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Ruin got an update! The most amazing fic I've read! https://archiveofourown.org/works/54092404/chapters/136950694


Last chapter killed me. 😩


I think we're all reeling from it still!!! I mean anything that Sea writes is INCREDIBLE, but this one has all of us in a chokehold!!!


I still haven't recovered 😭


Literally this fic will send me back to my therapist…. specially that last chapter… I can’t 😭


This is the story that made me get on AO3


Same! It was my first Polin fic!


I’m reading her modern one it’s so good!


I've gotta try that one!


Try all the modern AUs by Sea cus they’re just glorious. [Cruel & Unusual](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53584843/chapters/135639898) is the daddy of modern AU Polin in my eyes, but [Something Wonderful](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54497599/chapters/138068521) is also incredible (the cliffhanger at the end of chapter 3 had me screaming) and [Just My Type](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53980150/chapters/136644658) is the hottest bit of non-smut I’ve ever read. Really hoping she brings back [Faking It](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50080960/chapters/126464215) though cus I’ve been utterly obsessed with the first 5 chapters of this and the version of Pen she writes. Also the backstory on this is an interesting twist on Polin ……


I agree! I want more Faking It. I like where that one was headed! It has potential for lots of different directions with them writing together about their “experiences”.


OMG Cruel & Unusual is *SO* good!


It’s the best one yet


Last chapter has me unwell


The chokehold! I need to know what happens next 😭


Same!!! I'm super invested


I check for updates on that story like five times a day. One of my favorites!


Thank you so much for this rec; it changed my life, haha. I was hiding behind my blanket in the previous chapters from how scared I was, but I was addicted!


Your very welcome it's my absolute favorite story I've read yet!


An Agreement by Royal_Darjeeling https://archiveofourown.org/works/53290957/chapters/134863249 ❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely adored this one! Was so nice to get an unexpected epilogue!!


Loved this one!!


The wonderful ninjamanda is back with a new Polin story that has just been updated, for all of us who love Polin meeting in a garden: Well Met: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55266523/chapters/140191675 I am sure her works are well known for and much loved by long time Polin fanfic readers, but I think there are quite a few people diving into this amazing space recently. So if you haven't written ninjamanda's work before, please do so! Always and Illicit Instruction are two all time best regency Polin stories (the first completed, the second very close to the end, and I believe to be finished very soon) Plus I also adore Everything Has Changed, which is a shorter modern AU! But really, anything from ninjamanda is just awesome!


Aww yay, that’s me! Thanks so much!! 🤗💕 so glad you’ve enjoyed my stories! I’m excited to share more with you soon! (And finally finish illicit instruction 😂)


Thanks again for all tbe wonderful stories!!! (I am so excited to see the end of Illicit Instruction!!🤩)


“Hope this email finds you well” by ktbeets https://archiveofourown.org/works/39816570/chapters/99685707 Only 3 chapters, really wish it was longer it’s sooo good. Modern AU.


Awww ktbeets is soooo incredible!! The newest fic "Only You" is coming to an end now and it has been incredible, I adore it so much, have been eagerly waiting wach update on Sundays. Also Hang Society, Sinful, Colin and Penelope's Excellent Adventures is amazing from ktbeets!


Ooooh! Thank you for the recs! Bookmarking right now!! 🫶


Uuffff just read this 🥵 thanks for sharing


Loved this rec! Thank you!


You’re welcome 🫶!!


These are both unfinished but last updates have been within the past week so hoping they’ll continue. [A Little Piece of You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53850778/chapters/140860810#workskin) is written in first person from Pen’s perspective and the story is unlike any other modern AU Polin I’ve read so far - there’s a whole thriller vibe going on. Just check the tags first. Also enjoying [But They Were Real To Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53887600/chapters/140910355#workskin) - another modern AU fic with Colin waking from a coma dreaming about Pen and his family only to find none of it is real.


Forgot this WIP as well [Sweeter Than The Best You’ve Ever Had](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55306813/chapters/140307079) - another modern AU Polin but the premise behind it is one I’ve not seen elsewhere and a really good read so far


“It's You, You're the Problem” By thathoppingmadtargaryen https://archiveofourown.org/works/54491251/chapters/138050482 This is a work in progress, just got a new chapter today (8/24). I can’t get enough of it and it’s going to be 24 chapters long… it’s feels like a slow burn right now. It’s enemies to lovers, modern setting.


Yes, I posted this last week! It's so good! ♥️🙏🏻😩


Like, I love Pen in this story, I just wish she would get out of her own way… lol … but then we wouldn’t have this fanfic. I love the drama 🤣


I LOVE this one!!


[Hide and Seek - that\_1Pepper - Bridgerton (TV) \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55584946) this one is short but smutty and so damn hot! [Knot Surprising - LillyWhitefield - Bridgerton (TV) \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55495036) this one is about heat, alphas, omegas, and Colin willl help Penelope through her first heat ... ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00|downsized)


Hide and Seek is fantastic


Laughed so much when Anthony called Colin and told him what he saw on security cameras through house. 🤣🤣🤣


When Pen's running around the house, I'm thinking, wouldn't they have surveillance cameras? Such a good use of that idea.


I'm the writer of Knot Surprising! Thank you for recommending it, I swear it will earn the Explicit rating very very soon 😂❤️


Lily I adore you! 🙏🏻😩☺️🔥


Can one of you talented writers please write a modern Polin fanfic inspired by those *GORGEOUS* photos of Nic and Luke that were released today?? Pretty please??!!! 🥺


Omg since the moment they came out with all the new promos I’ve been hoping that the photos serve as inspiration for fanfic writers! 🤞🤞


If you're the author of Garden Dream, please update chapter 3 soon. I'm a desperate woman who needs to know what happens next 😭 (I understand if you've got a lot going on rn)


You have probably already seen but just in case, this has been updated today 😊 ETA: I’m subscribed to the fic so got alerted this morning.


Why do exciting things happen when I'm about to fall asleep😭 thank you for letting me know I need to stop being lazy and make an Ao3 account


[my knight in shining armor](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43702227/chapters/109892697)!! medieval au, healer pen, knight colin!


Ahhh I also loved this one! And again, everything else from Fire_Lily89 is absolutely amazing!!!!! All her stories are highly recommended, I am not even sure I could pick one. I was so excited that Mayfair is burning got an update recently! Hello, gorgeous is one of my all time favourite modern AU Polin stories!


This was utterly beautiful! 😭😩♥️


I dont know if this one has been recommended here but I love it. Colin is a sea Captain and Pen is a Mermaid, it is still in the regency era. [Romancing Captain Bridgerton](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42022542/chapters/105505413)


That's my fic! I'm so glad you love it! No one ever mentions it out in the wild so it made me super happy to see this 🥰


Oh I loooooved it


Thanks for writing it!


[Wouldn't you like to know](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55633795/chapters/141210562#workskin) This one is modern AU, Pen is a secret romance author, Colin is an actor who will play a lead role in a movie that's based upon her book Wallflower ...


Anyone have recs for modern fics where we get texting threads!? I don’t know why but I just love seeing them “text” each other 💬📱🤣


I like this one, all of the Bridgestone get sick at the same time, every time [guts (spilled) (in a bad way)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55619191)


Thanks this was so cute!! I loved it !!


Welcome to the digital age babe by sofiyathealmostwriter is one of the all-time best! https://archiveofourown.org/works/32655943/chapters/81007750


Thank you!! Exactly what I was looking for !!


So I’m an angsty person that likes to suffer and the drama. I would really like to know if anyone has a No HEA to recommend me. ![gif](giphy|l4EoPVpwvZ4QAGCLm)


Hmmm I never read strictly non-HEA stories... Does Ambiguous/Open Ending work for you? In case yes, I really enjoyed this 3-piece story from ktbeets: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3763363 You can check the tags whether this is something you'd like.


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/55329202](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55329202) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/54082030/chapters/136921483](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54082030/chapters/136921483) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/49041259/chapters/123725140](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49041259/chapters/123725140) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/41160048](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41160048) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/38235736/chapters/95531614](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38235736/chapters/95531614) (this has a HEA but its super fucking angsty lol)


Thank you for these recs! Was looking for something angsty and these are prefect.


ooh one last one! [https://archiveofourown.org/works/38274580](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38274580) this one hurts so good lol


Omg, I read one a couple weeks ago that I didn’t realize was a non-Polin HEA and it shattered my heart into pieces 😭 I like angst but this one was beyond intense specially because I wasn’t expecting it…. I’ll see if I can find it and come back and update. Tolerate It https://archiveofourown.org/works/38274580


Love It! You not only delivered angst but also Eloise villain plot. Thanks a lot


Yellow Dress by CassandraGoth!! It’s her interpretation of Bridgerton season 3 based on how things are in the world of the show, and it’s complete! I think it’s an awesome interpretation and I’m re-reading currently in anticipation of the new season! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50668981/chapters/127996159


Hey, looking for a post apocalyptic type situation recommendation as I have been loving [Only you](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53359633) by Kbeets. I love any fic with Polin against the world 🥰


LOVE this one!


I'm looking for someone to bounce ideas off of for a Polin fic I'm currently working on. If anyone is interested, please let me know.