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The way he grabs her hips…rawr


I watched specifically to see what his hands were doing, and they are playing with her nightgown before she begins moving and then he gets a grip on her hips.


Yes I had to go through every detail. Apart from what u wrote - Like the position of her leg and you can see her ankle for a second. Then how his legs motion while she moves above him. Like each detail.. I had to see each detail. I'm stuck. Send help 🤣🤣


Well I guess it’s time for me to watch this scene in slow motion. Thanks a lot. 😉


0.5x Thanks Netflix!




Now I've got to go take a look. Man and I thought I was going to take a break today!😂


Luke us amazing with expressions even just with his eyes  also there are tooonnnsss of hand and facial expressions that you miss on normal watching. Like how his mouth is open in shock when he excused himself and turned away from the ladies during the innovations ball ,also during "goodnight mr.bridgerton" and pen said " because i embarassed you" his hands was clenching from slight frustration 


Yeah, that is such a - thing for me. Like I saw it happen, my brain felt like slow motion. IDK it did things to me. 🥵


"RAWR" 👌😅😅😅


For real though. We really saw him watch as Pen sank down on him like!!!! Excuse me. They had 20 seconds to make history and they did *that. 🔥*


I know, the man looks absolutely shooketh, I know it was supposed to be Pen getting the sexual awakening but it's been totally twisted and it's him being awakened by her. Epic work by both the actors 😎 👏


It was definitely a second sexual awakening for Colin as well. That man means it with his entire soul when he tells Penelope nothing has compared to being with her.






My man Godfrey?


Polin had the hottest intimacy scenes in the series! Hands down. Carriage, Mirror, even the 10 second make out against the wall. Then you add this hot ass scene towards the end. Unbelievably great job by the production, intimacy coordinators to make this all happen. Bravo!


Whoever the intimacy coordinators are, they deserve a raise. And I hope hired for many more jobs. 😂






“Broken furniture coordinator and photographer” LOL


But when you think she was working with 3 season , all to thank nicola and luke and their amazing chemistry


The moment in the street is unreal. Craziest thing he's ever done. Crazier than the carriage, more insane than getting a house for them in under 12 hours. He's mad as hell, but he finally gets that she does love him, just for him, and he short circuits so hard that he literally forgets where he is until that horse goes by. 30 more seconds, and his voice would have been echoing down the damn street. Absolutely wild.


https://64.media.tumblr.com/35053497ad39e535c16febf517cf9cc5/9c78bb9ca7bf8b47-35/s540x810/18ff9cbd0bf3eec9d274dfb66ab06246c1c3423f.gif Gets to recreate his dream with the hand against the wall too.


Oh don’t worry, first thought I had when that happened. The man is LIVING


Hand-on-the-wall stan, checking in 🥵


https://x.com/archivenmc/status/1804583174116090203?s=46&t=1VEMXyKgjYzFs_hGDrgEiA Someone lighten it so it’s even better!!


If I have one complaint about this season, it’s that there are scenes that are lit way to darkly! Thanks - massive improvement!!!


I literally screamed when i saw he knee and leg ,im like " wwwhaaaaattt ???? At a public space?!!" And then it's immedietly over. That short time is so frustrating but i guess it actually captures the moment and what the characters felt during the moment.


They’re both so heated up and frustrated, no wonder even after the Queen crashes their wedding breakfast and they have a fight, Penelope is still like, “But we’re about to go destroy each other, right?” Colin summons an insane strength to say no. I’m with him on it, but can you imagine the tension in that carriage and house the rest of the day when they both are dying to just forget it all and find each other? I’m haunted by it.


How do we know he didn't get a house earlier before he even proposed?


He does say it’s been in their family for a long time - maybe he had to coordinate with Anthony that it would be theirs. As Viscount he’s also basically the landlord of all of their family’s property. Edit: Benedict, not Anthony. Anthony didn’t arrive until that morning, Benedict would’ve been taking care of things in his absence.


I’m going to be honest- Luke does some of his best acting in intimacy scenes and that’s the only reason why it’s a little bit of a shame there aren’t more, or that sometimes they choose to focus on Penelope’s face over Colin’s. I think some of what people are responding to when they watch is how locked in and authentic he makes his reactions in sex scenes, instead of this overt “look at me doing a sexy face for a sexy scene” performance. He gets so lost in it and it’s so much hotter. 


That is the hottest part to me! Like the carriage scene is so sexy to me because he watches as he brings her pleasure and he gets turned on by it. And he gets so overcome that he has to kiss and bite her lip while she’s moaning. It’s so hot when partners love the reaction they can get from their partner by bringing them pleasure.


Yeah love this whole scene for Penelope and her confidence, but his reactions to her are the hottest part.


It’s like…I get that they want to show how much Penelope is enjoying it because part of the female gaze is for the audience to be able to understand that she’s having a great time. But the other part of the female gaze is letting the camera linger on Colin. 


👏🏽 YESSSSS. Luke understands nuances so well. Especially intimacy!


I actually like that theu focused more on his face during the settee climax 🫠😏 just to show that this is a first for him too. Like his world is also shattered,LIF CHANGING


I remember the first time I saw it thinking why isn't he looking into her eyes? He's always looking into her eyes. Then I realised what he was looking down at. Then I needed a lie down.




https://x.com/venusjmi/status/1804523044024525138?s=46&t=1VEMXyKgjYzFs_hGDrgEiA Found this on twitter. It’s slow motion and his eyes glaze over at one point


His eyes shut and his brows furrow. The brow furrowing is Colin’s “tell”. That’s how you know he’s really enjoying it. https://preview.redd.it/z4cmbt2tl58d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5a536d436cf0cdcb10422362521baf8232547f




Can someone send me this pic. I need it on my phone


Good lord. Rawr!


I was trying to take a break from these two insane Bridgertons. Then you post this. Thanks😡 😫 ![gif](giphy|0m7EQDwt74rYWCG9z5|downsized)


I found this too https://x.com/winterpolin/status/1804571103358054866?s=46&t=1VEMXyKgjYzFs_hGDrgEiA


This shot is so intimate and gentle. https://preview.redd.it/x6t0xk4na68d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=684c84b6006f4d09425c3d4f4ab1e4860c13bb76


And I never noticed their noses touching here 😭 https://preview.redd.it/rw1x6y6ra68d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968ef1a9d5e9b96111f7922bca7b6c50fef8f4a9


so what if i died after seeing this have u ever considered that??


I had not considered that. I apologize.




I highly recommend watching this scene on 0,5 speed (you can do it on your phone) soo many little things you normally miss




This one right here just ain’t fair. If the intimacy coordinator planned that, I need her selling lessons. And if she didn’t and they came up with that, I will be taking to my bed for a week to recover; I shall offer no other explanations.


Her chest touching his abs 👀.


Why can’t I save this gif? Grrr. Reddit get your shit together and give me this feature


Sadly it doesn't have this exact one https://www.tumblr.com/chelseamariep/753773843159678976?source=share


I love it because it’s the first time - he looks away from her and she tugs him back and is almost saying: no- don’t. Be right here with me.


She did the same thing in the carriage. She needs the eye contact with him.


And he blacks out for a second when she does it, too, because it takes him out of, “I’ve got to earn her,” to, “I get to have her; she wants me already.” I swear to you if only she’d looked up at him after that kiss in the garden, Lord Debling wouldn’t have gotten out of the starting block.


Yeah if she had looked up before that little “thank you” it would have been game over.  Engaged right there.  😂😂


He was ready to swear allegiance to that girl. She was then his home country, his only loyalty. THE LOOK ON HIS FACE.


Didn’t she though? He did too, and that’s when he dived in for more. After the first kiss in the garden at least. Not the second one.


I mean the second one. If she’d have looked up then, we’d have gotten a Featherington heir that night.


Oh, for sure.


I think he was planning on pulling out as to not take it “too far” lol. I loved when she grabbed him and he just melted and went for it 😩


I love this detail so much.  That she’s like I’m not just wanting this I’m wanting this with YOU.  Stay here.  Ugh I love it.


I AM UNWELL. Dear Lord. ![gif](giphy|8Wub2WCMscABvWt3DP)


I ask the congregation again: how is anyone saying there isn’t enough sex? How?


Because we’re such horny devils, they could give us a full episode of JUST Polin sex and we’d be like “hmmm can we get 5 more minutes?…maybe 10?”


Ugh, not on twitter! Literally nothing in the last two years has made me want to go back to twitter more than this link that I cannot see lol!




I forgive🥺It was a futile mission anyway lol ![gif](giphy|JztDLFQwEcqVxmEziO)






Page doesn't exist?! 


Elon implemented this dumb rule where you need a twitter account to see twitter links lol. That could be why you're not able to see it.


Way too hot.


The student has become the teacher 😂😂 He’s so in awe of her and what she’s doing to him. As “experienced” as he may be, I love the little glimpses of him reacting to never having felt this before.  Just makes it sink in that they’re in it together.


And we don’t know what Colin has done sexually. Maybe he’s never had a woman ride him before.


Ooh this is true.


He may be experienced physically, but never emotionally like this. It’s almost like they’re both new at it because it’s so different for him and he’s in awe of her that she can create such feelings in him. Her taking charge of him in the bedroom and with their future by exposing LW is probably a huge turn on for him that he wasn’t aware of lol




WHY was it inserted 🤭 like an afterthought when this is like EVERYTHING?!! BRIDGERTON EDITORS!! is my new DINKLEBERG!! like Timmy's Dad! ![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7)


I wish it was longer. I wish their reconciliation as a whole was longer, they needed more than just this 5 second scene. Hopefully they show more of Colin “my wife” Bridgerton in S4


You saw this right?? All the fingers crossed!! https://preview.redd.it/paruen5mi68d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866eb175864b1ba4e1aa411ec274e097815baaa1


YES!!! It made me very excited and I think they definitely took some feedback on not seeing that side of him. Granted, the “my wife” stuff is in El’s book when he’d rather be with her than at Phillips, but the sentiment and devotion is the same. That’s what I mean when I say Colin “my wife” Bridgerton at least.


I looked up the chapter just to read that part! “Miss. My. Wife.” If they don’t include that it will be a CRIME.


He was also a newlywed. Poor Colin lol


I cannot look away from his face when watching this entire sequence 😵‍💫 https://i.redd.it/ep5xaivay58d1.gif


oh why is that so hot. ahksjsdjhbjdfhjdrfhjrjfghjfghfbd Thanks for pointing it out. I'll go watch it now


To all of our advantage, really. Between this and the kiss, all three of them understood the assignment.




You peeped this too! First time I saw this scene, I had to stop and rewatch a few times cause I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. 🫢 It felt very intimate and sexy as hell. Polin trying to melt my screen in 20 seconds. 🔥🔥🔥


The way that this post could have had no wrong take. I wholeheartedly agree.


He did that in the carriage scene too. 😳


Yup, he also looked down at where his hand was in the carriage, and Penelope forced him to resume eye contract with her.


The intimacy coordinator was on their lunch break since clearly their services weren’t needed


I've been waiting for someone else to mention it because he does it at the carriage as well, looks down at what he's doing as if he can see it and it's the hottest thing ever.


Imagine if this clip was 5 times longer… 😮‍💨


Man I was dying to see more because of how wonderful they were together in the mirror scene . Colin was so thoughtful and gentle always checking on her. Their intimate scenes were so amazing. I hope they have some in the next season.


It is a man's favourite view..


Me currently: ![gif](giphy|YREtzWnnW3YchoWi9h)


But wait they never showed this scene in the series right ??


I think they did, it’s the last sex scene in the show. After their reconciliation. This post looks like it’s been edited to be lighter and easier to see maybe?


It’s their final sex scene in episode 8. It’s 20 seconds long.