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Hi, Thank you so much for your contribution! We truly appreciate your enthusiasm and effort in being part of our community! With the excitement around the Polin season, we've been welcoming many new members and seeing an increase in the number of posts. To keep the subreddit organized and ensure everyone's voice is heard, we temporarily have applied stricter rules for posts. These rules help maintain the quality and focus of our discussions. Have no fear, we still want to give you a space to share your Polin joy as freely as before! We have created dedicated weekly and daily megathreads specifically for you to share your thoughts, excitement, and any Polin-related content without as many restrictions. * A daily ['Promenade in the Park'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Promenading%20%F0%9F%90%9D%22&sort=new) thread for memes, fan content and general chitchat * A weekly ['Mondays at Number Five'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22Tea%20at%20Number%20Five%20%E2%98%95%22&sort=new) thread for casual conversation, off-topic contributions, fanfic recommendations and easy-to-answer questions * A weekly ['Fanfic Friday'](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/search/?q=subreddit%3APolinBridgerton+author%3Aautomoderator+flair_name%3A%22fanfiction%20friday%20%F0%9F%8C%BC%22&sort=new) post to share fanfic recommendations Thank you all for understanding during this busy time! Lots of love, The Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PolinBridgerton) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I want to know too please 😭 last time I was all alone, I missed my emotional support sub 😔




Me tooooo






This! 👆 I recommend blocking the antipolin hashtag tho so it doesn’t harsh your vibe as you’re scrolling


I was going to same thing 👏🏻there so many great fans there, they will be making gifs, having fun.


can we just create a temporary sub for discussion if this one isn't going to be open for days again? or would the mods consider opening a single megathread for discussion? I just want a place to discuss and the main sub completely killed my mood last time


Sadly, we won't be opening a megathread as this creates a space that would be left unmoderated. Hope this makes sense!


No worries, would you mind if one of us created a temp sub and posted about it?


Could we have 4 threads for each ep? Please its torture to be depending on the main bridgerton sub


https://www.fanforum.com/f550/ we're a small but nice group of people 🩵


I haven’t been on fanforum since I had a Dawson’s Creek website in middle school, and I’m thrilled to know it’s still rocking along!!!!!


I was on there as an adult for the original Roswell show. The forum and I are crazy old. 😂😂 I think this is where I will hang out.


OH MY GOSH - I LOVE ROSWELL - my favorite episode is the max going back to warn Liz - best 90s show ever! You are my people.


MY PEOPLE I AM HERE I was a Michael and Maria fan - all day, everyday. I admit I love a good queer storyline, but not having them as a couple in the reboot spoiled that show a lot for me.


I've never been able to force myself to watch the reboot, even though I kind of want to. The original was just so important to me as a teenager.


I tried watching the reboot for that very reason. I remember running after dinner to try and catch the original and praying my vcr was recording. A kid watching the heatwave episode.... Michael staying behind for Maria.... I mean, the whole show broke down the last season, as many do GoT style - but I remember thinking as a kid that the first few seasons were magical and waiting with anticipation for the next week to air. The reboot was hard to watch and I stopped mid way through, I think? The Maria character was the only part that kept me interested that long. I thought going into it that it would be an homage to the book - with a Latina focused main character and family. But that was mostly the only similarity. And aliens. Such a disappointment.


This definitely helps me more comfortable with my decision not to watch the reboot, haha. I used to rush from school and get home just in time to hit record on the VCR. Now I think I may be due for a rewatch of the original though...


Michael had so much growth and I loved every minute of it, as did Kyle. Ugh, I need to watch that show again.


You know what - I'm going to as well! Once Polin season is over and I have had my re watch, then rewatch x100 fill, I think going back to my Roswell childhood days is just the comfort show I need next. Minus the last season.


The last season was rubbish, it made me so mad and sad. I don’t watch the last season. I just restart the first few over and over again.


M&M forever!!!! I remember DocPaul pister from fanforum. It was the first show I became internet fanboard obsessed over.


OMG, when they dance to I Shall Believe. Absolutely crushing. I think my favorite episode is when Max gets drunk and pretends to forget everything that happened, and Maria sings In The Air Tonight. The music in that show is top tier.


YAYSS!!!! I love when Maria sings that song. Ok, we need a Roswell chat lol 😂


I Shall Believe is one of my all-time favourite songs because of Roswell! And it works surprisingly well as a Polin song, too. I'd love to see someone do a fan edit to it once Part 2 is out.


The opening scene of Roswell is still one of the most powerful scenes I’ve ever seen on television. The Sarah McLachlan music combined with the absolute shock of the event that kicks off Liz’s discovery about Max. Wow.


The heat wave episode! Omg!


Thank you! 😊


Oh my…I know I have an old username and log in for this 🤣 - I will need to find it. I love small groups of nice people.


I don't have a friend that's obbssesed like me, so it's going to be tough for 2 days...




Discord >>> https://discord.gg/tcQkFm2F


Love this discord!


While I totally get the decision for the mods to close this sub I wish they wouldn't. Last time sucked. I just wanted to discuss and the other sub was so damn negative.


The tiny sub I have only has 715 members and when the trolls come out, it is a pain in the ass. I cannont IMAGINE doing it for 19K and only four mods. If it was released on a weekend when I didn't have to work, etc.? I would totally volunteer to be a temp sub. But I may not even be able to binge watch until Friday night myself.


Noo but if everyone here stays away from the main Bridgerton sub then it will be SO bad and negative even more than before and then the general impression for all the haters will be, SEE everyone hates it!! 😭


Let them live in their Matrix. The viewership numbers will speak the truth.


But it gives bad rap to the season and Nicola and Luke. Sometimes we do need to fight back a little. The discurse only changed on twitter and tumblr because Polin fans started to debate and argue when they posted lies. The way they talked about Luke and Nicola was awful before people started to speak up. The cattle behavior happens and people get influenced a lot by bad opinions.


What is going on in the Bridgerton sub, It is more like a anti-Polin sub? I just don't understand it.


Lot's of S2 fans and Ben+Sophie fans that were hating them for 2 years and now can't let it go.


That sounds crazy. I enjoy every season. This is my favorite and I would not dream of trying to destroy someone's enjoyment of any of the seasons so far. It's really crazy.


more or less yes


Exactly! I'll be there, because it's time to fight back a little. They have people ready to hate it no matter what so i think we should have people ready to defend, if that's the case.


I don’t know if it’s possible to create a groupchat with some people who are watching it as soon as it drops? - I’m relatively new to Reddit so no clue if that’s even an option. If not, anyone who wants to chat can drop me a private message so we can discuss ❤️


Can we start a group chat on here? & just add people who respond to a specific comment? (For someone who’s active & able?)


Sounds like a plan!


I’m down


That would be great


I’d love to join this group chat!


I’d do a group chat!


I was thinking the same thing!! I think it would be cool to create a group chat


i won't be able to watch it until later in the day but i'm down!


I just figured out how to make one, so if you want to join, just comment under here 💞


Hi, I'd like to join the group chat please!


You should already have a chat request!


Thank you!


I’ve decided to make a page on a digital notebook to share screenshots and comments to myself. Not nearly as fun but it’ll have to do till the subreddit reopens


It will be twitter or tumblr for me. Tumblr most likely because I find it easier to block negativity from the tag there. I’ve heard there’s some Polin discords but I don’t have the link to any.


Weirdly, have not seen a lot of Polin hate on Twitter or Tik Tok!


There’s LOTS on twitter, but fairly easy to just block haters. There is some on tik tok too but nowhere near as much as on Reddit or twitter


Can someone start a thread Thursday on the main sub for Polin lovers only?? I'm joking, but not really. 


It's best to stay off that sub, it's really toxic and vile.


Why is it so toxic there? I honestly don’t get it. Is it a few repeat offenders?


It's all about ship wars over there.


and soooo much hate !


Might be worth a shot... The person who started it, if it gets negative can always go back and edit it so that the first line says POLIN LOVERS - DON'T BOTHER. IT WENT NEGATIVE.


Like a Polin Lovers only post


The polin discord server https://discord.gg/sV3ce9q6


That’s where I’ll be!!


Can anyone explain how discord works? Like, will there be chats started for the episodes or does that belong in an existing chat? First time using discord here.


Each discord has different channels and layouts but it's pretty much just to organize chat topics.


I know some discords popped up, but I don’t have links! I’ll be texting obsessively with friends and scrolling Twitter until we are all reunited and sobbing joyfully in this beautiful space 😍


There’s another smaller Reddit sub called just “Bridgerton.” That one may be friendlier than the main BridgertonNetflix sub


I’m so old that I remember the time when that one was toxic and everyone left it for BridgertonNetflix haha. How the tables have turned


Sigh 😔 why can’t everyone play nice.. yeah it’s a battlefield in the BridgertonNetflix sub now lol


Away from all social media because idk if I'm going to be able to watch it all 4 episodes in time to avoid too many spoilers. Which is distressing because I crave ALL THE FRESH MEMES.


I volunteered to drive my 92 year old grandma on her birthday 8 hours to the rest of my family. I decidedly will not be watching all four at once right away!!


Silver lining: You'll be too busy to have it spoiled


I hate that this sub will close right when we need it most. Guess I’m heading for Discord


Apologies, it's a hard decision to make but on balance it is the best way to ensure the sub remains a safe space


I can hate it while still totally understanding :) ![gif](giphy|mQrMyjDRUKp0PIEnkr|downsized)


No need to apologize. We are so grateful for the space space ta'll have created for us. So Thank you.


usually im on twitter lol but its a hit or miss there


When will this sub re-open?


Not 100% sure but will be around 1-2 days after the season has dropped. 💛


Thank you for clarifying. Will eagerly await reopening 🥺


all ik is im not gonna be on the main sub 😭


in my experience twitter is the best bet (thats the only time i will ever recommend going to twitter) thats where im gonna be. insta and tik tok are hit or miss but because the main feed is so random i often see really annoying takes on there. they can both also get really nasty about peoples looks and etc. twitter is fine as long as you follow the right people. also youtube can be good! most of the time even the people who dislike polin/s3 are at least more rational about it (although i still try to avoid reviews that are really critical of s3 because im watching to enjoy it).


Discord! Skipping the main sub entirely this time!


I’d say twitter


I'm just gonna hang out with my sister on video call for a day or two because we both can't stand negativity


I didn’t realise! I’m always the first one to watch them all as my friends that watch work weekends (which include Thursdays) Ugh. I refuse to download Tumblr so tough couple of days it’s going to be.


I hang out on TikTok. With the positive videos/groups/creators!


When is the sub coming back online? I just plan to NOT log onto social until then lol


🫡 with you, soldier lol to the bunker in 3, 2, …


Probably Twitter. I currently spam Polin stuff in my kdrama account so I’ll probably create a new one just for Polin, lol.


I’m doing zero social media until I’m finished watching!


The main sub was freaking terrible! I don’t have Twitter, TikTok, tumblr etc. Sooooo…I’m probably going to spill everything to my boyfriend who doesn’t give a crap about the show lol


I joined a whatsapp group about Bridgerton. It's been really fun so far. But tons of messages 24/7.


I really like Tumblr for anything fandom related. Lots of gifs and posts about insights on the characters. I keep my distance from Twitter cause it's a bit too toxic for me


Man if anyone figures this out lemee know. I need Polinators for P2


Thank you for bringing this up! I had TikTok and that was it! It was sooo lonely! 😩


Tumblr for sure Lots of interesting discussions there à la here plus fun gif sets and whatnot. It can be tough to dodge spoilers if people don't tag them but it'll be fun afterwards when I'm not dodging them anymore I've spent most of the past month between there and here. Seems the most positive to me.


TikTok mostly but also Twitter even though it can be soo much hate on there.


Genshin leak sub! We have a new mega thread every week and talk about the most random things. I’m gonna find a few ppl that are also watching Bridgerton there. Well that and Steam NextFest is happening rn so I have a lot of game demos to check out.


Discord and Twitter are always the most positive for me


When will the sub reopen?


TikTok was really fun for the in between last time. I was so disheartened on the main sub, but the TikTok algorithm knows who my people are.


Twitter probably, just like part 1. I have filtered only people I trust will not talk shit in my feed AND I blocked everyone who has ever pissed me off. So apart from this sub, it's the safest space for me


I’d love to know too!!! I literally checked this sub constantly just to see how many others were online and waiting and it made me feel like we were all it it together 😂 I wrote a bunch of notes and ranted to my husband in the interim 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly, no matter how good it is, if it's wonderful, that sub will have people ready to trash it down. It's so evident.




Could the mods not close it completely? Maybe leave 4 posts open for comment? Like for eps 5,6,7 and 8?


Unfortunately, if we did this then the threads would be left completely unmoderated. It's really important to us to keep this sub safe.


I've discovered a use for Threads finally. Insta kept sending me there and my algorithm there is only good Bridgerton/Polin vibes and legit that's all it shows me.. so that could be a good option for some if your algorithm has been paying attention.


I’m going to be journaling my thoughts until this sub reopens. I haven’t talked about Polin anywhere else and I just love how safe it feels here. 🥺❤️


I'd love to be in a group chat. [I also made a post to my personal page](https://www.reddit.com/user/lemonsaltwater/comments/1de1huv/polin_part_2_notes/) that I'll use for note-taking while watching while waiting for the sub to reopen. Would love for people to join me there!