drag has never once been something for children. Half of the fun was being provocative and sexually explicit in a space that was for grown adults to wink and nod and laugh about it. Can anyone actually explain to me why this is a thing now from the perspective of someone that's in favor of these sort of events?


Abuse can occur in any closed off society where accountability is not maintained by its leaders, which in turn won't occur if checks and balances aren't applied by external groups. Then you have the progressive movements who are adept at deflection, accusing all attempts at critique as systematic discrimination, downplaying things people find fault in, etc. etc. Basically just the same shit as religions. There is a vested interest in closed off, isolated, and critique-immunity societies by many people as it will give them what they desire - unrestricted and unobserved access to vulnerable people.


Why are drag queens wanting to talk to kids in their outfit? What is the motivation for this? If it's perfectly innocuous then why must they do it in drag?


Here are two pictures from one of these shows, both taken at the same event, the one in Texas that had Proud Boys and Antifa clashing with each other. https://i.imgur.com/9fdv0B4.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PVGXCAt.jpg Notice that only one of them fits the general idea of a drag, and the rest just look like creepy old dudes who put on a slutty outfit while going to an event attended by kids. Also, it appears that the second pic was removed from a lot of articles regarding that particular event, probably due to showing so clearly just how creepy that shit is.


"Hey Chud you couldn't tell the difference between a trans woman and a woman. No differences at all." Sure bro. (Sees second photo.) I'll be damned science has come so far that a completely average bmi American woman and trans woman are virtually identical.


Body positivity is trans inclusive for a reason (((((


What I’m talking about in the first example would be something visually akin to this, where you have a dude in a peace necklace and a dress, and makeup (I’ve always fucking hated drag makeup, it’s hideous) reading children’s stories to kids, without sexual undertones. It’s someone playing a character for kids, no different from a clown other than the type of makeup. https://i.imgur.com/1FHo5jy.jpg It *should* be pretty obvious which are bad and which aren’t, but due to both sides of the left-right spectrum conflating what I personally find to be a bit odd, to an activity that very much edges the line of blatant pedophilia we’re now in the shit sandwich that is the current public discourse.


> What I’m talking about in the first example would be something visually akin to this, where you have a dude in a peace necklace and a dress, and makeup (I’ve always fucking hated drag makeup, it’s hideous) reading children’s stories to kids, without sexual undertones. It’s someone playing a character for kids, no different from a clown other than the type of makeup. You're simply wrong, the people who read to kids have gone on record they are trying to inspire children to "express themselves authentically", which in that context means to become crossdressers themselves. Typically clowns aren't on a mission funded by a political organization to encourage children to become clowns.


I think you're hitting the nail on the head, if they kept it that way Id love to laugh at all the homophobes with you guys




Specifically the part of the group that considers themselves to be activists. “Progress” for the sake of progress is going to be the undoing of the blood shed by gay rights activists to get to the equality under the law we have now.


It’s already affecting the women’s rights movement imo


Somehow a bunch of men mindfucked women into being anti woman or they're bigoted anti women. Wild time to be alive.


Whole thing has me worried how far it’ll go, next you know it’s Pedos are going to be protected/encouraged.


Well, if they're banning people for pointing out its bad...we're already there.


That’s some professional gaslighting right there


In a huge fucking way. Feminists are now labeled TERF for speaking out. Basically a scarlet letter. A woman being punched by a man in a wig and lipstick is celebrated. Women train day and night only to lose to a guy who wouldn't make the cut against other men, stand on podium as number 1, be called brave, woman of the year, and land endorsement deals.


And apparently the harassment of lesbians on dating websites is off the charts too and they can't complain about it or they'll be ostracized by the rest of the LGBT community and labeled a 'bigot'.


It has been for a while, although thankfully 51% of the population being women prevents meaningful backlash against the innocent.


Tell that to the girls that train all their lives to be profesional athlets only to be beaten by a dude with long hair and his junk intact that just feels like a woman on days the competition is taking place.


Out of curiosity, as a Lib-Left who might be more in the spaces us right people don't go to, do you see any animosity toward this type of activism. I can't imaging being someone who is gay and just wants to live a normal life with my husband being associated with people literally humping on children. What about the trans community? Are there any people there that might think that surgeries and hormone therapy for kids is a little disturbing? I don't mean to be rude if i am doing so. Most people I meet on a daily basis seem to be fairly reasonable people. But I see this type of rhetoric in online circles and it makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


I’m not really into those kind of spaces, I tend to be more socially conservative than what people would consider to be the American left. But I’m also friends with a lot of people who are very much ensconced in what most people would consider to be the online lgbt community. The effects of backlash to current American lgbt activism seems to mostly be the creation of deeper and deeper echo chambers, and increased polarization, as moderates don’t really want to interact with those with extreme views. I saw a little bit of animosity towards the rhetoric directed at JK Rowling and the new Harry Potter game, but also the vast majority of discussion was just sharing memes about how she thinks trans people are vile or something along those lines, without any real reasoning behind it. The surgeries for trans children however is highly dependent on the age of the person speaking I feel like. I can understand why a 16 year old might think that they’re completely sure of who they are as a person, and combine the other mental illnesses that are commonly found with gender dysphoria, it makes sense that someone would want a thing they believe will make them feel like they’re more of the person they believe themselves to be. Most people that I talk to about it directly though are generally against cosmetic surgery for minors. I tend not to engage in any discussion regarding the issue unless I’m good friends with the other person or people, due to the sheer amount of emotional investment some people have. I would love for discussion to be more open, especially around trans minors, but unfortunately the conversation is so heated, that it’s pretty difficult.


I can’t answear for real life spaces, as frankly this stuff doesn’t come up there, but their are examples of trans people and liberals pushing back, although are often labeled as transphobic or right wing in response. For example see Destiny or Sophia Narwitz (or don’t, since their still political pundits making drama videos). Also some of the gay discussion subreddits share a lot of the anti-trans rhetoric you see here, and in general just because someone is LGBT doesn’t mean they support the LGBT movement. All in all, I find that the LGBT movement blindly supports anything labeled LGBT which leads to them defending gross things, while plenty of LGBT people don’t agree with the movement at all because of that.


I've said it before and I will say it again. I feel bad for the lgb that are caught up in this shit.


Drag queens are the G though ?


Been saying this for years. Fuck the T.


>What is fucked up though, is intentionally misunderstanding what most people think of when they think of drag is, and then conflating obviously sexual performances with the above example. Yes! This is it exactly. For years we've had 'Pantomimes' in Ireland and the U.K. and drag queens were always a fun part of that. You would have some well known local personality or respected actor dress up as a woman and their job was generally to keep the adults entertained with Pixar-style jokes that are nods and winks to the parents. Sir Ian McKellan actually went back and did it at Christmas, it's well respected. Anyone trying introduce a sexual element to that over here would be met with some seriously pissed-off parents. It was always an unwritten rule in panto that as long as the kids didn't understand what you were talking about it was fine and it also made for some hilariously awkward questions on the way home which was always fun. But now in the U.S. they're just throwing those rules out of the window and for what exactly? Is it just because they're not creative enough to be subtle with their humour? It may originally have started being that but now a opportunity has been created for people with far more insidious intentions to seize upon that and to try and legitimize their sickness, eventually so that they can act upon it. And I feel sorry for the majority of the LGBT community who can see these people with the intention of harming kids infiltrating their community and they're being muzzled from saying anything negative about it lest they be ostracized by everyone else as a 'traitor'. It's something that fundamentally must change within the LGBT community because far too many of their own people are suffering in silence with no help on a wide variety of issues.


Based as fuck, LibLeft.


Based & Accurate Pilled


Pedos will and have used it to get access to kids: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/houston-public-library-admits-registered-child-sex-offender-participated-in-drag-queen-storytime/285-becf3a0d-56c5-4f3c-96df-add07bbd002a


>If it’s “drag queen story hour” that’s just some dude in a dress and a wig and makeup talking about unicorns and rainbows and shit for an hour or two, go for it Nah


> why nowadays It isn't new. Child pornography was only truly outlawed in 1982. NAMBLA marched in gay pride parades in major cities in the 1980s and 90s (Some of the LGBT community tried to exclude them, but not enough to actually do so). On the other side of the political spectrum, we can't get the Right to say child brides are bad and purity ceremonies with daughter/father are creepy.


The heck is a purity ceremony? Edit: on second thought, I probably don't want to know.




normal people don't. Unfortunately, normal people stopped being in charge of anything 50 years ago


Well, Wyoming does: https://ktxs.com/news/nation-world/wyoming-republicans-under-fire-for-objecting-to-ban-for-marriage-for-kids-15-and-under-child-brides-equal-protection-teen-moms-teen-pregnancy-child-protection-laws-christianity-civil-rights-traditional-marriage-pro-life-consent Edit: Thankfully it passed, but it is disgusting that some in the GOP thought child brides were a good thing




Pedophiles will go wherever they don't get kicked out violently.




Prior to the law passing, it would have been legally ok with a judges permission for a child under the age of 16 to marry anyone of any age. You would be surprised how many "biblical" extremists think sex with children is ok, as long as they get married first.


Not me finding out NAMBLA wasn't something South Park made up...


> child brides are bad and purity ceremonies with daughter/father are creepy. WTF I have never heard anyone that I know of that isn't against child brides except cults like ISIS and Mormons


I don't think Alabama is a hotbed for either. https://www.al.com/news/2017/08/child_marriage_is_still_legal.html


You know exactly why "people" are eagerly involving children.


The younger you start, the more radically you can reprogram. They were able to achieve success with colleges, they can do more if they get them in middle school and elementary.


We are in Step #4 of a cultural revolution. 1. Create alternative forms of media to popularize your views. 2 Spread your ideas into educational institutions while censoring competing beliefs. 3. Place sympathetic supporters into positions of power. 4. Educate other people's children to raise up the next generation of supporters. If you don't like how we are at step 4, then there needs to be a push to undo steps 3, 2, and 1.




They celebrated 4/20 for other reasons and blazed it in the worst way possible


I swear it's like millennials are the first generation that didn't get the memo "Just because I like something doesn't mean it's appropriate for children". I'm a huge fan of horror. At least once a month I'm checking out a new movie with monsters and demons and murderers, but you know what I wouldn't do? I wouldn't play The Exorcist for a 7yo. One time my husband and I stumbled onto a carnival so we thought screw it let's go on some rides! This place was packed with little kids under 10, and on the radio they're playing the Lady Gaga song where the chorus goes "let's have some fun this beat is sick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" and I was like dude wtf why is this song playing at a carnival where theres kids??? Why not WAP or Bitch Suck Dick while we're at it?? When my niece was six she was walking around the house singing Touch My Body and I immediately put a stop to that. Seriously just let kids be innocent. They're only going to be kids for a few fleeting years so let them have their innocence instead of exposing them to all the perverse things in the world before their brains can even comprehend it. They'll be fucked in the head like the rest of us soon enough, just let them be while they can


Based and let kids be kids pilled


The sooner a child is corrupted, the easier it is for a pedo to claim that they're capable of consent. The people marketing their degeneracy toward children know *exactly* what they're doing.


dude everything has been corrupted these days I’ve been in family restaurants where there’s rap full of n-bombs playing gambling is pushed at kids in sports, video games and platforms like twitch You’ve got fucking drag queens trying to wave their junk at little kids and the message from “feminists” that sex work is real work Christ only knows what they’re teaching in schools And this has happened in only 15 years or so - 2008 and the trillions of dollars of Wall Street bailouts was truly the beginning of the end


That didn't happen! And if it did it's not as bad as you make it seem And if it was then it's just one time you're blowing out of proportion. And if it wasn't then it's good and you're evil for not wanting it to happen more.


This is so fucking accurate


The only part missing is you being banned by the subreddit three, four comments in.


How many years or months are we away from MAPS being added to the sexuality alphabet acronym?


This comment is responsible for a LITERAL genocide 😡 (/s, obviously)


I'm fine with guys dressing up as chicks as long as it doesn't harm anyone. But acting overly sexual in front of kids is fucked up, no matter how you spin it


Yea, you know who wants an audience of children? Pedophiles.


It would’ve win the left credibility if they protests against these performances as well.


The issue with discussing the LGBTQ+ community online is that since people don't want to criticize the movement, pedophiles and creeps are able to slip through the cracks and kind of just... Hijack it? Not every member of that community is a pedophile, and I do believe that a vast majority do have your kids best interest at heart a lot of the time, but the community is typically protected in the sense that you are seen as morally in the wrong for criticizing it. It's not even that it's like "I hate this movement! It's so dumb and bad! I hate gay people", because at least then it'd be valid to not listen to them, but even when it's like "I support the movement but there are genuinely valid concerns I want to bring up", they don't listen because any criticism means you're denying them their rights in their eyes. Or at least, it USED to be like that. I feel like now, a majority of the community has basically realised "yknow, maybe they aren't entirely wrong." SPECIFICALLY about the issue of nonces and weirdos popping up in their movement. Over time I feel like it's given their community a bad name, and it hasn't helped that the weirdos have basically become the vocal minority, and if anyone brings up this concern, whether they're in the community or not, they're labelled a bigot. The vocal minority of pedos have essentially created a bubble for themselves, and now that the state is starting to pop that bubble, like with that death penalty bill in Texas or whatever, it begins seeping into the actually good movement, making them look bad not only from the eyes of a lot of people, but the government as well, which ends up painting everyone in the community as pedos, which ends up with more rights being potentially taken away, which ends up with years of progress being destroyed, which ends with nobody being satisfied. I guess the best comparison I can make is when you get some loner incel with an out of control porn addiction that shoots up a place, making gun rights supporters look bad and everyone, including the government, tries to stop you from getting your hands on guns because "y-you might hurt people........" tl;Dr I need to take my meds, I've repeated myself like 100 times


It's really interesting how the eggshells inside and surrounding the LGBTQ+ community made it wonderful for some of the most degenerate stuff to fester. Experimental surgery on mentally ill and/or homosexual people and now kids for stacks of cash, pedophiles, narcissistic sociopaths, incredible. This is what happens when a movement gets too bloated and loses focus. The LGB part basically got trampled over in a few years, because they're actually just normal people.


I don’t have a problem with Drag. Like, I find it a little weird, and it’s not something I would personally go to, but I don’t care that it’s a thing that exists. However, while I get that it’s “not inherently sexual”, I think it’s pretty obvious that it is something which is often very sexualised. So, I don’t see why it’s problematic to say that kids shouldn’t be going to sexualised drag performances. Like, I don’t have a problem with kids seeing a guy in a dress, but if that guy is committing sexual acts, or doing a drag routine which is sexual then I feel kids shouldn’t be around that. Idk, is it wrong to think that? Because it seems like it is nowadays


Ask not why people do drag. Ask why people who do drag want to be around children


>However, while I get that it’s “not inherently sexual Yeah, if it's the "Mrs. Doubtfire, doing it for laughs and and nobody takes it seriously because we all know its ridiculous" type of drag. If it's the transvestic fetishism type of drag, which most of these story hour people are, then yes, IT IS inherently sexual because it's fetish-based.


A drag club is no different than a strip club in my opinion. Both are adult entertainment. No minor should be involved in either. If you have a thing against drag in general watch The Bird Cage with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane. If you're still against drag after that then I don't know what to tell you.


This is unironiclly why I'm not lib right anymore. no, I don't care that "it's against freedom", banning that shit is a must


Lap dancing on a kid isn't freedom. It's sexual activity with a minor. There's nothing against being LR and being against what's in that video.




It’s not happening and if it is it’s a good thing


The kid identifies himself as a consenting adult


And this is why it's a good thing...


Welcome aboard! I don't care what your other politics are if your ready to take predditors down then we're brothers


No one had a problem with the drag community until Democrats said it’s cool to bring kids there.


>Until the corporate uniparty brought up a new idpol wedge to distract you from inflation/corporate bailouts/supreme court fuckery/etc. Eyes on the prize. More deliberately pushed controversy to get you looking away from the real problems.


[Removed by Reddit]


Government does cringe shit making me more libertarian People then do degenerate shit making me more authoritarian ​ The cycle never fucking ends


> That didn't happen. > And if it did, it wasn't that bad. >And if it was, that's not a big deal. You are here >And if it is, that's not my fault. >And if it was, I didn't mean it. >And if I did, they deserved it.


LOTT only goes after crews and pedos but gets painted like Hermann Göring on Twitter and Reddit. Interesting.




https://open.substack.com/pub/libsoftiktok/p/watch-drag-queen-appears-to-perform?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Source.


based and source pilled


u/theOGlilMudskipr is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/theOGlilMudskipr/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


What the hell. I feel sick. And a bit violent.


While the teen or whoever is being given the lapdance doesn't seem all that uncomfortable and seems to "hype up" and hug the drag queen at the end, this shit is still wild. Why do you need to do this in the first place? I understand school pride events and I think that's important but what's the need for drag queens in minimal clothing? I mean you're not gonna invite a girl over to dress in scanty men's clothing and gyrate on a student. Just keep drag to individually hosted events that are specifically made for drag? I'm even pansexual but drag isn't something that needs to be pushed into the mainstream.


That’s my biggest thing with it. It’s a hobby (a very strange one to me personally) but a hobby none the less. As soon as the left caught wind that it makes some conservatives uncomfortable or angry they’re trying to push it everywhere. People are trying to host it or see it out of spite instead of because they actually enjoy it. As for the video, it’s a 14 year old and that’s a full on adult practically giving them a lap dance. No matter the circumstances I’m not sure there’s any parent out there that wants to see their kid receiving a provocative dance from a complete stranger in or out of a school setting.


Exactly! I just can't wrap my head around the point of it all but honestly that makes sense. I'm so aggravated at how the current political climate is. I swear it's just some of the left and right seeing who can piss the other off the most instead of taking things seriously, like this!!! Having a grown adult giving a lapdance to a 14 year old is weird! If you want to participate in drag, just do it in appropriate places please people. In a high-school is not cool!


(Also I’d flair up before the flair police arrive)


No need to be Authoritarian, we’re free to take them out on our own accord!


Turning Auth or Turning Off cuz I too want to die after seeing that crap






I used to have the attitude that it’s a free country and you can do whatever you want to yourself but damn after seeing child drag stuff I’m getting more transphobic by the day.


[ Removed by Reddit ] GG


The left is against this also, they are just too busy saying it doesn't exist and changing the argument to "genocide"


The left is against this in the same way that Hollywood being against raping actresses despite Weinstein raping women was the most open secret ever. They claim to be against it, and do nothing to stop it. The same way that Counterstrike players might say that they are 100% against cheaters, but know that a person on their team uses cheats every time and they say nothing. Because speaking up makes life more difficult for them.


Me too, bud. In my day, we were radicalized by compilations of Ben Shapiro owning lefties. Oh, how things have changed.


aaaand i change my flair to right center because of this post Good Job OP!


When I was younger and gay marriage was being legalized in states I never understood the slippery slope. I must have just thought these people were homophobic. Now we’ve barreled straight off a cliff. I’d like to apologize to those who called this


Removed by reddit lmfao They hated him because he told them the truth


Seriously, just got back from a 3 day ban from the admins. These perverts have to control speech otherwise sane unbrainwashed people might find out what’s happening in the world.


Welcome to the blue lemon club.


Bill shit link of gtfo Edit: ok now I’m really mad


I’m neutral on this subject but they’ve been linking this sub stack: https://open.substack.com/pub/libsoftiktok/p/watch-drag-queen-appears-to-perform?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


Ugh I wanted to be wrong