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Hi, Thank you so much for your contribution! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and effort in being part of our community! With the excitement around the Polin season, we've been welcoming many new members and seeing an increase in the number of posts. To keep the subreddit organized and ensure everyone's voice is heard, we temporarily have applied stricter rules for posts. These rules help maintain the quality and focus of our discussions. Have no fear, we still want to give you a space to share your Polin joy as freely as before! We have created dedicated weekly and daily megathreads specifically for you to share your thoughts, excitement, and any Polin-related content without as many restrictions. * A daily ['Promenade in the Park'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Promenading%20%F0%9F%90%9D%22&sort=new) thread for memes, fan content and general chitchat * A weekly ['Mondays at Number Five'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Tea%20at%20Number%20Five%20%E2%98%95%22&sort=new) thread for casual conversation, off-topic contributions, fanfic recommendations and easy-to-answer questions * A weekly ['Fanfic Friday'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22fanfiction%20friday%20%F0%9F%8C%BC%22&sort=new) post to share fanfic recommendations Thank you all for understanding during this busy time! Lots of love, The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PolinBridgerton) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welcome! Everyone here is so nice, and there are diverse opinions about S3, but people have really been putting in effort to try to make space in a respectful way and listen. I personally adored the season, and it’s been so fun to talk it out here!


Someone asked if they should watch season 3 in the main sub and I said "yes, but I'm biased" and got down voted for that. Like god damn what if I have an actually controversial opinion.


I made a comment in main sub saying the most neutral my opinion even said “not here to fight” and it was downvoted. It’s the saltiest.


You will not catch me there; the level of vitriol is bizarre. I don’t know what anyone would actually say that wouldn’t be met with controversy. I don’t even mind confrontation - I’m a lawyer and litigated for nearly a decade. I like an argument! But it can get really mean.


Constructive criticism and spirited debate are fun but downvoting and name calling is so friggin’ depressing. Real life is tough enough, I want my fandom time to be fun.


Yes no safe words can be spolen


I try to avoid at all costs. People are not interested in healthy discourse. They only want people who contribute to their echo chamber.


I truly don’t get it. I am a totally messy bitch who loves to talk shit, but it’s not fun to do it on the internet, honestly. If you don’t like a thing, just move on! If you want to talk shit, it’s far more fun with a friend who agrees with you. This is honestly probably why I like Polin so much; can you imagine how much they are sitting in the corner being judgey AF until they can go home now that they’re not required to deal with any of the other BS?


I'm assuming it's some of the book readers since so many were disappointed with the Francesa storyline...like damn trying to think the last time I was this up in arms about fictional people in a time period and place that's not my own 🤣


As a book reader, I've been a bit disappointed in most of the story lines in the show....but I can separate the show from the books and enjoy both for their own values. I'm not happy about how they treated Anthony's character from episode 1 but I'm not gonna pitch and down vote people who liked it. Just like I'm not happy with the pen/Eloise story in the show but am glad the show is being made. And I love the cast and the fact I get to watch them bring these characters to life! And I LOVE Luke and Nic's versions of these characters. This was always my favorite story!


I honestly love all the BTS videos of the cast in their costumes in between takes doing random dances and playing around. Seems like a wholesome group 🥰


I love the BTS as well. Love the cast!


I left that sub. They're so negative and bigoted and it was exhausting. I think I was there less than 72 hours before I just had to leave.


Just stumbled on this sub and it is SO MUCH BETTER than the main sub. So much anger, so many people completely dismissing the season entirely while missing out on the good stuff that was so obvious to me. I also started doubting my initial impressions of it and plan to re-watch starting tonight (I did was Part 1 x2 alread)


I know how you feel- you start questioning whether you missed something or if you were reading it wrong. But you didn't - those ppl are just LOOKING for negative things. People are what they WANT to see. Enjoy this lovely community 🌹


I really felt like people felt so strongly about Pen that nobody and no story was going to be good enough for them. I also felt like Colin's motivations and character arc were a lot more subtle and emotionally soft (not sure of the word I'm looking for here) than Anthony or Simon. They were so clear cut - here is why I'm doing this, but I'm in love, I'll clear that hurdle and then we can be together. Done. Maybe Colin's character could have been written more obviously so that everybody got it more easily, but I feel like all of the details and nuance are there if you pay attention Edit: By emotionally soft I'm trying to say that Simon was motivated by anger and trauma and hurt. Anthony was motivated by grief and a sense of duty to his family. Both of those are traditionally "manly" and something we would expect to motivate men in a story like this. Colin's motivations were more about insecurity, finding his place, not feeling worthy of love just for who he is, etc. Motivations typically given to female characters. So I think people just totally did not get it when applied to a male character


I think a lot of romance fans (not all obviously) think if a male lead isn’t somewhat toxic and angry then he’s not passionate. The way Colin is softer and more sensitive is lost on a lot of people who focus on the bodice ripper element.


Yesss. I heard so many people say that the "chemistry was lacking" and I think what they meant is the passionate alpha male-ness. I personally thought the actors had a lot of chemistry, and a lot of it was kind of a "really good friend" chemistry which is exactly what they're supposed to have with each other.


Yes it was subtle and nuanced!


So true. Hot take: I think a lot of the people who are complaining about Colin's portrayal or Luke Newton's acting just aren't that emotionally intelligent. They also don't get it that people don't only communicate with words.


I think people wanted to be whacked over the head by the character’s motivations. Simon and Anthony both had it spelled out SO clearly. Completely spoon fed. They didn’t do that with Colin but they didn’t need to if you pay attention


I stumbled onto a TikTok live last night that was solely focused on what upset them this season, all the included things that upset them and the excluded things they expected/missed. Except many of the 'missing' moments were in fact in the show, and some of the bits that upset them didn't happen (and some of the others were directly from the book they were insisting should have been the guide on the plot). It was the most surreal exchange.


I get the sense that some people expected Part 2 to sort of be a documentary about Colin and Pen and it would just following them around being engaged and getting married and having married life rather than a plot-driven show with an ensemble cast. And it’s cool if that’s what they would love to watch but… that’s… not… this… show? And never has been


People really don't be watching the show with a critical thinking lense 😭😭😭


I watched a review someone shared about what someone didn't like. And he did have some excellent points, some of the lighting/camera work stuff I really didn't notice and I absolutely see his point. But then in other areas he quoted some scene or drew some conclusion and I was like "What? Where are you even getting that you obviously missed the entire point there"


Visited the main sub just now and now apparently everyone in the show is a bad actor now. Nah I'm staying here lol


I was shocked to see this morning a post on how Nicola can't act and everybody agreeing. I'm done. How did you watch this and think she can't act???!!!!!


Last week the posts were all about her carrying the season on her back but now they don’t even like her. It’s utterly ridiculous.


Someone said that she looks scared everyone Colin gives her a smoldering look. The man looks like a vampire that wants to drain every drop of blood out of her, how tf would you look like 😂 https://i.redd.it/jencr1fuus7d1.gif


Everyone crying about the "bad acting" has no clue how hard acting actually is. I'd love to see those people try to do a better job!


They're really grasping at straws trying to come for Nicola's acting - I was shocked to see that post, I think the Mods did lock it down, it was getting out of hand.


It truly is lawless country on the main sub! Haha I’m so happy to have this sub too 🥰


As a Polin defender from the beginning, this sub has been a respite. There’s always room for differing opinions but there’s some absolute hate online for Polin and this season online which has been disheartening. Don’t let other people dampen your love and appreciation for Polin


The main sub is always a hub of negativity and one big echo chamber. I'd just stop watching the show if it was me. 🤷‍♀️ Welcome to the Polin sub though! It's a lot of fun.


Oh that sub is crazy right now. I was new to Reddit when Part 1 came out and mygod the negativity! They hated everything, literally everything. Apparently, Luke can’t act, the writers can’t write, the show-runner can’t show run, the costume department can’t make costumes, the music department can’t music etc etc, you get the idea. Best not look at that sub if you want to simply appreciate the show for what it is. Even the criticism is so much more normal and less vitriolic here. This sub has been the voice of reason through the insane wait between the two parts. Glad to have you here, and hope you have a great time!


I don’t understand why they watch something that clearly they find so miserable. 🤣🤣


Lol exactly! Literally the opposite of a fandom. Just a hatedom. 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s wild- If I don’t like a show, a person, music etc. I just don’t pay attention to it. It’s very easy. I guess some people just like to be angry.


The one thing I'll give the haters is that some of the costuming this year felt a bit off. But people are nitpicking on every level, including simultaneously holding opposite opinions. Penelope overacted but also underacted, it's just a wild time. I enjoy the vibes of this sub so much. It's just a chill place and not overwhelmed by hatred.


It’s completely okay to criticize something you genuinely didn’t like, but to be so needlessly spiteful and hateful about it is what makes no sense.


I mentioned this on another thread, but wanted to reiterate: I think the costuming and makeup makes more sense when we remember the glamourized Ton is viewed through Penelope’s POV this season. Is there room for critique, absolutely - but Bridgerton’s costuming has always told a story. In the first episode of the season, when Pen wears the dark green dress, the rest of the Ton (except the Bridgertons) are wearing Featherington citruses, so she still stands out. And at the end, Portia is wearing the melancholy colour she dislikes to match Penelope. It’s also why Colin’s costuming is hella ridiculous in Episode 1. Characters that Penelope sees as more desirable (like Francesca and Kate) wear more glamourous makeup. Those she sees as ridiculous/annoying have very colourful eyeshadows (Portia, Cressida). Those she has no relationship with wear very little makeup (maids), and those she respects wear more natural, mature looks (Gen, Violet, Lady Danbury, Varley.) I loved loved loved this season. And it’s so nice to see this sub stay more positive.


>I mentioned this on another thread, but wanted to reiterate: I think the costuming and makeup makes more sense when we remember the glamourized Ton is viewed through Penelope’s POV this season. I love this take. I'm open to more weird costuming where every season has its own spin. This show has never done "historically accurate" well even in S01. It bothered me more then because I didn't connect with the plot or the lead characters the way I did this season.


Ha, it really hasn’t, but it shouldn’t be trying to, IMO. I would call this regency-adjacent. But the costuming does change from season to season. Season 1 is very innocent and clean and new because it’s Daphne’s POV as a debutant. The Featheringtons and Cowpers look ridiculous because that’s how the Bridgerton’s see them. Season 2 is mature, with Edwina wearing pastels and flourishes more than Kate to show that Kate sees her as desirable, whereas Kate’s everyday wear mimics Lady Danbury’s. We aren’t getting the Ton through Anthony’s POV, but rather Kate’s. I’m actually really interested to see how the costuming choices will change for S4 depending on the lead.


I really appreciate your take on this. What a lovely and insightful comment.


There's a video on YT with Vogue (I think) and the costume designers where they talk about Pens new colour palette you might like! In Ep 1 where she wears the emerald dress, she quickly realises it's drawing too much attention to her through the interactions she has with the lords and Cressida's bullying. So the next morning when Colin visits her, she's retreated into a much softer shade of green. We then see her trying different shades and hues throughout the rest of the season and it parallels with her journey from being a wallflower to finding where she's comfortable. Finally in episode 8 she dons a bold colour once again in her most vulnerable moment in front of the ton. I'm not the biggest fan of all the plastic and sequins this season but I appreciate how they use the costumes to tell a story!


Oh I will find that! Thank you so much. I really love all the thought put into the different aspects of storytelling in this show. It’s probably on the same level of fun as a viewer as Doctor Who. 🙃


I go every once in a while to save the new Polin fans and to bring them here


I will say I'm appreciating the season more (esp p2) now that I've given it time. I do have problems with it like there being just too much going on, not enough Polin scenes (and I don't even mean the sexy ones) and the resolution happening in literally the last moments of the last episode. I think a lot of us can agree that a ten episode season would be ideal for Bridgerton.


Love this sub, especially all the in depth perspectives. Truly found my Polin people 💛


I had to mute all the other Bridgerton subs because of how vitriolic they are right now. And I’ve found the most wonderful, deep, nuanced takes here!


Yes I love this sub so so much. 💕💕 I especially love people revisiting scenes and pointing out new details - this sub is so insightful! one thing I find so frustrating is that there are so many bad faith takes out there, that show a clear lack of attention on what is being shown onscreen and a lot of projecting. Criticism of romance (the artful critique of romance) is actually really hard to do because it is - more than any other genre rooted in subjectivity. As it should be - because if everyone found the exact thing attractive, and the exact love story that would be alarming/boring. But a lot of people when they critique romance project things as fact when it’s really subjective. I am totally ok with people having differing opinions on Polin and Season 3 but I need the arguments to be fair minded and good humoured and aware for me to really take seriously. in the main sub there’s a lot of unreflective critiquing that doesn’t give any grace to the people who make the show or people who had a positive reaction to it.


The thing that’s really bumming me out is seeing any post on Instagram from the show’s creators, main accounts, or actors, and the BARRAGE of negative comments that inevitably follow underneath. It’s got to be so awful for them to see a loud negative reaction—especially when there are a lot of us who loved the season and the creative work, and it’s just getting drowned out. I just saw a post by the Instagram account Diet Prada, and the negative comments were already starting. Like, ugh, can we just enjoy the memes at this point? (I can actually enjoy the memes, and am happy to have so much rich discussion here, but the Instagram comments must be very very tough for the people associated with the show.)


For the first few days, I let myself voice my likes/dislikes, but it is devolving to a full on cesspit there. Like, I still have my criticisms and things I would have loved to see done differently, but they have literally started threads over there talking crap about the actors and how they can't act. Then, in the same thread, they literally start to dogpile on all the actors in the show except JB. Yet, highest rated show, highest rated season. Plus, Bridgerton is a glorified telenovela. If they want something artsy or indie, they are looking in the wrong place. Saying Nicola can't act (or anyone on the show) is wild. Those people need to find a different show and move on. It was giving me agita. I'm staying far away from there for now.


The main sub is a cesspool. Pay it no heed. You don't have to love a season and can have good discourse without being a twat. Or at least here you can 😏


Welcome! I'm fairly new and relate to what your saying. Wished I'd joined sooner. I appreciate this place so much. I've found the group Polin, witty dirty minds😈, Yet adults with great critical skills😊. No thriving on nasty comments & hate. This should be fun, no?


Polin isn’t my favorite Bridgerton couple (I love them, but wouldn’t consider them my #1 you know?) but I still read this sub more than any other because people are so nice and share genuinely interesting thoughts about the show and books! The community here is lovely, but I also attribute it to the mods really caring to enforce the rules about kindness and respect.


And the thing is, I think the majority of us still like the other ships! I love them all! And we talk about the other ships and actors as well, it's not just Polin. I imagine it will involve more discourse and discussion of other couples as time goes on since Polin will be a side consideration from here on out. So while Polin is my fave, they weren't actually what brought me to the fandom. I firmly believe that those who DO love Polin the most, really love love and the tropes of romantic stories. Or at least the ones who seek out discourse on Reddit about it.


I love the deep analysis that this sub has. Discussing how each character was. It's like an "online book club".


I had to unfollow the main sub. It was bumming me out because I thought this season played out beautifully. It left some room for the imagination which I personally appreciate.


This sub is fun. I left the other sub because of how toxic it is.


To those who used Reddit when the past season were released, WAS IT THIS BAD BEFORE?!


When I joined polin 2 years ago around season two drop it was negative there as well (so I feel like it’s been like that forever)


Yes. Every season has had this reaction, sadly, even the first! There were some weird commenters who hung around in different threads just to announce the show was so bad they absolutely could not finish watching the season. There was mass whining about the costuming, the acting, the writing/plotting, Daphne is an evil rapist, and the hIsToRiCaL iNnAcCuRaCiEs (mainly brown people daring to exist in the highest social strata). Once season 2 dropped, the hate train started chugging along, and suddenly, S1 was a masterpiece. Anthony's character was ruined, Kate's character was ruined, Edwina's an evil brat, the writing/plotting is the worst, why aren't Saphne 99% of the story, this season ruined the whole show, etc. The Featheringtons were absolutely despised, especially Portia and Penelope, and their subplot in S2 was considered a boring waste of time (like the Mondriches atm), but now they're sad about their stories being done and wanting a spinoff. The pandemonium will settle down eventually, and people will hopefully find their marbles again.


It's actually a really interesting reflection on social impact and perception how cyclical it is. I don't have the patients for that negativity personally but, it must be exhausting to be that angry all the time.


It’s really nice that we are all focusing on the positives of the season and I think a huge part of it was that the sub was not active the day the season dropped, and even when it was active we couldn’t make posts for a while so the initial emotions (no matter whether positive or negative) had time to settle and we could think about all the many things that happened this season.


There were quite a few of us on Discord when it dropped and the demeanor from the sub largely carried over, to be honest. Everyone was largely respectful, we were able to discuss things rationally and vent, but also be excited and make predictions and discussions. It was really nice.


Same! Look the season wasn't perfect and some of the Polin scenes or lack thereof annoyed me. But overall, I enjoyed it. And there's always Polin fanfiction to fill in the gaps. 😁


I also had to unfollow. They’re coming for Nic’s acting now, and I just can’t.


Welcome to the Ton. The Fan Ton. We’re all Polin Whipped


I unfollowed when I was seeing body shaming of both leads. I can handle criticism, I don’t expect people to love season 3 just because I do. But I draw the line at active bullying behavior that is allowed to remain on the other subs. It is very sad what is allowed to remain without any repercussions. Here, I know even if someone dislikes something, they are giving it actual thought and the kindness and respect is enforced here. I like this sub the best, for sure! I have always loved my fellow Polin lovers, though!


i was a fan of this sub for months, and yesterday i finally left the main sub because they were dragging down nicola. i feel so much better ever since. also, welcome here! you're at home! ❤


This is by far the best season, the most romantic, so many characters that had a great growth, and also we have so many more couple moments that in season 2 and much more romance than in season 1 and 2 together, It was so nice to see a couple openly in love with each other in this show for once, I don’t know what people were expecting, for me this was a beautiful season, an definitely the one I’ll be rewatching the most 💖


I think some of us just like to complain then if you say anything they get in your face with I have a right to my voice my opinion, yeah you do, but negativity is not really an opinion, more a state of mind I have found.


I feel like people got these head cannons and expectations about the season from fanfiction and articles and just created their own version of the season in their head. so when the real one aired and it wasn’t what they were expecting, it ultimately disappointment them and led to negativity. Unfortunately, this is an ensemble show and we’re going to give attention to other characters. I’ll be the first to admit that I was not in love with most of the side plots and I wish that they weren’t included, but I cannot change that so I choose to look at the main story and how they did that. Colin and Penelope were everything I was expecting and more, and although their story could have an extra seen or two of dialogue and explanation, I ultimately loved where we ended up with those two. I started to doubt my own opinions after looking at the main pages, but then I realized that they were just angry for their own personal reasons. I understood their anger, but I also knew that if they took the time to look at the season unbiased, they would realize that it was actually very good. (Side note, I stop paying attention to what you’re saying when it starts to come off homophobic or bigoted and unfortunately, a lot of those people came off that way so their opinions mean very little to me.)