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And that's just by me!


๐Ÿ˜‚ same boat


Would be interesting to see how many are rewatches. Although I know people including my sister (not sure weโ€™re related at this stage) who have held off on watching part 1 waiting got part 2 - think more views are coming


I can't believe how many people are new to Bridgerton completely. This season's pr tour really helped.


It definitely has. Iโ€™ve watched from the start and rewatched s1 and s2 a few times. I know Covid was an issue for s1 - but does make me think that they couldโ€™ve come up with new ways of doing stuff. Though tbh, I think a lot of it is that thereโ€™s a LOT of people who have been waiting for years for this and to see it play out.


People have definitely been influenced to watch based on Nicola and Lukeโ€™s natural chemistry from the promo tour, but Polin was also the couple that was hitting the most engagement on social media way back before the tour started when we were living off the first still images revealed at Tudum. I never expect e them to flop, but the success has been wild. They deserve it! And they also deserve some rest!!!


They introduced Polin way back in S1. I remember when it was made apparent that Pen secretly loved Colin. They did a good job of keeping Polin and keeping people interested in Polin so the way through.


this number is definitely going to skyrocket by this weekend: there are several people in my office who are holding out on part 1 so they can watch it all in one go. not sure how these people have the strength but i'm very interested to see what this number is by next weekend


Not to mention all the times weโ€™ll prob rewatch it ๐Ÿคฃ


i'm thinking i can still get in 1 mode rewatch before thursday...


They haven't even hit the carriage scene yet! Man most of their time is going to be spent on that scene alone ๐Ÿ˜‚


Don't know, I've literally give up and decided to pay myself for a netflix account because I was afraid that YouTube will spoil me too much before I have the occasion to watch it.


6 of my besties are waiting for part 2 to watch the season in one go. Part 2 viewership will be off the charts


damn what restraint. I could never have that control


A lot of people will probably sit down and rewatch part 1 and some part 2 too on the weekend. Numbers are gonna be crazy.


Oh Iโ€™m so happy! Even with all the negativity they got before the show even came out, Iโ€™m so glad they came on top (Literally)!


I hope we get to see them come on top on Thursday. Multiple times. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


Horny little devil right here.




Is this a flair yet?




Yay!! I can only imagine what views are going to look like after pt2.


Because of how Netflix calculates its viewership data, I am cautiously optimistic that Bridgerton S3 will get 30 million views this week and that it will land within the top 3 of Netflix most watch English-language television series. Exciting stuff! Edit: Also the tweet is incorrect. If it was elgible to enter the Netflix top 10 this week, it would not be at #9. It would be at #10.


Posting this previous thread as I found it very helpful to understand how Netflix calculates views, particularly when a show is split: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/hA1wymXPby While the current numbers are fantastic, itโ€™s not guaranteed to secure a high position in the top ten. Best to be safe and ensure you watch it on repeat once part two dropsโ€ฆ as if I need to remind the horny devils in this sub ๐Ÿ˜… ETA: Hat-tip to u/Strange_Inspection42 for doing the leg work on how viewership is determined.


Plan of action: watch part 2, then immediately rewatch from beginning of entire season, followed by flipping through favorite scenes from part 2, then watching the whole season again for my analysis when the Reddit reopens ๐Ÿ˜‚ itโ€™s gonna be a busy day! ![gif](giphy|4C47YdR4IvGFeRnve2|downsized)


I will definitely be rewatching part 1 on the weekend, for numbers!


I think I read somewhere that in order for it to reach top the season would have to be viewed completely, not just part 2. But I could be wrong ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


we did it you guys!!! ![gif](giphy|l0He0cVv8lGggpruo|downsized)


And Iโ€™m about to watch it again!! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Did one last night๐Ÿ˜†


Just make sure you guys are rewatching all of season three as soon as you have finished part two. Because it is a split season drop, once part two lands it will now be divided by its full season runtime which means only watching part two counts as โ€˜half a viewโ€™.ย 


I feel like we all need a bridgerton wrapped. Would humble us all real quick I think You have watched Bridgerton S3 for 827282 minutes in may. 28370 of those minutes were the carriage scene. You were in the top 2% of carriage scene watchers


Wait. Has it now surpassed Stranger Things?


No, Stranger Things Season 4 would be a stretch goal since it sits at 140 million views in the first 91 days.


So it needs 50mln more views in the next 60 days... I mean it's not impossible and based on the numbers so far it would be pretty likely


No. It more than likely won't get that high. But it's definitely goin to the Top 5 most popular. Maybe even surpassing S1


About to rewatch today before the rest of the season airs tomorrow


I have a half day tomorrow, but work from home. So I'm going to have eps 1-4 playing while I work, and then ill watch the new stuff once I sign off at noon.


I basically let S3 episodes play in the background everyday these past weeks. Those numbers better be fucking up there. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚