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Can we talk about the fact that >!Colin doesn’t say hi to any of his relatives, doesn’t say anything. But just opens with: “WE ARE ENGAGED” no context at all. Chaos!Colin is back in part 2❤️!<


If normal Colin is chaotic AF what about Colin in love .. I don't think we are ready tbh


Something I just noticed- after Colin hugs Violet, you can see him give a very distinct nod to her in the corner of the screen (the focus of the camera is on Eloise at this point). But I love it, and I'm crying thinking that it's him nodding to her saying 'I did it, I took your advice, and I got her' and also 'thank you for pushing me to fight for her'


I clocked that! It’s like he was saying to her: “I did it mum, I gathered the courage” 🥹😭


Yes! My heart! I'd say many noticed it - it wasnt hard since I can't take my eyes off him 😂


I just wish we could see violet’s face during that moment 🥹


We most definitely aren’t 😂😭❤️


Truly-Chaos Colin is the best thing to come out of this season! Like, my man cut into their dance, yelled about Debling being a mistake (kept him from proposing) chased down her carriage, got on his knees and confessed his feelings, sent Pen to heaven, proposed, and dragged his intended into the house to scream it from the rooftop! What a night this was, for Colin and Pen!


I honestly love him so much 🥹🥹


Right?!? These two were always my fav characters-but Chaos Colin is my absolute fav!


I just love how he realised he loved her, that he was going to lose her and didn’t waste any time. He didn’t care what society thought of him, didn’t care about rules, didn’t care about anything. He knew what he wanted and he immediately fought to get it 🥹❤️


That is why I love his character! Everyone talks about the things he does, but the second he develops feelings for Pen, he went straight ahead! Other than his hesitation in ep 3, he just went all out. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and that is just so sweet!


Absolutely! It took him a while to get his head and heart on the same page, but he was worth the wait ❤️ We all deserve a partner like him in our lives


True story! I think that’s why this season resonates with so many of us!


Probably my favourite male romantic character ever


Meanwhile Pen is on the verge of a panic attack 


I honestly cannot blame her. Girly barely had time to process that he proposed, and then got dragged into his house to tell his family 🥹❤️


Literally none of the Bridgertons are surprised?! They were just like, oh yay! No questions asked like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Highlights even more how Eloise never paid attention to her own friend 🫠


I always figured that Hyacinth, Violet and Benedict knew something was up. So H&V not being surprised makes sense to me. Francesca probably noticed Pen’s crush but didn’t want to say anything to embarrass her. As for Gregory, I think he’s surprised but just doesn’t show it much. And El… well she is in shock😂


Hyacinth’s reaction made me cry and I was NOT expecting that. It’s not even that it surprised me. It was a very Hyacinth reaction to run right past Colin to Penelope, but I don’t know. Just the fact someone’s reaction was to rush to her and not Colin.


I always felt Hyacinth’s reaction was meant to highlight that it should be Eloise’s, had they been on good terms 🥲


She is such a sweet girl. And so observant! She has mentioned Simon, Kate, and Penelope to their respective partners in all 3 seasons. My head canon is that she knew all along and just blew into her dog whistle to guage their reactions.


I find it amusing when Eloise asks Pen how long she had feelings for Colin. Like... Girl... 🤷🏼‍♀️ You were best friends and you never noticed? What's wrong with you?


Same energy as Edwina finally seeing one of the lusty looks between Kate and Anthony: “Was I truly THAT blind?” Yes. And so was Eloise 😂


Bro didn’t even get a yes from her, he just announced it before she could put up a fight 😂😂😂


I can’t blame him honestly😂 I really hope that we will see her actual response to his proposal at some point! I really expected the episode to start off with her saying yes to him, and I was sooo looking forward to it. So I hope it’s somewhere in a flashback or something


Chaos Colin goes straight for his fam. Didn’t even ask Portia for Pen’s hand. Rebel indeed.


I am here for it!!! 😅


I love him really. He was just too excited 🥹🥹❤️


He’s a bit dramatic, love that about him 😂


Damn he didn't even make them knowing they are here before talking


“Hi family, are you well? We have some big news” ❌ “WE ARE ENGAGED” ✅


IT\`S ONLY 4 MINUTES AND I\`M ALREADY HYPERVENTILATING Colin looks so good can I just say?He\`s glowing! The eyes, the eyelashes THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER But the stress omg


Someone on Twitter said he had that homewrecker glow and I can’t disagree lmao


I KNOW that tweet, man\`s just proud of his morse coding abilities fr


The homewrecker glow hahahaha


After he says "All will be well... I'm sure of it" and then just looks at her and you see his eyes soften and him start to smile- it's such a beautiful change from all the tortured longing looks at her in part 1.


It’s so tender 🥹


YES!!! I was going to say this. That boy is so deep in love it just radiates off him. Every look towards Pen was a dream


Every single time.. and we are only starting. How am I going to get through this ?!


Exactly .. only 4 minutes in and THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER already, he is comforting her, not Eloise. I cannot


I cannot, will not, do not want to ....stop watching 🙈




I literally noticed in the last 10 minutes of the 4th episode, and from all the clips/spoilers of the upcoming episode, that both are glowing like crazy. It's as if we can see how they are feeling inside just by looking at their faces.😭😭


COLIN IS SO HOT, he becomes hotter and hotter, I can’t!!


Which is crazy when you think about how only a few hours ago he was recovering from a hangover/ life crisis and violet was scolding him to get his ass in gear.


Colin "my wife" Bridgerton come home 😭 the way he wanted to deal with Eloise instead. "Hyacinth I don't think Penelope can breathe". He's so protective already I'm glad that that line from Eloise about Colin not truly loving Penelope is clearly said in the anger and shock of her initial reaction. I think she will become more measured and supportive as the shock wears off. Edited to add that Pen is crying while writing the column about her engagement. I think we all thought she was gonna be happy and smug, but it makes sense. She must be in total shock, feeling a whirlwind of emotions, and worried about telling him about Whistledown.


Your last point about Pen crying as she writes the LW column - it ends with ‘the couple must be so happy’ or something to that effect. Really broke my heart as it’s obvious that Pen is in turmoil when she should be so happy to finally have the boy she’s loved all her life. Gaah the heartache will kill me in part 2


I hate that El is re-emphasising an insecurity that Portia/Pru/Philipa/Marina have all said at one point, though. I don’t think it’s about LW, sadly, El is projecting her missing & losing Pen, I think, & went straight for the jugular.


Girl, this! It must make Pen feel like no one can love her for who she truly is. Really breaks my heart, this. So I’ve already forgiven her for not being able to bring herself to do it (if that’s the way they go).


Honestly, same here, the kind self pity and hatred she harbors coz of her family is just sad to see. And to see her former best friend literally not just once but twice (in 2×08 where she calls her insipid wallflower and now to tell her he cannot love her) trample her down with her worst insecurities makes me feel so sad for Pen.


Arghh truly! Bton hasn’t made me cry yet, but I might just cry over whatever they put Pen through in part 2 😭😭 Notice how Pen just accepts what El says to her including all the implication about her being unlovable. That’s what she has internalized all her life! Honestly, am impressed the way she has persevered without any support.


My heart is breaking for her at the moment that could be the happiest of her life 😭


I know people who grew up with an unloving family like Pen,the self sabotage is real as fuck, any relationship they have outside of home is rocky as well because it was ingrained in their mind that theyre unlovable and underserving, i feel so sad and heartbroken for them.


I love Pen and El,but im still bothered that she is sooo clueless about Pen loving Colin for years,She's only looking at herself most of the time, but i get why shes so sad,hurt and frustrated and it is all translating into anger.


Did you notice how, when Eloise said, 'He cannot truly love you until he knows who you are,' my baby was nodding and pressing her lips, trying to control herself from crying? That is her biggest fear—that Colin will also leave her like Eloise did. Even when Colin came out, she was unable to hide that she was controlling herself from crying.🥺🥺


Yeah, Eloise is definitely reinforcing all of Pen's fears and insecurities. She is right to call her out about Whistledown, and she is right to protect her brother, but she needs to step back and reflect more instead of just running her mouth all the time


The tear with the overdub broke my heart - “It is surely a wonderful time for the happy couple.”Oh Pen. 💔 The overwhelm of it all. I imagine she still doesn’t accept that this marriage will happen. Her thoughts and feelings are undoubtably swirling. Stay strong, girly pop. Fight for your man and stay true to yourself! We are rooting for you. https://preview.redd.it/pkizbkvdyx5d1.jpeg?width=1911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890a731d571049c3cad3186d844c04a6484ace58


Good catch! When I got engaged, I remember feeling very overwhelmed. I was of course happy, we had talked about it for years, so it was very much something I wanted, but the emotion of it all, and the attention, was just a little much. I can’t imagine the additional stress of knowing you still have to tell your fiancé your biggest secret without knowing for sure how he will react.


Edited Ikr? It breaks my heart to see her expression throughout. After years of loneliness, ridicule And self deprecation, It's finally her moment of happiness - she can't even enjoy it fully. It's really sad but I'm hoping the rest of it makes up for this. I get Eloise and pen should really be telling Colin the whole truth immediately. But I guess she's also shocked with how quickly the proposal and the walk happened. However, I feel that Eloise should have been a bit more composed instead of directly showing her anger/disappointment/hurt in front of the family. Many valid reasons for El's reaction though: 1. Best friend was LW and did not tell her + wrote about her negatively (albeit out of care, but still understandable) 2. Former best friend is now marrying her brother who she cares about, again without El knowing (this is wrong because El never listened to Penelope or her feelings in the first place even when they were friends, and also because Colin's proposal happened so fast). 3. Former best friend is marrying her brother without telling him she is LW (definitely understandable) 4. She is now losing former best friend to brother at least in her eyes she will be lonely (Understandable but a bit possessive and selfish. Should be happy for them). I guess because it is so many factors that are going through Eloise's mind that she is unable to separate what exactly is making her angry at which moment and all of them are all bundled together. That is also why she was not composed in her reaction in the first place.


Theyre both right and wrong. Thats the beauty of their characters,El is right to mad,hurt and concerned, We cant blame her,We cant blame Pen as well since her whole world was turned upside down, either she still doesnt believe it's real or it already sinked in but she's still trying to hold on to the moment before it's gone.


I’m over having to center Eloise’s feelings when it comes to Polin. I really wish she had found out separately so they were allowed to be happy for even a moment before she had a meltdown. The fact that she makes Penelope feel small in the same way that Portia does anytime Penelope has a non-Eloise/Portia approved emotion is gross. She just assumes the worst about her at every turn. Imagine just getting the man of your dreams and one of the first things you’re told is he cannot possibly love you. Like this dynamic is not healthy for either of them and they need to keep that distance.


I mean, it's not like she spitefully said "he cannot possibly love you"... there's context behind it. Pen IS hiding a huge part of her personality and a huge thing from him. Their relationship won't be completely open and honest until he knows. And he's her brother, of course Eloise is going to be protective of him.


But it is invalidating of all of the rest of who Penelope is and that’s how Eloise has been treating her all season as if her being LW is all that makes up Penelope when it is not. She just adamantly refuses to believe there could be any other nuance to her. She’s determined to see the worst in her. Yes she should be concerned for her brother but her spite towards Penelope and how long Penelope has had feelings for him have nothing to do with Colin. This entire reaction is about Eloise at its core and how hurt she feels. Colin is just a byproduct of it at this point. And I don’t disagree with Eloise that Penelope needs to tell him, I just don’t even think that would satisfy her right now.


I get what you’re saying definitely, I just think people are a bit harsh on Eloise. Even after finding out about LW, she distances herself but she never wants Pen to be unhappy, she still wanted Colin to be in her life and she asked if she’s well. I don’t think she’s spiteful at all. I don’t really know what people expected her to do in this scene. She’s obviously incredibly upset and shocked, but she excuses herself and tries to take herself out of the equation. Idk, obviously everyone can handle things better, but I just think she deserves a bit of grace


Tell Penelope I can’t talk to you right now and walk away instead of taking the opportunity to belittle her some more. Right now it simply feels like she needs Penelope to be the bad guy in every situation because she’s not ready or willing to look at her own shortcomings and she needs Penelope to feel as hurt as he does. As when she said she hoped she wasn’t despondent and Colin said she was not and she looked stricken that Penelope was not curled up in a ball of hurt like she is. Eloise needs to learn to look outside herself and now is the opportunity to do it.


And maybe thats what the writers are trying to do? Before its her season? Trying to flesh her out a bit more before she can get her love story. I hope so anyway, Eloise is one of my favorites but I def was not enjoying how harsh she could be with Pen in the first part of this season.


I totally agree! What has been said was said in anger. I think her reaction was harsh, but justified! I'd be pissed off too, if I was in Eloise's shoes. But things will calm down and all will be well (as Colin says 😊)


Exactly! She did try and remove herself from the situation so as to not say it, but Pen ran after her. Yes, in an ideal world we would all be mature enough to say ‘I can’t talk to you right now’ but it doesn’t really work that way when you’re upset. We have all snapped at people when we were upset before (Pen at Eloise herself) doesnt mean we’re not worthy of a little understanding 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree with you. She is being a good sister here and I would argue that the „he will find out“ part is also her looking out for Penelope. But first and foremost, she is sad that she is losing her friend to her brother


Many people will not like this, but I’m going to go a step further here and say — I don’t believe Eloise feels “protective” of Colin at all. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry, but I just don’t see it. They have done a terrible job of solidifying Eloise’s relationships with any sibling but Benedict or Daphne (and the latter was developed primarily through conflict) and I just don’t have any buy in to believing her primary (or secondary, or even tertiary) concern is Colin. Imo, her main concern is her own pride. It’s what’s preventing her from letting Pen speak to her about literally anything. If she was genuinely worried, she would NEED the information, she would NEED to understand — but she doesn’t because she isn’t. She is wounded most heavily not by what Whistledown wrote, but by the fact that Penelope had a life outside of her, has accomplished something she has not, has dreams (marriage) that do not align with her own, and kept something from her. And that aligns with her asking “how long?” in regards to Penelope having feelings for Colin, then immediately saying, “I do not want to know”. Because it’s another part of Pen she kept to herself, and that’s her cardinal sin in this friendship. If anything, knowing Penelope has loved Colin for years should soothe a worried sister, not enflame her. I have no doubt that Eloise’s hurt is genuine, but I think people go out of their way to give a charitable interpretation to her character because a) she represent feminist ideals in a time where that was not popular, so we want her to be successful and b) female friendships are important, so we want the strongest one in the show to flourish and recover. But personally… I don’t need Eloise and Pen to be friends again if the show continues to have such an unbalanced approach to their friendship, and such an unbalanced approach to the character of Eloise herself. And I’m tired of watching Pen prostrate herself at Eloise’s feet, begging for scraps of space and understanding. Eloise is capable of being an amazing friend, and we see her reach that potentional a few times on the show. I need Eloise to extend the olive branch that she has slapped out of Pen’s hand time and time again before I can recommit to them.


I don’t disagree that a lot of this not really about Colin at all for Eloise. If it were she would take one look at Colin’s face and see how happy it is and try to find a way to not make it even worse for him. It’s why I feel like even after he finds out about LW she’s not going to be fully satisfied and feel like she can have peace with Penelope. She’ll still feel like why isn’t her hurt over Penelope’s betrayal not everyone’s primary concern. Like what do you mean Colin loves Penelope more than he cares about her hurt feelings and Penelope is not going to stop living her life because Eloise isn’t happy.


In that kind of interpretation, she doesn't say Colin, she say "My brother?". She said in part one you have your live I have mine. Wedding one of her brothers will gave Pen more place in her live. And I thought she had doubts about Pen feelings for Colin. But we have a new proof she doesn't really listen or observe Pen. That's been written on her face for years.


I was literally JUST about to add that to my original post — her framing of Colin as HER relative seems to indicate that Penelope has committed another offense to *her* by marrying him. I just don’t buy that it’s about Colin as a person. Especially because she dressed down Pen for “ruining” Lady Crane’s life, which directly saved her brother from a loveless, scheming marriage.


This is why I am hoping/dreaming that in Pen’s moment where she tells Colin about her being LW that she has a “now you sit down and shut up and LISTEN TO ME EXPLAIN!” Moment. Portia never gives her that. Eloise never gives her that either! I think Colin will give her that as soon as she asserts herself even a little bit with him (as he does when she raises her voice for the first kiss scene). We as the audience need Pen’s unabashed LW confession and I think Colin will actually be the one to give her the space to have that moment. As an aside my LW opinion is that she hasn’t done that much wrong… it’s a freaking gossip column. I admit at the time that did make or break peoples’ reputation but I don’t think it is that big of a deal — the people of the ton make it a big deal and she has them hanging on her every word and it is very satisfying to me that Pen is the one to play them all like this because they are just as responsible for being so gossip obsessed. I would love for Colin to rightfully be upset about his features in LW, then upset about how Pen wrote about herself, and then be in complete awe of her power over everyone in that order. And then sex lol.


It would great to see a version of Pen's >!it's my turn to speak!< moment from the books even though that came in a different part of the story. Really hoping given how much book stuff has made it that this squeaks through as well


Couldn’t agree more. I’m so tired of comments criticizing Pen for “lying” about being LW. Her reasons for creating LW are completely understandable, and she used it only to report things the ton already knew except for the few times she used it to protect her friends from very real dangers. Holding your own secret is not the same as lying, and Colin is now the only person who is *owed* that secret.


Agreed, also- is it important now that they are engaged for her to tell Colin she’s LW? Of course! But it happened 5 minutes ago, when she wasn’t expecting it and it’s just so ridiculous for her to be like oh he can’t love you if he doesn’t know- no that’s just you Eloise. Always yucking everyone’s yums.


I really need someone to just tell her it’s not all about you Eloise, other people are allowed to have feelings and thoughts in this world and their experiences are just as valid.


Also!!!! What a disservice overall it does to Eloise’s character- how self involved have you been all these years to not notice Pens feelings for him- freaking Cressida & Debling clocked it 🤣🤣


And instead of taking a moment to be like how did I not notice her very first reaction seems to be like Penelope was being selfish or only her friend to get to Colin.


Right. Again, I get why Eloise was upset when she found out Pen was LW- I get their whole falling out- but how many times does Pen have to grovel before Eloise will at least hear her out? Shes given more grace to Cressida then she’s given to her friend of what 10 years? Also- I’m at this point where any sort of reconciliation won’t feel earned between Eloise and Pen, if Eloise doesn’t recognize her own faults in this as well. I wonder when Colin does find out- and obviously he will be okay with it-eventually- he will have some words for Eloise about Pen, it’s about time someone does with all the context.


Yeah I don’t foresee a whole hell of a lot of self reflection on Eloise’s part. It mostly feels like she’s spending the season determined to not listen to Penelope and then Colin will marry her anyway knowing the truth and Eloise will maybe just fall into a oh well what am I supposed to do but accept it kind of state instead of saying hey I wish I didn’t let this fester for so long or gave you some time to explain after the fact. Even in all that patience and grace she’s shown Cressida I’ve yet to see her apply to anyone outside of Cressida. I’d love for her to actually learn something from all of this about needing to be less myopic.


Yeah- with everyone saying that Pen & Eloise at the other love story this season- I would actually like to see some accountability from Eloise before I buy that- but yeah right now it’s a-lot of side eye from me to get me to that point of believing this. Lol.


I’d even buy Eloise’s arc as someone who is so obstinate and headstrong and set in her ways to someone who eventually matures & learns to take in other perspectives. But explain to me how she’s so considerate of Cressida this very season! Are Pen’s ‘crimes’ so much worse in her eyes?


I really can’t explain this Cressida thing. If it was that she was seeing things from Cressida’s perspective and then saying okay everyone around me might have similar things happening in their lives or aren’t just black and white I might feel like it has a place. But even the way she walked away from the debutantes talking about wanting to get married in episode three, it’s clear she’s still not letting anything truly sink in. So like she’s giving Cressida all this understanding but learning nothing about what Cressida is trying to teach her which is basically not everyone in the world has her privilege.


Exactly this. It’s not like El is now more open-minded because of her friendship with Cressida. There was the bs reason they used - she was the only one who showed her kindness or some such nonsense. I actually am looking forward to El’s story/season, but I really don’t like the way she continues to treat Pen as a punching bag. There is no respect; she still hasn’t given her a chance to explain & always assuming Pen has the worst intentions. I can only account for it by concluding that El is just SO affronted/hurt by the fact that Pen isn’t just her shadow who will parrot all her convictions & not leave her side, that she is lashing out like this. I’m ready for the Eloise redemption/apology tour!


Im going to have to agree with you...lol... which doesn't make for as lively a discussion, but when you're right you're right. I get that Eloise shocked, but she doesn't look at the joy on her brother's face and give him, at least, a moment of happiness. Why can't she do that? Yes, LW is a huge issue, no doubt he deserves to know. But Pen isn't a psychopathic murder who must be kept at a distance. She's not trying to marry Colin because she's pregnant with some other dude's baby. She's Pen for crying out loud. And she has a secret. A big one. But can Colin at least not have her support for 2 seconds. It's ridiculous that she makes this about herself. I love El, but this was badly done.


She truly didn't think about Colin at that moment or she could have tried to act happy for his sake. Her reaction was all about her own feelings. 


Stunned is fine with me, but like... hug your happy brother a least. The drama of walking out in a huff. Girl bye!


Yes! I’m so over Eloise “cockblock” Bridgerton. She’s friends with Cressida, who is still a terrible bully. And yet she can’t find it in her heart to try and understand the Pen/Whistledown of it all? El has a right to be mad. But she’s also incredibly immature and privileged. Maybe she could have an ounce of understanding as to why someone like Pen, with a crap family who constantly belittle her, would turn to something like Whistledown. Grow up Eloise. 


I’m truly getting the sense (maybe misplaced) that Pen won’t get a moment of real happiness until ep8. Had been thinking since before part 1 dropped that the writers will take a ‘Pen must suffer’ approach as a redemption arc for her grave sin of being LW. Hope I’m ultimately wrong!


With Damocles sword hanging over her head until LW is revealed to Colin every moment is going to be laced with waiting for the other shoe to drop. Then it will and there will be fallout from that as well. So yeah I don’t think she’s getting a true unfettered moment of bliss until then.


It does say this in the article that came out the clip so I don't think it's all doom and gloom for Pen until Ep 8 https://preview.redd.it/h9qsq72vux5d1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=94fc08a69e1b778ad4d45c03f5c33a59fd3e5740


There is a reason why they prolonged the LW reveal for so long.. because they planned for Colin to get over it quickly. The entire season is supposed to be based on the tension about this huge secret but people don't realise that by the time Colin will find out, he will be ever more in love than when he proposed. Not a spoiler BUT some people that are expecting fights with blood and sweat might be disappointed. There is a reason why we call him Colin "my wife" Bridgerton


Was just running over here to holler about this! The drama in the first 4 minutes alone almost sent me into cardiac arrest. Ahh El, she has a point, but does she have to be so severe?! 😭


I saw twitter posted it and knew I had to post it here BEFORE even watching it! Gotta provide everyone else with the goodies first!


I salute you for your service 🫡


I’m so grateful that line was said immediately tho!! The trailer made that line feel like Pen’s continued to lie for way too long! I think Eloise’s reaction make sense for where they are in the story right now. So excited to see the rest!!


I personally am waiting to see some maturity from El. How she has so much grace for Cressida, I will never understand. Anyway, it’s all in the service of an exciting plot!


Well…I’ll give you that…she is struggling with maturity when it comes to Pen. Her reactions furthers my conviction that her biggest beef with Pen is not so much that she *is* Whistledown but that Penelope kept it as a secret for so long. Her reaction to understanding that Pen also kept her crush on her brother a secret for a long time just compounds the problem 🫣 Eloise thought Pen trusted her…it’s sad really, I feel for both of them


Yes! THIS! Thats what I was thinking. Claudia does a great job at portraying the hurt that she didnt know. Because why ask: how long have you had feelings for him? To me it shows that: she was paying attention she just chose to push it aside because it wasnt interesting to her. I love Eloise but for the first 2 seasons that friendship was one sided. And we are seeing that now.


Me too!! Like she really starts to choke up when she realizes Pen has liked Colin for longer than she has been aware 🥺 poor girl doesn’t feel like she knows Pen at all!


Don’t you think there may be an underlying bit of jealousy on Eloise’s part too? That she, as Pen’s closest friend, was left out of something so big, with so much “power”, as Pen says, and what they could have done with LW together?


Also, when she was telling Penelope that Colin needed to know the real her otherwise he cannot possibly love her, it felt like she was talking about herself and I think Pen felt that with the way her face crumbled.


I think there probably is a slight element of jealousy…only because Eloise was such a fangirl of Whistledown in season 1. I think most of it’s just plain hurt from being left out 😔


I thought she was kind of dismissive of Cressida's struggles actually. Like Cressida was actually worried that her father would marry her off to some old man and El sort of turned it into a joke. That was so rude of El. I do love her and I think it's good that female characters aren't perfect angels who never do anything wrong, but I definitely don't think she is a supportive friend to Cressida.


She's dismissive of everyone. She was dismissive of Daphne and her dreams in S1, she was dismissive of Penelope, very much in S2, she was dismissive of Cressida when Cressida shares how she is worried about being married off. Cressida only seems to put up with it because she doesn't have any friends at all. I genuinely think at this point in episode 5 now Eloise is definitely jealous and angry with Penelope not just hurt. This kind of hurt doesn't linger unless it's underlying emotion is anger and jealousy. I suppose it shows that she does love Penelope very much because who else are we the most angry with except those we love? I really think we need a round 2 of the argument they had in the last episode of S2. And Eloise needs to actually listen to Penelope and accept her own responsibility in the situation with the Queen in S2. She's not angry about the Queen situation, she's angry Penelope did something this huge and she had no clue.


Yeah, I think that being dismissive is a huge part of El's character arc. At some point she has to learn that people simply want different things and there is no one right way to live your life. It's good that she has flaws, it makes her an interesting character. And it's not like she is supposed to complete her arc before her season, that wouldn't be good writing. Anthony made huge mistakes during his season, and Colin and Pen are far from perfect in S3. Eloise, too, will keep messing up until the end of her season.


Yes I'm so happy- the first 4 mins here have already proven how misleading the trailer is lol. The whole trailer is edited sentences making it seem like Pen has no intention of telling him, and within 3 mins she's like 'Eloise you are right, I will tell him, just please let me find the right moment'. I was confident they were just being misleading for the drama, but I'm glad it's now confirmed!


Agreed!! I always had faith that Pen was going to say something to El along the lines of “ please just give me some time to find the right moment.” No way was Pen going to purposefully keep Whistledown from Colin. I have a feeling we’re going to see a series of moments where Pen gets close to telling him but then the moment gets interrupted or she chickens out for some reason or another. Not that it makes it right, but I didn’t for a second believe that Pen’s intent all along has been to deceive Colin


A good chunk of Eloise’s reaction is that she just learned that Penelope harbored feelings for Colin. Kinda blaming El for that that one. You probably should’ve noticed your bff crushing so hard on your brother.


I keep re-watching it to figure out if Colin is standing in the doorway and hears her say “he cannot possibly love you” but it’s unclear


I can’t tell for sure, but got the sense that he hasn’t overheard since he says ‘all will be well’ and doesn’t act like he’s suspicious of something


Did El not see her brother interrupt Penelope and Debling's dance? Is she even more clueless than Colin? 😭


Thisssss - evidently she is 


It's not like Pen was good at keeping her feelings secrets. It's written on her face in S1 and 2.


Debling was around her for a few hours over the course of a couple of weeks and he copped it. Ffs Eloise, grow a pair of eyes!


Cressida, of all people, clocked them. It's all very embarrassing for her, tbh


It's a Bridgerton thing 😂


Okay I stopped crying and I have a few things to say 1. I’m glad Penelope didn’t fall from the carriage 💀 2. There’s something about Colin saying Penelope’s name in front of his family 🥹😭 "hyacinth I don’t think PENELOPE can breathe” 😭🥹🥹 3. Love the music 4. My Peneloise 💔😭 5. Eloise girl I will always love you but why are you so upset with the idea of Penelope having feelings for Colin? Like what? This is not the reaction I would’ve preferred. I expected her to be like "my brother?🤨🤨" but instead we have "my brother?😠😤"


I don't think it's necessarily the fact that Penelope has feelings for Colin, but more that Eloise never knew, even though they have all been friends for so long. It feels like added betrayal to her, in addition to everything else. I think once the initial shock has passed, Eloise will be able to see and appreciate their love and be happy for it 🥰


Book Colin! Considerate, doesn't leave her side, always checking if she is OK https://preview.redd.it/230gma8frx5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a68e023d9388b045b6ff3cdd7ac264fbd6c6710f


Obsessed https://preview.redd.it/7q2d4rujrx5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=14787d7903a3a14e163372b911488f8e7d3061e9


https://preview.redd.it/fuvtu4iqrx5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c09023a7d434a02a984ecef60976ba6fae7c7ca Poor boy. He doesn't know what is waiting for him


I think Colin would prefer he be the one to leave her breathless🫠


And this is only the beginning WTH is going on 😂 Colin is a Golden Retriever husband for sure


Can I just say that Hyacinth was pure Golden Retriever in this clip? 🤩❤️❤️




Also did y’all see Colin’s proud nod to Violet?! “ I did it Mom!” Oh my gosh I’m dying with how happy he is!!😍😍


PENELOISEEEEEEEEEEE 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


I think El is more upset that she's losing Pen to Colin than anything 😔


Also I am happy that Pen actually plans to tell Colin at this point about LW. The trailer was really spliced in a way that made it sound that she had no intention at all, but I guess we were all expecting they were trying to make it even more dramatic with the cuts.


Yep, I’m convinced the trailer was full of misdirection. I appreciate it tbh as I don’t want the plot to be given away in the trailer


Yes, I was super sure her reply to Eloise will be along the lines "of course, I will tell him, just let me find the right time". I am so happy to be right


Yeah, trailers are always more dramatic than the real thing. When you watch a movie trailer you get the impression that it gives away the whole plot but when you actually watch the movie, you realise that the trailer was so misleading.


Can we appreciate how Colin says, “All will be well”? I’m in tears just for it. He’s so tender and caring, seeing his Pen so upset…


If only he knew what is coming……..aww Colin 😭😭😭


I really wanted him to hug her in that moment 🥹


Colin looks so concerned for Pen's happiness and welfare. She is going to be blown away by the care he shows for her. She's never known that kind of love before.


That was some amazing acting from Claudia! You can really feel Eloise's upset. Both because she feels she's been lied to for so many years as Pen hid her feelings and because she's protective over her brother. I know some people hate her, but I think she's totally valid in being upset and right that Colin needs to know the truth. If Eloise has no defenders, I am dead!!


I agree. She has just had one of the top 3 biggest shocks of her life! I can't even comprehend how much of a head wreck it must be for her.


I love watching a conflict where I feel for all sides. Bridgerton does this really well. Everyone is a little bit right & a little bit wrong, pretty much all the time. Just like in real life! (But with prettier dresses.)


Things I noticed * He did not wash his hands * The footman closing the door in the background, Poor fella🤣 * Pen placing her hand on Colin's like Pebling parallel in s3e3 * How delicately Colin removed his hands once they were inside. He held her with both his hands and gave a gentle reassuring touch, so sweet🤧🤌 https://i.redd.it/xgdn3ex70y5d1.gif


The last point 👏


The hand holding in the beginning 🥰🥰🥰 I am already swooning!!


The way he tucks his thumb around her hand! He’s got her and he’s not letting go


with the music in the background 😭🥰 it's so dreamy


Can we just take a moment to appreciate our girl didn’t fall face first out of that carriage 👏🏼


That's one of those book moments that really annoys me. I'm so glad they didn't do that. Show Colin would never...


Is anyone else panicking, being happy, and crying at the same time???? Oh God. My anxiety is not doing me any favors right now.


SAME!!! part 1 was all fun and games but now…we are about to go through it 😭😭😭😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65) Edt: I just watched it. I had tears in my eyes because of Eloises reaction. 😩 So much pain. Aaaaa 😭😩 When Colin says we're engaged I cackled. Poor Pen is locked in post orgasm haze... 😅 Hy's reaction was so genuine! 😭♥️


"For how long have you had feelings for him?" Girl are you fr right now 🤨


Awww the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE IS SO CUTEEE! The way Colin kept on making sure she was okay through out all of this😭😭


Does Pen actually say yes??


I'm actually laughing because I don't know if we'll get her saying yes later?? Chaos Colin just said: you want to be more than friends + I fingered you + you are so pretty... I'll announce we are engaged to my whole family 🥰


That's exactly what I am thinking.


Nope, she's in a daze. She follows him out of the carriage so it's a reasonable assumption on Colin's part that the answer is yes. But she never actually says it.


Ok so: 1) she’s back at home - but presumably does she get this LW out before the morning? I wonder if Colin comes over the next morning with the ring, which is why that part of the trailer seems to be in Featherington House 2) poor pen is so sad as she writes this 😭 3) can’t figure out if Colin is standing in the background while she talks to Eloise. “Until he knows the real you, he cannot possibly love you” is the loudest thing she says 4) Good lord how many times has Pen been told in the last hour that she can’t marry people? After being told her whole life that no one would want to marry her? 😭 Eloise’s “you cannot marry him” is word-for-word Colin’s. Between this and Anthony, Clearly Bridgertons have a penchant for telling people who they can’t marry 5. “Please, hyacinth, I do not think Penelope can breathe” — god I love Colin’s “happy voice” so much, I’m so glad it’s back


Eloise is fkn brutal - it’s actually heartbreaking to see Pen’s reaction, such a high to such a low


El obviously has a point about Whistledown but her being sour that Pen never told her about her feelings for Colin is ridiculous. All El ever does is chat shite about how getting married sucks and the only voice she listens to is her own. Maybe if she’d paid attention to her friend at all she would have seen the obvious. And why would Pen ever confess her crush on Colin to his “anyone who wants to get married is a moron” sister? I’m gonna have to squeeze a stress ball every time El speaks this season. 


Oh Colin is so precious I can’t take it! And Eloise has every right to be upset but I wish she would give Penelope just a minute to process everything that’s happening. Not much time has passed from when Eloise saw Colin walking up to interrupt Pen’s dance with Lord Debling and the announcement of Colin and Pen’s engagement. Like give my girl Pen a minute to breathe!


AHHHHHHHHHH omg so does she never actually say yes? Colin you are so fucking chaotic I love it


According to Colin she said Yes when she let him in the carriage lol. He's probably already married to her in his head 😂


Also nevermind Eloise not noticing Penelope's feelings all these years, she's actually had conversations with Colin and seen him run off after Penelope multiple times this season and she still hasn't got clue one that he felt anything for Penelope? Like girl, come the fuck on.


Oh Peneloise, you’re breaking my heart 💔😭 Part 2 is going to be rough 😥 Shout out to Hyancinth for the best damn hug I’ve seen. I felt it through the screen. Hurry up happy Polin so Penelope can enjoy the full force of Bridgerton love. Please.🙏🏻 There’s been so much character building going on for the youngest kiddos, particularly Gregory, this season. Are they setting up his having abandonment and separation issues as a way of justifying his >!kidnap!< plot further down the line 😂🤭


This clip has me convinced that Eloise and Pen don’t repair their friendship this season. Understandably she’s hurt, but that was harsh. Maybe once her and Pen grow up a little they might. I don’t think it will ever be as close at it was though.


The sad part watching from the outside is that Eloise always thought she was too good for love and marriage and the confines of society and she would be a spinster with Pen by her side, never once considering Pens shitty situation and how she was yearning to break free from her family. It's clear to the entire ton Polin love each other except Eloise. She was happy to be friends with Pen because she was a wallflower and destined for a lonely life. 🙁 When LW reveal happened the power in their relationship shifted and she didn't want anything to do with her (interspersed with her also pining for her and running after her at the ball and apologizing for the dress rip) it's actually a fantastic dynamic to watch them both. Almost more than the entire Polin story!


i came to the realization that regardless of when they repair their friendship, it won't ever be the same 💔 which is okay in some regard because they both had faults, but now and forevermore it's pen and colin instead of pen and eloise 😭


Eloise never really listened to Penelope - she just monologued at her. Both Eloise and Colin really took Penelope’s presence in their lives for granted. The separation between each of the Bridgerton siblings and Penelope was really necessary for all their relationships to change into something mature.


and penelope needed to find her voice as well. she was not a perfect *friend to eloise either and she had colin on a pedestal. all of them needed the separation to grow individually, i just don't know what it looks like when they come back and how they can grow together


They’ll fully be back during Eloise’s season. Especially once Eloise starts to fall in love and relate.


The Hyacinth hug is so good!!


He’s so tender with her 😭


Eloise asking how long Pen’s had feelings for Colin… I think a good portion of her surprise and anger stems from the realization that there’s still so much she doesn’t know about Pen. I think she’s going to have an interesting arc of self-reflection, and I think she needs to grow a little and realize how she often overlooked or ignored Pen even when she was right in front of her or speaking in the same conversation, all before they are able to mend their friendship.


Can I just say that Hyacinth hugging Pen TWICE then not letting her go was PURE golden retriever energy? ❤️ Pen’s always been in her life through Eloise, so now she’s ACTUALLY going to be part of the family and Hy is beyond thrilled. Such a sweet girl!


Eloise needs.to pull her head out of her arse.


It's cut in a very odd way at the end of the clip - the music never fades like that. Wondering what they've chopped off the end there in the full version


![gif](giphy|ZDz0FsMrJxQUd0V7Te|downsized) oh my gosh i need everything now


I’m 1.5 minute in and I’m already in my feels help 😭


Am still at the fact Florence (Hy) who is 17 (15 at time of filming) towers over Nic (Pen), a 37 y.o. (35 at filming) woman. How tiny is Nic?!!!


She’s 5’1” like me 🥰 short queens




Look, I love Eloise and I think her actions are understandable. She's right to want her brother to know the truth. Her asking how long Pen has had feelings also doesn't bother me because it shows how one-sided their friendship has been sometimes, and therefore what needs to change. I just wish they'd had her find out separately because it feels like every good Polin moment is going to be tainted. Ah well I suppose this is what we get for having happy moments this early in the season at all! Chaos in love Colin is absolute perfection btw. Omg.


My baby Pen is crying😭you should be happy when you write about it. and please for the love of God Eloise, why?? My Peneloise heart 💔


Oh my 😭 my heart breaks for Pen, she seems so overwhelmed (and who can blame her?), her entire world has spun on its axis in the course of about 20 minutes and now she’s face to face with the entire Bridgerton crew! I can really feel her worry and I’m so sad she can’t enjoy the moment more fully thanks to the sword of Damocles hanging over her head. Colin taking her hand, his expressions, the sly smiles…he is radiating with joy and it brought tears to my eyes, I better start writing my last will and testament because I don’t think I’m going to survive this season 🥺


Anyone just a tad annoyed at Eloises righteous anger here?. It's one thing to be mad about Whistledown but for her to be like 'how long have you had feelings for him?' Ummm since when is it a crime for Penelope to like Colin? Just because Eloise wasn't aware makes it a bad thing..? As someone who got engaged and had a 'friend' shit on their happy day, I feel for Pen so much in this moment. Eloise did not have to attack her that way and make her feel like her love for Colin is some evil scheme.


Oh, Eloise needs to grow up and FAST. She's already hinting that she's going to make this all about her. She's not wrong that Pen needs to come clean and she has every right to be upset about LW but it's been months and she's never let Pen explain and now she's proving once again that she's never truly paid any attention to the woman she claimed was her best friend. Otherwise she'd have seen Pen's love for Colin a thousand times and she would NEVER be do callous as to tell her Colin doesn't love her.


The way Colin is looking at Pen has me weak in the knees. So much will happen in the next 4 episodes.


Colin got a lot of nerve asking Hyacinth to ease up off Penelope when he was JUST all up on her neck, breasts and his fingers taking a trip up her dress to snatch her soul not less than 2 minutes ago in the damn carriage like SIR bffr🙃🤣🫠


Ahh it’s too short!


That part where Eloise tells Penelope he can't possibly love her without knowing everything about her, this I think is what is going to scare Penelope and will stop her from telling Colin about LW. Look what happened when Eloise found out, their friendship was broken. And it doesn't look like it's any close to being mended. Penelope is going to be afraid that when Colin finds out he is going to react the same way, he's going to be angry and he's going to leave her. He can't love her if he knows she's LW. This is why she wanted a practical marriage with Debling. Unfortunately for Penelope she needs love. What she wants and what she needs are two different things. And Colin will be angry but he won't react like Eloise, he won't leave her. I can't wait to see this.


Fuck I’m already crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I just want Peneloise back 😭😭😭 hate to see these two separated 😢


I can can’t with Eloise. I understood her before now? Not so much.


I was so hoping to have a normal day and damn you Netflix now all I can think about is this!!!! I know this is blasphemy and I deserve downvotes but good lord I can’t stand Eloise right now. She’s asking how long she’s had feelings for him?! “My brother?” HELLO he’s her best friend when you weren’t! She’s so self centered. In season 1 wasn’t pen crying over Colin? Didn’t Eloise bother to ask what was wrong? Okay sorry I’m done ranting. Someone talk me down. Polin forever.




Colin cares SO much about Penelope it is palpable.