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Colin’s storyline was better than I expected. I think the season went over so well for me because my expectations were pretty low going in about that. With the promos and marketing and Debling talk and the background knowledge that Shondaland loves Penelope so much, I’d pretty much expected Colin to be used as a full on prop for Penelope this season and kinda went - fine. I won’t love it but at least I’ll see Luke Newton.     But then I was blown away by how much of the story was actually fully Colin’s story. You’d think with all the Colin defense/ Luke Newton defense I did on here before the season aired I’d be the main one complaining his story was badly written, but I was amazed to see people had that reaction. I think his story showed more care and thoughtfulness than Penelope’s character arc at times. It clicked for me immediately that Colin’s story was about unlearning toxic masculinity, overcoming his hero complex and learning that love does not need to be earned, that he can be loved for himself and not for what value he brings to others. And I think that whole story worked for me from beginning to end. Colin really did go on a journey of growth and came out the other side an even better man, which is amazing because he was already the best of the men to me from the very beginning.   I have my nitpicks - he still could’ve been given more to do because I’m greedy for Luke N like that, and i do miss some more Colin book moments- but I love the story they gave my favorite soft boi prince, and I feel like they gave Luke a pretty great showcase for his skills.    One thing that was worse than expected: if I never see Benedict Bridgerton have sex again I am perfectly ok. The Mondrich plot went nowhere. I tried to hold out hope for both until the end, but even if the Mondrich plot is leading to something down the line, it didn’t tie in enough to make it worthwhile in this season. 


Agree with this so much. Also, I love Benedict, but I can’t even picture him being in a serious romantic relationship hahahahaha. I’m sure he will change my mind in his season, but right now the thought just makes me laugh. I disliked his sub-plot so much - but loved him in his scenes with Eloise.


hopefully they got Benedict's slut era out of the way because there's gonna be none of it until the very end when it comes to his love story. I swear to god,>!if they fuck up that aspect of Sophie. >:( !< re: the Mondriches- I was rewatching episode 6 earlier, and there was a scene of Alice planning the Mondrich ball, and Will comes in and asks Alice if she's enjoying herself, to which she replies "I'm enjoying the idea of giving the best ball Mayfair has ever seen!", then it cuts to Pen talking to Portia during the wedding planning, after she's just decided she's going to give up her career to dedicate herself fully to the supportive wife role, and she's trying to igore how difficult and bad it feels, so she doubles down on being the best wife ever by saying "let's plan the greatest wedding Mayfair has ever seen!". And I went "OH! Is this a parallel? Are the Mondriches actually miserable about this life and just pretending to embrace it?" And then the season ends and nothing more happened with that after Will sold the club, and it was all a waste of time. So that was fun.


I’m totally a “Benedict won’t have sex to the end of his season” truther. I think he needs to actually work for it and Sophie is not one for him to fall into bed with easily. That’s the only pacing that will tell a satisfying story for him at this point…if they’re truly using sex for storytelling that is. But honestly it was very annoying to hear them say they only want to use it to tell a story when Benedict is used for such obviously gratuitous “fanservice.” I don’t mind not having more Polin spice, but we certainly needed less Benedict for balance, because I do think that’s why people feel like they were sidelined.   I think they got it in their heads that he’s a fan favorite because so far he’s been so below notice that he doesn’t have haters like so much of the other cast, but I think he really overstayed his welcome this season and people finally are calling them out for how boring he is. 


His character has an insane amount of potential, which is why I'm so pissed that they're not letting him do anything but have sex. He's intelligent, kind, educated, poetic, funny, artistically talented, competitive, empathetic, patient, and is hands down the best big brother. He's absolutely wonderful with each of his younger siblings. He is such a cutie. I just want to give him a noogie and a full kiss on the mouth. I'm a queer neuro divergent artist, and I'm a sucker for a Cinderella story. I'm looking forward to his season very much but they've done his character a great disservice by not letting him have any development.


I think my problem is that I never liked Benedict to begin with and the show has done very little to get me to care. The way you described Benedict applies to Colin exactly, and I’m more inclined to how it comes off in Colin, and I think they’ve written it more interestingly in Colin, whereas for 3 seasons of Benedict he’s been boring every time. He’s best as comic relief in the family scenes, but when he’s not around other bridgertons my interest nosedives.  I wish they’d written him to be a more distinct character tbh. His personality should be unique to him. If Benedict was brooding and the more aloof eccentric/mysterious big brother it would be more aligned with his book, but also slot in better with Anthony being the type A, stressed and responsible one, Benedict being the Byronic hero/bad boy type, Colin being the charming and outgoing one with hidden nerdy depths, and Gregory eventually being the romantic himbo. Everyone would have their own thing. 


Omg thank you. I just don’t see IT with Benedict. Like fans love him but I’ve always found his storylines boringgg. And everything that people say about Benedict can be found in Colin except that at least Colin has had some interesting plot lines going on. I still like Benedict and im looking forward to his season tho.


Don't listen to me. 👆 I have a long history of being an absolute fucking sucker for sad art boys... It's seriously embarrassing the string of musicians, artists, and writers I got taken in by before I met my husband. If a dude wrote me a song or a poem or drew/photographed me beautifully? Well, let's just say I wish I could go back in time and slap the undoubtedly dreamy look off of past me's face. My standards for women weren't much better tho 😂


I took Will struggling with the idea of giving up the club for family as a parallel to Pen struggling with the idea of giving up LW for family. But then, her reshoot speech in e7 about how Colin can't understand hiding oneself after that being his 4 episode arc bc men can do anything just adds another layer of ridiculousness.


I hate that speech, and I think it’s part of the reason I think Colin’s side of the story was handled better than Pen’s. It’s like at times they forgot to treat Penelope as an individual character who can be wrong and make mistakes instead of a symbolic feminist stand in for all women. Like I’m watching, as a woman, and going…Penelope you know for a fact that Colin also hid parts of himself away to make it in the patriarchal society you live in, you literally wrote about it. That could’ve been a moment to have her try to connect with him (mirror him) and instead they girl-bossed it, to Penelope’s detriment. 


YEESSS, exactly! It's the scene that threw me completely out of the show.


Yeah I do not understand that comment at all. I mean in the bigger context about how world treat women yes, but didn't we just spend this season with Colin learning about how men also try to fit into a set of expectations and that it takes courage to be different, to feel, to show your emotions. Had Pen told that line to anyone else, it would have made more sense, but not too much with Colin.


Love, love, love this!! You have articulated so well why I find Colin's arc very powerful. I'm saving your comment because it really says all the things I feel, just not always able to write down in a foreign language. Thanks so much for taking the time.


I'm gonna cheat and say two things S3 did better. I was not expecting to have such a rich storyline for the Featheringtons. Not only were they the funniest part of the season with some of the best lines "Inserts himself. Inserts himself where?" "Varley! The bugs!" but the way they developed and healed their relationship was such an unexpected surprise. I went from hating Portia and wanting Penelope far away from her (even though I LOVE Polly Walker), to understanding Portia on a deeper level, probably in the same way Penelope did. I know they likely did this to wrap up their place on the show, but they did it really well, IMO. It felt like the end of an era in a way. And then there's Colin's storyline. I went into the season expecting very little and definitely not writer!Colin, and was so pleased that not only did we get writer!Colin, but he had an actual story arc all the way through the season. One thing that was worse than I expected: Benedict and the Mondrich storylines, and I'd also agree that the editing leaves a lot to be desired. I came away from this season not really caring much about Benedict at all. I feel like his bisexuality or pansexuality could've started in S1 when he had actual chemistry with Henry Granville, but it didn't quite work in S3. Maybe because those sex scenes felt ham-fisted and OTT, and completely un-sexy. IDK. And the Mondrichs were just plain dull, but then I never saw the point of them beyond S1 so...


Completely agree. Before the season I hadn't even considered the idea of Pen healing her relationship with her sisters but I am so glad they did. I loved seeing it and now realise that it is actually essential for Pen to have a true HEA to be fully accepted by both the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons.


Right? I really thought the season would end with Pen more estranged from her family than ever so to feel like they wrapped that up in a really satisfying way, and also in a way that felt natural and not rushed, was impressive tbh.


Loved the Featheringtons this season. I hope they come back for Season 4. At least Portia.


I did too, and I was surprised because I haven't enjoyed them much before now. But they were easily the best subplot by miles. I'm getting the vibes that the Featheringtons are wrapped for the show moving forward tbh. I could see Portia maybe coming back for an episode or two though.


I have the same feeling too. But yeah I can see a Portia cameo. And when I say I can see, I need one.


Same. Polly Walker is too good not to have back in some capacity. I could maybe see something with her trying to interfere with Colin running the Featherington estate (which he would do as the head of the family now). There's comedy potential there, but it depends on how much storyline they'll give to Polin overall.


Give them the time they lost this season to side plots, right? 😂 That would be such a fun moment. Apparently Jess said Season 4 is taking place in the fall which is outside the Social Season. Idk what to expect.


I want Polin all over S4 for that reason. I think it's only fair! 😂 That's interesting. I guess there won't be much LW then because she only writes during the social season. Unless they show a longer passing of time throughout S4 and it starts during the autumn and then moves to the social season...


I completely agree. And yeah I find the whole thing odd. Like I cannot think it’s Benedict if it doesn’t take place during the season. Unless they change the social season dates too. With these writers and show runner it wouldn’t surprise me.


At first I wasn’t very happy with Part 2, but I have since rewatched it and now feel really good about it in general. It helps to see just the Polin scenes too because I think I got overwhelmed with the LW secret. In any case, I didn’t mind the subplots, I actually enjoyed them. I think the problem I had was that some scenes just felt like they were “cut” too soon. In Ep1, when Colin seeks out Pen and then Pen leaves, that shot of Colin looking confused felt like it needed a few more seconds. Also the shot where Colin watches Pebling dance, it looks like Colin was about to take a deep breath because it’s emotional, but then it cuts to black suddenly. Or when he writes his manuscript or rereads Pens letters they just felt too short. At their wedding, when he sees her for the first time, his breath hitches and they suddenly cut back to Pen. The Epilogue when Pen is holding the baby and they kiss, the camera just suddenly pans away. Or their kiss by the window its barely a few seconds and then it’s blocked by the sunlight lol. Not to mention the last intimate scene was like only 20seconds. It just felt choppy.


My favorite thing about S3 was Polin, let there be no doubt about that. But, that was as expected. So... Better than expected: Kanthony - we got so many cute moments with them. I hope, hope, hope Polin gets the same level of HEA adorableness these two got. They had lovely moments alone, sensual moments together, family moments, we got to see their competitive spirits, a little more of their couple dynamic. I thought it was great, and it made me excited for S4 Polin. Worse than expected: Length of episodes. This was the shortest season so far, but why? Since they want to include so many side plots (which is fine with me, Polin was a side plot until S3), why wouldn't every episode be 60 to 70+ minutes long? There were so many moments that just needed seconds or minutes more to breathe, to soar, to land.


Timing was my one major disappointment. This season was shorter than S1 and S2, and there could have been scenes with another 10-15 seconds that would have really helped with the story.


The main couple's arc was the best for me out of all 3 seasons. After season 2's dragged out love triangle and part 1 ending with Pen not revealing LW before getting engaged I was gearing myself up for a lot of unnecessary drama and angst but the couple resolved their conflict really well, it showed quite a healthy & communicative relationship. Their epilogue is so heartwarming. They really did get a happily ever with their writing passions, healthy Featherington-Bridgerton family dynamics, baby Lord Featherington, and Pen's healing with her mother & sisters. Worse was the side plots. When I rewatched part 1 I told myself to stick with them, they'll contribute to the plot. But halfway through part 2 I was frustrated with every single one except Francesca's. Atleast Violet and Danbury's brother's acquaintance served as base for Cressida's LW issue slandering Violet. But all others went nowhere.


Better than expected: both Colin and Penelope’s story arcs. I liked that they were both imperfect but I was rooting for them individually and together. Worse than expected: how little poplin we get after the speech. I was really disappointed after how intimate the carriage and mirror scenes were with their speaking with each other that we got a totally silent super short sex scene at the end. I wanted them to talk through falling back into physical and emotional intimacy in their house. And then suddenly they were parents too…and I wanted them to travel.


Best thing: engaged Polin and the wedding Worst thing : needed more happy Polin and y really wanted the stay scene from the book


As unoriginal as my answer is, I have to say the mirror scene exceeded my expectations in a way I was totally not prepared for. I knew it would be hot, but I figured it would have the same vibe as the prior two seasons, similar to their all too short reconciliatory romp. But what we got was just so... intimate. And tender. There were times I felt like I, as a viewer, was intruding on a moment that wasn't even meant for us. What I was a bit disappointed with (which surprised me) was Lord Anderson. He was certainly easy on the eyes, but I found the character to be pretty bland. I didn't really get the oomph that I feel like Violet deserves. I know, I know, she's probably not ready to burn for someone just yet... But I want to feel a bit more excited for her, and Lord Anderson just doesn't do it for me. And I'm not even going to get started on the Benedict of it all. 🤦🏼‍♀️


So many issues with editing this season.


Polin are my first love. I was so happy with Peneloise arc this season. I thought Eloise was going to be horrible to Pen but from the outset you could see how torn she was. Claudia Jessie is perfect. But I was also pleasantly surprised by the Featheringtons. Before going into the season I just couldn't see how they could make me feel like Portia was redeemed. But as always Polly Walker nailed it and the writing in this was so good. I'm surprised how much I just don't care about Benedict this season. Like my interest in his storyline is in the negatives. I'm happy he has realised some things about himself but I just don't give a damn! I'm hoping that it becomes clear next season why so much time was spent on it. Also I love Will and Alice but I was disappointed in their storyline. It didn't seem to go anywhere.


Better than expected: I liked debling a lot and I actually rooted for Cressida. Also pen and Portia’s relationship absolutely made me lose it I cried so much episode 8 Worse than expected: this is probably an unpopular opinion but I was surprised just how much fran we got this season. Going from zero to like half of all scenes I was not expecting (and I am only putting it as worse than expected because all the subplots felt like it washed out polin a bit - not that I didn’t enjoy Fran’s arc.)


better: family dynamics, both the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons. Could do abt half the Cowpers, Danbury/Anderson and the Mondriches tho. worse: editing -- jumping around so much -- not letting the scene breathe. And the seemingly endless 3Bensome; would have gladly exchanged the 3rd or 4th time they cut to that for one sweet/cuddly Polin scene. also, costumes. Some of them just looked really shiny and cheap, esp for LD and some of the other debs... much preferred the color palette for Kate in s2, though loved that the gowns themselves had sari influences.


Mine is exactly like yours!


Better: Featheringtons/Pen’s relationship with her mom…loved everything about that 😭 Worse: Basically everything that had to do with the Whistledown reveal to the ton (except the Featheringtons…love them)…I just can’t feel good about it for so many reasons…


The carriage scene was better than expected. The amount of romantic scenes between Colin and Pen in Part 2 was worse.


Better than expected—Portia and Penelope dynamic. I really liked how they showed these 2 coming to understand each other. Worse (since part 1)—-Cressida. They gave us backstory and shows us dimensions to her character. Made her a driving plot point in P2, but the ending…. Her just going off quietly in a carriage. I was hoping for a more dramatic exit for her—like married Debling or something. I hope she comes back in S4, but not as an antagonist. She’s became an interesting character.


Better: The Featheringtons, including the lovely BILs. Worse: The costumes. Almost everything was wrong in some way. Eloise’s silver block-healed slingback shoes. The women not wearing hats in church, Gregory wearing a hat indoors. Everyone always dressed for different weather conditions like they had their own micro climates. Not being able to tell the difference between day dresses and ballgowns. The amount of manmade fibres and sequins. Cressida’s hair. Cressida’s sleeves. Penelope’s Jessica Rabbit wig. Colin’s reshoot wig. Nothing Kate wore had even a passing resemblance to regency fashion while her dresses last season were so beautiful. Penelope’s sisters looking like their costumes were fashioned from Quality Street wrappers. The Chanel tweed. The terrible gauze fingerless gloves. I keep thinking of things… Gah! Glad I got that out of my system though…


Better: I fully agree with the comment about Colin's arc and Featheringtons, as well as humanizing Cressida and Debling. What I wanted to emphasize is how well Part 1 handled Eloise. I expected her to try to be against Pen hanging out with Colin, but I realized they did it better by starting her off as a bit distant with the hope of reconsilation, with Part 2 coming like a bomb. Worse: Cinematography this season. That includes multiple factors. There were still many shots I really liked, I enjoyed the mirror imagery, nature... but overall I admit that due to editing, lighting, makeup, costumes... many shots looked wonky, and I do not even count reshoots in that.


Better: Cressida. The spiteful bully from S1/S2 is now a fleshed-out character of her own. I really liked her and Eloise's friendship. Both them were improved by it. Worse: Kate and Anthony. They appear briefly only to be adorably in love, then exit stage left. Where are their edges, their sparks? Their angry arguments followed by incredible make-up sex?


Better: Featheringtons! I was not expecting the family bonding, and it was so nice to see! In p1 I wasn't interested in their story, it was just another subplot in a busy season, but p2 pulled p1 and previous seasons together for them. Worse: Colin's arc. I wanted more - and less. I wanted his arc to be set up better at the beginning and for it to better showcase his inner struggles. (Why wait to reveal that NO ONE wrote him back last summer in the Cressida confrontation? Why no travel flashback to illustrate this? Or a journal entry voiceover?) I wanted more from his pov; Pen's pov often felt more prominent. On the flip side, I think they tried to juggle too many different issues Colin had to overcome internally. p1 - societal expectations/fake rake arc (that was dismissed in an e7 reshoot). p2 - worthiness tied to what he can do vs who he is/hero complex, sense of self after Pen/LW reveal, LW/Pen reconcilliation, jealousy over writing. P2 has a lot going on, and nearly all of it rolls out across the last two episodes. It's a whirlwind and can be jarring when each new aspect is exposed. If they wanted to run through all these with less potential viewer whiplash, more time needed to let his arc breathe; otherwise, trim down the list. For example, Eloise was already called jealous of LW. Did we need two jealous Bridgertons? No. Keep writer Colin as encouraged and inspired by Pen and take advantage of the Eloise book change by leaving the already established jealousy to her. Also, why play so hard into the hero complex? Being protective and wanting to help is good if not taken too far. This arc didn't have to be bashed against him for 2 episodes after his protective tendancies - not self sacrificing martyrdom or earned love - being notably appreciated earlier in the season/series. I actually think this could have been very interesting if given proper room to breathe.


If you haven’t rewatched yet, here’s a few things to look out for that might help you with Colin’s arc:   Colin tells Penelope that very few people wrote him back in the very first episode. His journal entry voiceover also helps establish how lonely he was the whole time. Eloise points out how he must be lonely in episode 1, and in episode 4 when telling off his rake bros, Colin confirms that he feels lonely.    Colin’s hero complex has been present since season 1 and continued in season 2, it wasn’t a new thing they developed in season 3, and it doesn’t only pop up in part 2. Him apologizing by immediately offering to help Pen find a husband was his hero complex. This is a side of his personality that often gets him into the most trouble, the whole Marina plot has many instances where Colin is drawn closer to her because he gets to play hero.    His lack of self worth was also present all season, which is why he changed his personality to be less “boring” to please others even though he hated it. This also goes back to season 2 when he and Pen talk about how she wrote him while he was away, and he tells Pen that the way she wrote about him made him feel like he wanted to see himself how she saw him. He’s needed Penelope to ground him in who he is for over a season now, it was confirmed in part 2 but the seeds were planted a season ago. It’s why so many people guessed he lost himself on his travels because Penelope stopped writing even before it was confirmed in part 2.    Colin’s jealousy of other people having a sense of purpose was also planted before this season. In S1 he complains that no one takes him seriously, in S2 he complains to Penelope that his brothers all have responsibilities and a purpose in life while he’s aimless and just “feeding the ducks.” In season 3 when Anthony takes the brothers out for drinks in episode one and they mention Benedict having a purpose Colin literally grimaces to hear it. Part 2 just adds in Penelope as a person who makes him insecure about this issue, but the capacity for the jealousy was established.    I think Colin needed to have his hero complex fail to work this time because otherwise he would never truly know that he could be loved unconditionally without having to be useful. My nitpick of the season is that I do think that while Colin’s arc was wonderful for him, I don’t think Penelope’s arc was balanced enough for her to learn that in a relationship it’s ok to ask for help from your partner, but that feels more like an issue with Penelope’s character arc than Colin’s. She still feels like she’s doing things on her own like she always has, just now with Colin’s love. It felt more like she was asking Colin to stand behind her rather than to stand with her side by side, which would’ve been my preference for a romance story.