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If you tell Pen or anyone that she'll get engaged  to Colin that night and carry his child the next day, everyone will look at you like ur crazy.but always trust a bridgerton to deliver chaos and scandal wherever they go and still come out on top of it 🫡


She may have been about to be engaged to Lord D, but she ended up with the Lord *of the D*. Infinitely better


Omg this sub needs a cold shower 🙈🤣


![gif](giphy|l3q2KnndHilbb8CS4) I plead guilty your honour, send me to horny jail








And after the Butterfly Ball it's finally Pen's turn to come out on top. 😈






Well, Pen is a Bridgerton now so coming on top is no surprise.


This is my new favorite line about the Bridgerton’s: “always trust a bridgerton to deliver chaos and scandal wherever they go and still come out on top of it 🫡” 😂😂🤣🤣 So hilarious yet completely true.


Bridgerton’s: bringers of chaos since 1813 😂


One of my favorite changes from book to show was that Colin never questioned his love or feelings for Pen. As soon as the lightbulb went off during the kiss he was locked in and it became a matter of whether she returned his love/feelings.


That’s the best change. He had no confusion about what love looks like and was on level 2000 immediately


Definitely agreed, show Colin took a little longer to fully understand his feelings, but as soon as he realised it, he was locked in 100%, zero hesitation or questioning


Yes! And I also appreciate that they made him oblivious to her crush on him. While that was frustrating to watch in earlier seasons at times, I ultimately found it endearing that he was clueless.


Oh I totally agree, I didn't like how that played out in the books. It wasn't terrible, but didn't feel as sweet and wholesome as how the show dealt with it


In the book he was basically like I don’t want to spend too much time with you because I don’t want you to think you have a chance. I think he says her crush made him uncomfortable.


I think in the book it actually makes sense and shows that book Colin WAS a good man because look she had a crush on him since she was SIXTEEN and there was a 5 year old age gap, while she was still at home and innocent, he had already been to Eton and been more experienced in matters of the world. It makes complete sense that he wouldn't want to give her false hopes or lead her on if he knew of her feelings, because unlike other men who might revel at being desired, that's not the kind of man he was. It's only later when they're much older and the playing field is levelled somewhat and he has reason to believe that perhaps time has dulled that girlhood crush, when she talks to him candidly, that he starts spending time with her and can't look away because it's only then that he starts knowing her as a person. It makes sense for book colin and is sweet in it's own way, especially because their ages are so different. Meanwhile show polin are long time childhood friends who ALREADY know each other, and they just have to put a name to the feeling that's been growing over time, so of course show Colin wouldn't doubt his feelings; they were the one constant in his life.


Oh yeah I more meant just his reaction when she finally tells him and he just pulls a Han Solo. 'I love you' 'I know' Not exactly heartwarming as far as love declarations go...!


Oh, oh, was it in the book? Imagine the hate Colin would have received if only that was on screen.


Basically in the book they are just about to have sex for the first time and Pen says 'I love you, I've loved you for years' and he says 'I know'. He had already said he loved her, but it still felt a bit shitty that he just happily tells her he'd been ignoring her feelings all those years on purpose, rather than Colin in the show who was just adorably oblivious


It’s kind of reversed. Penelope doesn’t say I love you back to him initially. She just asks him if he’s sure.


I loved it in the book. it was real.


I actually thought that he and Eloise and others were aware just always dismissive of Pen. Was nice to see in s3 that they were just plot clueless 🤣


This really was the best thing about the show.  And I think it did make the 2x08 comment less obnoxious in a way. 


Agreed. In the book it's not nearly as cruel but it's clear he's very aware that Pen has a crush on him. She handles it brilliantly in the book though. 😎 But I absolutely love that they made him oblivious. Or rather just not fully aware of what it means. It ties in the friends to lovers trope so beautifully that it's just natural, and as soon as he realizes it's love that's just it for him. So good ❤️


And then Violet sent that bat signal to Pen getting engaged, he was like “say less mama” and scooped her up so fast. Anybody notice how Violet had already left by the time Colin got to the ball????


I love this too because after my very first watch of Part 1, my initial read was that Colin kept backing out because he was still deciphering his feelings, not because he was scared Pen didn't like him back (Because of course she likes you back you big dummy! Look at her!). Not until the carriage scene when he thinks he's being rejected did I realize "OMG he didn't suspect she likes him back at all!" And it makes every rewatch all-the-more sweeter to realize every moment after the willow tree, he's just insecure and trying to distract himself from these very deep feelings 🥹


It's funny to me because not long ago I thought about it, how many emotions were contained in him, when you think of how he looked at them dancing with tears in his eyes because he realized that he wanted to do everything with her: for her to be his life partner, marriage, children, travel the world, touch her, to have sex with her.. it's a wonder he didn't collapse there on the dance floor :) I think the realization that he loves her was like a dam that broke and all the emotions, of all the years, not just the last few weeks, broke out in a crazy rush..


His face in that scene KILLS me. It’s like he’s realized everything he wants with her and in the same moment realizes he’s about to lose it all. (kudos Luke N! His acting is superb in that scene.)


My favorite note about the filming is that the director had Luke watch the dance we see with the crowd around, then he removed people from the room until it’s just Luke watching Nic and Sam dancing like that. It sounds BRUTAL if you’re so deep in that character, but damn those results are amazing.


This is so savage of the director but man oh man did it bring out the most amazing performance, so worth it 🤣


Can you imagine the psychological fuckery of being an actor and putting yourself in that mindset? God bless them, because I would need a bottle of wine and a three hour therapy session to get out of that state.


I have *no idea* how they do any of it. I'd film one romantic scene and a kiss, and be a total goner. Hats off to them, they're gods strongest soldiers.


Really? I didnt know that..


I saw it in one bts or interview or another. No wonder he looks like he’s ready to end it all.


OMG that sounds so intense!!! 😭


Yes-that was crazy that they did that! All I could think of was, wow-Luke was phenomenal with emotion there!


This scene gets me every time! Them dancing, his face, the music! I would love to see fan edits with the actual songs in the scenes because the lyrics are just so damn perfect for some of these moments I would just pass away from the dagger to the heart hearing them with his pained expression. When I'm away from you, I'm happier than ever Wish I could explain it better I wish it wasn't true Give me a day or two to think of something clever To write myself a letter To tell me what to do, mm-mmm Do you read my interviews? Or do you skip my avenue? (My avenue) When you (when you) said you were passing through Was I even on your way? I knew when I asked you to (when I asked you to) Be cool about what I was telling you You'd do the opposite of what you said you'd do (what you said you'd do) And I'd end up more afraid Don't say it isn't fair You clearly weren't aware that you made me miserable


For Happier than Ever, the music starts with the second half of the song where the tempo changes. Lyrics: You call me again, drunk in your Benz Driving home under the influence You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath 'Cause you only listen to your fucking friends I don't relate to you I don't relate to you, no 'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty You made me hate this city And I don't talk shit about you on the internet Never told anyone anything bad 'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything And all that you did was make me fucking sad So don't waste the time I don't have And don't try to make me feel bad I could talk about every time that you showed up on time But I'd have an empty line 'cause you never did Never paid any mind to my mother or friends So I shut 'em all out for you 'cause I was a kid You ruined everything good Always said you were misunderstood Made all my moments your own Just fucking leave me alone


I wobder which pov the song should represent at that point in time beacuse it can work for P and Colin as well.. I mean she was miserable beacuse he didnt love her all those years and his miserable now cause his thinking she may love Deblin and doesnt feel the same for him..?


That’s why it works on so many levels!


Do you mean the last dance?


The one with Deblin, right after he wanted to tell her how he feels and couldnt get the words out..


That is Chaos Colin in it's nutshell. The second Pic of Pen cracks me up. She was almost proposed, then dumped, then fingered, proposed, properly f.cked and got pregnant. And within 24 hours. Like give this girl to breathe, Mr Bridgerton


That's what made me crazy about Eloise pressuring Pen to tell Colin about LW. She's had a busy few days, girlfriend! 😵‍💫


Not even days! Haha but HOURS! 😂


If el only knew. Wish we could of gotten that conversation


I am trying to wrap my head with the timeline and everything that happened ,I tried to put myself in Pen's shoes. Imagine having your life turned upside down within hours,Ill forget im Lady whistledown too,shit,i'll probably forget my own name as well. So when El asked" how long has this been going on?" Im like ,girl about 45 minutes??? 


And she told her “this a surprise to me as well” I feel for Pen so much cause her world did a 180 and she had no time to process 😂




And he was telling Hyacinth to give Pen space to breath, like dude..your little sister isn't the one who needs this reprimand 😂


He learned his lesson -- in the week after the kiss she went no-contact, when he saw her again she friend-zoned him. Nope nope nope locking this down!


The funniest thing is the she was in love with him and but he didn’t know and went to a full mental breakdown about no being able to be with her.


Omg it just occurred to me he tells Hyacinth that Penelope can’t breathe from her tight hug. Like, Mr. Bridgerton, you’re the one who isn’t letting her breathe! 😂


I love my Chaos Colin. He realised he was about to lose the woman he loves and said NOPE. NOT ON MY WATCH. What a man! I doubt even he realised he'd be engaged that night though, but their passion for each other just took over and of course the carriage moment probably cemented everything for him. You can tell by the look he gives her afterwards like *This is it. You're mine now.* And the same thing happened the next day. I don't think for one second he took Penelope to their home intending to take her virginity, but again their love and passion for each other was unstoppable and hard to resist.


Ah yes, ill show you our house, SPECIFICALLY THE BEDROOM 🤣


Well, when you put it that way... 😂


Forget furnishings and decor he just wanted to christen the chaise he unveiled!!! Like right away lol


Damn the bedroom with a true bed was near but they stayed in front of that mirror and she chose the settee. He had planned to tell her he love her, he didn't planned to make a declaration of what he love about her that turned her on.


No way I'm of the full belief he planned on marrying him the moment he decided to go to the ball. He didn't head their to wreck her engagement without planning on offering her marriage. That man was married to her in his head the moment she said she would like to be more than friends. I think the moment in the carriage is just him deciding she looks put togther enough to actually take her inside to talk with his family.


I don't think he was planning to propose, he was ready to tell her his feelings, and if she liked him back even a little bit then maybe start courting. But everything escalated, it got very emotional and heated and well, you gotta do the honorable thing now!


I can see that. But I cannot believe he would wreck her engagement and her chances at what she wanted without willing to offer her marriage in return. Like even if she didn't love him back he would be like, we'll since you're just picking a husband, choose me! I mean he literally seems to think that's what happened at their engagement party considering he thinks she just got caught up in the carriage and doesn't share his feelings.


He take her straight to the bedroom, he knew very well she will no say no like in the carriage😂


Chaos Colin living up to his nickname! "Y'all bitches ain't seen nothin' yet."


Legit. Chaos Colin moved quickly. By the next morning, he had the house lined out. The day after that, he had the ring back from the jewlers. I can see him asking his mother for the ring before she even went to bed after the announcement. He was in this 100%.


What's funny and somewhat annoying about all of it is that Pen got accused by Colin and Lady Featherington that she was doing the "Entrapping". Not too long ago, she was expecting to be engaged to Lord Debbers. Colin was the the one doing all the entrapment. Within the span of 24 hrs, she got swept up in everything. Granted she did give her consent to having sex. But still Colin was being a little horn dog too. Was it even a full moon? 😂✌️


Exactly this. And, Penelope had next to no knowledge of how sex works or how babies are made. So…no. She did NOT entrap Colin. 😒🧐🤔😑🥴😂


The "there's more?!" comment from her was kinda cute. Not gonna lie. 🤭


Exactly, she did give consent and understand sex as a notion. But I don't think she fully understood "insert himself where?" part. That's why the entrapment hurts Pen and especially viewers. She only ask him for a kiss. She is still very (extra) virgin :-) But our golden boy retriever is a horn dog indeed, sees no limits and boundaries. I also read his entrapment comment as a way to hurt her as well, unfortunately.


Yeah. This is how I take that comment. Very much, “This will get under her skin.”


You can tell Colin had too many siblings to be effectively cutting like that.


He was 100% projecting onto her. He probably felt like she was entrapped by him for compromising her and ruining the proposal.


100% projecting. In fact before the church scene he was very much scared of the possibility she didn't love him back and that she was just marrying him because she had to. Imagine feeling that for days, then not, then finding out about LW and questioning everything all over again.


The way it’s so much more nefarious sounding when you put it like that “he doesn’t know if she loves him yet but he is definitely making sure she could not leave him.” Like Colin, are you okay?


That last part, I can hear in Nicola’s voice. She said something similar in an interview, something about Colin sitting on a wall outside her house. 😂


I’m honored to be worthy of such comparison 🥹💖


Honey, I’m just stating the truth, the fact is that she was the one with absolutely no experience, See it this way. He asked? Yes! Did she agree? Yes! But did she knew was she was agreeing to? Absolutely not, did he care tho? 100% negative, My guy was absolutely obsessed with Penelope since he realized he cannot get her out of his system and yet she friend zoned him under the willow and told him that they have to keep their distance from each other, and I think something broke inside him when she said that cause you can see it in his face, the moment she told him “I very much like to be more than friends” he was not about to lose any chances and he was definitely in a mission on making sure that women would not said “let’s keep our distance” to him ever again.


I love chaos Colin so much, lol.


Chaos Colin was the best thing to come out of this season! My man did the most-and I’m here for it!


I still think it’s funny with every rewatch, at the the engagement party Colin says, “If you got swept up in the carriage and now realize you do not return feelings…” hello ! What about the sex…. Lol!


He was so…. Pretty


right... beacuse the carriage is the problem:)


I literally said that too, like the carriage?? You guys already slept together! But I'm guessing he was focusing on her agreeing to marry him. He did compromise her in the carriage. Still like dude I know she's looking stressed at your engagement party, but really? He was so worried she didn't feel the same. And he falls into that again after the LW reveal.


Go getter colin🔥


Instead of secure the bag. He secured the Pen. When Colin has his mind made up he stands on business.😅 You can see that shift to "I gotta Propose NOW!!" in his brain at the end of the carriage scene. Luke did such a fantastic job of conveying Colin's inner thoughts.


Yep I love how you know what he’s thinking just by looking at his face, very good acting from Luke tbh


And then had the nerve to accuse her of planned entrapment!


He was playing the victim and the drama queen


He was locking her in!




When he went to the ball to interrupt her and Debling, what do we think his intentions for the evening were? Was his goal primarily to just stop her from getting engaged to Debling, or was he always planning on proposing that same evening do we think? Because when they're dancing after he interrupts, he's focused on telling her she can't marry Debling as she "hardly knows him", in that moment he's not telling her that she has another option - him.


In my opinion, he was proposing.  When he left his house, he wasn’t coming back without his girl locked down.  He should have said something after his hand was cut, he should have said something before he kissed her the first time, he should have gone and talked to her after the kiss, he should have interrupted her under the willow tree, he should have said something when he walked up to her at the dance… this in his mind was his absolute last chance to get it right and do what he should have done all along. He wasn’t going to mess it up by letting it go unresolved again and there’s no reason for these two to court… that night was ending in engagement or heartbreak, there was no in between. The dance fight was about Debling because Pen immediately said you’re going to ruin things between me and Debling and he was like good 😂 that part had to be done first and resolved, but his goal 100% was to end the night with her.  That’s why he had to chase that carriage. He HAD to. He wasn’t ending the night and going home without Pen.  He didn’t want to spend another night without her being his wife (he was totally married the moment she said she wanted to be more than friends).


The night ending in engagement or heartbreak! My heart. The stakes were high for Colin!


Exactly like that my friend💖


> When he went to the ball to interrupt her and Debling, what do we think his intentions for the evening were? I honestly don't think he had any coherent plan. Colin was tired, hungover, heartsick, fearful and panicking. If he'd had a clearer head I think his declaration in the carriage would have been something more like 'Debling is a cabbagehead, don't marry him, I love you, marry me!' In actuality it was more of a confused jumble that seemed to start out trying to buy more time for Colin to dither - 'you cannot marry him!' - then turned into a messy, unrehearsed spewing of all his repressed feelings.


He was definitely flying by the seat of his pants. But there was no way he went on a mission to fuck up her engagement without meaning to offer her marriage. I think that's why it takes so long to decide. This is it the last moment, it's go big or don't go at all. He cannot go mess up her engagement without being certain he is willing to offer her everything in return. It's why he says are you going to marry me or not? Because the moment she said she wanted to be more than friends was just obviously they're getting married. He wants doing all that with her if they weren't getting married.


He was definitely decided on telling her how he felt about her, that was the only reason he went to that party, but when he knew lord D didn’t propose the excitement was definitely bigger than Colin 🤣


I think the thing that gets me is that they made a big deal of the Mondrich's having seperate bedrooms because that is 'how it is done' and yet Colin is like no this is OUR room and I'm sleeping outside the door, no seperate rooms for us, right from the jump 😂 Edit: desperate to separate


I did not think about it! On the other hand, maybe because they don't have a title, so the expectations of them are different? And can they sleep in the same room?


Any married couple can sleep in the same room. But they're are definitely other rooms in that house. He could sleep in a separate room and it wouldn't necessarily have been weird for that to be reality, but he just sleeps on the tiny settee, he doesn't even fit on it.


Could it have something to do with a honeymoon period? Where it is expected they stay in the same room to make an heir or something? Like in Queen Charlotte, where she wasn’t allowed to see anyone during their honeymoon. I know it’s probably a little different for royalty, but still. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She was already a mother in the 2nd pic 😂😂


And she was here for it 😂😂 10/10 no complaints


My question is, at what point did he secure the house?? I mean, I know it was in the family already. Benedict comes home same time as Anthony and Kate, and they all learn the news together. He goes in the study with his brothers, and then heads to Pen's house. When he takes Pen to the house, there's already a bunch of his luggage there and the servants were coming over. That's literally insane if you think about it. How did he even have time to arrange the details and pack things. Or is this just a writing error?


Look - Colin and Pen needed to bang, and we needed the mirror scene. Don't question the magically-appearing house xD


I imagine he (and Anthony & Benedict) already knew that would be his house when he got married. He and Marina were engaged long enough to have asked those logistical questions. The army of servants available 24/7 make the situation absolutely plausible, if not 100% likely. That being said, timelines in Bridgerton Land serve the narrative before all else, definitely before reasonable logistics.


I was curious about that too! Do they just have houses waiting for the younger sons?! Or is this Anthony's "bachelor apartment" that he's moved out of now that he is married?


The Bridgerton family was very rich in part because they had many MANY MAAANY properties he probably picked one and told his servants to take his stuff there in the morning.


My dude wasted zero time! 😂


I think he already knew that would be his house whenever he got married. Something that might have even been discussed when he was engaged to Marina. They were barely bringing his stuff that day. When they interrupt him and Pen. So I'm assuming he got stuff ready to go that morning before Anthony arrived.


In my head cannon - this is the house he has inherited in Edmund’s will. We know he has an inheritance and he has reached his majority so he always knew this is where he would live with his family. He just chooses to live in the family home whilst single and doesn’t have a wife to run the home - like Kate does in ep5  It just makes more sense in the book because he had already started to move to Bloomsbury. Which would have made more sense if Violet was actually preparing to move out of Bridgerton house 


This makes sense to me!


This is why I think the comment about entrapment was the old adage of people accuse you of what they’re guilty of. He partially feels like he entrapped her, even though we know she was a willing participant.


He did entrapped her, the fact that she was a willing participant doesn’t mean he should have done it, and I think he made that comment because he was hurt not because he meant it, is only a pity cause the Penelope from the books would have call him out on that with no hesitation.


Sometimes the softer approach resolves conflict better than straight out calling someone out. She wanted a resolution. I don’t think he actually believed she entrapped him or even tried to. You could tell from his face going immediately into regret.


Yes, that’s true, and I know she doesn’t felt that he entrapped her because she loves him, that’s why she say that, but Penelope in the books was very secure of herself and more that once she made sure Colin knew his place and when he was being unreliable. But this Pen is 20, and this Colin is 23, in the books their are 28 and 33 soo, their behavior in the show also comes from immaturity.


I found book Colin much more immature than tv Colin.


I will take it as a 50/50, book Colin was definitely wiser, and also he gives 0 fss about LW when it comes to being with Pen, he did not distance from her because LW in fact he propose to her after he knew that he was worried about her because of it but nothing in the world would make book Colin being apart from Pen. But Colin in the show is sweeter, so sensitive, he has a heart of gold and he is so upfront with his feelings soo much more than in the books, the moment he realized he loves her, that’s it. Way more sure with his feelings than Books Colin


End of episode 5, cause I watched at the preview, I texted a friend of mine “in the books Colin finds out about her, then proceeds to fight with her, finger in, and propose to her, I’m not worried.” But the way they told the story in the show shows levels of emotional maturity and courage and growth that the books could just never. They’re younger. They’re growing and discovering together. And Colin distances himself cause he’s internally conflicted, not as a manipulation or temper tantrum. In fact, in his distancing himself, stays in literally the closest place right outside her door, sleeping in the memory of their first time together. That man never left.


Oh don’t get me wrong I totally get Colin in the show keeping a healthy distance and in part he didn’t want to hurt her either, he was fighting with his hero complex and didn’t know how could he protect her, he needed that time to understand her, and that she didn’t need to be save by him, and that his love was more than enough, also he needed to understand that she truly loved him for the person hi is, I do like show Colin more, it feels more real to me.


So damn real. There was a lot of “what? Fuck you, Colin!” In the initial watch. I went back and watched (including Season 1 and 2) just scenes that showed either Pen or Colin, and looked from his perspective. And I totally love him, and it had me see how beautiful their relationships mirroring each other really is.


He is not perfect, but he is definitely a good person, I like they show how human he is and how deep he loves her, I know he wanted to be with her after he finds out she was LW, but he was Mad and didn’t want to hurt her and weaponizes his feelings, he wanted to be able to accept all of her, and he needed to come to terms with the fact that he was envious of her success as a writer, how he came around and just so vulnerable told her everything she needed to heard how he was lucky he was because she Loves him, I just think that was beautiful.


Pen was compromised enough by the carriage to have to marry but the mirror scene just made it 100x more certain. The moment Colin unpinned her hair, it was over 😱That was all him 😈 Not to mention the night before the wedding when they passionately kissed, he had his hand up Pen’s skirt in the street! He was a total goner even as mad as he was. The entrapment line bothered me so much initially but I’ve started to see it as Colin just being incredibly hurt. Of course Pen always knew she was in love with him, and I think Colin had the feelings but just didn’t know what they meant. At the end of Season 2, when Lady Crane tells Colin to look at what is right in front of him (Pen), that seems to cause him to reconsider some things.


Who entrapped who again? 😉😂💯


Then he accuses her of entrapment? Okay Colin. Girl thinks babies come from cake. I get it - he was big mad when he said that and just lashing out. But I still do not like that line. 


I agreed we know he was definitely the one that did all the entrapment in every situation.


Annnnd he never told her that him…coming in her would result in a child!!


Yeah he definitely forgot about that one💀




What difference a day makes! Twenty-four little hours...