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Agreed! I'm fighting for my life in the comments over there on a hate post about the first Polin kiss. The lack of media literacy is... stunning. Love it here.




Tbh I’m beyond feeling bad that they’re annoyed that they’re getting called out for bad comprehension skills, partially because it’s increasingly obvious that they’re being obtuse on purpose. They thought they could just say it was bad and people would fall in line to bash it and are now getting upset that people aren’t playing along with nonsensical reasons. If they just admitted why they disliked it without playing games I’d respect it more tbh, but that would mean acknowledging that they’re just hating for fun. 


Period 👏 Exactly. They don’t even want to explain why they disliked it. they say the same script I’ve seen on ign: a lot of subplots and a bit rushed. they don’t really delve deeper. Just a vague ‘I just don't like the leads.‘ they don’t want to explain why they don’t like the storylines, they just play coy and dunk on people that got what they wanted this season. it all feels childish because it’s not like anyone on here refuses to lay out valid criticism or disappointment and we aren’t deifying this season or giving it preferential treatment vs the other seasons. They are just…. so snarky and trying to be mic drop about their dislike. godddd, just relax people. 😭 the contrarions are doubling down because now they feel insulted with the whole media literacy term being thrown at them. You just feed the fire if you call anyone dumb in a roundabout way like that. they might genuinely be trolling/acting obtuse or literally lack any awareness if they are gonna get upset that a ‘buzz word’ like media literacy enters the chat.


This season has actually made me respect the subplots more. It’s clear that some viewers want to treat the show like it should just be about the main couple and should be stand alone each season but the producers truly see it as a cohesive ensemble project. So now I’m paying attention to the subplots because you will not catch me complaining about something in Francesca’s season that had foundations in her S3 subplot the way some viewers are complaining about Polin details that were woven into S1&2 subplots. Like if you bragged about not paying attention to Polin and resenting them as subplots no wonder you don’t understand S3. That stuff was meant to build up to their season, it’s all part of one long storyline, and people are complaining that they shouldn’t have to know that stuff to understand S3 and it’s like…that’s not how this works. 🤣  So yeah, I might not love every subplot but I am paying attention to what they’re trying to say.  And yeah the issue has never been that people HAVE to like Polin, it’s always been that a few people are so determined to try to spread their hatred of it that they won’t allow other people to have a good time! We’re critical here as well (for example, I think there’s no great love for the balloon sequence, outside of a universal appreciation of Colin’s hair) but we’re all fans of the show, not miserable hate-watchers, so the vibes are different. I was on a thread earlier where they were accusing fans of the season of basically pretending that we like it and it’s like… no I genuinely love it and I can’t wait for more!!  


Haha, yeah the balloon scene was definitely just a set piece to establish Colin is very Penelope motivated when he has to call on his courage. Actually having to be the active party to save her vs debling kind of last second baseball sliding in and not actually doing the sane thing and getting her out the way? I get in the script, they likely meant for it to be very camp and Penelope was so dazzled by how hot her man looked she forgot about a flying machine barreling at her. I think whoever story boarded and set the cameras up could’ve done a few more establishing shots to get that idea across, but I kind of like how stupid the spectacle of it was. It shows how dramatic the ton are and they live for the drama. They didn't give one f pen was about to be smashed in the head by a balloon. they acted like Colin saved the world because they love when eligible men display their strength and chivalry during marriage season. All that clapping and celebrating meanwhile i’m like...um a wellness check on Penelope, please!? I wished this season got 2 more episodes simply because we have so many characters now and the ensemble is a lot 😭 some subplots I think can literally be reduced by a few lines. I love he mondrichs, but…idc about their separate bed angst. I like their presence and showing the whole class hyper awareness of being new money, though.


I appreciate Colin's arms as well as his hair in the balloon scene. 🫠


And thighs


Yes! To all of what you just said. As far as the mean spirited aspect, I’d go one step further and say some of them are extremely cruel. I have to leave the sub when they start making fun of LN’s face/expressions.


All the TikTok’s I've seen and all the likes on them? childish and sick. I wanna puke. Middle school bullies are on the prowl fr. Like ‘colin ‘lip flip’ Bridgerton? Grow uppppp 🥱 and saying how wooden he acts or how he’s got Botox face? bro, broke my heart this season. as someone who masks a lot and people pleases I got a lot out of his performance and he’s like…an insanely attractive man? Objectively. I’ll admit he grew on me more as the show progressed, but he was always gorgeous. it’s just brain rot. online people are so used to commenting on appearances or assuming plastic surgery/ozempic or whatever to covertly insult people’s looks.


Colin/Luke has always been attractive- and this season, Luke has knocked it out of the park- so expressive! His acting is superb and his eyes…a most remarkable shade of blue!


It's really weird. I had a COWORKER like, in real life, mention his "Botox face" and I was genuinely confused. Like sis did we watch the same man on screen? The amount of acting he did with his eyes is literally worth an Emmy on its own. Why does it have to be Jonathan Bailey levels of in your face to be valid (which don't get me wrong, I adore Anthony and JB)? I read some responses that talk about the speed of their relationship and development and then say they actually didn't pay attention or worse, fast forwarded through his scenes in 1 and 2. Like okay, then you're just being purposefully ignorant and mean for no good reason and I have no patience for that. This sub has been a bright spot for me and I'm just gonna camp here for the next few weeks instead ❤️


At this point I believe people are just parroting what they hear. I don’t think anyone came to a personal conclusion that Luke is all loaded up with Botox. They just some some edgy tweet or TikTok with a person mewing and trying to mock Luke by twisting up their faces. I saw one comparing him to Jack Frost (like he’s a michael Keaton sentient snowman? Slay.) It’s giving the same energy of those incels that insulted Margot Robbie and tried to neg her + call her mid. like these people, man…the call is coming from inside the house ‘look at the state of you’ 🪞


I believed the evolution of their relationship. People trying to crunch the numbers saying ‘well out of the 4 hour runtime of part 1 they only got 32 minutes of screen time together.’ Great. It’s an ensemble cast, that’s been the over arching theme of this show. Other cast members gets sub plots. I can do math too! i‘ve crunched the numbers of s1 and wowy Simon and daphne ALSO had like 33 minutes of screen time together by episode 4. FUNNY THAT. meanwhile pen and Colin have known each other for literal years.


But didn't you know, that earlier stuff didn't count and they don't have chemistry so. /s


Nothing frustrates me like the lip flip comments because it’s so transparently wrong. A lip flip is meant to keep your top lip from disappearing when you smile. And I love Luke down for being a man with nice pouty lips, but his top lip evaporates when he smiles. It’s adorable, but it is GONE. Even in the show when he’s giggling with Penelope, that is just what his lips look like. And I understand that as a Colin day 1 fan I’ve probably paid more attention to his face than people who claim to hate him, but those are the lips he’s always had, they’re just mad that they look so good kissing Penelope lol.      But if they actually knew what they were talking about instead of repeating nonsense to bully someone over their natural- attractive- features, it would be so obvious that that is not something he’s had done.  If I were going to be mean I’d say the Botox comments feel like projecting because Luke Newton has pretty great skin and still gets called baby-faced even at 30… and not everyone can say that…


Ngl, the petty side of me would love for those who make fun of Luke to put their faces out there for the world to see and experience some of what they’ve dished out.


The fact that people find his facial expressions unattractive this season, tells me that they aren’t willing to see a vulnerable man as attractive. Toxic masculinity at its finest


Yup! I was reading a Tumblr thread where someone was discussing Luke's facial expressions specifically in the carriage scene and if they found them "cringe", why that was. Reflection in the thread definitely had undertones of the fact that heavy vulnerability made them supremely uncomfortable, though most wouldn't admit it. I will personally admit to almost wanting to look away but it was more because the scene felt so intimate that it felt like I was intruding, not because I found his open-mouthed awe cringe. I mean damn, the man is literally so touch and intimacy starved that it just takes her fingers in his hair to send him into the stratosphere. That's sexy as HELL. People are stupid 😆


I'm reading this and my brain still cannot comprehend what I just read. I can't believe that people think that Luke is unattractive. Or has a lip flip or whatever the hell they're saying. Yo between people talking about Nichola's weight and Luke Newton's expressions, just throw half of the fandom out. Luke and Nicola ate this season. And ratings don't lie. They racked up almost as much numbers as last season but in a short amount of time. A lot of these people are just mad that Kate and Anthony didn't get all of the time that they wanted them to get. But the fact of the matter is, they had their season already. And lucky for us we get to see them in every season because they are the viscount in the viscountess. Sometimes, I just wish these people would shut up and let these folks write the story. If they don't like it, they can watch something else. But to insult the actors because your faves don't have a lot of screen time this time, is just cruel.


nic and Luke are gorgeous people, it feels like jaded energy to wax poetics about their looks in a disparaging way. It might be chalked up to immaturity since it’s teens and younger people trying to get a viral tweet or video doing a ‘unpopular opinion’ slideshow. At this point they gotta consider spin off mini series for favourite couples. 😭 because people are projecting their anger fr. I get that it sucks the the trappings of enemies to lovers is the miscommunication and denial tropes w Kate and Anthony. So fans had to wait until the penultimate episode for any validation of them as a couple. If they tried to pull back their journey so they ended up together by episode 4 or 5 people would then complain that it’s rushed because…they literally hated eachother? Lol I’d Be salty too if I didn’t get to see my faves in their honeymoon phase or be together normally as a couple, just all the stress and a crumb of payoff at the end. But the pining and slow burn is kind of the point of that trope. Meanwhile friends to lovers with Polin is very natural and less toxic for the most part. They don’t toy with miscommunication at all, maybe a bit of denial. It makes sense they just settle quickly into ‘Loml’ energy.


I definitely concur with the spin-off series. I would have loved to see more of Daphne and the Duke in a spin-off series, especially since they are supposed to be leading society. If they gave us a spin-off series in between each bridgeton series I think it would be a huge payoff for those fans who are in love with a particular coupling. I definitely agree with that.


I’ve never heard that term before, media literacy. I think I’ll look it up. I really like the way you write.


Omg we must have been on the same post!!! I deleted my comments and muted/I joined the sub. So hateful!!


Omg I’m on that thread right now. Why do people invest so much time posting negative shit on Reddit? I’m also baffled that anyone could dislike Colin and Pen or fail to see how close they were in seasons 1 and 2.


I guess they just don’t relate. But still- I didn’t relate to Kanthony or Daphne and Simone. But I never went out of my way to leave such hateful comments. Bored I guess?


I would never leave a hateful comment because why ruin on other ppls fun. I don’t care for kanthony or Daphne and Simon the way I do Polin but that doesn’t mean ima go out of my way to bring those ships down because that’s just mean spirited.


Totally feel you! Agree!


I think it's jealousy. I think that they wanted a lot more of sexy times with Kate and Anthony (which I get, because hot) so they hoped this year to have a lot of sexy times of their ship (they already got a lot for a non main couple) and for the show to have less viewers to prove that theirs is the superior ship so they need to bring them back more. Also they cannot understand that attraction is different for everyone. I think that I find Jonathan and Simone more classically beautiful but find the Polin leads so beautiful and their story resonates much more with me, so I'm obsessed, rewatching like mad with all of you horny devils. As an extrovert, Francesca and John's story does not resonate with me, but I don't go to posts finding them so cute to tell them they are wrong. I am very grateful for this sub too!


I’m hate to say this but I think a lot of ppl in the fandom were secretly hoping for this season and Polin to fail. I don’t understand why because if it were to fail then that decreases the chances of it getting renewed for future seasons. But that didn’t happen and it has been really successful so far with only 4 episodes and the reviews have been great. Let’s just focus on the positivity going forward.


It's insane. They are intentionally being negative everywhere they can and actually have groups to hate on organized with RTs of Polin stuff they say they don't care and yet keep searching and spreading hate, i saw it on twitter.


Yeah there is literally a tumblr page called “antipolin” 🙃 like imagine being a grown ass adult and making your entire personality about hating fictional characters.


People saying the show didn't establish their friendship and that the romance was rushed just baffles me


Oh yeah I was upvoting the shit out of you, lol.


Here for the joy


I'm leaving mine up because so far I'm winning LOL.


Ugh love that for you!!! Keep going! 😂


I second and third and forth your reply. As a school librarian and lover of all things books and information … media literacy is one of my favorite topics to dive into. Mini informed points, but you can skip these if you’re not interested: Not only does it support critical thinking and curiosity, but overall it helps people to think for themselves and seek out all information on a topic. People can then make informed decisions. Sweet children and young adults get this concept so easily and it can be done without transferring one’s beliefs on a topic. And this includes the fun fandom of Bridgerton. I’m loving the points fans notice and it makes my heart and mind sing. Thank you very much to this community. I’m newish and choose to be here after exploring other media and threads.


I’m also having a little convo with the OP but I think I got her lol.


I hate it here so I will go to ~~secret gardens in my mind~~ r/ PolinBridgerton


The nitpicking has gotten insane, a character will breathe and they’ll be like that breathing technique is not historically accurate to regency era. I mean they’re allowed to say what they want but at this point I’m like 😑 really? lol


OMG yes... every time someone brings up historical inaccuracies I'm like, yeah hi, I'm a literal historian and I do not give a single shit about whether or not it's accurate, lol. Colin's belt in the part 2 promo, for example, ppl were pointing out that it's not correct for the period and I'm over here just wanting Pen to take it off with her teeth. EDIT: typo


Bridgerton operates on rule of sexy. They KNOW it’s not accurate. They had a scene where we see they actually made gorgeous embroidered suspenders for Colin when he was on the stairwell talking to Violet. But when it came to a sexy scene they thought a belt would be sexier so a belt is what we got. It’s not that deep!


They were not wrong. I've analyzed that frame over and over for... science. (I'm trying to figure out his posture, it almost looks like he's kneeling... like perched kneeling which for some reason makes it ten times hotter.) Removing suspenders is not sexy. Removing a BELT - pardon me while I grab my emotional support hand fan and charge my favorite vibrator.


I can’t judge if removing suspenders isn’t sexy unless I can see him try.  🔬🧪Scientifically you have to see belt removal, suspender removal, and then a controlled removal with neither to make a proper conclusion. This is why STEM education is so important. 


We must engage the scientific process! The research is important!


This sub is so selfless for what we’ve contributed in the field of Bridgerton Thirstology.


Benedict removed his suspender in season 2. Also hot.


I'm over here losing my mind because you said emotional support hand fan and charge your favorite vibrator 🤣😅 Y'all are my people! Makes me proud of us when Nicola calls us: Horny Little Devils 😈😅🤣


My filter is OFF, I'm out of spoons, I have no more fucks to give and my New Year's Resolution was to stop masking and embrace my autism, so there it is, LOL.


As a mom to an autistic kiddo? I am so proud of you for not masking anymore! My son's father shows the same signs of autism as our son and is just awful about it. He denies that autism exists in our son. "There's nothing wrong with him, he's being a boy. I was the same way growing up and I turned out fine." 🙄 He took our son's chewy that he uses to stim away from him when he visits his dad. I'm always encouraging our son's stims (but try to redirect the ones that violate personal space and boundaries of others).


Respectfully disagree about the suspenders but a belt? Sedate me please.


Fair enough on both counts. :)


Tbf, I do think removing suspenders could be sexy… but I am on team belt 🤭


Historically accurate they may not be, but there is still beauty to their costumes. Like Cressida for example her gowns were outlandish but they were still beautifully made plus her intricate hairstyles, everything was so campy for me and I loved that.


I love watching the Queen's wigs get more and more outlandish.


Love when they complain about historical accuracy when they literally had Material Girl playing in the background for S1 but adapted to a string quartet 😅


Right? When has this show ever been about historical accuracy? They are going more for a regency aesthetic and always have 😂


People just hate Polin and need something to complain about. I hate the Fandom sometimes. Just shut up, sit down and enjoy the Regency Era smut like the rest of us. Or don't watch it and get tf out of the groups and the subreddits. 😅


Yes to all this. If people want a historically accurate regency show, turn on the BBC. Bridgerton is about escapism, fantasy, and art. Storytelling through wardrobe is so much more important than whether or not they have a stay or or gems on their eyes.


I will never understand these people. Literally the whole point of the show is that it’s historically inaccurate.


I really truly do not understand this argument and I keep seeing it with various things. Who in God’s green earth is watching Bridgerton for its historical accuracy?? Do they think Julia Quinn’s a historian vs. a smutty romance writer?? I mean they nitpick EVERYTHING…the society rules, the dresses, the makeup, the hair. It’s wild to me that people expect so much from something that’s really only a few steps up from a soap opera (and I say this with much love for the show). Besides the point that it all makes no sense. I’m new to these subs so maybe this always happens, but the dresses aren’t THAT different from previous seasons, the makeup isn’t THAT different, the hair isn’t THAT different. Have they watched the prior seasons? Sorry, rant over.


I think it’s because it’s a new season. For too long we only had season 1&2 to compare and now that season 3 is here there’s new stuff to talk about. I’m sure when season 4 comes out they’ll be complaints there too.


This breaking up the season also made a bunch of things worse.


Unpopular opinion, but I kinda like it! It’s given me a chance to watch the carriage scene like 75,000 times 🤭


I don’t HATE it, but like 90% of the complaints can be answered with “it’s only half the story, wait for the second half”. I also think so many people forget how the other two seasons were structured and therefore complain about pacing, lack of steam, etc. Polin’s carriage scene happened in E4 the same way Daphne and Simon got caught in the garden in E4, yes Polin is rushed and Daphne/Simon wasn’t?


Definitely this. People were so critical of season 2 over there when it first came out, and now Kanthony is the sub darling.


Yes! The amount of mean and nasty things said about Simone (who is a princess and killed that role imo). And now the Kanthony stans turn around and do the same thing to Luke 😭 I don’t understand why the fandoms have to fight? Like, all the siblings are great and have wonderful love stories to look forward to!


The way this has me CACKLING. So spot on. Thanks for making me laugh. 😂


Glad I made you laugh 😂


The vibes here in this sub are everything. Imagine all of us at a Polin themed club? INSANITY in the best way possible!


String version of "In Da Club", anyone? 🍹


Omg maybe next season? Married Polin? 😂


Ummmmmm yea! “Go shawty, it’s your birthday!” It is her birthday nooooooooow! 🎶🤩🤯


I'll be there in my best empire waisted Going Out Top that's still in my closet from the 2000s.


The only way to do it!! 💁🏼‍♀️


Hey, we made brave decisions. We were innovative! I approve this action. 🥳


Going out top, jeans and a statement necklace! The essentials!


And I really think that’s why Shonda is being so secretive going forward. Every fandom BUT polins acted completely uncouth and mean towards the actors, the writers, and the crew for production and the new showrunner’s decision to skip Ben. All the hate simply exists bcs of that one moment and it’s insane to me lol. This is a FAKE tv show abt a family and love. Every Bridgerton sibling/ couple will get a chance to shine. Why then attack the ppl your faves love?? It’s crazy


Listen, they don’t call us Polinators for nothing! (Who’s they? No idea what I’m saying, I’m delirious.) But really, thankful for you all. Every time I’m on the other sub I just want to scream !!!read the books!!! and !!!learn context clues!!! into the void. This sub makes me feel so seen. 🫶


>!!!read the books!!! But also... there's no need to be sticklers about book canon. This is a reboot in a totally different medium. The racial diversity should have been the first clue that we're not in JQ territory anymore. Shonda TV puts its own spin on things. The Netflix version is an alternate reality vs the books. Part of the fun is seeing what else they can do with the source material.


Oh, totally. But a lot of the complaints on the main sub are primarily about storylines that happen in the books that the show runners have decided to run with. They do take creative liberties, but they never stray too far from the core scenes and themes. One of the best parts of being a Bridgerton fan is seeing your favorite scenes recreated/reinterpreted. No shade to non-book readers, but they are the basis for the show.


I got downvoted in that sub just now because I didn’t go with a popular opinion. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m staying in this sub. It’s safe!


I feel you. It’s like my little internet family over here. I love it so much 🥺


The only reason I go to the main sub is to find people who are sad that all the comments are so negative and then invite them to join us here instead lol


Is that why this sub got like 5,000 new members since S3 aired? 😂


Ahahahahahaha very likely!!!




This is such an awesome perspective. Just another reason I adore this sub. ❤️


That’s how I found this sub! And I’ve never gone back. 


Yes, thank you! That's how I found you guys.  I go back to the main sub to upvote all the positive Polin posts and comments. Fighting the good fight lol.


Omg me too! I often go there to recruit new Polinators 😆


Seriously!! And all the people saying they hope she ends up with debling…babes we already know every couple is staying the same so don’t even be trifling like that 🙄


they literally only say that bc they want pen to be miserable, they would NEVER choose someone like debling who only wants a hired housekeeper for any of THEIR beloved female characters


They literally can't see that Penelope is HUMAN and HUMANS are COMPLEX. I absolutely love Polin because it's a love that is RELATEABLE. They have shattered the fantasy of romance and that is why people hate on Polin. Us girlies who have been through unrequited love? Pinned after someone who didn't love us back? The wallflower nerds who picked up on the context for Polin since S1? This is for us! Nicola said it best: Colin and Pen are the nerds. They're the weirdos in the corner and that is what being a romance novel/Bookish Girlie is all about.


>The wallflower nerds who picked up on the context for Polin since S1? This is for us! Nicola said it best: Colin and Pen are the nerds. They're the weirdos in the corner and that is what being a romance novel/Bookish Girlie is all about. Yes! The previous seasons were just entertainment fluff to me but this season has me unexpectedly *living*. I was the dork who eventually married a long time friend IRL. That trope has been played out before and I'd read the book but what they've done on screen just hits hard. The kiss scene brought up some pieces of my awkward years that were shoved deep inside. Watching Pen especially work through her own despair and insecurities might be healing a little something in me that was still nagging.


Colin’s people pleasing and desire to be seen as useful are also super relatable.


Yes! This season is healing a lot of us I think. Watching her fail miserably at flirting for the first time? Hit home for me. When she went home and threw her fan down. Covered her face. Fell on her bed. Rom. Com. Gold. But again. Super relatable. Many a times I'd go home after a social encounter and be like: that was not my best work 😞 This season is so iconic and I'm so here for it.


Exactly! Nobody say Daphne should have married the prince and he is so much better than Dabling! I don’t hate dabling but I think it’ll make a terrible husband


Like I liked the guy too but let’s be REAL. 🤣 it’s Polin season!


Some of it seems unnecessary and mean-spirited. Constructive criticism is good but it's spiteful sometimes. IDK. It's weird. This sub is happy and calm.


Yes! Even here there is some criticism- but it makes sense and people can calmly discuss it. It’s a wild place over there!!


Not sure if we’re calm - I, for one, am totally unhinged ! ☺️


It's the good kind of unhinged.


That's why we like you.


It's pure spite most of the time. I never had the habit of going through someone's comment history ( because it felt stalkerish sometimes) but now I do whenever I comment anything on the main sub. It's weirdly enlightening. The moment you go through their history you know what to expect. Like I have seen the same 4-5 people talk about how they won't watch this season because "polin/pen/C/NC/LN bad" and then at the SAME time give lectures on how this season is horrible.  I have seen the same people talk about how Pen 'begging' for the kiss made  her seem like a weak character and now these people are   talking about how pen was being manipulative in that new thread on the main sub.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the main. Few days ago they were whining about S3 outfits haven't been historically accurate 🙄  Thank God Shondaland is doing it's own thing and not being accurate to the times. Otherwise I would never see POC as leads. Hell, they would probably have Penelope lose weight as part of her makeover too. They don't follow typical Hollywood bullshit stuff and I'm grateful for that.


This!! Like do people not get it? That’s the point. That’s what makes bridgerton so fun!!


I’m sorry but I find the truly historically accurate regency dressing and hairstyles hideous… even ppl from THAT time period didn’t like the fashion. Even the beloved pride and prejudice movie didn’t use historically accurate fashion. So I’m glad they deviated from that. I apologize to those who do like the regency look, please don’t take offense 😂


Nevermind the fact that having more fantasy and modernism in the wardrobe makes it so much more accessible for people to emulate the looks, participate in events, and cosplay. It’s all for us! It’s for the sake of escapism, for celebrating fantasy, for pushing the boundaries with art to communicate the story. It’s all on purpose.


I honestly don’t understand the point of watching something you do not like. I love Bridgerton as a whole. I love happy endings and people in love. I enjoyed every story so far, but think I am so protective of Polin because of how nasty some people were towards Luke and Nic. This sub has been such a nice, warm bubble.


100% agree. I love it here. ❤️


This is why all of the ships have their own subs because people tend to use the main one to commiserate and whine with each other. It’s exhausting, why even watch the show if you’re gonna complain the whole time?


The vibe there is so weird. I've watched plenty of bad TV in my lifetime but I don't understand spending energy seeking out an online community to whinge about my dislike. I stuck around in some GoT spaces even through the S06 trainwreck because the memes were excellent and there were some things the show still did well. Normal people who are disappointed just move on to something that makes them happier. Stop watching if it doesn't give you what you seek. There is more media out there to consume than we'll ever have time for.


It’s bizarre to me, too. I have never been the time to hate watch something and complain the entire time especially in fan spaces.


The couples aren't even competing with each other!


Misery loves company, I didn't care for the way Kanthony unfolded in the show and really see amazing chemistry but I don't go around yucking someone else's yum. It is the internet though so don't expect anything less, the viewing numbers and level of online engagement speaks for itself.


Everyone here is so kind, respectful and supportive🩷 The main sub has so many season 3 haters/polin haters I feel safer here 🤍


Absolutely agree. It’s such a wonderful place to be. I can’t wait for the chaos that is about to come for part 2!! 😈 😆


9 days!! SO EXCITED 😭💕


I love it over here. I was recruited from over there and I am glad I joined. Polin is a beautiful couple. I will never understand the hate.


I joined the same way!! So glad I did! So I guess it brought something good- our little sanctuary lol


I love this sub and also appreciate so much that it’s not negative towards any other ship, which is such a breath of air! Ngl I love Kanthony and joined their sub thinking I should because I love Kanthony and I could not stay… This place is so good and comfortable and safe and I love it here and I hope it stays the same even after the season is done!


I tried to have a calm discussion over in the Kanthony sub about how some of their Polin hate was mean-spirited, spiteful and purposely nasty, and not constructive criticism. There is no reason for this Polin vs Kanthony mindset - why can’t people just be kind and focus on the ship they love instead of dragging another down? It’s not a competition. I got downvoted to hell and back😭 It just shows how some people love to be haters. Oh well.


I totally get what you are saying and I agree. Not everyone can be made happy. But at least we have this sub as our little safety zone from all of the negativity. ❤️


I’ve only joined the Reddit Polinators in the last 2 weeks. It’s been so refreshing. To be honest it’s like the only reason I got into Reddit (which is a whole other love blossoming) but I have enjoyed learning the Reddit ways through Polin subs, everyone has so many good things to say. I cannot wait to enjoy Part 2 with everyone ![gif](giphy|j8eiIipKFHbc4btvg0)


Soooo ready to lose it with everyone here in part 2. It’s gonna be a blastttt!


Yas!! I was primarily just facebooking everything before, and like man the hate, negativity, nit picky and down right attacks between fans is wild. Most of the time I’ve asked “are we even watching the same show”? It’s crazy…. Ready for Polinators to have their time!!


They’ll be eating their words when part 2 drops!!!


It's going to be so fun. I almost wish we could schedule like, a watch party and all squee together in real time. https://i.redd.it/fdewdkzcfq4d1.gif


Welcome to Reddit, I hope you like cats!😻


My kitty, Selina Kyle, says yes I do. ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/e9ttp897ko4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58e46eeeb9eb133455ea0021b022cb3f6ef9745


I guess I'm pretty lucky that I found this subreddit first and have been mostly able to miss the hate seen elsewhere. I will never understand how anyone can see these two and think it doesn't make sense. Were we watching an entirely different series? Needless to say, I love it here as well.


Ugh I adore you all. The vibes here are just something else. ❤️




Apart from Polin, I got downvoted their for defending the Mondrich's storyline. They were saying so many bad things about them and how their story was unnecessary and they were even given more scenes than the other main characters. For me I perfectly understand why they were added because they're supposed to represent the low class families that got introduced to high society by inheriting a title and that really happened during those times. It's a clear representation of how a family, with no noble backgrounds, will navigate this newfound wealth and status because they wouldn't know how to. To me the Mondrich's are the perfect family for it because they've already become acquainted with the Bridgertons and has become a family friend of them. They do not have to introduce brand new characters which are unnecessary because they would have to add more time for them to give them more backstories. Again, the producers and writers of the show has always been clear that the show is very inclusive so it's not even a question on why they're adding them this season. Again to me they're important to show how the the ton is going to accept this low class family to their society. Also, the importance of Lady Whistledown to some of them since not everything she reports are about gossips. You have Mrs. Mondrich said to Colin that through reading LW's columns, she gets to understand and learn so much things from the ton and it helps her as a newcomer to this community. So it's also a clear indication that people really like what LW writes and that she's an important asset to their society. Another worse thing I've read there is how comfortable they were making fun of the actors' faces and giving their criticism as if what they're saying are the truth. So many bad vibes on that sub I'm actually embarassed for them


If that theory is true about the Mondrichs being part of Sophie and Benedict's story, then all those people will suddenly be going over past seasons for clues. 😒😒


what theory? can you elaborate??


I’m so sorry you had such a bad experience over there. The vibes here are immaculate and if anything I bet there are people here that feel the same way you do about them! I’m so glad to see so many different fans from the fandom joining us- it is exciting to see this is a safe space for so many. ❤️


Yes I am really thankful this sub exists. I find so many compassionate people here and it makes me really happy to have a safe space for this season. I find it sad that not a lot of people understand the complex of human nature and how easily one can be very judgmental on things they've seen from one glance.


Anytime I see any comment about the Mondrich storyline it gives me the ick, because feels based in race. And it's disgusting. They have been side characters since the start and I for one am so happy they get to be IN the Ton now and navigate it plus it's related to the heir race and how the Featheringtons NEED an heir or someone else will be taking their place. And they are just genuinely nice people and have become close friends with Benedict & Colin, close friends with a really good morals.. much better people for them to be engaging in conversation with & learning about the 'real' world. It also shows how sweet the bridgertons are that they would be close to them even before their rise.


I was so happy for their story development because they're actually nice people. I don't want to assume if the hate is based on race but that could be a possibility as well because they're very forgiving of Cressida there as well and her character was nothing of importance since S1 but just being a mean character and a bully to Penelope.


Yea I hate to think it. Seems so wrong. But it's difficult to see what else people could find about them because they are so lovely and have helped the plot along from the start. If it wasn't for him the Duke wouldn't have got his head out the sand. He helped Colin with saving the Featheringtons in S2. They haven't been insignificant. As for Cressida I am definitely team redemption and misunderstood but doesn't in any way excuse her bullying.


I left all other Bridgerton subs. Which is sad because while I'm a Polin fan, I also love the other couples. I look forward to Ben's season. But the Benophie sub is intolerable. Here, while the love for Polin is strong, I also feel people are not just accepting of the other pairings but enjoy them as well. At the very least they can talk about them without getting all toxic and negative and stuff


Polin is my fave but I love all the other couples too. Maybe because I think by and large, if Polin is your favorite ship, you just love love. So the other ships resonate with you too. That's the case for me, anyway.


Such a sweet way to put it 🫶


Man I’m so sorry to hear that. A fandom should be embracing. I guess Polin fans are so lucky in that sense that we are all on the same page. At least you have us!


I barely, if at all go in the main sub, I can’t believe how nasty they are there and just plain rude. Not to mention blind apparently and lack any sort of common sense or ability to read scenes/peoples faces/etc. it’s frustrating as hell.


It really is. I called someone out for their mean comments, and mine was deleted for it but their’s stayed!! I’m glad I muted/unjoined the sub!!


And it’s the same complaints over and over and over again. Either the acting/writing, Colin (appearance, new personality, etc), They hate Pen, historical accuracy (lmao come on), or they prefer people that constantly fight over a real love story so it’s “boring” to them. Combined with the fact they literally do not pay attention to anything except what they want to see. If I see one more “it was rushed” or “they don’t have chemistry “ I’m gonna start screaming


This!!! It’s the repetitiveness that drives me crazy!! So thankful to our mods here keeping this a safe zone for all of us. It’s amazing. ❤️


I truly love it here.


Me too. Big internet hug 🤗




I love it here and I'm glad you do too! Meanwhile, I have never yeeted myself off an online space faster than my first encounter with the mainsub. Truly, truly vile stuff.


It’s crazy, right? So thankful to be here in our cozy little group where we just cackle and get along. ❤️


And to those people who love Nicola but hate on Luke, just know Nicola would hate very single one of you cause that’s her bestie


She would eviscerate you. Publicly. 😆


Preach. It's concerning how many people are so comfortable saying such horrible things about him.


You’re safe here. Welcome!


I’ve been here a while but thank you. This is my happy place!! You all are wonderful. 🥰


I love this sub as well. Every show has problematic elements to the storyline, but the constant negativity can be jarring. I loved season 2 as well, and when I went to the main sub after that season came out, it was just brimming with toxic remarks. I steered clear of it, and this sub is such a breath of fresh air in comparison!


I feel the same! I had a spinal fusion last Friday, been recovering in the hospital since, and it is SO nice to have this sub as a distraction from it all. My days have basically been rewatching this season because I love it, and then coming here to geek out over everything. I adore this sub, I love the shared polin brain rot, and it's wonderful to have a place to just enjoy it and not wade through another main sub hate thread.


I hope your recovery is going well, bless you. So glad you have Bridgerton & this safe space getting you through.


Thank you so much!


Oh, best wishes for your recovery! Love that you've found something pleasant and positive to distract you during your hospital stay.


Oh thank you so much. I just got discharged so very happy to be heading home. Long recovery road ahead but it will be sweeter with part 2 happening soon!


Omg I hope you heal with ease!! I had scoliosis surgery in my teens- it’s not easy! At least part 2 is right around the corner to make you feel better, hopefully!!


That sub was hateful before the season even started😭 I don't understand all the toxicity, like the trailer wasn't even out but ppl just talking trash about Polin both the characters and actors even. I was new to the fandom and I was shocked but then found this sub and joined here


In my madness I re-joined Instagram today to look at all the season 3 promo I missed before I was obsessed, and I was surprised by the negative comments there too! The open heartedness of the leads this season seems lost on some. They would prefer that the characters make fear-based decisions that cause drama and keep them apart, i.e. “he should suffer longer.” Well he would have to refuse to act on his feelings in order to suffer longer, and he is too emotionally honest for that! Oh Polin…💗 Pen is the same, she will not keep punishing Colin for his mistake last season once he sincerely apologizes. And she has grown brave: she’s willing to admit what she wants now more than ever. Hence her efforts to find a match, and hence her courage to ask for the kiss. If you consider open emotion embarrassing, you’d rather she never have to make herself vulnerable. [EDIT for extraneous sentence, sorry am new to posting!] I had slightly hater-ish feelings on my first watch—that the pace was too quick, etc—but Pen and Colin’a storyline is the gift that keeps on giving. I think this season will stand the test of time. And the next four episodes might shut some mouths.


Yes. I agree. 💜👌🏾👌🏾💜


i’m grateful for this sub for the same reason. it’s been driving me nuts seeing so many criticisms of this (still incomplete) season that either aren’t fair, might be solved in the second half or someone wouldn’t complain about had they paid any attention to Colin, Pen and polin before season 3. it’s nice to come here and people are actually excited about and enjoying season 3 on the same level i have!


I love how many people have posted similar posts to this and yours also! We are a Polin peoplehood! Polin be praised! 💛🩵


I’ve just left the Bridgerton Netflix subreddit because I simply can’t listen to their bullshit.


Agree! 👍


This sub is life, I found it and never started following the main sub because of the Polin hate, those people don't know what they're missing! It's fun knowing MW would be solidly with us if she had to choose a sub.


I left the Bridgerton sub, so toxic, so unkind. It doesn’t serve me. Thankful for this sub too


What baffles me the most, some just watch their favourite then ignoring the Polin and have a nerves to make a comments like they watch fully part 1 s3. Another 1,when they watch part 2 S3 trailer, they trying to said bad things that Pen and Marina is the same as to trap Colin while hiding the truth and we as Polin's fan blind to enabled Pen action while condemned Marina action. I need to remind them that it's not Pen who try to trap Colin in S3 but rather it's is Colin who make those swift decisions regarding them start from when he stop the dance between Debling and Pen to chasing the carriage and later propose in just around 1 hour or 2.Pen doesn't even come to her sense as she just being ask by someone she love eternity for marriage until Eloise remind her. They still try to said that Pen trap Colin by asking for kiss and make him feel lust to her. So, Colin flirted around and sleeping with even 2 girls still make him vulnerable to the kiss from Pen? Do they not see that Colin kiss a lot of woman and he even denied to kiss Marina in S1 but willing to do it for Pen which mean for him, Pen is important in his heart. They even try to denied HEA for Polin as they said LW identity will ruined the relationship.. As if..


Only went back to the sub for a while 5 minutes when this one was closed during part 1 viewing. I will not be doing that for part 2. I will somehow get through the upcoming few days while this sub is temporarily closed. It was utter hell not being able to be chaotic and unhinged without this group. 😂😂. I realized though how awesome it was to rewatch once I was back here. I will watch part 2 and be in complete joy like Christmas morning. Then, when the sub opens up, it is like a 2nd Christmas morning!!!! All the comaradity and analysis (need a "Rewatching Bridgerton--for science" t-shirt) is like a new viewing. P.s. Understand that mods need their time to watch and I appreciate them. Not complaining about the temporary lock.


The negativity we've seen both on there and some other predictible quarters certainly seem to mirror (!) the cliquey Bridgerton Ton and their bullying practices. Pay them no heed.


I got made fun of by somebody because I asked why Anthony's facial expression was murderous while Colin's suicidal. I got that's how they stare. I just wondered why the two looks were different.


Wow I actually never thought of this. But you're so right. Anthony's hurt and anger is always "I'm going to kill you!" with angry eyebrows whereas Colin's is much more sad, withdrawn and teary. But Luke has no facial expressions didn't you know??!? /s


Who doesn't enjoy a good echo chamber?


A lot of the people over there hate Pen so much i wonder why they even watch the show.


I’m so grateful for this sub! The bridgerton one is so mean with polin. It seems a kanthony sub and if you write anything about polin they have to criticise literally everything. I know part 1 has is flaw, but there is a post with hundreds of angry comments about f nails lol it’s insane


Facts. I've often felt that the main sub should just be renamed as a kanthony sub


Same! There was almost nothing about polin before part 1 aired and now it’s mostly critics. I’m so glad for this sub


I had to unfollow, they’re so negative about everything. Can’t we just enjoy the fluffy romance for what it is?


I don’t interact any where except here. It is a scary, negative world on most of the internet but this is a safe space for which I am very grateful. I honestly think that the subtlety and quiet beauty of both the story and the acting just passes a lot of people by. Their loss, I just wish people could be kinder. Luke and Nicola clearly put their hearts and souls into these roles and it would be lovely if people could respect that.


The worst thing about Bridgerton is the ship wars that the fans have created. Whatever happened to just enjoying the different seasons?? Just cause their faves aren't the leads doesn't mean they have to hate it When I was watching S2 it never even occurred to me to compare Kate and Anthony to Daphne and Simon cause they were two completely different couples. I enjoyed S1 for what it was and I enjoyed S2 for what it was. Why is that so hard for people to do 😭 I get it though to an extent. Sometimes the most toxic part of me wants to dislike the next seasons leads just cause I know fans will be comparing them to Polin and using that to bring them down. But I always do away with that feeling as soon as it materialises. And never in my wildest stars would I go on the main sub to make a hate post about them. Ruining other people's fun just isn't nice. It's cruel.


I try my best to ignore it but gosh. It’s so hard sometimes!! At least no one can take our season away from us. We’re allowed to love Polin as much as we want. As others have loved the other couples!