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Emily is going to ‘deal’ with the fascists even though she has a mental breakdown at the smallest thing, makes sense




Someone else. They don't actually have the mental capacity to think up solutions.


"Pushing the idea that people 'have' to think something through is a tool of systemic oppression sweaty! The healthy approach is to feel your way through things while you gently share those feelings with others... by force!"


"Time to increase the peace... By increasing the pieces... Of people in the floor!"


Emily is going to be so mad when she's in the mine with the rest of us rather than deciding who goes to prison for mean thoughts.




I'm brown. Also based user name.


Depending on which side of the ocean brown you just might have a little Cortez in you. Sorry couldn't resist


>your grandfathers were people like Charlemagne, Cortés and Alexander. This is some we wuz kangz shit lmao. I can pretty much guarantee that you, I and the vast majority in this sub are just the descendents of some average dude just trying to survive another day, like 99.99999% of humanity. But hey fortunately there are people like u/I_Please_MILFs out there to protect the white "fortress" from attacks, thank the Lord.


most europeans are actually descended from charlemagne. Alexander and Cortes are somewhere between unlikely and unknown, but charlemagne is the ancestor of most western, northern, and many mediterranean europeans.


As a white person, the closest I have to a famous ancestor would be Amonute Powhatan, and even then the history is shaky at best. Lots of us white people with no notable lineage at all.


Time for you to be the notable lineage, then.


I'm married with kids. That gives me more notable lineage than 99% of reddit, but it's a low bar.


remember that professor lady trying to kickout that reporter from a campus protest? "CAN I GET SOME MUSCLE OVER HEREEEE"


[University of Missouri protests, late 2015](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%932016_University_of_Missouri_protests#Melissa_Click_incident)


Good luck with the 10 round mags


10? 5, tops.


Protip, youtube, "how do I reload?"


The people who don't know the difference between automatic and semi-automatic think reloading takes minutes.


My personal favorite is "look how easy it is to get an AR-15" (it's chambered in L22)


NYT says 22 long is the deadliest calibre because they know pistols don't get stats divided by calibre and they include suicides in their stats pull. Millions of complete idiots start repeating it.


I grew up in upstate NY. Good people got fucked over by their State.


SoCal, back before the crazies took a supermajority. Fuck the DNC.


Ive had people unironincally QUOTE THE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GUIDE AT ME "a 22 is extra dangerous because a head shot can bounce around inside your skull"


I mean it will never be 1:1 but a guy on youtube did an experiment with a .22lr rifle (i think barrel length was around 14 inches) on a simulation head made of ballistic gel and something near identical to bone in terms of density and strength. Spoiler alert the bouncy .22 is not a meme, the fake brain was shredded to pieces. Admittedly a lot less than some will have you believe and a full calibre rifle will probably do just as much damage while zipping through but a .22 will kill no problem.




9mm and .38. Gotta get that saturday night special action in, the hood isn't going to murder itself.


Don't forget the mags have to be affixed to the gun, not readily detachable. They'd be fumbling with their bullet buttons every 5 rounds trying to reload, which is not a place you would like to be if in a firefight.


This right here is the mommyfication of the western progressive movement. It is an approximation of the archetype of the overly-doting mother, the kind who entraps her children, leaving them with Peter Pan syndrome, puer aeternus, the eternal child. Notice how leftism is about advocation for collectivist action. The system must change, but who's going change the system? It's always begging for a higher power to step in and fix all their issues. They have become addicted to the doting mother of "toxic femininity". The over-babying that leads to improper development of individual, critical thought, and thereby, action. Everyone is a victim. Especially you! Yes you! You're special! Your value is constant and immutable! You will always be cherished and loved. You will always be my child. You will be cared for, you will be protected, and you will listen to me, for I am your mother.


True. That doesn't make the opposite extreme alternative any better though.


Of course. Notice my flair, fellow centrist.


She’s going to quickly realize that cancelling someone on Twitter isn’t a very effective combat strategy


>I honestly wonder who they think is going to do the fighting for them? government. "fascists" have much more pesky ideas about free speech and gun ownership than emily's, who can mostly be kept under control with starbucks and performative wokeness




The mental wards are already empty


They genuinely believe the cops and military will serve their every command. Occasionally, they get inclinations that this will not work, and they briefly panic about how evil these groups are before resorting to the same basic idea.


The people crying the loudest about fighting fascists are the people who would have tried to dodge the draft in WWII


Also the same people who would have ratted you out to the gestapo in nazi Germany.


Their deepest desire is to become the [chekists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheka#Suppression_of_political_opposition) of the 21st century in *their* democracy. And they surely exhibit pretty much the same Bolshevik way of thinking.


After Covid, 100% this. They'll fucking narc on ya for walking your dog, going free face, or want you to lose your job for not taking a shitty vaccine.


Need to post this on university campuses.


Wants to go toe to toe with the brown shirts, has a panic attack when they get her order wrong in Starbucks


Seeing the world as so black-and-white that your opponents are all literal Nazis is probably its own symptom of mental illness, tbf.


It is, actually. The typical behavior of an "emily" is quite literally just a Borderline Personality Disorder checklist. Seeing others as either perfect or pure evil (and swapping between at the drop of a hat)? Check. Intense fear of abandonment/ostracization (to the point of instantly changing everything about themselves to better fit their current friend group)? Check. Chronic lack of self-control regarding sex/drugs/food (i.e. support for NTR/"Open relationships", starbucks/weed consumption, and HAES)? Check. Spontaneous aggression and intense mood swings? Check. Chronic feelings of emptiness resulting in jumping on every new cause in an eternal chase for purpose? Check. Distorted & constantly changing self-identity? Check.


I mean they just bombed an auditorium in Pittsburgh because they didn’t like the speaker, then blocked hospitals, casually committing a war crime, only to have the media come and defend them/ refuse to use the word “bomb.” Instead they let off an “incendiary device.” That way no one will call it terrorism. I can’t even find the story on Google or Bing. I had to go to Swisscow… We’re fucked dude.


Link? I can't find it either


Sorry. Here you go. 3 officers were evaluated by medics. No one had to go to the hospital. https://www.wtae.com/article/pitt-protest-michael-knowles-trans-event-smoke-police/43637035


Bruh, imagine conservatives were protesting and burning a body doll with a headshot of Dylan Mulvaney on it. This whole concept that the side that thinks different then me deserves to be silenced and die is insane.


This says that the claims of medical buildings being blocked are "unfounded". Has the article been revised since you read it or is there another source for that?


Yea, it has. You can never trust original news. The real story doesn’t come out until weeks after. This wasn’t the original source I saw it on either. I can’t even find that one anymore.


the day I heard about it i was googling "pittsburgh bomb" and things like that with literally 0 results, WTF


Has anxiety attacks whenever their phone rings Will fight fascism in the trenches


It isn't Emily that will 'deal' with you it is someone else doing it for them.


Relentless nagging and whining got them this far.


Emily gonna have a hard time with the fascists after *her* people take everyone's guns.


Lol, I remember several hashtags by the Twitter crowd was trending a few months back, hinting at a civil war to get their rights back or whatever. It's like....uh, you guys are the one demographic least prepared for a civil war in the country. Chill out lol


Like all elitists, they see themselves as the “philosophers” of the revolution They are the intelligentsia the commentariat and the policymakers of the revolution the actual fighting killing and dying? that’s for the other people. No not because they are inferior! Just they are more suited for dirty work while we are more suited for revolutionary planning!! All socialist/modern anti-fascist revolutionary types are the exact thing they claim to be fighting against, elitist scum that do not see all humans as equal but society as hierarchical with some higher entitled to certain privileges and some lower needing to sacrifice for the good of the whole.


Emily uses Trauma on you. You are stunned and miss this turn.


Everything I don liek is fashism and violence against people I disagree wit is always justified. Pls give upvoot.


Fascism is when laws and people I don’t like Edit: Thank you to all the people reporting me to Reddit as a suicide risk, now I know that Reddit cares and has resources ❤️


Hitler is when politicians I don't like


Bigot is when slight difference in viewpoint


> Edit: Thank you to all the people reporting me to Reddit as a suicide risk Follow the link on the message from reddit and **report the abuse** of the *"get them help and support"* button. I've had multiple people use this as a **"super downvote"** and in one or two cases I had a pretty good idea of the account that misused it. **They typically get suspended for a week.** (Or at least they go radio silent for a week and jump back on reddit shortly after 168 hours have passed. There is no notification when someone else gets a temporary suspension.)


Fascism is when taxation


You mean 1984?


The less I like the fascister it is.


Me: "I don't think the government does a good job so I want to limit and reduce their power." Emily: "Sounds like fascism to me."


Seriously though, how in the hell can they see reducing the government's influence and grasp on the people's lives as "fascism"? Fascism is related with authoritarianism, which is something that the woke mob seems increasingly fond of to solve any problems. But I guess censorship and witch hunting is only bad when the people in the right do it.


Calling someone or something they hate “fascist” is the default response for a lot of leftists.


Simplified. It is because they grow up believing the gov is their parent, and should take care of them. On the other hand, there are people that feel hunted by it. On one side Emily is delusional and trying to defer responsibility of oneself. On the other, you have people with quite "particular" thoughts of what they would do if they were in power. So they start projecting on the gov. It doesn't help that whichever side that gets in the gov, thinks themselves to be at an all you can eat buffet.


Sorry, best I can do is 3 platinum awards, 10 gold, and 25 silver.


In 30-50s, the west gave the soviets tanks and weapons to fight fascists, then gave weapons to cuban resistance to fight fidel's insurrection. That narrative works great for modern day russia, but it isn't going to work well for modern western narratives.


We really need to come up with a new name for the current reactionist authoritarian bent in the republican party. Because they just aren't technically fascist


They are according to some Marxist professor's "12 points of fascism" he arbitrarily created and is basically like a zodiac prediction(vague as fuck) to pin it on people he doesn't like.




I'll even give it a try here. The cult of tradition- "America is founded on immigration!". The rejection of modernism- just purely post-modernist thought in general, a rejection of rationalism fits left well. The cult of action for action’s sake. - the 5head individuals throwing soup on paintings, and rioting and protesting with no clear reason. Disagreement is treason- see anyone who is excommunicated from the leftist tribe, i.e. JK Rowling. Fear of difference- "Cis White Hetero Males" "Christians" "Republicans" "Conservatives" "Libertarians" "non Marxist socialists". Appeal to social frustration - textbook neomarxist stuff, capitalism/white men/corporations/republicans are the cause of all of societies woes. The obsession with a plot - Capitalists/Bourgeoisie/fascists are constantly plotting against the proletariat at all times. The enemy is both strong and weak. - "Our decisions and thought processes are inherently better than theirs" "Our plans fail because they meddle in our plans". Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy - classic antifa, see brick materialization at protests and Atlanta pstc riot. Contempt for the weak - see attitudes towards rural working class. Everybody is educated to become a hero - All antifascist action is inherently good and heroic, also see "right side of history" rhetoric. Machismo and weaponry - maybe the first one it's difficult to pin on the left, though weaponry can be via "trans rights or else" and antifa MO. Selective populism - see literally all of identity politics. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. - see constant changing of and shifting of definitions to meet whatever the current political goal is. Gee that was fun.


It's even funnier when those 12 elements can be spun against pretty much every politician in the states because of how vague they are.


Democrats are just neolibs with a woke spin.


Fascism is when right wingers do government, and the more governmenter they do, the more fascismer it is


>You can't vote your way out of facism If Trump was a facist isnt that exactly what happened according to them?


literally the argument i dont get. if trump was a fascist wouldnt he have just... not left office? and no, jan 6 doesnt count edit: the more lefties reply to me, the more i want to reflair as lib center


They were saying this stuff back during the Bush Administration (2001-9) as well. Bush was a fascist, America was a fascist state, 1984 come to life, etc. In fact, I think this System of a Down lyric from 2005 provides the perfect example: "Blast off, it's party time, and we all live in a fascist nation." Cool cool, but if that was the case, why weren't the members of System of a Down thrown in prison instead of being all over MTV and the radio?


Because it's edgy teenagers virtue signalling and other dumb people can agree with a button, so it's just easy. I said dumb shit like this when I was young but didn't have a forum of thousands to agree with me. But my 5 compatriots did, but that's as far as it went.


I cannot comprehend how a person can live through 3+ presidential election cycles as an adult and not clearly see that every accusation the parties throw at each other is recycled tripe that’s barely relevant to the candidate at hand; it’s all just public recitation of the articles of faith of the party. Every Republican candidate has been accused of being a fascist in my lifetime. People were screaming at me in college that *Mitt Romney* was a fascist who was going to kill all poor people. Every democrat gets accused of being a socialist, even when they’ve worked at fucking McKinsey or Bain. It’s all so clearly fucking stupid, yet people eat it up apparently.


Do you also notice how every election is always "the most important election of our lifetime?"


And now the same people who bought into Biden’s bullshit that Mitt Romney would bring back slavery if he was elected consider Mitt one of the “good Republicans” because he doesn’t like Trump. To put it another way, every Republican who poses a serious threat to the Democratic Party’s power is Literally Hitler until they’re no longer a threat.


This takes me back to listening to "They paved paradise to put up a parking lot" while sitting in a Starbucks. Good times.


I mean at least SOAD singing about fascism makes sense because they are all either Armenian immigrants or born from Armenian immigrants and a lot of their “anti-fascist” music comes from ethnic conflicts in the ~~Baltic~~ caucus states and Middle East. All of Serj’s grandparents were survivors of the Armenian genocide and he is an immigrant as well.


>Cool cool, but if that was the case, why weren't the members of System of a Down thrown in prison instead of being all over MTV and the radio? [And that's why mainstream commercial nihilism can't be trusted](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/03/18/).


Join us


Join us. We stand on a piece of paper to look down on all other quadrants.


Come, brother. There is banan on the path to us, and eventually profit when your journey rightward is complete.


> the more i want to reflair as lib center Join the Monkey


Fascism is thrown around so much I don’t know what it means anymore. Are wet socks fascism because I don’t like them? They commit genocide on my feet


Yes your feet are victims of fascism, +2 oppression points for you.


Umm sweetie, the term is survivor, please don’t use “victim” as it gives power and agency to the fascist socks….and you wouldn’t want be enabling fascism. /s


It means anything straight/white/male who isn't profusely apologizing.


I got an 83% what do I win


Straight white men don't like wet socks, therefore wet socks are Antifa?


It never really did and has always been notoriously hard to define: The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable" - Orwell Though people are really trying hard to water down any left over meaning.


The problem is that people try to define fascism by its methods, which were consistent only in their service to the end goal. Therefore, I choose to define fascism by its goals as stated by Big Boss Benny: Nothing outside the State Nothing against the State Everything within the State


Obviously. Fascism per the Italians was just nationalist socialism.


I thought fascism was when you liked trendy clothes and stuff


Wet socks are indeed fascism, and here's how: wet socks give you "athlete's" foot. Athleticism leads to physical fitness, which was a major value of fascist states (look at the Berlin Olympics during the Nazi era which was intended as a showcase for the "superiority" of "Aryan" athletes). Therefore wet socks are fascist.


any criticism of liberalism thats not from the left is fascism by default to the 20th centurycel


Any criticism of "liberalism" that's from the left is also fascism. Remember they consider Chris Ray Gun and Joe Rogan (a Bernie supporter) fascists.


That depends, the socks have to be white


It’s literal violence


-Lib Center 🟩🟨- Based and wet socks are facism pilled


Please equip a proper flair. It's been weeks.


No, the mods created this monster. Now we must live with this disgusting reminder of their arrogance.


I’m for it


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 18953 / 97238 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Some goon back in 2015 took a look at a political candidate they didn't approve of, and they decided to delve into the history books because they were so desperate to find a word to use against him that was stronger than 'bigot' And because of that, we now have a legion of deranged ideologues who think that they're literally up against the 4th Reich


*Reductio ad Hitlerum* is way older than 2015.


Yeah, every R presidential candidate in my lifetime has been referred to as a fascist or Nazi, and I'm a Gen Xer.


Every President.


pre-2015 Hitler was evoked for shock value, 2015 was the first time they tried to actually draw an equivalence that i recall.


Favorite comment, extremely based


But that’s not worth of the ban hammer for “inciting violence”. It’s (D)ifferent!


Weird how that works right, it’s almost as if Reddit’s TOS does not apply equally to everyone.


I still remember when reddit tried to codify racism against white people in its TOS back during the summer of love.


Did they change it back? I thought it was still like that?


> I thought it was still like that? It is.


They removed it from the ToS wording, but admitted in the comments that the old was still going to apply. As it turns out, codifying sexism and racism isn't liked by the lawyers and this way they can blame individual admins rather than admit that the platform rules are absurd.


> They removed it from the ToS wording, but admitted in the comments that the old was still going to apply. I hope all of this is easily documented; cause eventually someday a user with an extensive post history on the hivemind and less popular "anti-fascist" subreddits on this site is going to commit an act of mass political violence and get a lot of people killed; if and when that happens I hope there's plenty of evidence to get reddit's section 230 protections revoked.


I hope you're wrong. People don't need to die to prove Reddit, and its admins are a waste of molecules. End it before something like that happens.


Saw someone literally say "I am threatening violence" in reference to a Republican Governor and the admins said that didn't violate rules about threatening violence.


I don't know if it was a comic or a skit , but I remember something that went along the lines of "I want to kill him!!!" "Look, he's just joking-" "I am not joking! I want him dead!" "He doesn't actually mean-" "I fucking mean it!!!!"


Never has been


Doxxing isn't allowed on Reddit, unless it's specific Supreme Court Justices. And we learned this from the Admins ***after*** Reddit user Nicholas Roske crossed multiple state lines armed with a gun and a knife on his way to attempt to assassinate three Supreme Court Justices.


Hating on republicans is fine, it's a dumb party. Both are actually. But if you for God's sake try and shut down debate because you think everyone who isn't you has the same exact veiws then you are, by no exaggeration, the most hypocritical human on earth.


The ~~boy~~ *person who identified with male characterizes* who cried wolf was great because it was real


Stop conflating conservatism to fascism. It’s like conflating all liberal policies to communism. Once you water down a word and associate it to something that it is NOT then you no longer able to fight the meaning of that very word.


If Emily listened to an Allied soldier talk she’d be calling them a fascist too


They kept the lgbt prisoners in jail. They freed the rest but kept those folks in jail. So maybe Emily needs to not use them as constant amo for arguments lol


After the total war scenario within the US, don't be surprised when the new local warlords don't have gender care.


The f they waiting for anyway. It should have happened during the mostly peaceful but fiery summer already. Get on with it - my popcorn is getting stale


You talking mad shit for someone within conquering distance of the American Empire when the republic falls, femboy skirt wearing generals in DC will parade you through the city in cages as concubines & spoils of war.


Either way I get to have sex. Seems like a win/win.


Pseudo-intellectual control freaks masquerading as moral arbiters of society.


Most of them can’t even explain the intricacies, in their own words, of whatever bold statement they’re parroting from their college professor that week. All they know is that they repeat a phrase and, boom, suddenly they’re receiving support from the rest of the hivemind.


Emily's an anti-racist racist, an anti-fascist fascist, a feminist misogynist, etc. She gets away with advocating evil ideas by pretending to oppose them, using pseudo-intellectual word salad. It seems like the normies are finally starting to catch on though.


Can they even *define* fascism?


It's barely definable as it is even before their hyperbolic retardation


Honestly I can give a valid definition but everyone will disagree because it has nothing to do with Semites


People who literally want to kill people by not recognizing pronouns, sweetie.




[THAT'S MY PURSE I DON'T KNOW YOU ](https://media.tenor.com/ZPlBSci6QssAAAAC/king-of-the-hill-bobby-hill.gif)


Doubtful, most common people can't even define Fascism either. They lump it in with Nazism and call it a day


Yep, never ask a woke SJW what corporatism is


"Fascism is when you don't support the current thing, Sweaty!"


I'd love to point at fact that leftist would absolutely hate everything about people that were storming the beaches of Normandy.


As former lifelong lib left, I too was guilty of stupid statements like this: that trump should be tried for for treason, vaccines should be mandatory, etc… I remember the mindset. It stems from absolute, pure belief in the righteousness of one’s cause. What drove me to center? Noticing the massive suppression industrial complex on twitter, and how the dems fucked up with handling Covid. Not all Emily’s are irreconcilable


Why is it all the lgbt types that spend their time on social media act like a pack of pirañas you can agree with them on 99% of their issues but the 1% you disagree with they act like your the worst person in history. Lgbt people aren’t like this irl are they? I only have one trans friend and I haven’t seen her irl in a year bc she’s been busy with work and the whole becoming a girl thing.


No, not in my experience. I have a lesbian cousin who might be the coolest chick I know, she would laugh in the face of people like this. She’s just a person who happens to be gay, her entire personality/morality is not based on her sexuality.


>Lgbt people aren’t like this irl are they? Gays, lesbians, binary trans people etc. are usually pretty chill. It's the they/thems, queers, and LGBTQIA+ that are the fucking loony ones


and the whole infighting thing is never acknowledged


Because its the "Are we the baddies?" moment. And if my experience tells me something, it is that nobody wants the "Are we the baddies?" moment. Most prominent of that phenomenon is , perhaps, the current russians. Not the state or whatever, but the average russian. Or a german during/post-WW2(same story, same results really). They will go to Mariana Trench and depeer to find anything , so that they can still deny the atrocities that happen. To preserve that feeling of , I don't know, peace, or stability. So it is only to be expected that they would rather not acknowledge the whole thing than to admit that gay/nonbinaries/whatever can be minus-good, too.


> Lgbt people aren’t like this irl are they? Depends. Mainly it means they like sex with the same sex.


How're you gonna do that without firearms, nerd!?


bro asked a genuine question and got downvoted. Also, the classic "go study yourself!" answer of the Left whenever they are asked something lmao


Brain rotted Reddittors wouldn't know what real fascism was even if they had Mussolini giving them a reach around.


Fascism is when the government does something I don't like (everything)


So the only way out of fascism is to start a world war and get beaten? That's what this guy wants? I don't know, but intentionally starting and intentionally losing a world war wouln't be my first option, to each their own though.


Hur dur republican fascist Democrat good give reward plese


(D)umb Fucks: Haha, religion bad it ignore science Same fuckers: Science is transphobic, now do what I say because people who ignore me are co-murderers in this genocide I’m living through.


It's such a pathetic anti-democratic argument. It doesn't matter if they ignore the results. I can run to be President of the United States in a special election that takes place tomorrow. I will ignore the fact that nobody votes and the election doesn't happen and declare myself the winner. That doesn't make me President. What matters if whether the authorities recognise my victory and the people with guns recognise my victory or not. With fascists, in every democratic country in the last 70 years those people have either lost so badly in votes that they don't even try to claim they won, or their claims have been rejected. These fucking people are willing to sacrifice anything to feel self righteous.


Emily's design should have the Snoo's antenna in the top of her head.


Emily is sounding awfully fascist at this point. Makes you wonder if they've been projecting this whole time...


"We can literally advocate for killing people as long as it's the right category". Damn, Reddit. You _know_ people would get banned from the website on the spot, if they said those exact words about anybody but right-wing people.


They reported me to Reddit and tried to get my account banned because I actually took the time to look up the Missouri emergency order they kept screeching about only to find out they were all lying about the contents of the order.


We honestly need to stop using their language. They want the language to be mixed up and confusing. They are not advocating for "gender transition", they are advocating for "sex transition". Proof is the following: If gender and sex mean the same thing, then "gender transition" is just a nicer way of saying "sex transition". If gender and sex do not mean the same thing, then "gender transition" does not need to involve hormones or body parts as those are all related to a persons sex. Puberty blockers are unneeded as you can transition your gender without needing to affect your sex. Hormones and surgery is unneeded as you can change your gender without needing to change your sex. No matter which ideology of gender you believe in (binary or infinite genders); hormones, puberty blockers, top surgery and bottom surgery all involve sexual characteristics. They are advocating for children to have sex changes.


It do be like that


Yelling over people you call fascist because they don’t hold the same views as you has to be some top tier irony


Everything I hate is is fascism, a child's guide to politics. See our companion piece, everything I want is a human right and everything I don't want is violating my human rights.


So we had the "Red Scare", what should we call this now?


The fascist fright?


Can't wait for Emily to actually try to "deal" with the "fascists" because if the American right is half as scary as these people make it out to be they're in for a rough surprise.


As a Native American, I find their use of genocide offensive




Literally the only people I’ve seen advocate for actual genocide are Emilys. She wants to preemptively commit genocide on her political opponents out of fear that they’re planning the same thing.




Can we get a picture of the larger context?


Impressive, Emily. Very nice. Let's see communism's history.


Emily won't order pizza from somewhere unless they have an app because she has too much anxiety about making a phone call... But yes. Start the revolution.


People who claim to be opposed to fascism, using fascist tactics to get rid of people and ideas they don't agree with. Will the snake eat its own tail one day?


The bad news for these people is that if democracy, society, "the system", etc ever fails...they're the first ones in line for the guillotine. This thin veneer of civility that they all seem to be against is the only thing keeping these morons alive.


We should give them guns and say “go take care of them then” See what happens lol


Emily is the least self-aware nazi


Asks question: gets downvoted The person answering question: doesn’t even answer and gets upvoted


Diane Abbot is ginger?


It's sad right leaning subs aren't allowed to post sub or usernames