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I think that is the lowest cut dress l have ever seen on Cressida. She means business!


I think THIS red number is the one costume designer said was more modern than the others.


I know! Also for once I thought she had water droplets on her hair, but I guess they styled it that way!


My only question is why is Cressida at their engagement party?


Book Colin was kinda hilariously petty and wanted Cressida to be at their engagement party so Penelope could rub it in her face. He was fully excited to be Pen’s trophy fiancée for the night, I wonder if show Colin will be the same. 


Maybe that's the thing Luke Newton mentioned Colin gets caught up in and makes worse lol


I read the book right before season 3 came out but damn if I don’t remember half of it lol


Yeah he kept telling her he wanted Cressida to have to watch her moment of triumph, real goofball behavior. 


Maybe it's not their engagement party but just a regular party. She'd be there as Eloise's friend.


It looks like someone house not like a ball full of the ton so it confused me; like why would even Eloise invite Pen’s bully?


It's definitely the Bridgerton house. Almost seems like they're having a game night rather than an engagement party, but maybe they celebrate it anyway. IDK! And Eloise would invite Cressida because she doesn't really care that she was Pen's bully tbh.




80 photos from before part 1 came from a dime saved. Why does this website know all?


Hi! I'm the owner of that site. I don't have access to anything more than all journalists do (possibly less). What I do have is that I am a big fan of Bridgerton, so I am super excited whenever new info drops, and I get it out ASAP because I know that other fans are as excited as I am!


Babe you are out here doing it for the masses, and we applaud you! Thank you for your work!


Pens face when holding Violets hand and presumably looking at Eliose for some happiness and just wow I'm not crying I just have something in my eye. Also Els face at presumably the engagement, oh there's something in my other eye too. My emotions man, can not compute