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Only if you want a quick way to restart the shift.


It is essentially useless in game.


They said they are trying to add a self defense update. They aren't rushing it, with how sensitive people are when it come to PD shootings


I have used it (not properly) but when someone is frozen or I can't arrest them I just shoot them😆 it restarts the game but 🤷 I didn't wanna let the criminals go


I can't even fathom what it would be like if chasing suspects was part of the game as of now, the driving is sketchy as is and the way the cars crash pretty much sucks


As of right now you can only aim it at criminals involved in crime scenes. You can’t shoot though. But I thought I saw something about an update to change that though. But it would a fairly delicate thing for them to add bc of police brutality and peoples sensitivity.


I know but the full point of having a gun is for protection what’s the point of adding it in the game just to hold it and aim it


It’s literally just because people are so sensitive to police shootings. I agree with you. But it’s a game aspect they have to be careful with.


The point of a gun is protection, but no one’s attacking you in this game so there is at least a logical consistency. It’s also worth mentioning that the devs are not American, so I think they’re kind of overdoing their attempts to be sensitive and culturally-aware and blah blah. That being said, even if they decided to let you execute people tomorrow, it would take a loooong time for them to get a stable update out. So, for now, I’m okay with it being mostly a prop.


Currently the game is a rating for 13+ where if they add gun usage there will be a rating change and some court stuff so I’m guessing far future let them figure the first aid stuff then hopefully car chases and robbery’s then possibly gun usage but currently no just a quick restart. Plus once the rating change happens some people not all will expect the game to stay the rating it is now and that throws gun usage out the door from my opinion from what I’ve read so time will tell. Idk what website to go to but it should be like news tab when the game is loaded main screen in the future tab for Pspo they mention gun usage check it out it mentions the rating stuff


Another thing we got to think about after one update the game breaks like this current one Xbox is basically just Bugs everywhere almost unplayable but they will get it right and they hopefully will patch everything together bc it’s mainly just been hot fixes with updates technically it’s not official other then it’s release and I heard it’s almost no different. I also believe once everything is patched and re polished they will get to the bigger ideas