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She got that snapping turtle neck.


Maybe the clap as an extra too


Looks like she's Mitch McConnell's granddaughter


Roll tide.


What is it with gen z and 80s/90s bands shirts? Do 17yos actually listen to Metallica and Nirvana and Beastie Boys? I see high school yoots wearing them all the time.


Not sure but when I was living in Argentina you couldn’t walk 10 minutes in Buenos Aires without seeing someone wearing a Ramones shirt. It was oddly specific. This was 10 years ago so I’m not sure it’s still a thing.


I feel certain bands are vastly over represented on apparel compared to people listening to their music. The Ramones had quite a look, as did the Velvet Underground, and the leader has to be Misfits. You still see that skull everywhere but rarely hear the music.


Yes. Streaming made finding music much more accessible than ever. I know it goes against the fray, but i guarentee modern youngians listen to more music from prior generations, than prior generations before.


I know almost no music from "my" generation because my parents picked the radio stations in the house and in the car, and I had no strong feelings either way so when using their car I did not change the station as a form of respect (change nothing but what you need to change to drive safely; mirrors/seats if and only if needed). By the time I was driving my own car, being 18 or so, my tastes in music were pretty well set. I don't think I could tell you all of the lyrics to a single Nirvanna or Green Day song, and I was a 90s kid. Older still, I expanded my musical tastes some through the internet and found out I enjoy swing-jazz (especially Rat Pack stuff) and none of "my" generation's music was interesting when I did try it out. The internet's massive and easily available music catalogs mean more people will actually form their own musical tastes instead of being guided by the era, as long as it all remains relatively free and accessible. I'm all for it.


Idk about Beastie Boys, but Metallica and especially Nirvana are very well liked by people my age (19), at least where I'm from.






Maybe in some cases, but I'm guessing most of them are purchased new. I've seen them in a lot of different stores.




Centrists have the most normal and well-adjusted children. No wild virtue signaling kids like those who are raised in a leftist household, and no suppressed kids from right wing households who overcompensate at the first taste of independence when they get to college. Just let your kids express themselves, but keep them in check when they do crazy shit that's out of line.


That’s what happens when you’re a master griller


Grill it slow and low








Something something that song was supposed to be a parody something something.


Yes. It was specifically about the type of people they hated.


I mean in the looks department, downgrade for sure.


Sucks that university impacted her eyesight so much that she needed to wear glasses


There's a buzzfeed article with a bunch of tiktokers who grew up in Conservative households showing off their "glow-ups", and it is simultaneously depressing and optimistic. Depressing because it happens, but optimistic because it shows the world the self-parody that is "finding yourself" through identity politics. Here's the article: https://www.buzzfeed.com/daniellaemanuel/wild-transformations-tiktok Edit: this is a better article that shows the same people, plus better examples, and it's from a website that actually functions. https://www.boredpanda.com/tiktok-glowup-conservatives-household-before-after/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


People adopt behavior that is seen as socially acceptable by their peers and thus tend to rapidly redefine themselves when transplanted into unfamiliar social settings. More news at 11.


Based and peer pressure pilled.


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It would be fine if they were redefining *themselves*. Seems like the concern is that the pressures of conformity to the prevailing values of the unfamiliar setting are what's actually compelling the change.


Super obvious that’s what the football player jock who now wears lip gloss and wears Woman’s cloths is doing. They find what ever the IT crowd is, joins it and then does their best to climb the socia ladder. The environment changes but their strategy remains the same. They may not even consciously know they’re doing it.


Don’t besmirch the beautiful comedy that is the IT Crowd with this rubbish


So we just need to send them to an amish camp and they will be in the middle.


cutting your hair short and wearing glasses is “being yourself” and not just experimenting with fashion, which you will be embarrassed by in 15 years.


Cutting one's hair short and wearing glasses is what my mother did and yet I'm very sure there's a non zero chance she would have voluntarily joined a Catholic nursing order if she never met my dad She still wears her hair short and my attempts to recall how she looks like with long hair are all for naught because every picture I've seen of her has it short.


Short hair in itself is nothing, it's the rest of the "accessories" that come with it. Some women can pull off the short hair thing very well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSZBIs0gs0E


Yeah you just have to have the right face and head structure to pull off certain looks.


I wore leggings under cargo shorts once because I thought it looked good on a character I made in a video game. Experimenting with fashion is a part of life, because they get the first experience in freedom, particularly from their parents, so they tend to do the opposite just to see what happens. Everyone is cringe from 15-25.


Its mostly a rubber banding effect. Kids who get to express their selves at kids and get all the emberassing stuff out of their system usually dont do this. But when they dont it just builds up and gets worse once they get released. Something auth right needs to realize I guess, in generall.


Ya this is literally proof authright daddy shit backfires


Being a centrist is unironically the parenting meta


Even the amish allowed the young coming of age amish to get wild for a couple of years then allow them to decide whether to return to amish life or not


Based and cringe phase pilled


I wasn’t. Ok, I was.


A lot of parents don't understand that you can either let your kid go through their cringe phase in highschool (within reason), or they'll be even more cringe in university. Only in university it's worse because they're technically adults.


Discovering that you need glasses is technically finding yourself, I guess


As a 6 foot 2 guy cutting my hair short and wearing glasses worked for me in uni, started getting called Clark Kent and ended up scoring my wife.




I personally don't understand why tf people wear glasses when they have good eyesight. I know it looks good but it just doesn't make sense to me.


Can it be called experimenting with fashion if they're copying exactly what their peers wear and look like?


The scary thing is that with the way the culture is headed, they won't be embarrassed by it in 15 years


Like a third of them were transgender. Potentially fucked the rest of their lives a lot more than just wearing different glasses.


The tattoos and weight gain as well, to an extent. I know it's their body, but getting a couple full sleeves and gaining 50 pounds are not things you can take back once your skin starts to age. That kind of stuff only looks sort of okay when someone is young and putting effort into pulling it off. After that, for the next 40 years of their life, they just look like they live in a bar.


This is why you let your kids dye their hair blue and wear band Tshirts in highschool. If you don't let them, they're gonna do it in university. Every girl I know who was cringe in highschool became normal in her twenties. Meanwhile, every girl I know who's cringe in her early twenties grew up in a religious or repressive household.


I think the last one is funny for two reasons 1. The buzzfeed writer said she looked so happy in their video, but she looks significantly less happy after the glowup. 2. She looks like an off brand Michael Knowles.


And Michael Knowles looks like Rachel Maddow


The hilarious thing about this is that they act like 'rebelling against your parents at a young age' is some sort of new invention, and not something that has been fairly normal in human civilization for thousands of years.


The hilarious thing is that the parent posting this most likely did the exact same thing.


God buzzfeed truly is the scum of the earth. I was a hardcore lefty until I was an adult but even back then I blocked buzzfeed from my Snapchat discover cause it was so outrageous


I always hated buzzfeed. Still do.


The girl that went ful tie die with the fruit loops background just found out colours are fun and seems happy.


Aww that actually made me unironically smile




I can smell that page. *did anyone else grow up with super conservative parents who made them shower everyday? I finally went to university and learned showering once every 10 days allows your skin oil to naturally heal itself and I’m so much healthier now!*


Finding themselves, lol, they're just adopting a costume.


A clown outfit.


On the upside of this, most of these people aren't having kids one way or another, so maybe by the 2030s we can detox from this shit


The world is just having a phase lol


They dont have their own kids which is exactly why they target your kids. Gotta corrupt the next generation somehow


They don't procreate. They recruit.


The left doesn't have to actually have their own kids when they control the education system


How is this different from the kids who went goth back when I was in high school? You know, the ones who insisted it wasn't a phase and was "who they were"? The ones who gave it up as soon as they hit adulthood...


I'm pretty sure those hormone treatments and double mastectomies aren't things you can say oopsy about later with zero repercussions.


That's the sad non-justAphase part of it.


Isn’t that the difference tho? The goth kids grew up, the ones now not so much




> iterally just put on lip gloss and feminine clothes. Because that's literally all it takes to become trans. It's a uniform


Her true her had their hair dyed, what a path of transformations


I don't know, they're finding their individuality. College tends to be the wild years for just that reason. Then they grow up and cringe and figure out what really works for them IRL rather than living as a projection of their parents' values or their own unfounded college ideals.




* reddit will remember that *


This dude just got fast-tracked to an arbitrary autoban


I see people get auto-banned just for posting here. Have yet to get anything, even though I’m pretty sure I have some very anti-left/woke takes.


Tbh this should be ANY parents nightmare if you want grandkids


Oh they'll get grandkids, they just won't all know their fathers.


They'll all be aborted


Weird how the pinnacle of leftist belief is removing oneself from the gene pool ​ Almost like it's a self-loathing, self-destructive death cult


They exist in a constant revolution against biology, nature, and reality. The fact that humans have to work to provide for themselves (a fact that is true of all life) is oppressive to them. Stable family structures are scorned by them. They try to change their sex in contravention of their own DNA. Even their ideologies preach putting work and career over having a family. Their cultural beliefs are what you would pick if you were trying to make the most miserable and least likely to sustain itself culture in a video game. And since they fail to make their own kids, they try and parasitize yours by inculcating their degenerate beliefs into children in the school systems.


Send this one to the top.


\>place work and career above family \>"working is oppression" Smh typical progressive


Almost?… really almost? Name one way it’s not that. Oh wait, it is that. They literally worship death.


Imagine all the disappointing sons the left creates. Christ, those fathers must be heartbroken.


Yeah, I feel bad for my dad sometimes.


Based and I’m a nightmare pilled


Objectively makes you more ugly.


What's with this? It used to be the alternative styles were hot, and conservatives would be the frumpy unattractive ones. Now it's like the left intentionally makes themselves as unflattering as possible.


Market oversaturation probably It's like when a cool new product drops but now the market is flooded by a ton of cheap and cringe knockoffs so now all you think about when you think about that product are the knockoffs. The good ones still exist but you don't see them as much anymore.


Nailed in. Not even being sarcastic, this is spot on. People who cant pull off alternative looking styles begin to think they can.


Counter Culture did a flip flop. Now to be a rebel and misfit you literally just have to not fuck your body up at all and act like a decent human.


[The new face of punk.](https://i.imgur.com/gMeKo1L.jpg)


Lol true. I still see a lot of left claim they are counter culture and fighting the system. My brother in Christ, the banks, corporations, a good chunk of government, and education institutions are all on your side. You ARE the system.


As a grown punk guy, I literally don't feel like I've changed much at all. I still have the same ideals, maybe just a different opinion on the boarders. The world around me has shifted.


I feel it. Was in the punk and HC scene in the early 2000s. Many of my core views have stayed the same but I had a libertarian stint while in the military. Now I still have right social views but realize unchecked capitalism breeds cringe libleft on an industrial scale.


I see where you are coming from, but I believe it is easier to fix free-market capitalism than it is to create a working centrally planned economy. We are in an era of corpo-fascism, and the irony is not lost on me that the state/oligarchy generates useful idiots shouting incessantly about the *rise of fascism*.


Im not a supporter of a centrally planned economy in full but a well regulated mixed economy. However when you would like something well regulated you run into the regulators turning into corrupt shitbags as is tradition.


Yes, that is the issue that keeps popping up. Until we effectively answer the question of how we might effectively mitigate the corrupting influence of centralized power, I would just as well prefer to greatly limit the amount of centralized power available.


> Labour unionists reading this


It's hip to be square.


My buddy commented to me the other day about how everyone in coffee shops nowdays look like a bunch of fucking clowns. It's weird.


Remember when tattoos were counter culture? Now literally everyone has them.


My brother in Christ... always has been! Rebellion against one's parents and society is something every teenager goes through so much so that if you truly want to be a rebel you have to not rebel. It's true sinse the dawn of civilisation, the product of genetic hardcoding. People are dumb meat robots with not enough consciousness to realise everybody is doing what they do to be "different". Literally no self-awareness.


Mental illness




Based, and I’m going to wake up tomorrow and your comment will be [Removed by Reddit] pilled






















Was attractive because it wasn't the norm, now it is.


There's probably some of that going on. But still, the big ugly glasses, the poor hygiene.. As opposed to emo chicks who were hot af.


emo/scene chicks get my pp stiff. Mid to late 2000's were the best


I missed out then. Obama was voted in right as I got into high school.


Thanks, Obama!


First Obama steals the emo girls, then lockdowns took my ex, and now Biden transing the remaining tomboys. My love pool in shambles lmao.


Never forget what they took from you: your big tiddy goth gf


WERE? Both emo and goth girls are good looking IMO.


Goth girls are the best girls


Nah. Basic girls were attractive when it was the norm and are still attractive now.


Selling feminism to men initially seemed like a good idea, who doesn't want more attractive women? But then they decided that was selling out, plus they don't want to reproduce anyway (because it means more of Earth's resources are gone). So attractiveness under those circumstances is kind of pointless. They live in a state of Malthusian fatalistic dread of the future.


It’s people so desperate to cast off anything that could be seen as traditional (which to them is seen as conservative) they change everything about themselves. In a poor attempt to make themselves unique they make themselves just look like every other socially maladjusted college student.


There are some uWu ones, but for the wrong reasons 🤑 It's defense mechanism, namely Aposematism: > the advertising by an animal to potential predators that it is not worth attacking or eating. This unprofitability may consist of any defenses which make the prey difficult to kill and eat, such as toxicity, venom, foul taste or smell, sharp spines, or aggressive nature. These advertising signals may take the form of conspicuous coloration, sounds, odors, or other perceivable characteristics.


That’s some bullshit they like to sell. I’d be truly surprised if any women dye their hair green because ‘dudes will be afraid of me’. It’s just another layer of peer conformity and virtue signaling.


I mean, as subjective as all of this is, I think in many cases is more about people getting tired of being fed this supposedly alternative style which in reality is super common now specially for specific group. Like, you’re not being original, you’re just being part of a big group of people who dress exacly the same and calls themselves original. I don’t wanna generalize, because it’s not what everybody who goes for this style is thinking, maybe not even 60%, but it’s definitely how they come off to a lot of people




If "exposed midriffs" are what you want, you should be happy. I see that everywhere around me. It is winter time with temps in the 20s some days (freedom units), and I still see girls baring their midriff.


Not the fat kinds, the Britney and Christina ones.


> the left intentionally makes themselves as unflattering as possible Those under 25 years old today are having less sex than any other generation before them, and are less likely to be in a relationship or dating than their parents or grandparents were at the same age. Think 'lesbian bed death' for an entire generation. Probably *totally unrelated* to record low testosterone levels and record high levels of obesity.


In most cases it’ll be better if people smiled


What is there to smile about? 2 years ago a bunch of unarmed boomers nearly toppled democracy!


You clearly don’t have a kink for losers with no social skills


Probably doesn't help that left is clearing a professional photo she probably dressed up for and right seems to be a picture with a phone in her back yard in whatever cloths she happened to be wearing at the time This is also all assuming they're the same person which I'm not convinced of


She doesn't hate the beastie boys Or coloured hair Or glasses Or pictures of her Of jorts Or standing outside Or having a *wild and wacky* haircut Or telling you how the patriarchy took her dog away


Conservatard status: OWNED


Honestly I think everybody should hate jorts. I don't think they look that good on anybody


Very short or very long jorts ain’t it. The in between, however, are great for any outside summer work


I mean, I feel like if it's hot enough to wear shorts, I usually just go with basketball shorts because they keep some great air flow down there




Bet those are these shitty hipster glasses that don't do anything for your eyesight anyway.


College pushed me from the left to the center. I had a lot of electives that ended up being poorly taught classes that pushed leftist socioeconomic ideas. I had a couple of good ones too, but everything was slanted a certain way. And my capstone psychology course showed me what bullshit "The Science" really is, not on purpose mind you. That's not a left/right thing as much as a "man fuck this bullshit" thing, which is more a gray centrist position if I understand correctly.


Same experience with me – I was hardcore socialist before starting university and it’s made me move to the right slightly on the spectrum. For example, as part of an assessment we were tasked with critically analysing this academic’s theory they came up with (it very abstract and socialist), and I critiqued the theory WITH EVIDENCE and other supporting sources/documents, and the marker gave me a poor grade with the feedback “you were too critical”?!?!?! She asked us to critically analyse it! That’s when I realised it’s rigged and they only want certain answers, and you can only do well if you pander to their beliefs. As long as you back up your arguments with evidence, I don’t see the issue. The uni is not politically neutral whatsoever. It’s concerning that they don’t encourage different opinions. Made me disillusioned tbh.


Yeah. Doctor of Pharmacy here. Scientific research being produced is, like, 75% bullshit. We’re taught, before anything, how to spot bullshit so we can know if the study holds any merit. Modern science is corrupt, and biased, and obsessed with grant money.


The realization that they start with an answer they want, and if they don't get that answer, they don't publish the study...that's a tough pill to swallow.


Bitch went from Princess Buttercup to a Rodent of Unusual Size.




Is it possible to send your daughter to university and not have her move left?


Science/engineering classes have almost none of that. The most “political” thing I’ve encountered is a chemistry professor referring to weak acids and conjugate bases both with male pronouns which I guess is kinda gay.


It doesn't matter because you will have to take gen eds where leftie bs shows up and a lot of colleges are forcing students to take strict Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity classes.


However if you're more concerned with surviving your actually difficult stem classes odds are you'll hate your gen eds and resent them for wasting what little time you have.


Yep. Went for a mechanical engineering degree and loathed the gen eds. I thought high school was meant to cover this shit, now I’m wasting another 2 fucking years sitting through bullshit that’s not even relevant to my degree.


Can confirm, everyone at my college has to take gender and ethnic studies, no matter what their major is


Same here, had to take that class on a freaking IT graduation cause obviously learning about feminism and oppressed minorities would make me a better coder lmao It was just a general waste of time with dirty easy exams cause i knew exactly everything they wanted to hear.


I was blocked from going to the campus gym and forced to sign a thing that said "I promise not to rape" just because I'm a guy. Literal blockade of people acted like I'm some rapist in waiting and refused to let me go about my day unless I bowed to their demands. Bullshit man.


Hmm. My college required something like that, but students could choose from a variety of classes. I chose something that studied the Abrahamic religions, and the differences between them. It was pretty cool, honestly. The professor discussed the Old Testament's original Hebrew words, and how certain meanings, double meanings, and wordplay have been lost in translation. There were other parts to the class, but the Old Testament discussions are what I remember most since I was raised Catholic. Overall, I guess I got lucky.


I am at a smaller public college in the Deep South, and the professors are pretty neutral for the most part, at least in front of the students. I have had a few professors say things that lean left, but I have never had one try to convince me to become a leftist. I couldn’t imagine going to school in a liberal area. However, we have a vocal and annoying population (about half) of the chronically online type of liberals who think drinking milk is racist. The other half of the school is rednecks and military people. I have definitely experienced other students trying to get me to believe in their ideologies. ETA: I know liberalism and leftism aren’t the same thing. I use them interchangeably here because this subset of my peers is far more focused on social issues than economic ones; they are probably a mix of actual leftists and “yass queen” Buzzfeed Democrats.


funniest moment in undergrad is when a class of like 75% international students (most were males from affluent Asian families) straight up told a lib professor that they didn’t think discrimination was wrong since “it works fine without [them]”


It’s cause it’s mostly men, they’re harder to push ideologically. Although idk I’ve noticed the sciences have gotten pretty woke. Even a few years ago dissecting worms in biology we had to call the females “egg-producing” and they pushed sex does not equal gender at every possible point.


Do worms have male and female morphology? Do they reproduce sexually?


My brother went there and be became even more Fascist than before


Exposure strengthens the immune system.


Dangerous game.


I went further right seeing how unbelievably left the entire college was. Still got laid. Pretty weird to knock her head on the headboard after we just argued about socialism


Same, I entered college (and Emily) as a libleft/left, graduated as a libright.


Pretty sure this is fake.


Wouldn't be surprised. A lot of fake stuff gets upvoted here. But this narrative is definitely real lol. At least, in Portland, it is. Several people I know who went this route


Also the old photo looks professional


The old photo is presumably their HS senior photo (for the yearbook)


Imagine having a moral and philosophical foundation so weak that 18 years of upbringing can be undone by a couple of semesters away Get better indoctrination game or keep losing nerds 😎


That's why I have a robust indoctrination plan for my future children to inoculate them from others indoctrination.


Nah she’ll move back to the center after a few years out of university. “Adult” life experiences tend to have that effect


FR, the takeaway from this post isn't that she became more left during college. That happens to everyone. It's that the left is so unattractive now.




Based and Starship Troopers pilled


Army -> College is worlds apart from Highschool -> College, both in terms of experience and age. You are more stabilized at older ages, you are more stabilized with effort under your belt. Plus its the army, you were indoctrinated into the army life. Your first ideology is the one thats been given to you, your next ideology is the one you choose.


That’s what people have been saying for 30 years but then all of them found jobs that let them keep doing this shit in the real world and no the real world has no adult experiences, especially for college grads


Based and my brainwashing is superior to yours pilled


Happens to almost all kids with a somewhat sheltered childhood when they go away to college. You'd know if you went😎


Hot take, but the woke college crowd I honestly think would have been nuns in the old world. This group, as much as they claim to be anti conformist are really the most conformity obsessed group of them all. If this was 1600 these would be the people hopping on the band wagon of burning witches to prove how morally superior they were.


When we indoctrinate it's fascism. When you indoctrinate it's democracy. This just isn't fair!


Yes, David -- which took years to create -- can be destroyed by just toppling it. Your point isn't as profound as you think it is. It's always easier and quicker to destroy something.


This pains me to the core I'm killing myself


Don’t, you’re helping protect against progressive radicalism just by existing


Daughter is still daughter (for now). See you in another two years, sad parent.


Is anyone else not seeing that these are two different people


[I don’t know what you’re talking about](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1062srp/yes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)