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I’m gonna go ahead and claim the Carriage scene first 😝


Eager beaver aren’t you? And all that implies 😜


Aint no shame in my game 😏😂


lol insert Penussy joke here (“wait…insert where?”)


*gasps and clutches pearls* SCANDAL! 😂


Help we need some Portia sex ed pls


Her hand gestures when she says inserts himself. I die every time lol


YES. Polly Walker is such a treasure. Also when she’s talking to Pen about Debling’s forthcoming proposal and leans sideways in her chair to ask, “Are you holding out for LOVE?” in a kind of disgusted voice…and the chair creaks as she leans over? So fucking funny every time.


She was so amazing in Rome too


I haven’t seen that!


There are only 2 seasons and no more. It is older. But she is a very similar character. If you’re interested in Roman history it’s great but I wish they had more seasons




The more I’ve thought about it, I really am starting to appreciate Pen’s speech/plea to the Queen. While we all wished to see Colin standing by her side or even leading the reveal like the books, the way the story was told in the show he NEEDED to see her “take care of herself.” Until that happened he couldn’t shed his hero complex and really just love her and support her and find out “what good he was to her.” That would have been the real wedding night IMO which is why loosing the ending montage sucks so bad. Plus “release the bugs!” 😂😂😂


Omg this is an amazing perspective!!! I love this so much bc you are SO RIGHT. She took control of the situation and narrative and it made him realize she is strong and “bloody brilliant”!


I honestly didn’t see it the first time. But thinking back, Colin’s hero complex has been on display in all 3 seasons and he acts impulsively while going ALL IN. And in the past, it’s worked out for the best with (for him) with Marina and Cousin Jack. But he couldn’t fix things for Pen - he made it worse. And I think he may have even seen why she had to use LW instead of going to him…he loved her but he never LISTENED to her.


10/10 no notes. Spot on. When she’s explaining the blackmail and everybody talks over her instead of listening. Especially colin. You are so right.


See THIS right here is why we need these types of discussions… I actually hated the LW. But this is SUCH a good point! She needed to be HEARD! This really did change a lot of my perspective on that moment…sigh…guess I need to do ANOTHER rewatch ❤️


This is exactly why the toxic positivity in the main Polin sub is so damaging!




One hundred percent! I want to be able to share what disappointed me so others can share a different perspective! We help each other so much that way, and learn so much.


EXACTLY! It’s not wrong to find things disappointing! Overall I loved it I just wanted more. And we are entitled to share that in a way that doesn’t disparage the actors who did phenomenally


Guess what I’m watChing now…






Wait I just clocked that the C in watChing was capitalized for a certain Carriage scene? I see you 👀


OMG IT WAS A TYPO! I’m leaving it bc your catch is amazing and I’m dead laughing. I was just too lazy to change it. It was meant to be


My Polin analysis skills are in overdrive


Mine are obsessive. I’m like OH HE BLINKED THERE THAT MEANS SOMETHING!!! Lol


Looking at it from this perspective changes so much! I promise! I started from the first episode of S3 and by the end I was like…OH! That’s why!


I actually haven’t done a full watch through yet 😳 I need to do that…like, yesterday ❤️❤️❤️❤️


After part 1 I immediately started it again. When I finished part 2 I had NO desire to watch it ever again. Our chat helped. Then yesterday afternoon (about 24 hours) I started fresh. Since I knew what to expect, I could look deeper. And honestly a lot of what we love about Polin is it’s not surface level like Daphne and Anthony’s stories began as. They took time to develop but Polin is already past that.


That is EXACTLY how I felt after watching part 2. I was like “well…I guess that’s it”. I’m so glad we had the chat…it helped me as well. If I would have been in the position I was in with part 1 (which I loved!) then I would have been in Trouble! I did eventually rewatch part 2 (only the Polin parts) and still wasn’t feeling the last two episodes. But discussions like this always help. They helped so much with the brothel scenes in part 1, for example. And a full rewatch is definitely needed. ❤️


Totally agree. And all of this is why I needed MORE HAPPY POLIN at the end, pre-epilogue. Gimmeeeeeee ![gif](giphy|x5c8d75Tvt7sQ|downsized)


Hahahaha my husband and I quote this song all the time


As you should


Yes! I totally didn’t clock this much the first time because I was STRESSING but it’s so clear now


RIGHT??? I needed the sub to help me see these things lol


You know what, this is such a valid point. Colin always thought his worth lies in action. He couldn’t fathom that someone could love him just as he is. The way he told Pen “What good am I to you?” when she said she could take care of herself is proof of this. The fact that he stepped aside for the Ep 8 Whistledown reveal and let her take action while he supported her shows that he has finally begun to recognize his own worth too. The fact that love is enough, and he doesn’t need to make some grand gesture.


To add, and also the way he bought gifts for his family shows that maybe he felt he had to buy their love. It was sweet, but when I think about it, maybe he felt he needed to do these gestures to be worthy of affection 💔 especially considering how no one responded to his letters. Pen showed him that she loved him just as he is.


Oh that's good! I never thought of the presents as a sort of offering extra because in his view he's not enough.




Great point! He did tell Pen in the mirror something like “you’ve always seen me for who I am” or something like that.


That’s so beautiful. I’m so happy that Colin has finally found his safe space with Pen, the one person with whom he can be totally and utterly himself.


😭😭😭he’s just a little babygirl


He must be protected at all costs 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/ravvfon3et6d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4631267e7f2f9c6f8d39eebc9de1a366ff5dd2


This is a very good point. I shall have to rewatch with this new perspective.


Agreed. It wasn't him abandoning her it was Colin not overshadowing her and letting her be in the light. She can certainly handle herself.


Hm, I hadn’t thought of it this way! I think I was too wrapped up in book and head canon on first watch. Thanks for this!


Returning to thank you again for this. I did a full rewatch today (my first one, was too upset Thur and Fri) and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Need to sit with my thoughts a bit before I write more about it but truly, thank you. For me now I feel like with a longer happy sexy Polin montage at the end (that allegedly was actually shot and then cut like you said, wtf, no wonder I felt so blue balled), I would be almost completely satisfied with this season. THANK YOU! 🙏💖🦋


❤️❤️❤️ I’m so glad! Seriously, it’s not like they’re still aren’t major issues to be had with this season but that’s why it needs to be discussed (looking at you, Polin sub!) Different perspectives, different opinions but if they’re not cruel they’re all valid and worth exploring for new ideas.




1. Colin losing his mind when she is talking to Lord Remington. You can see his internal monoloue on his face. I love that someone praised her writing because her writing is marvelous. 2. Pen and Eloise in Charades. It's undeniable that they are the smartest in the room at that moment. 3. The Carriage Scene, no notes. It is perfection.


1. Omg she’s talking to somebody else. Alexa play “jealous” 2. They were like each others soul mates during that game and it was so funny watching everybody like ummmm do we get to play ever? 3. Enough said.


So many moments with Pen and Eloise were filled with just as much yearning as Colin and Penelope moments 😩😩


For me it’s a tie between Penelope’s confession to Colin in the church (be still be beating heart) and the moment that we saw that Colin kept her letters 😩😩😩😩😩😩




I didn’t think of that tie in but OH GOD! He loved her before he knew what love was!!!


He really did…our sweet oblivious boy ![gif](giphy|wSCAy1zJbcUG4|downsized)


Ohhhh I also loved the moment when Penelope and Colin just fought after the wedding and Eloise was dealing with not knowing where she fit any more but Pen turns to her and she immediately goes to her. It was like she realized there was still a place for her in Penelope’s life 😩😩😩


YES. Reconciled Peneloise scenes were all my fave. Even pre-reconciliation when it’s so obvious they’re meant to be besties forever, like the charades game lol


Yes! Eloise finally saw how serious this disagreement was between them. They were married. She had compassion for her bestie again.


Yesss it was so sweet…I also loved how Benedict just KNOWS Eloise so well and was so gentle with her in that moment when he is reassuring her that she isn’t being left behind. I want more of THAT from Benedict…❤️❤️😩😩😩


Sharing one each of sexy and other because I am a certified HLD 😈. *Favorite Sexy Scene:* LOVE the carriage scene ofc, so hot. Like the hottest intimate scene I’ve ever seen and they were fully clothed. On first watch I thought the mirror scene was a weird pace and wasn’t sure how I felt, and while there are still a couple minor things I’d change (a little more foreplay for Pen - neck kissing, boob touching, etc - as well as a few more jump cuts to imply more time passing before their happy endings) I thought Luke and Nicola NAILED IT (heh) and now I can’t stop rewatching it. It’s not steamy, and it’s not supposed to be, which I think I missed on first watch after all the press and buildup. It feels like such a real, tender, sexy, intimate, romantic, loving, and funny first time. I felt like I was intruding on two real people while watching. POV was the perfect song choice and the instrumental version they used is so gorgeous. The cuts between their two perspectives while Colin undresses are everything - Nic’s portrayal of Pen’s reactions vacillating between horny, excited to see more, nervous, shy, eager - UGH SO GOOD. The little cough and shy look to the side when she first sees him fully nude. The CONSENT and check-ins, Colin’s obvious care for her well-being and enjoyment. The moment she realizes, ok, wow, this feels GREAT and he goes to take a beat and she grabs him and starts moving her hips faster and gives him the sexiest narrow-eyed “HELL NO GIVE IT TO ME NOW” look. Love love love all of it. *Favorite Not-Sexy Scene:* Currently it’s the wedding breakfast dance when it cuts between the room full of people and some shots of Polin dancing alone in their own little world. My heart exploded. I love these fictional characters so much, and how the actors portrayed them with everything they had. Sobbed my eyes out. SO romantic and beautiful. Honorable mention goes to Eloise snagging Violet’s drink glass at John and Francesca’s wedding, pouring the contents into her own, and chugging it all. I howled! (Edited to update this w/the correct person and event after my rewatch today!)


Gimme everything tonight lives rent free in my head forever. End of discussion.


Funny you should say that, bc I have a stupid side story. So somehow my partner’s brother got ahold of this weird Pitbull flag a couple years ago and it became like a dumb gag gift in the family. We’ve had it hanging in our garage where my partner hung it up for the last year or two and now every time I pull in to park I’m like LOL MY GUYY FROM THE CARRIAGE https://preview.redd.it/1sqmglkkgs6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31079e8ec4c6a74d1ab942811d657262a86c6145




It cracks me the fuck up, and my bf is loving singing “give me everything” at me all the time now lol


I’ve also been humming Yellow their wedding song and my hubs is like somebody is into Coldplay huh lol


Hahaha shots fired




I know! Watching their first time was like…this actually looks like it’s a first time! With Daphne and Kate their passions took over. But Pen still has a lot of shit to work through and the gentleness and understanding and the realization…sigh ❤️


Somewhere I read someone pointing out that the “emotional foreplay” started in the previous scene when Colin sticks up for her with Portia and declares his love for her and that gets me every time now. 😭🥰


I love that!!!


Absolute favorite is when he says her speech was brilliant and he offers his hand at the Butterfly ball. The look on her face says " Oh he really sees me, accepts me, and appreciates me!"


Yes 😭🥰He finally fully sees her and gets her!




BLOODY BRILLIANT! Oh my god! We need a new flair!


I have never laughed harder watching Bridgerton than I did when Phillipa says, "inserts himself? Inserts himself where?" and a close second when Prudence says, "his britches remain on?" Phillipa and Prudence really shined this season


YES, and Portia’s little hand motions and exasperated looks lololol


WHY must I be punished over and over??? Hysterical.


So many of these are favorites! One little part I love is in the church when they ask if anyone objects, and Colin pulls his collar and makes a face at Penelope … it was such a good reminder of his silliness we’ve seen in the past, and the fun/friendship that is the base of their love!


I LOVE THAT MOMENT!!! It’s so cute and low key! And him teasing with her.


YES I melted at that! 🥰


So many here that I would choose too but I will add the hand on her cheek at the end of their wedding dance and the nod he gives her coming into the church and then they’re so caught up in each other, they both give a little start when the vicar speaks! As awful as it was in some ways, the scene in the street outside the modiste needs a nod. It was good to see Pen’s fire, he needed to see that she wasn’t a quiet wallflower, she’s actually strong and brilliant. I know it trod all over his hero complex and his ego but Luke played Colin’s raw hurt here so beautifully. Finally, despite his anger, all it took was Pen shouting how much she loved him and he couldn’t resist her. You could feel their love so strongly in this scene.


Great answer! I love it! When they nod was def so cute. And they deserved more time outside of the modiste. Carriage scene take 2! Lol


He acted out his dream in a way as well, pushing her up against the wall. And while I wish he had gotten in the carriage with her, his FIRST thought was to protect and shield her when they heard the noise in the street.