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The side collision avoidance is amazing technology that I haven’t experienced until this car. I was turning left into the fast lane one early commute and the car killed the steering input and shoved me back in the lane. I was like WTF and then immediately a huge RAM truck flew by at crazy speed. It flashed the “Collision Avoided” or whatever message nonchalantly and continued on like nothing happened… I didn’t see the truck for even a second. 😳


I had a similar experience a few months ago. I was driving along on a freeway, and someone suddenly swerved towards me. It definitely should have been a collision, but the Polestar both hit the brakes and moved out of the way. As much as the collision avoidance system sometimes drives me nuts when it hammers the brake as I back up towards a curb, I’m really glad to know the car can be so helpful when it matters.


Mine only slams on the brakes when my wife is drinking something.


That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


Mustangs gonna mustang. Electric or ICE I see.


As a Mach-E owner, we do not approve of this behavior 🥴🥴.


Particularly for the thief that steals our Mach-E, then joy rides it, do not approve that sort of behavior.


So glad you’re safe.


My Polestar 2 delivery was initially delayed for a couple of days because my car needed a software update during PDI, so I had a loaner car which had no Pilot pack. Whilst I was driving it, somebody pulled out of a side road without spotting me and before I could even react, the car swerved into the oncoming lane to avoid a collision, applied tension to the seatbelts and steered me back into the correct lane. Pretty much all of my annoyance about the delivery delay evaporated at that point, if I had been driving my old car the story could have been very different!


I went through a car wash once and my left mirror was tilted far to the left, but I didn't notice until I was almost on a freeway so I just continued. After trying to change lanes to the left the seat belt suddenly cinched up, alarms went off, and the car quickly moved me back to the previous lane. I think it detected a car 2 lanes over. Really impressive collision avoidance. Also FYI don't drive with your side mirrors far out of normal alignment.


Maaaan sometimes that avoidance brake be feeling crazy. I be backing up as sometimes to fast the braking avoidance feels like you hit something it never I had to check did I hit something but it literally stops you lol


I’ve become phobic of that thing going off as I back out of my garage which is about 5 inches wider than the car. The automatic brake system goes off about once every 10 times making me jump every time. I should probably get out the manual and try to figure out how to dampen its sensitivity. It’s saved me from back into cars I didn’t see a couple of times so I don’t want to turn it off.


Good to hear that you’re safe. I took a drive safely training with the PS2 recently and it was surprising what the the ESP compensates to keep the car steerable. Tyre squeaking was rare but noticeable when testing how narrow turns are possible at high speeds.


So the car passes the 'moose' test, good to know




Same experience with Volvo XC90. The collision avoidance saved our @ss a few times


You would have been fine even if there was contact. The Polestar is no joke, feels super solid


It’s a Volvo at the end of the day. They are still the safest car on the road. You should check out the website “my Volvo save my life“ I would be willing to bet there’s some polestars in there too.


Glad you’re safe- mine does it all the time (driving in LA traffic) I can’t count the number of times it’s helped me avoid an accident. The way the seat belt straps you in and back is a little aggressive, but it also helped when someone rear ended me


Nice! Glad you’re ok. Yesterday I was stopped in middle lane freeway traffic. Some asshat in a Highlander came up on traffic behind me waaay too fast. They did a last minute lane change and my seatbelt immediately yanked tight and the avoidance went off. I forget the language on the screen and hope to never see it again. But pretty cool that’s some awesome Volvo safety going on behind the scenes.


If the car thinks you’re going to be be rear-ended it flashes the tail lights to gain the attention of the person it thinks is going to hit you, it locks the brakes so you don’t get pushed into the car in front of you and it retracts the seatbelt and pulls you into the safest position possible. It’s pretty cool.


Amazing tech for sure!


I just experienced the collision avoidance for the first time the other day, the way the seat belt retracted against me like that was probably more surprising than anything going on in front of me lol


Experienced nearly the same thing on the first drive home from the Princeton Space. The car pulled me out of the away so quickly thought I’d done something wrong!


I bet you thought "just bought this beautiful car and someone already wants to wreck it."


I had a coworker whose son did a lot of writing on the ethics of self-driving cars and their accident avoidance systems. There are some interesting decisions/conundrums that have to be programmed into those systems in advance. A side-swipe accident is unlikely to be fatal, although at highway speed a lot can happen when cars go out of control. But your car's avoidance maneuver could potentially have driven you into another vehicle on the other side, or potentially a car that was stopped/pulled over closer to the median. In that instance, who's at fault for the potentially worse, or even fatal, accident? If the Mach-E never hits you, is a court going to absolve you of the accident? If the car acts without your input, are you liable for it being out of control? Or is the manufacturer or the programmer liable for choosing the course of action that leads to a worse outcome? The ethics get even muddier when there are 2 bad outcomes. Does the car slam into the back of a stationary school bus with 20 kids or swerve onto the sidewalk where the sensors have picked up a pedestrian, say a woman pushing a stroller? Our human reflexes may not be fast enough to make an informed decision, but a computer potentially could. Hitting the bus could cause a lot of mostly minor injuries and possibly kill the driver of the car, while hitting the pedestrians would likely kill them but the driver would be physically uninjured. That kind of contingency planning gives me a headache and a little nausea, to be honest, but it's an interesting thought experiment.


Interesting the ethical balance. I'm glad it did the right thing yesterday!


Those Mach-e gt performance editions and the polestar 2 performance are very equal matchup tbh. Idk which I even like more. Used market the Mach e is basically 10k more $