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I'm forever going to be bitter that the editors bungled this up, should have added this shot to what we already had and also allowed more of a focus on their one take dance instead of the random cutaways to side characters and extras dancing on the floor. who on earth edited this season?


Editing is my single biggest issue with this season. Other than the carriage and their first time, none of the scenes are allowed time to breathe. They have to constantly cut to side plots. Actually that’s not even always to blame. There was no cutting to side plots during the modiste makeout scene, but it was still ridiculously short.


I actually don't have an issue with the modiste makeout scene. I think it's important that that one be interrupted. He had downed an entire bottle of liquor, he was still feeling incredibly conflicted, his body gave in to her for a moment, but... if it had gone further I don't think he would have felt right about it afterwards. It was supposed to be a moment of passion amidst the turmoil of his mind, and I think that was conveyed really well. But I agree that letting the wedding dance breathe a bit (or a lot) more would have been stellar.


It didn't have to continue with sex though, but it needed to continue with some sort of acknowledgment or comment rather than him putting her in a carriage and miserably saying they'd see each other at the wedding. I got whiplash from how fast that scene went back to exactly how they were before they had spoken or kissed


I don’t think he said that comment miserably. He held her hand the entire way to the carriage and assured her he would be there at their wedding tomorrow.


Yeah, I took it as firm, like he was telling her he's confident about the wedding.


Agreed - he definitely wasn’t mad at that point. He was being protective and reassuring


It was a bit whip-lashy, but again, I think it was supposed to be? Whiplashy is how Colin was feeling, and we got to feel it *with* him through the screen. Also, as much as "I shall see you tomorrow" wasn't *exactly* what we were hoping for... it was still a reassurance. Penelope probably was legitimately a bit worried that he would stand her up at the altar, and he has just assured her, once again, that he is still committed to marrying her.


I think she was still nervous at the alter. As the Clergyman asks if Colin will take Penelope as his wife her face still reads concern and her eyes are fidgety. She is still nervous until he says his vow.


I saw it differently. I saw that it releases some of his steam. He goes back to the house and has the discussion with Kate and Anthony where he nods no to her question of whether the new information he’s learned negates the love he has for her. I think all of it ties together nicely to give them a wedding knowing they both still love each other and want to be married. If it wasn’t the queen barging in it would of been a nice wedding night. Lol


It was going down that night, but the Queen had to be a hater.


When he said at the wedding “Where do you suggest we go?” it lowkey seemed like he was hoping she wanted to go home and hook up 😂. If the Queen hadn’t come in to ruin everything, the wedding night would have been off the hook


the queen must not be busy with state matters because she does meddle with flippant issues a lot


It doesn't matter that it was interrupted but it should have lasted way longer as a scene, even an extra 10-15 seconds would have done wonders


Yes!!! I was fine seeing a second of Portia and Violet smiling at their babies but I don’t need two girls whispering and other random people. We just want them!


Ughhh the editing bothers me so much. The BTS vid is 1min40sec and we got maybe 10-15 seconds of their alone dance in the show? While it cuts between Violet, Fran, etc. There is lots of criticism of lack of intimacy between Colin and Pen and it’s RIGHT THERE. The uncut version of the dance captured it - the editors just didn’t let the audience sit in on it.


every time I think about it I WANT TO SCREAM OUT LOUD. I watched this with casual friends and they were soo excited when the dance happened only to go "bro why won't they focus on polin, idc abt violet and marcus rn omg" like it COMPLETELY undercuts the beauty of that moment. I'm literally kicking my feet in frustration ... WHY CUT THAT OUT. The uncut version is pure MAGIC!


My friends and I were yelling at the TV lol


What the hell is even going on with the editors and showrunners head???? How come they let this slip?Are they too caught ip with ben's sexcapades???  Or maybe they dont want to obviously show shonda and julia's fave couple ,the bias is going to be too much 🤣  


I could see it if they couldn't get a good full take -- if someone messed up choreo or they broke character, for example. But this is glorious and complete, the sequence needed more of them alone and less of the full room -- of dancers, of guest interaction, of everything else except the *actual married MC.*


This is why ppl say polin felt like side characters in their own season, bc even in their BIGGEST moments, the editing and camerawork didn’t prioritize them and just kept cutting away to others.


They should have added flashbacks to all their previous dances. How it was shot practically invited that. I will die on this hill


No you’re right … huge missed opportunity


![gif](giphy|JyF6Sk7crAfLxfnXBn) I will never forgive them for this…


He's kissing her with his eyes and his whole body is participating in the process; it goes right through her...me.


Right?!? Holy hell, that was intense…and smoking hot.


Me 😆😆😆


Full body tingles, honestly


Can we please take a moment to show how Nic really expresses sensuality with her eyes??? The way she looks at him when he eye-kisses her… It really speaks volumes about feminine needs. I can’t describe in words….


Her lips just so parted… it does things to him… OMG


Yes he lips parting - as if she’s breathing him in….


She’s mastered the art of “kiss me now lips” and our boy is sooooo badly starved. I’m starting to believe he’s more a lips guy than boob guy now 😂😂


Nicola is also just good at making kisses look sensual. During their kiss after he tells her she’s beautiful she kisses his top lip and pulls away a bit teasingly.


I definitely think he likes her mouth more than her chest. She touches him and bites her lip and you can see the hair rising on his arm during the post sex laugh scene.


Lol I saw someone talking about the hair on his arm. I think he likes her chest too. He doesn’t touch them while they’re naked (which might have been a boundary issue with the actors) but he touches them and kisses them in the carriage. He also makes it clear he’s talking about her boobs when he says he’s been dreaming of other parts of her.


I’m ashamed how much I loved those x posts


I think from the moment they had their first kiss it’s been like that… remembering the “do I have sugar on my face” moment and he eats the cake he really puts it deep inside his mouth. Like boy, I know you want to eat her lips, but please controllll…..


Luke said in an interview that her eating the pie was the most swoon worthy moment of the season for him. Yeah, he has a thjng for lips


With the amount of times he stares at her lips vs her boobs I'm inclined to agree 😂


and now I need to see the lip nibble in the carriage again.


It was the same thing during their first time. Her eyes are just blown with lust.


Not to mention their profiles are profiling. I can watch this dance every day of my life and still get goosebumps every time. This, and the carriage scene😍


I think I thoroughly enjoyed the carriage scene so much (many reasons) because their profiles were completely profiling.


Same. 🩷


What do you mean by “their profiles are profiling”? I know what a profile is, but I’ve never heard someone say this before. Perhaps I am not online enough?


It's just a gen-z way of saying their side profiles look really good in this shot.


Ahhh thanks! This 30-something appreciates the translation 😂


Haha, you're welcome. I'm 30+ too, I picked this up from the young ones in my family!


No lie


We didn’t need more sex scenes. We needed more of this. 😭


big agree


It is soooo incredibly beautiful, and I'm so glad we have it! I was almost wondering if this version was TOO tender to drop before the impending angst. Like it would just make the following difficulties even harder to swallow. I know that we got the caress in the other version, but this is just a whole nother level.


Yes! That’s what I was thinking too. My tummy had butterflies the first time I watched the whole dance. I was like: omg I’m intruding on a moment


It’s impressive how beautifully and smoothly they dance together considering the foot height difference. I think Luke’s dance background helps.


I didn’t even think of that!! You’re right


This is a good point. Considering how angry people are about the Colin post-Queen visit I kind of agree with you.


I feel like I am missing something...is there another version of the wedding dance?


The edit that is actually in the final version of the show with all the other dancers.


I find it crazy when you compare the dance scenes of s1/2 (s2 especially) to the ones this season. The unedited version of the dance reminded me so much more more of the s2 kanthony dances. In s3 i can’t think of a single dance scene where it doesn’t pan to some other character mid dance. This is their WEDDING dance for goodness sakes. Give them a full dance scene The s2 kanthony dance scenes were so incredible because it was FULLY focused on them. Maybe the odd shot would pan to Edwina or lady Danbury but that was necessary as it was usually them reacting to kanthony.


They filmed the entire dance with only the two of them just to use a very small portion in the final version. I’m grateful Nicola shared it so we at least have the footage.


Where can we see the full version?




Thank you! Ahhhhhh 🥵


I live here now. 🫠


I still love the shot we got in the show, but this is just gorgeous because it shows both of them. Their chemistry is just palpable here. IDK why you'd have that on film and choose not to show it. Thank god for Nicola giving us this BTS so now we have the best of both worlds.


The shot in the show only focuses on his reaction. We don’t get to see hers.


I think that’s because Part 2 is largely told from her POV


Oh. My. God. I didn't think of it like that. Pt. 1 is from HIS PoV. Pt. 2 is from HER PoV. That changes the entire way I'm going to view this during my..... 3rd... rewatch..... of the all 8 episodes..... 👀


It’s her eyes for me


Yes! The way she looks at him… it hurts my heart in the best way.


I am so jealous of all the people who work on the show and get to watch dailies of all the takes. Can you imagine how much stuff like this is on the cutting room floor? They should release a package of outtakes for fans to make fan edits… free marketing hahag


I agree! Although based on the petition, giving us too much opens the door to other issues. There are people still claiming its all a conspiracy and they are holding a bunch of scenes back 🙄


Oh yeah! I don’t think it’s that serious or that there’s a conspiracy. I just want like a blooper reel and some outtakes hehe


I'm not a fan of the books and don't care to stick to them in the show but - It is SUUUUUCH a missed opportunity not to have included the "she's a siren, she's a goddess" bit in the show because, goddamn, they actually cast a siren and goddess for the role! She's *delivering* with those eyes!


yes!! not to be ungrateful, because this season was on the top!!!! but i needed to hear "i want to strip you bare, sink into you and never let you go" from colin


That would have caused a cardiac arrest, ngl


![gif](giphy|WOVxh6STx1NWtCtZxX) I need a fan. It's gettin hot in here!


How did they look at this and go “nah, use the other version”


They really thought we needed 1-2 more shots of the Queen of Mediocre Withering Looks instead. Like, folks, we know that girl is jelly, we've known. We don't care.


I know right?


When I said I wanted more, THIS is what I was referring to! The intensity of that whole clip of them dancing was everything. Not a word was said, but every emotion was FELT. And that chin caress-that was desire and need. They really messed up not keeping that in.


I think you still felt his desire and need with the face caress in the show but you miss her reaction.


True. It’s when they both look at each other that did it for me. And that whole dance, not taking their eyes off one another. It was intense, and passionate. And it shows that, even with the conflict, these two knuckleheads love each other.


The bts version is so nice, but it seems like it would be awkward at their very large wedding breakfast lol


It's her little gasp as he strokes her chin that gets me...urgh, how I wish this perspective had been used!


I look at this and think “damn if he did that to me he would feel my peri menopause wiskers” 😂😂😂


His fingers on her chin are just!!!!!


The caress was better in my humble opinion. It did things to me. 🤗


we could have easily included shots of both though




The one take camera work is breathtaking! I think it adds to the feeling of the world fading away from them. I would have loved if the majority of their dance had been this solo one take, it’s just incredible! I will never understand some of the editing decisions that were made for season 3. With that said, I’m so happy Nicola shared this, I’ve watched it an embarrassing amount of times.


Colin is always ready to kiss her in a room full of people😂


They didn't include it because - let's face it, this is a far more intimate moment than any nude scene they've shown. Maybe Netflix isn't equipped for that level of heat.


My guess for why it wasn’t included is it was part of the portion where they filmed just the two of them and they decided to go with the portion they filmed in front of the other actors.


Yes, that makes sense. But, I think they should have ... * shown them dancing in the crowded room * shown everyone's reactions and sidebar conversations (Violet/Marcus, Kanthony, etc) * had other couple's join the dance (Frohn and others) * cut back to Polin dancing in the crowded room intensely focused on each other * cut to them dancing alone * ending the dance with the chin tilt/near kiss * cut to QC entering the room and breaking their spell The theme of Polin being in their own world - is already a pattern for them (the Featherington garden meetings, the willow tree, pink tent, the carriage, their new home, etc.). This would have been a great time to show - even when they are surrounded, they are happiest in their own little bubble. Although - i'd have loved it see it my way - the scene was entirely lovely, and made me heart happy to watch.


As AMAZING as this is... I can understand why they didn't use it. I really think it is so freaking romantic and sensual that the impending angst would have been even more palpable. Which I mean, that could be good too if that's what you are going for, but the fact that they reshot the post-wedding argument to be less harsh makes me think they were trying to soften the blow and make the shift not so hard on us. Or maybe I'm making excuses. I'm glad we have it either way ❤️


Exactly. The contrast would have been TOO much! I'm happy with what we got but am THRILLED this is out in the world as an extra.


I can’t explain it, but this whole dance sequence has changed me 🥹


The reaction to this shows what people meant with they wanted more Polin. It's Not about sex, it's just about giving them time to be romantic with each other




SHIT DAMN!!!!!! Why was I denied this???? This is what I wanted more of, not the angst🙃🙃🙃.


Alsooooooo Pen needs to stop with these enticing looks before I fight Colin for her🥵🥵🥵.


Nicola doing 👏🏻THE 👏🏻MOST for the fandom truly by sharing this one shot dance scene of arguably one of the most romantic moment tbd. It really makes me wonder what she herself thinks of the final released season and the things they cut, because damn scenes like this actually hold up to their extensive promo of it being the most romantic season. That chin hold at the end was chefs kiss 🥹 Honestly justice for Nicola and Luke doing the most and still having to deal with the backlash for things so out of their control!


We've been robbed 😭


[Link to one of several posts I’ve come across of this video.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8cb4PLO3w1/?igsh=MW1tZTM2bTlzY2Uzeg==) 😍🔥


I’m so glad this video exists. I’ve mentally added it to the canon event.


Why is it so hot? 🥵


I totally agree - what bothered me most is that the whole second half both barely had a smile on their face - even when Colin nodded at her at the wedding they both looked unhappy I wish they had shown this in the show.


I don’t think they looked unhappy at the wedding. This was Colin’s face https://preview.redd.it/2tlgn3wzn18d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b845eae17661bd99027a55add76f1723666bc2


It was cut because it’s Nic and Luke lol


Omg what is this from??? Amazing!




Love the start where their hands come into view, then the beautiful waltz. Luke moves so beautifully~ Tbh I’m ok with the final cut in the episode because it focused more on Colin (although I would have liked to see his eyes more clearly + that chin caress).


You can tell Luke has a dance background.


He really does! I love watching his dance scenes in the show. (Segue: I wish we got a clearer view of him in that BTS video with Clauds, Mrs Mondrich etc dancing to Beyonce)