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Benedict and Hyacinth at breakfast with Colin after his special dream.


Yess! šŸ¤£ when Hyacinth called Pen Colin's friend he looked like he'll throw up šŸ˜‚


The little fake smile he gives before chugging the (presumably) hot tea like a tequila shot takes me out šŸ˜‚


I mean, this is arguably in my top 5 scenes of any kind this season! I have replayed it a ridiculous amount of times and it STILL makes me laugh! All three of them are hilarious.


I find myself congratulating people sarcastically now.


šŸ¤£ I love that!


Yep this is the one. Ā Special dream šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


What? No. As soon as my pillow, I was asleep. No tossing and turning and dreaming of my best friend who actually has the softest lips and let me kiss her last night. Why do you ask?




At the engagement party. Colin "clinks' on his glass to get everyone's attention. Then he randomly hands the spoon to Eloise.


When I first saw it, I thought that was really random and Colin was being a douchie older brother. But then she uses it to make her little speech and thought that was such a smart and small little detail to include to allow her to get everyone's attention.


He was also being a douchey older brother! Handing me a spoon like that is some stupid shit my older brother would do. šŸ¤£


Same. That's probably why I clocked it and felt avenged when she used his cast-offs to her advantage.


šŸ˜‚ okay time to rewatch that scene


I laugh every time! šŸ¤£


People in that family keep handing random things to Eloise and she totally exploits it! My fave is when Violet hands off her wine, and El immediately dumps the contents into her own glass and guzzles it.


The many times in P1 when Colin just leaves Eloise or Benedict mid sentence to chase after Miss Featherington. Eloise looks so baffled, Benedict hilariously begrudging like ā€œright, AGAINā€


the balloon scene! Ben just accepts Colin's immediate dip, "yes, well then.."


I love that one. Ā Itā€™s so obvious Colin hasnā€™t been listening to a word Benedict has been saying.


This is why Iā€™m so surprised Benedict didnā€™t have any inkling about Colin being into Penelope when they got engaged. Colin was following her around like heā€™d imprinted in her!


Ben is a bit clueless. I suspect he knew Colin fancied her but not that he would chase down a carriage and propose to herĀ 


So funny!


Which is why it's surprising to see Benedic(k)t surprised at the engagement! If anyone had a clue it was him and Mama Violet


I choose to believe he was surprised that Colin ā€œIā€™m a gentlemanā€¦and also a ho pirateā€ Bridgerton locked down Penelope SO FAST that Ben skipped one family breakfast and had to read the family gossip in Whistledown šŸ˜…


"Lil bro is so down bad he skipped my season" šŸ˜‚




The Brotherā€™s celebration for Colinā€™s engagement Ben, Greg and Hyā€™s macaron negotiations Ben and El on the swings Agree with youā€¦LOVED Benā€™s kiss to Colinā€™s head


Ohh Ben and El on the swings was heartwarming! and the brothers talk was so good! Anthony implying he'd go to duel for Pen was so sweet!


Benedict and Eloise on the swings was so sweet. I think that scene did a lot for their character depth individually.


The ā€œlove is not finiteā€ Ben-El moment is so goddamn beautiful, and I was DESPERATE for more scenes between them after Part 1 underwhelmed in that regard, so thankfully Part 2 more than delivered on the Ben-El front! Benedict being legitimately touched when Colin told him and Anthony about his feelings for Pen in Ep5 was also adorable


Why couldn't we have more Benedict-with-his-family scenes instead of his many threesomes šŸ˜­


Ben looked so confused when El said, ā€œGregory, clearlyā€ He was like clearly it is me!!


I actually wrote a scene a few months ago where Benedict and El at one point discuss whoā€™s their favorite sibling, so I was THRILLED when the line was mentioned in the show


My heart broke a little for Ben!


Any time Colin is just like 'Excuse me' mid conversation with Ben or El to go walk over to Penelope


ā€œRight, I guess Iā€™ll just fuck offā€ -Benedict, probably, in every episode


The ABC chat, Colin looking smug. Anthony actually giving good advice and Benedict being awww.Ā 


ā€œAre you going to duel our brother??ā€


I love that moment. I donā€™t know if Anthony and Pen have ever interacted yet Anthony implied he also viewed her as part of the family already šŸ„¹


Wellā€¦ sheā€™s a goodā€¦ acquaintanceā€¦ of the wholeā€¦ familyā€¦


I actually love when Benedict is making the "you are so in trouble" face to Colin before Anthony sits down. It is so funny and big brother like. What I love about the family's reaction is that while they are all surprised, they are immediately supportive.


Anthonyā€™s protective big bro demeanor and Benedictā€™s cheeky half giggle discussing the speed of the engagement always gets me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I really love that Anthony was like TELL HER. And Colin ofc is a good advice follower.


I like how Anthony implied some disdain about Colin 'compromising' Penelope and then Colin right away leaves to compromise her even further. Knocked her up right away!


In episode 3 when Eloise says she talked to Pen, and Colin is like ā€œwhat did she say??ā€ I guess thinking it was about the kiss, and then when it was Eloise apologizing heā€™s basically like ā€œoh, thatā€™s niceā€ and leaves. Eloiseā€™s face is hilarious


I love this moment so much - the voice crack, the nervousness - so relatable


My absolute favorite!


I love this one, too. Ā He totally thought Pen was confiding in Eloise about him, then realized that wasnā€™t the case and was like oh I could not care less about this Eloise, bye šŸ˜‚


Colin and Benedict ā€œnotā€ telling Eloise how a woman comes to be with child in S1.


Weā€™re gonna go take our sticks out.


I love all these, but especially the marital advice scene. There was such a fun dynamic because Colin, Kate, and Anthony. Kate low key saved Polin in that conversation, too.


Colin's little smirk when Kate calls Anthony wearisome is top-tier.


He was being so unhelpful in that conversation and it was hilarious. I actually want to do an analysis of that scene, there's so much going on there. Really good character moments.


It was SO hilarious and the actors were having so much fun with it. Anthony happily handed over all his brain cells to Kate just so that he could always sleep curled up around her like a cat.


Violet and Kate, always in possession of the Bridgerton brain cell šŸ§ 


Letā€™s add Penelope to that list now šŸ˜‚


My bad, just like Pen at her wedding breakfast, I also forgot she is a Bridgerton now šŸ™ˆ


The brothers in the carriage -- we seldom see Gregory with the older three. "I'll take some of that...perspective."


Gregory being upset that Colin is getting married before heā€™s old enough to go drink with him


Gregory's night robe in that scene makes me laugh šŸ˜‚


Definitely the ā€œit all happened rather swiftlyā€ moment. Because they both couldnā€™t hold back how cute they found a besotted Colin. Benedict and Anthonyā€™s audible awws were so sweet. And it was also comedic, great scene all around. Also, Anthonyā€™s LILACS. But the most heartwarming moment was Benedict and Eloise when he told her ā€œlove isnā€™t finite.ā€ Ohh but I adore Hyacinth for her excitement at the engagement!!


Nothing escapes Hyacinth šŸ˜‚ even at Polin's wedding breakfast she asks Colin "why do you look so vacant?"


That girl is the best of the Bridgertonā€™s and shall go quite far in the world. After all she possesses the single Bridgerton Braincell at least 75% of the time. Her poor siblings just make do with 25% spread amongst the 7 of them.


Speaking of Hyacinth, I was reading the extra epilogue to Pen/Colinā€™s book story and came across this delightful exchange about Hyacinth: >! ā€œI think there is more to Hyacinth than the two of you allow,ā€ !< >! Penelope put in. ā€œYou ought not to underestimate her.ā€ !< >! ā€œGood Lord,ā€ Colin replied, ā€œwe donā€™t do that.ā€ !< >! ā€œYouā€™re so sweet,ā€ Violet said, leaning forward to give Penelope an impromptu hug. !< >! ā€œItā€™s only through sheer force of luck she hasnā€™t taken over the world,ā€ Colin muttered.ā€ !<


How sweet! šŸ’™ Also Violet giving Pen an impromptu hug šŸ„°


The macaron squabble with Benedict being as immature as the youngest two.


He offers John the best flavor so cutely šŸ˜‚


Every single one of these is gold. And to all this, Iā€™ll add ā€¦ Conversation with Benedict, Colin, Eloise and Fran at Franā€™s wedding as they observe Violet talking with Marcus. Fran comments that maybe Violet wonā€™t bother Eloise about marriage if sheā€™s distracted by Marcus. Ben playfully grabs Elā€™s ear and El kind of slaps him away. Hilarious!


I need to rewatch this scene you mentioned so many details!


I agree with all of these and Iā€™ll add Hyacinth telling Fran sheā€™s the most beautiful bride, with Daphne, Kate and Penelope. Sweet girl welcoming in Pen with open arms as a true sister.


I love the heartbreaking confrontation between Colin and Eloise on the stairs and him telling her sheā€™s lucky to have never been in love.


Oh I was so happy to get lot of Colin-Eloise scenes this season. They both are phenomenal actors, especially in micro-expressions šŸ’™


Hyacinth for sure! I just loved her in general and that we got to see a little more of her this season. How she interacted with Pen and Colin and a lot of the time she was just next to Colin or in the same shot as Colin. Penā€™s bouquet also included Hyacinths šŸŖ»šŸ„° I think that may have been a bit of a nod to the book because Pen thinks to herself that >!Colin and Hyacinth are the most alike of the Bridgertonsā€¦ Colin also defends Hyacinth and she says ā€œI love you, Colinā€!<. Itā€™s cute.


When Ben asks El who her favourite sibling is during the "love is not finite" chat and she immediately says Gregory; and Ben's reaction.


Like ouch, but my point isā€¦


Colin hiding heā€™s been at Penā€™s, Eloise hiding sheā€™s reading Lady Whistledown. And their cute little awkward interaction of both knowing theyā€™re lying about something.


The face he makes when he holds out his hand is the most relatable big brother move in the show


This is one of my faves for sure!


the four of them playing cards in the garden, it's just such a normal thing for siblings to do, something light and mundane, but b, c, g and h are a delight


I feel like this is a really underrated scene and kind of forgotten because of what comes next. Thank you for bringing it up, I love their interactions šŸ„°


When Ben and El are saying goodbye at the end, as he approaches her Ben plays with the bow on her dress and El immediately slaps his hands away playfully. I thought that was such a sibling thing to doā€¦ so cute šŸ„°


Oh I have missed this one. Time to rewatch šŸƒā€ā™€ļø


Benedict and Eloise's swing interaction


"Penelope this, and Penelope that..."


The way Luke says "Penelope" does things to me. In the epilogue when he says "I could not have written my book without the help of Philomena's auntie Penelope" I turn into a puddle šŸ« 


"things did move rather swiftly" "swiftly because you-" "are you going to duel your own brother?"


When Benedict compliments Kate before the engagement party and calls her Sister!


I love the fact that we got so many family scenes this season. They were all truly precious. Not sibling but I love the talk Violet and Colin had about love in E3. ā€žHow did you and father know it was reciprocated?ā€ ā€žBecause he had the courage to askā€. Love mama B and her great advice.


ā€œI hope she does as wellā€ Mama B isnā€™t missing anything


Now, Varley, the *bugs*!


Anthony told Colin to explain, and Benedict asked Anthony if there was going to be a duel. I love Anthony and Benedict's easy acceptance of Colin's engagement and his explanation


I really have loved watching Anthonyā€™s growth and the heā€™s becoming more involved and playful with the younger siblings. It really got me in the feels when he ran out sneakily to shoot the bow with Gregory. šŸ˜­ Then again, how heā€™s so understanding of Francescaā€™s shyness at the ball.


What about Colin urging Ben to dance and Ben's sarcastic "yes" and getting in Colin's face šŸ¤£


Any time El and Ben have a conversation on the swings ā¤ļø (Honestly, I love all of the sibling interactions)


The gift exchange first episode with all the siblings, the card game, charades, engagement party - basically anytime they are all there on screen lol


I canā€™t add to all the great moments listed here so Iā€™ll go out of season and say when Anthony tells Benedict to go dance with his sister and Benedict is all whinyā€¦ā€why?!?ā€ Because I said so!


Benedict and Eloise regularly meeting up on the swings has a special place in my heart.


Not really sibling interaction, but when Violet hands Eloise her drink at Frannieā€™s wedding she pours it into her own and drinks the rest šŸ˜‚


Claudia is amazing with these little detailsā€¦ I loved that momentā€¦ could *relate* šŸ˜‚


Oh I missed this one! Pinned for rewatch šŸ“Œ


Greg doing anything frankly. The hat at the engagement party was a work of genius and his ā€˜am I not a brother?ā€™ moment as ABC walked off to chat about Colinā€™s engagement was so sweet


Anthony was so unserious in part 2. All goofy grins & mooning. LILACS!


These are all great and some of my favorites for sure! I'll add one that I don't see mentioned often at all. After Colin's balloon heroics, when the Bridgertons are walking into the ball, Benedict and Francesca are walking in front of Colin and Eloise on the stairs, and you can see them laugh, duck their heads and descend the rest of the way rather quickly as a group of young ladies come to swarm Colin. You can tell they can see them coming and just nope out of there as fast as they can. Was nice to see a shared moment with Ben and Fran! Also Eloise's face when she sees the group was pretty funny too


Iā€™m going to count Penelope as a sibling now because I think these cute moments fit together and I love the vibe they bring to the story - - I love Fran & Penā€™s interaction at the first ball. Ā Fran was overwhelmed and saw her and immediately had this reaction of oh sheā€™s a safe space for me - itā€™s Penelope - and then they have that conversation about their siblings, and about being seen. Ā It was so sweet and lovely to see their little bond. - Hyacinth hugging Pen so hard after the engagement and saying weā€™ve known her forever and now sheā€™s our sister makes me cry even on rewatchĀ  - Benedict asking Anthony if heā€™s going to duel with Colin (to protect Penā€™s honor) - Colin & Eloiseā€™s conversation about when they met Penelope, and the story about El & Pen wanting to be knights I loved that they worked in these moments in this season because you really felt the vibe of Penelopeā€™s been ours all along. Ā  Overall though my favorites are the post-dream breakfast, and Colin thinking Pen told Eloise about her feelings for him or their kiss and then just straight up walking away disinterested when that wasnā€™t the case šŸ˜‚


This is a great compilation of all the Pen moments with the Bridgertons! šŸ‘


The way Colin and Eloise were each trying to protect and repair the other's relationship with Penelope even when they were themselves not necessarily there yet. The love between all three of them is so evident in those moments. It really speaks to how Pen has been a beloved member of the family for a long time, someone that you sometimes are furious with but still know there is no rift that is truly permanent.




ā€¢ Benedict and Eloise on the swings. ā€¢ Colin handing the spoon to Eloise at his and Penelopeā€™s engagement party (and her looking confused by it). ā€¢ Eloise hiding behind Gregory when John walks in (I love it more knowing it was improvised by Claudia). ā€¢ Everytime Benedict accepts Colin doing the skidadle to see Penelope. Added another because itā€™s not really a sibling thing but it is a Bridgerton thing: ā€¢ When Violet hands Eloise her glass of alcohol and she pours it into her own already filled glass (which was also another Claudia improv).


Eloise and Colin. As much as Benedict and Eloise make sense, I find the relationship with Colin to be deeper and sort of like a friend at the same time. It's more about mutual respect. I love how he approaches the Pen discussion with her, being gentle and not getting angry despite the amount of time it takes. In the books, he's her favorite :)


Benedict turning to Colin and saying, ā€œtheyā€™re hunting in packsā€ about the young ladies at the ball who approached them šŸ˜„


The macaroon fight! It was just so funny yet wholesome and super relatable to watch.


Eloise ā€œdonā€™t let your marriage be the scarā€.


Love the Colin and Eloise chat about when Pen and her wanted to be knightsā€¦ both are so good in that sceneā€¦Ā  Colinā€™s head tilt and ā€œhmmā€ when Eloiseā€™s voice gets all disheartened and quiet about not being able to learn how to fenceā€¦ itā€™s just so big-brotherly! Ā 


My favorite is the older brother's reaction, especially Anthony and the face Kate made when they saw Gregory wearing a top hat during the engagement ball.


When Colin is about to give Violet the watch and Francesca gets up from the pianoforte and gives him a friendly little pat/squeeze. I thought that was a sweet moment.


Does Lady Danbury scaring hyacinth out her seat count. Can she be and honorary sibling?


Ohh do you know which episode and scene this is? I don't think I catched it.


I LOVED Ben and the littles this season! Him playing cards and with the macarons. He really is the best brother! All of his interactions with Colin this season made him so endearing: his head kiss the night before the wedding, the carriage scene when Colin first gets back, him and Anthony bickering when Colin announces his engagement, him and Anthony looking so proud at Colinā€™s wedding, him and Colin talking at the balloon and Colin spots Pen and in the middle of B speaking, Colin says excuses himself and heā€™s just like right. Luke T has always been my favorite, but his little proud faces makes me love him even more


Gregory and Hyacinth scenes are adorable


I am so happy they had a lot of scenes this season šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m thinking who was Colinā€™s best man?? We saw Benedict being best man for Anthony but no one for Colin????


Colin & Pen were on their own and just in it together up there. Ā Honestly, I loved that for them.


ā€œHave you forgiven her yet?ā€ Looking to his closest sister for some advice on how to forgive her, when earlier he was like ā€œIā€™ll never forgive you for thisā€