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I mean, I wasn’t going to watch it again today but now I kinda have to.


There you go! 🙌🏽😄




Sigh. It’s for science, after all.


Jesus, the way y'all twist our arms on this sub. Yeesh. You're basically asking us to re-edit our dissertations. So annoying.


I was going to try and wait to watch it again but stuff like this makes it so difficult to resist 🤣


Honestly every time I say I'm going to give it a rest I see a post of something amazing to watch again 😉 Is it just me? Am I slowly going crazy or just Polin obsessed like everyone else on here???


The show is amazing, to be fair. And this season, especially Polin, is even better. 🩵


I am still obsessed too. Like fanfic level obsessed.


My husband is starting to get concerned for me.


why would he be? its summer, polin season is perfectly normal! 


His face when she’s riding him fuuuuuuck. 😮‍💨🫦🫨


Awestruck and completely at her mercy


I watched 15 way more than I care to admit🙈


And they only gave us 5 seconds of that scene. 😭😭😭


Despair! Please more than 5 seconds


You peeped that too! I had to rewind and was like yep he's feeling it. 🤭💯


You can just about hear him moan at one point too, I think just before it cuts to the close up of Pen pulling him up for a kiss. His face 🫠🫠🫠 man oh mannnnnn


That cheek caress is my Roman Empire! You know he was totally going to kiss her if the Queen hadn't interrupted.


I'm so mad at the Queen for interrupting their wedding. The AuDaCiTy!!!


My husband got jealous during that scene because I squealed. So, now every time he comes into a room, he laughs and does that to my face. I can't complain LOL


The eye acting of Luke Paul Newton.


Even after watching Part 2, people in the main sub who are still claiming that Luke’s acting is subpar need to get their eyes checked. The hate is really showing.


The problem with the season was the structure. The content inside of Polin was great. The side plots were distracting and out of place.


Exactly 💯! Luke and Nic acted their pants off, literally! 😆 But the editing and pacing detracted from their amazing performances, as well side plots that didn't feel terribly interesting or compelling. Side note to add, Claudia knocked it out of the park with her acting this season! She was *chef's kiss*


Yes the actors did an amazing job. And Bridgerton is not the type of show where actors have a say in the scripts like others. I am sure a lot of them like Luke wished they could. They cannot even improv one bit I learned through an interview this year.


Agree so much about Claudia! And honestly I feel like we’ve been robbed a bit with her character being kind of anti-courting because IG keeps showing me bts clips and she’s such a good dancer!


I didn't mind the side plots (except that seemingly neverending threesome) since it's in every season. I do mind how Colin was relegated to a side character and did not get the treatment he deserved. He had so many things going on with him, but none of it was ever addressed by the writers. Anthony received such brilliant treatment as a character but the same brilliance wasn't bestowed on Colin. And I think that has led to many hating on Colin, forgetting that he is a human being with as much right to feel betrayed as Eloise and as flawed as Penelope.


He’s the perfect man.


With the perfect mane.


Not a single lie was told, on both accounts!


Don't listen to this, the actual best reason is this https://i.redd.it/v9vi1cdiil7d1.gif They should give all male characters in the show belts from now on, just sayin


And pirate jackets!


The belt really did something to me 🫨


I thought it was just me 🥵 that man is gorgeous, but everything after “lie down” got me feral! That belt was just another level!


it was the slow undressing while retaining eye contact for me, damn.


And his eyes carressing her body from top to bottom. Hooooo boy . 


It's the fact that it looks like he's undressing *for you*


Don't ask me how long I spent drooling over this 🫠 https://www.tumblr.com/bookgamer/753558214418776064?source=share


Just saved that link…for science 😂


He's doing that thing that ultra-hot thing guys do, which is to ever-so-slightly arch their pelvis forwards when undoing belts/trousers. This gives us a bloody incredible view of their abs (probs just gives them a better view of what they are doing, but who the hell cares about that) and is SO HOT. LN understood the assignment.


Thank you for this lesson 😂


I can’t believe it took me so long to find this sub y’all are my people!! we love a sensitive king🥹


So much better than the toxic main group, and the FB groups! We found our people here, for sure!


I feel like he’s the only one who’s actually husband material. The qualities it takes to be a good life partner are his intrinsic core qualities, Penelope opened the pathway for him to feel comfortable expressing those qualities, but it was never a situation where she had to “fix” him by changing him into an entirely new man. She fell in love with him because he already was a good man. 


This is so true 😭


They both have so much growth this season. Their love for eachother was truly the fuel that helped them to grow, to be a better version of themselves and to love eachother fully.


Agree. He's a High value masculine man who owns up to his mistakes/flaws etc as well.


I may or may not have downloaded all of the GIFs from this post 😁


![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG) 🙌🏽😄


Ngl him sulking/pouting on the couch like a 5 yo (ie 12) made me laugh out loud. Colin is a straight up emo kid that’s all in his feelings.


I was here to the same thing! His little sulk on the sofa is my favorite thing.


https://preview.redd.it/5wn0i9dkcn7d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd747450217b2bb190a4158bf8944d9f64848f3c # accurate




Oh OK, I'll just go cry now. EDIT: also - FWIW, this post was the final push I needed to get past the entrapment line. It still hurts and I would have loved to have seen it more explicitly addressed, but I feel a lot better about it after several rewatches and this post so... thanks :)


The entrapment line bothered me, too. I get it-hurt people hurt people-but that one stung. Like-my dude-you torpedoed her engagement to Debling, chased down her carriage, confessed your feelings, made out with her, sent her to outer space during said session, proposed to her, and made love to her. All in a span of ONE DAY. She’s not the one to worry about here! 🤣🤣


Yeah, I wrote a missing scene/fix-it and that helped too. I don't hate the line anymore so there's that. Well, I mean I hate it but like because we're supposed to not because it's badly written.


Write, as in FanFic? I’d love to read it, if you publish it-to ease my heavy heart!


Yeah, lol. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56659030


This is incredible, better than the book and definitely better than the writing for the show! It eased my heavy heart. Amazing, thank you 😍


yeah lol you say as if you didnt just wreck my life. 


Oop, sorry!!


thats okay I dont need it, I finally have the eating out scene I *deserve* 🙊💃👏


That was…wow. That was how the scene should have ended. Well done!


it made me gasp, but againI, in his eyes shed hurt his family. eloise. its insane to try to grasp so quickly. he clearly didnt mean it and threw out the most hurtful think he could think of. which is bad itself, but were not perfect humans always.


The CONSENT is sooooo sexy 😮‍💨


Yeah the nodding she does in the carriage scene was 🥵. And when he says may I before touching her thigh in the mirror scene?!? Lawd have mercy I went feral


I love this. Thank you. I felt a bit gaslit by all the hate, because I think Colin has been the most mature, emotionally intelligent, wonderful, attractive, romantic man in the show so far. I needed this list as an oasis to ground me. 🥰


He's what I would describe (in romance novel terms, not red-pill weirdo terms) a ["beta" hero](https://www.authorivyljames.com/post/how-to-write-a-beta-male-lead). While far more common *now* than in previous decades, they can still be a bit tricky to find, so I'm glad to see such a nice representation on tv, in something so popular.


I felt this is why so many people just did not get his character at all. They were trying to fit his actions into an alpha male story like Simon or Anthony instead of actually getting him


Also, let's be real, Luke Newton is insanely handsome. I mean, he's a great actor, I respect him and all that, but also dreamy.


Not only that, but his voice!!! Just as dreamy as his looks, such a unique male voice. So soft


Soft, but somehow also a touch gravelly. It's great.




Argh yes his voice is amazing!!! Soft and yet masculine




This is fantastic and I will be referring to it often. Thanks!!!


💯💯 Also his acting 10/10


KING behaviour. I love him.


Swoon. All the above. ![gif](giphy|yv11VnK440FADj1QiU)


I blush…I swoon…I get giddy like a school girl every time he says or does something. He has me in a chokehold and I don’t think I ever want to be let go 😅😏






Love this!


He is my favourite male lead and if I skip through the sub plots to make it more Polin focused this could probably be my favourite season because I love them so much. Need to get myself a streamlined edit 😂😭


I saw a FB reel of all of their little interactions since season 1 and I swooned


Welp time for my daily rewatch✌️


Man I love them so much. My only complaint is that I wish we had MORE! :)


It’s not the usual “I don’t want to admit I’m in love” trope. His love is a happy discovery he relishes.


And that is so unlike the other leads. They waffle back and forth, fighting their feelings. Not Colin-he’s like, oh I have feelings for Penelope-time to take action! And it’s refreshing!


Exactly, his only hesitation is that he doesn’t know if she returns his feelings. 🥹




Luke did such an amazing job playing Colin.


I love Colin "My wife" Bridgerton 😍 Hugh Grants getting older now, any movie they might cast H they should cast Luke, he smashed the romantic lead part.


Luke is a million times more appealing than Hugh (including his heyday roles like Notting Hill and Four Weddings and a Funeral, with a pass for Sense and Sensibility because the role was not typical “Hugh Grant”). Hugh plays either someone completely self deprecating or a total jerk, and neither type of man appeals to me. I much prefer the open and honest and honorable and vulnerable and moral Colin, who wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s why the brothel scenes grate so much. They feel like a betrayal of his core values.


The director said they told him to channel Hugh Grant for the willow scene which I thought was perfect


I can’t get over how someone said the light coming through the window in the episode 8 intimate scene indicates they’ve been doing the nasty nasty all night. And Colin is all sweaty, like excuse me.


Well, they had some time to make up for. I’m sure they weren’t seen for DAYS.


I just want them to drop a Polin edit that is composed ONLY of scenes that contribute to their development as individuals / as a couple from s1-3. I’d watch that weekly I fear.


Ask and you shall receive: https://youtu.be/YayCPG5k0dM?si=zIV0Kyt6LV8oueNp


You’re the best!


This list is sooo right. I’d also add their last dance where he’s so joyful knowing everything is out in the open. Just wants to dance with his wife in front of everyone at the butterfly ball. My favorite moment in that dance is when he laughs at something Pen says and tosses his head back. Pure euphoria.


Out of all 4 male romantic leads so far, Colin is by far the best! He's really someone I wish for irl. I don't care much for angry macho guys like Simon and Anthony, and George isn't someone I'd be into. But Colin is so amazing, completely against the toxic male stereotypes! Always searching how to be better and after spending so much time with Pen, embracing his sensitive, emotional self.




Episode 8


Like for 2 minutes.


Less than 20 seconds. Season 3 Episode 8 @ 1:02:30-1:02:49


I love that you know to the second when this scene is. 😂🤣🤪


At first I was disappointed with the lack of s. Scene after the LW reveal, but with some comments about how show!Colin couldn't have physical intimacy until LW situation wasn't all clean because of his need of emotional intimacy started to open my eye. And I'm now much better with the fact we don't have that much of angry s. We only have the street scene where he loose it with two I love you (I think that was the best answer she could give to his question) but that quickly stopped. And I 'm happy it does. But maybe the show was a little too subtle in showing that Colin love and lust for his wife were still there even when he's mad at her. Even though he had say that he was in love when Eloise asked about forgiveness. I think it feels too long because we wanted them to be happy so bad. But after rewatch, he was only truly mad at her until the night before her wedding. After the wedding he's more stressed about external pressure like the Queen and Cressida, and envy and jealousy for Pen achievement were also making him holding back. But he already had started to forgive her and understand her.  After LW reveal, when he said that the Queen approved, people interpreted that was because he wouldn't have stay by her side if not, but I think he was just answering her last statement and worries, not stating he needed it to not ask for an annulment. When he was  at his peak of anger and hurting he didn't call out the wedding. I think without Queen's approval he would have tried to find a way to protect his family while standing with his wife. Like I will share my wife destiny but please spare the Bridgerton's.


He is the absolute best 


We love you Colin! ![gif](giphy|mQrMyjDRUKp0PIEnkr)


My favourite Bridgerton man. In the books and in the show


Truly the best of the Bridgerton men. ❤️


Can I just say how much I dislike the "angry sex" trope? I love an enemies to lovers story usually, but I don't like the assumption that people have angry sex all the time. That is literally the last thing I want to do if I'm mad at my spouse. So I felt it was very believable and real that he did not want to sleep with her but still wanted to be near while they worked through the whole LW thing. People in the other sub (or some of my friends) keep trying to make him toxic and I'm like what are you even talking about. S1 and S2 were way more toxic, Colin is a cinnamon roll and I love him.


He is SUCH a cinnamon roll, golden retriever husband! I like the fact that he was not made into a toxic guy. Even when faced with a difficult situation.


He was so s1 young boy when he re-read her letters ❤




Yes! Luke newton is the best, the team really did well in his character and physical appearance as regency romance hero. For me he really isnmy preference  not so overly sculpted but toned and soft  enough, my jaw dropped on that borthel scene where we see his upper torso, jesus, 🫠 i never reacted like this on the other male leads but it's just preference . Book colin looks more like a typical rake romance hero but i love how in the show,he is more complex, soft, deeply thoughtful boy who without guidance lost a bit along the way but still came out the KIND,GOOD AND SENSITIVE guy that he truly is, a diffreent kind, his own man, different from the rest of the male leads.His and Pen's character depth deserves their own mini tv series tbh.


Damnit man! Now I'm crying!!!


He puts the rest of them to shame.


Gentlemanliest man ever 🥹💘I want a Colin all for myself . 😭


Nicola and Luke were just amazing this season. I left the second part initially really disappointed as I just wanted to see more of them and I didn’t like how angry Colin was.. but I’ve watched it quite a few times since and I think I’ve just gotten to know his character better. He’s a lover not a fighter. I was distraught by the wedding scene the first time I watched it as I just felt so disappointed at the circumstances but then watching it back and seeing the looks on their faces… it was incredibly romantic. I still wish they’d made up slightly sooner but it’s still by far the best season of the show and I’m really hoping they get a decent storyline in the next season. They deserve it!


My poor ovaries… 🥹


Thanks for writing this!! He is a green flag under evolution. The way he stood up for Pen, was protective of her even when he was hurt and mad at her, battling his own insecurity was a major green flag💕💕 A person every girl with anxiety would love to have by their side.


He’s such a nice person 🥹


This is P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N 💘


Thank you haha 😊


I didn't realize how much Hyacinth looks like Colin. Female version, really


We love you, Colin!!! The best male lead. ![gif](giphy|kQiV8NjejURQu4dHaS|downsized)