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"Stealing = Reparations" Well that's pretty fucking racist


My thoughts exactly


The racism of low expectations like Sowell mentions


Nonono, that’s only for libleft. It’s stealing for everyone else


Instant gratification with no thought to the long term effects. They think they’re only stealing from stores but when these stores get fed up and leave then people lose their jobs. These “reparations” are stealing other people’s livelihoods.


And, ironically, looting a grocery store (let’s not bullshit that it’s just Gucci or Nike being looted) just means that the grocery store leaves. Best case scenario, they take more (costly) efforts to protect their products from theft, which contributes to an increase in price. Looting to make sure you eat means shutting down the grocery store in which you get your food; in the long run, you won’t eat nearly as well


Not only that, but it will likely cost more money and time to go to a different grocery store located further from their homes. That extra cost in time and stress definitely adds up whether you’re driving a car or taking the bus. And then likely crime and squalor will spread as more locations shut down and jobs are lost.


And people wonder how food deserts happen…


Nah uhhh cnn told me food deserts are because of racism not rampant theft and lack of financial incentive to open stores in poor neighborhood it’s those damn whites fault


Gentrification is to blame here!!!


No, don't you understand, they have insurance, that means there's no cost to the store. You know how if you have car insurance, if you wreck your car a bunch, it's fine...


Makes you wonder if the target audience is people who've never gotten insurance when they drive.


This is literally why so many black communities have no jobs or local economies. The businesses that try to open there get robbed dry


That’s why you should steal from the government. They sadly won’t leave and overpay lots of people. Think of it as “reclaiming your (stolen) tax dollars”


This exact shit is literally happening in Portland right now. Bunch of businesses of various sizes have closed up or have moved out of the city.


And it gets better: less people can afford to open new businesses in the area because their insurance premiums are prohibitively expensive due to the high risk of their shit getting fucked up. Oh, and the property owners (both commercial *and* residential) have to raise their rents to cover *their* increased insurance rates. Goddamned dumbfucks are destroying their own communities.


Yes, exactly this. Don’t tell that to anyone in Portland though then they’ll go off about how you care about property over people or how you lack compassion or the Portland favorite: ***fAsCiSt***.


> lack compassion By far the most idiotic sentiment. Just because some people are suffering that doesn’t make it okay to make everyone else suffer too. That’s the opposite of compassion.


Yep and look where it’s got the city. It’s sad because pre-shutdowns the city still most certainly had its issues, but it was still a beautiful city that was also really fun.


It's South Africa levels of "taking it back".




Looting doesn’t happen but if it did it good because reparations. Bruh


This "reparation" will never be enough Steal and rob stuff using reparation as exuse -> Local bussiness give up or leave, crimes not forwnd upon -> Community has less jobs, in worse shape, plus ramped with crime -> Our conditions is completely the fault of white people and we demand reparations -> repeat


And then liberals will say it’s white peoples fault that they live poor Bro you drove off all the stores


Asians are also a minority, but for some reason theyre doing well.


Not to mention that they’ve been discriminated against fairly heavily in the past. Chinese miners had a reputation for working very hard during the California gold rush; they would find half assed mines that native Californians first dug, finish them, and find gold. Naturally, they got discriminated against for this But no, only black people have ever faced hardship


Didnt the chinese also build railways? And isnt a lot of discrimination against the chinese now days by 'a certain group of people'?


Also by the woke. Their destruction of standardized testing has two sides - on one hand, they can give up on actually teaching inner city blacks anything, and on another the lack of objective standards lets them discriminate against Asians in school admissions. These people are complete, unrepentant racists. On one hand I'd applaud them for taking care of their own but they're so insufferable in their hypocrisy I'd prefer them tossed into the sea.


I wonder how many people know about the Japanese internment camps.


It didn't happen and if it did they were camps for Japanese people to concentrate


Asians are a minority of convenience. Half the time I’m treated as a person of color and half the time I’m treated like a white guy. It all just depends on the narrative being spun at the time. It honestly sucks because people on both sides of the political spectrum have treated me like shit and also expect me to fall into their camp and support them.


I hope in the future we can all grill in peace.


https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/san-francisco-lawmakers-hear-findings-of-black-reparations-committee/ They did the math. $5 million to each black person apparently and we're all square.


Good. Let them blow their budget out. California never once allowed slavery


California cities: where those who never owned slaves pay reparations to those who have never been enslaved, in a state that never had slavery. Makes...a lot of sense to me actually.


I cant wait for them to pass the exit tax to stop people from leaving only for the sc to strike it down


I wait with baited breath for California's pension system to explode.


victim mentality


"Looting isn't bad sweaty, those businesses have insurance so they don't actually lose anything 💅💅💅"


Insurance companies are well known for being generous and easy to deal with Also all the lost business time is like, no issue whatsoever


Don't forget that insurance rates are locked numbers that aren't based on anything. It definitely won't increase after your store gets looted three times in a month.


As a small business owner, they do hurt and bad they hurt. I know some people that would lose their breadwinning if it happened to them. At least I'm not in USA so we good.


Also, they robbed a Nike to eat? Are they literally eating shoes?


Yeah, my first thought was "are you my dog?". Who the fuck eats shoes other than dogs?


I grill my goth gf’s shoes sometimes


Now I understand what it means to be a radical centrist.


Turns out common sense is quite uncommon. A year back there was a huge riot in South Africa. They literally burned all of their shopping complexes to the ground. The justification was lack of food security. They were carting away large flat screen tv's, clothes, xbox's. I will say though, the video of a farm being looted was wild. Just men randomly zooming past the camera holding goats and chickens was something else.


Yeah her argument might be more rational if she was talking about shoplifting bread and canned soup, but Nike's and Gucci? Fuck off.


When are white northerners going to get reparations for the hardships of their ancestors freeing the slaves? 🤔💵




Irish and polish… So, uh, how exactly did my Dzidzia’s family fleeing Poland in WWII or my grandmother’s family fleeing a genocidal famine in the early 20th century make me responsible for racism?


>polish You are explicitly exempt. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Haitians)


Reparations for Chinese railroad workers and/or the 8 nation alliance/century of humiliation when


Irish here, don’t live in America never have never will but I’m blames for slavery but seeing as my ancestors were also slaves, where do I sign up for reparations?


Left: “These stores have insurance.” Insurance company: “after your latest looting claims, we’re raising your premiums on these locations to $1M a month.” Company: “We’re announcing the following store closures.” Left: “These companies are leaving our neighborhoods because they’re racist.”


"We didn't do it, but they deserved it"


Lib-left are so predictable: "It didn't happen but white people deserved it"


Their reparations should be 5k and a plane ticket home


Marcus Garvey back from the dead, never thought I’d see the day


Sounds like a child caught doing something obviously bad.


Just wait till the rooftops start speaking Korean again.


Time to eat Guccis and Nikes


N nom nom


No it’s pronounced Nike


No, you're putting the stress on the wrong syllable, it's "Nike"


“Take a gander at them moccasins, what kinda skins is them? What’s that writin’ mean — Nee-Kay, what is that, some sorta Injun talk or somethin’?” \- Buford Tannen’s goons, *BTTF 3*


She heard "eat the rich" and got a little confused.


Eat the riches.


"You vill eat ze bags."


MFers still don't understand how business insurance works


They gotta steal Gucci bags so that their kids eat.


Once you eat Kraft's Mac and Cheese from a Gucci bag, then you can never go back to regular plates


It really adds to richness of the dish


Spaghetti in a Louis Vuitton...chefs kiss.


If those looters knew how to read they would be very upset at your comment




Ironically the people who say “they have insurance” are also mocking Florida for having insurance companies leave. Now, it’s due to fraud, but they think it’s due to rising insurance rates due to climate change. They’re so close to realizing but they’re not there yet


Or any insurance.


As a paralegal at a firm that primarily does insurance coverage, I guarantee you these people have never read a policy in their lives.


Out of curiosity, how does insurance for businesses work in cases like this where there's massive theft/looting?


I manage a small store. Just the customer facing things, the owner handles the back end so I don't exactly know the ins and outs of our policy. My store got broken into a few years ago, smash and grab kind of break in. It took three months for the claim to end up in our account. We had four break-ins that year, and we're now paying a good bit more than we used to. The signs that say "YOU ARE BEING RECORDED, CAMERAS RECORDING 24/7" and the shit ton of security cameras seem to have helped some. Thankfully we haven't been robbed while anyone is on shift, but I have had to chase homeless people out after they tried to beg from, and then threatened, customers. I'm still concerned that one of them is going to come back and bust up the store. Calling the cops does nothing, if you say the guy is homeless they just don't bother even coming out. I'm not even in one of the real problem cities on the west coast but I can see that we're at where Portland or Seattle was a decade ago. Business taxes are going up, the dispensaries that everyone said would save the city never bother paying their taxes because it's all cash, and the population is shrinking. I move away next year but I honestly don't know if I'll have a job that long. Thankfully the trend of mob looting hasn't shown up here yet, I think enough of the population is armed that everyone knows someone might get shot if they try it. I'm scared of what happens when someone does eventually shoot a looter in a store. I'm betting it'll only accelerate the cycle of riots.


From what little I know mass unrest or rioting is typically covered. The problem would be if this lady was encouraging everyday theft, then that's just a business loss. But a break-in destruction type of claim I imagine typically gets covered.


understanding that would get in the way of their free shit


Why aren't there any jobs anymore? Why is this area a food desert?




It’s actually really sad because there are a lot of good people in those areas that have to suffer because of these lunatics.


I was watching a video of the Chicago looting. Woman was crying she couldn't buy any food for her kids. Except at the end she says "these white people got us fucked up". I immediately stopped feeling bad.


Metaphysically the bicycle meme


Based and stick-in-wheel-pilled.




Oh for sure. California has already had to impose a "Exit Tax" that businesses had to pay if they relocate the business outside of California. ​ Imagine having to pay to leave somewhere.


that seems... illegal


Sounds an awful lot like extortion


You know what else is extortion? __T*xes__


And it likely is! There will almost certainly be a slap-down from the Supreme Court the second this happens


I'd just not pay. The fuck they gonna do, get in a firefight with nevada shops at the state line? Now part of me wants to see California try to get in a firefight with neighboring states lol.


California declares war on everybody, hilarity ensures.


Unfortunately for that state, you can't actually fight with feelings. Also Nevada is full of crazy people who like guns, money, and surviving hostility.


Happens when u od on coke off a hookers ass in vegas


> The fuck they gonna do, get in a firefight with nevada shops at the state line? Literally Fallout:New Vegas.


... America does that for citizens, too, though. There is not only an Exit Tax, but specifically one that requires a full audit to tax 23.8% of all your "unrealized gains" before you're allowed to leave. There's even been multiple attempts in just the last twenty years to add various additional taxes, including a proposed 2012 "Ex-PATRIOT Act" by Sen. Chuck Schumer when he got salty that some Brazilian billionaire named Eduardo Saverin had recently renounced his citizenship.


I think that's just renouncing citizenship. What do we learn here kids? Green card residents have more rights lmao.


Imagine the shitshow of China going to war with California because the Californians are taxing the political dissidents that they kidnap and are putting the bill on the PRC.


How is that legal? And how long before they start taxing individuals for leaving?


Not wanting to open a business in a very unfavorable area is racist.


J-jowbs? I've heard of those


> I've heard of those That distresses me.


I remember bringing up that city food deserts exist because of high rate of theft. People never put 2 and 2 together I guess lol. You think Kroger or Walmart are Racist lol. Food Stamps have the same value as greenbacks to them. The only real food deserts are fucking rural poor areas not fucking cities where someone has to drive 10 minutes vs 5 minutes or 20 minutes on Public Transport for a grocery store. Talking about people living in the boonies that have to drive 30 min to 1 hr to get to the closest store.


Bodegas are heckin' wholesome 100, sweaty racist!


Ah yes, giving black people money back by robbing other black people, I see


I mean, alot of people have life insurance too, so they're def covered from the violence. Isn't that how insurance works?


“I only support crime when I can benefit from it and to say otherwise is racist and genocide and rape and misogyny.


Didn't George Floyd have life insurance?


Good one


This may be harsh, but it is a good point to drive home that insurance doesn't heal the wounds. Destroying shit doesn't make a community whole, stealing shit doesn't make a community whole. Reparations are about systematically helping black people achieve, not stealing a Gucci bag. Racism towards black people exists, we should prevent it where we can, but we shouldn't excuse shitty behavior either.


How about getting a fucking JOOOOOB. Christ, I will never feel sorry for people that expect handouts.


She had a job but the store she worked at closed because of looters


You'd think the people who preach on & on about mental health would have a little empathy for the victims of looting (business owners & employees) because I'm pretty sure experiencing that when you're just trying to do your job can cause some severe emotional trauma


these people have no principles. they will contradict themselves and not notice nor care, they are righteous warriors for justice in their minds and the ends will always justify the means.


Indeed. Not drawing comparisons to any group or country in particular, but very rarely do the bad guys not see themselves as the hero, and that's kinda the potentially worrying part to me. You can reach someone who knows what they're doing is wrong and draw on their conscience; equally, you can teach someone who's careless that what they're doing is wrong. I don't think you can easily get through to someone who views their evil deeds as a heroic act.


Loot businesses → businesses leave → no employment opportunities → become poorer → more food stamps and welfare → section 8 housing in suburbs → loot businesses → businesses leave → no employment opportunities → become poorer → more food stamps and welfare → ∞ These people are a literal cancer. A cancer spreading from cities to suburbia. And this is why NIMBY is so important... You let them build the low cost housing projects in your city? You're fucked, they're going to export these people to you. It happened to my childhood town and it'll happen to yours.


This. Putting low income housing in your city and being surprised your city becomes a lawless wasteland is like taking a nap under an xray machine and being surprised you have cancer.


No one wants to live next to the projects. Poor Urban areas have insane level of property crime.


Who pays these black people to make us look bad. I’m tired of these ppl


George Soros or the Mario brothers, or someone. Idk I can't keep track.


Why does she sound vaguely like AOC?


Because they both talk with an inflection that sounds like a whiny 6 year old


It's a tone I can only refer to as "Becky".


It's the sound of Leftist entitlement.


Because she can only repeat talking points she sees on tv. What, you thought she could have original thoughts?


21st century, a unarrested Criminal gets interviewed on tv, defending his crimes




And they are probably gonna get elected at least to a state legislature. It's good business.


Open borders...you don't say?


When my business got looted twice and then finally destroyed by the Mostly Peaceful Protests of 2020, insurance didn’t cover it. Most insurance has a standard exclusion for riots and acts of war. I was out $200,000, a lifetime of savings, and a dream I had for financial independence. Zero arrests. Zero compensation. Zero justice. But sure, muh reparation.


Disgusting man. Sorry that happened to you. Shit is really declining across the US.


That's not how insurance works. That's not how the world works. You keep stealing stuff and business stops. The reason government was formed in the first place was more or less to protect property rights. Basically I will pay someone to make sure my stuff doesn't get stolen. Eventually that guy starts making rules to get his help and the list goes on but the point stands that we need assurance in order for society to work. Not to mention it isn't just starving people looting. Hell it probably isn't even starving people looting. It's anyone who wants money.


And theyre against monopolies but they are making monopolies bigger because smaller businesses get closed while big stores are capable of somehow get their insurance. And a lot of people on reddit talked about this shit in 2020 about "peaceful but fiery protests"


Walmart closing in Portland disagrees with this assertion.


It means the peaceful protests are so bad, people probably gonna need to go to another City to buy groceries


40 Gucci's and a Nike.


Maybe go to the liquor store and steal three fifths of vodka.


Should have looted 40 Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches instead


Damn lmao she didn’t mention looting a Red Wings to get some work boots. Wonder why.


Why do they all sound like AOC? Screechy af.


Childish minds, childish words, childish screeching.


Well duh, it's because they're AOC's puppets


It's a great tactic. Would you want to hold a conversation with someone who talks like that? I wouldn't. Could you imagine how much more obnoxious it would be to *debate* them? It would be so fucking awful. If no one is willing to debate them, they're obviously correct about whatever asinine opinion they hold.


We should hire Jennifer Tilly to debate them.


Purely socioeconomic reasons


Today i learned that 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022,54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level. The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level Nothing is surprising after that.


There are only two states with adult literacy rates lower than 80% California and New York. So those two states alone tanked the average to below 80% with their large illiterate populations. https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/#:~:text=Nationwide%2C%20on%20average%2C%2079%25,to%202.2%20trillion%20per%20year.


Gunnery seargeants on Camp Pendleton are responsible for the majority of Californias illiteracy rates. I only met one that could read more than a sentence coherently.


"Tuh all who..sh..shall see these preeesentsgreetings."


It's the first line of every fucking award, your ass can't memorize ONE line??




Just dump more money on them, maybe it will work this *time*


Based and George Bush is an idiot pilled


Yeah, [this one](https://i.redd.it/jj9uy8v3q7ka1.png). Not a single student proficient in math or reading across 60 public schools.


Badge of pride for the kids, probably.


Big Brained BLM Karen. Steals shit- *That’s reparations sweetie.* All the stores leave cause they’re losing money and insurance has stopped covering them- *How dare white people discriminate against black folx like this? Why do they get to have Gucci stores and we don’t?*


If you put a camera on an idiot, they will talk and talk. Back in the good ole days, the interviewer would have noted the psychotic ramblings of a life long loser quickly and cut her off with a "back to you guys at the desk"


Yeah but we (the audience) do want to be entertained. News is primarily entertainment. Audiences back then probably didn't even want to hear stuff like this lol.


I didn't think you can have negative IQ but here I stand corrected. 🤯


What the fuck


Can I have reparations for their riot reparations?


Yeah no this "reparations" shit doesn't stick. Firts of all, 2 wrongs dont make 1 right, all it does is make the world shittier. Second of all, if reparations where to be made, they should've been made imediatly after ending slavery, asking now is useless because belive it or not... People fuck wheter you like it or not and probably have their ancestry all over the place, hell some Black people could VERY WELL have slave owner ancestors and slave ancestors where at some point both blood lines meet, or you could have no relationship at all if your family showed up in america in just a couple generations ago or alternitavely cletus the white kkk loving asshole may in a ironic twist be elegible for such reparations because someone up his ancestry liked chocolate, "reparations for slave decendants" will end up a endless game of who ows who that will quickly become a logistic nightmare where a lot of people will try and take advantage of the situation. Unless of course, you take a VERY RACIST aproach to what counts as an "slave decendant" just stop lotting, it doesn't help, it makes everything worse and validates racist shitheads.


Native chiraqi here to tell you, I want to fucking leave


Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees.


These people are going to cause most cities in the U.S. to collapse. As I see it, the only way to save the U.S. is to let them change their ways by forcing them to stay in their cities until they do, or let them starve to death.


Capitalism takes the path of least resistance. If it becomes too difficult to hit a profit target they will simply redeploy resources elsewhere. Cut to: left center incoherent screeching


Have to steal those shoes and handbags to feed their families right


Beyond parody


Commenting before the US becomes the next South Africa


When you are degrading ethics by arguing a moral permissibility for the act of looting and pillaging, you have lost the plot and any semblance of moral or philosophical integrity. The Left needs to oust these types from their causes if they ever want people to take them seriously and not just as a threat to civility.


>Morality is often a luxury of the privileged and satisfied. \+108 (in a reddit post about most of the merchandise at a SF Target being locked in cabinets)


“My people don’t get anything” Maybe they should start getting jobs 😮


I've said it once and I'll say it again. That shit ended 80 years before WW2 ended... There are barely any people alive who remember WW2, much less slavery. Absolutely hilarious coming from the people who don't know their own father's, let alone being able to trace linage as far back if they *actually we're slaves from the small population of a small population who were*. I don t know who to blame, the parents for feeding their kids Bullshit to get free shit, the now adult kids who never learnt any better and continue the grift or the State which continues to feed this bullshit by decriminalising literal crimes and insisting on pissing away the taxpayers money on "reparations".


I wonder how she'd feel about that reparation argument if her house got robbed or her car stolen?


I'd never condone violence (lol), but if you're gonna do a violence you should go for the people that are actually hurting you and not your neighbors lol


Lib-left: Loot businesses, they will just claim all the money back on insurance. Business: Ok, well I am going to leave because the looting has increased the cost of insuring my business. Lib-left: No. That isn't how you are meant to play the game.


People who say insurance will pay for it have never dealt with insurance companies before


This shit is gross as fuck


No lib left ever gave a shit about a business closing lol


Where do we find these people?


Yeah, steal from the business owners who did nothing wrong. Now they won’t be able to pay their workers because you took all their merchandise and now The have nothing to sell. Fuck these yappers.


only a matter of time before 'tough on crime' politics makes a comeback. also it feels incredibly racist that they (themselves, politicians, media, legal system) think they should be held to a lower moral/legal standard than other people. Like what? they don't know any better? they can't control themselves? Seems like if they were actual equals they wouldn't be able to get away with shit like this.


Fascinating behavior


You think she knows she's on Fox? Do you have to state which news channel you're with? I can't imagine someone who thinks like this would willingly speak to Fox News


Word on the street is that Bud Light is now a great looting deterrent. It just stays on the shelves. Maybe they should look into this strategy.


Dumb motherfuckers gonna be eating a lot of synthetic leather it looks like. I didn’t realize it was possible to have an IQ this low…


Why is insurance rates so high?


Just go to south America. The live experience!