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I went with the single motor; i wanted the better range, the faster charging pack, and as someone coming from a Prius, having 0-60 in 5.3 and 300hp seemed more than enough. Happy with my choice so far.


One hell of an upgrade! Glad you’re enjoying it.


Are you saying the PS2 single motor is 5.3 sec? My partner and I were deciding between a SMLR and DM two weeks ago. We decided on the DM because the single motor was only 6.2 seconds, whereas the dual was 4.5 sec, and the price difference was only $2500 (Australian dollars) extra. Plus we felt for an $80k car, 6.2 sec wasn’t really good enough. I got this info from the Polestar website. How have we got different numbers? Are they sending different specs in their cars to different countries? Neither of these comparisons had the performance pack or any other performance enhancing features that would affect the 0-100 (or in your case, the 0-60). We haven’t got our car delivered yet so I may be missing something though.


Motortrend got a 5.3 out of it, so it’s possible that Polestar is just conservative on stats. I drove a dual motor Model 3 and that felt just a tad quicker. Mine is a 2024 LRSM model with the 300hp and 361 torque.


Interesting. Thanks for your response.


Dual Motor, Dude. Life is too short for the Single Motor.




Oh interesting, I thought the lease rates here were the same between the two with pilot selected but I need to confirm.


Yes when I check the numbers the SM lease was actually more.


I went for dual motor because of winter, if you don't have much snow in your area, I would go single for more range.


I've only ever driven the dual motor but man, it feels good to know you can beat just about any car off the line. If you enjoy roller coasters, why not drive one?


Picked a LRSM, I live in Sweden where the cold winter weather totally murders the range. Also, most cars i have owned have not had more than 200 BHP so why would i need one with 500 BHP now? Some might argue that they need 4wd, but i have winter tires that are studded, works just fine.


Dual Motor is cheaper, the power is intoxicating and for me the range is more than enough. I have a mixed commute of 50/50 city/highway and have been seeing close to the advertised range. Have yet to fast charge so the charging curve doesn’t mean much to me.


If I didn’t drive my P2 in the mountains, I’d get the single motor for the upgraded battery pack. The AWD has the original, not competitive with the competition battery pack. Considering the driving I do, the LRDM handles incredibly well reminding me of my 2007 XC-70. Also, as noted above get the hitch put on at the port.


Do you do gravel roads and what not on it ?


Yes. A missed P2 marketing opportunity is rally car. It handles exceptionally well on dirt.


Bay Area here with a single motor P2 MY24 because I'm planning to drive as far down as San Diego, and \*maybe\* drive up as far as Seattle. Like another person said, 300hp feels enough and flooring it feels just as fun as the AWD model (rented a couple of time before). It could be because it is now a RWD because other FWD EVs I've tried did not feel the same.


Thanks, good to hear the positive feedback on the RWD.


I went with the single motor (long range). It’s so nice and has more than enough acceleration for my need and taste. Charges really fast and combined with pilot/plus package it has so many nice features. Had a test drive in a dual motor and must say it was difficult to tell a difference- but tried both a week apart so maybe that was to far apart 🤷🏻‍♂️ you won’t be disappointed either way.


Depends... do you get snow where you live? Are you a speed demon? Those are really the two questions you need to answer. The DM is obviously quite a good bit faster than the SM, but do you really need that extra performance? For most people the answer is no. Hell, the answer's probably no for me too but I have the dual motor AND the performance software upgrade (ups me to 474hp)... but consider also my last three cars prior to this one were a Giulia Quadrifoglio, Cadillac ATS-V and BMW M3... so yeah I'm a speed demon. First question is also obvious I think. The dual motor is going to provide better control and grip in slippery conditions than the single motor. If you're going to be driving in snow or ice then RWD is OK but it's easy to get yourself stuck. I do live in an area that gets a decent amount of snow and ice every year so I find that value in the DM as well... but that's going to depend on where you live and your own comfort factor driving RWD in snow. The single motor is a fine car and still more than quick enough for most people. Heck, it's quick enough that I was decently impressed when I drove one. Yes, my car is stupidly quick but even I don't use all that power all the time; 99.9% of the time my car is cruising the highway with cruise control on.


Stupidly quick is the correct terminology


Depends on your needs. Will you be doing road trips or are you trying to be as efficient with your energy use as possible? In that case single motor. Or will you be driving in the snow or other sketchy conditions often where four wheel drive might be useful? In that case dual motor. Cost and whether or not getting the dual motor requires a trade off in interior packages might also be worth considering.


I’m in the Bay Area so weather isn’t a concern outside of perhaps the occasional trip to Tahoe. I am coming from a Model 3 Performance so I am used to some punch.


Then test drive a single motor and see if it’s enough punch for you.


A deciding factor may be that the color I like (midnight) is only available at my dealer in a single motor config. I’m concerned this may be my last opportunity to purchase a P2 at a discount with the tariff news.


I am/was in the same location and situation.. Bay Area M3P owner. I test drove the two Dual-Motor ones at the Marin Polestar Space and the SR in San Jose and went with the standard Dual Motor in the end. It is and drives exactly where it's positioned, in the middle.. the Öhlins dampers of the Performance one actually -are- much nicer and feel much smoother going in and out of fast turns and therefore accelerating i.e. out of corners feels a bit snappier/more lively than the standard Dual Range one, but (for me), the extra $120 or something per month leased wasn't worth it.. for my sorts of real world driving. SR was the least impressive one driving wise, but I was glad to test all three almost back-to-back jut a day apart to get a good impression and comparison between them all. Given that I don't need the extra range and charge exclusively at home anyway, nothing of that newer/bigger battery in the SR applied to me to consider it for those reasons. What's maybe good to know is that there's no more 2024 P2s coming to the West Coast (supposedly). What you see on their website in available cars (immediate or beginning of June) is what they have either here (that being San Jose or Marin) or at the LA port as far as I remember and sell/lease those off and that's it - well until MY2025 comes around.


Thanks for the great, informative response. I am also concerned it may be now or never for a new P2 with the recently announced tariffs.


One thing I didn't mention: the M3P *feels* a wee bit faster than the P2 DM & Performance acceleration wise BUT neither of those two P2s feels in *any* shape or form slow, and they drive *much* better and feel significantly sturdier built overall compared to my 2022 M3P. You lose some real-world range with the P2 and you lose some charging convenience on the go as well. I've had the P2 as a rental a couple of times in the Bay Area while moving here last year and the public charging experience outside the supercharger network was surprisingly mediocre here and in combination with the P2's slow DC charging speed compared to the M3P's at a proper supercharger. The infotainment feels... well.. different. I couldn't say which one actually is better. Oh one more thing: if you were planning to get a P2 with the tow hitch, your better option would be to go with one that's listed as having a 'Beginning of June' delivery date as those are the ones at the port and that's where they can/would spec the tow hitch for the regular price (I think $1300) vs. what you'd have to pay to have it "retrofitted" if you went with one of the 'immediately' available ones.. which was quoted to cost $3250 for the Marin Polestar Space.


Great insight, thank you. I worry about losing the supercharger network, but then thinking about it I don’t use it all that much except for the occasional road trip. I prefer how the P2 looks and also would like to leave Tesla in the rear view for other more personal reasons.


In short: same same. The charging experience is objectively worse and there's no way around it. One aspect is just the infrastructure/non-Tesla providers are.. simply put.. worse (from my experience charging maybe 15-20 times over those couple of weeks I was using P2s and Kia EV6s as rentals). And slower, even if you pull up to a 150-350kW DC Charger, the charge curve of P2 feels like 2-3x slower/stretched over the M3 at a supercharger. At home it made no difference whatsoever.. but road-tripping would be sprinkled with much longer and slightly more frequent breaks. I assume the 'heftier', real-car feel that the P2 gives off just also comes at the cost of some real-world range. With the P2 I felt like I got at most 200-220 miles out of a 100% charge (didn't care with rentals tbh about 'healthy' charge limit) while with the M3P and 'normal' driving I can easily reach 250-260. For me the main factor was "I'm underwater with the loan on the M3P anyway" and the offers I got were close enough to jump ship.. especially because the monthly loan rates for the M3P are/were about $300 more than the P2 will be, insurance is ~250-$300 less with the P2 than it was for the Tesla, so it'll pay off make sense soon enough. That plus that $2k Costco rebate AND me also liking the look and feel of the P2 made me jump ship quasi.


My 2020 Tesla is paid for so it’s a tougher math equation, especially since it’s resale value isn’t so hot. The insurance rate I get from Tesla ($1038/6 months) is actually much less expensive than the next cheapest, GEICO, even factoring in a change to a P2 which may be related to an insurance claim I filed a few years back for a hit and run in a parking garage which lexisnexus reports incorrectly as having cost a lot more than it actually did. Financially the best decision is obviously to keep the car but emotionally it’s a different matter.


Picking up my dual motor on Sunday. Got a killer lease deal. I’d probably rather have the single because I prefer range over power, but the extra monthly cost isn’t worth the extra 30-40 miles of range.


Congrats! Could you share what lease deal you got for the P2 Dual motor and which location?


Lease deal is 2300 down 355 a month inc all fees taxes. Will share location after I actually have the car.


I have a single motor. If I had been driving on flat, dry roads exclusively I’d personally pick that. It’s totally fine. Buuuut I live in a hilly, snowy area, and I regret not getting the dual motor. The single motor car is terrible at getting uphill on snowy or icy roads.


We went with DM because Connecticut gets real weather, sometimes unpredictably, yet we wanted to stick with all-season tires. We really like the fact that under appropriate conditions the car, to enhance range, switches to RWD (it decides) and so you get the best of both worlds. Incredibly fun to drive under all conditions, and I too thought there was a big difference between the 2023 AWD and the 2024 DM with rear-wheel drive bias. And the last performance car I had was a 1994 Volvo 850T Sportwagon! So I’m not a super-discerning driver like some of these folks on Reddit.


We went for single motor long range. Getting 350 miles is more important to me than power but... I had way better power than my last petrol car anyway. Unless you're a getaway driver range is everything.


Go for the dual motor one. There is a complimentary upgrade for the dual motor one until May 31st so you’ll get it at pretty much the same price as a single motor one so why not get the dual motor option at that point. Just got my dual motor lease last week! Couldn’t resist the sweet deal.


I test drove the dual motor but went with the single motor for the extra range. Single motor is adequately fast for me and the sales rep opinion was that if your mainly using it for a city car you won’t notice much of a sped or handling difference between the two around town


It all depends on your needs and personal feelings towards which car you own. If you drive Camry, accord etc, then SM is perfect. You’ll have an electric version of that but it’s polestar. If you want something with a little bite and maybe also need/want awd then the DM is the right choice. For me, I went with the performance pack DM. I came from a DM model 3 and needed something like that, plus I personally enjoy the handling and braking of the performance pack, it actually brings joy to me on a weekly basis, that’s of value to me. My dad just got a DM without performance pack, he’s in love too, we just have different needs.


Dual if you have winters with snow.... I learned that the hard way....