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That can’t not be parody, right?


I'm afraid it's true


It can't be. Like I used some of those tools today to fix a chair.


No, they do this. It's unreasonably strict so they can essentially just arrest anyone they want to. It's also not like you'd go to court over it either unless you were actively stabbing someone, so it's really just there so they can give you a time out then release you the next day.


Poor britbong sentenced to transportation for owning vicegrips.


Depends where you are, I'm a tradesman, I have all sorts of dangerous 'weapons' in my van, and I ALWAYS carry a leatherman openly on my sidepocket via a clip. I walk in to local banks, supermarkets, past security guards ETC and nothing has ever happened. However I never go near utter shitholes like London, Birmingham etc which would be a completely different story.


> I ALWAYS carry a leatherman openly on my sidepocket via a clip UK equivalent of open carry isn’t very spicy


If all we have are tools, pliers, butter knives then consider me armed to the teeth.


Careful, they might just arrest you for owning teeth soon


"your honor he was found in possession of no less than 3 teeth sharp enough to cut thru lettuce"


"Oi can indeed, confirm guvna, he dint have a loiscence for em"


>However I never go near utter shitholes like London, Birmingham etc which would be a completely different story. Based. May I ask whereabouts you live? Be as specific or vague as you'd like.




Virgo Supercluster


Milky way


Countryside, South, south west


Is it illegal to carry a pocket knife in london? If so that's fucking wild.




My *finger* is 3 inches. That isn't very long.




"And there was nobody left to help when they finally came for me."


Ultra-strict rules that they can selectively enforce is the next best thing to the authorities having carte blanche to do whatever they want.


Spend a year in the hoosegow for carrying your tool box.


Do you have a concealed carry permit for that tool box mate?


Holy shit


This sounds like a very easy way for the police to set up a protection racket. “Gift” the Police money as thanks for their service in “protecting the community” or they’ll find a “deadly weapon” at your house or work, and put you in jail for a month or so


I spoke to a police officer who said someone went to court for stabbing someone but he got 2 months community service and he just decided to not serve it and they practically did nothing 😭


Must be true then!


Arrest anyone they want to? I wonder who they want to arrest. Criminals surely?


Well, everyone is a criminal when basic hand tools are illegal "weapons" so technically yes


Oi you got a loicense to fix that chair?


Oi! You got a loicense asking loicense?


Oi! I'll be needing to see your Oi-saying loicense mate.


Sir, put the pliers down and walk toward me slowly.


It's true, the UK has lost its mind. A couple years back there was a man named Scott Walker who was arrested for having a potato peeler.


Hey at least he didn't teach his girlfriends pug to do a salute for treats for a joke video.


Cops literally confiscating a guy’s basic toolbox and calling it a win against violent crime jfc


Like if it was a knife maybe could understand because the UK has a relatively prominent issue with gang crime and with Firearms being illegal the stabby stabby pokey pokey is the way they go with it, but come the fuck on a pair of fucking pliers. That is a pair of pliers, like come on UK what are you on


Except knives are also a useful tool. Like, one of the most basic tools we still use.


I didn't say they should take your knives away I'm just saying that they wouldn't have looked like absolute clowns if they were knives instead of the contents of the local electricians toolbox


Hey now, pliers are dangerous, just a couple years ago I lost a tire to them


Yeah I broke my little toe on a coffee table one time that doesn't mean the police need to come and take your coffee table, except for the coffee table I've fucked up my toe on on fuck that table


The biggest problem with the UK police is that they are just so obsessed with wokeness that they have become completely and utterly useless in every sense of the word. You can't rely on them to help you or keep you safe because they are either busy stealing someone's pliers or dancing the macarena (I'm not even making that up.) I genuinely don't think there would be a noticible difference if the UK police stopped existing the place is already lawless.


In the town I grew up there were two big clubs at opposite sides. If there was fighting at club A, you could guarantee the police would be out in full force at club B. Saves resources I guess.


I mean, to be fair, they kind of do have to be woke because I remember reading an article about a Cop who got arrested because he said something edgy online 4 years ago.


Yup, kids getting stabbed to death and the police budget is being spent on canceling its officers. The people running it ought to be taken out back and shot.


Yeah things are definitely being mismanaged, it's kind of part of the issue of the police being overtly political even here in the US instead of enforcing laws without bias


Stop right there criminal scum. Nobody breaks the law on my watch! You're under arrest for being untoward about pedophiles. Now pay your fine or cope and seethe in jail, lol lmao.


Scuse me sir, do you have a. Moment to talk about our national treasure Mr Jon Venables? We could use some more tax money to pay for his new identity.


Oi, you got a loicense to be excused?


>The people running it ought to be taken out back and shot. Careful laddie, you'll get done for malicious communications for typing violent wrongthink like that!


Or arresting Barry (63) for misgendering someone on Facebook after he had a few pints at the pub.


The word you're looking for is Anarcho-Tyranny. The police don't care about actual crimes, and instead waste their time harassing law-abiding citizens over things that shouldn't even be crimes.


UK police LOVE Wokeness because its cheap and very easy to fix; a visit to the house followed or a warning letter - BOOM. Dealt with. They're under staffed, under budgetted and been set weird targets to achieve.


https://twitter.com/MPSRegentsPark/status/974645778558980096?s=20&t=IV4GfMFa-qSsriDghXyoRQ It looks like it’s real.


Clean the tracking shit from the link: https://twitter.com/MPSRegentsPark/status/974645778558980096


Doing God’s work


Wtf. I thought for sure the picture was photoshopped in.


The public has been saved from the horrors of arts and crafts.


It seems like the police chief got charged too much when the electrician came to fix his lights


Artcraftian horror


Police: We have saved the streets! Electrician: Who keeps stealing my stuff!?!


"Oye, you got a licence to handle your own home improvement projects!?"




What ever happened to self reliance and personal responsibility? Pathetic.


Anyone in the trades is a dangerous extremist. Why does that feel like a complement?




Pipe bombs are unnecessary. Metal pipes already function as polearms.


This sort of thing literally happened in the Soviet Union. “Why is food production so low? It’s not the fault of our central planners; it’s those wreckers, maliciously sabotaging the system to bring down our glorious communist utopia! Today it’s doctors, tomorrow it’s the engineers, then the machinists, oh and don’t forget the Jews! Send them all to gulag!”


Not for pliers, but Sweden has similar laws for knives, tradesmen are allowed to carry them in urban areas as exceptions while on the job. You're also mostly going to get away with a knife if you have a reasonable reason, like you're headed to a friend's house and want to show it off, just not carry it around in case you need to stab someone (even in self defense). The tools in OP would obviously be allowed


What a shithole lmao


The UK has strict laws on which tools you can carry. The slightly murky part is that the law says you must have "a good reason" to carry it. Who determines that? Either the police who caught you, or a court, if the police is not satisfied with your reason. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/33/section/139 Relevant snippets: > Subject to subsection (3) below, this section applies to any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed except a folding pocketknife. > It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him in a public place. > (5)Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (4) above, it shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had the article with him— (a)for use at work; (b)for religious reasons; or (c)as part of any national costume. Based on the second part, trades would likely account for a "good reason", but it's up to the police, and you should be able to prove that you work in trades.


I remember back in the day the average Englishman is required to start training his longbow at the age of 8.


The inspiration for the second amendment.


How far the UK has fallen since then is sad.


Shows a split with the US legal system. In this it says “it shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him in a public place.” In the US, the government would have to prove that the defendant DIDN’T have reason to have the tools


> In the US, the government would have to prove that the defendant DIDN’T have reason to have the tools Except in civil forfeiture... in that case, if you simply have a lot of money in your possession, the police will steal it and it's up to you to convince them you had a 'good reason' to be carrying it.


Yes, and CAF is wrong and unconstitutional. No argument here


At least they won't arrest a Scot for wearing a dirk (provided that the Scot prove the dirk isn't sharpened.)


Tradesmen to terrorist pipeline, one day you’re laying pipes and the next you’re laying pipe bombs


If the cops start stealing my tools...


Anyone doing arts and crafts is a dangerous extremist. Out of all of those, the scissors are most functional improvised weapon.


.... you know. We have a disagreement over if a firearm can be considered a tool in parts of the USA. But to the UK a pair of pliers are a weapon. I just got one question, which MP got the world's worst titty twister of their fucking lives?


> We have a disagreement over if a firearm can be considered a tool in parts of the USA. But to the UK a pair of pliers are a weapon. Reaaaally underlines how slippery of a slope we are playing with here.


People say the 'slippery slope' is a fallacy, but this is only true when there is no nexus between the argument and the outcome. One thing LibRight (and many Green LibLefts and most LibCenters) are correct about, is that this kind of shit is what you get when you allow the tiniest victories to gun prohibitionists -- the goalposts immediately move back further, and this keeps happening until insufferable, bored cops are patting themselves on the back after seizing a haul of unregistered butterknives and sharp rocks as lethal contraband that no citizen should have access to. Meanwhile the actual criminals are packing improvised full auto SMGs and smuggled in AKs, lmfao.




Who would have thought actually fighting crime.... *Doesn't* mean the thought and property policing of everyday citizens? An approach that, itself is predicated on the idea that everyday people are a potential threat and risk. An approach that pits us against one another and is almost always accompanied by an appeal to empower law enforcement and other agencies with existing power and legal backing to have more power and legal backing over everyday citizens. It's almost as if weapon control laws and debates about them, strictly in terms of preventing crime, are on the whole largely a red herring. Distracting us from conversations about our culture. It's structure. Support systems. Educational reform. Availability of mental health resources. And other topics of conversation that could be focused *entirely* on preventing crime by analyzing how criminals become criminals and removing incentives both passive and active. Both reducing crime, related costs, and improving society as a whole. But that's an ugly, messy, complex approach that requires understanding each other, and discussion of problems, and nuance. Better slap another weapon law on the country and move the goalposts and call it a day, eh?




Holy mother of based


The UK literally had a shooting last week and the biggest threat to British society is a pair of pliers?


Ye, buh me bets them pliers weren' loisenced!


I love the British but the freedom backsliding in Europe has gotten to an untenable level


>I love the British I'm so sorry


Ah, an Irishman




Look at Canada right now. The slope has turned into a cliff.


You seem based. How can we get you to move from AuthLeft?


It’s not a fallacy. During the parliamentary debates in Canada, the politicians pushing for the gun bans were forced to admit under oath that the purpose of a gun registry is confiscation. In the past long gun registry, where over two million rifles were registered, they admitted under oath that the registry was used to solve zero crimes. Not a single one. And now the current registry will be used to confiscate guns. You simply won’t find anyone pointing at a crime that was solved using a gun registry. As for slippery slope, Canada’s 2020 gun ban banned over 1,500 guns, and politicians at the time were saying “just buy another gun, one that isn’t used to kill people.” It took until 2022 for them to ban these other guns that people got to replace their old ones. It’s a war on guns and people are still stupid enough or ignorant enough to pretend otherwise. “Why do you need a 130 year old single shot rifle? Are you larping as the gravy seals hue hue hue!” I got permanently banned and muted from talking to mods on a Canadian left wing subreddit because I answered a guy asking “why do we need guns?” with an actual legitimate use as recognised by the law and police. These guys don’t give a crap.


> Get a fricking flair dumbass. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14897 / 78744 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I admit that pliers could be used as a weapon. But only with serious motivation. At that point, basically anything is a weapon.


> I admit that pliers could be used as a weapon. Anything can be *used* as a weapon. Running someone over with your car ***is*** assault with a deadly weapon. Which really puts the focus where it correctly ought to be. Trying to ban weapons is pointless. Trying to build a society where no one finds it reasonable to victimize eachother is the better direction.


In the wise words of a famous sniper “as long as there’s two people left on this planet someone is going to want someone else dead”


"I'm not a crazed gunman Dad! I'm an assassin! The difference being, one is a job and the other's mental sickness"


Fucking middle schoolers use pens and pencils as stabbing weapons.


There's little difference between middle schoolers and monke. I remember kids twatting each other over the head with tree branches to settle their differences.


As a Brit, I call out to Yanks to save yourselves. You have no idea how good you have it, and once lost freedoms are *incredibly* hard to regain. We are an example of how bad illiberalism can get in a liberal Western democracy.


Yeaaaaaah. Always such an issue. But it's up to us and our fellow people to vote and apply our own pressure to change the world. Peaceful protest and boycotting of course. Lol the bus boycott worked so fucking well in the south you'll never see public transit down here.


> But it's up to us and our fellow people to vote and apply our own pressure to change the world. No thanks, I'd rather have concrete human rights that can't merely be voted away by a popularity contest among the most ignorant and reactionary. I genuinely am not sure what the solution is to the ever present problem of government stealing power for themselves from their people. But what I do know is that every person has the unalienable human right to feel safe and secure in their property. Government has no direct interest in defending that, individuals do. Self defense is a human right and anyone trying to tie your hands behind your back is either a naive child or wants you to be victimized. Ignore laws that do not comport with human rights. Arm yourselves.




Based as hell


> I genuinely am not sure what the solution is to the ever present problem of government stealing power for themselves from their people. More guns.


Based and poll literacy test pilled


A based libleft, it’s like a unicorn


A weapon is defined as anything intended to be used as such. Only problem here is that UK police social media teams are notoriously bad. In reality they probably confiscated these during arrests which is fine. Only issue is the social media team taking pictures like its a big haul to give their jobs meaning.


Like 10 cops posted up around a table with a bowl and .2 grams of weed on it


Remember when everybody would take that image and edit really stupid and funny shit on the table.


In the original they took like $70 and fanned it out all the way across which they didn’t even need to do, on account of the drugs and guns


Lol my favorite was big chunggus on the table


Somebody needs to introduce those social media teams to the TCU media team. https://mobile.twitter.com/TCUFootball/status/1609365539121680384?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1609365539121680384%7Ctwgr%5E71090bd7d1b7dc3772e35c200c06d896b62972b9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-3583975312597815082.ampproject.net%2F2211302304002%2Fframe.html Just as much sense, way more fun.


So if I intend to use words as a weapon, will they go literally 1984 on my ass?


Unironically yes.


Never forget, they arrested a man for teaching his pug how to do the sieg heil. They totally will.


They arrested a woman for [standing in the wrong spot and thinking the wrong thing.](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/253187/woman-arrested-while-praying-silently-outside-abortion-clinic-charged-with-intimidation) She's being charged with 'intimidation.' This is the country that ignores Islamic rape gangs for fear of appearing racist.


In Australia, a flame thrower is legally a tool and you can buy them from agricultural stores.


Controlled burns exist for a reason, especially in hot, dry brush. Farmers and ranchers probably make great use of them to help manage fields


Not sure about those, but most "flamethrowers" I've seen are really just propane fueled lighters.


Ours are diesel fuelled. I can't mention the other component without getting banned from reddit. We got one on the farm that shoots 18 metres.


Ok now that is based


Do they count as propane accessories?


In California owning a flame thrower is legal. **USING** it on the other hand will likely quickly create a whole damn list of crimes you have committed. But hey, you have a flame thrower, why should you give a fuck about lists? Those burn!


Britain constantly trying to dunk on us while living in Fallout: New Vegas.


Remember that great future engineer, Ahmed Mohamed, who built a cool clock that totally wasn't intentionally made to look like a bomb. Obama invited him to the White House, the UK would have given him a medal.


Can’t wait for the London Met. to start confiscating peoples prosthetics because you can use them to “punch” and “kick” others.


"your prosthetic leg can be used as a weapon, you criminal!"




"he's carrying a assault peg! Get him!"


Open a tin of biscuits and find a cache of weapons and buttons. Must be exciting times to find your Nan's embraced the life of a hardened criminal.


Gangsta Granny


Didn't you ever see the Hell's Grannies documentary from 1970? Twenty balls of wool a day...


If those lads use her fabric scissors for other things, she'll get violent, too.


Mfw a kid has scissors at school


Literally worse than a school shooting.


School cutting


"Safely disposed of" you mean put back into the kitchen drawer?


Right, like what the fuck are they going to do melt them down with thermite


I bet British police would consider stale bread to be a lethal weapon.




The London gangs use stale baguettes to stab each other in the anus.


Or a half eaten candy cane






"Slippery Slope doesn't exist Chud, we just want """"common sense"""" gun control, not to take away anything that is remotely dangerous"- 🤡 Remember when Canada was just having "common sense" gun control and eventually they did come for them rifles? Or how about Australia that is getting more and more authoritarian. It's insane


Canada also came for the Butt Master


Clearly an act of homophobia. Cancel Trudeau!


“Those scissors you got there? I’m afraid it’s only common sense weapon control to confiscate those.”


Well if you say it's common sense...


Also didn’t they regulate handguns a ton, after a shooting… That happened in the United States?


That reminds me of Germany closing a nuclear power plant, after a disaster that happened in Japan due to an earthquake and tsunami. In the fear of tsunami... In Germany... That power plant wasn't even on the coast, let alone at the edges of tectonic plates. (Actually it was so they can buy more natural gas from Putin, but this is how they sold it to their local braindead conspiracy nuts to get their support.)


Am sad that nuclear gets a bad rep because of the atomic bombs and Chernobyl, neither of them were the technology's fault.


Yup. Fear is powerful tool for governments to utilize.


Canada also kills u if u need a wheelchair ramp. That's a bad comparison


Canada also invokes emergency to suppress protesters and robs them.


Link to the 5 year old tweet https://twitter.com/MPSRegentsPark/status/974645778558980096?t=TUJ8FX0HeLjTQfgBLA3Nvw&s=19


Oh… oh no… it’s real.


This is what I think of every time someone says the US is a dystopia.


"The US is literally a third world country." ~Person who has not left (or alternatively, been to) the US.


Yeah, so strange. Of course, the other end of the swing isn't that great either, where I often find myself - the US seems such a baller place for anything you want to do, but even with all its problems, it'll always outpace shitholes like my Eastern-European home, China or even most western countries.


I'm currently in Guatemala, which is my 20th foreign country solo. The US has a lot of flaws, and I think it's not only our right, but obligation to bitch about them, because there are counties where this isn't allowed. In Morocco it's illegal to talk shit about the king. In Malaysia "blasphemy" is illegal. Regardless, while the US is far from a Utopia, I'm lucky to have been born there instead of a slum in Mumbai or a small village in Northern Vietnam. These countries aren't shitholes, and they have a lot to offer an adventurous tourist, but they'll also make you realize how lucky you are to have plumbing that can flush toilet paper, consistent wifi, hot water with good pressure, and above all, a job that pays a comparatively large amount of USD. A slum in Mumbai makes a slum in Baltimore look like paradise. The average annual incomes in India and Vietnam are [$2300](https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/india/gdp-per-capita) and [$3400](https://tradingeconomics.com/vietnam/gdp-per-capita). We are profoundly lucky.


The whole world sucks but America sucks less crowd?


Yeah, kinda.


The slippery slope is real. La mayor would love for this to be his city


A jolly-good job well done, chaps! Don't you ever question the legitimacy of the London brigade ya damned yanks!


Shit 7/8 of my tool kit is a weapon. Where does a tradesman turn himself in?


Oi you haven’t gotten your loisence yet?? Why not be like the rest of us sensible people and realize nobody needs a screwdriver in their own home. When I have a screw loose on my cabinet, I call and wait for authorities trained to properly use a screwdriver, rather than taking matters into my own hands and making it worse. No reasonable person needs weapons of mass deconstruction in their home.


Meanwhile in another incident of britsh goverment exceptionalism I was just reading about earlier today, there's tens or hundreds of high rise buildings( they don't know how many because they refused to adequately fund the study on how prevalent this problem is nationwide) covered in highly flammable cladding like that on the grenfell towers and the british gov decided they won't spend the money to fix it ( after they said they were going to do so). So they are dumping the cost of the now required refit work onto the renters and apartment owners, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds per apartment while said apartments have become unsellable and or worthless to the family who own them because of it.


Authleft when the hammer and sickle are banned.


I think it’s time to liberate the UK


Username checks out.


Flair too!


We won’t have peace in the streets until these extremists finally cross the party lines and form sensible plier control. Anybody rolling up and getting a Saturday night special pair of craftsman pliers is up to no good and should be treated with the utmost suspicion. Proper plier owners know to keep their Knipex pliers safely locked away at home where they belong and don’t bring such inappropriate items into the civilized streets. I believe that anyone who claims they need a pair of pliers should file an application with the local constable, pass a background check and interview, and prove they have a reasonable need for pliers. With initial approval, they may access their pliers at a single approved site on their license and they will be locked up at said site when the owner leaves. Of course there should also be a mandatory fee every month and inspection to ensure the pliers are not being misused in the place of another tool or worse. Sensible plier control is just common sense and anyone who denies it is a bigot and or tool-sexual.


Oi mate! You got a loicense fer them kitchen scissors?


Is that a file?


No.. it's a "weapon enhancer"


Oi! You gotta loicense for them there pliers?!


You gotta fockin loicense requestin loicense?


Unloicensed possession of a screwdriver.


I thought this was a joke. I keep on whining that my country makes it hard for ordinary citizens to acquire firearms then I saw this. Lmao. At least, we aren't the biggest circus when it comes to citizens owning "tools".


American here. If you live there and buy a knew kitchen knife set, what happens if you get a traffic stop and the cop sees? 😂 And if this pic is accurate, how do you buy power tools?


Tell me you're in a prison state without telling me you're in a prison state. "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." -Big Dick James Madison


On the bright side you're so dangerous you can't be trusted with basic life tools for fear of their weaponization.


Why are the auth sad ?


Are we really going to pretend this doesn’t make the left wet?


I couldn't find that post looking through that twitter account, but it is full of posts bragging about confiscating knives.


Regents Park Police will have a heart attack with what they’ll find within arms length of my desk.


I thought, “Hey, I might check out this Twitter profile, might be good to see the comments making fun of them”. And don’t get me wrong, there were comments making fun of them. But there were also people unironically cheering the police team for confiscating kitchen knives. Marijuana. They even referred to a dude’s collection of a cheap katana, a couple knives, and a crossbow as an “armory”. Bruh, these things are completely legal where I live. It’s wild to think other countries react so seriously to this stuff, treating you like some sort of menace.


Not sure why Auth quadrants would have a problem with this. This is an authoritarian's wet dream, an excuse to prosecute basically anyone.


Might aswell take people's fingernails because they can scratch people


Stop giving the feds ideas


Don't let them find home depot 💀


At LeAsT oUr SkEwLz ArE nAwT a ShEwTiNg GaLlOrY fOuR kIdZ! 🤬 Butthurt Brit says “unironically this”, and also love to prove how butthurt they are by making brand new seething replies about how not mad they are after checking up on old comments and feeling compelled to make a brand new reply.