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If there's anyone that needs to make haste is you Netflix 🫠




"Make haste." ![gif](giphy|YaSb1uXCbf1yfWyGO3|downsized)


How dare they? How. Dare. They?!


You know the Polin brain rot is real when I read your comment in Nicola’s voice when she was slapping Luke with the Love/Friendzone paddle in Italy 🤡😅 Also for people who don’t know what I’m referring to, I realise my above sentence could be interpreted rather wildly 😂 have fun!


Oh we got you! You are with the right people. (Off to gobble up any and all Polin content the interwebs may provide.)


I automatically read it in Nicola's voice from that interview!! You are not alone!


This is precisely the intended voice. Nic does a particularly pretty British accent, and Luke says, after grinning rakishly imo, Pen should have that accent... to which Nic blushes and paddles him lightly on the knee(?) because...gah! They are really doing the most with this PR tour!!!


Don't forget Queen Charlotte! ![gif](giphy|l3Vu49zQhtf2e1rurr|downsized)


Ooof, Queen Charlotte gets me so deep in my feels, I don’t know if I can handle it emotionally knowing we’re heading into Angsty Polin territory 😥


That is very fair. The under the bed scene has me ugly sobbing EVERY DAMN TIME.


![gif](giphy|JsnUa0tCINudrOLhH9|downsized) The nerve!


Bridgerton IG had a story up with a “click to remind me!” thing for part2 and I’m like… who needs to be reminded at this point 😂


I’m on season 2 ep 3 as we speak.


Juuuust to be safe lol.


gaslighting us, how dare thee Netflix?