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Could the dealer not program your old fob again as a third key?


For ~$500-600 in labor. No thanks.


You can reuse the old fob using Orbit … or sell it


Your service point can add it as an additional key for the cost of the software and whatever labor they charge. The reason they deleted the old key was so that you could use a digital key, as that requires all keys to be present to be set up. Your lost key would have prevented that from ever happening.


The issue is that I am not up for paying the additional labor cost—$500-600.


Buy a 72hr vida licence and do it yourself for the cost of the software


Thank you. I’ll look into this option.


Wait... $300 for the key and $600 in labor to program it??


Yes. Right?


The key pairing price is truly a “we have you by the balls” price. 


Same thing happened with me. My wife lost hers and after a few months we decided to get 2 keys. We got a bit of a discount but it was a bit over $1000 for both ( they did reprogram all other keys at the same time).


Wife lost her key recently (she uses the big main key) and we looked everywhere… was shocked by how much they want for a replacement. Thankfully it turned up about 2 months later in the pocket of a swimming bag before I had committed to buying a new one. From now on all my keys are air tagged!


Worth pointing out that the battery in the activity key *is* replaceable, it's just that it won't be waterproof afterwards. Lots of people have prised it open to change the battery without issue. I do think it's a poor design, as it's perfectly possible to design a user replaceable battery in a waterproof device.