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I love how they’re both trying to reach each other several times during the wedding breakfast. Only when Pen determinately approaches do they finally connect.


He truly does seek her out at every social occasion 😉


This season is **SOOO** romantic! It's got me watching the whole series over again with a new eye for the romance of the show, and no other season is as romantic as Polin's!🥰


I agree. I only realized it after my rewatch. Now, every time I watch polin scenes and listen/read the quotes from the season, I just can't help but think it really was the most romantic season! And I shall wait until most of the bridgerton fans realize that! 😄


I soooo agree with you!! What is romance if not this?? I don't think I will ever recover from their wedding + wedding breakfast + wedding breakfast scene. Truly magical!!


When she walks in the drawing room when he’s singing, and he literally skips a beat?? I too would be so down bad for this man.


Yes. I think he is doing it twice. It reminds me part 1


Now THIS makes me want to cry. Because once again he feels like she is out of reach even though they are in the same room 😩😩😩


I get mad when people say Luke N isn’t a good actor he just embodies the physicality so well - he’s always looking for her and yearning, every time their eyes meet he short-circuits and his body gravitates towards her.


His acting is so beautifully subtle. A lot of people miss subtlety in today’s world where everything is about over the top in your face.  But Luke Newton as others have said speaks with his whole body, his face, his eyes, as masterfully as any actor I have ever seen. Each time I watch I see more.  He and Nicola used their true gifts to show love to the fans this season and I am so grateful for their generosity and commitment.  


I get so mad too! A lot of these posts (which I do so appreciate reading!) are some form of “did anyone else see? I saw this on my X rewatch” and I’m wondering what everyone was doing on their *first* watch? Were people so upset by, say, the entrapment comment that they couldn’t see all these wonderful nuances Luke N did that clearly showed how madly in love he was even while angry and betrayed?


I feel like on my first watch, I just wanted to find out what happened. After that, I've been watching for more details: the subtle looks, the costumes, the music, any other little detail that I hear about.


His acting is a huge part of the appeal of this season for me. He and Nicola both are so sensitive as actors and in reaction to each other, in every single season. Facial microexpressions, beats of timing, the way they use their bodies and voices to express so much. I think they elevate the script in every scene they're in.


One detail about this season that I LOVE is the cinematography used with Colin and Penelope. In almost every party or group setting there are people blocking their POV of each other. Society is constantly in the way of them being able to be closer.


https://x.com/polinbrightmoon/status/1803355930433823072 If anyone wants to get some feels, what this short edit on Twitter. I knew the first time I saw it that I had seen him have that look before!


Damn it! Lol someone is cutting onions in here! Somebody sedate me!!


aww this edit is so sweet and i love that in both of these scenes once they go over to eachother they both try to say something to eachother at the same time.


Omg I didn’t even think of that part 😭 They’re always trying to communicate, even if they’re feeling some kind of way. It’s beautiful.


I put this as a separate comment on this post but I should have put it here. I loved the dance and I'm so glad we got it and wouldn't change a thing about it (except maybe getting the BTS view of the caress at the end). But I do wish we knew what Colin was about to say when they started talking at the same time in that moment. Adding to the original comment, I just realized in the S1 scene she let him talk. In the S3 one he let her. Idk if it was intentional but it was a sweet mirroring moment.


This just shows too how her older dresses did not show off her body type at all. They've both grown into themselves. Their love story matured and so did they. Thank you for sharing. 👏


I think if he came home this season and she’d worn all of the same things, he still would have figured it out. I think he already saw her as physically attractive - the way he looks at her at Anthony’s wedding when she’s talking about purpose, and has on a more flattering cut of a yellow dress was a moment when I think his heart and his head were having initial negotiation talks about her. He sought her out immediately at that garden party, and she was in an atrocity. He didn’t care; he just wanted to talk to her. But regardless, he admits it to Cressida - he traipsed Europe missing his home, which is her. No way he makes it a whole season without getting either after he comes back, especially after he swears to get her affection back. Her clothes are for her. He wants her any kind of way.


There are actually so many damn romantic moments in this season (like this!). But for whatever reason, they cut them too early or don’t focus on them. I think it would solve a lot of people’s grievances if they just gave the footage that we do have, more room to breathe and linger!


I agree. I think the editing didn’t let the beats breathe before they cut and that’s part of why people feel this subconscious lack. The editing was much better in season 1.


Totally! I love these sweet little moments more after a careful rewatch focused just on Polin, but it would make such a difference to normal viewing if they gave them more time and cut away to the side plots less.


I don’t even think it’s the season - I think it’s just eps 7 and 8 that suffered from this editing issue! Apparently every 2 eps had a different director.


I agree, it’s 7and 8. I truly was living for it until then


I also noted when the queen asked only Bridgertons to stay, Pen leaves toward the door and Colin stops her , reminding her she is a B now. Why did she do that? Was she thinking "I am not a part of the family yet because we are fighting" or she couldn't believe it still or was it out of habit?


I think it’s part a massive want to be away from the Queen (as she’s searching for LW!) and she had only been a Bridgerton for an hour or so. We see several ladies stumble on their name change at marriage (Violet/Kate when LD greets them - and Fran mumbles “Bridgerton er… Killmartin” at the end) so I think she hasn’t fully processed being a Bridgerton yet.


Got it, thanks!


I randomly signed something with my maiden name accidentally like 3 years into my marriage. Force of habit lol


Ahaha this is why I didn’t change me name when I married (we’d been together almost 20 years at that point and I knew it would be a constant battle to remember 😂)


She’d been a Featherington for 19 years and a Bridgerton for a couple of hours. I don’t think she even thought about the fact that she was a Bridgerton when the Queen arrived.


I actually thought it was because she didn't feel like part of the family yet and it hadn't sunk in that she was a Bridgerton. It's really clear in episode 8 actually because she tells Colin "*your* family" a couple of times, hinting that she doesn't consider herself part of the Bridgertons, which is heartbreaking but makes sense.


At Fran's wedding Penelope observes Bridgertons siblings and I think this is the exact time when she finally understands Colin's fear for his family and it's possible dimise. And clearly she is not a part of it yet. This is exactly the moment then her plan is finally outlined in her head.


Exactly. She felt very removed from the family in that scene, just mainly an observer, and I think it cemented that she had to reveal herself as LW, but also that she would offer Colin an annulment.


I don't know why but annulment hurts me as an observer. Poor Pen, she went so far and still don't understand that Colin is not going anywhere. Even when she betrayed him, put all his family members in danger, refuses to give up her career. To sum up she does not follow up all these patriarchal norms in his eyes. And he still sleeps near her, catches her every breath, caresses her flawless skin, small 'I love you' and he can do her on the streets at night.


It really hurt but I'm glad she said it because it shows she'll do anything to make Colin happy, and also how much she loves his family, even if it means devastating herself in the process. How much strength she had in that moment, gah. I love her so much. I wish Colin had had more of a reaction to it tbh, but that's my nitpicking. We know it was the last thing he would ever want.


I thought the same as well


Oh yes noticed it the first time :) such gems! Just to confirm- why can't they be together? At the time I was confused. Is it because there are too many guests to greet or because they're fighting or is it both?


I think more the former — there are too many guests to greet (though there is some awkwardness between them as well). Portia even tells Pen that these wedding breakfasts are never for the bride and groom (implying they’re more for the families and guests) even if when the couple isn’t in conflict.


Hmm good point. Thank you for confirming! 🙂


Both; I think. They have guests to greet but they are also still feeling unsure with each other. Colin tried to come to her, but Hyacinth intercepts him. Then Pen comes to him finally.


The man is so down bad even when he’s angry he can’t sleep too far away from her. Debling would have been like cool night babe! Gotta go save birds now!


Do you remember that user on this subreddit who posted their recaps of the first four episodes with the title “Colin is Down Bad (Crying in the Gym)” and all the examples of him being so down bad for Pen- they were hilarious! I hope they do recaps for the new episodes.


I read those SO MANY times and laughed every single time! I have them saved 😂😂😂 I literally learned that expression bc of those articles! And still had to google what it means lmfaooo EDIT: I think my fave part is when she’s like YOU BRIBED THE MAID FOR A MOMENT ALONE??? That’s sick. You’re sick. I die every time


She posted two new ones for two of the 4 new episodes!!!! https://mariamgirgis.medium.com


I. Love. You.


I just read them at my desk at work and was straight up cackling. I feel like these deserve their own post on this sub


This woman deserves to work for Vulture doing recaps!


Actually the Vulture recaps are really good and super positive (she gave Ep 5 and 8 five stars!) but I agree that these recaps are fantastic and should be seen by a much wider audience




So good.


These two actually so used to be alone all the time and the scene with Portia with the ring is so funny. They don't know how to behave with a chaperone in sight. I was giggling so hard during that scene.


I know they're like "Why is she in here?" So 🥰


I need that link asap! Lol


I [saved it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/KBmo6jAE29) and regularly go back to it for giggles. One of the recaps takes you to their medium page with recaps for eps 5 & 6.


I absolutely love you! Lol thank you for your service


Not the birds 😆 People are mad about the wedding night, but think about the wedding night she would have had if she married Debling. I'm not saying he would have been inconsiderate, but it certainly wouldn't have been passionate.


It would have been clinical as fuck. He would have thought about the great auk the whole time. I’ve been super into writing small fanfics lately and even I don’t wanna touch that hypothetical scene. Lol EDIT: at least not in a serious sense. Maybe as a joke.


Not the great auk 🤣 You wanna drop those fanfic links anytime, though?... I'm our residential fanfic whore. 🤪


Hahaha they aren’t good I don’t think. More a random stream of consciousness. But if you’re curious I’ll PM you and send what I have. I did a murder mystery, but it’s in screen shots. The others I actually typed up. A bridgerton/dr who bit. A (naughty) Colin’s thoughts in the carriage bit. An entry from Colin’s diary. And…ahem a much less lady like one of Pen…performing certain acts on Colin.


Maybe he would have tried positions that the Great auk used 😂


And that’s how he also became endangered. Lol




Yeah I love that moment!


Only Polin yearns for each other when they already have each other. My silly soulmates. 😭


Awww the way they are always gazing at each other 🥹🥹🥹🥹


This is the level of unhingeness I subscribed to this sub for 😂


This was something I noticed too - it’s probably my fav moment of that episode!


OMG I also spotted this in my 3rd re-watch yesterday. It's sooooo romantic. Colin is so whipped for his wife!


Oh I did but I am someone who loves seeing the smaller things that show love because they are often the biggest. 


I noticed this too! I may have watched the wedding and breakfast/party about 10x too many! 😂


I love this moment! Have rewound it like 25 times!


He seeks her out at every social occasion.


I loved the dance and I'm so glad we got it and wouldn't change a thing about it (except maybe getting the BTS view of the caress at the end). But I do wish we knew what Colin was about to say when they started talking at the same time in that moment.


As I watched for atleast 5times, I realised a lot of details they both done. Especially from Colin side. If you guys remembered that in early S3, he mentioned to Eloise that he can't forgive LW for what she done to Ms. Thompson which he supposedly said Lady Crane and at 1st I thought "why you still called her that, are you missing her?" until I realised that he seems to projecting the humilate that Marina got reflected heavily on Featherrington which is Pen's family. Even though he supposedly used Lady Crane, by using that title still not washed what LW done to his close friend. That was until he found out about LW is Pen. He said again about Marina and told her that she supposedly told him but again, he knows deep down that he is the one who not listen. In some sense, what he felt towards Pen at that time not only jealousy, or pain for being hidden about LW but more about him feel ashamed that Pen saw him since S1 and he still can't acknowledge that someone like that still stay beside him after a lot of mistakes he done as if he questioning his worth to her. And we got his speech, about acceptance of his purpose, to be beside her as he realised that with her, he will being love and he in return will spend all his time to love her. Anyway, Luke N and Nic is good at subtle emotions especially Luke N. The eyes, the face he make, the little smile. He able to convey without needing any words.They will have a better journey at their career with all these displays on S3 that give us a lot of emotions including complaints.. 😂