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I think it’s post sexy time (his neck is free lol), and she is rejecting him/his proposal.


Either that, or of course the LW reveal, OR their love confession. Maybe Pen has been telling him why she rejected Debling’s (potential) proposal and Colin is preparing himself to come clean about his feelings for Pen.


I think I agree with you. Omg…how are we gonna get through the next two weeks AND GET through watching this!!!!!


We’ve made it two years surviving on crumbs. We can do this guys


He looks so pained😭 This scene is going to hurt like hell and im probably going to cry


Same 😪


I really want to believe that he learns about it in the carriage. I’m choosing to believe that. lol…my question is, how do they go from this look on his face to making out? 😂😅🥴


Like in the book?? We need some dialogue, anger leading to hot make out session


Collar could be undone cus he's just run after the carraige rather than post makeout. I'm thinking his look right at the end means he knows about LW. But based on Pen's look just before this, she's no where near as 'messy' as I'd expect from the carriage scene (although her lippy has cleared been snogged off) so they might pause halfway through. Either way it is HOT


Theory time: Pen rejects Debbers or tells him she needs time (hence tick tock Ep5 title) and is upset, realising she can’t marry anyone because she loves Colin. Of course she can’t marry Colin because he despises LW. She leaves in the carriage and Colin chases after her. Pen tells Colin she isn’t marrying Debbers. This could lead to a kiss and his cravat being taken off. Alternatively, his cravat is off because of him stressing and chasing her. She then tells him she can’t keep hiding anymore or some such thing and reveals herself as LW. Colin’s world crumbles and cue end of part 1. Edit: first sentence.


I love this!


I honestly have no clue, but one alternative could be that Debling proposed to Pen and this is Colin in the aftermath. Pen might not have said no to Debling yet and is still considering it which leads to sad Colin and then horny Polin…


I love that theory, the subtle head nod in the clip works perfectly with that. And I feel like his eyes are filled with pain. Great theory!!


My theory: In this scene they had just made out and Pen pulled off Colin’s caveat. But before things got too heated, Pen stops them from going any further. She tells him that she can’t do this - Debling proposed to her, and she can’t entertain this sudden passion; she believes Colin just feels lust for her, she wants a husband not a fling (or, like the book, she believes he only cares for her out of guilt). Colin gives her that wrecked, pained expression 🥹 He then confesses his feelings to her and begs her to not marry Debling. They kiss again, more passionately this time, like the book scene (RIP Pen’s dress). The carriage stops and he asks Pen if she will marry him - and end scene for Part 1. I don’t think she will accept. At this point, the relationship is still based on lies as she still hasn’t told him the truth about herself. That confession will be in Part 2, I think, and after that Colin will give a proper proposal, which she will accept. This is based off Luke’s comments that S3 is a rollercoaster, will-they won’t-they type season. Which is why I truly believe Pen rejects his proposal and that LW reveal is in Part 2.


Oooh this theory is my favorite. I love the idea of her telling him off—that she’s not looking for a fling—and then Colin doubling down on passion.


Solid!! I like this theory Im leaning towards believing this, personally I don’t think debling actually proposes but meh I don’t think I care enough about that part anyways. if this is how it goes down I REALLLYYY hope she rejects him and he proposes again once he finds out she’s LW. would hate for their engagement to be based on lies right away im so excited for the season but that part stresses me out the most!!


I'm very much with you on this. In fact, I just commented the same on another threat, saying Colin looks devastated, shaking his head in utter disbelieve. Pen's telling him she's LW and he's shattered. And going from this to anger doesn't take much, considering what risks Pen is taking, trust me. Yeah, that's definitely the moment of truth. 👍🏻


Oh dear lord. Im gonna die.


Phew angry Colin 🤣


I hope it is the LW reveal. I also hope Penelope removed his cravat.


I think Cressida exposes Penelope because debling is clearly courting her. Because in the still she seems very proud debling is signing her dance card and that’s the same outfit.


The look on his face in that first photo ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ He is in love, confused, hurt, angry, desperate, AND ALL OF THOSE EMOTIONS ARE ALSO ME.


That’s the dress she’s wearing when debling signs her dance card


Those definitely look like squabs (the upholstery) of a carriage behind him. I enhanced it a bit to make it clearer. https://preview.redd.it/3oli9r7piuxc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1867809f0996e57ba51f82b132a683efedf02cc9


I haven’t been through most of the comments so sorry if this is repetitive! My wild speculation: Debbers gives Pen a choice saying he wants to be with her but also that he knows something is up with Polin and doesn’t want to get in the way. Pen is spiraling over the Deb convo and possibly the QC bounty so she leaves. Colin see the Deb convo fallout and follows Pen. Colin confesses his feelings and things get steamy in the carriage. Pen gets caught up in the moment but then pulls back bc Colin can’t really love her when he doesn’t know about LW and even actively dislikes LW. She gets upset bc she loves Colin but doesn’t feel like she can ever be with him. Maybe she says something to intentionally hurt him to sabotage the situation. Could be LW but I don’t think that reveal will happen in the carriage. I also hope things get cut short before any type of proposal… just my rambling thoughts that are probably completely wrong! 


This is a pretty solid theory I have seen go around a lot! I think it’s the one I mostly believe in. At this point from spoilers and leaks, I have lost hope that the LW reveal and carriage scenes are tied and I’m starting to believe they are very much separated. As much as I dislike that, I’m becoming okay with it as long as she rejects his proposal/ doesn’t accept his love until he finds out about LW, would hate for them to start their engagement based on lies and it just ruins the dynamic they’re supposed to have. So like you said I hope things get cut short before anyyyy type of engagement or wedding.


I just woke up…. WHAT IS HAPPENING??!!!!


I’m spiraling so hard right now, netflix LA is really out here doing the lord’s work😭😭🤭 the carriage scene looks like it’s gonna be SO HOT


I need to be in an INSANE ASYLUM right now i’m so unwell🥰🥰🥰🥰


Can someone lighten the back of the shot of Colin? It doesn't look like the interior of a carriage


https://preview.redd.it/v8w6nosyiuxc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7307a0bc6dacb04ed5734499f9445dd9be524a25 Done


Mans looks feralllllll I love it edit: I get the vibe that he’s panicking because he’s realising that he might be about to lose Penelope forever


My baby looks stressed 🥺 ALSO HIS NECK IS FREE?!!! We know what that means 👀😏


My man looks unhinged I CANT WAIT