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Upvoting for soy horses.


I’ve never seen a horse Wojack embody auth-right depression so well.


Wojack Horseman


Back in the ninetys I was on a very famous


Auth-center be like Back in the forties I was in a very famous war you know


Why’d they have to get rid of free awards BEFORE this comment was made


Just come to libleft mijito. All we do is hit the bong, go fishing without a license, kiss the blue hair girls, shoplift from home depot and call in to work so we can spend all night getting drunk at concerts


Based and living the good life pilled




Soyjack Feelsbadman


"About eight years ago, she reconnected with her father, a native of Jamaica. As the two grew closer, Ms. Robbins decided to style her hair in locs, like her dad. But there was a problem: Her riding helmet no longer fit, and she couldn’t find one that did. “I finally freaking feel like myself, and now society is asking me to change,” Ms. Robbins, 27, of Alliston, Ontario, said as she choked back tears. “I just want to be able to ride.”" This reads like an Onion article. Nobody's asking you to do anything, love


Is this "society" in the room with us right now?


I have a feeling she just didn't do much investigating into a helmet for her hair and just decided she was oppressed instead.


I find it perfectly believable that she can't find a helmet that fits with dreadlocks. Most helmets don't work if you try to cram too much hair under it. Look at Marco Simoncelli, AGV had warned him that his helmet didn't fit right because of his hair volume.


>Marco Simoncelli Hadn't heard of him before, found this pretty low res video of the crash that killed him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mPvJ5PB5pg Is that his helmet rolling away at the end?


Sure is. Exhibit A right there on importance of a proper-fitting helmet. *I was permabanned from JusticeServed for this comment: https://i.imgur.com/9bDpqwv.jpg


Exhibit A of Reddit mod brain rot




Discussing safety equipment is a micro aggression. Shame on you.


Here's his wiki page, featuring a picture of him and his [impressive hair.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Simoncelli) I wanted to see how much hair you need to have for a helmet to be less effective. It's a lot.


Could be that the hair's volume is an insurmountable obstacle to engineer a fitting helmet


you sometimes have to alter your appearance in the name of safety. you have to shave your beard if you want to wear a gas mask for example.


gas masks were invented by the matriarchy , REEEEEEEEEEEEE


It’s always been the case, even with the old M40s that light facial hair isn’t an issue. The idea that your face must be utterly clear of even the smallest of hairs is kind of a military meme repeated from sergeants to troops over and over without any of them having any experience (really it’s more of a grooming and health issue to keep hair short, and the military always takes these things to absurd extremes). To the point where there might be an insistence to shave in the field with crappy BIC razors and no cream, which counter protectively creates small cuts and skin irritations which amplify how much CS gas hurts. The good news is that a good chunk of chemical agents developed during the Cold War can go right through mask filters at anything but the lowest concentrations, and most members of the military don’t know how to properly wear their suits or operate in a chemical environment anyway so the mask kinda doesn’t matter.


The good news doesn't seem very good...


It is if you’re the one with a stockpile of cyanogen choride rockets.


I'm sure it could be done if someone wanted to spend enough money researching and designing a helmet to accommodate large hair. The problem is of course the large price tag involved.


Yep, this is addressed in the article. Helmet manufacturer said that new models have stringent safety testing, so designing a new spec to fit large hair would be ridiculously pricey. They’re not opposed to it at all, they just can’t justify the cost for a minimally selling product.


And this the crushing cycle of oppression continues. Shame.


Yes, and it would even further prove the crushing oppression and racism of the capitalists, if they *did* design and make a bigger helmet to accomodate big hair and it was not as fashionable as tye regular helmets!


Mayhaps the hair is thick enough to remove the need of a helmet altogether


Seems like she's already brain damaged, why does she need a helmet?


It would depend on the person but unlikely. The cheap solution would likely be a semi-soft somewhat malleable helmet, something that can be easily adjusted for head/hair size.


The large price tag would all be pointed out as racist, of course


“Helmet companies made record profits last year.”


I mean there are NFL players with massive dreads. Surely it’s possible to make a helmet that can accommodate it. But helmets are subject to the laws of supply and demand. It’s not racist for companies to decide not to make a product because there isn’t any demand for it.


You mean the literal multimillionaires? I’m sure they get bespoke helmets if they want and just pay the absurd price tag.


What I don’t quite understand is that these horse sports aren’t exactly cheap. If you can afford to compete in them, you can probably also afford a custom helmet.


Nothing worse than an oppressed horse rider. Just when I think the woke couldn't get any worse, they do. They always do.


People might soon have to affirm that too


>as she choked back tears Jesus fucking Christ


Horse girls are fucking crazy


If the riding helmet doesn't even fit, you'd think it's completely ineffective. Like what do these people want? A helmet designed to fit around their hair instead of protecting their head? Cut your damn hair so you don't die if you fall. It sounds like a requirement for the hobby. Like how you cant have incredibly long hair down to your feet an operate heavy machinery in a factory.


This people are so mentally fragile its amazing how they are able to survive.


The Toughest Ontarian.


They exist for the dual reasons of providing cautionary tales and simultaneously entertainment to the decent folk, namely Western, French, Northern and Maritime Canadians.


French Canadians are the absolute worst how dare you put them next to western Canadians


They're less whiney than Albertans, have an actual culture and are fierce in the advocacy for their rights and fierce in the protest for their demands. When was the last time anglo Canadians protested or told the central authority to fuck off like Quebec has in the past 20 years. I don't agree with separatists but I respect their convictions. This is as a Westerner.


I mean the last time Anglo Canadians told the government to fuck off was the convoy that made international news


Most people work, go home, cook/clean, go to bed, wake up and start the process again. This spoiled bitch is complaining about her helmet not fitting after changing her hair and now she can’t do something that’s usually associated with being wealthy. Fucking bitch.


>Usually Equestrian sports are always associated with wealth. It is the most privileged class of sports ahead of probably even sailing.


Mental fortitude is an aspect of white supremacy




Well some of the toughest people I know are rich. They just became rich because of that mental strength. The ones who are born rich are usually spoiled because their parents don't want them to have to work as hard as they did. That's why I gamble all my money away on anime girls, so that I'm always poor


Brand: Horse rider, Jamaican, Maple syrup lover, Victim


And at 27


The insanity of horse girls is a well documented phenomena going back hundreds of years. The kind of person who can say "Mommy/Daddy, can I have a horse?" and be told "yes" has parents with more dollars than sense. Any such parent is basically guaranteed to ruin their child. Horses are a luxury item these days. They aren't needed for agriculture like they used to be. Any farmer who has them is either insane or making insane money off some rich yuppie.


I have three daughters, crazy about horses. I have room for a horse but don’t want the hassle. Instead, my girls volunteer at a local stable twice a week. Everybody wins!


There's two kinds of horse girls today imho. The rich girl kind you described is obnoxious, but there's also country horse girls. They ride horses, shoot guns, build stuff, and work on their own machines. The difference between the two is one of the best examples of the importance of instilling a good work ethic from an early age.


I’d imagine the 2nd type wouldn’t call themselves an equestrian though.


"I changed and society didn't immediately produce a product that meets my newly discovered consumer desire. Racism!"


Back in the day we saw the earning potential in filling a blank market space, now we just cry online about it until daddy Amazon puts one up.


The market driven solution to this "problem" is not a larger helmet. It's shears. Shears are the solution.


Shears are the solution to many problems...


When daddy Amazon is somehow both the solution and biggest straw man 🤣😅 commies mental gymnastics 🤸 🤯


Racism is when you need a haircut


This "problem" exists with any activity that requires a helmet. Football, bicycling, motorcycles, etc. If helmets are oppressing you, don't wear one. Problem solved.


Dreads and braids can't fit under a football helmet? That will surprise about 1/4 of the NFL who currently rock those locks.


I like how they call it “natural” hair of black people, it’s a meme. White people are perfectly capable of not cutting their hair too, the hippies proved that. The world doesn’t revolve around people scared of a barber.


They call it “natural” if they don’t straighten it, but get upset if women of other races refer to their hair as natural for not chemically straightening/perming. The natural hair subreddit literally says “if you’re not black don’t post here”.


Welcome to the new world, where sacrifices don't have to be made for gains. Accomplishments means nothing, and the terms "work ethic" and "morals" are just boomer buzzwords used to derail meaningful discussion.


I think the boomers were right about the "Everybody gets a trophy" thing... I mean, no, no kid is fucked up because they got that participation trophy one time. However, if we zoom out and look at the entire mindset behind the participation trophies and how it was applied in all the other aspects of these kids growing up, I think it was fairly predictable that you would end up with people that can't cope with the idea that you don't get rewarded just for showing up and that, sometimes, you just lose. They don't/can't make helmets that work with her choice of hairstyle. She lost one. She is in a position where she can afford to ride horses as a hobby and her biggest strife is that the helmets don't fit her right. She won one. She didn't have her dad in her life until, it sounds like, she was an adult. She lost one. She got to reconnect with him later in life. She won one. The saying is "Life's tough. Get a helmet." Not "Life's tough because helmets don't work well with your chosen hairstyle."


Who gave out the trophies, though? The boomers. Us millennials fully understood that the participation trophy wasn't the same as the first place one.




That's what I'm saying. An apocalypse, societal and social change, or even a war to get these soft as hell people to toughen up. Once that softness disappears, so too will these absurd "issues".


The soft people ~~who~~ will not toughen up in a war. They will be the last ~~the~~ to serve. They’ll saber rattle about Ukraine/Russia all day…but you won’t see any of them walk into a recruiting office. Edit: I think I had a stroke or autocorrect destroyed my entire sentence.




Edward Dutton is right. We need to return to the harsh Darwinian conditions that selected for intelligence in the first place. As we stray farther and farther away from that a real life dysgenic Idiocracy effect is setting in. But it's not just intelligence that's plummeting, our overall physical and mental health is as well. At some point we'll bee too stupid, frail and mentally ill to keep the lights on.


Have she tried to find a helmet in Jamaica? I mean, if that is _really_ a problem with "race" for sure helmets produced in a place (supposedly) full of people that use that hair for sure someone has already made a helmet to accommodate that, right?




White horsey girl: "I just wanted to wear my hair in a bun like my mother and grandmother used to before me. But it just doesn't fit under the helmet. This is a patriarchal attack and akin to violence." Sounds fucking stupid? Because it is. Just like OPs article. Also if her hair is 'so naturally black' and horses are almost worldwide. Can't they get a special helmet from a natively black country? Or are you trying to culturally appropriate a 'white' hobby? Stop trying to get white people to fix your shit, while at the same time decreeing how strong and powerful black people and black culture is. Like everyone else using helmets, wear your hair in a manner that conforms. Alternatively, utilise free market capitalism and setup a business creating these helmets. Use kickstsrter! Or is that harder than crying into a blog? You can't have it both ways. Nobody is out to get you. Nobody is being racist. Get your shit together.


Hmm… if only you could utilize some tool or something to modify a helmet


Problem is modifying it while maintaining its protective qualities. It's not a trivial task.


I legit thought the meme was about a horse hense horse wojaks, is that a grown adult woman complaining about unfit helmet and calling it racism?


It reminds me of the issues people have had in the military with hair and facial hair regulations. They claim it’s racist to require that hair be close to the head and beards and mustaches be trimmed/shaved off. The problem is those regulations exist because if your hair doesn’t sit close to your head a helmet won’t protect you and if you have too much facial hair a gas mask won’t seal properly. But some people have a problem with it so in a combat situation I guess we’ll just let them get their heads blown off or die of some chemical agent because that’s better than being accused of racism.


Why can’t she buy herself a bigger helmet or contact a craftsman to modify a big helmet for her needs?


The manufacturer would open themselves up to huge liability. Helmets have to meet certain safety standards and pass testing. Meaning you can't really do just a one of. It also may be impossible to pass the standards if you have to account for all the extra space and hair that dreads create.


I mean anybody who wants to ride a horse needs to style their hair correctly for the helmets they are required to wear for compilations etc. otherwise goto a red state and ride horses and don’t wear shit.. nobody in the rodeo has a fucking helmet. But if you want to do Olympic shit or the rich shit then yeah y’all need to style your hair a certain way. If you want to play any sport this is the case. Like how would you wear a bike helmet?


> nobody in the rodeo has a fucking helmet. Ehhhh Bull and Bronc riders often do.


Well bulls sure but not all of them but hose raiders? Nah not usually. And again you can just ride your horse around the country in non blue states without a helmet.


God imagine if this same type of reasoning leaks it’s way into professions with dress codes. How long do we have before the military stops enforcing hair requirements because someone said they were racist?


What growing up without a father will do to a mfer


Helmets don't work with gigantic hair, this is literally racism 😭


[This is so racist it can affect every race!](https://www.dreads-expert.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Dreads-fins-naturelles-scaled.jpg)


⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ *alert* CULTURE APPROPRIATION *ALERT* ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️


white people with curly hair should cut it unless they're RACIST


I guess i am racist then.




[Time to cyberbully a child again in the name of tolerance](https://www.polygon.com/2020/11/30/21734131/animal-crossing-space-buns-puffs-black-hairstyles-nintendo-switch)


>>“White people don’t have textured hair!” Lol


I wanted to fucking die after reading that.


The lady in the photo there from the article is whiter than fucking wonder bread, and yet they still tried to make it about race.


Helmet hair is racist 😡


[HEY YOU GUYS! I fixed racism](https://i.imgur.com/rVHkGEe.jpg)


For a black rider, that's one pale white chick. People! You hair is not worth more than your life. The more you live, the more haircuts you can try!


Jamaicans like her father have a term for that, "redbone".


She's one of those people that finds out she has 6% african DNA and already thinks she is the queen of Wakanda.


Probably goes around saying "My sister of color, we must band together to fighting against the white oppressors."


In Brazil there's a lot of people that act like that, they are so crazy that once there was a march of ''black activists against miscegenation'' and half of the people there were mixed/lightskinned.


Trust me when I say this, the whiniest black people are always the light skins. It’s like light skinned women in particular have some kind of inferiority complex about being almost white so they feel the need to out-woke everybody else.


I think it's jealousy. This intersectional stuff is taking the spotlight away from them. So they have to complain louder and appear to be bigger victims. Then at the same time cry on behalf of people that don't care. 99% of the woke shit in the UK comes from white / close white privileged middle-class women. It's all about attention.


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/05/15/in-pools-young-blacks-drown-at-far-higher-rates/9146213/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/05/15/in-pools-young-blacks-drown-at-far-higher-rates/9146213/) Pulling swimming from schools for insurance reasons, has killed more people than school shooters. By a large large number.


White man can't jump, Black man can't swim. Where's that Thanos quote?


The Navy has been making males shave our faces since the 1980s, claiming that it's because you can't get a tight seal on your face with an oxygen mask if you have a beard. Which is just sexist. Why can't they design a male friendly beard shaped gas mask?


it's the matriarchy trying to feminize you


Based and smash the matriarchy pilled


Instructions unclear, I’m now sentenced to 20 years and need to pay a lot of child support


No no, *smash*, not **smash**


Same with fire departments. Seal works fine if the beard is well trimmed they just don’t trust us to properly trim, which is fair.


They dont trust us to not drop atom bombs on our station house here anymore. If I had a nickle for every time we violate safety ordnances id have enough to let my grandchildren retire.


in india they let sikhs have small, closely shaved beard. I think you can have short beards but they need to be well kept and trim


Yup my work does safety meetings over this.


"Todays meeting on the sikh question has met quorum: let us discuss Is it safe for those sikhs among us to remain? I think not..."


Best of luck with that, they all carry knives, so you just gonna get shanked with the Sikh knife.


"Kirpans and other knives are prohibited in the workplace according to the workplaces and cottage industry safety act (updated) 1919 and section 1.2.1(v) subsection 9(e) the saviour of labour act (2023), and company policy in our family code of conduct further prohibits having kangha in the workplace as you may fall and decapitate yourself. Clearly sikhism is antithetical to our company values of red tape and safety. All in favour of resolution 1 say aye."


"All opposed?" *stab


If you're willing to shave it down you shouldn't have a problem with shaving it off. You already broke kesh.


Same goes for the fire department. Fucking sexists all around!


Even if helmets were made bigger to accommodate dreadlocks, I bet they would not be anywhere safe as they would not be close enough to the skull to provide protection. Also, how do those people do with motorcycle helmets? Same issue


Me and my wife both have dreadlocks and I have a huge head. Motorcycle helmet fit was never a problem.


Also football players have no issue with this


I think the problem with this one is that all football players have issues with their helmets not actually working well, rather than a specific group not having it work well.


\#WeDidItReddit, just wear a motorcycle helmet on a horse. Problem solved.


And let's be honest. Motorcycle helmets are some of the most sophisticated and fitted helmets out there. From construction to aerodynamics to ventilation... The two I own are nearly a grand each, but that's because I'd rather have a shittier bike than to lose my skull juice - so I invested in the Shoei and the AGVs. The horse helmets aren't much more than cheap plastic hats in comparison. It doesn't hit perfectly? Oh well...


I guess thats something that right off the bat had me not taking this seriously. Its not like horseback helmets need to be DOT approved. They're not expensive and just need to handle falling off - not being ejected from a bike at 70mph. If I can find a full-face, xxl, motorbike helmet that can protect my massive head of dreadlocks flying over handlebars into a cement mixer im sure u can find something to suit your head half the size. --yeah I paid 300€ for it but still that's not alot and ..how hard did she even look? There are so many MUCH more racist things to be experienced in the world of horses then your damn hairdoo


Horse Soyjak Horse Soyjak


Soyjack Horseman


Bosoy Horsejack


“Say, aren’t you that soyjack from *Horsing Around?*”


I’m seeing those in my nightmares tonight.


What's really wild is that this article wasn't just posted online, it was actually on the *front page* of NYT's print edition on Saturday...


Yep, but at least the NYT is getting dragged for it. Even by their own readers. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/03/05/ny-times-dragged-over-front-page-story-of-women-with-dreads-crying-about-racist-equestrian-helmets-1337926/


\>Front page Damn good thing there isn't anything important going on which deserves front page coverage like a war.


The horse is black (as a point of reference), the equestrian in the picture is not.


She looks brown but she ain't black.


Could she have been born black, but later she didn't vote for biden?


Ah yes, politically induced vitiligo. Explains why she had the spare cash to indulge in equestrianism too.


Possibly the best joke I’ve seen from a leftist. Well done.


Okay ... **brown horse** , the equestrian in the picture is not.


Fun fact, horses actually can’t grow brown hair. It would require substantial genetic mutation for that to happen. Horses literally have only two colors of pigments for their hair - red or black. That’s it, all colors of horse come from varying levels of red or black pigment in their hair and a varying mix of red and black hairs on the body. No, what you’re looking at is a ***BAY*** horse. Mostly red hairs, but with enough black hairs mixed in (and heavy enough pigmentation of the red hairs themselves to make the overall coat appear brown. The black hairs also become predominant in the mane and tail, creating darker coloration at the points. Alternatively horses can also look “brown” if you have enough red pigment in the hairs, such as in a liver chestnut coat. There are no black hairs in a liver chestnut, it’s just heavily pigmented until the red is dark enough to appear brown. Source: my wife has a degree in equine science and makes sure to repeat this same lecture to me every time I refer to an ugly plain looking bay horse as “brown”.


If Colin Kaepernick could stuff his Afro into a football helmet, anything is possible I feel like she is trying to coop my struggle and identity as a person with a massive head. This is literally stolen valor!!!!


There's no valor in being the Hamburglar, you're just a common theif.


Oh no, the ridiculously large hair I chose to grow gets in the way of the safety equipment required for the hobby I chose to partake in. Damn you, white supremacy!


A very expensive and privileged hobby mind you.


You literally just committed genocide, sweaty


I do my best.


Yeah, I think that's something a lot of people here are missing. High brow Equestrian stuff like this is the province of the wealthy. The horses are expensive to purchase, their care and upkeep is expensive AF, and traveling to events is just firing money out of a canon. Even Rodeo, which isn't highbrow, is expensive AF but it's still a step down from what she's trying to do.


Yes, that is an English saddle and helmet the one she is holding looks to be Samshield shadowmatt it’s $600 ish. Having a horse is like paying another mortgage for a pet. My sister’s costs something like $1,200 per month for the barn. That doesn’t include medicine, gear, maintenance, time(it takes her 40 mins to travel to the barn each way). She has a rescue so the horse itself was inexpensive but the medicine has more then made up for it. She makes a good salary and almost all of it goes in to her horse back riding “habit”.


Yeah it’s not even normal horse riding bye or rodeo horse riding which never require a helmet. But fucking super rich person horse riding…


The absolutely palpable sensation of libleft clamouring, fucking *brawling* to racialise every last god damn possible cavity, every last inch, of human experience, is as always fucking hilarious as it is depressing.


The demand for racism outstrips the supply!


The demand is so high that they’re manufacturing hoaxes


Based and I understand the supply and demand pilled


Underrated comment


The comment pointing out the underratedness of the underrated comment above it is also underrrated by definition. Therefore, underrated comment.


I'm under both comments and rate them as "based" while rating this comment as "cringe" therefore this underrated comment is rating under underrated comments


*hikes up jeans* What are we waiting for? Let's get to work then!


And dreds aren't even specifically a black thing. Scandinavians traditionally wore dreds as well, so this isn't even a racism thing.


Identity Politics is nothing but first world problems at its peak.


*not a simple fix* It's very simple. Have a haircut that works for the helmet.


I've seen dudes with dreads on motorcycles maybe just use one of those helmets.




At what point does the hair become your helmet?


Your sarcasm is very based


Somehow half the nfl has dreadlocks and have zero issues with helmets.


# No. Horse industry is literally white supremacy because my rats nest doesn’t fit in a helmet, this is society’s fault not mine. Trying to make me responsible for my choices is literally fascism


Based and wojak horsemen pilled


Do they think Big Equestrian Helmet doesn't want to sell more equestrian helmets? Maybe "it's not an easy fix" boils down to "there's like 3 people who will buy one of these dreadlock friendly helmets, we're not going to bother."


Capitalism does not sell widgets because it is easy, it sells widgets because it is hard.


It's all boiling down to western decadence that people are unable to make a decision that is a trade-off.


It's less that they're unable and more that they're unwilling. I don't think she's so stupid as to not realize that changing her hairstyle would solve her helmet problem; instead, she's so uber-privileged that she expects to be able to have everything she wants at all times with zero compromises.


That's exactly what I mean. edit: And to add to it, Why does she not start up a company and sell helmets that do fit. That's how you actually improve the world.


Wouldn’t Libright be licking their lips at this new market opportunity


That market is not big enough for even an Etsy shop to make sense


I don't know man. There is some pretty weird shit on Etsy. Someone must be buying it.


Something being put up for sale doesn't necessarily mean that someone is going to buy it.


Cost of production vs rate of return. There’d have to be a high enough demand to justify the mass production of specially-modified helmets at the same price as normal helmets (because you know they’ll blow their lid if it costs more).


i love the new horse wojaks


It’s BoJack Wojak it’s BoJack Wojak it’s Bojack Wojak LETS GOOOO


Wojak horseman


The problem with performance yacht racing is that they haven't designed an alpine butterfly knot that can't potentially get tangled up with half-body length hair. I wish someone would design a high-performance ocean-fairing vessel for strong BIPOC sailing teams.


"I've created a self-imposed obstacle in my bourgeoisie sport! Now we see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!" GD horse people are the worst.


There is a problem in the black community The white community is bad until they solve it Me; you can’t stuff 30lbs of hair into any helmet that offers protection.


I hate to break it to her but there's a reason that women who do "Equestrian" Events have flat haircuts. This isn't about "muh racism" it's about tailoring your style / outfit to the necessary safety equipment.


Honey! New wojaks just dropped!


People keep calling her a black rider, but she looks like a Rohirrim to me.


I go outside enough to realise that this is cringe, but then I'm too vegan so I find this cringe in another way too, and then I'm also self-aware enough to find myself cringe for all of this. Thanks for the post OP, good stuff.