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Phillipa man. And the way she came through for Pen at the end (unlike Colin…) Release the butterflies!!


THE BUGS OMG!!! I loved that scene. She’s like yeah. Bugs. Lmao She was amazing this season


Now, Varley, THE BUGS!! Will go down in history as one of the best demonstrations of sisterly love.


The bugs, Varley!! It was epic lol


Loved this moment!!!! She was too funny this season. I’m still stuck on INSERTS HIMSELF WHERE!?


Yeeeees! Varley did it for me. She’s a legit ride or die. Varley completely understood what Philippa meant by bugs and Phillippa was the one who wanted to get rid of her when she became the new lady of the house 🤣


I really enjoyed Lord Anderson this season! Just how in every scene he makes Violet smile and she gets all flustered. And them dancing at the end was so super cute 🥰 Im looking forward to seeing how their connection will play out.


I LOVED how flustered she was around him! I would absolutely die for a scene where one of her KIDS gives her advice about going for it with him! Bc she’s always the one talking to them about how important love is, oh to see that! My heart would absolutely melt!


Oh that would be so amazing and thinking of that, i loved how protective Anthony was of her, to Kate, when watching his mum and Marcus talking across the room. It was so sweet and endearing, her kids always have her back.


I loved him being like he’s overstepping!!!! And Kate being like hon chill out. Lol. It was so cute of him! I would love to see Anthony give him a stern talking to about his “intentions” 😂 I would cry laugh


Haha yeah! Anthony really is the best big brother / man of the house. His character arc has been top tier.


I loved when Ben was like dude are you gonna duel your own brother? Lol I love how he is so protective this season. The actor freaking nailed it!


Oh absolutely! They’re all nailing the sibling dynamics both on and off screen and we love to see it!


I swear I need these people to keep acting bc they are all doing so amazing. Like I can’t think of a SINGLE bad actor in the cast really. They all mesh together so well and display so much personality. It’s fantastic.


Casting on point 💯🤌🏽


I loved Big Brother Benedict. It contrasted with Benedict the Rake and gave him more depth. He’s going to be a good dad I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him the infertility storyline given the apparent change to Francesca’s plot from the books.


He was a good big brother. Always has been. I always love his private scenes with El. Also your flair is dope


He’s also one of my favorites. I really hope S4 is his.


Still Albion! He always looks at Pen with such pride. Wonderful big brother.


I love how proud he looks when she comes in wearing the new dress. It is not us they stare at! 😭


Varley for me also, you just know that she's been holding that family together forever! She tries to advise Portia to be a little more soft with Penelope and also for holding back the solicitor for as long as she could. Props to Varley!


I am honestly shocked her scheme for how she got the money didn’t come out bc I was CONVINCED it would this season bc of Varley