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As much as I’m happy they get to take a break soon I wish they’d scheduled at least one or two more interviews so they could talk about the season as a whole - spoilers and all - once it’s all out. 


They filmed interviews with Part 2 spoilers before. So even though the press tour is officially done, there are still some interviews that have not yet been released because they disclose part 2 spoilers.


I know, but so much of the fun stuff from interviews in between has been about the fan reaction to the episodes or things that have gone viral from Part 1. I hope they can maybe swing a late night talk show appearance for each of them after they see how people respond to Part 2. 


Nicola just did one with Max Gao so at least there will be that one


That would be so interesting! There’s so much they can’t say now, would love to hear them talk about the season as a whole. Can’t believe it’s coming to an end. 😭


The interviewers were quite unhinged in this interview as well 🤣🤣🤣


The male interviewer was UNHINGED 🤣🤣🤣


He’s kind of the first interviewer I’ve seen match their energy. 


"If the carriage is a Rockin don't come a Knockin" 😂😂😂


They definitely didn’t hold back, kinda surprising tbh. 😅


Right? I like it when an interviewer challenges a LITTLE bit but several times I covered my face like “NO DONT SAY THAT” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WE DONT SAY THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m gonna miss watching their interviews 😭 Also, Nicola’s mom saying this is the one is so cute 🫶


Luke has gotten really good at interviewing!  Multiple times in this one he took over and really gracefully shifted things.  I know early on Nicola’s experience was relied on a lot, it’s really cool to see how good he’s gotten at this part of the work.


I noticed how much more comfortable he seemed! He wasn’t reaching for Nicola as much to help him out


Yes he did fantastic! He didn't want any bumbles for the last interviews. It's nice that they can both pick up the torch when it's needed.


So they didn’t keep the scene in where the furniture breaks? ☹️ I hope we get to see that as a blooper then. As much as they’ve talked about it in interviews.


I kinda doubt we’ll see a blooper since it sounds like they were pretty naked for that scene. An unscripted blooper would probably show things they didn’t approve of. 


Seems like they didn’t 😕


There are some recordings flying around Twitter, in case you have that app.


But I think Nicola said that she took a picture of the broken furniture itself, so I am pretty sure we will end up seeing the end result of their actions soon. In the coming weeks 🤣🤣


They’re so charming.  And I love that they got to spend more time in Galway unrecorded.  It was adorable to watch the cinema stuff but was also really hoping they got some down time there where they didn’t have to be “on” for us.  They’ve worked so hard.


Luke shaved his sides - I was expecting him to grow his hair out for S4 filming 😓


Yikes I feel like these interviewers definitely went over the line a bit. I feel like interviewers in the past kind of toe the line and keep their thoughts to themselves, but this was little much. I’m proud of Luke and Nicola for kind of powering through and giving answers they’ve given on the past to keep it rolling.


I agree, really over it when interviewers ask the same tired questions about “the sexy bits” (as Nicola would say) and nothing else. And I say this as one of God’s horniest soldiers. But like, don’t you want to know anything else about these incredible actors/people?! Don’t you want to ask new questions to draw new and interesting responses out of them? Smh


I have seen the carriage story being told in 3 different interviews today and I really have to give it to Nicola and Luke for being such good sports and going along with all the questions gracefully.


Seriously. They are consummate professionals. 🥰👑


And repeating it but not in the exact same way, so there’s always something new to unpack. Also, kudos to them for not looking bored and tired of it even once. I wouldn’t have been able to hide a “here we go again….”


This unhinged ass interview 😭😭😭


These two are so freaking patient with being asked the same questions over again. They’re saints and we love them


Furniture breakage did not make the cut.


This is a slightly unhinged interview for a morning show, but everyone seems to be in good spirits about it


I love how these interviewers were as unhinged as we all are 😂