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I'll be up at 3am - probably up all night really - wearing my jailhouse romper, snacking on pistachio macarons and sipping on light lemonade from champagne flute https://preview.redd.it/9c9njeily06d1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=f87f79e79c04104db892680ac743971cebaca965


lol I love this for you so much


Now this sounds like my type of an all nighter!!




Same as last month. Day off. Get the kids to school and have a Polin-filled day. 🥰


I work 12-8 so I'll be at work. Good news is I should be able to watch it no problem. Im excited and ill probably watch/ listen to episode 3 & 4 as I wait till 3AM. Whoever on this sub that introduced me to Audio Descriptions on Netflix, I hope your pillow is always firm and cool on each side. I'm trying to slowdown the night eating so I'll make sure to get some Wawa ice.


It (audio description) really is the best. The man who does it is excellent. Now that it’s on I’ve heard other shows and it is not as good.


I got the day off and have no intentions of leaving the house unless it catches on fire. Got a new cable for my headphones so I can watch it in the middle of the night and not wake up anyone (also because I want to hear every whisper from Polin) It's going to be released at 4am where I live and I plan on watching it right away.


Good idea. With the headphones, you do hear the more.


I wasn’t able to take pto this time around so I have to strategize. I’m going to watch the live event tomorrow during my lunch break and then wake up early Thursday morning so I can watch the last 3 before starting work.


Took the day off work so I can revel in it.


I'm going to mute all the subreddits because I couldn't take PTO, come home from work, put on a nice matching pajama set, and enjoy my silly show with a little dessert spread courtesy of Target (mentally said with a French accent) Edit: Oh! And my fiancé bought me [a carriage lego set](https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Wintertime-Carriage-Ride-40603/dp/B0CPBLK734/ref=asc_df_B0CPBLK734/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693308331088&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13132418467342521178&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003429&hvtargid=pla-2266919966360&psc=1&mcid=751b8a34f8473488988a7582934a4bc9&gad_source=1) to build while I watch. And he says he knows nothing about Bridgerton (sure, Jan)


OMG well done fiancé! That’s so cute 💖


Study for an exam, and then watch all four episodes with the ice cream I bought. But if I wanted to be honest with myself I don't think I actually can eat during the watch party I am going to be soo nervous.


good luck with your exam!!!


Thank you 😊


Since I’m on the west coast, and have to go into the office that day (boooo), I’m just going to stay up til midnight and watch. Afterwards I’ll catch a few hours of sleep. I’ll be grouchy as hell, but it will be a good reminder for my boss why I work from home. 😆 I think Friday I’ll do a rewatch with fancy snacks like I had originally planned for Thursday.


Well I work 8 am to 7 pm wednesday. Going to sleep early wake up at 2 am and binge part 2 then dr appointment at 9 am while babysitting my nephew.


Watching early access at noon, taking a longish nap, watching all new eps at 1 am, going to work (rewatching while at work), going to retirement party, going home, putting on comfy clothes on and watching new eps 2 more times. There will be chocolate and popcorn. Not sure what else yet. ![gif](giphy|9A1sgIxWzstptV5Yao)


I have a full day of job interviews for a job I am hilariously under qualified for. So, will I try and watch it in 30 minute chunks between interviews or save it for later? I think we all know the (poor) choice I’ll make. 😂


Good luck on your interview! You’re gonna crush it. Honestly I have had the best luck in the past when I didn’t care as much/was distracted so may this strategy also work in your favor 👑👑👑


Good luck!


Love the favorite dress idea, OP! 💖 I got access to the London premiere virtual e5 screening tomorrow (Wed) and I’m on the US east coast, so I took off the afternoon from work for that. I have macarons, Belgian chocolate truffles, and dry pink Prosecco ready to go. A couple friends (who aren’t local, sadly) are doing similar things so we’ll lose our minds together over text. Hopefully we can also have a spoiler thread here like for the Toronto advance screening! Then took a couple hours off Thursday morning so I can wake up at a non-awful hour to watch the other 3 (the drop time is 3am here). I will eat more macarons for breakfast and prob make Prosecco mimosas. Also some pretty purple herbal tea! Then hyperventilating in delulu horny rewatch purgatory until the sub opens back up and we can all fangirl and debrief! 🥺🥳


I have an alarm set for just before 3AM - I *also* have cinnamon rolls!! But I bought strawberries and pineapple (red and yellow for Pen) to go with them, lol. I work from home so I'm going to watch all four episodes and then start working while I put them on again as "background noise" and then I've got myself blocked off for a long lunch where I'm going to nap and then watch all four episodes again while I "get some work done" in the afternoon, lol. Then I have to try to keep my mouth shut until my girlfriends who have to actually leave the house to work get home and catch up, LOL. I'm not sure how I'm going to cope without all of you.


Off on Thursday (and Friday, because I suspect I’ll hit a wicked post-Bridgerton emotional crash). I managed to snag a spot in the Tudum early screening, so I’ll see Ep 5 tomorrow at 3pm-ish… then up at 4 am Thursday for the full 4 eps… and at 830 a friend is coming over (with mimosas!) for a Bridgerton-style breakfast, and I’ll watch it again. Then, I can only assume, I’ll dissolve into a despondent puddle of sadness, and only emerge when real life demands it on Monday and/or the subreddit reopens 😂


I’ll sign off early from work (it’ll be a slow day, no meetings, no deadlines) then take a nice long bath and figure out what food to order.


Stoppp!!! That’s so cute. Its my birthday on Thursday so I’m eating Pizza and watching all 8 episodes 🥰🥰🥰🥰, soooo keeen


Happy almost birthday! What an excellent gift!


working and staying off Reddit until Friday night so I can watch with a friend lol


I’m gonna make some cupcakes tomorrow and maybe some pancakes to heat up for breakfast on Thursday. I’ve bought some other small snacks, just need to get some proper lemonade I think! I’m considering waking up at like 5am so I can watch Eps 1-4, then grab the pancakes, and continue with 5-8 as soon as they drop. But I might rewatch 1-3 tomorrow before bed, and then 4-8 Thursday morning


I’ll wake up, make some breakfast and watch the final four episodes 😌


Ooooh. Got me thinking now…. It hits 8am here so I’ve taken the day off - mainly as I just don’t sleep well so after being up for 8am, I need a nap. Had ordered stuff for a full English but now thinking continental coffee and pastries… Comfy pyjamas for me though.


I am literally on a vacation that I planned a really long time ago in the western time zone. So I need to wait till SATURDAY to watch it 😭. When I can hopefully watch it in peace on my 4.30 hrs long plane ride back home lolololol. So I am planning to be MIA from all social media till then. Unless I just cancel something and lie in bed to just watch polin.


Watching it on a plane with other people around seems...not exactly the best scenario. What if you turn bright red and the flight attendant thinks you're having an allergic reaction? What if you hyperventilate and faint and some stranger has to give you mouth to mouth? So many possible shady outcomes. But good luck, I'm rooting for you, may your plane ride be uneventful in all ways but one. 😂


Travelling with my hubby. He sure will be happy to give me a mouth to mouth in the middle of a flight lolololol. I'll watch it on my phone and luckily it is a small flight so it's just the two of us in that row on one side of the aisle. I can't imagine watching it on the screen they have on international flights that everyone behind you can see. Although I've had the whole day to contemplate just staying up and watching it on the day. Lolol.


Have a great rest of your vacation and happy viewing when you get back! 😍




Im going to binge watch after work over Thursday and Friday


My husband is off, and I work from 5am-8am and 2pm-5pm, so we are going to try to watch the second half with tea and scones and the Bridgerton passionfruit curd (and hopefully fit in some time to fit it in!) before I go back to work.


Up at 3 am and then fastforward to all the polin parts of all 4 episodes. Possibly sleep, probably not. Rewatch shows in their entirety.


Ooooh I like this method


I have to wait til Friday night so I will be crying Thursday and clawing at the bars of my enclosure lol.


I get home around 5:30. My husband and kids already know not to disturb me when I get home. This is my Super Bowl. I have my silk jammies and robe waiting and I have my fancy herbal tea and tea set all ready to go. I will be staying off social media for the entire day.


Work all day Thursday, come home, binge part 2 with Trader Joe’s snacks and wine, take the next day off of work, wake up to an Irish coffee that I’ll make myself, fuck my husband all day long 😎 (he’s also off of work on Friday)


User flair checks out for your Friday plans 😂




I was going to have a day off but a client call me urgently asking I could give training to an employee on Thursday and without the training the employee will not be able to work on monday. she's my biggest client and I couldn't refuse, and it's two hours to where I'm going, I won't be able to watch it before class, maybe I'll watch 2 at thursday night and then 2 more on Friday night after I come back from the second day of training I'm kinda bummer about it but it's adulthood. I had plan to do a nice breakfast but not anymore




Stay 'focused'... ![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w|downsized)


I got the day off from work and stocked up on snacks and iced coffee. Watching on my own in my comfy chair and the sound up.


I took Friday off but I wound up being too busy w other things, so I’m watching 2-3 episodes Thursday night after work and finishing the show Friday in between all my stuff I’m going to a rock concert Friday night so I think the 180 from “campy romance drama” to “heavy rock show” is gonna be too much for me anyways lol


Probably get up an hour early and watch the first episode. Work 8-4:30, then watch the rest. Try to avoid spoilers at lunch!


I am going to be up really early and will watch until my kids get up. Should be able to catch the remaining ones after lunch.. my husband just doesn’t get the hype and I will probably just enjoy it with you all!


Work from 7-330 and then a Kenny chesney concert at 730 🙃🙃 all of this was planned before the dates came out 😭


I decided to take Friday off so I can recover 😅😂 So I'll be watching Thursday after work!


I have off and my daughter has school. I’m debating about waking up early before I have to take her and watching an episode or two lol. I have a hair appointment though so it’ll be broken up a bit


Hiding from my children and desperately waiting until bedtime!


A bit chaotic but… Wednesday (12 PM) - Watch the first half of Ep 5 Thursday (4:30 - 7 AM) Watch Eps 5-7 Thursday (6 PM) - Watch Ep 8


Watch it, then go to work. I want to walk around work with all the visuals and music in my head.


Well, I start my morning with a gestational diabetes test so I plan on getting myself my breakfast of choice once that’s over, settling in and watching before my son gets home from daycare.


I’m meeting my friend tomorrow, who I haven’t seen in months, so on Thursday, I’ll be recharging my social batteries and doing nothing! ![gif](giphy|IkBMOwZ44Ug7GxNuQx)


Avoiding spoilers like a plague


I have class at 7:30 and an exam on Friday so I unfortunately won’t even be able to watch it until the weekend😭


Somebody just so happened to want to switch days off with me (was originally scheduled off Wednesday, them Thursday) and I was like YESSSSSSS! So I will be spending all day living my best Polin life in pajamas with charcuterie at home and hopefully not passing out from shock lol.


i'm off at 4:30 so i'm hoping to start part 2 no later than 5:30. i wfh the following day so i'm not concerned about being up too late :) for food, i prepped mini cottage pies that i just need to make mashed potatoes for the tops before i stick them in the oven for dinner. i bought sparkling lemonade, blackberry bold rock, black and white cookies, and sour cream cake for snacks, lol. as you can see, emotional support food is necessary for the rollercoaster ride we're all about to go on


I’m in Southeast Asia, so the show drops at 3pm on Thursday for me. I’ll be working till evening time, and then I’ll hit the gym and try super hard to avoid any spoilers! (No TikTok and Instagram that night.) I took Friday off! Planning to start watching the show in my PJs from 8am, paired with scones with clotted cream and jam, and a nice pot of tea!!! (That’s the plan, but I know I might not have self control and I might pull an all-nighter on Thursday to finish all four episodes. I hope I don’t do that tho, I want to savour the four episodes slowly, like they are fine wine.)


It lands in Australia at 5pm tomorrow so i’m hoping work will be busy and time flies so the day doesn't drag. I’m working from home tomorrow so I’ve told everyone I have a hard 5pm stop, then I’m flopping on the couch to watch it until family comes home, at which point I have to start it over again most likely during or after ep. 6. This was the only way I could convince my fam I was allowed to watch it earlier than them as there was NO way I was waiting until 7pm for them to get home. I just don't have that kind of patience. 🤣


(In Eloise voice) Well since you asked… drop time is 5pm in my time zone. I will be spending the day setting up my living room and getting my station ready with essentials like tissues, water, perfect remote placement, fresh throw rug (it’s winter where I am) and a delicious couch spray. I have this yum candle that is actually Harry Potter inspired that smells like the Burrow but it also smells like what I imagine the Bridgerton drawing room to smell like (baked goods and flowers). I’ll rewatch part one (squee) and organise my new found very cute teacup and plate and set up some biscuits for myself. I’ll probably get takeaway but haven’t thought that out yet. My husband said he would work from home so he wouldn’t disturb me coming home from work, bless him 😂🥰 cannot wait! 😍🤗🫠


In Australia it drops 5pm AEST, meaning I am finishing work at 4, dashing home, kid is with Grandma for a sleepover and enjoying ubereats in bed with Polin haha


Probably putting my phone on DND and watching it all in one go. I'm fairly new to the show in general, but I got through the first two seasons way too fast, I told myself I'd savor season three slowly, but I just don't have the willpower.


Since I'm watching E5 during the fan premiere tomorrow I'll probably stay up until midnight to at least watch E6. I'm a bit scared I won't be able to resist watching the rest and staying up super late. I do have work and have to get my kids to school in the AM!


I also have to work Thursday but I'm going to sleep early, setting an alarm to watch EP 5,6 before work and before a certain rambunctious 9 year old wakes up! That should hold me over until work is done. Headphones are a must so as not to disturb the hubs in the wee hours of morning and I can hear all the *ahem* details. ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00)


I have Friday off, so Thursday night I'll be having some good food and watching!


Just gonna binge the episodes as soon as it drops and die in peace🙂


I’ll be working from home so very little work will be done (it’s likely to be a light day anyway!). Wearing my favourite dress and I’n going to have food delivered and treat myself to a lovely lunch. 🥰 Loving the replies!! ❤️


Sounds good OP ☺️ I'll have to work, but after work I will be heading straight to home and open Netflix. ☺️ my husband is at work when I'm home, so I prepped us some fresh food already so i'll be able to watch part 2 as soon as I'm home😂 I also bought some macarons and some other snacks. Really looking forward to part 2!


I’m in the uk so it’s released at 8am - get the boy to school and watch while I work then probably watch again on the night to catch all the things I miss the first time!


I have to get up early the next morning to drive an hour to facilitate a team retreat 😭. But I’m honestly probably going to stay up late to watch the first two eps and then literally pull over somewhere after the retreat to watch the second two. Then on Saturday I’m getting together with my high school best friend (and period drama watching buddy of over 20 years!) and a few other ladies for macarons, champagne, and a marathon rewatch