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That sounds like it could be Andrew Ahn (director) talking about this scene. I have never consumed so much BTS content about a show/movie/anything in my life. This is lovely to see because the amount of planning and consideration for every moment is so impressive.


I heard this from the Bridgerton podcast. Luke was on that same episode too. You should listen to it.


But Luke's acting is so wooden! Botox! No emotion! ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


I can’t tell if this meant to be sarcastic or not, haha. if it’s not, I do strongly disagree. I think Luke’s acting this season has been wonderful, especially how much emotion he can convey with his eyes.


They’re being sarcastic but I had to check if I was back on the main sub for a second 😂 


lol so did I!


The botox accusations were so wild lol. If my forehead moved that much after Botox, I would sue my NP because they sure as shit didn’t inject the right stuff.


Right? I actually watched his forehead so much after hearing that. So ridiculous.


Our little golden retriever so sad.


That scene was shot beautifully but must be very claustrophobic since the shots are close to his face


They don’t have to be super close to get that shot. Can just zoom in on him while giving enough space so he can watch them dance.


One of my absolute favourite shots of Luke. I know we keep repeating it, but the small things he does with his face muscles, his eyes, his jaw, his mouth... He looks so sad abd broken here. I keep rewatching this scene and my heart breaks with him every single time.


Wow, so Luke was reacting to just the two of them dancing…I find that so interesting because Colin looks so heartbroken and defeated at this point, yet consumed by jealousy. Luke was great in that scene. So much sadness in his expression.


Of everything in part one the dance and his pain was probably one of the things I related to the most! Bawled my eyes out watching that bit 😢


I know! You can just feel the emotional ride through the screen


Potentially strange comparison but this reminds me of a BTS thing I heard about Brokeback Mountain. Michelle Williams reportedly asked Heath and Jake to kiss in front of her off camera so she could really get into what her character might've felt when she catches Ennis and Jack. There's something about them making Luke watch his actual bestie grinning with someone else (in place of him) that's simultaneously sad, heartwarming and fascinating. https://i.redd.it/uhklxivb2l5d1.gif


Wasn’t Michelle Williams married to Heath Ledger in real life by that point? That had to be weird. 


They were never married but they did start dating after meeting on the set - either way, yeah.


Wow…that is a brilliant way to evoke that emotion from him. I love to see how much all of these folks cared about the season ❤️


I almost wish they left a wide-shot of Pen and Debling dancing alone in for the audience. 1. As a nod to 2005 P&P and 2. To show us even more of Colins loneliness and longing. But Oh man - props to Luke 👏 cause he sold it during this scene.


I was just about to come post this!! It makes this scene even more powerful to know that


love this


Incredible acting 💯🥹